Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 17, 1914, Image 5

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    Sept Term County Court
Bills Allowed
leebutee Power co, ltbl and wlr.,M. IW Ml IIIIikI Soreen co, nita las 40
Van M Muree, frvlKbt I l
Hlntr Hawlni Machine no, nieckluee M 00
Kenlna.kin Typewriter no, inilee 210 M
H U Buhnill, Ury Jul, AUuit., 2M M
" poalai .................. I W
H K rmtt, l.ry July, nul, U M
Mr L Walker, aalary July, Auiutt , 300 00
U Ouaufnon " " .. 140 00
R 0 B.uihiiiiu, tulo hlr 15 00
I'rlnevlllo Mure co, imle 70
i S ! eewini machine 00
Shlpp A Perry, rl Htym'l on uoiitrcl..lJU 00 '
Prlpenllle I'altit Hlioi, imlulliif elgna I 00 '
Prlnevllle lrm eo, ihUmi....,.. it '
C W XlkliM, mdae m . '
Crook County Journal, priming . t W
Tin Wliinek co, mtlw lor Walker Hull... 66 16
J Wealey Smith, carpenter work II 60
W r Klittr oo, nitMt . U 60
Snlpp A Perry, nlee H it
II H Ukln, milM ..., 16
p U Jounlan, eiprfM ... m
Lewuien 6 Mnuluril oo, mile I II
MiHinU I-ilrmn, nlmrlpilon.,,,,,.,.., ... I 00
coaulotk Pub oo ...,.. 4 II
W II l.uoy, eatery, eipcmre July.!' BO dlH'd
Marcli lo July.
UW.'JO it Hallowed
J W Itoimu, iiiiIm Iimii Oauyon uildi H 00
kuoilngion Typewriter oo, ndM..... 16 16
Alfred Mum, ndw I"! HI
" beep canyon Hrlit... l II
II W Tumor. jinllee leee.. .. U 06
tl V Stanton, d lienfJ Jiutlc court. ... 14 W
Kd Kunebeff , wltneea Jmllce eourt,.. I OO
Heaile Ueljliardl .. 4 60
I) M CUrk m J uo
Hotel Oregon, car ijeealey A sU'lniyr. 17 00 Lmnrco, lumber, 111.16 dlxtll'd
I'llol Bull. T.I oo, eoriflcee, M6.M dlull'd
Kiuel ultn, work In eaeeeaor' offloo, TJ 00
Kob'l JonUn, voting bootln ......... 10 OS
Warrea Hrown, iire clerk biro Ill 00
t! P llerker, work In eeor'i oBlc,.. ISO W
P B Polndealer, coroner lee. 1116
RPMInler, Juror Broeierueue inu.ueel log
K " ' 1 00
U W u.ruoo " " " 1 00
J N Hunter " ' 1 00
Frank UibbU " 1 00
Kd Broelerliaua, wltneaa Hroalorboui Inq
l,U) . ....dlllow.d
liensi MuCole, wit Mroaterbaue Inqueet
II M.. " (
Arthur Proctor, wll Hrutlorbau. loqueal
11,60 .., ...dlaallowed
L M MrH.vnoldt, wit ro.irhu Inq
II ,. . dlullowtd
H C, Juror H0iln Inquoat
I Whlto
y W Kulllni.r " " " .
IH-on lluiton "
K W Chut " ' " ..
K II II yds " ...
UwToTlur, wIiiipm "
In A Taylor " "
Mr. MHotiin " N "
t Wblto. train hlr
JHHmlth, Juror T.kio. lniiiMt....
H t Xinier " " '
N F W.ld.r '
ChuPrlnilt1 ' ,
M P Mouan.totD " "
W r McNaufhl "
M H Roi.r, wit
II T.kanpo " " '"
Cha orw.ll.r " "
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
I 60
1 60
1 60
1 00
I 00
1 00
I 00
1 00
1 60
1 60
B M llauaen, b'lil'g feucethru Deep Cany M 00
Wenandy ,lrery oo, eip Tekarape II go
KuKtar A Hyde, mdee ...,.... let) Lumber oo, aawlng lota.....,,,.,.. UM
Uuy UlollelM, Irult lopector.......... 142 00
Frank Klklna, p Harper caa... 64 46
" " board prloiira toa 60
MCMaeon, room rent flection .. log
Mra A Afotllna, Interpreter, 132 dlaallowed
I'rla.vlll. Faint "hop, palming aigna... 2 00
Crook Oo Journal, pub procredtnga, etc. 64 60
" " " delinquent taxea. 176 00
F A Kowf II, dep aMeenor...... 200 00
Iva llarrla, work In tupt ofJlce..... 1 16
Victor Ibawa, acbool aupervlaor ....... (0 16
Hedmond Hpokeaman, printing 1 10
C R McUlltn, repalra on road roller 21 60
l.lppmaa A oo, mdet for Jail..,., l 60
"eip Jim Kyan, pauper 67 10
- " filing chair 60
C W Klklna, mdef 26 K
J H Roeenberi, co phyilclan..... .......... 230 6
Frank Klklna, offlclal expentea, ..... 108 10
Addle Yancey, cere John 8lam . 60 00
Crook Co Abet eo, tniurance. ........ ... KM 10
.. ,. h lypaerrlllni diet tly 16 76
J A Kaf tea, reg elector!. ,.. 21 it
Van M Moraa, freight... 11 26
lr UCCoe.eaah A eerrlef Jane Koblnaon 62 00
I'atteraon Drug 00, mdef.,... 10
II C Kllii, rag elector! 2 to
u W Weill, earning aiueMor. ............... II 00
II A Koater, poitag... 00
W O Fordhain, dep aaaeiaor 12 00
J N Hunter " " . 21 00
Vearl Davenport, care Fleetwood... .... 60 00
A Hoach, hauling lom. 10 30
U H HumcU, bridge plank . 67 98
Frlne vllle No wa, printing, fruit Inspector 10 00
Jaa B Ureen, xp Snyder caae 21 16
L H Irving, reg alectori 11 10
II W Harnett " ' ... 10 40
Annie I'lke, care Jana Keblnaon 70 00
AiUmaon A co, mpplloa for pauper 20.40 dltald
" " paite for election work II dlaal'd
Coaat Rrtdgf co,2l Heel boaraa. &S7 70
W F King 00, indue 181 15
'1 " " for roaili 26 66
W F King co, mdHO l'atillna bridge 46 10
' pnat bridge 206 t6
Kllliam Sla A Print 00, mdae aurveyor... 7 DO
Dr. Sam T. Rogers
of I'ortlanJ, Ore., will be at Rooms 8 and 9 in the Cornett
Building for about two months. Treats all acute
and chronio diseases.
Cures Without the Knife!
Appendicitis, gall stone, floating kidney, hemorrhoids, dis
placement of uterus, tumors, goitre, aienoids and many other
dreaded diseases. Can refer to some of Frineville's leading
people who have taken treatment of him. 9-10
Examination Free
Hiiad vltiworn, liorw Imd m vu
T N llallour, aalary kml Uitmlry M Ml
J A Wlllcox, acliiiK dint atty , 10 W
W II Wlrli, p John Miil'b.raon okm.... I Ml
Claruiiii. Uliio, aalary itirvuyor'a uffli:.... 1MI 00
II W Howard, tprltikUri 10 00
l)atiliiita I'uwur oo, llht aud watr,. 'JW 66
1 K Myera, traveling puin 66 'JO
Hughea Mlevanaou, mdaa alierlfr fJMdlaall'd
J I. Maddron, aliarpenhif road too la 1160
I? O iourdan, oipraaa....,,.......,, 2 1h
I i Wilt A oo, mdu Daep Oauyon ... 11X1 M
h i. Uarbad wire Deep canyon,. S1 16
ii h - (U jor ooionilanliinera 1 60
W i liulth, eip rooordlng mai blne. ....... U 66
A Klce, aurtreyor'i loei,...,,......... IM 60
frlu. villa Drug oo, mde lor o9loer ft 66
0 K HUtllg, damaf ee Hunt road lrjo.M...dlaU'd
Vauora Ream, wit circuit court......... . II 00
KeilmoDd UUtera Hlae oo, apreaa...,,. U 40
Kd Harbin, bal on brlili. Iron, oto 41 OS
Hotel Hend, weala flection board l....dlaU'd
ArtbiirTempIetoo, eonaiabl leee...., Ion
I II llarrla, eervkea Juillct o .. I 00
Mail ran I'loneer, pub proceedlnge U 00
I, II urulM, baullog oeuient Deep Can
yon, IIJ.W... dUall'd
F UCunitlnibain, mdae lor aupl IU
Hoy. 4 Ulrla Aid Hovlety, aubaorlptlon... 40 00
W H Uaruey, axeman...., ..,.,..... 2 00
M I, Barney, obalnman..... 00
Edward Gould ' ...,.,., 1 00
W II May, marker" ........... 4 00
F f Werner, cUalnman,..,.,.,........ 00
Jaa Htreot " .,... I 00
H M Gardner " 00
O Anderaon, marker.. 00
(jeo Wlnno, r1aman........ 4 00
f C B'.oe, obalninan............ W 00
I, II Morgan " 00
Claud Cone, flagmao. 4 00
r) Montgomery, tUaluman. ,... . I 00
BFJobnaon " 6 00
C II Krlckaon, flagman....................... 1 00
H U Kldrlilge, axeman 4 00
U W Wella, flower 60 00
II Urlmea - . 10 00
Oulral Oregon (iarage, repalra H6.16 diaall'd
Uut'keil A Anbinoro, luinber....... 'JO 16
J O MrKlnney, milM...... 27 01
J K Ultl J) oo, mile lor Judge. . 136
W A Kill., neaU lor McCampball . 'J 16
F Foroet, road work 10 0
Miller At co, ball rent election....... I 00
J O Clark, damagea Baldwin 8boep road 100 00
Klllott Fl.her oo, rooordlng wacblua IM 00
Kuleliarl,HIg,eipC'albouu Tborpca 111 60
K A Rather, mdee..
I 96
Buahong A co, mdae lor clerk...
W C Walker. Jtiatlco leea...
Karl Benton "
I T McClay, oouilable aud mileage..
Dr lloacb, wltneaa Juatlce court.......
Irwin lloileon oo, mdio
1 1
I 16
10 00
1 60
2 46
441 W
Ulaaa A prudltoumf, mdwi .....
HOma Hoapltal, car poor
Redmond Lumbar Produce co, gaa (or
county oar ,, , 71 0
R L Mrewiwr, dep water maater 120 00
lieo Brewater, water maater and tip ..... 2ul 00
Walter (iraham, drp water majter.. 17 60
Frank Maddox 1 13 00
Bartliold A Rarg, aup water maater V0 dlull'd
Roimond-Olatere Dtage co, expreaa.,., 26 00
Pioneer Tol A Tel 00, eervlcw . 117 II
J K Myera, atamp moncjr ailvanced.. 20 00
R L Jordan, envelope., canU....m... 114 16
Eleanor B Wbltinore, work treaa oIKc.. l'O uo
J J Buckley, expreea and hauling . 671 TJ
II w Turner, Juf tic feel ... 11 60
U V HUnlon, dep ill. riff Juelle court.. 27 40
(leo Dowell, wltneaa " 6 80
Jno peyo " " 6 N
C W Craig " 4 16
W C Jame " M ... 1 00
C K Handy ' " " 00
I A Uooaer " - . 1 00
Frank Klklna " " "... 1 00
U W Hooch, road work dial 13 S3 60
C W lloecb " " 12 17 60
Uaao Anderaon " 13.... too
J II Stanley ' 12 26 00
Bend Brick A Lumber co, aamf . 16 0o
The Bf nd co, lumbar tor rotdt . 661 67
R H Bayley, road grader, Irelght 7l 41
" replacing Bridget C O I canaU 164 21
The Bend 00, mdae C O I bridge... M0 t
R M Klder, road work dial 12 114 M
Burrougba Adding Machine, repair.... I 00
ulir Blgga, aeor.ury to 00 oourl 40 10
Waeo county, oar Mitchell 10 00
" "Mr Homer tl 60
Allen Wlllooxen, road work dliu 26 4 M 36 40
Paul Held
11 ic 00
LH Root
J W Wilt
K P M i!n
R V Jenklna
P T Monro
John Peter
J M Montgomery
P P Werner
W M Karrell
FC Kill!
21 41 0
... 42 40
" 411 60
" " I 20 20
" 10 61 26
" " 47 711 06
" " U M 26
" " II 171 00
" 40. 171 10
" " II. 262 N
W rater culvert 00, eulrerU .. 646f 00
J T Wheeler, acct tax report 10 00
Warren Brown, atamped n, eiprett...... 14 II
H M Uardner, road work ditt W. . 16 So
W MoOonntll, mdae . , , 10 00
W A Caaaon, labor Stewart trad .. 11 16
Deachulee M Tel 00, eervlce ..... 100
C K Rouah, money advanced indlgtnt... JO 00
Andrew Morrow to Emory Murphy,
road work 16l .. diaaliowtd
Andrew Morrow to Ira paxton, road
work 1150 dlaallowed
Andrew Morrow to Hugh Uardner, road
work 160............. e...diaallowed
8 B Kllli, dep watar maater , . 72 00
Robt Smith, mda ....... . 4 20
Rend Bulletin, pub proceeding!, etc 46 7o
Knob IIIII Oarage, auto light battery 64 66
R H Baylor, money advanced road work m 76
" 11 looking after road work July
and Aiiguit... . ...... 300 00
W W Brown, oominttilonen leea... . 66 00
Call for Warrants
Notice Is lnreby trlven that all
reKiHtt'md General Fund Warrants
up to anil Including register No. 260,
win lie (iitHi on presentation. Inter
est, stojia Sept 10, 1914.
Ralph L. Jordan,
010 Treasurer and Tax Collector.
Thnmlilnjf commenced Monday In
this Bectlon, the Templeton aud
Hkclton outfit tnkliiK the lead.
Mrs, j. G, tiruhe and daughter are
Mend visitor this week,
Miss Tliclina Colib left Klsters Hun-
day for Eufcrone where the will at
tend school this year. Ed Hpoo ac
companied her as fur as McKeoxle
Dr. llelknap of Prlnevllle passed
throiiitb Hlsters the last of the week
from bis summer camp. But few
campers are now la the mountains.
L. Q. Orube and E. C. Waldron
made a business trip to Madras
Tuesday by auto.
Mrs. Hartly received the sad news
of the death of a sister In Portland.
Fred Welse had the misfortune to
lose several valuable sheep by bloat
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dinwiddle and
daughter, Lillian, of Prlnevllle
stopped In Bisters on their way
borne from their summer camp on
the Metollus.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilt and Miss
Waldroa were callers at the Knlcker-
bocker home In Plulnvlew Thursday
Mr. Wllcoxson took up bis school
duties In Cloverdrtle Sept. 7th.
Miss Haxel Templeton Is attend
ing the Hlsters school and baa taken
up the business course of blgb school
work which Includes short hand and
typewriting. Heveral others are
contemplating the same step.
Tom Arnold and wife spent a few
days In Cloverdale last week on
their way from Eugene to their
home In California, They report
the roads all through In bad condi
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Knickerbocker were
business visitors to Bend this week.
Many people from this section will
be Prtoevllle guest during (air week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kline were
business visitors to Sinters Wednes
day. Mrs. W. B. Taylor and children
stopped overnight In Sisters on their
way over the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Grav and little
son Gerold were Sinters' guests from
Post lust week. Tbey were on their
way to Portlund, making the trip by
auto over the McKentle pans.
The Burnslde boys, mother and
father, are here for the winter.
Election of teachers and officers of
the Cloverdale Sunday School will
be Kept 27.
Cloverdale Conncll Club meetings
will commence as soon as the rush
of tbrasblug Is over.
Mrs. Hiram Gibson Dead.
Mrs. Hiram Gibson was buried
at The Dalles Monday. The Gib
sons moved from near Prineville to
The Dalles several years ago. Be
sides a husband she leaves two sons
and one daughter. Mrs. Gibson
had been ailing for a long time.
No further details of her death
have been received.
A Fast Cattle Run.
Twenty hours for a train of 14
cars of beef cattle from Redmond
to Tacoma is going some. Accord
ing to the Spokesman the train left
Redmond at 5:30 a. m. and the cars
were delivered to Carstens Packing
plant yards at Tacoma the same
evening at 11:30.
Sisters Fair
The date of the Sisters First
Annual Fair is October 1-2-3. A
good race program has been ar
ranged for each day. Agricultural
and livestock exhibits, baby show
and other attractions. Come and
bring vour exhibits.
9-17-2t D. A. BOwman, Secy.
The Dalles Model Laundry
High-grade laundry work. Send
In your laundry by Parcel Post.
Prompt attention. R. J. Uii.tikht,
proprleton 8-18
Do you know you can buy a new
I'.igin watcu for y&.&u at L. Kam
stra's? If you are looking for a
watch be sure to call on him and get
his prices. 8 20tf
For Sale.
Two hundred tons of hay and four
hundred acres of good pasture. L.
Cannell, Meadows, Ore. 8-20-!lp
For Sale.
Six lota cloae in, six room house,
barn, shntle, lawn ; tine place for family
home. A bargain if taken at once, only
f 2,000. Inquire Journal office or amlress
i. U. BOX 444. S-0
For Sale or Exchange.
Residence property one block from
public school, two story building1, 2i
Powell Butte
Powell Butte, Sept. 14, 1914.
Mrs. Henry Young aud baby of
Kedmond visited Wednesday with
her sister, Mrs. E. A. Bussett, aud
Mrs. Geo. C. Truesdale and daugh
ter, Pauline and Dorothy, were
visitors in Prlnevllle Wednesday.
Mrs. Earl Forrest, who bas en
Joyed the past month in a visit to
relatives at Belllngbam, Wash., re
turned home last week.
E. A. Bussett and Guy Sears bavs
been visitors In the countv seat for
the past week, the former a witness
on the McDaulel murder trial and
the latter as Juryman.
Fred Pterson returned to this sec
tion last week after an extended ab
sence. Foster Bros.' threshing crew took
a lay off of a week following thresh
ing operations at the Carl Llndquh-t
place. Grain Is ripening very slowly,
a fact which made the lay off neces
sary. Will Brow n has leased bis place to
Joe Townsend for three years.
Uncle Ham's It. F. D. Inspector
was a visitor in this locality last
week. He waa shown over the pro
posed route by mall carriers, Caro
line and Earl Saunders, In the
former's auto. Let us hope.
The 191415 school term at the
Sheperd school commenced last
Mouday with Mr. Gideon as teacher,
while the Wilson school opened
Monday with Mrs. Beulah Gray
Holland teacher.
Miss Edna Morse, who bas been
employed to teach the Beaver creek
school, took np ber duties last week.
We understand that Miss Ebba
Lludqulst will teach the Twin Butte
school this year.
Reeves Wltlcoxen was a Prlnevllle
visitor Friday, so also was Virgil
Humphrey, the latter taking In a
load of wheat.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Klce were
guests at the .V P. Alley borne Sun
Quite an exodus of young people
from this section Invaded Prlnevllle
within the ptst few days, all with
the expectations of attending the
Crook County High School for the
Cuming session. Those representing
Powell Butte at that popnlar lnstl
tute will be the Misses Orlsa Sears,
Gladys and Hazel Bayn and Pauline
Truesdale, Jewe Beckman, Ralph
Jones aud Hoy Skeen, with perhaps
more to follow later on.
Mrs. John KIssler, who baa been
nursing her daughter In-law, Mrs.
Frank Khutler, and baby, returned
to her home In Redmond Tueeday
and her daughter, Mrs. Boetger,
came out for a few days' stay.
Putting in Bridgework
Mr. Achey, supervising engineer
in charge of the work of putting in
the new steel bridge at Post, was
in Prineville Monday. "It will
take ten days to finish the new
bridge and dismantle the old one,"
said the engineer.' "When the
work is finished I will then put in
the steel bridge across Beaver creek
in the Paulina country.
For Sale
Good Besting Stove, cheap.
Journal office.
9 10
Good MUch Cows For Sale
High grade Jerieys.
Metoliue, Oregon.
G. A. Johnston
Blonds are again becoming fashion'
able In Paris. No; they bavs not been
In retirement all these years. Most of
them have been on duty as brunettes.
Statistics show that this country
spends more for chewing gum than for
foreign missions. People spend their
money as they choose and each one for
what be chews.
In the midst of his j-eflectlo&a on the
Irrational things we do the Uon. Wo
Ting Fang might take a day off and
consider the remarkable things we've
had to put up with.
Archaeologists have discovered the
works of a people tn upper Egypt who
have been unheard of for 8,700 years.
People who are becoming extinct ought
to bequeath funds for press agents.
All the blue ribbons for prudence
and discretion belong to the Mexican
lighthouse keeper at Lobos Island, who
asked for a written certificate that the
Dnlted States had taken possession by
It may not be out of place to sug
gest that if Dante could come back
for the purpose of celebrating bis six
hundredth birthday there are some
parts of the world that would remind
him ot old times.
Two hundred and fifty-seven youths
from all ports of the country passed
the mental examinations for entrance
to Annapolis, which goes to show that
the tests are not too difficult except for
those who make studying easy.
Irrigation Possibilities
Near Prineville
Continued from Pint Paf
sufficient capital to bring their
tracts to the maximum state of
production in addition to support
ing their families. They find it al
most impossible to make good on
borrowed money at 7 to 10 per
cent interest. Many on Carey Act
or government projects do not have
title to offer as land security for
borrowed capital. Mr. Lewis
pointed out that the constitutional
amendment if carried would per
mit conservative loans to settlers
for long periods at low interest for
the purchase of stock, machinery
and necessary improvements, the
same as practiced by Australia and
other developing countries. The
building of ditches is only half the
problem. Caring for the settler
and assisting him to make good is
perhaps the most important part.
This assistance if given must be
rendered by the state.
Western Oregon is also interested
in this amendment as state aid can
be extended for the assistance of
settlers on logged off lands. How
ever, it is the opinion of Mr. Lewis
that the amendment will not carry
until the cry of those living on the
dry lands of Eastern Oregon is
heard clear and unmistakeable by
those living over the mountains.
The need, if any exists, should be
voiced in the public press by the
various commercial and agricultural
Preparing for 60th
Wedding Anniversary
Grandpa and Grandma Johnson of
this city, will celebrate their 60th
wedding anniversary Sunday, Sep
tember 20th. All their children
hope to reach here at that time
except Margaret Cadle, who is in
California and unable to come.
Grandpa and grandma have lived a
long and useful life in our midst
and we wish them joy and happi
ness during the rest of their time
among us. Grandma had a paraly
tic stroke last Friday which has
rendered her helpless.
Residence Proper ty for Sale.
Good house snd barn, lot 120x140 ft.
Inquire at this office. 8-13-tf
Eye Glass Fitting
is essential. Do not trurt your eye to
incompetent people. See Dr. Ida
Bebrendt, graduate of McCormick Op
tical Collevs, Chicago, snd Philadelphia
Optical College, -10-2t
I can locate yon on a homestead situ
ated on the upper Descbotes rivsr, con
taining 30 acres of river bottom land
and 50 acrei good yellow pine timber,
remaining 80 very good quality bench
land. Inquire Journal office, a-10
6 Per Cent Money
Loans may be obtained for any pur
pose on acceptable Real Estate security ;
liberal privileges; correspondence so
licited. A. C. AOINCY COMPAMT,
758 Gas, Electric Bldg, Denver. Colo.
440 Phelan Bldg., Ban Francisco. 9-3-4t
Why Not Take in the Round-Up
Auto fare round trip from Prlne
vllle to Pendleton, $11.60. Huff
Noble Auto Co. will leave Prlnevllle
with two cars the morning of the
22d, arriving at Pendleton the even
ing of the 23d. Secure reservation
or write us. Huff-Noble Auto Co.
Farm Machinery
We have the following articles on hand which we
will cloae out at the following prices:
One 16-in. steel bottom John Deers
Stair Sulky Plow $60.00 $47.00
One 14 in. cast bottom Syracuse
Walking Plow.. 15.00 12.00
One 60-tooth Keystone Guard Rail
Peg Harrow 17.50 14.50
Two Sets Bolster Springs, 2,000 lbs
capacity 11.00 7.50
Leave orders at O. C. Claypool & Co's store
O.G. Adams &Co
Two Linn County .
Horsethieves Caught
Last week Sheriff Elking was
notified to be on the lookout for
two horsethieves named Piper and
Blair who were wanted in Lina
county. Deputy Sheriff Dennis of
Sisters was instructed to keep a
strict watch on the McKenzie pass
for the two men. His vigilance
was rewarded by the arrest of botk
of them. They were brought U
Prineville Saturday and lodged la
jail. Tuesday Deputy Sheriff White
of Linn county came over and got
the prisoners.
Children's Plays Enjoyed
The Children's Plays given at the
Club Hall Wednesday evening were
much enjoyed by parents and
friends. In "The Sleeping Beauty"
the parts were well taken and the
little people were natural and
"The Golden Goose" was on the
humorous order and many of the
scenes and costumes called forth
much laughter and applause.
"Christopher Columbus" was aa
historical play and the times and
scenes were well pertrayed by the
pupils who took part.
Crooked River Water
Right Certificates
The State Water Board has is
sued 200 water-right certificates ts
appropriators of water on the
Crooked river. It is the largest
number ever issued in the history
of the board. The board recently
adjudicated the water rights om
this stream, and the certificates
give the claimants title to the water.
Approximately 35,000 acres of land
will be irrigated with the water from
the Crooked river-
U. S. Patents Granted.
The U. S-
government has
granted patents
to the following
since Sept. 8:
Frank Demme, se ne, n half se. 20;
nw 8w, s hail nw zj.-zj.-Z3.
Alfred E. Phillips, s half sw, sw
se, ne sw 22-13-12.
Wm. H. Crews, s half nw, nw sw
All pupils who wish to attend the
public school this year and are en
tering for the first time this fait
must enter not later than the 26th
of this month, otherwise they wilt
have to wait until next term.
9-17-2 1 ('. H., principal.
We give double Brown Trad
ing Stamps on all purchases for
Fruit Jars. A complete variety.
O. C Claypool & Co.
WANTED : Second hand goods, furn
iture, stoves, ranges, beds, etc., any
thing in the second-hand line. Will pay
cash or trade new goods for same. Th
Racket Store, Prineville, Ore, Located
at the J, F. Morris old stand. 8-13
Alfalfa Pasture for Rent.
About 200 acres of first-class
alfalfa pasture for cattle or horses.
No sheep. Reasonable rate. Apply
W. E. Guerin. Alfalfa, Ore. 9 27-2
lots. 8-6 Kay V. Constaulk,