0' of o c Or Crook outnm COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY VOL.XVIH-$1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914. Entered at th poaUiffln at PiiiMvllle Oracon, aeeood-claa matter NO. 34 Gomraty Splendors of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Forecasted In Marvels of Art and Architecture Copyright, lilt, bjr PMuuiM-I'acino International Eipoaltlon Ca IL & Crocknr Co, official photographer. ," , Thia photograph wu taken In May. GREATEST AND MOST BRILLIANT OF WORLD'S EXPOSITIONS WILLiBE COMPLETED TO LAST DETAIL ON OPENING DAY. X PANOUAMA of shout one fourth of the t'inam.Pacine Intorneflonal'Expoiiltlon, nhowlng nine of the great uhlhlt palaces which are now within 8 per cent of being complete, lacking only the towers, arcbea and festival courts. Knch of these palace rovers from Bve to nine acres. The setting In series of subtropical garden", extending for two and one-half miles along the San Francisco bay front sdjacent to the Golden Gate, Is the most beautiful and Inxplrlng ever given an exnoaltlon. The vacant space In the ceuter will contain the wonderful ten acre Court of tbe Cnlveree, dominated by the scintillating Tower of Jewels, 435 feet hlph. To the right, not shown in the picture, la the coiicesln area, named "Kl Cflinluo" (The Ulghwty), while to the left, ouUlde the picture, are foreign and state buildings, live itock pavilions, race track, military and aviation acids and Palace of Fine Arts. County Commissioners The July Term The n-guliir term of the County t'oiirt ol Crook County, Oregon, con vened at lOoclock n. tit , nt the court ho tine, I'rlneWllo, Oregon, this Drat day of July, 1M4. I'rem-ut, 0. Hprluirer. Juiidi'; R. H, llnyley and Wlllla W. llrown, com. niliMlonera; Warren llrown, county UtU; Frank Klklnn, Sheriff. Whereupon thu following proceed liige were tnitiBiictiMl, to wit : la tlM M.U l Cwatf Rudl. Till lit itn K.'Uter road. Surveyor onlered to mirvry the cbiingti In the Improvement In the roud grndt). New no in cwk road. lii'uiiliir hear ing. Iteport o( the county surveyor received on examination of proponed road and bin preliminary survey. I Claim prevented liy Jnine Hayes for l(imiiKen. , Ordered colillnned until September term. Alfred Wild et al road. Viewers' re-, port read tor the Drat time.. 1 W. II, Huuuell et al road. Viewers' report read lor thu first time. l C. Young et al road. Viewers' report rend lor the first time, la Ida Mattw tJ Itu Cnulr Hullk Officer. Ordered that Dr. KoHciihcrK lie ap pointed county health olllcer for the' two years lieKlnntnit July lut, 1!14,' a ' d ending July lot, 1916, according to his UKreement with the coiyity court, accepted March 10th, 1U14. la Matter of Vikwt'i lit Addition Is C.tewiy. rrewtited dedication and plat f)f Vlbert's flrt addition to (luteway, Oreicon. All requirement have tcen compiled with. Approved and ac cepted liy court. (Nee plat for dedi cation). , Court adjourned In thu afternoon for the purpoHtf of tfolnu; over certain portion of thu propoBcd t rooked river road. JULY SECOND. Court convened at 8:00 a. m. Same ofllvcra preMcnt as ycnterditv. la Hit Matter of Crooktd River Bridge at Pert. Wheretis, tho bridge over the Crooked river at Tost Is badly In need ot repairs, and whereas, It can not to Hiitlidactorlly repaired, It Is therefore declared a matter of emer gency that the present bridge be re moved and that a steel structure be erected In Its place. Ordered that the county clerk be ItiHtructed to adver tise for bids tor the construction of a hundred foot steel bridge of like structure and capacity as the bridge over the Crooked river at I'rlnevlHe, Oregon; that separate bids be accept ed for tho completed bridge and for the material for same; that bids be opened and considered ut the olfico ol the county Judge at the hour of 10 o'clock In the morning; on tho 18th lay of July, 1014; that advertisements (or bids be made In the olllclul coun ty paper and also In the "Pacific ltullder and Engineer," published at . Seattle, Wash. la the Matter of County Roade. Change In Edwards county road. Coming on for hearing oil 'Html sur vey surveyor allowed more tlmo for final report nud survey. Continued. Aldrldge county road. Coining on regular tor hearing. I'miier assent having been given to road, no objec tions; court satisfied as to utility and convenience of road. Order county surveyor to make final survey and report nt next regular meeting. 1). F. ICvaus change In Mill creek county road. Coming on regularly for hearing, proper assent having been given to road, no objections, court satisfied as to utility and con venience of road. Order surveyor to make final survey and report at Sep teinU r term. v Sherman Montgomery road. Cnnr lug on regularly fur hearing, survey or asking tor more time. Continued. II. H. Ford et al road. Coming on regularly for hearing, proper assent having been given thereto, no objec tions, court satisfied as to couvenl vticeanu dtlllty ot road. Order di recting surveyor to make final sur vey and report. J. A. Morris et al county road. Viewers grauted more time. 8. V. Merrill et al county road. Viewers report read first time. Beud-Hurns county road Where as complaint has been made to this court that the Ilend Hums county road Is being fenced. Ordered that Taut Werner, supervisor of road dis trict No. 18 Is hereby Instructed to remove all obstructions In said road district IS and to report to this court at Its regular September term next. L. C. Young et al road. Viewers' report read a second time, approved and accepted.' Clerk instructed to Issue order opening enme as public highway. Alfred Wild et al county road. Viewers' report read a second time, approved and accepted. Clerk In structed to Issue order opening same as public highway, W. X. Hunnell ut al county road. Viewers' report read a second time, approved nnfi accepted. Clerk in structed to Issue order same as pub lic highway. Clerk to forward to road supervisor o( district No. 12 a copy of subscription list on the W. X. Hunnell county road as filed herein. Change In Cocant road (Bear creek road). Agreement to deed right of way In Dry creek tor change In Conant road, presented by J. G. Ilulger lor himself and others, ac cepted by court. II. G. ThoUtrop, county road. On petition of freeholders for removal of obstructions In form ot wire fences from the H. U. Tbolstrop road, clerk Is Instructed to Issue order to John Peters, supervisor of district No. 47 to open tho II. G. ThoUtrop road by removing all wire fences therefrom and placing the same ou the line. Is the Matter of Indigent Patiente. Warrant ordered in favor of In tho sum ol 92.50 for medicine. Warrant ordered In favor of Dr. H. P. llulkuap In the sum of $00.00 to pay transportation and otherwise pro vide tor certain Indigent patients. Continued on Eighth Page. Loyalty a Prerequisite of Good Citizenship There are few thing's more dis couraging than to hear a person disparaging and criticising the town in which he lives. Loyalty to the home town is one of the pre requisites of good citizenship and it is true always that the best citizen, the one who is most valuable to the community, is not the one who is constantly complaining and criticis ing, but is the one who, with cherry smile and pleasant word of greet ing for all, always has a good word to nay for the town and if some things are displeasing, puts forth his best efforts to enlist the aid of the citizens in correcting the faults. The knocker is a mighty poor asset to the community, even though he may be a large taxpayer. The man who boosts, day in and day out. who forgets the disagreeable things and talks only of the advantages of his home town, is the one aho is helping to make the town better and brighter and to add to its at tractiveness, even though his bank account be small and his oppor tunities for helping in a financial way be limited. Let's all boost for our town and let the world know that we not only think it is the best town in Central Oregon, but that it actually is the best. First impressions are as a rule lasting impressions and if this first impression is an unfavorable one, I whether it be of a person or a town. I ic is hard to revise or eradicate. I Thus it behooves us to make this such a clean and attractive town that the first impression of every ; visitor will be a favorable one. Well kept lawns, good sidewalks and a general appearance of thrift and cleanliness go far towards favorably impressing the visitor who may be a homesecker looking for a new location for his family, or an investor looking for a favor able site for a new industry. Even if but a casual visitor, it stands us in nana to mane a iavorible im pression, for this casual visitor may prove to be a walking advertise ment for this town if he is favor ably impressed with it. Muddy streets, unkept yards and lawns, poor sidewalks and a general run-down-at-the-heels appearance are mighty poor advertisements for any town. Let's all get together and make our town a spotless town. For Sale 1 horse and lady's saddle. 1 heating stove. 1 diningroom tot. 1 sanitary couch. 1 baby buggy. 1 iron bed, springs and mattress. Other articles too numerous to men tion. Inquire Forestry Otllce. 7-0-lt One Champion reaper very cheap. ' C W. Elkins' Store. Farmers Encouraged Over Crop Prospects The harvesters are in the field and the sound of the mower is heard on every hand. The outlook for hay in most parts of the county is far the most hopeful ever seen and the ranchers -are therefore optimistic regarding the future. At this time they seem to have for gotten the recent talk of short crops, and they are all so busy that they can see nothing but an im mense crop of hay and grain in sight. f Prosperity seems to be in the wind that is what little wind pre vails at this time The first crop of alfalfa is being harvested and in Continued on Fourth Page. Crook County Fair September 16,17,18,19 The dates for the Tenth Annual Crook County Fair have been set for September 16, 17, 18, 19. The directors of the association are working hard to bring out all worthy exhibits in the county and many special premiums are being offered by individuals for work of art and products of the farm. Lectures will be given during the fair n subjects of general interest. Let everyone bring some product of the farm, garden, orchard or work shop and help make this the biggest fair ever held in Crook county. The directors cannot make a fair a success unassisted, so bring in your stuff and make this occasion one to be long remembered. While in some districts of the county the farm products are not up to the average, others are un usually good, and livestock is in fine condition and there is no doubt but what there will be as fine a lot of stock on exhibition at the fair this fall as was ever shown at any Continued on page 4. JULY CLEARANCE SALES Visit our store and you will find every department alive with rare bargains. New goods are coming in and all summer lines must be sacrificed to make room for the ' new-coming merchandise. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Footwear Until July 18th Shoe Sales Every summer shoe Oxford, Pump or Slipper, is reduced. This is your oppor tunity to get footwear at prices much below the ordinary. Footwear for children, 60c and up. Footwear for misses, 75c and up. Footwear for ladies, $1.00 and up. New W. B. Corsets A big shipment arrived too late for the Fourth of July trade to be sold at a sacrifice. Several entire new lines, including those for stout ladies. Be sure and get your pick from these lines. New Trunks and Suitcases have arrived. Everything for your vaca tion needs in this line. Tents, camping outfits and groceries can be had here without loss of valuable time in making up the camp "kit." Summer Dress Goods Sales All Ginghams, Voilies, Ratines and others now on cut prices, including a find lot of new 171c tissue ginghams, which are being' sold at the small price of 12Jc. Hundreds of bargains in this depart ment for good dressers and smart buyers. Summer Shirt Waists Reduced to prices that are attractive to late buyers. All styles in fabricsof medium and extra light weights. Extra Good Values in Fruit Jars and jar fittings, stone jars, churns, jugs, etc. Let us make you a low price on the wide mouth Mason fruit jar. All sizes. v. c. w ELKINS J