i Americans Determined to Win I Harmswortli Trophy This Year j ' ' ' ' ' i-' , - ' ' I'hoto by American Press Anaoclnlton. THE ANKLE DEEP. SI NCI! the A merlin n golfers fulled In the British tournament motor boat enthusiasts on this side of the water are more auxlous than ever to bring the Harmswortb trophy to this country. The moat famous of the challengers will be the Ankle Deep, Dis turber IV. and the Baby Reliance. LITTLE BITS OF SPORTING GHAT Shortening R3soIute's Sail Area For Time Handicap. ENGLAND READY FOR TENNIS Bill Bradley Orabe Pitcher Frank Smith For Brooklyn Fads Big Grand Cireult Meet Scheduled In Hertford. Harvard to Send a Crew For the Henley Regatta. Thu rig of the cup yacht Resolute tint been cbungcd considerably and the Jill area so greatly reduced thut It la anticipated thu boat will twelve be tween four ami live minutes' time al lowance from the Vanltlo and Defiance In the preliminary nice. Headsulls and mainsail have been cut down nearly one-quarter. No at tempt wae nmde to ehlft the niaat to the a fur atep. George T. Ade, secretary of the In ternational Davis cup committee, baa received a cable message from the English Tenule association stating that the HiitlHli Isle Imd uiado all arraugo menu with Belgium and Km nee for the playing of the preliminary Inter tioUnual tie. The British IhIo will meet tioigliim at Folkestone, July 7. 8 and 9 and I'm nee nt Wimbledon, July 11, 13 and 14, In esse Belgium la defeated lu Ilia Drat round. Speaking of his team's chances, Man ager Jemilng boa declared be waa an tlx (led tlint the Athletlei were the team Detroit bad to beat to win the pennant Jennings does not figure any other team In the league can beat hlui. Manager mil Bradley of the Brook feds bus returned from tits scouting trip and brought Frank Smith, the for mer Pirate, Hod, White Sox and Red Sox box mn n and one of the few pitch ers who evor twirled two no hit gamed, with blm. Frank Jumped the Maple Leafs and went with the Baltimore Feds last spring. He recently deserted the Feds and tried to get his old Job back with Montreal. President Ed Burrow, however, refused to withdraw from bis stand agnlnst taking back Jumpers, and when Bradley sow Smith In Montreal he quickly put his John Hancock to a Brooklyn coutract The Baltimore Foils were Induced to ngroe to allow Smith to go to Brooklyn. Entries In the early closing stakes for the grand circuit races In Hartford, Conn., have been announced. There are 118 entrlos in all, about the same number as last year. In the principal race, the 2:14 Char tor Oak trot, for 110,000, there are nineteen entrlos. Some of the horses entered are Director Tpdd, McCloskey, Centorvllle, Peter Johnson, Battle, The Guide and Lena Rivers. There are nearly seventeen entries on the nverago In six other events for aggregate purses of $12,000. It lias become known that Blrdlo Croo, the fiurmer Yankee oullloliUir, who wns released to Baltimore, limy ngnln be soon In a Now York uniform. Creo Is nt present hitting the ball hard and !b one. of the best stickers In the International league. Manager Chance Is not annulled with tlio way his club In butting. They have won their Ramus this year chiefly b.v Hie good work of the pitching stall'. Several 1 - " if N'uttonnI league clulw are after Cree's services, and It Is stilted thot Manager Stalling of Postou Is very anxious to get him. However, the Yankees will probably have (lint cull on Croe. The Harvard university second crew has been entered for the Henley regat ta on the Thame. In England, July 14. The crew defeated Yale, Anunpo lis, Syracuse, Princeton and Pennsyl vania In the American Henley at Phil adelphia. The Harvard oarsmen will have a two mile race with the Yale second crew at Now Ixmdon on June ID and will sail for England Uie next day. As the t'nlim Bout club of Boston wltl send a crew composed wholly of Harvard graduates, there will be prac tically two Harvard crews In the Eng tlb Henley this year. Bert Maxwell, the Brooklyn Fed pitcher, has goue to Youngstown, O.. to see the celebrated "Boiiesetter" Uwse about his arm, which was Injur ed tit the Inst game of the PlttMburgh series. Maxwell was tilt on the wrist by a pitched ball. At first he did not think the Injury serious, but all the tendons of bis light arm have harden ed, and his arm has become almost urndens. It la thought that the bone may be chipped or broken. Maxwell's arm Is In such condition that there is fear that be will not be able to play the rest of the season. The Harvard varsity tennis team will have the greatest galaxy of Individual stars that ever played together when the match season opens this year. The Crimson virtually has a corner on all the good players. It Norrls Williams, who was beaten only by Maurice Mc Laughlin In the series for the national championship at Newport last sum mer. Is this year eligible for the Har vard varsity combination since he la now a member of the sophomore class at Harvard. Besides Williams, the three players who stand out noticeably are IS. 1L Whitney, captain of this year's team; W. M. Washburn and J. J. Armstrong. These three are all Included In the sec ond tou best players of the United Status. Every few days comes rumor that Alex. Smith Cochran will change the name of his cup yacht It is to be hoped that the minor Is based on facts. The name Vanltle Is meaningless. If not altogether frivolous. This story Is about Joseph Engel of Washington. Of course you may not care a rap about Joseph Engui of Wushlngton, but you are eornestly re quested not to leave off reading here, as this Is a baseball tule, and before the end is reached there may be some thing that will strike your fancy. This will make Engel's third season with Grltll tti. He Is the only bona fide Wushlngtonlan on the team. When Joseph Joined the team his fa ther, a hopeless baseball lunatic, was the happiest man In Washington. Un less you have been In the national capi tal during the baseball season you real ly do not know what happiness Is. Engel senior keeps a saloon In Wash ington, and when Joe and bis team are on the road It Is filled with fans who come to read the news from the ticker. There ore other places In Washington where the returns may be had, but there is no othor place In Washington where one can get a big foamy brow free of charge every time Engel strikes out an opposing batsman. Pnpn Engel tins been doing this since Joseph broke Into the league, nnd whenever the boy wins a game the spigots are turned wide open, "Break me?" repeats the Jovial Ger man Innkeeper. "Vot I cure, break mo! My !y Choe help GHillt' vln dor pennant, I glf tur whole plucti ' avay. Vot 1 care, breuk me?" HARVARD LEADS FOR TITLE. Crimson Tom Hss Mads Boot Show Ing en the Diamond. Baseball happenings recently among the colleges were featured by a big surprise the overwhelming defeat of the slugging Harvard team by Penn sylvania, whbh had thrice bowed to Columbia. The Johnnie were trlm ntwd by 12 to 2. However, despite that, Harvard holds the lead for the title and has lost only two gnuius out of fourteen. Harvard has Increased Its batting verago to .liU5. Chirk, second sackerof the Crimson, went to the fore in the Individual averages Willi .400. Frye, the Harvard pitcher and pinch hitter. Is the run! leader with .40it. The av erages: INDIVIDUAL BATTINfl. CI. AH. H. It. HH.8H.rC, llruutih, Amh't, p, 1 i 0 1 0 0 JWQ Kryo, Hnrvnr.1, p. S n i t I 0 . (lurk, llurv'd. 2b. 8 80 7 12 If I .0 Kuuna, J'ctnn. p... 5 13 6 0 1 .SM Uiwu. li'im'ili, ii. Id 11 t .mi Cullur, Wll-iim, p. 0 10 4 11 m WIiikuU, lt d, m. 14 06 19 SO 4 ,A Carroll, D'th, p.. 4 11 1 4 0 0 .Ml Nash, H it, rf, lb, 14 Mi 18 a 1 4 X Lamb't'in, I'n, p. 7 17 I 0 I je Ayrea, Ii'v'4, lb.. 14 SO 10 1 1 .13 HluMoin, Yala. a. Ill 67 I II 1 1 .333 TEAM BATTING. O. AB. a II. BII. BR PC. Harvard 14 4 1 M U .M Yal 16 13 HH IU1I X Wllllum, M II ( It .El Cornall ........ 14 H l( II II .Sft Dartmouth ... 11 177 W 78 1 U .an Columbia 11 171 44 M II 14 xa Drown 11 ta 69 t 11 S4 JW I'rlnceton .... IS IM 71 111 47 ,1W Ponnaylvanla. 1 4M S 2 U JM Ambarat 7 W 3 It 4 11 JO VANITIE NO FREAK. Cochran's Cup Dafandor Has Linos of Real Bsauty, Alexander Smith Cochrau's Vanltle, last of the America's cup defenders to take to the water and of whose dimen sions Ims 1 known than any of the others. Shamrock IV. Included, reached City Island and took her first spin over the trial course off Glen Cove, N. Y. If looks were the only thing to be con sidered Vanltle Is the yacht that will meet the Llpton challenger In Septem ber. She Is a marvel of workmanship, and her lines are vastly more graceful than those of either Iiesolute or Defi ance. Vanltle Is In no sense a freak boat Placed alongside of ber competitors, she would afford a pleasing contrast to the almost brutal stubblness of lteso lute and the somewhat pinched effect produced by Defiance's towering spar and sails. Many who gszed upon her for the first time regarded ber as Wil liam Gardner's masterpiece. EGGERS TO RE-ENTER RING. Little Knockout Artist Recovers From Disastrous Affair on the Coast. Knockout Eggers, one of the most promising featlierwelghU In the east. Is preparing to re-enter the ring. Last winter while Hunting on the coast log gers knocked out bis opiionent who later died from the blow. A special Photo by American Press Asaoclatlon. KNOCKOUT BOO Kits, court beard the case and absolved the little scrapper, but his nerves were so affected by the accident that bis man ager thought It best to keep him out of the ring for awhile. Efforts are now being made to ar range a match between Eggers and Irving Margolloa, former amateur champion. WILL MANAGE POLO. Captain Miller Will Be In Charge of International Tournay. Captain Edward Dnrley Miller, for merly of the Seventeenth lancers, has been appointed manager of the Inter national polo tournament to be played during the Punania-Pnclflc exposition at San Francisco lu 1015. Captain Miller l the captain of the Rugby Polo club and the author of "Modern Polo." ,He wns decorated with tho distinguished service order during the Boor war. ' ' In 1 V Summon In the circuit court of the state of Oregon lor Crook county. Crook County, Oregon, A public corpor ation, plaintiff, vs. John Arnlcker, Aahwood Gold Mining Co, 8 A Hakley, 8 H Bornes, t) C Bncli anan, C C Butler, U F Collihsn, Holds Carson, HE Chaffee Frank DChamplin, H W Comnton, E F Cooper, John W Crooks, F M Donaldson, Catherine Dwyer, Klmira Ferguson, Ids A Finch, Chas Fusberg, L B French, II W (isinhle, Btiildiper, Jonph W (ileasiier, K T Holmes, Clian F Holt, Kva Jolui aon, V 15 Kislley, Irvine & Hamilton, J W ,lomi, Laldlaw Hanking A Trnrt Co, W A Lamb, Geo P Lee, W I.ord, F M Loveland, J W Mackey, H K Miller, Lettie Miller, Klsie Milligan. A M Minkler. J M Montgomery, H K Allon, Oiluinhia Valley Trust Co, Columbia Southern Irrigation (Jo, Mary Ferguson, Fletcher A Croup, W F Hammer, W W Harria, F. J Lane, Mavtield Urns, J W i McCJolium, Jutl M' Colfnm, McTaggart A Bye.Mrs M J I'm--, W P Myers. A I W Myers, John M Cormick, T McCoy, TH Mctibee, C C VIc.Neeley, Peiry W Newblll, C P N-i , T H Kaborn, 3 8 Ktttmells, D P 11 ., Heed & Hteidl, Tom Keilly est, A T Ii -file, P B Reynolds, Kedmond Townnitv Co, O K Sandy, Hsnford & liodnmn. D P Shrum. Simp son A Wiison, J F Staley, Julia Steldl, Nettle btevenson, J O Storey, Jobn Sisemorn, The Central Oregon Banking A Trust Co, Pilot Butte Del Co, C M Triplett, Henry Tweet, K B Vsuuhn, Harry (i Webb, A K Wisner, J r Wet burn, G W White, W C Wills est, John Kisemore, O K Smith, J C Stiles. Wm U Stiles, Laconie Stiles, J P Sirickler, Chas Tedfoid et al, Warner A Burnett, And all persons unknown owning or claiming to own, or having, or claiming to have any right, title, equity or inter est whatever in the real property bere- tnatter aecribed,delendants. To John Amicker, Ashwood Go'.d Min ing Co, S A Bskley, 8 11 Domes. C U Buchanan, C C Butler, G FCollihan, Hulda Carson, H Chaffee, Frank D Chaplin. S W Comnton, E F Cooper, John W Crooks, F M Donaldson, Catherine Dwyer, Klmira Ferguson, Ida A Finch, Chas Fosberg, L K French, II W Gamble, B (iildner, Joseph VV Glener, K T Holmes, Chas F Holt, Kva Johnson, D B Kelley, Irvine A Hamilton, J W Jones, Laidlsw Banking A Trust Co, W A Lamb, Geo P Lee, W Lord, F M Loveland, J W Mackey, II E Miller, Lettie Miller, Elaie Milltgan, A M Minkler, J M Montgomery, U K Allen, Columbia Valley Trust Co, Columbia Southern Irrigation Co, Mary Ferguson, Fletcher & Croup, W F Hammer, W W Harris, E J Lane, Mayfield Bros, J W McCollum, Jail McCollum, McTagnart ve, Mrs M J Price W P Myers, A W Myers, John McCormick, T McCoy, T H Mc Uhee, C C McNeelev, Perry W New bill, C P Nelson, 18 Kaborn, J S Rannells, D P Bea, Reed & Steidl, Tom Beilly eat, A T Rendle, P B Reynolds, Redmond Townsite Co, C K Sandy, Ssnford a Rodman, D P Shrum, Simpson & Wilson, J F Staley, Julia Steidl, Nettie Steven son, J O Storey, John Bisemore, The Central Oregon Banking A Trust Co, Pilot Butte Del Co, C M Triplett, Henry Tweet, R B Vaughn, Harry G Webb. A E Wianer. J F Welburn. G W White, W C Wills ert, John Sise more, G E Smith, J C Stiles, Wm G Stiles, Laconie Stiles, J P Strickler, Chas Tedford et al, Warner A Burn ett, and all persons unknown owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have, any right, title, equity or interest whatever in the real property hereinafter described, the above named defendants: la the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby notified that Crook County, Oregon, a public corporation, the holder of Certificates of Delin quency numbered C 101 to C 198, sav ing and excepting cumbers C HI, is sued on the 20th day of April, 1914. by the Tax Collector ol the county of Crook, state of Oregon, for the amount ol Two tbooiand nine hundred thirty, one and ninety-nine hundredths (2931.9) Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent tor taxes (or the year 1908, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon up on the' real propeity assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said county and state, and particularly bounded and described as lollows, to-wit: Lot 2, blk 40, Palmain, e set sex, 369-16; ni nwi, e n J tec 26, tp 19, r 13, ej ti sec 5, tp 19, r 21, m swi tec 4, tp 19, r 21, se net sec 9, swl nw, wl aw sec 10, tp 12, r 12, BeJ te sec 1, tp 13, r 13, shi ewj, noj n sec 6, tp 13, r 14, swt swi sec 23, tp 18, r 12, nj ew sec 5, tp 15, r 20, ri sei sec 6, tp 15, r 20, nJ sec 11, tp 13, r 20, ej se, nwi Be, sw net sec 6, tp 13, r 10, si nei, e J set sec 25, tp 12, r 15. lots 2, 3 4, sei swi sec 30, tp 12, r 16, r4 nwi, uwi sw sec 25, tp 12, r 15, also parcel in sec 20, tp 12. r 15, w se, wj nej sec 10, tp 14, r 18, lot 4, blk 17, Laidlaw, tv Bi sec 22, tp 17, r 10, wl nwi, sel nw sec 27, tp 17, r 10, e)i nei, wl sej sec 5, tp 18, r 21, swi sel, el sei sec 8, tp 11, r 18, nwi swi sec 9. tp 11, r 18, el sei sec 32, nl swl sec 33, tp 10. r 14, nei seo 14, tp 12, r 16, nwi sec 13, tp l- r lb, nl swt, sei swl. swi sei sec 24, tp 9. r 17, si ne eJ sei sec 17, tp 11, r 19, o4 nwi, sw nw seo 17, sei nei seo 18, tp 11, r 19, nwi owl sec 11, tp 11, r 17, si nl sec 17, tp 17, r 18, nej sei seo 84, nei nl sec 22, tp 15, r 12, wl el sec 16, tp 14, r 21, lot 8, blk 1 Ashwood, nei nwi, 1 nei, Bel nei sec 29, tp 10, r 13, lots 13, 14, blk 14, Laidlaw, wl wl sec 36, tp 15, r 10, lots 1, 2, blk 1, Paulina, swl sec 10, tp 15, r 12, n)tf nwj, swl nwi. nw sw seo 29, tp 12, r 13, nei nw, w ne, nwi ue Bee 32, tp20,r 24, el ne, n Be sec 19, tp 21, r 12, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk 2, 2nd arid to Print ville, se sw, sw Be sec 26, e nw, ne seo 35, tp 12, r 13. swi sec 26. tp 14. r 16, el Bel, sw sei, er sw sec 33, tp 20, r 10, b si, sw ne, se nw Bee 24, tp 14, r 14, lot 8, blk 2, sisters, lots a, 4, o, o, oik o, Sisters, lots 11, 12, blk 13, Laidlaw, lots 1. 2, 11, 12, blk 5, Laidlaw, lot 8, blk 17, Deschutes add, lots 13, 14, blk 33, Falmsin; nei sei seo 14, tp 13, r IS, e sw, nw sw sec 13, tp 12, r 13, b! ne, n se see 2, tp 17, r 20, w ne, wl Bel sec 29, tp 15, r 20, 1 int in nw ne sec 83, nw ne, se nwJ4 sec 20, tp 12, r 12, lota U, 7. blk 11, Astiwoou, lot 2, blk 11, Ashwood, lot 14, blk 20, Pal main, lot , lit k 11, I'almaiii, lots D, t, blk 15, Prineville, nwi se sec 20, tp Id, r 11, nl ne, sc ne pec 31, nw nw sec 32, tp 11, r 17, sw sec 28, tp 17, r 20, se eeo 7, tp II), r 13, wl se, ne se bu no sec 8, tp 13, i 14, lot 9, blk 3, Third add to Prineville, se sw, sw se sec 32, tp 12, r 15, lot 2, sw nej sec 6, tp 13, r 15, lot 22, blk 40, Red mond, lot i, blk 04, Redmond, se sw, w sf sec 34, tp 14, r 12, lot 2, sec 3, tp 15, r 12, e se sec 23, nl sw sec 24, tp 10, r 13, nl se see 29, tp 17, r 12, 1 nei. t se, sw s'4 tec 16, tpfl, r 18, lot 5, blk 4, 5th add to Prineville, 50x100 se cor Lytle acre, strip ol land 100 leet wide west of canal, Prineville parcel, lot 9, blk 11, Palmain, e ne, sw ne. nw se sec 4, tp 10, r 19, se nw, nei "It Min f. Uf ui mn. I j y a A , uet sec 32, tp 19, I 10, Lytle, 80x200, eV, sw j. t i mi sec z, tp w, r l'J, all sec 10, tp 20, r 10, lot 15, blk 16, Bend, lot 6, blk H, Bend, lot 11, blk 28. lot 13, blk 28, Bend, e i sec 24. ne see 25, tp 17, r 11, 1 ne, se ue, Dt4 sei sec 9, tp 12, r 10, swi ne. i ni, ne swl, r,w se sc 2:j. tp 13, f 15, lot 8, blk II, Lwidlaw, sw see 34, tp 1(1, r 19, nl nwi. - nl, nei sw sec 28, tp 15, r 19, personal property lien on se ce sec 16, tp 12, r 13. lotj 13. 11, 1.1, blk 15. Bend. w tw sue 10. tp in, r 15, ne sw tec II, tp 17, r W, lot 11. Ii!k 6, 1 it 3, blk 20, Laidlaw, lots 2i, 24, blk 18, Laidlaw. lots 1, 2, blk 18, Laidlaw. lot 11, blk 4, Laidlaw, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, blk 17. Des- cbuteg, ne na, nw ne sec 23, 1 se Sic 14, tp id, r VI. Said Jobn Arnicker, Ashwood Gold Mining Co. S A Bakley, S II Bornes. C C Buchanan, C C Butler, G F Callihan, Hulda Carson. H E Chaffee, Frank D Cbamplin, S W Compton, E F Cooper, John W Crojk, F M Donaldson, Cath erine Hwyer, tlrnira iurgoson, Ida A Finch, Chas Fosljtrg, L R French, H W Gamble, B Gildner, Joseph W Glessner, E T Holme. Chas F Holt, Eva Johnson, D B Kelley, Irvine A Hamilton, J W Jones, Laidlaw Bank ing A Trust Co. W A Lamb, Geo P Lee, W Lord. F M Loveland, J W Mackey, H E Miller, Lettie Miller, Elaie Milli gan, A M Minkler, J M Montgomery, H K Allen, Columbia Valley Trust Co, Columbia Southern Irrigation Co, Mary Ferguson, Fletcher A Croup, W F Ham mer, W W Harris, E J Lane, Mayfield Bros, J W McCollum, Jail McCollum, McTaggart A Bye, Mrs M J Price, W P Myers, A W Myers, John McCormick, T McCoy, T H McGhee, C C McNeeley, Perry W Newbill, C P Nelson, T K Kaborn, J S lUnuels, D P Rea, Reed A Steidl, Tom Keilly est, A T Rendle, P B Reynolds, Redmond Townsite Co, C K Sandy, Ssnford A Rodman, D P Shrum. Simpson A Wilson, J F Staley, Julia Steidl, Nettie Stevenson, J 0 Storey, John Sisemore, The Central Oregon Banking A Trust Co, Pilot Butte Del Co, C M Tnplett, Henry Tweet, R B Vaughn, Harry G Webb, A E Wisner, J F Welburn, G W White, W C Wills est, John Sisemore, G E Smith, J C Stiles, Wm G Stiles, Laconie Stiles, J P Strickler, Chas Tedford et al, Warner A Burnett, and all persons unknown owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any right, title, equity or interest whatever in the real property hereinabove described, as the owners of tbe legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record and each of the other persona above named are hereby further noti fied that Crook county, Oregon, a pub lic corporation, will apply to the circuit court of tbe county and state aforesaid for a decree foreclosing tbe lien against the property above described and men tioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear witttm sixty days after the first publication of tbls summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and de fend this action or pay tbe amount due as above shown together with coots and accrued Interest and in caee of your failure to do so, a de cree will lie rendered foreclosing; the lien of said taxes and costs against tbe land and premises above named. This summons Is published by or der of the Honorable G. Springer. Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Crook, and said order wag made and dated the 23rd day of April, 1914, and the date of the first publi cation of this summons le the 23rd day of April, 1914, and tbe last pub lication June 25tb, 1914. All process and papers In this pro ceeding may be served upon tbe un dersigned residing within tbe state of Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. Willard H. Wibtz, District attorney and attorney for plaintiff. Address, Prineville, Ore. Summons In the Justice court of the state of Oregon, Crook county, district No. 1. Collins W. Elklns, plaintiff, vs. M. A. Gullck, defendant. To M. A. Gullck, defendant above named: In the name of tbe state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plain tiff filed herein against you on or be fore the 3rd day of July, 1914, or for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of Thirty and fifty hundredths dol lars with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from October 6, 1913, for $25.00 attorney's fees and for tbe costs and disburse ments of this action. Tbls summons Is published by or der of the Honorable A. R. Bowman, Justice of the Peace of District No. 1 of Crook county, Oregon. The date of the first publication of this summons Is May 21, 1914. Date of last publication July 2, 1914. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract Public Land Sale. ' Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore. May 26th, 1914. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved March 28, 1912, (37 Stat., 77), pursuant to the ap plication of Shelley Holland, serial No. 011366, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than f 2.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 15th day of July, 1914, at this office, the following tract of land : nw, sec tion 27, township 18 south, range 19 east, Willamette Meridian. "This tract is ordered into the market on a showing that the greater portion there of is mountainous or too rough for cul tivation." Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale, 6 lip H. Fkank Woodcock, Register. I- vrsti, hi.hint. a Wl jvu, a 101111,5 a w vvs Wot ice for Publication- Isolated Tract Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore. May 2nth, 1914. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner ol the General Land Oftice, nnder provisions of Act ot Congress approved March 2S, 1912, (37 Stat., 77), pnrsnsnt to the ap plication ol Manlord D. Nye, aerial No. 011289, we will offer at public sale, to tbe highest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre at 9;45 o'clock a. m , on tbe 15th day of July, 1911, at thia office, the following tract of land : sw se, section 7, nw ne section In, township 18 south, ramie 18 east Willamette Meridian. "This tract is thrown into the market on a showing that the greater portion thereof is mjuntaihoua or too rough for cultivation." Any persons claiming adversely the slxive-duscribed land are advnwd to file their claims, or objection, on or before tbe time designated for sale, 6 li p II. Fkank Woodcock, Register. Notice of blisrifl's Sale. Br virtue of an execution In fore closure duly Issued by the clerk of tne circuit court ol the county of Crook, state of Oregon, dated tbe 4th day of June 1914, In a certain action In the circuit court for said county and state, wherein H. J. Overturf as defendant recovered Judgment against E. B. Suramy and Helen B. Hurnmy as defendants for the sum ot Two Thousand Two Hundred Fifty dollars, and costs and disbursements and Interest taxed at $303 75, on the 12th day of December, 1912. Notice Is hereby given that I will ON THE lltk DAT OF JULT, 1914, at the north front door of the court house In Prineville, In-said county, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bibder, for cash, tbe following de scribed property, to-wlt: Lot 4, of section 31, township 17, south, range 12 east, and nw of sw, section 6, township 18 sooth, range 12 east of Willamette meridian, sav ing and excepting therefrom, a tract 210 feet square out of tbe northeast corner ot said lot 4 described In the deed from A. C. Lucas and wife to J. S. Smith and J A. Holmes, dated May 29th, 1911, recorded In Crook county, Oregon, book 25, page 159. Taken and levied upon as the prop erty of the said E. B. Summy and Helen B. Summy tbe property above described, and will sell tbe same or as much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said Judgment In favor of H. J. Overturf, against said E. B. Summy and Helen B. Summy with interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Frank Elkins, Sheriff. Dated at Prineville, Oregon, Jane 8th, 1914. Hotice of Final Account In the County Court of the State ot Oregon, In and for tbe County of Crook. In the matter of the estate of Mary K. Monner, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned has presented bis final ac count to the above entitled court, and that Monday, the 6th day ot July, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., baa been fixed as the time, and tbe court room of said court as tbe place for hearing objections. If any there be, to said final account. Any person having objections there to should file tbe same In writing. duly verified, with the clerk of the above entitled court on or before said date. Frank Monneb, Administrator of the Estate of Mary K. Monner, deceased. Joseph A Hanet, 5-28-5t 511 Corbett Building, Portland, Ore., Attorneys for Administrator. Rotice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned, the administrator of the estate of Samuel S. Jones, deceased, to all persons Interested In said es tate, that be has niea with the clerk: of tbe county court ols final account-. Ing of his administration of said es-. state, and that the court has set Monday, tbe 6th day of July, 1914, at 10 o clock In the forenoon, at tbe county court room In Prineville, Oregon, as a time and place lor bear ing and settling said final account ing. At which time and place any person Interested in said estate may appear and object to said final ac counting. Dated this zist day ot May, iau. C. E. Jones. Administrator of the estate of Sam uel S. J one?, deceased. 5-21 Notice for Publication Isolated Tract Public Land Sale. Department of the interior. U. S. Land OtHce at The Dalles, Or. May 28, 1UI4. Notice is hereby given, that as direct ed by the commissioner of tne general land office, undor provisions of act of congrepx approved March 28, 1912, (37 Stat. 771, pursuant to the application ot Htlmer W. Fairchild, serial No. 010909, we will offer at public sale, to tbe high est bidder, but at not lees than $2.00 per acre, at 9:30 o'clock a. m on the 17th day of July, 1914, at this office, the following tract of land: W nwt section 26, ne ne, section 27, township 16 south, range 18 east, Willamette me ridian. "This tract is ordered into tbe market on a showing that the greater portion thereof is mountainous or too rough for cultivation." Any person claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or befora the time designated for sale, H. Fbank Woodcock 611-p Register. Bids Wanted. Tbe city of Prineville, Oregon, will receive bids, to be delivered to E. O. Hyde, recorder, on or before July 6th, 1914, for the following work: One bid to cover ah work necessary for the construction of 1280 lineal feet of cement curb, 7950 square feet of cement sidewalk, and 3U2 lineal feet of cement crosswalk. All bids to be accompanied by a certi fied check for ten per cent of the total amount bid and presented on forma furnished by the city engineer. Bids to be opened July 7th, 1914, at 8:30 p.m. Plans and specifications on file in the office of the city engineer. 6 11