Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 04, 1914, Image 3

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Important Western Bills Now
Depend on Favor of House
' Democrats.
Washington. -Unless western mem
bers of Hit) house cuii Induce tlio dem
ocratic lenders to cull another caucus
to mid to tint Ii-kIhIiuIv proKnim for
the session, It Id doubt ful whether any
pending IuikI or Irrigation bills enn
become luwt before udjourmncnt
This fuel developed whfin a 1 I''H -tlon
of western members culled on
the president to urgo bin support of
thii bill allowing set Hers on govern
ment Irrlital hiri projects 20 years In
which to piiy for their water und pro
viding a system of grndunted pny
m mi l. The president suld the 1)111
should become law. I In mnde It pluln,
however. Hint lie could not do any
thing to bring shout Immediate pus
miK fur hu had pruuilsml Heon-senta-tlvs
Underwood ha would unk for no
legislation oilier than Hint approved
by llin detiiocrnllc cnuciiH and In no
event would he link lb house to pass
miy otlmr bills while the milt-trust
legislation U pending.
President Delivers Memorial Address.
President Wilson and flcpuknr Clark
delivered addresses at tho memorial
day services under the aiiKplcea of
tho (irnnd Army of tho Hepubllc la
Arlington National cemetery.
Tho president hnd not expected tlo
participate, but, feeling that a falsa
construction had been placed on his
declination, decided to attend and to
speak. Ilitfore the president's decision
bad been communicated to those In
charge, they had Invited Kupaknr
Clark to make the address of the day
and be bad come from Atlantic City
for this purpose.
Says Buslntas Slump Psychological,
Hepreanntutlvea of "big business
heard from President Wilson the ad
ministration's view of an attitude to
ward the business of the country,
While expressing an eurm-sl desire
to "serve and not to hinder or Injure1
the president suld It was evident that
such a policy as the democratic party
wus nnw pursuing "was uliHolulely
liocpssury to satlHfy the conscience of
the country ond its pereepilon of Urn
prevailing conditions of business." lie
said uncertainty wus tho worst thing
of nil for buslneca.
This waa his answer to manufactur
er who came to the White House
niS.inK that all legislation affecting
business except the trade commission
bill bo temporarily withheld.
The president also suld that, whllo
he wus aware of the present depres
sion In business, there was abundant
evidence that It wus purely psycholo
gical, and thut there wus no material
condition or substantial reason why
the biiHlnoss of the country should not
be In the most prosperous and expand
Ing condition.
Discrimination Feature Approved.
1'rovlslons aimed against price dis
crimination and against exclusive
agency contracts were perfected by
tho house In the consideration of the
Clayton bill to supplement tho ami
trust laws. Scores of amendments de
signed to alter the measure as framed
by ihe Judiciary committee were voted
The principal contest wus over (he
section making It unluwfu for whole
saler to lease or sell i:ools wlt'i a
con -111 Ion that tho purchnseia shall not
deal In the gooils of a conpc.lltor. tin
successful attempts wero muilo to lim
it the prohibition to such understand
ings -is are mude "with tho lilent of
establishing a monopoly or destroying
tho business of a competitor."
Committee Favors Oregon Apple Box.
Tho house committee on coinage,
weights and measures reported Rep
resentative Raker's bill adopting tho
Oregon npple box as the standard ap
ple container for the on'lre United
States. The bill provides thnt an ap
ple box shall be of the following di
mensions: Depth of end, 10 Inches;
width, 11 'i Inches; length, 18 Inches.
All urn Inside measurements und rep
resent 2173 Vi cubic Inches.
Iloxes not measuring up to tho
standard must bo marked "abort box,"
Violators of the law are liable to 0
fine of (1 a box.
National Capital Brevities.
Tin river and hnrhor bill was for
rtui 1 1 y reported to the senate, carry
ing pniendinoutB nffectlnir the north
west. (Vnys Harbor receives $1 10,001)
and tho $10I),OUO for Willnpii hnrlior
U omit led.
Secretary of tho navy Daniels rec
ommends tho stile of tho battleships
Mississippi nnd Idaho to Greece for
tho actual cost of the Bhlps.
United States Senator Lnnc, demo
crat of Oregon, opposed In the annate
the lopenl of the free tolU clause In
the I'unnma cnnnl net. Ho urged a
new treaty concerning tho citiml
Congressmen are considering a new
treaty covering deep sea craft, with
the object of safeguarding lives of
passengers, as result of the disaster
to the Empress of lrultiii'1.
v A
13 3 Xl"'" r
to -
Frederick W, Lehmann, one of the
American Commissioners to the Mexi
can Mediation Conference at Niagara
Brief News of the Week
A soveie eaitlupiuka shock waa re
cently felt at Fairbanks, Alr.i ka.
H!am will solid a batliillon of Infnn-
try and a band to the I'uminiu I'aclflc
exposition at San Francisco.
A general holiday was observed
throughout tbe south Wednesday In
honor of the anniversary of the birth
i 1
of Jefferson Davli.
London residents, armed with buck-1'1'
eta of hot water, are fighting off mill-1
Uint suffraglstt who are bent on
smashing windows.
One person was killed and a num
ber hurt In a severe wind storm which
swopt Superior, Wis., causing property ! Quebec, and 10 miles from this point
damage estimated at $500,000. on lhe 8t- Lawrence. In reality, there-
Five freshmen at tbe Academy at;'ore' allhol'Kh the llner WM "
Annapolis have been arreated In con-j ,or the ,ea and ,he colller con,,Dg lD
nectlon with the death of William 1 ,rora 1,18 dlRnB,Pr wa not one of
Ilowlus. victim of hnxers. I tl,e ocenn' but of ,he river-
Tho University of Missouri celebrat-l Aecou" agree lhttt "l Md
ed It. 75th anniversary Wednesday, "
with Secre.ary of Agriculture Hous-' '"' ih8
ton a. the speaker of the duy. I lon "ml ,he 8",kln,! of lbe llner lhere
...... I wus little chnnce for systematic mar-
Hrenrms can be sold on y by II. , ... ...
, , , , , , . i shnlllng of tho passengers,
censed dealers III Chicago, and then
, . , l Capta n Stood on Br doe.
only to persona who have a permit v v
from the chief of police, according to 1 CalJ,aln Kem,al1 ,ood on bia bri(lKe
new ordlnuui-n j 88 t,te Hllll' ''nt down. One of the
Twenty six Indictments for murder ' hoa from 0,0 it,PT p,ckcd bl,n up
and 76 for rioting have been returned ' a,,d bo dlrctt,'d 1,8 work of 8ttvlng
by tho Canjon county grand jury. Col- j
orndo, In the Investigations Into strike
troubles which resulted In the killing
of William Klnu. I
The Illinois Ilur association adopted
resolutions prohibiting Its member. I
from giving out Interviews for publi
cation In cases In which they are In
terested. Tho publicity pructice is
held to be unethical.
Thursday the magnificent monu
ment erected In the confederate sec
tion of tho Arlington national soldiers'
cemetery was unveiled with Impres
sive ceremonies In which President
Wilson and other notables took part!
United States, Great rirltaln and
Japan have completed agreement to
send delegations to Ilerlng sea this
summer to Inspect operations under
the fur seal treaty. The commissions'
will work Independently, although
along parallel lines. I
Events of the week abroad will In-,
elude the birthday celebration of Popo ;
Plus X., the assembling of the new ;
French parliament, the opening of the
Inlernntlonnl horse show ln London,
and the dedication of the Amerlcnn
college for girls, nt Constantinople.
People in the News
Society Is too quick to Intercede In
behnlf of criminals, says former Jus
tice of the supreme court of Wiscon
sin, John B. Winslow.
John D. Rockefeller's wealth has
been estimated at 1311,226,307 by the
tax returns, In Cleveland. Most of
the amount is In Standard Oil hold-
Victory for prohibition In California
would mean a loss to the Industries
of the Btate of a sum estimated at
$700,000,000, snys William H. Schuldt
of San Eranclsco.
Mrs. Joseph II. Knowland, wife of,
Representative Knowland of Califor
nia, who Is a candidate for tho United Colonel Roosevelt Starts for Madrid.
States senate, announced that sho will New York. Colonel Roosevelt sail
stump the stnto with her husband. "1 on the Olympic for Southampton,
Michael .1. Jordan, secretary of the
United Irish League of America, od
vlses young Irishmen to remain away
from America, because It Is explained,
thoy enn't compete with Americans
who nre trained on their own soil.
A courlmartlal sentenced Vico-Ad-
mlral Mntsumoto of the Japanese navy
to throe years' Imprisonment on
charges of accepting bribes In connec
tion with naval conlracts.
Tho theory of Dr. Samuel Plorre-
pont Lnngley, who proclaimed to the
world that ho had solved the problem
of tho air several years before henv-lor-tlmn-nlr
machines had been suc
cessfully nnvlgnled, was vindicated
when Glenn Curtlss, the aviator, went
loft In "Laugley'a folly."
Responsibility for Sinking of
Steamer Empress of Ireland
Placed on Anderson
Itlmouskl, Quebec. Responsibility
for the deaths of nearly 1000 persons
who perished when the collier Stor
stad rammed and sank the great Can
adian I'liclflo liner Empress of Ire
laud, was placed squarely on Captain
Thomas Anderson of the collier, by
Captain li. O. Kendall of the lost ves
sel. Captain Kendall, testifying before
a coroner's Jury declared failure of
tho Htorstnd's cuptaln to observe whis
tle signals caused tho collision. Neg
lect to hold the fitorstud' noso In the
hole In the Empress killed the last
hope of rescue.
Captain 8ay Proper Signals Given.
('utitaln Kendall In substance testi
fied thut be bad taken all possible pre-
cautions against a collision. Mia snip
hud been slopped, he gave the requi
site signals when the Danish collier
Htorslad, which dealt the blow which
sent the Kmpress to the bottom, was
still two miles away, but the collier
nua Kept on througti the log wuicn sot-
down soon after the two vessels
Kbted each other, and had rammed
' 1,18 Kinpruss of Ireland when tbe lat-
tcr vessel was virtually motionless.
Then, despite his plea to the master
of the collier that he run his engines
fu" ,"e1 Hh;a(, 10 kel'P tne hoIe ln
ll'e Hner'i aide plugged with the Stor-
bo', tM c,"t,n Ke"du. th
Dli"'Hh veSI",1 backed Bway tlle water
i rushed In and tbe Empress sank.
Crash Occur Near 8hore.
The cran,b occurred not far from the
shore off Father Point, ISO miles from
others until the craft was loaded. The
captain was Injured In the crush and
"um rru "',ure' oul Pe""y
recovery Is expected.
Few women were onions the saved.
The Um muke U apveaT not more
than a dozen.
"It all happened so quickly that we
did not really know what was going
I on and nobody had time to cry 'Wo
I men first," " one of the passengers told
, Captain Bellinger, of the rescue boat
j Of the 1387 persona on board only
i sit nre known to have been saved,
n'"kl"8 11,0 probnble deR,h llst 969'
Empress Blamed for Vessels' Separa
tion After the Collision.
Montreal. With her bows crumpled
In and twisted nnd a gap showing on
tho port side only a foot or so above
tho waterllne, In mute evidence of the
,rag(,dy ln whk.
wegllln conk,r
.nrt . .,'
h she figured, the Nor-
Storslnd, docked here
and a few minutes Inter a warrant of
arrest, taken out by tho Canadian Pa
cific railway, was milled to her muin
According to the captain and offi
cers, contrary to what had been said
by the captain of tho Empress, the
Slorstnd did not back awny after the
collision. On the contrary, she steam
ed ahead In an effort to keep her bow
ln the hole she had dug Into tho side
of the Empress.
The Empress, however, according to
the StorBtad'a officers, headed away
and bent the Storstnd.'s bow over at an
acute angle to port. After that the
Empress was hidden from view of the
other ship, and. despite the fact that
the Storstad kept her whistle going,
she could not locate the Empress until
the cries of the victims In the water
were heard
whence he will go to Madrid to attend
the wedding of his son, Kernilt, and
Miss Hello Willard, United Slates Am
bassador Willnrd's daughter.
Radium Cures One Man.
Baltimore. It. was announced here
that radium had effected a complete
! cure of cancer of the throat, for which
A. L. Glass, a railroad official of
Gainesville, Fin., came here for treat
ment two months ago.
Portland Geta Swedish Conference.
Tacoma, Portland was chosen as
the next meeting place of the Paclflo
Northwest Swedish Mission Churchea
at the conclusion of a ten days' con
ference held here.
Cut the High
"Factory Direct
Call or send for our new
420-page Catalogue.
A.H.Lippman & Co
Latest News: Art Squares Dropped 25 Per Cent
i ji
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reanonabla rates. Remember na when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have '
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Auticc of Sale of Real Estate
In the County Court of the State of
urejfwii for W...-CU County.
In the matter of. the estate of John
C. t owlle, dec eased.
Notice Is hereby trlven that In pur
suance t,f an onler duly made and
entered lu the above entitled caurt.
In the nliovp entiil.-il matter, on the
mil uiij ui .viu.v, A. u. 1U14, the un
dersliied, as administratrix of the
snld estate, will proceed to sell at
private sale for the liest price obtain
able, for cash, on and after Saturday,
the 2tlth day of J uue, A.D.1914, at the
hour of 9 o'clock a. m. of said day,
the followlii); deserllied real estate
belonging to said estate, to-wlt :
The cost half of the northeast
quarter (i J tic) anil the east half of
southeast quarter (ej sejl of section
thirty-four (34), In township eleven
(11) south, range seventeen 17) east
of Willamette meridian. In Crook
county, Oregon, tbe said described
land lielnir commonly known as de
ceased's "timber land," together
with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belong
fug and appertaining.
Any person desiring to buv said
land Is requested to submit a bid
therefor with draft or certified check
for the amount of his bid, payable
to Dorothea C. Fowlle, administra
trix, In care of Bright, Itrynnt &
Ellis, her attorneys, Tbe Dalles, Ore
gon, on or la'fore Friday, the 10th
day of June, A. D. 1914, at 5 o'clock
p. in.
Administratrix reserves the right
to reject any or all bids.
Said sale will be made subject to
the confirmation of the court and
abstract ol title will be furnished If
ret u I red.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this
11th duy of May, A. D. 11)14.
5-21-5 Administratrix of Said Estate.
Cancellation of Co. Warrants.
Notice la hereby given that 60 davs
after July 1, 11)14, the following list
of warrants Issued over seven years
ago will be cancelled If not presented
to the county clerk of Crook comity
for payment on or before the expira
tion of the above time limit. The
person to whom Issued, the amount
and date of Issue are as follows:
T J Malloy, $;U0, Aug. 8, W05.
Charles Llpford, $1.60, Jan. 4, 1906.
John Weinberg, :U0, June 2, 11106
N li Moses. $1.50, June 2. 190(1.
h H Cochlln, $.", July 5, 19116.
Wm W Uordoii, $;l, July 5, 1906.
W M Mohs. .'l, July 5, 1906.
Tlios Hamoii, $.1, July 5, 1906.
John Dnvln, 13 44, Sept. 6, 1006.
Ad Keller, $1.50, Nov. 7, 1906.
W S Price, !. March 6, 1907.
W U McKluney, 3, May 1, 1907.
State of Oregon, I
County ol Crook, f 88
1, Warren Brown, clerk of the
above named county and state, do
Hereby certify that the foregoing
list contains all the warrants ln my
olllce which have been Issued over
seven yeurs and are still unpaid.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said court on this the 25th day of
April, 1914, Warukn linows,
County Clerk.
Crook County Journal, $ 1.50 per yr.
Cost of Living
Our New
to Home" Plan
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Mult
nomah, ln Probate.
In tbe matter of the estate of Kirk
Sheldon, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that hereto
fore, on tbe 23d day of May, 1914, the
Judge of the above entitled conrt
made an order licensing the under
signed to sell the hereinafter de
scribed real estate owned by the
said estate at private sale lor cash :
Now, therefore, In pursuance there
of, notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned will sell at private ante
at 602 Fenton Building, Portland.
Oregon, on the 8th day of Jolv, 1914, 1
at 10 o clock a. m., the following
described real property, to-wit :
l.ow nil in lie red six (6) and seven
(7), In block numbered fourteen (14).
Glen Harbor, Multnomah County,
Oregon; and t he east one-half (e ) of
the northeast one-quarter (ne) of
section thirteen (13), township ten
uui soutn, range thirteen (13) east,
Willamette meridian. Crook county.
Terms of the sale will be cash In
hand at the time of sale, with the
exception that In the sale of the tract
lust above described, purchaser may
assume the mortgage of $1300.00
threon as a part of the purchase
price, nnd all persons deslr
Ing to submit bids on said iirou-
erty are hereby notified to appear at
me aioivsaiu time and place and sub
mit their bids thereou. And the un
dersigned hereby gives notice that on
the said 8th day of July, A D. 1914,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m she
will proceed to sell said real estate
at private sale as aforesaid.
Date first publication, Mav 26, 1914.
Date last pub., July 2, 1914.
Executrix of the estate of Kirk Shel-
don, deceased.
Notice lor Publication ,
Deiiartrneiit. of iho Intnrtni.
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore.
May 21, 1914.
Notice Is hereby given that
Ijw!h W. Vifltor
of Terrebonne, Oregon, who on June
7th. 1909. made hoinnstend enlpv 'r
04958. for net. section 15 tnwnaiil
south, range 14 east, Willamette me-
riuiau, nas men notice ol Intention
to make final five year proof to es
tablish claim to tlm lnml nl
cribed, before Wurren lirown, county
clerk of Crook county, ut Prineville,
Oregon, on the 10th day of July 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Abel
Cudd and Louis J. Ogden, of Temv
bonne, Ore., Carl J. Sundqutst and
v icior uuuer, oi rrinevllle, Oregon.
5--'8t Keglster.
Light bay horse, ireldlnir. welhr.
1020, rangy built, bald face, four
white stoeklmrs, Small brand nn
left shoulder, also T F connected on
stifle. Has halter on and sharp shod
No. 2 shoes. Last seen near Itoberts
Ore. Keward of $12 wilt be paid for
recovery of horse. Deliver horse to
ni, n. fliaynem. 4-9-lmD
Subscribe for the Journal, $1.50 yr.
Fruit Trees!
Central Oregon Grown
The only kind you can afford
for one. Prices low enough
to surprise you.
Lafollette Nursery Co.
Prineville, . 6 0- Oregon
Satisfaction Guaranteed by
New Houses Built, Old Ones
Repaired, Remodeled
or Reshingled
by day or contract. Leave or
ders at Clifton &. Cornett's store
or address Lock Box 375, Prine
ville, Oregon. 4-9
Champ Smith, Propr
M Imported and Domestic f
Famous Whiskies
J Old Crow, Hermitage; Red j
Top Rye; Yellow Stone; 4
3 Canadian Club; Cream I
J Rye; James El Pepper,
1 Moore's Malt A
Porter, Ale and Olympia j
Draft Beer on Tap. i
Imported Wines and t
The Oregon Bar
At the Old Stand
G.W. Wiley &CoPrps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier 'Beer in
Bottles and on Draft
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
Protect your chickens from
lice. Use Carbolineum. One
good application all that is
needed for a season. For sale
by J. E. Stewart & Co.