LOCAL MENTION mm M ? O GREEN Tradiog Stamps With Cash Purchases at Our Store Call and see the wonderful variety of Premiums on display in our Gift Room Start your saving account today. Hundreds of articles of beauty and utility for home use, given away as a premium on your cash purchases Special this Week: Boy's Knee Pants Suits, $100 and up Men's Suits, small sizes, $5.00 to $10.00 Prices at about one-half their actual Value COLLINS W. ELKINS Facts and Figures Against Division The taxpayers of Crook county are facing the serious question of dividing their county, and before deciding how to vote should study well the arguments advanced in a conservative esitimate will be 60 per cent of the present cost, to meet the registered warrants, which are estimated will total around f 125,- 000.00, to maintain our roads, and ' with but very little if any new road wort possible, to meet the state jtax, and last, but not least by any means, we will find it necessarv to levy 64 mills, if not 7 mills, with favor of division as well as the prob- , , . . . , , . school at its present efficiency, or able conditions that would exist' .,, . , . , ' , ., jwe will be compelled to lower the should division prevail. , , . . . , . . , , standard of our county nigh school It is well to look first at the cause t0 that o the union high gchools. of the movement fer division at Tbe above items are bound to re- this time. There is no question but refuH in a heavy increase in our that those interested in the future taxe8i and what will we have of the city of Madras thought that! ? vothin but the one fac they saw a good chance in starting Jefferson county, with Madras for the county seat, at the coming elec tion by taking advantage of some dissatisfaction that existed in the farming district surrounding that town with our present county court's actions. The movement for Jeffer son county was not long known to be a fact until those persons who are interested in the city of Bend con cluded that if Deschutes county was ever to be established it would have to be accomplished at the same time as Jefferson in order to be sure of obtaining the required 35 per cent vote from the old county in favor of division, so that it was now or never if Bend was to be the county seat. We who live in what will be olJ Crook county should division carry should look well to how division will effect our taxes as the proposed lines, the settling of which we had no voice in, will leave us only a little over one-fourth of the tax values of the present county, or $3,100,000.00. 1 On this amount we will have the problem of raising sufficient revenue to pay our county officials, which on Too many women struggle under pains and aches. They are not sick but weak, nervous, irritable. Such women need that blood strength that comes by taking SCOTT'S EMULSION. It also strengthens the nerves, aids the ap petite and checks the decline. If wife or mother tire easily or look run down, SCOTT'S EMULSION will build her up. SHUN SUBSTITUTES. tor of having one or two dissatis fied communities off our bands, and even this would not benefit us very much, as it is a fact that there always are and always will be dif ferent, factions in every state, county, precinct or city, and we would still have tbe dissatisfied factions with tbe only difference being that they were closer to us than the ones we formerly had. Taxes were high last year, but why? An increase in the state tax of $48,582.46 was one reason; over 4 mills increase for this alone. An other reason was our need of new roads and bridges. $150,000.00 has been used for these two items, but it is only justice to the county court to state that all of the present registered road warrants were in tended as anticipated 1915 road expenditures deemed advisable in 1914, as under tbe conditions then existing more miles of road could be obtained for the same money than if expended in 1915. Another heavy item is our public schools. We taxed ourselves with special levies amounting to $87,945.00. County school tax was $40,577.00. Our county officials estimated their expenses at $40,195.00, and to their credit be it stated that they are op erating well within their estimates so far this year. Would it not be wiser for the taxpayers of what would be old Crook county to fight against di vision which will increase our taxes and fight for lower taxes as a united Crook county as it now ex ists? For there is nothing to pre vent our operating next year for around 20 mills if we demand it from our county court. Now as to Jefferson county and the reasons advanced by those who are working for its creation. It is is apparent that the figures and ar guments were hurriedly arranged and by inexperienced men as far as county operating expenses and state laws are concerned, and that a large per cent of the support for Jeffeison county has been obtained through the favorable showing that a partial operating expense made when compared to the real cost of running a county, and to the state menu made as to benefits to be de rived by division when such bene' fits would be contrary to law. The estimated budget for Jeffer son county shows a total millageof 21, and this is compared to Crook county's 26 mills, and tbe fiat statement is made that 5 mills will be saved annually on their tax val uation of $3,500,000.00, or $17,- 590.00 each year, and the people are told that in three years the saving will be sufficient to, build Jefferson county a new court house. This proposed saving will not he made for several reasons. First, they have assumed that Crook county will be operated at 26 mills each year and they do not know this be a fact. In reality it will not be that bigh again. Then they assume that they will be able to run their new county for 2l mills as shown by their budget, when said budget omits 15 different items that will either be an expense or are unfair when omitted in estimates. Yet their es timates urged as facts and tbe dif ferences claimed as sav:ng3 which tbev are not. Now. how do these people who make these statements know what the new officers of Jefferson will do? It certainly looks that they themselves would have to be the county officers before they could state positively what the officials intend. So far tbey have stated that no man in the city of Madras would be a county official and that all farmers would be the new officers. Do you believe it? The two principal underesti mates are widows' pensions for which tbey only allow $51)0 per year when Crook county has ac tually paid to widows who now live in Jefferson county $1865 in eight months; at this rate we will pay $2488 in 12 months, or an underestimate by Jefferson budget of $1988. Next is the fitting up of a new and complete outfit for each new county offices with all the books, furniture, vaults, typewriters, adding machines' and specially Continued on fags Eigbt Editor Putnam of the Bulletin was a Prineville visitor yesterday, Wm, Boegli, the apple man of Culver was a business visitor yester day. A.- L. Mackintosh came in last night from his sheep camp above Bend. Chas, E. Lowther and Ellen Crowley of Ashwood were married last evening. J. II. Gray & Son have sold Bonnyview Farm to D. P. Donnovan of Hood River. A marriage license was issued Tuesday to T. F. Buchanan and Belle R. Allen. Cliff Reynolds of Barnes and Miss Tiney McDaniel were married last Saturday. At Lower Mill Creek there will be preaching at 3 p. m. by George II. Ramsey next Sunday. Ray McGhee of Shaniko and Miss Goldie Hinton, daughter of A. S. Hinton, were married last Saturday. L- G. McReynolds and Grace P. RatlitTe of Bend took out marriage papers Tuesday. They will be married next week. The Music and Art Department of the Ladies' Annex met last week The next meeting will be held the second Tuesday in November. Get your claims in early. The county court has instructed the clerk to place no bills on the claim docket that have not been filed on or before the Tuesday preceding the regular session. Next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock there will be a special mis' sionary program given by the Sun' day School of the Baptist church Everybody is welcome and all par ents are especially Invited to attend, The popular contralto, Lulu Dahl Miller, of Portland, will appear here in a concert given under the auspices of the Ladies' Glee Club sometime during the first week in November. The date will be an nounced later. II. Z. Griffith, the well driller of Culver, was in Prinevilie Monday settling up his affairs and getting ready to move to Exeter, California, the last of this week Mr. Griffith expects to engage in the same line of business in California. The appointment of Prof. Baugh man as director of the Central Ore gon Debating League will give an impetus to this line of work throughout this section. This league consists of The Dalles, Wasco, Fosil, Hood River, Bend and the Crook County High School. The Commercial Club and mem bers of the Ladies' Annex will be highly entertained Halloween eve by something unique and out of the ordinary. Committees are hard at work. Witches are busy in the upper rooms already. Club mem bers are urged to be present. While getting into the hayrack last Thursday at Lloyd Powell's place on Lower McKay, Mrs. Sarah Zell fell several feet to the ground, striking on her hip. Fortunately no bones were broken but she has been confined to her bed several days. She is better, yet not able to get around. Millinery Special Sale Being obliged to raise money I will sell my splendid as sortment of trimmed hats at actual cost. Sale to begin Thursday and continue until the hats are all sold. Mrs. Estes The Milliner PRINEVILLE, OREGON Residence Property for Sale. Good house and barn, lot 120x140 ft. Inquire at tUia oillce. 8-13-tf Bank With Us By Mail ! Just because you happen to live out of town you do not have to deprive yourself of banking facilities. We want your business. Drop us a line for information on how to open an account by mail. Crook County Bank Prineville, Oregon LOCAL MENTION Baker Knox is down from Post. T. J. Ferguson of Roberts was in town yesterday. Chas. W. Hughes of Redmond and Lena M. Yost of Powell Butte ware married yesterday. , Miss Jane Allen, accompanied by Miss Ilawley, spent the week-end with Miss Allen's people nehr Powell Butte. Chas. Parrish and fumily of Held passed through Prineville the hiHt of the week on their way home from a visit to The Dalles. The Social Hygiene meeting ad vertised to be held this (Thursday) evening at Club Hall, has been postponed until Tuesday evening, October 27. T. F. Buchanan has sold his Ochoco ranch, stock, implements, etc., to Jess Yancey. Mr. Yancey will take possession at once. Buchanan has gone to British Columbia. The Portsmouth Land Company had to move from their tent corner Second and Main to the Morris building, opposite the Journal office on account of cold weather. The company is planning to leave for Burns tomorrow. LOCAL MENTION Arthur Wurzweiler was over from Sisters Saturday. O. F, Wallenburg was a business visitor to Prineville the first of the week. Mr. Sawyer of the Bend Bulletin was a Prineville visitor the last of the week. The Embroidery Department of the Ladies' Annex will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the Annex parlors. Rev. Luke Sheehan of Bond will be in Prineville next Sunday and" will hold services at Stewart Hall at U o'clock. At the Union church October 2l there will be preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:110 p. m. by George H. Ramsey, the pastor. Alex Smith's store at Vanora caught fire recently and both build ing and contents were destroyed. Value of building and stock $:1000; insurance $1200. Sunday morning, October 11, the Sparks Hotel at Metolius was de stroyed by fire. The building and contents were valued at f 8000. In surance $4000. The origin of the fire is unknown. Link's Business College New, Modern Equipment. Elegant Cheerful Rooms. Thorough, Practical, Up-to-Date Courses. Splendid Light Good Ventilation. , Special, Experienced Teachers. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting. Penmanship. We train and furnish Bookkeepers, Stenographers and Cashiers. Start Right for Business Success. Take Our Combined Course. Decide Today. Enroll Now. It will Pay You. New Students Admitted at Any Time. Write, call or telephone for College Journal and com plete information. 10 15 Ct A. T. LINK, Principal Telephone Main 5083. Tilford Bldg. Portland, Oregon Dr. Sam T. Rogers MAGNETIC HEALER of I'ortlani, Ore., will be at Rooms 8 and 9 in the Cornett Building for about two months. Treats all acute and chronic diseases. Cures Without the Knife! Appendicitis, gall stone, floating kidney, hemorrhoids, dis placement of uterus, tumorH, goitre,, a lenolds and many other dreaded diseases. Can refer to Borne of l'rinevillo's leading people who have taken treatment of him. 9-10 , Examination Free!