& ... Fboto by American Prcu Association. Russian Troops Digging Trench News dispatches unite In declaring that tbe Russian soldiers went almost aaad with Joj at the prospect of war with Germany. Trench digging is a part f the science of warfare, and the Russians get some valuable though si pen sire experience in the war with Japan. , & ill fl-.'l TtHf-k. H'f r f . 2. If! Photo by American Press Association. Two B'g Men of the War Here are shown the kaiser of Germany and the czar of Russia with their jersonal staffs. The kaiser is on the left When this picture was taken it was little thought that in a few months' time these rulers would giv the word tint meant a conflict that filled the entire world with dread. " v! - is -is .M ' ': '-'4 .".'III-' ' ' :' Photo by American Press Association. German Kaiser Talking Over War Here are shown the German emperor (on the left) discussing plans for war with two of his trusted rear admirals. Rear Admiral von Tirpitz is shown In the center and Rear Admiral von Uoltzendorff on tbe right " , V. A' x ? Si U i-T. f ', j is I i m , 't " 1 Some Orientals Gain American Quality of Directness By Professor EDWARD A. STEIN ER of Grinnell Collegft low I WAS once in the company of some distinguished Americans of whom Colonel Roosevelt was one, and I heartily disagree with a view ho advanced during our con versation, lie said that there waa a radical difference between the ori ental and tho occidental type of mind and that for this reason AMERICA XEVEU COULD AS SIMILATE THE ORIENTALS. He even named the oraot date back in antiquity when occidentals and orientals drew apart to engage in their separate mental processes. I know, however, a young Chinese who was sent here to bo educated as a missionary. When he returned home after a number of years in America he was asked to participate in a church service as an assistant. He found that he hadn't learned the service thoroughly, and he asked tho presiding clergyman the rather rouch question, "SAY, BISllOr, WHERE DO I BUTT IN ON THIS?" THAT QUESTION NEVER COULD HAVE COME FROM A HOME REARED CHINESE. THIS YOUNG MAN'S MENTAL PROCESSES SURELY HAD GAINED THE AMER ICAN QUALITY OF DIRECTNESS AND LACK OF CEREMONY. Honesty Demanded In Operation of American Cities By HENRY BRUERE, City Chsmber lain ol New York AMERICAN cities generally have come to tho stage wherein their citizens expect definite reasons along the lines of scientific public service for the things which their officials do. The new sentiment is DE- M A N D I N G HONEST Y, but it is de manding more than that it is DEMANDING ITS FULL M 0 NT E Y ' S WORTH. Not only must there be no stealing; there must be no waste. And not only must there be NO STEAL ING AND NO WASTE, but I Photo h- American Press Aoclatlon. there must be intelligent expendi ture that is, the people do not shy at giving up their money. They give it cheerfully, but they demand results. In these days the government which stole nothing and saved much, but which did not deliver to the people a safe and pleasant, a progressive, an improving city, would be open to just criticism and would get it. IN AMERICA THE BUSINESS CORPORATION HAS BEEN DEVEL OPED TO ITS HIGHEST POINT OF TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY. THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION NOW MUST BE. BUT THIS PUBLIC EF FICIENCY MUST HAVE VERY CLEAR SERVICE AIMS. Panama Canal Has Upset The Weather By JOHN J. MAXWELL Science Research Student! Baltimore THE commingling of the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans meant a change in their currents. Volcanic disturb ances on tho Pacific coast made the Pacific impulxo stronger, and thus the GULF STREAM JS 1-LUW IS G FARTHER NORTH, carry ing with it the balmy v eather of tho tropins. IT WILL BE ONLY A QUESTION OF TIME WHEN ARTIFICAL HEAT IN BALTIMORE WILL BE ANCIENT HISTORY AND THE CLIMATE HERE WILL EE IDENTICAL WITH THAT OF HOME. PEOPLE WILL NOT DARE TO VENTURE OUT AT A CERTAIN HOUR OF THE DAY, SO HOT WILL IT BECOME. f") An Ordsal, "Tou never tell funny stork's?" "Nover, Whou you tell a funny story It's always painful to watch tin other fellow trying to coueoul bis Impatience for you to got through and lot him toll ouo." Wushlugtou Star. Baby's New 8hos. Always samlpaiHir the soles of baby's new shoes before they havs been worn. This keep her from slipping on tho bare or polished floors and prevents many a bad full which could easily result in a sprain or a broken, bona, Paid Hr Back. Mne So you are engaged to George! I refused Mm three times. Kthel That must have leeii what he meant when lie told me that lie had had sev eral narrow escapes. New York Jour- ual. Only Rsmsdy. Life Is thick sown with thorns, and I know of no other remedy than to pass through them quickly. The long er we dwell on our misfortune the greater is their power to harm us. Voltaire. Woman's MusoUs. Sdentlflc text have shown that In occupations employing tho larger mus cles women tire more rapidly than men, while In work In which smaller muscles are osod they are more em- clout Milk en a String. In Siberia In winter milk Is trans ported In a frozen state. A round bole having been cut In the middle of each cake of frown milk, the cakes are threaded on a string and thus carried to market Smyrna's Fig. Most of the 20,000,000 pounds of figs Imported Into this country annually come from a strip of land near Smyr na about utnety miles long and lww than one mile wide, this being the world's chief dried tig district. Canary Archipstage. The Canary nrchlHlago, a Spanish possession b'tug about 3,000 miles east of St. Augustine, Fla., consists of thirteen islands having a total area of 2,700 square miles and a population of about 400.000. ProUcltd. Mrs. Coupon Thomas says that we must economize. All his securities are dropping lower every day. Mrs. Van Gelt (a rich young widow) Mine are til right I know. I keep them in a nafe deposit vault Puck. His Goldsn Wsdding. Jones Coming around to my golden wedding next week? Brown (In'"- nantly) Your golden wedding! Why man, you're not tblrty-flvc? Jones- No, but I'm marrying an American heiress. London Tlt Hlts. Very Offtnslvs. 'Don't you dislike a man who as sumes to know more than his olDclal associates?" asked one statesman. Tea," replied the other. "Particu larly if be makes good." Washington Star. More Tricks. 'I see where the lending lady of that company Is suing a professional ma. giclau for Jilting her." "I suppose be considered It merely a slight of hand performance." Baltt more American. Men' Oxfords $1 and up. Ladies' Oxfords $1.45 and up. Children's Oxfords 60c and up. Ladies' Fine Hose, regular 50 to 75c grades Armer Plate brand now 2 pair (or 35c. Men's Gauntlet Gloves $1 pr Screen Doors $1.50 grade for $1.25. Sale on Grey Granite Ware, Heavy Fruit Jar Rubbers 3 dozen 25c. C. W. ELKINS STORE, E. B.DUFUR W.P.MYERS DUFUR & MYERS Attorneys-at-Law Offices at 312 Abington Bldg., Portland Room II, Kamstra lildg., Pnneville, Off Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at the Dalles, Ore, July 6th, 11)14. Notice la hereby Riven that Charles 8. Etnler of Brothers. Oreiron, who on March 16th, 11(11, made . homestead entry No. 08154 for wj aectlon 9, townalilp 20 a, range 1 . Willamette menu ian, lias filed notice of Intention to make nnai three-year prooi to entail llsh claim to the land above di crlbed, before A. 8. Fork, II, 8. corn inlsHloner, at Hampton, Oreiron, on the 18th day of September, 114. Claimant names us witnesses ficorifp. I). Baker, Lee A, Rawlins, Ansel Stewart and Patrick Coffee, all of I.lrotliors, Oregon. 8 2(1 H Frank Woodcock, Register IA A r Ochoco No. 4(1. MeotB every Tuesday nitflit. Stranisprs welcome. J. H. Gray, Noble Grand; Porcy It. Smith, Vice Gran'l; S. G. Hitikle, Re cording Po retary : C. B. Dinwiddio, Troaeurer. tProfesstr.ttal Cards Lake M. Bechtell LAWYER Crook County Bank Building Prlneville, Oregon HOWARD GOVE DENTIST Crook County Bank Building Bennett, Sinnott & Galloway ilorney-at-Lw deneral rraoiice Tim IUu.ks. Outs. N. G. WALLACE Attorney-at-Law Rooms 3-4-5 Kanutra Bld'g Prln.ville, Or J. II. Itoll A. V. Sims Crook County Abstract Co. (Incorporated) I'rlnovllle, Orrgun Abstracts Itimirnnt'c Prof. A. W. Grater, Divine Healer Office In Morris Huilillng throe doors south ol Journal olllce, PrinavllU. Oregon J.TrcgclIcs Hx It. 0. 8. Kmc suit I.. H. A. London: Llnenon Oregon ftt Medical Hoard. SiMwillt In Kuritnry: tlynli-ne: All- menUry Canal, womvn and chlKlrvn'i div.'uen. f to. Offli and wia.nr" Third slwoi nr Court HituM. Tl-: rionwr, itim ttnwitrti prumuUir. nnht of ur. Cunrsn modi'mta Bhnqf ifmm. JSWmm Ot'CUMHTH Belknap Cdwards (County Physician.) T. H. J. DUFFY (Muccnuor to W. A. Hall) PK1NEV114.S Okkoox C, c- r' ftitrnf-mt-jCum &tat Ciiat Conic tt llulItlliiK, Iloom 6 D. H. PEOPLES Civil and Irrigation Engineer Uo.mii 11 Ailsmson lUil'g Pnneville, Ore. 03 C41.U Akiwsssd Funnm.T I)V os Nmsi urrics oni imu houth or mii i Ukds Htuhs. Mot b oRi n rot) doDOS telepbuufl. W. A. BELL Lawyer The Dalles Oregon JJ X, Cltloii, tfljt C. ttrlnk jCauytr Willard II. Wirtz District Attorney Office in Crook County Bank Bldg I'KINEVII.I.B OKKOON KEEPS YOUR FRESH aiWZl&mi Combination Pneumatic Sweeper' npllfS Swiftly-Sweepine, Easy-Running DUNTLEY Sweeper cleans without raising dust, and at the same time picks up pins, lint, ravclings, etc., in ONE OPERATION. Its ease makes sweeping a simple task quickly finished. It reaches even the most difficult places, and eliminates the necessity of moving and lifting all heavy furniture. The Great Labor Saver of the Home Every home, large or mall, can cnjny relict trom broom drudgery and protection Irom the danger of flying duit, " Duntley Is the Pioneer of Pneumatic Sweepers Hm the combination of the Pneumatic Suction Nozzle and revolving Brush. Very easily operated and abiolutely guar anteed, in nuying u vacuum the "Duntley a trial in your Write todov tor lull particulars Duntley Pneumatic Sweeper Co. 6501 So, State St, Chicago, III. d AGENT3 WANTED-Write at Once 1 Fruit Trees! Central Oregon Grown The only kind you can afford to plant. ILLUSTRATED .,TALOGUE FREE. .Write lor otto. I'tlceH low enough to surprlae you, Ufollette Nursery Co. Prinevllls, 6 0 . Oregon ii r " RECEPTION Champ Smith, Propr Imported and Domestic Cigars Famous Whiskies Old Crow; Hermitage; Reel Top Rye; Yellow Stone; Canadian Club; Cream Rye; James E. Pepper; Moore's Malt Porter, Ale and Olympia Draft Beer on Tap. Imported Wines and Liquors. 4 4r The Oregon Bar At l! Old Stand G.W. Wiley &CoPrp. All kinds of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranier Beer in Bottles and on Draft The Brosius Bar Finest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor You need tbe Journal, f 1.50 a year HOME L-ieaner, wny not give home at our expenser 1 2L