Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 03, 1914, Image 1

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    Eugene Or
Crook Comety
Entomd at th poatofflfw at PrlnfTlll
Ort-Kon, mn wotd;laj matter
NO. 41
a oi o
Circuit Court Next Week
Long Criminal Docket
trials scheduled for the September
term of court which convent! next
Tuesday, September 8, there la a
grist of minor mutters that will be
brought to the attention of the
grand jury by District Attorney
Wirtz, in innny of which indict
menti will no doubt be returned
and trials will follow.
(Inylord McDanlel will bo retried
for the murder of Herman l'och,
December 31. 1912.
Henry McDowell and Mury B.
Scoggln will bo tried for the mur
der of Avery Scomrin near I'aulina,
committed July 81, 1014.
Ilex Sheldon 1h also held on a
charge of murder in the firm de
gree for the poisoning of his infait
son near Grizzly on June 10, 1911.
John Mcl'herson will be tried for
the third time for the larceny of a
mare belonging to George MilJican.
Jack Harper, under Indictment
for a statutory offense, Is In jail
awaiting trlul, having been ap
prehended by Sheriff Klkins at
In each of the foregoing cases the
issues are already formed and trials
will be had. In the following cases
defendants have been bound over
to the grand jury to await action
bv that tribunal, before It will be
determined whether a trial will be
neeeasury. i
Charles Clark of Powell Butte is
held for larceny committed in the
lwelling of liert Thayer.
John T.. Benson of Madras is
under bonds to apiear for passing
fraudulent pajier.
Ed Bush of Madras is under
bonds to appear on a charge of con
tributing to the delinquency of a
Johanna Smith of Madras is
accused before the grand jury of
threatening to shoot a party of
N. E. Thompson of Madras has
been held to the grand jury by
Justice of the Peace Howard
Turuer of that place for assault.
Clyde WornstalT of Bend has
been held to the grand jury on a
charge of giving intoxicating liquor
to minors.
B. II. McMickle of Redmond was
placed under a $5000 bond to appear
for arson on a charge preferred by
Detective Beatty of Portland in
connection with the burning of the
Redmond Union Warehouse last
In addition to the above, other
investigations are on foot, it is un
derstood, In which indictments are
Badly Injured by
a Premature Blast
' Ed Bennett, the powder man for
a crew of 20 men at work on the
Prineville-Mitchell road, was se
verely injured by a premature
blast Tuesday at 11 a. m. A de
fective fuse caused the accident.
Bennett was right over the hole
in the act of tamping home a light
charge when the explosion took
place. His arms, face and hands
were filled with burnt powder and
Dr. Rosenberg had his patient
brought to the Home Hospital at;
Prineville where his injuries are
being cared for. No bones were
broken and it is too early to say
whether the man will lose his eye
sight or not. His face is in bad
shape. The process of removing
the rock particles from the injured
man is slow and painful. It has to
be done by degrees.
Brisk Demand for
Modern Houses
Houses are in U Iter demand this
fall than for scum years past.
Dwellings of a t t ter grade are
wanted. Modern improvements are
desired and a ho i'w that can sup
ply them is snajjed up without de
lay. The demand comes from people
who wish to take advantage of our
excellent school system. The high
school and the grammar school are
second to none in Oregon and those
in charge of them are striving to
make thera better. The people of
the county appreciate this fact and
come here with their boys and girls
to get first-class instruction.
Theatricals at Club
- Hall Fair Week
The Annex and Commercial Club
are to present three evenings of
splendid entertainment during Fair
Week. Wednesday evening three
children's plays will . be given
Thursday evening the "Jubilee
Minstrels" will entertain and Fri
day evening the celebrated comedy,
"All-of-a-Sudden Peggy," will be
All (Willi goods reduced 20 per
cent. U. Ratiidtra.
Madras Man Arrested
and Jailed in Portland
Get Your School Exhibits
In Early for the Fair
Free paper cntting
Wood I word ...
Paper mat weaving
Grada II.
Woven ran rug
Basket, modeled In clay.
Water color work
Beat dressed doll
Grada III.
Reed work
Weathor vane ...
Step ladder.
R. G. Alexander of Madras was
taken to Portland by United States
Deputy Marshal Dave Fuller to
await action by the Federal grand
jury on the charges against him of
having transported liquor to the
Indians of the Warm Springs Reservation-
Charles Larguharson was
arrested at the same time with
Alexander on the same charge, but
gave bail of 1250. Alexander did
not furnish, bail so was committed
to jail.
Horse for Sale
Forty head of good work horws, 4 and
3 yearg old, for eale ; weight trom 1050
to 1300 pounds. Will be sold at right
pricea. U.H.Kussell, Prineville, Or. 8-5 i Card sewing
County School Superintendent Cord hammocka.....
Myers makes the following an
nouncement to the school children
of the county?
"The Crook County Fair is to be
held September 16-17-18-19, 1914,
and we want to make this year's
school exhibit 'the best in the his
tory of the fair.
"In order to accomplish this the
co-operation of all school children
is required. Many of the schools
will not be in session at that time,
so do not depeni upon the assist
ance of your teacher. Prepare your
exhibit carefully and be sure that
your name, address, school district,
and grade appears on each article
on exhibit.
"Your exhibits may be sent to
the office of the county superin
tendent at any time before the fair
opens or may be delivered at the
fair grounds September 14 th or
15th. AH exhibits must be in by
6 p. m. September 15th.
"On School Day, Friday, Septem
ber 18th, all school children will be
admitted to the fairgrounds free
of charge.
"The industrial prize list by
grades is as follows:
Under this beading all displays will
be arranged by grades not by schools.
Grade L
t 1 00
Hemstitched toweL
Bird bouse
Three darts ,
Toy horse
Water colors
Grada IV.
Sewing apron.
Breakfast cap.
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
Bert dressed doll .
Soap boxes
Reed work
Grada V.
Bow and arrow: '.
Doll sheet and pillow slips.
Reed work ,
Miniature furnitare
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
Continued on Fifth Fage.
In Exchange for the Famous1
Beginning Tuesday, September 1st, we will issue Brown Stamps to our customers. $3.00 worth of Brown Stamps
FREE to start a book to all visitors to the new and enlarged Premium Room in our store, from Sept. 1 to Sept. 12.
Come get a book containing $3.00 worth of free stamps and see the many new premiums that have arrived for
this special new opening.
$1.00 Worth Brown Stamps FREE These Merchants Give Brown Trading Stamps $1 Worth of Brown Stamps FREE
CITY MARKET, Fine Meats. Present this coupon to anjr merchant in Prineville giving
Present this coupon to our store, make a cash purchase of 25c H. D. STILL, Harness and Saddles. Brown Stamps, make a cash purchase of 25c or more and
or more and we will give you $1.00 worth of stamps FREE in PRINEVILLE DRY CLEANING & DYE WORKS. receive $1.00 worth of stamps FREE in addition to the
addition to the regular stamps. MRS. J. N. WRIGHT, Confectionery. regular stamps.
Look ! Half-Book Premiums Brown Stamps
WONDERFUL Be sure you patronize the above merchants. It makes
Ye8. Ifs an absolute fact. You can secure valuable premiums with HALF no difference where you receive Brown Stamps. They
FILLED BROWN STAMP BOOKS. Of course this is mighty good news to you can q fog pasted into the same book. This means you
and is bound to make you save Brown Stamps in preference to. all other kind, can easily and quickly obtain the premium.
Other Stamp Companies Compel You to FILL nr-oT-
Your Book Brown Stamp Premiums are Dhbl
A I:'