Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 20, 1914, Image 6

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    Photos by American Press Association
German and French Artillerymen
Artillery plays a big part in the great European war. Germany and France
kave devoted a great deal of attention to this development of their respective
armies. Artillerymen of the German army are shown at the top and French
artillerymen at the bottom.
t ' 'MV 1 v
' Fbou. by American Press Association.
King George Reviewing Sailors
The above picture of the king of England was taken during the recent
review of the home fleet of England at Portland, wher there were 425 ships
assembled. England takes great pride in her navy, and the prospects of a
clash between her fleet and that of Germany was fraught with awe inspiring
' " w
pnoio by American Press Association.
Kaiser Takes Great Pride In His Peerless Navy
The accompanying photograph was tukeu from the warship Deutselilnmi
of the Gerr-in navy. The German navy Is the apple of the kaiser's eye and
was expected to give a splendid account of itself aguinst Its foes.
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On on th Judga.
A lawyer was arguing a case before
certain Judge, between whom and
himself thero was no love lost. The
Judge listeued for awhile 'wlth til con
cealed Impatience and then burst out
"Tut, tut! Mr, W., you have your
points of law all upside down!"
"1 don't doubt that they seem bo to
your honor," replied Mr. W "but
you'll thluk differently when your hon
or' rulings are reversed." New lork
Very Nearly Troubls.
"Horace, you don't love tne as you
used to."
"Not altogether, my dear, When we
were Brat married I loved you for your
beauty. Now I love you for your real
worth, your many excellencies of inlud
and heart and for your"
"So, Horace Hlggs worthy! You think
I've got entirely over my good looks,
do you? Let me tell you, sir"
"And for your unfailing sweetness of
disposition, my dear."
Cncertaln whether to go ahead and
scold him Just the same or to Indulge
tn a good cry, she compromised by do
ing neither nud fell to darning bis
socks with renewed energy.
Born Diplomat.
"Harry, 1 am beginning to believe
the baby looks like you."
"Are you, dear?"
"Yes. 1 notice It more aud more
every day. Pro so glad."
"l)o you really want him to look like
"Of course I da I've been sorry
ever since we had him christened that
we didn't give hliu your mime."
"Sweetheart, you don't know bow
happy you make me by saying that'
"And, Harry, dear. 1 fotiud the love
liest hat today. I don't believe 1 ever
saw anything that was so becoming to
me. It's $35. Do you think 1 ought to
pay that much for a bat?" Chicago
Discordant Thoughts.
In wandering through your mental
pleasure grounds whenever yoo come
upon an ugly Intruder of a thought
which might bloom Into some poison
ous emotion, such as fear, euvy, hate,
worry, remorse, anger and the like,
there is only one right way to treat It
pull it up like a weed, drop It upon the
rubbish heap as promptly as If It were
a stinging nettle and let some harmoni
ous thought grow in its plare. There
is no more reckless consumer of all
kinds of exuberance than the discord
ant thought, and weeding It out saves
such an astonishing amount of eau de
vie wherewith to water the g;inlen of
Joy that with It every man may be his
own Burbank. Atlantic Monthly.
An Awakening Industry.
In the window of a small general
shop not far from New Cross station
may be observed a card bearing this In
scription: "Workmen called early In
the morning. Terms moderate." Such
a notice Is rarely to be seen In London
nowadays, though the custom Is an old
one and was much in vogue previous
to the invention of the cheap alarm
clock. The Individual engaged In the
calling Is known as a "knocker up,"
and a favorite method of awaking the
would be early riser is by nipping on
the bedroom window pane with a stick
or by throwing up small stones. In the
north of England the "knocker op" Is
still a familiar figure. Westminster
Cot It In the Bill.
"There was a rare spectacle in South
Kensington the other night-that of a
plumber at a loss how to enter a cer
tain item In a bill to a customer." says
the London Mail. "The plumber had
been called lu to locate the source of
an unfortunate odor. He promptly
hauled the house about, but he fulled
to And a dead rat or anything else to
cause the trouble. Then he put the
place together again and departed to
build the bill. For what could he
charge? He had discovered nothing,
achieved nothing, yet a charge must be
made. This Is the bill received by the
householder: 'To looking for smell,
eightpeucc' "
Saving a Drowning Person,
In trying to save any one who may
be drowning a swimmer should never
approach the victim In front, as a
drowning man will clutch at a straw,
and he will grub the would be rescuer
and drown both, but the swimmer
should dive under hliu and seize hlra
from behind. Should he struggle, the
rescuer has to be cruel only to be kind,
so he should strike him between the
eyes, stun him and tow him ashore. A
drowning man nlwnjs comes to the
surface twice before he drowns, be
en use It takes about that time for water
to lill the lungs, and that for'-es the ulr
out. As long h any air remains In the
the lungs the body will float. Phila
delphia Ledger.
Human life is a building. It
risci slowly day by day throughout
the years. Every new lemon we
learn lays a block on the edifice
which is rising silently within us.
Every influence that impresses us,
every book we read, every conver
sation we have indeed, every act '
of our commonest days adds
something to the invisible building.
J. R, Miller.
The Greatest cf
Modern Time Savers
The Newspapers
YOUR grand
mother used
to do her buying
with much more
ditllculty than you
do now.
She had to In
spect nearly ev
erything personal
ly. She took more time than you
could possibly afford to waste.
Times have changed.
BimpUjled through ADVKUTI8
INU, You go direct to the point.
NewspaHr advertising Is tne
8I10HT CUT to economical buy
ing. It's a TIME 8.W Kit and a
DOLLAR SAVEU. It aids you
LY, more so than iiuv other form
of advertising
Newspoper advertising hits the
tut it on the head. It holds the
attention of thousands. Its re
TIVE and SI' KK.
We want yon actually to real
lie what newspaper advertising
dues for you. Don't you think
you ought to tie glad that you
are living In this wuiidn rill age
Ills eyes ashluo with ancient
His blood aglow with subtle ra
cial lire,
For him are quenched tho stir
rings of desire.
The pageant of the world has
ceased to please;
Hushed are the evening songs
the lutes of ease;
In the war flume, that old an
cestral pyre.
He casta his hopes of home,
wife, child or sire;
Instinct of race, a passion more
than these,
The spirit of his country holds
him thrall;
In him forgotten heroes, for
bears, rise.
Strengthening his heart to com
mon sacrllhe.
Out of the darkness generations
And martyr hosts that unrecord
ed fall
Kaliite him from the void with
joyful cries.
Author Unknown.
Reading maketl) a full man,
conference a ready man aud
writing an exact uiau.-Macon.
There is a fashion In letten
which regulates the books we
purchase and tho authors we
tnlk about. llovee.
Literature Is the thought of
thinking souls. Carlyle.
But, Indeed, we prefer books)
to pounds, and we love manu
scripts better than florins, and
we prefer small pamphlets to
war horses. Disraeli.
Wherever literature console
sorrow or assuages pain wher
ever It brings gladness to eyes
which fail with wakefulness and
tears and ache for the dark
huiise and the long sleep there
is exhibited In Its noblest form
the Immortal Influence of Ath
ens. Macaulny,
All literature writes the char
acter of the wise man. Emer
son. "Come In; the
North Beach
Queen of all Pacific Northwest
Summer Resorts
I'titlenee-Wlll says wheu ho klsset
yU last ulght ho noticed you'd been
eating onions.
Patrice-Well, all I've got to say ll
that a lniiii who will notice unions on
a girl brnlh when he's kissing hl
hasn't got his nilmt on his biiMlnes.
Yonkers Stalesiuiiu.
I MHo ths modest tnnn He's merit.
You seldom hwtr Ids "tin.
But when a innn hne lots of olieek
H hss a lot of rhin.
-Cincinnati Enquirer.
The artillerist always spoke of bis
gun lu the feminine tender.
"You see, sir, she was never yet l
lenced!" he explained, with glistening
Her nownlst cost five hundred tieansi
Iter furs, tour flsures In a row;
Her hat removed from nnps'S Jesos
A hundred shekels more nr an
In fact, thoush slie'e but In her teens,
She's quite the dearest girl I know.
He-Yes, I'm soldier. I helped Kug
land win the Iloer war.
tfheu that so? Which UI wen
you ou?-Judgu.
In lenrnlns none emild equal you
1 think whene'er i lic-ir vuu bluw.
Vain UmsKnrt, It "u unlv knew
A lentil of what you think you know.
-lvirull Free I'mie.
This phonograph," averred the sales
man, "ni-eils no Introduction."'
"Why not?"
"It speaks for ltsclf."-Jiidgn.
There once wns a eieum radlsfor
Whoee enldm-es srew grrtlnr il greater.
To thp innllor Hill."
Citid the imin with chill,
"Your tits line gone down I Annate herf
-New Vork I'reat.
"I am afraid your husband Is of
choleric tcmtieranioiit, madam."
Good heavens, doctor, and not om
of us has ever bad tho cholery, either!
Jtallliuore American.
Hie ilearen' wteh once to t
A hnipy multimillionaire,
II ii I that wns yenre ssa, ere he
Uegun to lie tils euily hair.
He wUhrs now that on hla pile
Another thatch of hslr would grow
And Hint he might reduce hie weight
To whal II was ten years ago.
Chicago Ueroril-llernUI.
That s ilesuian Is man of xlth."
"Ye; bus a very smooth articles
Judge. Alt slrls re sl'ly over men.
"Tis ilin plain can he.
Jut listen and you'll noilre when
They laugh Ihrv ey. "He, he!"
Cincinnati Knqtilrsr.
"Thiil new head waller will nevei
"What's the trouble? lie seem ti
be very courteous."
"I know, but he's actually letting
our guests sit at tho tables they pie
fer themselves." Detroit free Press.
"We're making more headway than ever,"
she saiu.
"And whal." he Inquired, "may Its pur
Bhe replied, "Oh. we meet snd tell s
Crete, you sue!
"Poets Ore born," says the phlloso-
nher of folly, "and that's Just the trott
ble. In nine cases out of ten It would
be better If they weren t."-Clevelntn)
Plain Dealer,
There once was s three leitaed durk
On a pelt tie of plitments goi stuck.
From the pnU-ite he amtded
To rnnvne mid erramhled.
The result being futurlet truck.
New York Run.
Hurley (Just arrived i-fiee. but tin
air tn this Hut Is dopey, Clara!
Mrs. lliiiley-.Muybe It's due to tin
steam hlltlng the pipe. Puck.
"He fell In love with her figure."
No wonder, for eho wss p'nch.
He shnoK nl the thought of proponing-
Hlie "pinii'd r far out of rench.
"He fell In love with her ftxnre."
Hhe wns constantly In his thoughts.
No wnndnr lie loved hnr o madly
Her figure was one nnd six nnuKhtal
Portland Oregonlnn,
"Pa, what Is a comfortable Income?
"One that sits easy on t lit conscience
I suppose."-Detroit Free. Press.
Water's Fine"
Sells round trip tickets at low
fares with liberal
Every Day
For full particulars, fares, sched
ules, etc., ask any agent
of the '8 20-21
O-W. R. & N.
Notice t Sliciilfs Halo,
llv virtue of an enot'ullou In lureclos
tire duly Issued by Iho t'letk of therlr.
nil Ctlllll Ul Ulr uoillliv oi viooe, pmvn
,1,. .,I Ilii, I7llv ilu,' l.l .liilv.
lull. Iii a certain action lu tlio circuit
court fur said comity ami suite, wlieteln
Catharine Hoot plalntlll recovered
Imlgmetit against VV. 1', Mvers, Blelltt
. Myers and Ira I'eiiwell as defendants
lor mo sum tn lour Minimaim mro
hundred and seventy tluee and 2U HH
dollars, Willi Interest thereon liom said
l''th dsv of March, 11114, suit costs and
disbursements tsxed at thirteen !251(k
lollsi'S, and attorney fee four hundred
dollars, on the IL'tli day of March, 111 Ik
Notice It hereby given that I will on
Tk 224 Dey sf Aisl, 1914,
at the north front door of the court
house in Prlnevllle, Oregon, In Crook
county, in eaiil enmity, si 10 o'l-lock lu
loietioon oi saiu tisy, ecu si pitnno auc
tion to the highest bidder, for club, the
following demrlbed property, to w In
The land ikm-maxi in planum a coin.
In i ii t. to-wlts Lots One, Two, Three,
Four, mid the northeast quarter 01
northweet qoaiter of rei liuu llility, lit
townetilpt welve south, ul range ll. litem
east W, M.
And lbs north west quarter of south-
ensl quarter, Section Iweiily eix, In
towiiMnp sixteen south, ol range eleven
eJt, W illametle, meridian, lu Crook
comity, Oitgoti
Tnki'ti and levied upon s the property
of the said W, I'. Miers, Siella D, Myers
and Ira 1 oiiwU, sioi I wllUcll l in' einn
or as much therenl s may be ttccn-sitry
lo eatielsy the esld judgment lu Isvortd
I'Mlhsrliie Hool sgallmt ealil , r.
Mvers. S'clls I'. Mvets Shd li lYliwell
with inlercel lliereon, together with all
oeis and dlehoreoiiieiile that have nr
limy seeiiiH r u A N K I'.lsiss, Mtrrlll.
Paled mi Prinevllle.Ure , Jul IT, 1111 1,
lly W. F., Y,n AutsN, I'cp, Sherttl.
fsolicu of Sliurilfi Sitls.
llv virtue of si: execution in foreclos
ure dulv Imui'il by tho clerk of the elr
....i. i ,i ,...u ,.r r....b H,ut
rioi omit in in,. i iniij.', iw,w
of Oregon, dated the Itth day of July,
1U1I, In a certain action in the circuit
conn for said county and etate, wherein
Fduiund M. l.ovas tieteiiilsnl recovered
iuilgiiietit ansitiBl I'arry l.sikin end
I.Hni M. Lai kill as ileleiiilauts, for Ilin
emu of live hundred thirteen and fdj DI
dollar, with iittereet thereon from the)
;td day ol ovi!iuler, lull, at a r cent,
and costs and dii-biireruienle taxed
at seventeen no lot) dollars, and sity
lollars S attorney lee, on Hie llthday ol
March 11)11.
.Notice is hereby ivru thai I will on
Tk. Z2i D.r ef A..t, 1914,
at the) north front disir of tho court
hottee In I'rinculli', Oreiton, III Crook
county in snld county, al 10 o'clock in
the loretnsiii ol eaul ilsy roll at I'Ulilii)
siii tlori to the hliiheei bid li-r. tor tush,
the (ollow ii tlem rilied properly, to- It;
1 he iiilhweet quarter ol southcaet
ipisiler, nit am ti'iity-jlx, the north
hull nl lluttln'ii! t quarter, and eoutlieant
tuarler of tint noruieset quarter, riH'tloti
thirty live. Hi township eb veil foutb.
ol rainje leveat, the Willuiiielte me-
rlilian, i rook counly, Urivu,
leki u and levied upon as the proper
ty ol the Met hi I'm ry I,i kill and I .lieu
M l.sikin and Hill sell tho ssnio or as
lunch thereof as may be nmi-mry lu
snlirfy the aid juljuieiit In favor of
I'.uiniind Love, tho planum, kiii1
said Parrv Caikiu and Kllen M.l.atkin,
Willi intereet thereon, touelher with all
costs ami dinliursciiienlM that have or
may accrue,
I s ink, Hherifl.
faledat I'rineville, Ore., July 17, A.I.
lly W. K. Vs Al.l.KN, lN"p. Hlieriff.
Ill tlie county court of the statu ol
Oregon for t In' county ol Crook.
In the mutter of the estnte of Johu
II. Jnrrett, ileceileed.
To Ada K, Jnrrett, Jnnns J. Jnr
rett, Nitrtih M. Pniilln, Hubert J,
Jnrrett, ileiijiiinlti IS. Jnrri't t, 'Minimis
S. Jnrrett, Wllltniu M. Jnrrett, Ailu
Jnrrett, Jr., Knrl Jnrrelt, Mnrle
It. Jnrrelt, I, mile M. Jurrctt, llowuril
T. Jnrrett, M. R. IHkus, Ktiiirillnil ml
litem, nlso till other unknown heir
nml nil other persons Interested tt
the herelimfler described property,
In the nntne of I lie State of Oregon.
Yon are hereby cltetl unit required
to niipiir In the county court of tho
etnte of Oregon for the county ol
Crook, nt the court room thereof, nt
Prlnevllle, lu the county of Crook
stnte of Oregon, oil I tltsdi.v, the Kth
iluy of September, 1014, lit 10 o'clock
In the forenoon of that day, then
nml there to show en use, If tiny ex
ists, why mi order should not be
made setting nslde, viicutliig anil
holding for naught I he prevlotm
orders made by the above entltleil
court In the above entitled estate lor
the sale of the real property herein,
ufter described, mid nlxo setting
aside, vacating and holding for
untight the orders confirming suit
You are further liereliy cited nml
required to appear at the place mid
tlino hereinbefore mentioned to show
cause, If any exist, why an order
should not be Hindu for the sale of
the following described real property
belonging to the cstntu of Joint If.
Jnrret t, deceased, to-wlt:
Lots three (3) and four (4), nml
tho south half (J) of the northwest
quarter (i) of section five i5), lu
township fourteen (14) south, range
nineteen (1U), east of the Willamette
meridian, containing 15.'! 84 acres, ac
cording to the olllclal plat, mid
United States survey thereof, mid
lying and sit unto In Crook county,
Witness the Honorable G. Springer,
judge of the county court of the
state of Oregon for the county of
Crook, with the seal of said court
Hlllxed this (1th day of July, 1014.
Attest: Wauiihn Hhown,
(Olllclal Seal) Clerk.
WlM.AIfl) H. WlllTJl,
Attorney for Kstato.
Dale of llrst poll., July 2U. 1914.
I late of last pub., August 20, 11114.
Dairy Ranch for Sale
820 acres; (50 ncrea under cu !ti
vation; 5 living springs. Good
for 100 tons hoy per year. For
further information apply to 15. ?.
IJlancjiet, Suplce, Ore. 7-2-2mp
For your Fishing Tackle go to
J- E. Stewart & Co.