Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 06, 1914, Image 6

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It Was With the Tigers In
1908, Says Jennings.
Detroit Leader Cant Understand Why
Napa Didnt Taka Advantage of
Roeeman's Weakneea and Win Flag.
Athletice Tried to Pull 8tunt, but
Sohaefer Outgueeeed Them.
H'ughle Jennings aays he still can
not understand why Cleveland did not
beat Detroit for the American league
championship In 1908.
"Detroit was lucky to win that year
If any club ever was," says Jennings,
"and I have never been able to under
stand why Cleveland did not beat us."
Cleveland finished, second to Detroit
In 1908. The difference between the
two. clubs at the end of the season
was slight Nap Lajoie managed the
"Two victories by Cleveland over De
troit would have beaten us easily,"
says Hughle. "They had Information
which should have given them at least
two games.
"You know we got Claud Kossman
from Cleveland. Rossmau came to us
a great hitter, an awkward and un
reliable fielder, and an impossible
thrower. How Rossman's inability to
throw drove him out of the league in
1909 is well known, but in 1908 be bad
Just as little ability, and the same
goes for 1907.
"The first year we won a pennant,
1907, Rossman could not throw to sec
ond, and he had trouble tossing the
ball back to the pitcher on a throw
"to first base. Of course everybody on
cat. .
Photo by American Press Association.
huohjb jzknings ooachiso.
the Detroit team well knew about
Rossman's weakness and also well
guarded the fact and succeeded in
keeping It from the other dubs.
"But Cleveland also certainly knew.
They could not help knowing. There
was no chance for them to win a
championship on their knowledge of it
in 1907, but in 1908 they certainly had
It in them. Why they ever failed to
take advantage of it is something 1
have never been able to understand.
They could have played It to suit them
selves and kept it to themselves.
"There was only one time that I saw
Cleveland use their Information. In a
game with us they bad Birmingham
on first base and somebody else, I for
.get who, on third. Birmingham led
away off and started to walk toward
second. I knew what was up then.
'Of course the ball was thrown to Ross
man, and the second the pitcher let it
o the man on third dashed borne and
Birmingham sprinted for second. Ross
man made some kind of a wild toss
and the run scored easily, while Bir
mingham hugged second.
"That play made no difference in the
result of the game, but I said to myself
that night, the gag's up: they've final
ly got it' But they never tried it
"That same year, 1908, Philadelphia
was making a spurt I think Philadel
phia bad a suspicion. With Collins on
first and Murphy on third, I saw Col
lins take a big lead. Scbaefer guessed
what was coming off and ran Into the
pitcher. He told him that If Collins
started for second to throw the ball to
Sehaefer Instead of RossmaD and
Kchaefer would get at least one of the
men. Sure enough, Collins went down
toward second, but Instead of throwing
to Rossman the pitcher threw to
Bchacfer. and Herman nulled Murphy
at home.
"They did not try to pull It again
until 1909. Tra Thomas went from De
troit to Philadelphia, and Ira carried
the secret along with him. Philadelphia
came along, and you know what hap
penedeverybody that reached first
walked to second. They forced us to
get rid of Rossman. But why Cleve
land, with the same Information In
IOC'S, did not work It Is something that
is beyond me. They could have won
a pennant with the knowledge, that's
i UV
t ' vF
Tom Bundy, National Doubles
Champ, on Davis Cup Team.
i " J
Photo by American Press Association.
T HOHAS C BTJNDT, the veteran California tennis sharp and holder of
the national doubles title with McLoughlln, has been chosen as a
member of the Davis cup team. He will have to fight it out with
Carl Bebr for the honor of playing In the doubles, but owing to his
having paired off with McLoughlln in so many hard matches It is thought
that he will surely be the final choice.
What the CuDs Need to Win,
According to Bresnatiaa
Umpire Johnson Pulling a Funny 8tunt
en the Bsses Very Few Heavy
weights Hsvs Held Title at John
sen's Ags How Fed Raids Hsvs
Hurt Orgsnized Baseball.
Roger Bresnahan and Christy Math
ewson, battery mates for McC raw's
Giants in the days when talking to a
Cub player was considered a sacrilege,
met during the recent Giant-Cub series
in Chicago.
"You're getting younger every day.
Roger, and you never worked better.
How do you like being a Cub nowT
Matty asked.
"We got the best ball club In the
league, Matty," Bresnahan replied,
"and if you was on our pitching staff
we would be so far ahead that the race,
would be a Joke."
They talked over olden times for
nearly twenty minutes and then pro
ceeded to dig up their hatchets, for
when the Cub backstop came to bat
in the fifth be yelled for Matty to duck
as soon as he threw the ball If be
wanted to keep on pitching.
"You could not bat .100 in the Kitty
league," Mathewson shot back, and
proceeded to get his ex-mate on" a foul
fly to the catcher.
When working as a field umpire Mr.
Johnson is pulling a novel trick, doubt
less unthinkable, which seems strictly
illegal and yet apparently has no pro
motion in the piles. When a long hit
Is made and Mr. Johnson, as is the cus
tom, accompanies the runner around
the bases, he stops, spreads his hands
and gives the "safe" signal at the base
where the runner should end bis stride.
The umpire thus acts as coach and
protector to the base runner, and no
runner thus directed can oversllde, go
too far or be beaded off. Doubtless the
habit Is purely mechanical, and Mr.
Johnson escorts the runners impartial
ly for both sides, but should it not be
unlawful for an umpire to guide, direct
and protect the sprinters?
The fact that Jack Johnson had
reached the age of thirty-six when be
risked his title against Frank Moran
has led to some interesting discussion
regarding the ages at which previous
heavyweight champions lost their ring
John L. Sullivan was thirty-four
years old when defeated by James J.
Corbett at New Orleans In 1892. He
held the title for ton years, but Cor
bett was less fortunate, for he retained
the championship but five years, being
thirty one years old when Bob Fltz
slmrnons won at Carson City In 1897.
FltZNlmmoiix' tenure of ciuinploiiHliip
was even less, for fit tte a? of thirty
seven he was knocked out by Jim Jef
fries at Coney Island In 1899 after
holding the title for two years and
three months. Jeffries, who met de
feat at the bands of Johnson at Reno
July 4, 1910, was thirty-five years old
when Johnson wrested the ring hon
ors from him. He held the champion
ship for eleven years.
The following table shows the extent
of the Fed raids on organized baseball
Evans, Cardinal. Brooklyn
Wilson, Giants C'Mraico
W. Miller. Chicago Cub. Be Louis
Wiltstt, Detroit 8t Louis
D. Murphy, Athletics Brooklyn
Crandall. Giants St. Louis
yulnn, Boston. N. U Baltimore
Zwllllnu, Boston. N. L. Chicago
Laporte. Washington Indianapolis
Uakes, Cardinals Pittsburgh
Dooian. Philadelphia. N. U .... Baltimore
Wlckland, Cincinnati Chlcao
Easterly. Whit Sox Kansas City
Meyer, Brooklyn Baltimore
Tinker, Brooklyn Chicago
Zeider. New York, A. Chicago
Hendrlx, Pittsburgh , Chicago
Hartley, Gtams 8t. Louis
Simon, Pittsburgh 8L Louis
BiidwslU Chicago Cubs St. Louis
Seaton. Philadelphia. N. L. Brooklyn
Myers, Boston. N. U Brooklyn
Cooper, omnM Brooklyn
Palkenberg, Cleveland Indianapolis
Knabe. Philadelphia. N. L. Baltlmors
Packard, Cincinnati Kansas City
Sukks. Cincinnati Baltimore
Stovall. St Louis, A. Kansas City
Kord, New York. A Buffalo
Brown. Cincinnati St Louis
Camnltz, Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
Harter, Cincinnati Indianapolis
Groom, Washington St. Louts
Moaeley. Boston Red Sox .... Indianapolis
Cullon, Cleveland Kansas City
Moore. Chicago Cubs Buffalo
Dickson, Boston, N. L Pittsburgh
Brennan, Philadelphia, N. L. .... Chicago
Houck, Athletics Brooklyn
Marsans, Cincinnati St. Louis
Johnson, Cincinnati Kansas City
Roberts, Cardinals Pittsburgh
Chase. Chicago, A Buffalo
Schultx. New York. A. Buffalo
Davenport, Cincinnati Chicago
One reason that George Weaver Is
the shortstop of the White Sox Is be
cause be played a game for 48 cents for
Dick Devaney's famous St. Mary's
team of Pboenlxvllle Just five years
Weaver is a native of Stowe, Pa.,
which Is not far from Pottstown. Ear
ly in the season of 1909 Weaver, who
was then not much bigger than a
bee's knee, was constantly pressing
Devaney for chance with St Mary's,
which has always been one of the
strongest Independent clubs in Its part
of the country.
Devaney was surprised, for Weaver
was nothing more than a sand lot play
er who butted In when the St Mary's
players were drilling. But he noticed
that he was a conscientious, agile little
cuss, and one day be told blm be
would give him a chance.
He took Danny, as he was known
to the boys then, to Pottstown and sta
tioned him at third base. Weaver play
ed a rattling good game both at but
and In the field, and Devaney wns
pleased over his showing. After the
game he went up to Weaver to pay
him off.
"What's the damage, Danny?" asked
"Well, 48 cents will be all right,"
was the response. It happened that 48
cents was the exact amount In car
fare that It cost Weaver to get to the
Of course Devaney paid him more
than this amount, but the Incident
made a big impression on him, and be
at once made him a regulnr and ever
afterward took a big Interest in bis career.
In the circuit court of tlu state of
Oregon for Crook comity.
Crook County, Oregon, a public cor
porntlon, plaintiff,
CW Allen, John Arnlcker, Ashwootl
uoltl Milling Co, John Haiti, is A
Bnkley, C 1' Becker, 11 C B. II. Not
tie M Bolsevert. Jess J ltovd, J C
Rrognn, C C Buchanan, CC Butler,
Mulild P Cnrson. Geo H Caruer,
W 1 Clnrk. Aline U Cleveland,
Columbia valley Trust Co, it S
Cook & Co, Dan C Crowley, Severt
lVblng, J F Drew, Ivy O Diivltl.
son, Emma E topping, Edward
Fagnn, Mary Ferguson, il W
Gamble, II V Gates, Agues K
George, J D Gibson, Mrs A M Gilt
son, ll Glldner. Walter Gillespie?.)
W Ulrssncr, Alexander Halhrook.
Jerry Haley, K It llnllermnn, W K
Hummer, W H llnnon, J T lions,
ton, J W Hurt, Kva Johnson, II K
Jones, J U Jullen, O O J nines,
Cora A Jones, Cora A Jones, E' .1
Lane, K J Lench, Ralph E Lewis,
CM Lister, Mrs, Kster Link wood,
W Lord, O K Loueks, Wm W
Luther, Dennis Lynch, J W
Mnckey, Chus A Mlchltr, (1 W
Milts, II B Miller. V J Mllllgan,
Klsle MIIIIKan. A it Mlukler, W V
Myers, J II Moore, J W McCollum,
O McCollum, Jail McColluiii, T
McCoy, McMct'ii & Springer,
Lnuchlln McNeil, Millie McI'Ih iihoii,
McTaggart & Hye, Nancy H Noble,
C I' Nelson, Mrs It A O'Kaue.
I'IiiinW Parrlsh, John M Payne
John R Powers, Mrs M J Price, T
R Unborn, Thus Ui llly Kst, K W
Roberts, K RoMcnbnuiii, Floyd A
Kovvell, Sanford & Rodman,' D P
Khrum, RS Price, (ieo K Smith,
Jhiih- Spencer, O K Spluks. J !'
Sialey, L C Sleplit-nHon. Win tl
Stiles, Tbos K Stroud, J P Stick
ler. Mauil Taylor, W P Thorp. C
M Triplet!, T B Tucker. Henry D
Turner, John li Vauderpool, It It
Vaughn, Geo Voore, M Warner &
M M Burnett, Harry (1. Webb. S S
WllkliiH, Iva 11 West, (ieo Wither
by, It G Wllcoxen, (1 A Wilson,
Joliu B Wliner, P B Reynolds, ami
all persons unknown owning or
claiming to own, or having, or
claiming to have, any right, title,
equity or Interest whatever In the
real proierty herelnalter descrlted,
To C W Allen, John Arnlcker, Ash
wood Gold Mining Co, Jobu llaln,
S A Bakley, CP Becker, H C Bell,
Nettle M ilolsevert, Jess J Boyd, J
C Brogan. C C Buchanan, C C
Butler, Hulda P Corsou, Geo 11
Caruer. W D Clark, Aliuee B Cleve
land. Columbia Valley Trust Co,
B S Cook A Co, Dan 0 Crowley,
Severt Deblug, J F Drew, Ivy C
Davidson, Kinnia K Kpplng, Kd
ward Fagan, Mary Ferguson, II
W Gamble, H V Gates, Agnes K
George. J D Gibson, Mrs A M Gib
son, B Gllduer, Walter Gillespie, J
W Glessuer, Alexauder llulbrook,
Jerry Haley, K R Hallcrman, W F
Hauiiner, W H Hanon, J T lions
ton, J W Hurt, Eva Johnson, II F
Jones, J G J ulleti, O O James, Cora
A Jones, Cora A Jones, EJ ljtne.
E J Leach, Ralph K 1-ewlH, C M
Lister, Mrs Ester Lock wood, W
Lord, G R Loueks, Wm M Luther,
Dennis Lynch, J W Mnckey, Chas
A Mlchler, G W Miles, 11 E Miller,
CJMIIIIgan, Elsie Mllllgan, A R
Mlnkler. W P Myers, J H Moore, J
W McCollum, (i McCollum, Jail
McCollum. T McCoy, McMeen A
springer, Laiichlln McNeil, Millie
McPbeason, McTaggart & Bye,
Nancy It Noble, C P Nelson, Mrs II
A O'Kune, ('has W Parrlsb, John
M Payne, John R Powers, Mrs M
J Price. T R Unborn, Thos Rcllly
est, E W Roberts, R Rosenbauiu,
Fkd A Rowell. Ranford & Rod
man, D I' Shrum, R 8 Price. Geo E
Smith, James Spencer, O E Splnks,
J F Stuley, L C Stephenson. Wm
G Stiles, Thos E Stroud, J PStrlck
ler, Maud Taylor, W P Thorp, C M
Trlplett, T B Tucker, Heury D
Turner, John B Vunderpool, R B
Vaughn, Geo Vooreir. , M Warner
& R M Burnett, Harry G Webb, S
S Wllklns. Iva It West, Geo With
erby, It G Wllcoxen, G A Wilson.
John B Wlmer, P B Reynolds, and
all persons unknown owning or
claiming to own, or having or
claiming to have, any right, title,
equity or Interest whatexer In the
reul proerty hereinafter described,
the above named defendants:
In the name of the state of Oregon
You are hereby notified that Crook
County, Oregon, a public corpora
tion, the bolder of Certificates of De
llnqucncy C 2(11 to C 28, Issued on
June 2nd, 1914, by the tax collector
of the county of Crook, slate of Ore
gon, for the amount of Two thou
sand two hundred seventy-one and
eighteen hundredths f2271.1), dol
lars, the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for taxes
for the year 1909. together with pen
alty, Interest and costs thereon up
on the real property assessed to you,
of which you are the owner as up
pears of record, situated In said
county and state, and particularly
hounded and described as rollows,
EH nwi sec 10, tp 16, r 12; lot 2,
blk 40, Pal tnn In; i of hcJhcJ sec 3(1,
tp 9, r IB; s 7 acres se swj sec 29, tp
17, r 12, nw nw, ej nwi sec 26, tp
lfl, r l:i; lot 1ft, blk 14, Laldluw; lot 9,
blk 40, Pulmaln; sei sec 34, tp 9. r 13:
scjnwi.swj nej, nwi sej, nej swj
sec 30, tp 11, r 19; ej nwj, swj nw,
nwj swj sec 20. tp 13, r 11; nwjj swj.
si nw, nej nw sec 19, tp 9, r 18; se
tie sec 9, sw nw. wj sw sec 10, tp
12, r 12; se se sec 1, tp 13. r 13.- si
sw, ne sw sec 0, tp 13, r 14; nj sw
sec 6, n se sec 6, tp 16, r 20: sj sec
;iu, tp IB, r 10; lot 10, blk 13. Lald-
law, lot 20, blk 14, Laldlaw; ne se
sec 9, nj sw nw se sec 10. tp 1.1, r
lo; lots u. 12, blk 13 Lnldlaw; n lot
11, all lot 12, blk II. Laldlaw: lie sci
sec 12, tp 10, r 17; wj sw, se sw
sec 7, tp 10, r 18; lot ((, blk 20, Lald
law; e4 sw, se nw sec 16, tp 13,
r 11; Lytle acre 6; nw sec 311, tp 14.
r 10; v'A se sec 22, tp 11, r 19; nw
ne, ne nw sec 27, tp 11, r 19; lot 8,
blk 17, Deschutes add; ni sw. sei
sw, sw se sec 24, tp 9, r 17; lots 7,
8, tdk II, 1st add Prlnevllle; lot 2, blk
6, Laldlaw; e e sec 9, tp 16, r 11;
wj wy3 sec nj, ip jii, r ll; hJ sec 4, tp
1(1, r 11 ; hi ne, ne sei. set sel sec
17, tp 11. r 19; lot 5, blk IB, Red
mond; n J nw. sw nw, sec 17, se
ne sec 18, tp 11, r 19: ni swi. nwl
se, sw nw4 sec 33. tp 11, r 13; lot
4, blk 9, Laldlaw; wj se gw
sec 22, ne nw sec 27, tp 12, r 11; ne
se see II, e , nw sw see 13, Ip
1'J, r 13; se see 10, tp 10, r 13; nw
nw sec 9, li in sec 8, tp 1U, r 18;
sw sw sec 4, nel sec 10, all of sec
21, tp 15, r 18; k lot 2, blk II), Pal
ninlii; lie se sec !I4, lie lit see 22,
tp in, r 12; lots ft, 0, blk s, Um.
inotid; h) sw see 19, tp 10, r 13; lot
12, blk 2, Lnldlavt ; lot 4, blk 11, Bend;
lots tl. 7, 8, 9, blk 28, Betid; w ne,
wt se sec 29, tp in, r 20; m i n
in sw, lota B, tl, see 0, tp 17, r 22
w4 swi, net swt sei nwl sec 25.
17, r 11; wt o w i, vA, sec 2. all sec 8.
tp W, r 17; sec 34, tp 14. r 17; lot 8,
blk 20, Pulmaln; sw see 10, tp 15, r
12; lots 1, 2, .'I, blk l, Paluialu; liw
lie, i neV, sef4, sec lit,
tp IS, r 15; sw ne sec 1, tp
13, r 10; ne nw. w'y in),
nwl se sec 32, tp 20, r 21; i nwl,
nw lie sec 27, se sw sec 22, tp 12,
r 14; wse I ) sw, r) lie w 33,
sw sw sec 27, tp 15, r 24, set se
sec 28, tp 1A, r 24; e ne, n se sec
19, tp 21. r 12: s s sec 33, tp 12, r 14;
lots 2, 3,sec ft, tp 13, r 14; si sw,
sw m sec 32, tp 12, r 14; se sw j,
se sec 26. ela nw), sw ne See 3G, tp
12, r 13; sw, sec 26, tp 14, r 16; nw
st see 2(1, tp 18, r II, lie sec 26, tp
14, r 13; lots 6, i, blk 11, Ashwood;
wi nw J, nw ) sw sec 29, lie se sec
30, tp 10, r 16, lot 2, blk 11, Ashwood;
se see 7, tp 19, r 13; tiw lie sec 33,
tp 12, r 12; w sw, si sw sec 12,
nw nw sec 13, tp 12, r 10; w nw,
w S, sw) see 10. tp 12, r 16; lot 14. blk
20, lot 6. blk li, Pulinaln: sw sec
2ft, tp 12, r 12; lot 2:', blk 4:, Red
mond; lots 11, 12, blk 10, it I;
nw, s ne, ne se sec 4, tp 11, r 15;
lie se see 32, nw sw , liw sec
.tl. tp 10, r 17; s mi, ft, nw sec 28,
tp 15, r 16; lots 5, It, blk l", M It P
Prlnevllle; lot 2, blk 64, Redmond;
i'i in, el, si'-4, sw si st 16, ip 9,
r 18: sw se, s sw sec II, liw lie
sit- 23, tp 9, r 18; si si , sw in see
20. tp 15, r 10; si sw sec 20, si ) si
sec 27, sw in sec 35, tp 11, r 19; lie
ne sic 30, tp 16, r 19; lot II, blk 11,
l'u I in it 1 1) ; sw ni), i'i ni, liw si
see 4, tp 10, r 19; lot 4, blk 15. Prlue
vllltssw sw sec 16, tp 16, r 1ft; ne
sw see 11, s sw sec 12, tp 17, r 16;
lot 2, blk 67, Redmond ; sw sec 9, tp
13, r 13, m- sec 32, tp 19, r 10; se
sec 3ft, tp 11, r 19; nw sw, se) sw,
si si , in se
, li. se) sec 311, Ip 11, r iu; n
i' 2, tp 12, r in; lots l. , Z4,
blk 18, Laldlaw; s sw), lie sw ), sw
se sec 20, tp 14, r 17; lot 11, blk 4,
Litlillnw; ei st sec 24, tu 11, r 16, s
sw sec 19, tp 11, r 17; lot 19, blk 14,
Laldlaw ; sw) Lytle acre 29; lots H,
9, to, 11, sec 12, tp 10, r 12; lot I, blk
3, Iteuu; ni niscc 30, tp 14, r 16, w
ne, se lie), ne) se sec 9, tp 12. r 10:
s) ne), ui ) si sec 16, tp 1ft, r 12: In )
nw), nw in ) sec 23, s se) sec 14, tp
15, r 12:sw ) ne), si') tiwj, lie) sw),
nw)m)see23, tp 13, r 1ft; Palllialu
parcel 200x200 lying ft20 ft south of
blk 33, Paluialu; 1 Lytle acre nw)
29; all sec 36, tp 16, r 20; ti) sw),
sw ) liw1 see 18, Ip l.'t, r 11; lots 1, 2,
3, 4, blk 2, Paiilluii, sw sec 32, tp 16,
r 11, si Lytle acre 29.
Said C W Allen," John Arnlcker,
Ashwood 'luld Mining In, John
Bain, S A Ritklev, C I lin ker, II C
Bill, Nettle M Bolsevert, Jims J
Ituyil, J C I troy n n, C C itiicliauan,
(' C Butler, Htililu P Carson, (ieo II
Carner, W D Clark, Aline II Cleve
land, Ctduiubla Valley Trust Co, it
SCook & Co, Dan C Crowley, Svert
Debitor, J F Drew, Ivy C Davidson,
Emma. E Epplug, Edward Fagan,
Mary Ferguson, II W (iambic, 11 V
Gates, Agnes E George, J D Gibson,
Mrs A M Gibson, B Gllduer, Walter
Gillespie, J W Glessuer, Alexander
lialbrook, Jerry Haley, E R Halter
man, W F Hammer, W II ilauon. J
T Houston, J W Hurt, Eva Johnson,
11 F Jones, J G Jullen, O O James.
Cora A Jones, Corn, A Jones, E J
Lane, E J Leach, Ralph E l-ew Is, ('
M Lister, Mrs Ester Lock wood, W
Lord, G R Loueks, Wm M l.uther,
Dentils Lynch, J W Mnckey, Chas A
Mlchler, G W Miles, II E Miller, C J
Mllllgan, Elsie Mllllgan, A R Mink
ler, W P Myers, J 11 Moore, J W Mc
Collum, G McCollum, JmII McCollum,
T McCoy, McMeen & Springer,
Lnuchlln McNeil, Millie MrPhcason,
McTaggart & Bye, Nuney It Noble,
C P Nelson, Mrs II A O'Kane, Chas
W ParrtHli, John M Payne, John R
Powers, Mrs M J Price, T R Unborn,
Thos Rcllly est, E W Rolierts, R
Koseiilmuiii, Floyd A Rowell, San-
ford & Rodman, I) P Slirtini, R S
Price, Geo L Smith, Jumes Spencer.
O E Siiluks. J F Klalev. L C Stephen
son, Wm G Stiles, Thos E Stroud, J
P Strlekler, Maud Taylor, W P
Thorp, C M Trlplett, T It Tucker,
Henry U Turner, John H Vauder
pool, R II Vuilghn, Geo Voore, M
Warner & R M Burnett, Harry G
Webb, 8 S Wllklns, Iva B West, Geo
Wltherby, R G Wllcoxen. G A Wll-
son, John B Wlmer, P It Reynolds,
and all persons unknown owning or
claiming to own, or having or claim
ing to have any right, title, equity
or Interest whatever In the real
property hereinabove described, as
the owners of the legal title of the
above described property as the
same appear of record and each of
the other persons nbove named are
hereby further notified that Crook
County, Oregon, a public corpora
tion, will apply to the circuit court
of the county and state uforesald,
for a decree foreclosing: the Men
against- the property above de
scribed and mentioned In said cer
tificate. And you are hereby sum
moned to appear within sixty days
after the first publication of the sum
mons exclusive of the day of said
first publication, and defend this
action or pay the amount due as
above shown together with costs
and accrued Interest anil In case of
your failure to do so, a decree will
be rendered foreclosing the Hen of
said taxes and costs against the
land and premises above no mod.
This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable G. Springer,
Judge of the county court, of the
state of Oregon for the county nf
Crook, and said order was made
.mil dated this 11th day of June,
1914, and the date of the first publi
cation of this summons Is the lltb
day of June, 1914. Date of last pub
lication Is the 13t;h day of August,
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may be served upon tho un
derslgned residing within the state
of Oregon, at the add) ess herein
after mentioned.
Wim.abi) II. Writ,,
District Attorney and attorney for
Plaintiff. Address, Prlnevllle, Or.
Nutlco ot Slici'llVi Side,
lly virtus of nu pxecuilnil ll) liireclns
lire duly issued by His cleik of tliu cir
cuit court of I lie coiiiilv of Crook, statu
of Oii'uon, iliilol the iTili day of July,
1IU4, In vermin action In the elicull
court for said comity snil shite, wlnuelo
CslliHilne Root as plslntllf recovered
Imminent sgslust W. P. Myers, HielU
D, Myers ami Irs Pen well as lUletidsntt
for tint linn of lour lliotiksnd three
hundred ami seventy tinea slid 20 100
dollars, with Intermit thereon from said
l'.'Ui day of March, 1914, and costs and
disbursements taxed at thirteen 25- 10t
dollars, and attornsv fee four hundred
dollars, on the U'lli'dsy of March, 1914,
Notice Is hereby given that 1 will on
Tks 224 Day si Assl, 1914,
t the north front door of the court
house In Prlnsvllls, Oregon, In Crook
county, In said county, st 10 o'clock In
foienoon of said day, sell at public s no
tion to the highest bidder, for crndi, ths
following described property, to will
The land described In plainllh"s com
plaint, lo- It: Lots One, Two, Three,
Four, and the nortliesnt ipisiter of
northwest qnsitsr of m-lioii thlity, lit
townshlpt salve south, ol range thirteen
east W. M.
And the northwest quarter of noiitli
east quarter, lection tweiityix, in
lownvblp sixteen south, of range eleven
enst, Willamette tneriilinn, in Crook
county, Oregon
Tskeii sini levied upon n lbs property
of the said W. I', Mvers. Stells D. Myers
mid Irs renwxll, and I will tell the tains
or as much thereof as may be iicccKsary
to nutUfuy the said judgment In favor of
Catharine Rout against ssld W, P,
Myers, Stella U. Mveis and lis Penwell
with Interest thereon, together with all
con n! and dinliiirrciticnt (hut have or
nisy sect ne I-iunK 1' i k ins, Sheriff.
Dated st rrlimvlUe.Oie . Jul 17,1914.
By W. );, Van Au rn, Dep. Shcriu.
notice of Slici'liri Sals.
By virtue of an execution in foreclos
tire duly itnird by the cleik of the cir
cuit court of the county of Crook, list
of Oregon, dated the l.tli day of July,
1914, iu a curtain act Ion in Ilia rircint
court for said rounty ami ntnte, herein
Edmund M. Love as ilefendstit recovered
judgment against Party l.arkin and
Ellen M. I .mi kill as ilelcmlaitts, for the
sum of live hundred thirteen and T8 10U
dollars, with Interest thereon from the
3d day of NoveiuUr, 1911, at 8 r cent,
and coats and dMmrnruienta taxed
at seventeen no 100 dollars, and sixty
dollars ss attorney fee, on the lllhday of
March 1914.
Notice is hereby given thai I will ou
Tit 22a Dsy sf Asisil, 1914,
at the north front door of the court
house In Prlnevllle, Oregon, In Crook
county in said county, at 10 o'clock iu
the tort-noun of said day sell at public
auction lo the highest bidder, lor csnh,
the folios ii.g described property, to-wit;
The Siiitlisest quarter ol southeast
qusiter, section twvuty-six, the north
hull of liortheatt quarter, ami southeast
quarter of the uonhesst quarter, cci ion
thirty live, in township el- veil ninth,
of range twelvesant. His Willamette, me
ridian, Crook county, Oregon.
Taken snd levied upon ss the iirovr
tv of the said Parry I.srkili ami Ellen
M. Lar kin ami will sell the sstns or ss
much thereof as may be ueccmiary to
ealinfy the said Judgment in favor of
Edmund Love, the plaintiff, against
said Parrr l.atkin and Ellen M. Larkln,
with interest thereon, together with all
costs and disbursements that have or
may accrue.
KaNK Ei.kins, KbrrlfT.
Dated at I'rineville, Ore July 17, A.D.
By W. K. Va Ai.lkn, Dep. Pheriff.
In tin county court of the state of
Oregon for the comity of Crook.
In the matter of the estate of John
II. J arret t, deceased.
To Ada E. Jarrett, James J, Jar
rett, Sarah M Poiillii, Rols-rt J.
Jarrett, Benjamin S, Jarrett, Thomas
S. Jarrett, William M. Jurrett, Ada,
E. Jarrett, Jr., Enrl Jarrett, Marie
It. Jarrett, Luclle M. Jarrett, Howard
T. Jarrett, M. R. Biggs, guardian ml
litem, also all other unknown heir
ami all oilier persons Interested In
the hereinafter described property,
greeting! .
In the name of the State of Oregon.
You are hereby cited and required
to appear In the county court of the
state ot Oregon for the county of
Crook, at the court room thereof, at
Prlnevllle, In the county of Crook,
state of Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th
day of September, 1914, at 10 o'clock
Iu the forenoon of that day, then
and there to show cause. If any ex
Ists, why an order should not be
made setting aside, vacating anil
holding for naught the previous
orders made by the above entitled
court In the above en til led estate for
the sale of the real property herd ti
nder described, and also setting;
aside, vacating anil holding for
naught the orders confirming suhl
You are further hereby cited anil
required touppear at tho place anil
time hereinbefore mentioned to show
cause, If any exist, why an order
should not be made for the sale of
the following dcscrllied real property
belonging to the estate ot John it.
Jarrett, deceased, to-wlt:
Lots three (31 and four (4), anil
the south half () of the northwest
quarter () of section live (.ft), In
township fourteen (14) south, range
nineteen (19), east of the Willamette
meridian, containing 103 84 acres, ac
cording to the olllclal plat and
United States survey thereof, anil
lying and situate In Crook county,
Witness the Honorable 0. Springer,
Judge of the county court of the
state of Oregon for the county of
Crook, with the seal of suhl court
il Mixed this 6th (lay of July, 1914.
Attest: Waiiiikn Bhown,
(Olllclal Seal) Clerk.
Attorney for Estate.
Date of first pub., July 23, 1914.
Date of last pub,, August 20, 1914.
Mrs. Wright'i Confectionery Store
Fresh home-made caudles alwnys In
stock. Soft drinks of alt klnd
Ice cream. Agent for American
Ladv Tailoring: Co. Prices lowee
than ever. 3 2ti
Mrs. J. N. Wright, Prop.
For your Fishing Tackle go to
J. E. Stewart & Co.