Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 22, 1914, Image 1

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    Crook CoMity Joimirea.
Kntcrad st tha pootofllna at PrlnovlU
Omon, aa McoDd-clM matter
NO. 48
State and County Offices
to be Voted for Nov. 3
The penplo of Crook county will
have (!8 names on their ballots to
choose from besides writing in pre
cinct officers. In addition there are
2U meiwures referred to the ieoplo
for thoir approval or disapproval.
The following are the name of the
County Offices.
For Skariff-Vat. for Om.
Ml Frank Klkliin, republican.
tiO K. B. Knox, democratic
II 11. II. Wlnfleld. soelalltit.
Far CUrk-Val. far Om.
ttJ Warren Brown, democrat.
liliy V, Countable, HOClUtlllt.
CI Claudia Wonderly, republican.
Far Tmnnr- Valo It Om.
tl& Ralph I.. Jordan, republican.
(16 W. H. Peck, ftOClliltltt.
Far C ia.iaair Vata far Om.
7 J. F. Blanchitrd, republican.
M C. L. FroHt, K'lullHt.
D E. W, lttchardMon, democratic.
Far Sarvoyar Vata far Om.
70 Henry Blvlim, oclallNt,
71 Wmlu II. UuMton, democratic.
72 II. A. Kelley, republican.
73 Fred A. Ittce. nun parttiian.
Good road.
Far Corwar-Vota far Om.
74 J. W. Peterson, toclnlUt
75 1'. D. l'otndextor, dem-rcp.
DmcWm CaaaatT.
"6 For New County.
77 Agatnut New County.
Joffaraaa. Coaatr.
78 For New County.
79 AgatiiHt New Comity.
In addition to the above there are
justice of the peace and constables
to be supplied in a number of
State and District Offices.
Far Raproaaalalira la Cmimm Vata far Om.
Kecond Cougrciuilonal Dlt.-- Baker,
Crook, tilllUiiu, Uraut, Harney, Mood
Itlvcr, Klamath, Lake, Malheur,
Morrow, tihermun, Umatilla, Union,
Wallowa, Wuauo and Wheeler coun.
12, George I,, Cleaver, of I'nlou
county, prolilliltlou.
13 Sam KvniiM, of Klamath coun
ty, democratic.
14 N. J. Kltmott, of Waneo county,
Far U. S. Saular la Cmitcu Vala far Om.
15 ft. A. Booth, of Lane county,
10 Geo, K. Chamberlain, of Mult
noiuah county, democratic.
17 William Haiiley, of Harney
county, proKreMMtve,
M 11. F. Ramp, of Marlon county,
19 II. 8. Stlne, of Jackson county,
Far Caaaraar Vata far Oaa.
20 F. M. GUI, of Womco, county,
21 Wtll E. Purdy, of Yamhill coun
ty, non-partlaan.
22 C. J. Smith, of Multnomah
county, democratic.
23 W. J. Smith, of Ubltnomah
county, soclaltat.
24 W. . U'Ren, of Clackamas
county, Independent.
Many people throughout this section have the impression that in order to get right prices
on merchandise that they must send to outside points. This impression is wrong. We
have one of the largest stocks of groceries in this section as well as large stocks of shelf
hardware, ammunition, stoves and ranges, shoes, furnishings, staple dry goods, etc., and if
actual freight cost is added to prices quoted from catalogues it will be found in many in
stances that our prices are lowest. We absolutely guarantee every item we sell, and if not
found exactly as represented we will gladly refund the purchase price. We are right here
where you can see what you are buying. We sell merchandise of known quality.
Let us figure with you on your orders. An opportunity is all we ask.
26 James, Wlthycombe, of Benton
county, republican,
Far Slat Traaj.rar-Vala. for Om.
2(i Thou. B. Kay, of Marlon coun
ty, republican-iirogrcNiilve.
27 B. Lee Paget, of ClackumuH
county, democratic prolilliltlou.
28 B. J. Nloop, of ClutMop county,
For Jaitica Sapraaa Court Vata for Fear.
2U Henry J, Bean, of Umatilla
county, republlcan-progreMMlve.
30 Henry L. BenHon, of Klamath
county, rcpubllcun-progreiMlve.
31 C. J. Bright, of Wumco county,
82 T. II Crawford of Union coun
ty, di-mocrnttc.
33 Win. Galloway, of Marlon,
county, democratic.
34 Lawrence T. Harrlx, of Lane
county, rcpubllcan-proKrcHHlve.
35 AddlHou U. HotchklHN, of Wanli
Ington county, aoclallMt.
36 Tbomaa A. Mellrlde, of Colum
bia county, republican progmudve.
37 Chan. Otten, of Multnomah
county, HiK'lallMt.
3S Wm. M. ItamHcy, of Yamhill
county, democratic-prohibition.
29 David Uoblnxon, of Multno
mah county, aoclallHt.
40 W. T. Slater, of Marlou countyv
Far Altaraar Caaaral Vata far Om.
41 George M. Brown, of Douglas
county, republican.
42 J. K. Hoamer, of Marlon coun
ty, loclallat
43 John A. Jeffrey, of Multnomah
county, democratic.
44 Win. P. Lord, of Multnomah
county, progremtlve,
SaaarialoaMat FaUIc laatractiaa Vata far Oaa.
46 A. H. Burton, of Multnomah
county, progressive prohibition.
46. J. A. Churchill, of Baker coun
ty, republican-democratic.
47 Flora I. Foreman, of Columbia
county, soclallMt.
Far Suta Eaftaaar Vata far Om.
48 John H. Lewis, of Marlon coun
ty, rcpubllcnn-democratle.
For ConuniMioaar of Labor Statittica uA loipac
tor at Warkaliopa aad Factorial-Voti for Om.
40. O. P. Hoff, of Multnomah
county, rcpulilleari-democrutli:.
CO Klanford MneDonald, of Mult
nomah county, proicreNHlve.
61 Augunt Nlkubi, of Catnop coun
ty, NK'!allMt.
For CoanaiaioMr of I' f Railroad Cammiilioa of
Orafoa V.i far 0m.
62 Frank J. Miller, of Linn county,
63 J. O. Peuraltt. of Multnomah
county, soclaltHt-
Far Saamataaoaat of Water DirUioa Nnaaar
Two. Vata far Oaa.
Baker, Crook, Ullllnm, Grant. Har.
ney, Hood Itlver, Malheur, Morrow,
Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa,
Vt anco and Wheeler counties.
64 Geo.'f .Cocran, of Union county,
republican democratlc-proKit-RHlve.
For RapraacalatiTa 21at Rapnaaatatira Diatrict
Vata far Two.
Crook, Grunt, Klamath and Lake
65 Vernon A. Forbes, of Crook
county, republican-progrettHlve.
66 Weslev O. Smith, of Klamath
county, republtcan-progreMlve.
67 V. H. Dencer, of Crook county,
68 F. W. Hyndman, of Klamath
county, democratic.
Hale and Hearty at 92.
Straud Price is very proud of the
fact that his aged father of Albany,
Nimrod Price, was able to be out
and register October 15. He is the
oldest voter in Linn county where
he has lived continuously for 60
years. Mr. Price is 92 years of age.
He cast his first vote for Zachary
Taylor, the 12th president of the
United States. The old gentleman
is hale and hearty despite his
burden of years.
at H
Business Men
with Serious
The News says that the Journal
"got the facts reversed" last week
when it stated that the division
forces were working overtime.
The Journal did nothing of the
kind. And we repeat that it was
the strenuous campaign of the di
vision forces that aroused those of
the opposition to a sense . of the
danger that menaced the county.
We also take this occasion to re
peat that where both sides are
given a fair hearing th,e "pris" get
the worst of it. This was true of
the Ashwood meeting held Tuesday
evening as well as of the meetings
held last week.
A few samples of some of the
misleading statements made by the
Madras people will serve to back
up this assertion. In the first place
an election expense of 15,300 is
figured up against the old county
while none is estimated in the
budget of the proposed new county
oi Jefferson because no election is
to be held next year. Then why do
they charge election expenses to the
old county. The reason is obvious
Then again. In the Jefferson
county budget 1500 is allowed for
widows' pensions. How long would
this paltry sum last when Crook
county has this year in eight
months paid out to Jefferson coun
& CO.'
ty widows the sum of 1 18C5? At
the present rate it would cost the
proposed new county approximately
t2000 for 12 months. These cold
facts knock the Madras bunch right
off the perch. Get the records and
see for yourself. But such mis
representations must be made if
any plausible reasons are given for
a division of the county.
The Jefferson county people
stated that they would have their
own county fair. Well and good.
But why didn't they put their mill
age into their estimate? It was
overlooked. The millage for coun
ty expenses was growing too fast.
Just another item to show how
worthless is the estimated budget
of Jefferson as a vote winner:
In the old county is a miscellaneous
account of 13200 to take care of
courthouse expenses, such as janitor,
lights, water, etc., expenses that
must be met, but the new county
hasn't made such provision. It
would add to the millage.
These are just a few sample
illustrations of the misleading way
in which the "pros" seek to ac
complish their ends-
The News says: "Business men
do not spend their time and money
chasing over the country trying to
influence voters because of their
Continued on page eight.