Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 04, 1914, Image 7

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Harlem Tommy Intended to Be
x Bellhop, Not Fighter.
In 1005 Wii Knooksd Out In First
Round by Trry MoQovarn Camo
Baok etront Agalnat Aba Attall Un-
bbj to Wrast Till From Johnny Kil.
ban Lookad "All In" Onot.
There' n unique story In Harlem
Tummy Murphy. Murphy In tliu lie
ginning Intended In become n bellhop
If lio dldu't tnakit good a a buiur. lit
never bustled lea water, however. In
1905, tilt tlitra year In tho (IhUc gum,
lie wa knocked out by Terry McUor
rn In round. A person would nst
unilly think (lint tu b defeat would
bnvo ended Tommy, but bo was back
soon and boiud Aim Attull. Blue tbon
bo bns been boxing ulna yoani,
la 1011 Murphy took tlio knockout
from Kayo llrown. It waa not an boa
oat knockout-that la, Murphy waa sup-
, Willi nitchln. lightweight
cbamplun of tlio world, bna du
ll rud out a now scheme whereby
bu collects uU of tbo giito re
ceipt In til buttle and bli op
ponent (tot tbo bonor of fighting
blm. Tbo system en mo to light
when Itlti'blo wired Promoter
Andrew a followa:
"Toll Willi I want 40 per cent
of what bo get, bcaldu uiy $10,
400 gunrnntco and 40 per cent of
tho gro receipt."
When Nate Lewi,' White'
inn linger, liciird this he Immedi
ately got In town wltb HulTiiln
promoter In view of fighting
Jimmy Duffy,
J -aw,' r p-
t'hoto by Amarlcan Pres Aaaoclatlon.
posed to tnke It. and ho did Rot It
Wo are totd that tho blow that Anally
put blm down waa a corker that would
bare finished auy one. Uotn the Mc-
Govern and llrown Irepur cam In
the first round.
Tommy had "downa" beside these.
Imt In bla lat fight for tho champion
hip of the world bo Wire Tlllo Holder
llttchlo a rucged argumcut Now bo
Is matched with Freddie Welsh, Urll
lh lightweight champion. Some ciW
fronted record!
Originally Iho Irishman livid In
Oni-iiiMilnt. a auliurb of llrooklyn. He
wna a pal of George Hocy, a sons
tlnnal featherweight whom Johnny
Oliver win grooming at tho Polo club
Iloey wouldn't box for Oliver. how
ever. unleH bo would atuke Murphy
At that time Tommy waa a con
aumptlvo looking hoy. IIu bad more
ambition ilnui Iloey and put on the
glove every day nt the Polo. In
few inonlha Murphy begun to Imprest
Oliver, who pnld him considerable at
tcntloii. Ilocy wna a grand lighter, bul
vol busy. Murphy never loafed.
Oliver matched Murphy up and ha
bled blm along, lie got Trunk Ernr
and CiiMicr Leon to tench the kid. and
Oliver aueuriit tho right kind ol
niatebe. Tlio result wna that Murphy
became a enrd In two yenra.
After the Inat Brown-Murphy fight
Oliver and Murphy apllt up. and Jim
Buckley, the limn who bad always put
tip the weight and nppearnnce forfeit
for Murphy, became bis manager.
Tttrarch la Mottltd Gray,
Clroua Hon.
Ilnclng new from England Jtrnt now
contnlna inueb about The Tctrnrch, the
favorite for tho Derby, who waa
scratched at the Inat moment.
The Tetrarcb Is a mottled gray colt.
French, bred, by Hoi Ilerode Vahren
Not only la his mealy gray color out
of the common, but In addition be la
garnished with a big bay patch on his
aide, which give blm a resemblance
to a circus hurso. In speaking of his
winning bis races Inst eunsou with con
aummnto easo, there la no oxnggera
tlon. In llko fnnhlon to Old Itoaobud
tie Jumped oft. with lightninglike
strides lu the first quarter and sproa
cnglcd bla Held.
This colt Is owned by Captain
McCalmont and la trained by II
I'eraae, the same who trained and rode
Jumpers for the stable of Mr. Cham-
Met of Brookllnc In the days of the
Duko of Abercorn. etc. Whether as
three-year-old he Is going to prove blm
self ns great a prodigy renmlus to be
aoen. Ho will have every opportunity
of dlHtliiL'iilHhliic himself as a marvel
of tho century, na he la engaged
every one of the clnssle events.
So fur ns the color of the colt is con
"corned It Is nil old adage, "A good
race home Is never of n bud color."
the 'ninny gray horses thnt have bee
aeon on the truck a very big percent-
nge have been race horses better than
the average. In the hist score of yearn
quite fl few can be culled to mind
Una',, Cambysea.' Mzle, Lucas. Ori
flainmo, Sparke, Derby, Belmnr, Ox
ford, (Jrny Frlur and othws.
California Middltwalght's Looks
Bali His Calling.
After reading about Billy Murray,
the "new Stanley Ketclml." one looks
forward to seeing a doughty little
bruiser with all the eccentricities of
the original "Asaln.H
To tell the truth, young Mr. Murray
look Just like any other human being
dressed In a fine dark blue suit, cut
long tho lutittt line. The grunt on
expect when addressing him doesn't
happen, and the fighter says things In
the moat Intelligible way. Ills lan
guage la excelleut, and there I even
the absence of "deae" and "dose," so
common In the present generation of
those wbo follow the gam of fists.
Aside from cut over bl left eye
Inflicted by Loo I loot' k In the bout tliftf
uiad Murray famous, Murray could b
taken for nothing !a than a success
ful young business man. He'd bo taken
for anything but a fighter. Ho doesn't
talk fight, either, except when bo Is
queried on It But he's fighter Just
the same. Ills record of forty-two
fight, thirty-eight of which ho won by
knockouts, prove that
Jack Kearns, who knowa a fighter
when be see one. Is bis manager.
Kearns, It may be renieuibered, piloted
Dick Hylntid during the hitter's suc
cessful campaign of the rings all over
the country. Ho baa other good ones,
oo, but was dull In tho game until be
got bis eye on Murray lu those four
round bouta In Frisco. Kearns busied
himself getting the boy under bla man
agement, and atiice ho has been wltb
blm he bns Improved greatly In box
ing. 1'roof of that was shown when
be went along for twenty rounds with
Jimmy Clabby. generally regarded as
the cleverest middleweight In the
world. Kearns has Ixt'ii borne out by
the boy In all the fights he tins bad
blm- lu, and now he cannot see any
thing but undisputed right to the mid
dleweight title before many month.
Murray bns a reach that Is wonder
ful. It measure seventy-four Inches.
The hoy Is loose Jointed and according
to Kcurns never awing a punch
Straight arm blows are what be always
itiploy, and behind every one of them
there Is the weight of a heavyweight's
Illght now Murray can go in the ring
at 150 pound, but auy man who can
scale at 1iKl ringside will be welcomed
ns an opiKineut
Monarch .of Balk Ling World
Shy Only Two Records.
In the circuit court ol th it to o(
Oregon for Crook county.
Crook County, Oregon, public corpor
ation, plsiuiill,
John Amlcker, Ashwood Gold Mining
Co, S A It. k ley, H H Borne. 0 C Buch
anan, V U miner, U V LMUthsn, llultl
Caraon.IiE tbanee Frank DChamplin
W uompton, t i cooper, John
Urook", r
Lata Jaka Schasfar Still Tops th
Wisard In This Raapact Vary Lit
tl Doubt, Though, of His Ability to
Break Existing Raeords Eventually.
At His Bast Now.
William K. Hoppo of New York Is
now monarch of all be surveys In the
balk line billiard world, holding the
14.1. 1H.1 and 18.2 championships and
seemingly having them all nailed down.
Although he bold this trinity of
championship, there are still two rec
ords In these styles of play be doe
not possess. It I said of the New
York marvel that he never goes to the
table In uiatcb wltb any other Idea
than that of beating the existing rec
ord. He hold the high run and blgb
average niarka both at 18.2 and 14.1,
but bn nothing In the 18.1 event
On the second night of hi special
match wltb George Button at Chicago
IIopp averaged 135 for Ml point.
Opn Champion Crltioiaad For Entering
Matoh Prior to Toumamant.
Golfing authorities In this country
have criticised Frauds Oultuet s Judg
ment In competing agaliwt Hilton lu
i ';
r'tiff-i 4
' V"
n -v
4 ,
' '' '
h v-. -
y) ?- a i ii hi wii I
m, E F Cooper, John W lot 0, blk 11, Palmain, ei nej, iwi nei.
M Donaldson. Catherine ' nl moi m 1 r in r It) ( nwi ni-i
Dwyer, Elmira Ferguson, Ida A Finch, ,i (rti 2, 3, of ec 7, tp 18, r 17, ne
Cha FoHberg, L B French. H W lec 32, tp 19, r 10, Lytic, S0x200, 1
(iambic, B Gildner, Joseph W Glener; ( ,wi ,1 a tec 25, tp 19, r 19, all sec 16,
Third add to Frlnerllle, aej w, w
i aec 82, tp 12, r 15, lot 2, iwi ne
sec 6. tp 13, r 16, lot 22, blk 46, Red
mond, lot 2, blk 54, Redmond, set sw,
wj at-i sec 34, tp 14, r 12, lot 2, sec 3, tp
lft, 1 12, e) ti sec 23, st aw sec 24, tp
10, r 13, ni aei aec 29, tp 17, r 12,
tik. J at-i, swi ae!4 sec 16, tp 9, r H,
lot 6, blk 4, 6th add to Prineville, 60x100
s cor Lytle acre, strip ol land 100 feet
wide wat oi canai, rrineviii parcel,
Photo by American Press Association
pnANcia ouimht.
the gold cup tournament previous to
the big amateur cbninps.
In this match bo was outclassed by
tho Englishman, mid the natural con
sequence wiib thnt he lost confidence
and became easily worried over cru
cial moments.
Trnvprs. on the other hand, refused
to compete nnd contliiiied his practice
with tlio wooden clubs nt Sandwich.
Photo by American Prtas Aaxoviailon.
wn.i.ia noi'rs.
while In a special tournament played
at Chicago In-lPOO be rim 307. these
being world's marks for 1S.2.
In the world's U.I tournament, which
wn recently finished t New York city,
Uoppe made a run of 30,'! In bis mat
against Oeorge Slosson, while In his
game wltb George Sutton he averaged
40 flat for his 400 points.
Frequently It tins been asserted that
the Into Frank C. Ives held the record
high run of HO and high average of
3014. both of which were made In the
original tournament for the Bruns-wlck-ltnlke
emblem staged In New
York city In ISiiT. ,
Charley Behnefer, who now Is run
ning a room nt Chicago, takes excep
tion to the high average claim, ami the
records show he Is correct Flaying
In a handicap tournnmeiit at Central
Music ball In Chicago In 1908. Jake
Sebnefer and Ives each was on the
400 mark. George Sutton, W. A, Spltiks
and the late YYIlllnni H. Catton were
on the 2(10 mark.
Schnefer had a high average of 40,
and this still stands as the best ninrk
nt 18.1 In a -tournnmeiit Jake, In the
gnme In which ho made this record.
bail a blgb run of 138. so thnt he came
within two shots of tying the high run
record of Ives. Ives hnd a high run of
130, nnd his grand average for the four
games was 24 1S-15.
In the recent 14.1 tournament nt New
York Hoppe hnd a grand average of
25 75-100, so that Ives' work of seven
teen yenrs ago at the harder style of
play compares well with that of Hoppe.
lloppe's best average for COO points
at 18.1 is 33 1-3, made In tho first
night's play of a clinllengo match with
George Slosson nt New Y'ork In 1910.
Ho never has approached the high run
innrk of 140.
Hoppe' play In the 14.1 champion
ship event at New York again demon
strated bis great supreuincy lu the
balk line world. In the seven matches
be played ho did not meet with defeat
the only plnyer to give him anything
like a run being KoJI Yamadn. who
scored 803 points while the American
chnmplou was gathering bis 400.
Hoppe secured a grand total of 2,800
points, nnd It Is Interesting to note
that hla seven opponents scored only
1,1110 between them, or an average of
100 4-7. The chnmplou failed to pess
the century murk but once, this being
In his inntcli with young Jake Sebnefer,
when be tumle 87. In bis other matches
be scored runs of 1 134, 303, 123, 104
and 145.
Ilopne'a defeat, of- Oeorge Sutton
4IX) to 4. must be put down ns a freak
liaiipeulug. lloppe's average of 40 was
legitimate, but for a player of Suttou's
caliber to score only 4 points seems
K T Holmes, Chan F Holt. Eva John
on, 0 1) Kelley, Irvine & Hamilton, J
W Jones, Laidlaw lianking & Trust
Co, W A Lamb, Geo F Lee, W Lord, F
M Loveland, J W II acker, It E Miller,
LrHlie Miller, Elnie Milligan, A M
Minkler, J M Montgomery, II K Allen,
Columbia Valley Trust Co, Columbia
Southern Irrigation Co, Mary Ferguson,
Hotelier A Croup, w r Hammer, w w
Harris. KJ Lane, Mavfield Uros.JW
MuColliitn. Jail M O.ifnrn, MvTaggart
& Ilye.Mrs M J 1'nc , W P Myers. A
W Myers, John M C-rmick, T McCoy.
T II McGbee, C C ii.-Seeley, Peiry W
Newbill, C I WebM.i , t 11 Kaborn, J B
Hannells. 1) P K-.'. K.-ed & Hteidl, Tom
Iteilly est, A Tib .!.-, PB Reynolds, I
Hedmond Townnite Co. O E Bandy,
Hanlord & Rod man, D P Shram, Himp
son & Wiison, J F btaley, Julia Steldl,
Nettie Stevenson, J O Storey, John
Sisemore, The Central Oregon Banking
A Trust Co, Pilot Butte Del Co. C M
Triplett, Henry Tweet, R B Vsuirhn,
Harry U went), a k wisner. J r wei
burn, O W White, W C Wills est, John
Sisemore. G E Smith, J C Stiles, Wm
G Stiles, Lscouie Btile, J P Stickler,
Cbss Tedloid et 1, Warner & Burnett,
And ail persou unknown owning or
claimiig to own, or having, or claiming
to have ny right, title, equity or inter
est whatever in the real property here
inafter described, defendant.
To John Arnicker, Asbwood Gold Min
ing Co, S A Bakley, 8 11 Bornes, O U
Bucbaosn, C C Butler, G F Colliban,
Hulda Carson, H E Chaffee, Frank D
Chaplin. S W Compton,E F Cooper,
John W Crooks, F M Donaldson,
Catherine Dwyer, Eliuirs Ferguson,
Id A Finch, Cha Fosberg, L K
French, II W Gamble, 11 Gildner,
Joseph W Glesoner, E T Holmes,
Cha F Holt, Ev Johnson, D B
Kelley, Irvine A Hamilton, J W
Jones. Laidlaw Banking A Trust Co,
W A Lamb, Geo P Lee, W Lord, F M
Loveland, J W Mackey, H E Miller,
I-flttie Miller. Elsie Millinan, A M
Minkler, J M Montgomery, U K
Allen, Columbia Vliey Truet Co,
Columbia Southern Irrigation (jo,
Marv Femuson. Fletcher A Crouo, W
F Hammer, W W Harris, E J Lane,
Mayfleld Bros, J W McCoilum, jail
Miollum. McTaaaart A Bve, Mr M
J Price, W P Myers, A W Myers,
John McCormick, T McCoy, T H Mc
Ghee, C C McNeelev. Perry W New
bill, C P Nelson, T K Kaborn, J S
Hannells. D P Rea. Keed & Steidl,
Tom Ueilly eat, A T Rendle, P B
Reynolds. Redmond Townsite Co, C
E Bandy, Sanlord Rodman, D P
Shrum. Bimnson ft Wilson, J
Siilev. Julia ttteidl. Nettie Steven
son. J O Storey, John Sisemore, The
Central Uregon Hanking iriiBi kaj,
Pilot Butte Del Co. C M Triplett,
Henry Tweet, R B Vaughn, Harry G
Webb. A E Wiener. J F Welbnrn. G
W White, W C Wills est, John Sise
more. tl E Smith. J C Stiles, Wm G
Stiles. Laeonie S'.ile. J P Strickler,
diss Tedloid etal. Warner A Burn
ett, and all persons unknown owning
or cUiming to own, or having or
claiming to bsve, any right, title,
wjuilT or interest whatever in the
real property hereinafter described,
the above named defendants:
lu the name ol the state ol Oregon,
vou are hereby notified that Crook
County. Oregon, a public corporation,
the holder of Certificates ot Delin
quency numbered C 101 to C 19H, av
ing and excepting numliers C 141, is
sued on the 2Uth day of April, 1914. by
the Tax Collector of the county of
Crook, state ol Oregon, for the amount
of Two tbouand niue hundred thirty-
one anil niuety-nine nimureuiuo
(293I.MM Dollars, the same oeing me
amount then due and delinquent lor
taxes for the year V.KVS, together witn
ltv. iniereetand costs thereon no
on tbe'real propel ty assessed to you, of
which you are Hie owner aa appears 01
record, situated in said county and
state, and particularly nounawi ana
described as follows, to-wit: Lot 2. blk
40, Palmain, e6 sej t, do a 10;
nwl nwl, ei nwi sec 20, tp 19, r 13, e,
sej sec 5. tp 19, r 21, w svj sec 4, tp
19, r 21, sci nej sec 9, swi ni, wj swj
sec 10, tp 12, r 12, sej sei sec 1, tp 13,
r 13, m swi, net i c , tp w. r it,
swi swj sec 23. tp IS, r 12, ni swi ec
5, tp 15, r 20, ni ei sec 6, tp 15, r 20,
nwl sec 11, tp 13, r 20, el sel, nwl
swi nel sec. 0, tp 13, r 10, si nel, ei sci
sec zb, tp iz, r 10, iois z, o set
sec 30, tp 12, r 16, r nwl, nwl ewi
sec 25, tp 12, r 15, also parcel in sec 20,
tp 12, r 15, wi wi nel sec 10, tp 14,
r 18, lot 4, blk 1", Laidlaw, wl swi sec
22, tp 17, r 10, wi nwl, 'l owl see 27,
tp 17, r 10, eH net. i sej sec , tp is,
r 21, swi sel, ei sel c 8, tp 11, r IS,
nwi swi Bee 9. to 11. r 18, ei sel sec 32,
nl swi sec 33, tp 10, r 14, nel see 14, tp
12, r 16, nwl eo 13, tp 12, r 16, ni swi,
sel swi, swi sel 2-1. P 9 r 17 "i wl
e S, sel eo 17, tp 11, r 19, n.S, nwj, swi
aw1 SfC If, set net l lP lL r la
nwl nwl sec 11, tp 11, r 17. tl nl sec
17, tn 17, r 18, nel set sec 34, net ei
sec 22, tp 15, r 12, wi ei sec 16, tp 14, r
21, lot 8, blk 1 Asbwood, nel nwl, "1
net, sel net sec 2U, tp l", r , lots 1.1,
14, blk 14, Laidlaw, wi wi sec 36, tp 15,
r 10, lots 1, 2, blk 1, Paulina, ewl aec
10, tp 15, r 12, nwl, swi nwl. nwi
swt sec 29, tp 12, r 13, nel nwl, l net.
nwl set sec 32, tp 20, r n. ej net, n
sel 19. tP 2L 1. lots 5 6 7- 8 blk
2, 2nd add to Print ville, swt, awl
set sec 26, el nwl, net sec 35, tp 12, r
13, swt sec zo. tp 14, r in, ej set, swt
,.. seV swi sec 33. to 20. r HI, si ss,
swt net, sei nwi sec Z4. tp 14, r 14, 101
3, blk 2. Sisters, lots 3, 4, 5, 6. blk ,
Sisters, lots 11, 12, blk 13, Laidlaw,
lots 1. 2, 11, 12, blk 5. Laidlaw, lot 8,
blk 17, Deschutes add, lota 13, 14, blk
33, Palmain; net set SB0 ! P l3- T 13
el swi, nwi si sec 13, tp 12, r 13, f!
net, ni sel ee 2, tp 17. r 20, wi ne,
wi set see 29, tp 15, r20, lint iu nwj
net ec 33, nn.l net, set nwJtf seo 20, tp
12, r 12. lots 0, 7. blk 11, Asbwood, lot
2. blk 11, Asbwood, lot 14, blk 20, Pal
mnin, lot (I, blk 11, Palmain, lots 5, 6,
blk 15, Prineville, nwi i SB 2u. P l".
r 11. nl tie, scl net sec 31, nwi nwi
sec 32. tp 11, r 17, ewi sec 28, tp 17, r
20, sei sec 7, tp 19, r 13. wl selnel set
so)f net sec 8, tp 13, 1 14, lot 9, blk 8,
tp 20, r 10, lot 15, blk 16, Bend, lot 6,
blk 9, Bend, lot 11, blk 28. lot 13, blk
2S, Bend, si set seC24, ei net sec 26, tp
17, r 11, wi net, t nel, ne t sec 9,
tp 12, r 10, swi net, pl ni. nei
awl set sec 23. tp 13, r 15, lot 8, blk 9,
L-iiiilaw. sl sec 34. tp 10, r 19. nl nwl.
jstl nwl, net swt sec 2s, tp 15, r ltt,
! personal oronerlv lien on set et sec 15,
tp 12, r 15, lot 13. 14, 15, blk 15, Bend,
swt iwi sec 10, tp 10, r 15, m j swt sec
11, tp 17, r l'l, lot 11. bik 6, lt 3, blk
20, Laidlaw, lots 23, 24, blk 18, Laidlaw,
lots 1, 2, blk IS, Laidlaw, lot 11, blk 4,
Laidlaw, lots 9. 10, 11, 12, blk 17, Des
chutes, net nt. ot net tec 23, rl sei
,.c 14. tp 15, r 12.
Said John Arnicker, Ash wood Gold
Mining Co, S A Bakley, S H Bornes, C
C Buchsnsn. C C Butler. G F Callihan,
Hulda Carson. H K Chaffee, Frank D
Cbamplin, S W Compton, E F Cooper,
John W Orooks, il uonaiuson, uaifi
erine Dwyer, Elmira Ferguson, Ida A
Mnch, Utia osoerg, L. u. rrencn, n
W Gamble. B Gildner, Joseph W
Glessner. E T Holmes. Chas F Holt.
Eva Johnson, V a Kelley. Irvine a.
Hamilton. J W Jones. Laidlaw Bank
ing A Trust Co. W A Lamb, Geo P Lee,
W Lord. F M Loveland, J W Mackey,
H E Miller, Lottie Miller, Elsie Milli
gan. A M Minkler, J ai Montgomery,
H K Allen, Columbia valley trust uo,
Colombia Southern Irrigation Co, Mary
Ferguson, Fletcher & Cronp, W F Ham
mer, W W Harris, E J Lane, Mayfield
lirOS, 4 W JUCVA11IUUI, .111 Jlit,-vviiuiili
McTaggart A Bye, Mr M J Price, W P
Mrer. A W Myers, John McCormick,
T McCoy, T H McGbee, C C McNeeley,
Perry W Newbill, U r elon, 1 st
Itaborn. J S Rannels, D P Rea, Reed A
Steidl, Tom Reilly est, A T Kendle, P
B Reynolds, Kedmona lownsiie co, k,
E Sandy, Sanlord A Rodman, D P
Shrum. Simpson & Wilson, J F Staley,
Julia Steidl, Nettie Stevenson, J O
Storey, John Sisemore, The Cectral
Oregon Banking A Trust Co, Pilot Butte
Del Co, C el riipieic, nenry iwee, n.
B Vaughn, Harry G Webb, A E Wisner,
. ...... Sir lirL:.. tr n ur:il
1! neiourn, u rv none, y .inn
est, John Sisemore, U c Smitn, j c
Stiles, wm u sines, income o-.ues,
P Strickler, Cbas Tedford et al, Warner
A Burnett, and all persons unknown
owning or claiming to own, or having
or claiming to nave any rigoi, iuie,
ennitv or interest whatever in the real
property hereinabove described, as the
owners ol the legal title of the above
described property aa the same appears
of record and eacti 01 tne oiner persons
above named are hereby further noti
fied that Crook county, Oregon, a pub
lic corporation, will apply to the circuit
court of the county and state aforesaid
for a decree foreclosing the lien against
the property above described and men
tioned In said certificate. And you are
hereby summoned to appear within
nlxtv dava after the first publication
of this numinous, exclusive ot the
(lav of eald first publication, and de-
feud this action or pay the amount
due as above who wu together with
costs and accrued interest and In
case ol your fullure to do so, a de
cree will lie rendered forecloalnir the
lien ol said taxed and costs against
the laud aud premises above named
This summons la published by or-di-r
of the Honorable G. Springer,
judj;a of the county court of the
state ol Oreifon. for the county of
Crook, and said order was made
and dated the 23rd day of April
1914, and the date of the flint publi
cation of this summons is the 23rd
day of April, 1914, and the lu, pub
lication June 25th, 1914.
All process and papers In thla pro
ceeding may tie served upon the uu
derslgned residing within the state
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
mentioned. Wh-lard H. Wibtz,
District attorney and attorney for
plaintiff. Address, Prineville, Ore.
In the circuit court of the state of
Oregon for Crook county.
Crook County, Oregon, a public corpor
ation, plaiutm,
Hardy Allen, Geo. W. Barnes, Sarah
handle, Airs. Al. ai. dock, oiumoia
Valley Trust Co., Mary Ferguson,
Fletcher A Croup, J. L. Gard, Walter
Gilliespie, W. F. Hammer, P. A.
Hamilton, Irvin A Hamilton, Cora
A. Jones, J. W. Jones, J. G. Julien,
Heirs Frauk Brogan, E. H. Butler,
E. J. Lane, James Magness, J. W.
McCollum, Jell McCollum, J. W. Mc
Kay, McTaggart & Bye, Eric Nelson,
Mrs. E. Poiudexter, C. A. Potter, E.
S. Potter, John Sisemore, G. E.
Smith, Mrs. Mary E. Smith, John C.
Stiles. Wm. G. Stiles, Laeonie Stiles,
J. P. Strickier, Uren & Son, Warner
& Burnett. A. E. Weiener, Dan C.
Crowlev, VV. W. Harris, C. S. Ray,
Ed Joslin Est., W. F. C. Profitt,
Profitt Bros.. Cbas. Lamson, May
field Bros., J. L. Lingan, Nancy E.
Pratt, Mrs. M. J. Price, U S. Rogers
.1. H. Overturf G. Kampber. J. F,
Drew. Columbia Southern Irrigation
Co., and all persons unknown owning
or claiming to own, or having, or
claiming to have, any right, title,
equity or interest whatever in the
real property hereinafter described,
To Hardy Allen, Geo W Barnes, Sarah
Handle, Mrs M M Beck, Columbia
Valley Trust Co, Mary Fereuson,
Fletcher & Cronp, J L Gard, Walter
Gilliespie. W F Hammer, P A Ham
ilton, Irvin & Hamilton, Cora A Jones
J VV Jones, J G Julien, Heir Frank
Krogan, E H Butler, E J Lane, James
Magness, J VV McCollum, Jell McCol
lum, .1 VV McKay, McTangart & Bye,
Eric Nelson, Mrs E Fotndexter, C A
Potter, E S Potter, John Sbetnore, G
E Smith. Mrs Mary E Smith, John C
Stiles, Wm G Stiles, Laeonie Stiles,
J P Strickler, Uren & Son, Warner &
Burnett, A E Weisner, Pan C Crow
ley, VV VV Harris, C S Ray, Ed Joslin
Est.. VV F C Prrttitt. Profitt Bros,
Clias Lamon, Mayfield Bros., J L
Lingim, Nancy E I'ratt, Mrs M J
Price, !, 8 Rogers, J 11 Overturf, G
Ktiiiiplier, J F Drew, Columbia South
ern irrigation Co, anil all persons uu
known owning or cl iuiing to own, or
having or claiming to have, any right,
title, equity or Interest whatever In
th re property hereinafter de
acribed, the bove named defendant:
in tna nam ot the stat ot Oregon,
Yon ar hereby notified that Crook '
county, Oregon, a public corporation,
the bolder of Certificate of Delinquency
numbered Cl to C57, saving nd ex
cepting numbers C12, C29, C38 and
C41 ; issued on th lsth day 01 Marco,
1914, by the Tax Collector of the county
of Crook, state of Oregon for the
amount of One thousand one hundred
nineteen and fifty hundredths (1119.50)
Dollars, the tame being th amount
than doe and delinquent for taxes for
the year 1907, together with penalty,
Interest and cost thereon npon the
real property assessed to yon, of which
you are the owner as appears of record,
situated in said county and state, and
particularly bounded and dercribed M
follows, to-wit:
Lots 7, 8, 9, blk 1. Sieters.
Lot 3, blk 2, Sieters.
Lots 5, 6, blk 6, Siter.
Lots 2, 3, blk 8, Prinevil'e.
Lot 7, 8, blk 3, Deschutes.
Nl nwt, swt nwi ee 19, tp 17 r 19.
Lota 11, 12. blk 13. Laidlaw.
Lot 8, blk 17, Dew botes
Lou 13, 14, blk 33, Palmain.
LotO, blk 27, Palmain.
Lot 5. blk 15, Redmond.
Net set sec 14, et swt, nwt swi, ieo
13, tp 12, r 13.
Lot 9, blk 3, Palmain.
Lot 8. blk 1, Ashwood.
Lots 6. 7. 8, 9, blk 28, Bend.
Net nwt, ni Dei 'i net aec 29, tp
10, r 13.
S swt c 19, tp 10, r 13.
i net, el, net, nwt set sec 35, tp
9, r 17.
Lota 12, 13, 14, blk 3, Palmain.
Lot 14, blk 11, ralmain.
Wl net. wl set e 29, tp 15, r 20.
SI set sec 10, net c 15. tp IS, r
Lots 6, 7 blk 11, Ashwood.
Lot 2, blk 11, Ashwood.
Lot 16, blk 11, Lytle add.
Lot 14, blk 20, Palmain.
Lot 6, blk 11, Palmain.
8Xn sec 18, tp 15rl0.
A oarcel of land commencing at ft
point 400 feet cast of the sw corner of
sw ne Z4-V-W. tnence eaat zi leei.
thence north 214 feet, thence west 214
feet, thence south 214 feet to place of
Net sec 14. tp 18, r 10.
Nwt sec 14, tp 18, r 10.
Lou 13, 14, 15, blk 15, Bend,
Lot 11, blk 22, Bend;
Sw swt sec 16, tp 16, r 15.
Net ewi sec 11, tp 17. r 16.
Wl net, set net, neV set see 26, tp 17,
Lot 1, t net, set nwi sec 4, tp 23,
Lots 23, 24, blk 18. Laidlaw.
LoU 1, 2, blk 18, Laidlaw.
Lot 11, blk 4, Laidlaw.
Lots 10, 11, blk 3, Neweom add Prine
S set sec 14, net nwt. nwt net sec
23. tp 15. r 12.
Lot 8, blk 9, Laidlaw.
Net set sec 12, tp 10, r 17.
W swi, set swi sec 7. tp 10. r 17.
SI nel. n?4 i 2- P i7 T 20
E 1-2 lot 4, 5, 6, blk 16, Laidlaw.
N!i nel 10, P 17. r 21.
Wl net, eel net, net aec 32, tp
10. r 19.
Set swt sec 9. swt nwt sec 15, nl set
sec 16, tp 10, r 19.
Nwi sec 3, tp 13,rl3.
1 Interest nwi net sec 33, and in nwt
net, set nw'i sec 26. tp 12, r 12.
t-i nel, nl sel sec 8, tp 13, r 13.
El swi, w4 set sec 24, tp 10, r 13.
Lots 5, 6, blk 15. Prineville.
Nwi nwt aec 25, n nei, set net sec
26. tp 13. r 19.
Sei sec 9, tp 21, r 1.
Sei set sec 11, sl swt sec 12, nwt
nwi sec 13, Pet net ec 14, tp 9, r 14.
El swt, set nwi sec 16, tp 13, r 1L
Lots 1, 2, 11. 12, blk 5, Laidlaw.
Said Hardv Allen. Geo VV Barnes,
Sarah Bandle, Mrs M M Beck, Colum
bia Valley Trust Co, Marv Fersnson,
Fletcher & Croup, J L Gard, Walter
Gilliespie, VV F Hammer. P A Hamil
ton, Irvin A Hamilton, Cora A Jones,
J VV Jones. J G Julien. Heirs of Frank
Brogan, E H Butler, E J Lne, James
Magness, J VV McCollum, Jell McCol
lum, J VV McKay, McTaggart & Bye,
Eric Nelson, Mrs E Poindexter, C A
Potter. E S Potter, John Sisemore, G E
Smith, Mrs Mary E Smith, John C ,
Stiles. Wm G Stiles, Laeonie Stiles, J P
Strickler, Uren A Son. Warner A Burn
ett, A E Weisner, Dan U crowiey, vy
VV Harris, C L Rav, Ed Joliu est, W '
C Profitt, Profitt Bros, Chas Lameon,
Mavfield Bros, J L Lingan, Xancy E
Pratt. Mrs M J Price, L S Rogers, J ti
Overturf. G Kampber, J F Drew, Col
umbia Southern Irrigation Co, and all
persons unknown owning or claiming
to own, or having or claiming to have
any right, title, equity or interest what
ever in tne real property nereinaoove
described ; as tbe owners of the legal
title of the above described property aa
the same appears ol record and each of
the other persons above named are
be-eby fiuther notified that Crook
county, Oregon, a public corporation,
will apply to the circuit court of the
county arid state aforesaid for a decree
foreclosing the lien against the prop
erty above described and mentioned in
said certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty daya
after the first publication of the snm
mons exclusive ol the day of said first
publication, and defend this action or
pay the amount due as above shown to
gether with costs and accrued interest
and in case of your failure to do so, a
decree will be rendered foreclosing the
lien of said taxes and costs against the
land and premises above named.
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable G. Springer, judge of
the county court of the state of Ore
gon for the county of Crook, and said
order was made and dated the 25th
day of March, 1914, and the date of
the first publication of this summons
is the 20th dav of March, 1914. Date
of last publication May 28, 1914.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served npon the under
signed residing within the state of Ore
gon, at the address hereafter men
tioned. VVlLLARO H. WlBTZ,
District Attorney and attorney for
plaintiff. Address Prineville, Oregon.
Estray Notice
One 3-year old horse, branded 2 or
4 F connected on left hip nt stifle
Joint: left hind foot w hite, white spot
In forehead. Owner can have same
by proving: property nnd paying ex
penses o tid vert bring, etc.
G. T. Elpuidok,
4-9-4p Prineville, Ore.