Crook Comty COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY VOL.XVHI-$1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914. Sntn4 t tb poatoffioa t Prtnerlll Oregon, M moodVIm mltr NO. 28 Crook County High Commencement Week Thiols commencement wck it the Crook County Hijith. The school will graduate the lament clam In iU history. Rev, Ramsey preached the baca laureate sermon May 31. The senior play was given Wednesday, June 3. A music recital will be given today. Tomorrow evening the graduating exercise will take place at Commercial Club Hall at 8 o'clock. The following Is the program: CorntntMicemi'iit March (Anilroi).... Overture, "Normaudle" (llnrnard).... Triumphal March from Alda (Verdi) Rally Soinr.,8luduU of C. C. li. 8. Invocation Iter. J. K. Williams Vocal Nolo ...Mrs. Taulson (lknd) "The Dlitultjr of Labor". . Jumps Cram, '14 Violin Solo- - L. Morgan "Shall America IWtray Horwir?" Van Hrlnk, '14 Vocal Duet Ml" lilanche ,.,,.,. , Frauds Williams u Woman's Opportunity" Elisabeth M. Thomas, '14 lmttrumcntal Duet Misses Estes and Noble "The Vision of the Graduate" - - .Elmer W. Tliomns, 14 Presentation of Diplomas .H. C. Bnughman "Flower of Love" Walt (Cobb) Commencement Orehintra The following will receive their diplomas English Course- Elizabeth Thomas Kobcrt T. Lister Leland V. Belknap Van D. Drink . Fred C. Roberta. Scientific Course Roscoe D. Claypool Carey S. Stearns Norman Welgand Elmer W. Thomas. Normal Course- Florence Waldron Suzah Cowherd Daisy Ruby McCallistcr Blanche Wilson Leola Estes Edna G. Estes. Household Economics Florence Merrill Lela Geycr Abbie Wilson Juanita Engdahl Alwilda Wilson. Commercial Course Lucile S. Cook Ermil Cantrill James Cram. Class Motto "Rowing, Drifting." Class Flower Carnation. evening. While It was somewhat lengthy there was no lack of inter est from beginning to end. The work of the students was especially good. Every character was well taken. Van Brink didn't have to say a word to bring down the house. He acted the part of ' Sir Humphrey Bunn" to perfection and the rest of the cast while not so comical, was equally well done. The seniors and their instructors deserve lota of credit. The high school orchestra added much to the Dleasure of. the evening. The fol lowing was the cast of characters: Peter Barbury James Cram, Jr. Lucas Norman L. Welgand Otto SHrable Itoscoe D. Claypool Ileresford Cruger Kob't T. Lister Georgia Chapln....Ellxabeth Thomas Carola Cbnpln... .Husah Cowherd Htr Humphrey Bunn Van D. Brink Beatrice Carew Luclle 8. Cooke Hlmms . Elmer W. Thomas Not This makes the largest aggregate shipment of sheep from this point in some time and will be followed by probably fifty more cars in a week or ten days It establishes the fact that the country tributary to Shaniko is not entirely depleted of sheep. This shipment consists of about 35,600 sheep, mostly contracted for early in the spring to be delivered at this time, and represents a cash outlay of over $100,500. Three-Game Series at Prineville the 4th A dispatch Flower Vender.. Lady Bunn Willie Bunn Egerton Brown Annette Mercury Ermll Cantrill Florence Waldron Fred C. Roberts Lelaud V. Belknap Pauline Truesdale ...Carey S. 8tearns Horsethief Caught but Escapes from Train The Senior Play. The Benlor play The American Citizen drew a big house last Shaniko Ships 122 Cars of Sheep That Shaniko Is , some shipping point for sheep may be realized when an order was put in this week for 122 double-decked cars to be loaded with sheen consigned to ranges in Washington, Idaho, Mon tana and other points, says the Shaniko Star. Twenty-five carloads left Wednesday and Thursday, the rest will be shipped as soon as the sheep arrive to the Oregonian from Prineville says: "A three-game series between the local baseball team and the Knights of Columbus nine, of Port land, is to be one of the main fea tures of the Fourth of July cele bration to take place here. R- C. Hughes, manager of the Portland team, completed arrangements with the local management last week. "The Prineville team is composed of former college players from the East and Middle West The home team has i record of defeating the Multnomah Club, O.-W. R. & N Company Grays and the Weonas, all of Portland, and since then Henry McCall, son-in-law of Thomas W. Lawson, has strengthened the .locals. McCall is said-to have ' dayed second base on the Harvard l University team and he was con sidered one of the heaviest hitters ever turned out at that institution Buck Lindsey didn't make a clean get-away with his horses. He did get across the mountains but officers were hot on his trail and nabbed him at Sweet Home. Buck had only seven horses left of the original twelve. He had sold five in short order. He took ten from Lake county and while passing the Millican ranch thought he might just as well have an even dozen so took two more. One of these he sold before he reached Sisters on the road over the mountains. You might say he sold it to one of Millicc'i's neighbors so bold are his operations. The other he rode to Sweet Home. The officers of both Lake and Crook counties were so close on his heels that it was a toss-up for some time as to who would get the tl50 offered by Lake county for his ap prehension. Deputy Sheriff We- here he used to pose as a horse thief detective. He worked for George Russell and also for E. H. Smith. While on the Smith ranch he decamped with one of Mr. Smith's horses and the owner never dul get track of it. Buck was no novice at the horse rustling business. You need the Journal, tl.50 a year Buck Jumps From Train and Escapes Klamath Falls, Or., June 1. r Within a few minutes of the time he would be locked in the Klamath county jail, preparatory :,to being taken to Lakeview, Buck Lindsey, arrested at Sweet Home on a horse stealing charge, made his escape from the train bringing him to Klamath last evening. He went into the car lavatory shortly before i the train reached the station and nandy and the Lake county sheriff j jumpei out 0f the window. He was got to Sweet Home about the same j not m5ased until the train 8topped time and after considerable Pw" I at the station. wowing Buck was given to the! n nrisoner was in chanre of Lake authorities for punishment, j rty Sheriff Walter Dent of After that Crook county will Bee;TVo rn,inHr vnnr of th twelve that he does not disturb fuzz-tails horae8 Lindsey is alleged to have for another long term. Lindsey's i stolen were taken from Dent's Warner Valley ranch. home is at Albany, Oregon. Lindsey is 30 years old well known in Prineville. and is While For best quality milk, cream, butler and buttermilk 'phone Vt'm. 8. Ayres. 4 30-tt : ourth or July Celebration At PRINEV Three Days' Fun July 2, 3, 4 BASE BALL Tournament Automobile Races, Motorcycle Races, All Kinds of Field Sports OPEN AIR DANCING PAVILUON Free Barbecue ! Eats for Everybody MUSIC ALL THE TIME ! ttif!!).'ffji;jl'fi4!fm,aiATTpH,,i!Bli7X'i