JUNE TIME ROSE TIME GOOD TIME PORTLAND He Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. . will sell round trip tickets at greatly reduced fares for the eighth annual . ROSE FESTIVAL PORLAND, JUNE 9-12 On sale daily, June 7-11. Final return limit, June 15 Make your plans now to attend Portland's annual feast of roses. For particulars, fares, schedules, etc, ask H. BAUKOL Agent O. W. R. & N. 6 4-1 Redmond, Ore. notice of Final Account Ja the County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for the County of Crook. In the matter of the estate of Mary K. Mouner, deceased. Xotlce Is hereby given that the un dersigned has prevented his final ac tount to the above entitled court, and that Monday, the 6th day of July, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., hag been fixed as the time, and the court room of Bald court as She place for bearing objections, it any there be, to said final account. Any person having objections there to should file the same In writing, inly verified, with the clerk of the above entitled court on or before said date. Fbank Monnkr, Administrator of the Estate of Mary K. Monner, deceased. Joseph 4 Ha.net, 5 28 5t 511 Corbett Building, Portland. Ore., Attorneys tor Administrator. Sotice of Final Settlement. 3Jee is hereby given by the un dersigned, the administrator of the estate of Samuel S. Jones, deceased, to all persons interested In said es tate, that be has tiled with the clerk of tbeeounty court bis final account ing of his administration of said es tate, and that the court has set Monday, the 6th day of July, 1914, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the oDDty court room in Prlneville, uregoD, as a time and place for hear- .jrand settling said final account ing. At whlcn time and place any person interested in said estate may appear ana ooject to saia Dual ae counting. Dated this 21st day of May, 1914. C. E. Jones. JMmtnistrator of the estate of Sam uel S. J ones, deceased. 6-21 Summons In the justice court of the state of wregon, Crook county, district So. 1. Collins V. Elklns, plaintiff, vs. II. A. Guliefc, defendant. To M. A. Uulick, defendant above satmed: Sn the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plain tiff filed herein against yon on or be fore the 3rd day of July", 1914, or for OF c ILJVJL5 AND: Farm Implements l will sell at my farm, one and a half miles southwest of. Lamonta, Oregon, on Saturday, June 27th, 1914 sommencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following property: TWELVE HEAD OF CATTLE Consisting of 5 milch cows, 3 one-year-old calves, (2 heifers and 1 bull), 4 spring calves, all heifers. Three Good Work Horses ne Hoosier Drill One 3 Winona Wagon, good as new One 16-in. Sulky Plow One 3-bottom 9-in. gang plow FREE LUNCH SERVED AT NOON TERMS: All turns under $10.00 cash; all over $10.00 note with approved security. MRS. S. A. SHORT Lamonta, Oregon want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment against you tor the sura of Thirty and fifty hundredths dol lars wttn interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from October 6, 1913, for $25.00 attorney's fees and for the costs and disburse ments of this action. This summons Is nubllshed bv or der of the Honorable A. R. Bowman, justice oi tne reaee ot District .No. 1 of Crook county. Oregon. The date of the first publication ot this summons Is May 21, 1914. Date ot last publication July 2, 1914 iNotice tor Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or. May 2nd, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Adolf Schul of Held, Oregon, who, on July loth, 1909. made homestead entry No. 06085, and on March 26tb, 1914, made additional homestead- entry No. 012745, for lots 1, 2 and 3 and e,S nwj sec 19, lot 4, sec 18, tp 18 south, range 21 east, and sej ne,1. net sei section 24, township 18 south, range 20 east Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make fiual three year proof to establish claim to the land above described before A. 8. Fogg, U. 8. Commis sioner, at Hampton, Oregon, on the 16th day of Jnne, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Paul Held, Harley Saunders, Reuben J. Engstrom, all of Held, Oregon; Harry Barnes of Barnes, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock. 5 7p Register. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned, the administrator of the estate of Fernando Roots, deceased, to the creditors of said deceased and to all persons having claims against said estate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the under signed at the office of M. It. Elliott, In Prlneville, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time May 28, 1914. A. H. Lippman, Administrator of the estate of Fer nando Roots, Deceased. Crook County Journal, 11.50 per yr. rocK SAI -ail uiii ii niY'-v. J NOTES BY C.M.MKNITZ PA. O COKXtSPONDENCE SOLICITED Thes articles and lllustratlana must not ovrepnnica wunuui iprcini permission. NATURAL NEST BEST FOR TUR KEYS. When Mother Turkey goes trilling ru ml in the spring peeptug here Mid Iteerlng there, mid the boys come run nliiK in mid shout, "Mother, the old turkey's buntin nest!" Now, don"t you do as somo of our grund oud great grandmothers did. They discounted the untural. wild turkey Instinct of Mother Turkey, thought to Improve on nature and made her nest lu a barrel, or bos, and though their nature take nesting, Photo by C. M. Barnltx. A R ATT7BAL TURKEY KEST. breeding and feeding were done with best Intentions, these dually pluced our country lu the turkey graveyard class. ?iow, look at our pictures. In the first Mother Turkey bad her choice. She bunted and twittered around long time before she found a place to auit her a big, leafy brush heap In the woods. fche knew that minks and weasels and skunks would be noxiug around, and the sharp eyed hawk and crow and the fiery eyed, velvet fetithered owl would be after her and her speck led ecss. and she didn't want limiians around to bungle the Job either, and not till she hatched was her nest found and the brush, turn away, re vealed her leafy ivtreiit. That's prdiid. true, natural nesting, that is! She sat there In perfect com fort for four weeks, dreaming of the pretty bird babies to come. The oak leaves and forest mold afforded a per- 4 s f 7 4 .f i " i.i if 'JrV Photo by C. M. Barnltz. TBS OLD OAKEN BAR11EL. fwtly clean nest, the nnturnl moisture from the ground kept her eKS from drying out und the thick, leafy canopy oe'rhead gave perfect protection from sun and ruin. No wonder poults batched In such lovely environment are the test, but look at the barrel. How would yon like to sit lu a barrel on a hot scorch ing day? Think of Mother Turkey sit ting in there for a whole mouth. Do you suppose eggs hutcb such good poults In a dry, dusty barrel a they do in nature's way? Can Moth er Turkey change her position when she gets tired and turn and cool hei eg's In such an uncomfortable pine without breaking her eggs? And the bugs. Don't such barrel get bughouse quick, especially when used for several hatches In succession as they often are? Yes. everybody must 'fess that it't best for Mother Turkey to choose hei own nest. All n human need do Is tt free her from lice before she nest and keep some feed handy to her re treat and water If there Is not a chat tcring brook pining by. DON'TS. Pon't grow old ungracefully and mnj your Inst days be your best days. Don't grow weary In well doing, bill don't do I lie editor for what Is due. . iJou't let sentiment Influence you b keep shojv birds that are past faying fife; MM. a Old Alary -Ua to Data, H' Variation on the stars and stripe, designed by Yankee golf enthusiast, gone mad over Mr. Oulinct'i victory. London Punch. . Utttrly Mlttaktn. "What do you mean, sir, poking youl umbrella in my eye?" "I assure you, sir, you are mistaken." "How can I be mistaken V "Yea, you are. ' This la not my um brella. I've Just borrowed it from frlond."-l'ittoburgh Trcsa. A Diffrno. She Don't you think Mlsg Screocher Is a beautiful singer? He-She Is beautiful, all right, but I can't say the same of ber singing. New York Globe. . Surprised. 1 Teo.cn- Fair Stranger How much has Mrs. Gadabout Toinlliisoii mi deposit here? Bank Teller I cannot tell you. Fulr Stranger-Why, I thought you were the "teller!" Chicago News. Toot, Toot, 13? "Wliu; Is the difference between last year's mnchlne and this?" "The horns have a different sound." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. . Naturally. Schoolteacher Can you tell me the kind of Illumination they bad on the urk? Little Wllllo-Arc lights. - Chicago Jr-r d Is iProfasur.Hal Cards Dr. Hewtnl Ct Dr. N. Mrrfa DENTISTS Crook County Bonk Building Bennett, Sinnott & Galloway Attorneyi-t-Lw (ienertl Praotlc Tub Dali.m, Ohb. N. G. WALLACt Attorney-at-Law Rooms 3-4-5 Kamitra Bld'f Printvillo, Ore J. II. "ell A, W. Him Crook County Abstract Ct. (I no) Buoorwori to The J. It. tinner Abstract Co. 1'rliwvtllo, Urin AlMtrnrta lusurAnee Prof. A. W. Grater, Dlvino HooUr Ollke in Morris Itulldlng throo doors souin oi journal oince. PrlnavilU, Oroaon J. Trcgclles box M. R. C. 8. Kn; and L, H. A. London i i.icpncvr vrtnm ninw AitHiicsi ifosru. 8HK!lallnt ill Hurimrv: llviflonx All, nienUr Canal, women and oliiMtwii'a aiwuei cm. Offln and ntaldvniw Third tlmot nosr Tonii llouw. Tvl.i IMntiiwr, Calls nwril promptly, niaiu or or. Ulntrsoa inoilonilo srtftm. Ot'COLlHTH Belknap d Cdwards (County I'liyalcian.) T. E. J. DUFFY (MuoKuor t W. A. Dell) PklNSVILta ... Okkohs Citalt Cornett Hullillng, Ituom 6 D. H. PEOPLES Civil and Irrigation Engineer Koom 11 A'Tamson llld'g rrinevdle, Ure. 03 SPhyiitian mmm' Smrjttm Calm Asawsssn 'umrri.T Dav o Niuhi Omci (ini Poos Mi.ctm or ahasmis'i iiiixHTnRs. Hoih oBli e sn ru). dvDOS UlluljliuUHa. W. A. HELL Lawyer The Dnlle Orcuon &. Cliiolt, Frit , Ortf fljt C. 23rink ft lrtl. !PrnU, Onotm. Willard II. Wirtz ' District Attorney Oflice in Crook (Jminty iiank BIJr. I'iu.vk vir.i.K Oniciion IA A P Lodge meel .J,J.r day nittt. meets everyTuns. btrangers welcome. T, L. Coon, W.G ; Kstea Short, V.. ; fercy K. Smith, Kecretaryj C. B. Din widdle, Treasurer. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, the administrator of the estate of I.avina Temptation, deceased, to all creditors of said deceased and to all persons having claims against said es tate to present ihem with the proper vouchors to the undersigned at tnv oflice In 1'rineville, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time May 2 1914. A. R. Bowman, Administrator of the estate of Lavina Templuton, doceaeed. Bids for Wood Wanted Notice Is hereby given that bids for 80 corda of four-foot body pine or Juniper to be delivered lit the Crook County High Hchool, Prlne ville, Oregon, on or before Sept. HO, 11)14; and also for 100 corda body pine or Juniper to be delivered at the courthouse, l'rliievllle, Oregon, on or before Rept 30, 1914, will -be re ceived by the undersigned. Dlds liiUHt be filed with the county clerk on or before July -1, 1914. The right Ih reserved to reject any or all bids. Waiiiikn IIiiown, County Clerk. Jersey Cows for Sale , Anything from cuIvch to milking cowh. All young stock of high grade. Drlces .reasonable. 'Phono or address, L, 11. Litfollette, Prlneville, Oregon. !IB PrinevilleDrugCo THE NYAL Store AGENTS "BLOCKl" Perfume and Toilet Water Each Bottle Contains the National Flower Beautifully Preserved "Get the Parcels Post Habit" Lafler's Studio for good (loiahing, films, dry plates, cameras, papers and all kinds ot supplies. General photo work nestly and promptly done. Free instruction to those who use our films and papers. Lafler's Studio We Strlre to Please Millinery Always the latest styles at the most reasonable prices. Special rates to teachers and others attending Sum mer School. We also carry a full line of Velvetina Toilet Preparations which never fails to give satisfac tion, at Mrs. Estes MILLINERY PARLORS ' Prineville, Ore. Farm Loans For a short time we have sub ject to our disposal $25,000 for loans on highly improved irrigated ranches in the vicin ity ot Prinevillo. Loans to he for 15,000 or more and run from 3 to 5 years, with inter est at 8 per cent, payable an nually. W e charge a small oommiwion to be paid by the borrower. See . A. R. BOWMAN with Central Oregon Title & Trust Co. 6 19 Prineville, Oregon PATRONIZE THE Prineville Steam Laundry 1-2! Why not take the Journal ?