tfcro ?cnc Or Crook CoMmty Jounml COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY VOL. XVIII $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1914. Katn it th pontoffloe t Prtnevlll Oreon, Mooad-cliuM matter NO. 42 Circuit CourtSheldon Sentenced to Pen for Life Circuit court convened Tuesday, Judge Bradshaw, presiding. The judite lost no time in netting right down to business. The grand jury, composed of F, 0. Minor, foreman; W. K, Sandel. W. I. Dish man, J. N. B. Gerking, Harvey Harris and Geortte Telefer were worn in and up to lust night had reported six true bills, which arc ready for trial. It. G. Sheldon, who was indicted for murder In the first degree for prisoning his infant son near Grizzly, Juno 10, was allowed to plead guilty to murder in the second degree yesterday. The man had been examined by Drs. Edwards, Hyde, Rosenberg and Belknap and they pronounced him insane. He has lucid intervals as hus been shown by his conduct under arrest, but one can never tell how long they will lust. Part of tho time in juil Sheldon was absolutely crazy. The prosecuting attorney considered that the ends of justice would be better subserved by allowing him to make the pi .-a. Judge Brad shaw gave him a life sentence in the penitentiary. Henry McDowell and Mrs. Mollie Scoggin were charged with murder in the first degree by the grand jury. They entered a plea of not guilty yesterday. McDowell shot and killed A. G. Scoggin at Paulina July 31, Mrs. Scoggin was held as an accomplice. Tho best legal talent obtain able Is employed on the case. Prosecuting Attorney Wirtzwillbe assisted by W. H. Wilson, while the defense will be looked after by N. G. Wallace and H. 8. Wilson. Andrew Gebhardt, an Indian, was indicted for stealing a mare belonging to another Indiun. G. L. Hall of Warm springs is represent ing tho government in the caw. Johanna Smith of Madras was indicted for pointing a gun at little children. Edward D. Bush of Madras en tered a plea of guilty to giving liquor to minors. He received a susended sentence. J. F. McKay entered a plea of guilty to a charge of forgery. He was baggage agent at Culver and forged a t5 check. He has not yet been sentenced. The case of the burning of the Redmond Warehouse was in the hands of the grand jury last night. The John Mcl'herson case is on trial today. He is charged with the larceny of a mare belonging to George Millican. This is his third trial. The Gaylord McDaniel case will Day Fireworks for the Crook County Fair One of the most unique attrac tions for the Crook County Fair, September 16-19, will be a grand display of daylight fireworks. About 20 pieces will be set off each afternoon. You will see Old Glory 10x15 feet, suspended a 1000 feet In the heavens. Among other things you will see the Flag of Nations, Storm Clouds, Bevy of American Flags, Wright Aeroplane, Den of Sharks. Katy Dids, Red Snapper, Curtis Biplane, Pendant of National Flags, Birds in , a Storm, Thunder Clouds, Antoinette Aero plane, Rain of Turtles, Fan Tail Fishes, Aerial Jugglery, Dumont's Airships, Golden Serpentines, Quin-! tet of Fiery Snakes, Stork and the Tortoise, Aerial Warships, Birds of Freedom, April Showers and Spring Flowers, Red Clouds, Frogs in the Rain. Aerial Smoke Contortions, Wistaria, Bleriot's Monoplane, American Eagle, Aerial Set Piece, Uncle Sam, life size, Zeppelin's Aircraft, Sun Rays and Sun Birds, Cumulus Clouds, Lathams's Aero plane, etc. follow next. This is a retrial for the killing of Herman Poch, Decem ber 31, 1912. The fcoggin murder case will follow Gavlord McDaniel. It is not thought that it will be reached be fore next week. - The grand jury is still at work. You need the Journal, f 1.50 a year Jubilee Minstrels for Fair Week-One Night A week from today Prineville will have the pleasure of hearing the "Jubilee Minstrels," a local aggregation of talent that will compel attention from the opening number until the close of the enter tainment. F. F. Hoelscher is inter locutor; Joe Smelzer, Sam Ellis, Dr. Davis and Ross Robinson arc the end men, assisted by T. S. Barnes, A. B. Roller, H. S. Maker. J. T. Wheeler, H. D. Still, Delbert Caples, T. E-J. Duffy and H. A. Kelley. Mrs. Hoelscher, accom panist- Messrs. Smelzer, Maker, Davis, Ellis and Wheeler will feature the latest songs, assisted by the entire company. There will be an olio by Maker and Smelzer on banjo and guitar. A monologue by T. E. J. Duffy. A comedy sketch entitled "Is He In," by Delbert Caples as "Weary Willie," and H. A. Kelley as "Archibald." an actor. Messrs. Barnes and Hoelscher will present some every day topics from a Dutch standpoint. Mr. Barnes as "Meyer," and Mr. Hoelscher as "Mike." Roller and Maker have a good stunt that is bound to produce lots of fun. The program right through is a dandy and if you want to enjoy a good laugh don't forget September 17. September Term of the County Court All (tailing goods reduced 20 per cent. 1j. Kanmtra. 8-2Utf A regular term of the county court for Crook county, Oregon, convened this econd day of September, 1914, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m. In the county court room, Prineville, Ore gon. Present K. II. Bay ley, coin mlHMloner; Warren Brown, county clerk; Frank Elklns, sheriff. A quorum for the transaction of buslneM not being present court adjourned. Court convened at 9 o'clock this third day of September, 1914. Pres. tnt R. H. Baylev, corarnlsn1oner, presiding; Willis Brown, commis sioner; Warren Brown, clerk; Frank Elklus, sheriff. Whereupon the following proceed ings were had, to wit: In the matter of telephone fran chise to P. B. Johnson and R. Knud son. Petition of P. B. Johnson and R. Knudnon asking for a telephone franchise on county roads from the city of Bend to Millican. Granted. In the matter of wrongful atwess ment. On petition of If." Hughes showing a wrongful and erroneous axsettenient of sw of sec 20, tp 17 south, range 13 east, W. M., Crook county, Oregon. Order refund of taxes In" the sum of f 12.30 for the year 1912. . In th matter of a permanent record of certain county roads. On tbe request of George Millican show ing that certain county roads are for tbe most part not a matter of record and are In danger of being fenced. Ordered that the surveyor be Instructed to snrvey and file a record of said roads. In the matter of the Crook County Fair Association. In accordance with its appropriation of a former date, the court orders a warrant drawn In favor of the Crook Connty Fair Association In the sum of 1000. In the matter of road district No. 9. Order a warrant drawn In favor of Andrew Morrow, supervisor of road dlHtrtct No. 9, in the sum of $300. In the matter of the F. J. Rice county road. On the petition of F. J. Rice et al, showing that the F. J. Rice road Is not a main trunk high way. Ordered that said road be opened In a width of 40 feet Instead of 60. In the matter of the Frank Irvine change In the J. G.Edwards county road. Final survey and report of surveyor presented and approved. Clerk instructed to tasue proper order opening said change as a public highway. In tbe matter of the change In the Tillman Reuter county road. On tbe recommendation of tbe county surveyor In pursuance of a report from blm at tbe request of this court. Resolution adopted recommending that tbe proposed change In tbe Tillman Reuter road be established as a public highway as a matter of public necessity and directing the report on same. Report of county surveyor filed with court. Ordered that tbe' 4th day of November at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. be set as the date of hearing said report and that proper notice of said hearing be given according to law. In tbe matter of A. Aldrldge coun- Coutinued on Eighth Fsge. Heating Stoves amid Ranges We have just received our fall stock of heating stoves and ranges. (Almost a hundred to select from). We have added new and attractive lines and have a stock from which you can get both ex ceptional value and quality. We have stoves that will cut your fuel bill in half. We guarantee these stoves to be the most satisfac tory you have ever used. We deliver and set up free of charge any stove sold in the city. Our Columbia Range is recognized as being one of the best and most attractive to be had. We have dozens of satisfied customers to whom we can refer you. Z LUu-H J. E. STEWART & CO.