Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 18, 1914, Image 7

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Unique Experiment Seeking
LKit Rations.
Food Consumed In Day by Explorer
Weltfhs but Thlrty-flvt Ounoes and
Hii Hirjrinet Nutritive Velue Ship
For South Pol Expedition I Almoet
London. Willi till thoroughness
whHl till fllWHVS HlttWtOrlfl'd III
wink Hlr Ernest Hhacklutou lit u limit to
iiuiko rulliiiliiii ry trial expedition un
der arctic conditions In tliv glacier of
Norway. ThJ will be for the apodal
purpose of tenting the ration far hi
trip across the anbirctlc continent,
which lie linHt to make la four and a
liHlf month. No party ever started
out without having food depota to
make such a distance aa tbat In a
straight Hue, but Hlr Ernest and bla
men bnve innilo iioclul preparation
for the, attempt.
They have with the aid of the royal
army medical corpa evolved the "per
fect ration." It will average only tlilr-
Itioto by American I'raai Association.
ty-flve oiiuct'i dully aa compared with
the throe imiiiid or more consumed by
the arernge mini, but It U believed It
represent the liltflieHt uulrlilve value
for polar travel
Kir Ernest will be accompanied by
flve member of bii stuff when be goee
to Norway to conduct experiment
with these rntlona and also text his
tent and motor sledge. The pnrty
will dou polnr kit and travel anions the
Blnrlcra. While -the cold will not be aa
Intense aa lu the polar region, the
country will furnish the aame aort of
sudden, bllarda aa are experienced In
the atitarcllc.
Tho party will tout the effect and po
tency of the ration In moat detailed
fashion, Bucb an experiment never
baa been made before.
Bha-klelou'a new ahlp, the Endur
ance, him been almost completely fitted
In Norway. Tbe veaxol la eighteen
feet longer than bla In Ht ahlp, Nlmrod,
and la a beautiful specimen of wooden
shipbuilding. It probably I tbe laat
of lta clan Hint will tie constructed.
The wliolo keel li made of aolld oak
flve and a hulf foot thick, and the
Idea are two feet thick. The vchboI
belong to the barkentlne clasa and
baa tbe Intent triple expansion engluca
and will steani at the rate of ten
The ahlp la fitted to conaumo both
oil and coal. When In tho tee oil will
tie substituted for coal, wbtcb will
mean economy If It la delayed In the
pack, a tho holler can bo kept warm
end full heat generated quickly. When
the oil lint beeu used the tanks will bo
filled with water bnllnst. Tho Endur
ance will take on 100 ton of coal
briquette at the 'South Shetland Is
land, o It will enter tho Weddoll ca
with full bunkers.
Tho econd ahlp, Aurora, Intended for
tbe Itoss ca Ride of tho expedition,
bn been purchased and will bo deliv
ered at Hobart, Tasmania, at the end
of August.
Tbe Endurance, which I to operate
on the opposite slilo of the antarctic,
will leave England early In August for
Buenos Aires, when It finally will start
for the antarctic base In October. Moat
of the members of the expedition will
leave England In the Endurance, but
Sir Ernest Shackleton will travel later
by mail ateamer and Join his ship at
Bueno Aires.
Tho dogs, which constitute, an Im
portant factor In the expedition, are a
cros between a wolf and a Scotch
slug hound and have been bred In
northern Cnmidn. The lightest of thora
will turn tho scales nt eighty pounds.
Couple Married by Mail. '
Superior. Wis. .lohnnnea Jacobus
Kuyk nfter preliminaries which lasted
aevern I months la now n married man.
Ilia bride vnn Miss Marin Louise flro
tendorst of Holland. Tliey were mar
ried by mall. Tho bride Is expected to
arrive from Holland in the early sum
mer. Final papers uniting the couple
have arrived from Holland. A number
of olllcliils took part In tho ceremony.
. V , if- i
la Notified That He I One of Three
Heir to 125,000,000 Eetsto.
Lawrence, Kiin.-llolng the wealth
iest schoolteacher In tlm United Hiatus
I tlm xlliiiillon whli'li hits been forced
upon 1'l'ofcHNor li, M. Wollniik of the
Pittsburgh Normal school, who bus
bueii notified Hint an estate of t-.VXK),-
000 Iiiin been left to lilu) and bl sou
and a Louisiana, hunker.
The fortune was left by a grant-uncle
who tiled several years ago in Merlin.
Tho will provided the money go to tho
iiiiiIii di'sceiidiinl of (lie Wollniik Line.
Professor Wullunk, bin son and a bank
er of Delhi. La.. areHui only heirs, and
each will get omt-llili'd of the exliito,
"Of courxe I will lie glad to get tho
money." I'rofenmir Wulliink wild, "but
1 Intend to keep on teaching school."
I'rofcMHor Wollunk has been at thu
normal school live years. Ho I a
teacher of languages and I a widower.
Will Try t Reolalm Wealthy as Well
a Pennileea "Ssvsgee."
Chicago. - Clospel automobile were
put Into service bore on the theory
that there were more "religious sav
ages" In Chicago than lu "darkest
Africa." Moody Illlile Institute dedi
cated the first of aeveral such gospel
auto which will tour Chicago. The,
speaker will consider the wealthiest
residence district and tbe poorest
tenement sections equally "savage"
and will work In both. Five hundred
men and women will take turns preach
ing every night for weeks, first In
ghetto districts, then along the lake
"We expect the wealthy will listen
to the aermona just the same aa tbe
poorer people." said tbe Iter. W. W.
Ketcbtim, who preached lo a crowd at
North Clark and West Division afreet.
Kaneaa Governor Parolee Man Whose
Family Neede Him.
Topeka. Kan. - Governor Hodges
granted a parole of sixty daya to W. F.
Klchnrds, a prisoner at tho state peni
tentiary, so niehards might go to bis
home In Saline county and harvest his
w lient crop.
Mil liards entered prison Inst Jnnunry
under a sentence of from one to five
years for selling mortgaged property.
Ilo wn heavily In debt aiid, according
to reiiort to the governor, bis family
bus been dcH'tidciit uxm neighbor.
Friends recently Informed the gov
ernor tbe wheat which ItlrluirdH plant
ed lust fall promised to yield an abun
dant crop. The governor decided the
family needed Mlchnrds for the next
sixty days more than the state of Kan
sas did.
Hopeless Invalid Then, Now
Haskell Is Robust at 74.
Norwich, Conn. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Courtney Haskell have Just
been celebrating tbe twentieth anniver
sary of their adoption of a "no break
fast" rule. .
Flaky roll, fragrant coffee, crlBp ba
con and eggs and delicately browned
grlddlecake may bave tempted them
to break the rule, but they declare they
have never yielded.
Twenty years ago Mr. nuskell was
fifty-four years old and an Invalid,
bopclexa of regaining health, be says.
After eight years of "doctoring" he met
a certain Dr. Dewey of Meadvllle, Pa
who advised blin to omit the early
morning meal. Mrs. Ilnskell bad suf
fered from asthma for fifteen year.
Both resolved to cut out breakfast
"Now. for twenty year," say Mr.
Haskell, "we have followed tills plan
of natural, hygienic, clciitlllc, divine
living, without tbe break of a single
day, nut whereas I was an old, worn
out man twenty years ago, today, at
tho age of seventy-four, I am In tbe
enjoyment of permanent, perfect
health, doing better and more effective
work than ever before."
Mr. Haskell says he persuaded Wu
Ting Fung to adopt the uo breakfast
During the most severe winter
weather Mr. Haskell goes about gen
erally carrying bis bat, baring his bead
to the wind and storms and seeming to
enjoy it and grow rugged by It
Mr. Haskell was at one time a
wealthy bookman. He published James
O. Blaine's life when Blulne wag run
ning for tbe presidency and was Bald
to have lost heavily when Interest id
Blaine slumped.
Writes That the Children Make Too
Much Noiee to Suit Him.
Spokane, Wash. A. L. White, presi
dent of the park board, was awakened
by a servant calling tbat the house
had been robbed. Investlgntlon show
ed jewelry and clothing valued at $700
had been taken.
Tho burglar loft behind a noto which
"Your kids mnku too much noise and
keep waking up, ntid It is now 5
o'clock, so I cannot finish tho Job.
Goodliy! I see you did not buy a new
Some weeks ago tho White home
wns robbed of nil overcoat, and it is
believed the same thief was In the
house a second time.
Get Out and Play, Too, With Her
Boy Team.
finlcsbtirg, lil.-LIke Mr. Helen Brit
ton, owner of the Ht. Iml Cardinal.
In' Interest In baseball, and like Mr.
Iiriltou heading a playing organisa
tion. Mis Sophia Mnthls of the physi
cal training department of tbe (Jnles
blirg grade schools goes the St. I -on I
magnate one better lu that she takes
a ''position on the diamond lu direct
ing her players.
Miss Mutlils' one regret Is that she
can't wield u tint and twirl tbe ball
wlllj thu kills In the eighth grade
lenjrne, of which she Is head. She'
too busy keeping thu teams lu running
No smoking and no wearing ore
rules lu the djMclijIlimry code of this
amateur league, both slrletiy regarded.
Washlngtsn Brkr Wants 125.000
Damage For Singular Miehap.
Washington. A wooden leg. broken
In a street car accident and a number
of hurts and bruises are valued at
25.O0O In a suit Instituted In tbe dis
trict supreme court by Eustace Lee No
ble, a general agent and broker, against
the Washington Hallway and Electric
In hi declaration Noble say one of
the company' cars, on whlcb be was a
passenger, became derailed at Four
and a Half street southwest and bl
wooden leg wa broken and rendered
of no further use to biro. Tbe leg. be
says, cost him $200.
Noble further complains that be was
thrown against the aeat In front of blra
and that bo suffered severe bruises.
He spent $200 for a new leg, be says,
and MOO for medical attention.
Anlmale Carrying Deadly Virus Stolen
From French Laboratory.
Marseilles. Babbit whlcb had been
Inoculated with tbe vims of rabies,
tuberculosis, typhoid and other deadly
disease were stolen recently from
tbe laboratory of a, boctcriologlst In
tbn suburbs of Marseilles. Tbe bac
tertologhtt had been experimenting In
tbe production of vacclnee.
The police are. making every effort
to recover the animals before they are
old or eaten, but so far bave found no
trace of them.
Michigan Man Taking Census
to Aid In Colonization
Lansing, Mich. Labor Commissioner
James Cunningham bus started what
be thinks will result In tbe taking of a
complete census of Michigan farm
lie Is sending out blauks to every
supervisor with the request tbat they
be filled out and returned. Tbe blanks
ask for the number of farm bauds
employed by the month, tbe average
number of months they are employed,
tbe average monthly wages, tbe num
ber of farms operated by tenants and
whether or not there Is a scarcity of
farm help In the district Some of tbe
supervisors close to Lansing bave al
ready answered.
"We bope if possible to get some
data by whlcb we may be able to start
a aort of colonization system which
may eventually relieve tbe farm labor
"So far we have found that day farm
labor Is what Is scarce. On tbe other
band, we have report from some sec
tions which show that there are many
farms large ones which are only par
tially cultivated.
"Our plan Is to have the owners of
those Inrge farms cut (hem up Into
small parts and put on them Hun
garians and other foreigners who are
natural born farmers. Give them space
enough to live on and raise enough
for their own needs and at the same
tlmo guarantee them a certain amount
of day work In the vicinity. We think
In this way we can relieve the prob
lem of day farm labor."
Mr. Cunningham has received the co
operation of fifty-throe county clerks
In hi plans to have them act as agents
for a free employment bnrenu at tbelr
respective county seats.
Rallo of the Old Days of Seventy-three
8ent to the 8orp Heap.
Lorain, O. Lorain's first bathtub has
been dismantled. Installed forty-one
fears ago In the Farrell nouse, historic
hostelry, once tbe object of amazement
to the entire countryside, It felt tbe
ruthless bnnd of the plumber and was
relegated to the scrap heap.
The Farrell nouse, still standing, was
built by M. J. Fnrreil in 1873.
It was a wonderful building then,
but more wonderful still was tbe cop
per lined, wood encased tub.
Flaxseed Sprouts In Eye.
Flndluy, O. After consulting several
physicians, one of them an eye spe
cialist, a Flndlny woman rid herself
of severe pains In one of her eyes
when she extracted tt flaxseed that
bad been plnced there several days
ago to draw out another object. When
she examined the seed she found tlmt
It had begun to sprout, tbe rough edges
of tho sprout scratching the eye.
, . ..tvWjuMuiijgiJrananai
In the circuit court of the Hate of
Oregon for Crook county.
Crook County, Oregon, public corpor-
atlon, plaintiff,
John A r nicker, Ash wood Gold Mining
Co, S A Bskley, 8 ii Bornes, C 0 Buch
anan, C C Duller, i F Collihan, liulda
Carson, II K Chaffee Frank DChamplin,
H W Compton, E F Coorier, John W
Crook, Y M Donaldson, Catherine
Dwyer, Klrnira Kergumn, Ma A Finch,
Clias FuKlieig, L H French, H W
liamtile, If (iildner, Joseph W Glesimer,
K T llolrrii-s, CIish F 11 oil, Eva John
son, D U Kelley, Irvine & Hamilton, J
W .Imies, LhIiIIuw Banking & Trust
Co, W A Lamb, lieo V Lee. W 1-ord, F
M Lovelttinl. J W Mackey, H E Miller.
I.cllie Millxr, hlBiH Milligan, A M
M inkier, J M Monttrointtry, 11 K Allen,
Columbia Valley Trust Co, Columbia
Southern Irrigation Co, Mary Ferguson,
rietclier A t roup, vv r Hammer, W W
Harris. EJ Lain-, Mavfield Bros, J W
McCoiiuin, Jail MiCoifnm, McTaggart
A Bye, Mrs M J I' m -, W P Myers. A
W Myers, John M Cormick, T McCov,
Til Metitiee, C i; McNeeley, Peiry W
Kcwbill, C V : e n. T ii P.sborn, J S
Kaunelis, D P )! , (teed & HteidI, Tom
Iteilly est, A T U- ..ule, P B Reynolds,
ltedmond Townnite Co, O E Hsndy,
banlord It Hodman, D P Shrum, Simp
son 4 Wiison, J F btaley, Julia Btekil,
Nettie Stevenson, J O Btorey, Jobn
Sisemore, The Central Oregon Banking
A Trust Co, Pilot Butte Del Co. C M
Triplett, Henry Tweet, K B Vaughn,
Harry U Webb, A E Wiener. J F Wei
burn, U W White, W C Wills est, Jobn
Kisemore, G E Smith, J C Stiles, Wm
(i Stiles, Laconie Htilee, J P Sirickler,
ChaaTedfod et al, Warner & Burnett,
And all persons unknown owning or
claiming to own, or having, or claiming
to have any right, title, equity or inter
est whatever in the reel property here
inafter described, defendants.
To John Arnicker, Asbwood Gold Min
ing Co, S A Bakley, 8 Ii Homes, C C
Buchanan, C C Butler, G F Colliban,
Hulda Carson, H E Chaffee, Frank D
Chaplin, S W Compton, E F Cooper,
, Jobn W Crooks, F M Donaldson,
Catherine Dwyer, Elmira Ferguson,
Ida A Finch, Chas Fosberg, L K
French, II W Gamble, B tiildner,
Joseph W Glessner, E T Holmes,
Chas F Holt, Eva Johnson, D B
Kelley, Irvine & Hamilton, J W
Jones. Laidlaw Banking & Trust Co,
W A Lsmb, Geo P Lee, W Lord, F M
Ixiveland, J W Mackey, II E Miller,
Lettie Miller, Elsie Milligan, A M
M inkier, J M Montgomery, 11 K
Allen, Columbia Valley Truet Co,
Columbia Houtbern Irrigation Co,
Msry Ferguson, Fletcher A Croup, W
F Hammer. W W Harris, E J Lane.
Mavfield Bros. J W McCollum, Jail
McCollum. McTaggart A Bve. Mrs M
J Price, W P Myers, A W Myers,
John McCormick, T McCoy, T II Mc
Uhee, C C Mc.Neelev, Perry W New
bill, C P Nelson, T'B Ksborn, J S
Kannells, D P Bea, Reed & Steidl,
Tom Iteilly est. A T Rendle, P B
Reynolds, Redmond Townsita Co, C
K Sandy, Sanford Rodman, D P
Shrum, Simpson & Wilson, J F
Stalev, Julia Steidl, Nettie Steven
on. J O Storey, Jobn Sisemore, The
Central Oregon Banking A Trust Co,
Pilot Butte Del Co, C M Triplett,
Henry Tweet, R B Vaughn, Harry G
Webb, A K Wisner. J F Welburn, G
W White, W C Wills est, Jobn Sise
more, G E Smith, J C Stiles, Wm G
Stiles, I-acunie Sales, J P Sirickler,
Chas Tedfoid et al, Warner A Burn
ett, and all perrons unknown owning
or claiming to own, or having or
claiming to have, any right, title,
equity or interest whatever in the
real property hereinafter described,
the above named defendants:
In tbe name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby notified tbat Crook
County, Oregon, a public corporation,
the holder ol Certificates of Delin
quency numbered C 101 to C 198, sav
ing and excepting d umbers C 141, is
sued on the 20th day of April, 1914. by
the Tax Collector of tbe county ol
Crook, atate of Oregon, for the amount
of Two thousand nine hundred tbirty
one and ninety-nine hundredths
t)i931.UU) Dollars, the same being tbe
amount then due and delinquent for
taxes (or tbe year 1908, together with
penalty, interest and costs thereon up
on the real propel ty assessed to yon, of
which you are the owner as appears of
record, situated in said county and
state, and particularly bounded and
described aB follows, to-nit : Lot 2, blk
40. Palmain, eM l 36 9-16;
nwj nwj, e nwj sec 26, tp 19, r 13, ej
eel sec 5, tp 19, r 21, w ewj sec 4, tp
19, r 21, sel nej sec 9, swj n J, wj sw
sec 10, tp 12, r 12, set se4 sec 1, tp 13,
r 13, H tw. nej em $ sec 6, tp 13, r 14,
swj sl sec 23, tp 18, r 12, dJ swj sec
S, tp 15, r 20, rj Be sec 6, tp 15, r 20,
ni sec 11, tp 13, r 20, ej sej, nwj so,
swj ne sec 6, tp 13, r 16, sj ne, ej
sec 25, tp 12, r 15. lots 2, 3 4, sej sw
sec 30, tp 12, r 16, rht "1. nwt sw
sec 25, tp 12, r 15, also parcel in sec 26,
tp 12, r 15, w wjj ne sec 10, tp 14,
r 18, lot 4, blk 17, Laidlaw, i awi sec
22, tp 17, r 10, wi ni, sej nwt eeu 27,
tp 17, r 10, eSi nej, J sej sec 3, tp 18,
r 21, ev, J set, e( se sec 8, tp 11, r IS,
n 1 swj sec 9, tp 11, r 18, ej sei sec 32,
nj sw sec 33, tp 10. r 14, ne sec 14, tp
12, r 16, nwl sec 13, tp 12, r 16, nj sw,
sej ewjt, swj se sec 24, tp 9. r 17,eJ-nel
sec 17, tp 11, r 19. n nwj, sw
uvM Bee 17, Be ne sec 18, tp 11, r 19,
nw nw sec 11, tp 11, r 17. ej nj sec
17. to 17. r 18. ne se sec 34. ne ne
sec 22, tp 15, r 12, w ej see 16, tp 14, r
21, lots, blk l Ash wood, ne nwj, nj
ne, se ne sec 29, tp 10, r 13. lots 13,
14, blk 14, Laidlaw, w w sec 36, tp 15,
r 10, lots 1, 2, blk 1, Paulina, sw sec
16, tp 15, r 12, rx dw, sw nw, nw
sw sec 29, tp 12, r 13, ne nw, w ne,
nwseser32, tp 20, r 24, e ne, nj
se tec 19, tp 21, r 12, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk
2. 2nd add to Print ville, eel sw, sw
se sec 26, ej nw, ne seo 35, tp 12, r
13, sw sec 26, tp 14, r 16, eg Be, bw
sei, seU swl sec 33. tp 20. r 10, si e.
sw ne, se nw Bee 24. tp 14, r 14, lot
3, blk 2, Sisters, lots 3. 4, 5, 6. blk 6,
Sisters, lots 11, 12, blk 13, Laidlaw,
lots 1. 2, 11, 12, blk 5, Laidlaw, lot 8,
blk 17, Doschutes add, lots 13, 14, blk
33, Palmain; ne se sec 14, tp 13, r 13,
eg aw, nw ew sec 13, tp 12, r 13, f j
ne, n ee seo 2, tp 17, r 20, w neJ,
wl se sec 21), tp 15, r 20, i int in nw
ne sec 33, nw ne, se nw! sec 26, tp
12, r 12, lota 0, 7. blk 11, Asbwood, lot
2, blk 11, Aaliwood, lot 14. blk '0, Pal
main, lot (I, blk 11, Palmain, lots 5, 6,
blk 15, Prinoville, nw se sec 20, tp 111,
r 11, nl ne, st 1 ne tec 31, nw nw
sec 82, tp 11, r 17, s sec 28, tp 17, r
20, se sec 7, tp in, r Ki, wg scj, ne se
fn' ne eec 8, tp 13, t 14, lot 9, blk 3,
Third add to Frlneville, se sw, sw
se sec 82, tp 12, r 15, lot 2, sw ne
sec 5, tp 13, r 15, lot 22, blk 45, R d
mond, lot 2, blk 54, Redmond, se sw,
wg se sec 84, tp 14, r 12, lot 2, sec 3, tp
Ki, r 12, eg se sec 23, ng sw sec 24, tp
10, r 13, ! sec Z, tp 17, r 12, ej
ne, se, s seJi see 16, tp 9, r 18,
lot 5, blk 4, 5th add to Prineville, 50x100
se cor Lytle acre, strip of land 100 leet
wide weMt of canal, Prineville parcel,
lot 9, blk 11, Palmain, eg ne, sw ne.
nw sec 4, tp 10, r 19, se nw, ne
sw, lots 2, 3, ol sec 7, tp 18, r 17, ne
sec 32, tp 19, r 10, Lytle, 80x200, t
e. se sec 2r, tp 19, r 19, all ec Hi,
tp 20, r 1(1, lot 15, blk 16, Bend, lot IS,
blk 9, Bend, lot 11, blk 28. lot 13, blk
'1H, Bend, rg se sec 24, e ne ue; 25, tp
17, r 11, wj ne, se ne, oeli si sec 9,
tp 12, r 10, sw ne, s- n, ne sw,
r.w se sec 23, tp 13, r 15, lot 8, blk 9,
Lai'ilaw, sec 31, tp Id, r 19. n n,
mi nw, ne sec 2x, tp 15, r 19,
personal proiierty lien on n-i sei sec 15.
tp 12, r 15, lots 13. 14, 15, blk 15, Bend,
ev. l sec 16. tp It), r 11, ne t sec
11, tp 17. r 14, lot 11. blk 6, I it 3, blk
20, Laidlaw, lots Zi, 24, blk 18, Laidlaw,
lots 1, 2, blk 18, Laidlaw. lot 11, blk 4,
Laidlaw, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, blk 17, Des
ebuuie, ue n. u j ne eeu 23, r se
sec 14, tp 15, r 12.
Said Jobn Arnicker, Ash wood Gold
Mining Co, S A Bakley, S H Bornes, C
C Bncbanan, C C Butler, G F Callihan,
Hulda Carson, H E Chaffee, Frank 1)
Cbamplin. S W Compton. E F Cooper.
Jobn W Crocks, F M Donaldson, Cath
erine Uwyer, fclnura Ferguson, Ida A
Finch, Cbsa Fosberg, L R French, H
W Gamble, B Gildner, Joseph W
Glessner, E T Holmes, Chas F Holt,
Eva Johnson, D B Kelley, Irvine A
Hamilton, J W Jones, Laidlaw Bank
ing A Trust Co, W A Lamb, Geo P Lee,
W Lord. F M Loveland. J W Mackey.
U E Miller, Lettie Miller, Elsie Milli
gan, A M Minkler, J M Montgomery,
H K Allen, Columbia Valley Trust Co,
Columbia Southern Irrigation Co, Mary
Ferguson, Fletcher A Cronp, W F Ham
mer, W W Harris. E J Lane. Mayfield
Bros, J W McCollum, Jail McCollum,
McTaggart A Bye, Mrs M J Price, W P
Myers, A W Myers, John McCormick,
T McCoy, T H McGhee, C C McNeeley,
Perry W Newbill, C P Nelson, T K
Raborn, J S Rannels, I P Rea, Reed A
Steidl, Tom Reilly est, AT Rendle, P
B Reynolds, Redmond Townsite Co, C
E Sandy, Sanford A Rodman, I P
Shrum, Simpson A Wilson, J F Staley,
Julia Steidl, Nettie Stevenson, J O
Storey, John Sisemore, Tbe Central
Oregon Banking A Tru't Co, Pilot Butte
Del Co, C M Triplett, Heory Tweet, R
B Vaughn, Harry G Webb, AE Wisner,
J F Welburn. G W White, W C Wills
est, John Sisemore, G E Smith, J C
Stiles, Wm G Stiles, Lacooie Stiles, J
P Strkkler, Chas Tedford et al, Warner
A Burnett, and all persons unknown
owning or claiming to own, or having
or claiming to bave any right, title,
equity or interest whatever in the real
property hereinabove described, as tbe
owners of tbe legal title of tbe above
described property as the same appears
of record and each of the other persona
above named are hereby further noti
fied that Crock county, Oregon, a pub
lic corporation, will apply to the circuit
court of tbe county and state aforesaid
for a decree foreclosing tbe lien against
tbe property above described and men
tioned In said certificate. And you are
hereby summoned to appear within
sixty days after tbe Brut publication
of this summons, exclusive of the
clay of said first publication, and de
fend this action or pay tbe amount
due an above shown together with
costs and accrued Interest and In
case of your failure to do so, a de
cree will be rendered foreclosing: tbe
lien ol said taxes and costs against
tbe land and premises above named.
This summon Is published by or
der of tbe Honorable G. Springer.
Judge of the county court of the
state of Oregon, for tbe county of
Crook, and said order was made
and dated tbe 23rd day of April,
1914, and the date of the first publi
cation of this summons is tbe 23rd
day of April, 1914, and tbe laan pub
lication June 25th, 1914.
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within tbe state
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
mentioned. Willaro H. Wietz,
District attorney and attorney for
plaintiff. Address, Prineville, Ore.
In tbe Justice court ol tbe state of
Oregon, Crook county, district No. 1.
Collins W. Elklns, plaintiff,
M. A. Gulick, defendant.
To M. A. Gulick, defendant above
In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of plain
tiff filed herein against you on or be
fore the 3rd day of July, 1914, or for
want thereof the plaintiff will take
Judgment against you for the sum
of Thirty and fifty hundredths dol
lars with Interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from
October 6, 1913, for 125.00 attorney's
fees and for the costs and disburse
ments of this action.
This -summons is published by or
der of the Honorable A. R. Bowman,
Justice of the Peace of District No. 1
of Crook county, Oregon.
Tbe date of tbe first publication of
this summons is May 21, 1914.
Date of last publication July 2,1914.
Notice for Publication Isolated Tract
Public Land Sale.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Ore.
May 26th, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that, as di
rected by the Commissioner of tbe
General Land Office, under provisions
of Act of Congress approved March 28,
1912, (37 Stat., 77), pursuant to the ap
plication of Shelley Holland, aerial No.
0U366, we will offer at public- Bale, to
he highest bidder, but at not less than
$2.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m on
the 15th day- ol July, 1914, at thisotlice,
the following tract of land: nw, sec
tion 27, township 18 south, ranue 19
east, Willamette Meridian. "ThiB
tract is ordared into the market on a
showing that the greater portion there
of ia mountainouB or too rough for cul
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to file
Jheir claims, or objections, on or before
the time designated for sale.
6 lip 11. Fkank Woodcock, Register.
For your Fishing Tackle go to
J. E. Stewart & Co.
notice for Publication- IsoIaUel Tract
Public Land Sale.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore.
May 26th, 1914.
Notice ia berebv given that, as di
rected by the Commissioner of the
General Land OlhYe, under provisions
of Act ol Congress approved March 2H,
1912, (37 Stat., 77), pursuant to the ap
plication of Manford D. Nye, seriul No.
0112x9, we will offer at public sale, to
the hiichest bidder, but st not lees tban
2.00 per acre at 9:45 o'clock a. m , on
tbe 15th day of July, lllli, at this office,
the following tract of land : sw se,
section 7, n ne sei-tion 18, township
1H south, range 18 east Willamette
Meiidtan. "This tract is thrown into
tbe market on a showing that tbe
greater portion thereof is nuuntainon
or too rough lor cultivation."
Any persons claiming a-lversely the
above-described land are advised to file
their claims, or objection!, on or before
the time designated for sale.
6 li p H. Fuank Woodcock, Register.
notice of bherift's Sale.
By virtue of an execution In fore-
el'miire duly tunned by the clerk l if
the circuit court of the county of
('rook, state of Oregon, dated tbe 4th
day of June 1914, In a certain action
In tbe circuit court for said county
and state, wherein H. J. Overturf as
defendant recovered judgment
against E. B. Suramy and Helen B.
Hummv a defendants 'or tbe sum of
Two Thousand Two Hundred Fifty
dollars, and costs and disbursement
and Interest taxed at (303 75, on the
12th day of December, 1912.
Notice I hereby given tbat I will
at tbe north front door of tbe court
house In Prineville, In said county, at.
10 o'clock 1c tbe forenoon of said day,
sell at public auction to tbe highest
blbder, for cash, tbe following de
scribed property, to-wlt:
Lot 4, of section 31, township 17,
south, range 12 east, and nw of sw,
section 6, township 18 couth, range
12 east of Willamette meridian, sav
ing and excepting therefrom, a tract
210 feet square out of tbe northeast
corner of said lot 4 described in tbe
deed from A. C. Lucas and wife to J.
S. Smith and J A. Holmes, dated
May 29th, 1911, recorded In Crook
county, Oregon, book 25, page 159.
Taken and levied upon as the prop
erty of the said E. B. Summy and
Helen B. Summy the property above
described, and will sell tbe same or
as much thereof as may be necessary
to satisfy the said Judgment in favor
of H. J. Overturf, against said E. B.
Summy and Helen B. Summy with
interest thereon, together with all
costs and disbursements tbat bave
or may accrue.
Frank Elkins, Sheriff.
Dated at Prineville, Oregon, June
8th, 1914.
Rotice of Final Account
In the County Court of tbe State of
Oregon, In and for the County of
In tbe matter of tbe estate of Mary
K. Monner, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that tbe un
dersigned has presented bis final ac
count to the above entitled court,
and that Monday, the 6th day of
July, 1914, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock
a. m., has been fixed as tbe time,
and the court room of said court aa
tbe place for bearing objections. If
any there be, to said final account.
Auy person having objections there
to should file the same In writing,
duly verified, with the clerk of the
above entitled court on or before said
date. Frank Monner,
Administrator of tbe Estate of Alary
K. Monner, deceased.
Joseph A Hanet, 5 28-5t
511 Corbett JBuildtng, Portland, Ore.,
Attorneys for Administrator. .
Hotlce of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given by the un
dersigned, tbe administrator of tbe
estate of Samuel S. Jones, deceased k
to all persons interested In said es
tate, tbat he has tiled with the clerk
of thecounty court bis final account
ing of bis administration of said es
state, and that the court has set
Monday, tbe 6th day of July, 1914, at
10 o'clock In the forenoon, at tbe
county court room in Prineville,
Oregon, as a time ana place lor near-
lng and settling said final account
ing. At which time and place any
person interested in said estate may
appear and object to said final ac
counting. Dated this 21st day or May, 1914.
C. E. Jones.
Administrator of the estate of 8am
uel S. J ones, deceased. 6-21
Notice (or Publication Isolated Tract
Public Land Sale.
Department of the interior.
17. S. Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Ore.
May 23. 1914.
Notice ia hereby siven. that as direct
ed by i he commissioner of tne general
land office, under provisions of act of
congress approved March 28, 1912, (37
Mat. 77), pursuant to tne application ot
Hilmer W. Fairchild, serial No. 010909,
we will offer at public sale, to tbe high
est bidder, but at not less than (2.00
per acre, at 9:30 o'clock a. m on tne
17th day of July, 1914, at this office,
the following tract of land: W nw,
section 26, ne ne, section 27, township
16 south, range IS eaat, Willamette me
ridian. ''This trsct ia ordered into the
market on showing that the greater
portion thereof is mountainouB or too
rough for cultivation."
Any person claiming adversely tbe
above described land are adviaed to file
their claims, or objections, on or before,
the time designated for sale.
H. Frank Woodcock
611-p Register.
Bids Wanted.
The city of Prineville, Oregon, will
receive bids, to be delivered to E. O.
Hyde, recorder, on or before July 6th,
1914, for the following work :
One bid to cover all work necessary
for the construction of 1280 lineal feet
of cement curb, 7950 square feet of
cement sidewalk, and 31)2 lineal feet of
cement crosswalk.
All bids to be accompanied by a certi
fied check for ten per cent of the total
amount bid and presented on forms
furnished by the city engineer.
Bids to. be opened July 7th, 1914, at
8:30 p. m.
Vlans and specifications on file in the
office of the city engineer. 6 11