BREEDING DAIRY I COWS IRREGULARLY There exist two dangers of allowing I milk cow to remain open fur mi lu Infinite period, write a correspondent of tliu Ititritl New Yorker. In the first aluco ilio la less apt to conceive when ttintod, out) in tho second place alio l pt tu go dry fur a lung period after tlii nutting l tlmilly made In rrnio she Joes selllu. It Is customary In lnrgo Bulrlos, whore tho calves nru not nn Illl0l'll1ht lll'lll of value, to permit tho town to fivslti'ii oni'u In llfU'oii or six teen iii'Millio. ordinarily, however, for dairy- farm practices It Ih much more desirable to ttinto tlii'in so Hint they will freshen x - A' l.lmtunwcxMl IIiiik, Ih llolnleln Frlmmn cow hvrowllh ahown, Is Hit animal of iurwln marlt. Blm produced wlion four unit ana-halt yaara old In cvn daya sod pound ut bolter, In thirty daya IX 7 pound of bolter and In Mi daya I, IMS! pound. 1 1 or milk yield for tlx yor was I pound, tootlna I.M per cent of flit. Hr buttar rword I tli world' iiwiImI for liar el. 1'urlna" tht ll ah carried a coif for von month of lit yoar, nd liar I Ih baat racord vtr md umlor Ilk condition. I.lndmwood Hop I owned by O. W, Hieing. K.yolls. O. iwo mi'b year. Till pmrlloe stimu late the milk flow, mid utiles row U particularly a persistent milker b I lea apt to give uiurh milk if Irregularly brad nnd uot permitted to frvahen nt Tretiuent Intervals. The inliunl will keep lu Kood condition physically If not bred. In fact, alio 1 cry npt to put on nn excessive amount of flesh, and tlil U one of tlie reason why she I I unit npt to con reive when mated. Instance are frequent where cow have been used fr family purpose hi) not bred for Intervals of two years or more, but It I the exception rather than tho rule to have ueu animals give milk enough to pay adequately for tint rare Involved lu their main tenance. If desired to carry a cow over from spring freshening to fall freshening or If necessary to avoid riilvlnif during fly tluio tho practice U (justified. f- SILAGE FOR HORSES. Handl.d With Car It Maka an E Gallant Wintar Fad. Tho vii I no of RllnKO for horse In Itronlint a a inwuia to rnrry t liotu tliruuuli tho wlnli-r mnimni rlicaply or to mipploiiioiit piiHturu diirlnu droiiKlit To clioiipcii tho ration of brood iimroa In winter no feiil liua nmru value tbiin ,mkI corn alliiKo. U Krtilii kh' Into the alio with tho atovor no addlllonal crnln la nemll for brood nuire. liny Im-Iiik the only aupplcuieiitiil fwd tiro iramiry. If there U llllle riilu on the ruin the allnuo ahotild bo nuppU-iuent-d with oni pound of old proeesa Mil-ai-rd oil I neu I or rottoniul tnenl dally per thoiiMii'l potinda live weight, irln klii I over tho hIIiiko. i Home to bo wintered ou a lliiao nnd hay rutloii ahould be Hturtod on about live pound of slhige dully per IhoiiHiind pounda live weight, the ttrnln and liny rutloii IwIiik Kmdimlly dit creiiHed na the ullage la Increnaed until tho rut Ion In twenty pounil alhiKo and fen pound of liny dully per thoiimind iwunda live welKht It will require ntmut a month to reach the full food of illaco, but tho period may be do rreitaed aomewliat, dependlim on the Judgment nnd iklll of tho fowler. Mnrea fed In thla manner will be lu aplentlid condition for foaling, and, ao fnr aa the wrltor a experience Boon, the foul will lie fully aa vlnoroua, with Itmt a much size and bone, aa If the nmrea were fed tho conventional gralu and hay rntlon.-U. 8. Department of Agriculture Itullotln. Wa.d 6da In Silas Killad. That tho awda of the common Held weed when allood with corn, peaa or nnv (il her funiL'rt UHed at alhlKO Will not retain anlllclont vitality to Rerml nnto In the aprln when returned to tho hind mixed with manure la tno ihj. lief of experiment alallon men. While there are not experiments on record with reirnrd to tho combined chemical notion of allnso nnd ninnuro on the ger mination of Beoda, It la quite HUely that . there Is little dancer of seeding valu able flulda with noxious weeds In this milliner. Knnxna Fnruior. DAIRY WISDOM. Wllh Hie cows on dry feed It t la a good plun to add warm wa- 2 ter to the milk before It Is atrnln- i'd lu the creattu'ry or separator. A Tho Nvloi.tloii of the bull to 4 bend thu liurd Is of thu urea teat luiiiortnuce. lie Is half of the herd from the breeding stand point, as his Inmioiice will stamp every calf and miilte it better or poorer than Its dum. Don't churn In a cold room If you expert satisfactory reaults rrom the butter. Met I or rows liienn a lessened font of production. (lood butler can not bo made unions condition are rliiht. If you have trouble with the cream II ml out what Ih wrong and rem edy It. SAVE THE RUNT PIQ. With a Llttl Care It May Davalop InU a Valuable Animal. There are some farmers who recom mend killing all the runt pigs. This might lie a good plun when hundreds of pigs are farrowed every year on the farm. However, If tho pig crop Is small and the price of pork con tinues on the ascending scale It will pay to give tho runts extra care and develop them Into good hogs. If the runt Is left with tho herd be will no doubt always lie a runt, but If separated and given extra care he may make as good a hog as most any of the herd. Often a runt has good quali ties that will ahow tbemaolvea If given a chance. It la best to put the runts together In a (ion and give them the slops that are rich to milk. It will be well to put aome bran and shorts In their slop and to soak the corn given them so that It will le easily digested. I tried this plan of feeding with a runt pig a neighbor gave to my boy, says a corrciondcnt of the Farm and Itanrh. When marketed he was fat and fine. It waa not long until he showed but little evidences of being a runt AVOID SORE SHOULDERS. Pasrlv Fittlna Collars and Hsrnaaa a Frequent Souroa of Trouble. An ounce of prevention Is worth a pouud of euro. Thus, at thla senaou, brforo the press of spring work begins there Is opiHirtunlty to lit collars and harness so as to avoid troublesome shoulder nnd other sores. Among the moat InilHirtnnt Cannes of shoulder sores, anys C. I-. Humes of the Colo rado Agricultural college, are Improp erly filled col tan, too largo collars, loose harness, too wide collnra at the top and not donning the collars and tho home' shoulder after a day's work. Tho first thing one will notice Is that tho skin over tho affected iwrt I hot. dry nnd painful. Then the horse will show pain when put to severe pull log. As tltuo goes on a swelling ap pears J'int alxive the point of the shoul Hti Minions In the circuit court of the ilata ol Oregon for Crook county. Crook County, Oregon, a public corpor ation, plaiiitnl, Third add to rrlnevllle, aii swj, awl sej aoc 22, ip 12, r 15, lot Z, awj nt!i sec o, ui in, r u, lot zz, hi it 4o, iccl vs. John Arnlektir, Aahwood Gold Mining Co, 8 A llakley, 8 II H'irncs. V 0 Hindi, snan, C C Uniler, O K Collilian, Itulda K Cbsflee Frank D Cbamplin, H W Coirinton, E V Cooper, John W Crooka, F M Donaldson, Cathorlne Dwyer, Klinlrlt Frguou, Ida A Finch, Cliaa Foaberg, L U French, 11 W Humble, DUilrltier, Joaepli W (ilenaner, IC T Holmes, Chun F Holt, Kva John on. D II Keller. Irvine A Hamilton, J W .lotion, Laldlaw Hsnkiog A Trust Co, W A 1-auili, Ueo 1' Lee, W Lord, F M Lovelnnd, J W Mnckev, H b Miller, Lettie Miller, Lime Millignn, A M Miukler. J M Montvouinrv. II K Alton, Ciilutiiliia Valley Trust Co, Cdiimliia S'liitliorn Irrigation Co, Mary Ferguson, l leiclier A Croup, W F llamiiwr, W VV llrrl, KJ Lane, Mav Held IJroa.JVV McColliim. Jail McCojfnin, McTaggart At llyo.Mis M J I'rlce, W P Myers. A W Wvra, John AleUirniicK, i MCUOV. 1 II McUliee, t; U Mc.Neeley, I'eiry vv Neablll, C I' Nelson, T It Ksborn, J 8 Kuuuells, D P 1 '.', Koed A Mtoidl, Tom Iteilly eat, A T lUuulle, I' I) Heynolds, Hod mood Townaite Co, O li Handy, Ksnlord St Itodmnn. I) F Shruin. Himp- aon & Wilson, J F Btaley, Julia Htetdl, Nettle bteveuson. J i) blorer, Jonn Siaemore, The Central Oregon Hanking Trust Co, Pilot Untie Del Co, U M Triplett, Henry Tweet, It Tl Vauirlinv llarry U Went), A ft wianer, j r wei burn, O W White, W C Wills est, John Biaemore, O E Smith, J C Stiles. Wm O Utiles, Laconle Btiles, J P Strickler, CbasTedfo.d et al, Warner & liurnett, And alt peraona unknown owning or olaimiig to own, or iiaving, or claiming to tiava an rlnhl. title, equity or inter est whatever in the resl property here- luallor (locribed,deIenuanU. To John Arnicker, Ash wood Go'd Min ing Co, S A liakley. H 11 Homes, U u Huchanan, C C Ilutler, O F Colli'.ian, Hulda Carson, H E Chaffee, Frank D Chaplin. 8 W Compton, E F Cooper, John W Crooks, F M Donaldson, Catherine Dwyer, fclmlra ferguson fitilnndld draft colta can bo raised without oata n-snrdleaa of what th avorasa farnior bnllevf If th car ful cxtiarhiiBiit of th Knnan ata tUin nmy b believed. Airulfa, corn fuddnr and imaturase, with a com t.lnu,i..n fnHl nf porn. 70 uer cent: H per cent, onn oiuneni, per huva aeeuilngly made colt bettor than out, and at a nr 9n nr runt leaa. A Dound of the srnln mixture contalna the nine dlseallhla elementa aa a pound of oata, and a an energy producer the two are alike, pound for pound. A day' rutlon of oata coata 10.6 canta aainst a ft for the mixture. Ch Foslierg. L B mond, lot 2, blk M, Hedmond, ai awl, w sei see 84, tp 14, r 12, lot 2, aec 3, tp 1'), r it, 'i i sec tijt swj sec 24, tp 10, r 13, ii at 'J sec Z, tp 17, r 12, ri lieL sej, swj seJ-4 ec 18, tp 9, r 18, lot 5, lik 4, 5th sdd to Frineville, GUxlW ae cor Lytle acre, strip ol land 100 feet wide wst of canal, Frineville parcel, lot 0, blk 11, I'almain, ri nr, awl neL oi sej sec 4, tp 10, r VJ, &i nw, ni ai, lots 2, 3, ol soc 7, tp IS, r 17, m l sec 32, tp 19, r 10, Lytle, K)x200, t swL i ae sec 25, tp W. r 19, all sec 10, tp 20, r Id, lot IS, blk 16, Ilond, lot fl, blk H, liond, lot 11, blk 2B, lot 13, blk 2N, lieud, rj se aec 24, ri n. t sec 25, tp 17, r 11, i ih i, sei tie, ne ae sec 0, tp 12, r 10, swj nej, s nwj, nej aw, r.i sel sec 2:i, tp l.'l. r 15. lot 8, blk . ' L'Udlaw, J sec 34, tp Id, r !'.. n J nwj, set nt, nej swj sec as, tu i, r iu, poisonul property lien on n rj sec IS, tp 12, r l i, lota 13 14, 1.1, blk 15, Heml, t tl sec Hi. tp li), r l', ni'l eJ tec ll,t17, rl, lot II ink 6, lot 3, blk 20, Luidlaw, lots 2:!. -'), blk IH, Laldlaw. lots 1, 2, blk IX, Li ilaw.lotll, blk 4, Laidlaw, lots U, l'J 11 12, blk 17, Des chutes, liei nJ. i. 1 lie aec 23, sr S c 14, tp 15, r 12. Said John Arnuker. Atiliwood Gold Mining Co, 8 A liakley, 8 H Bornes, C C Kuchanan. C C Butler, (i F Callihsn, E Chaffee, Frank D Champlin, S W Compton, K F Cooper, John W Crojk-f F M Donaldson, Cath erine Dwyer, blmlrs rbrgoson, Ida A Unch, diss rosberg, L, a rrencn, 11 W Gamble. B Uildner, Joseph W Olessner, ET Holmea, Chas F Holt, j Hamilton, J W Jones, Laidlaw Bank ing 4 Trust Co, W A Lamb, Ueo r Le, W Iord. F M Loveland, J W Mackey, H E Miller, Leltie Miller, EUie Milti- gan, A M Minkler, J M aiontgomery, H K Allen. Columbia Valley Trust Co, Columbia Southern Irrigation Co, Mary Ferguson, Fletcher Croup, W t Ham mer. W W Harris, E J Lsoe, Mayfield Bros, J W McCollum, Jail McCollnm, McTaggart & Bye, Mrs M J Price, W P Myers. A W Myers, John McCormick, T McCoy, T U McUhee, C C McNeeley, Ferry W Newbill, V r Kelson, i. ltalrorn, J S Kanuele, D P Kea, Reed A Steidl, Tom Keilly eat, AT Kendle, P a Ke nolda. Kedmond lowonte IX), Kj K Sandy. Sanlord A Rodman. D P Shruin, Simpson A. Wilson, J F Staley, Julia Steidl. Nettie Stevenson, J 0 Storey, John biiemore, The Central Oregon Banking & Trust Co, Pilot Butte Del Co, U M rnplett, Henry l weei, K B Vaughn, Harry G Webb, A E Wianer, J F Welburn, G W White, W C Wills est, John Siaemore, G E Smith, J C Sti es. Wm U stiles, income bines, J P Strickler, Clias Tedford et al, Warner & Burnett, and all persons unknown owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any right, title, eouitv or interest whatever in toe real property hereinabove described, as the owners of the title oi the above described property as the same appears of record and each of the other persons above named are hereby lurtber noti fied that Crock county, Oregon, a pub lic corporation, will apply to the circuit court of the county and state aforesaid (or a decree foreclosing the lien against tlie property above described and men. lioned In said certificate. And you are hereby auionioued to appear within Hlxtv'diivs after the tirnt publication of this BUintnouB, exclusive o! the day of said first publication, and de fend this action or pay the amount due ae above ahow n together with costs nnd accrued Interest -aud In cumo of your 'allure to do ao, a de cree M'ill be rendered foreclosing the Hen of km Id taxes and costs nitnltiHt the land and premise above named. Thla milium ma Is published by or dtr of the Honorable G. Springer, ludire of the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Crook, and sold order was made nnd dated the 2ird day of April, 1SI14, and the date of the tirst publi cation of this summons is the 23rd diiv of April, 1914, and the lust pub lication June 25th. 1914. All process and pa pen In this pro ceedliiir may be served upon the un- t he aame beinT ih, I der-liined rw.dlng within the state the same DeiHg t lie ,m address hereafter ,1V t mVutlonrd. Willah,, H. W,, District attorney nnd attorney lor plaintiff. Address, Frtneyllle, Ure. bran cent grow Watch Straw Fad Horaea. Horses' months should be examined regularly onco a week when feeding on wheat atrnw. Tho beards from the grain ball up In tho horso'a mouth and penetrate the gums, sometimes caus ing the nnlmnl to have a very sore mouth, and It refuses to cat. The hurd clots are easily removed. A change of feed occasionally for a day helps to keep the horses' mouths free from rankers. Rich Strlppinga. When the, farmer uiulei'Htunds that the lust Ntrli'iplnga of a dairy cow are over TilK) per cent richer in crenin than tho first few pulls ho may bo a little more thorough In his work during the milking hour. der; It Inter fills with serum and If It Is not opened liecomes Infected, and nn almcess Is tho result. lu tho first place, have the collars fit tho horse anugly (too loose collars are worse than tight ones), keep the har ness tight, clean the collar every night nnd wash tho shoulders of tho horse with cold water. If one can treat the sore shoulder be fore It OUa with serum, batho It with a liniment thnt will not blister, and do not work the horso. If the serum baa formed, then open the cavity freely and treat with mild disinfectants until heal- lug takes place and the sklu hns haired over, ortentlmes artcr pus nas rorm ed and the horso has not been put to work for some tlmo tho pus liecomes cheesy and later dries Into a hard bunch. Then when the horse works agnln tho shoulder becomes sore. The only remedy Is to have this hard, Arm tlssuo removed and treated with dlsln foctaiila until holding Is complete. The Necessary Silo. Few facts In agriculture have been more clearly nnd conclusively estnli Hulled than that the silo Is a necessity to tho 'Slock farmer. When we con Hlilcr tho various conditions undet which the inimei'oiis experiment sta tions nil over tlio country have been conducted It Is surprising to find the results so similar nnd all pointing to tlio one conclusion. I.I- 4 L-I.I. (IB A i nun. French, H W Gamble, 11 Uildner, Joseph W Gleanner, ft T Holmes, Chas F Holt, Eva Johnson, 1) B Kelley. Irvine A Hamilton, J W Jones, Laidlaw Banking A Trust Co, a i.aiiio. v.w r ijnv, . i4uiu, - ... Loveland. J W Mackey, II E Miller, l.ttlH Miller. Elsie Milligan, A M Minkler, J M Montgomery, II K Allen, Columbia Valley Trunt Co, Columbia Southern Irrigation Co, Mary Ferauaon. Fletcher A Croup, W F Hammer, W W Harria, E J Lane, Mayfield Bros, J W McCollum, Jail McCollum. McTaifiiart A Bve, Mrs M J Price, W P Myers, A W Myers, John McCormick. T McCoy. T If Mc- tiliM. C C, McNeeley. Perry W New bill. C P Nelson. I K Baborn, J S Hannells, D P Hea, Keed & Steidl Tom Keilly eat. A T Kendle, P 1 Heynolds, Redmond Towneite Co, C E Handy, Sanford Hodman, D P Shruui. Simpson A Wilaon, J F Stalev. Julia Steidl. Nettie Steven son. J O Storey, John Sisemore, Tlie Central Oregon Bauklng A Trust Co, Pilot Itulte Del Co. C M Triplett, Henry Tweet, R B Vaughn, Harry G Wabli. A K Wianer. J F Welburn. G W White. W C Wills eat. John Sine- more. G E Smith. J C Stiles. Wm G Stiles, Laconie S ilea, J P Strickler Chaa Tedford et al. Warner A Burn ett, and all peraous unknown owning or cUiiiiinu to own. or having or cluiminir to have, any right, title eonitv or interest whatever in the real property hereinafter described the above named uetenuanis In the name of the state of Oregon vou are hereby notified that Crook County. Oregon, a public corpotatinn, the bolder of Certificates ol Delin quency numbered C UU to C W. sav ing and excepting uutuliers C 141, is sued on the 20th day ol April, 1914. by the Tax Collector of the county of Crook, state of Oregon, for the amount of Two thousand nine huudred thirty- one and ninety-nine uunureotna (12931.1111) Dollars, aniiiinit then due taxea for the year WON. together with penally, Interest and costs thereon up on the real propel ty aasossed to you, of which you are the owner as appear of record, situated in said county and stnte, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Lot 2, blk 40, Palmain, e eel aei, 36 9-16; nwj nwi, ei nwj tec 20, tp 19, r 13, rj sei eec 6. tp 19, r 21, wjf swl nee 4, tp 19, r 21, sel nej sec 9, aw nwj, w swj aec 10, tp 12, r 12, sej ae. sec 1, tp 13, r 13, s ewi. net "i w 6, P W. r H. swi ai sec 23. tp IS, r 12, ni swj sec 5, tp 15, r ao, rj set sec b, ip 10, r o, nwl sec II, tp 13, r 20, ei sei, nwi "i. swi mi sec 0. tp 13, r 1, Bi nej, ei sei ec 25, tp 12. r 15, lots 2, 3 4, sei sl sec 30, tp VI, i lb, m nwt, nwt swj sec 25, tp 12, r 15, also parcel in sec 20, n lo IK ul uV al nel BRR 1(1. tn 14. , " K . i -r ' r IS, lot 4, blk 17, Laidlaw, awj sJ sec 22, tp 17. r 10, wi nwl. M'i nwi eeu 27, tn 17. r 10. eW nel. 1 Bel sec 3, tp IS, r21, Bwisei.ritetsec .H, tp 11, r IS, nwl swi sec 9. tp 11, r 18. ei Bel Bee 32, ni swi sec 33, tp 10. r 14, nei sec 14, tp 12, r 10, nwi aeo la, tp la, r 10, nj swj. sei swi, awi Bel "re 24, tp 9. r 17, si nei eK, srl sec 17. to 11. r 19, n nwi, swi nwL4 seo 17, sei nei sec IS, tp 11, r 19, nwi nwi aec 11, tp 11, r 17, si ni sec 17. to 17. r 18. nel Bel Bee 34, nel nei bcc 22, tp 15, r 12, wi ei seo 16, tp 14, r 21, lot 8, blk 1 A ah wood, nei nwi, "i nel, Bei nel sec 29, tp 10, r 13, lots 13, 14, blk 14, Laidlaw, wi wi eec 36, tp 15, r 10, lots 1, 2, blk 1, Paulina, swi sec 10, tp 15, r 12, n nwl, swi nwi. nwi awl Bee 29. tp 12, r 13, nel nwt, wi net, nwl ael sec 82, tp 20, r 24, ei net, ni eei Beo 19, tp 21, r 12, lota 6, 6, 7, 8, blk 2, 2nd add to Prim ville, Bel swj, swi set seo 26, ei nwt, net sec , tp la, r 13, swi seo 2. tp 14, r It), ej Bet, swj set, H' swi sec 33, tp 20, r 10, si si, swi net, sel nwt sec 24. tp 14, r 14, lot 3, blk 2, SiBters, lota 3, 4, r, 6, dik o, Sistora, lota 11, 12, blk 13, Laidlaw, lots 1. 2, 11, 12, blk 5, Laidlaw, lot 8, blk 17, Deschutes add. lotB 13, n, oik 33, Palmain; uirl set boo 14, tp 13, r 13, el swi, nwl swi sec 13, tp 12, r 13, si nei, ni eel ou 2, tp 17, r 20, wl noVi, wi sel see 29, tp 15, r20, 1 int in nwi net sou 33, nwt net, set nwV sac 20, tp 12, r 12, lotB U, Y. blk 11, Asnwnod, lot 2, blk 11, Aabwood, lot 14, blk 20, Pal main, lot (I, blk 11, I'almnin, lots 5, 6, blk 15, Frineville, nwt f,i e(-- 20, tp 10. r 11. ni net, sft net pec 31, nwl nwi sec 32, tp 11, r 17, swi eec 28, tp 17, r 20, set sec 7, tp 19, r 13, wi sej, nej set n mi sue 8, tp 13, t 14, lot 9, blk 3, i I A. 1 . : t i t . .. - ..... I , iinviun ut tiMiiHiug w nave1, but rigot, title, equity or Interest whatever in the res' property hereinafter de scrilwd, the above named defendants; in trie name ol the state ol Oregon, You are beieby notified that Crook coanty, Oregon, a public corporation, the holder of Certificates of Delinquency numbered Cl to Vol, saving and ex cepting numbers C12, C29, C3S and Oil ; burned on the lHthdayof March, 1914, oy the lax Uollector ol the courtly of Crook, state ol Oregon for the amount of One thousand one hnndred nineteen and fifty hundredths (11119.50) Dullars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxea for the year 197, together with penalty, Interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to yon, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said county and state, and particularly bounded and de?cribed aa follows, to-wit: Lot 7, 8, 1), blk 1. Sisters. 1-ot 3, blk 2. Sister. Lots',, 6, blk , 8iters. l)ts 2. 3, blk S, Prinevil'e. I-ole 7. 8. blk 3, Deschutes. Ni nwi, Mi "wi so" W. tp 17 r 19. Lots 11, 12 blk 13, Laidlaw. Ixit H, blk 17Decliutes Lot 13, 14. blk 33, I'almain. Lot 6, blk 27, Palmain. It 6. blk 15. Redmond. Nei set sec 14, ri awl, nwt swi, sec 13, tp 12, r 13. uit 9, blk 3, Palmain. Lot 8, blk 1, Aehwood. Lot 6. 7. 8. 9. blk 28. Bend. Net nwt, ni net, set nfi ee 29. tp 10. r 13. KJ swi sec 19, tp 10. r 13. WK net, set, net, nwt ael sec 35, tp , r 17. Lots 12, 13, 14, blk 3, Palmain. Lot 14, blk 11, Falmain. Wi nei. wi set sec 29, tp 16, r 20. Si ael sec 10, tx net sec 15, tp 15, r 12. Lots 6, 7 blk 11, Ashwood. Lot 2, blk 11, Ashwood. Lot 16, blk 11, Lytle add. Lot 14, blk 20, Palmain. Lot 6, blk 11, Palmain. H D sec 18, tp 15 r 10. A parcel of land commencing at a point 400 feet test of the sw corner of sw ne 24 9-lft. thence east 214 feet, thence north 214 feet, thence west 214 feet, thence south 214 feet to place of bevinmng. Net see 14. tp is, no. Nwl sec 14. to 18. r 10. Lou 13, 14, 15, blk 15, Bend. Lot 11, blk 22. Bend. Sw'4 sw t sec 16, tp 16, r 15. Net swt aec 11, tp 17. r 16. Wi net, set net, neV set 26, tp 17, r24. Lot 1, net, sei nwt sec 4, tp 22, rl6. Lota 23, 24. blk 18. Laidlaw. Lota 1, 2, blk 18, Laidlaw. Lot 11. blk 4, Laidlaw. Lota 10. 11, blk 3, Newsom add Frine ville. S set sec 14, net nwt, nwt net sec 23. tp 15. r 12. Lot 8, blk 9, Laidlaw. Net set sec 12. tp 10, r 17. W)i Bw t, sel swi aec 7. tp 10, r 17. Si net, n set sec 2, tp 17, r 20. K 1-2 lots 4, o, ts, blk 16. Laiuiaw. PATRONIZE THE Prineville Steam Laundry 71 Fruit Trees! Central Oregon Grown The only kind you ennnfford to plant ILLUSTRATED -TALOGUE FREE. Write for one. Prices low enough to surprise you. Lafollctte Nursery Co. Prineville, 6 6- Oregon Lafler's Studio for good finishing, films, dry plates, cameras, papers and all kinds of supplies. General photo work neatly and promptly done. Free instruction to those who nse oar films and papers. Lafler's Studio We Strive to Please RECEPTION " N net sec 10, tp 17, r 21. Wit tp Champ Smith, Propr Ml 111 111 O IIS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Crook county. Crook County, Oregon, a public corpor- ation, plaintitt, ' vs. IlBrdy Allen, Geo. W. Barnes, Sarah Handle, Mrs. Al. ai. iteca, ixuuruoia Valley Trust Co., Mary Ferguson, Fletcher & Croup, J- L. Card, Walter (iilliesoie. W. F. Hammer, P. A. Hamilton. Irvin A Hamilton, Cora A. Jones, J. W. Jones, J. G. Julien, Heirs Frank Brogan, E. H. Butler, ft. J. Lane. James Maenesa, J. W, McCollum, Jell McCollum, J. W. Mc Kay, McTaegart A Bye, Krio Nelson, Mrs. E. Poiudexter. C. A. Potter, E. 8. Potter. John Sieemore, O. E. Smith. Mrs. Mary E. Smith, John O. Utiles. Wm. G. Stiles, Lsconie Stiles, J. P. Strickler. Uren A Son, Warner A Burnett, A. E. Weisner, Dan C. Crowley. W. W. Harris, C. S. Kay Ed Joslin Est., W. F. C. Prodtt, Profltt Bios.. Cbas. Lameon, May field Bros.. J. L. Lingan, Nancy E. Pratt, Mrs. M. J. Price, L. S. Rogers, .1. H. Overturf u. Ivanipher, J. t Drew, Columbia Southern Irrigation Co.. and all persons unknown owning or claiming to own, or having, or claimmii to have, any riuht, title, eonity or interest wliatever in the real ptoperty hereinafter described, defendants. To Hardy Allen, Geo W Barnes, Sarah Bandle. Mrs M M Beck, Columbia Valley Trust "Co, Mary Ferguson Fletcher & Croup, J L Gard, Walter G 11 eBine. W r Hammer, tr A Ham ilton, Irvin A Hamilton, Cora A Jones J W Jones. J U Julien, lieira franit Brogan, E H Butler, E J Lane, James Magneas, J W McCollum, Jell McCol lum. .1 W fliervay, aiciaggan is rsye. Eric Nelson, Mrs E Poiudexter, C A Potter. E S Potter. John Sisemore, G E Smith, Mrs Mary E Smith, John C St lea. Wm G Stiles, Laconie htiles, J P Strickler, Uren & Son, Warnor & Burnett, A E Weisner, lan V Vtov,: lev, W W Harris, 0 S Ray, Ed Joslin Est., W F C Profltt, Profltt Bros, Chas Lamson, Mayfield Bros., J L Lingan, Nancy E Pratt, Mrs M J Price, L8 Uogere,J U Overturf, G Kampher, J Flrew, Columbia South ern Irrigation Co, aud all persons un known owning or cl iming to own, or net, set net, nel set sec 32, 10. r 19. Set swi sec 0. swi nwt sec 15, ni set sec 16, tp 10, r 19. Nwl sec 3. tp 13. r 13. i interest nwt net sec 33, and in nwt net, set nw sec Zb. tp 12, r 1Z. r-i net. ni set sec 8, tp 13, r 13. Ei swi, M sel sec 24, tp 10, r 13, Lots 5. 8. blk 15, Prineville. Nwi nwi ec 25, n net, set nel sec 26. p 13. r 19. Sel eec 9. tp 21, r 14. Sei set sec 11, swt swi sec 12. nwt nwt sec 13, net net tec 14, tp 9, r 14. Kl swt, sei niec 16, tp 13, r 11. Lots 1, 2, 11, 12, blk 5, Laldlaw. Said Hardy Allen, Geo W Barnes, Sarah Bandle. Mrs M M Beck, Colura bia Valley Treat Co. Mary Ferirnson, Fletcher & Croup. J L Gard, Walter Gilliespie. W F Hammer. P A Hamil ton. Irvin & Hamilton. Cora A Jones, J W Jones. J ( Julien, Heirs ot r rana Brogan, E H Butler, E J Ltne, James Madness, J W McCollum, Jell McCol- nm, JW .McKay, Mciacgari x eye, Eric Nelson, Mrs E Poindexter, C A Potter, E S Potter, John Sisemore, G ft Smith, Mrs Mary E Smith, John C Stiles, Wm G Stiles, Laconie Stiles, J P Strickler, Uren Son. Warner & Burn ett, A E Weisner, Dan U Urowley, VV W Harris, C L Kav, ftd josun est, w r C Profitt, Profitt "Bros, Chas Lameon, Mayfield Bros, J L Lingan, Nancy E Pratt. Mrs M J Price. L S Rogers, J H Overturf, G Kampher, J F Drew, Col umbia Southern Irrigation Co, and all Dersona unknown owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any right, title, equity or interest what ever in the real property nereinaoove deacribed ; aa the owners of the legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record and each of the other persona above named are he-eby further notified that Crook connty, Oregon, a public corporation, will apply to the circuit court of the county and state aforesaid for a decree , : .v.- loreciosillg vile ucu agniuat mo ptujr erty above described and mentioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of the snm- mons exclusive ot the day oi said nrst publication, and defend this action or nav the amount due as above shown to gether with costs and accrued interest and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named, This summons ia published by order of the Honorable G. Springer, judge of the county court ol the state of Ore gon for the county of Crook, and said order was made and dated the 25 tb day of March, 1914, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 2ith dav of March, 1914. Date of last publication May 28, 1914. All process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the under signed residing within the state of Ore gon, at the address nereatter men tioned. Wiiaako H. Wihtj!, District Attorney and attorney for plaintiff. Address Prineville, Oregon Imported and Domestic Cigars Famous Whiskies Old Crow: Hermitaffe: Red Ton Rve: Yellow Stone: Canadian Club; Cream Rye; James E. Pepper, Moore's Malt i J Porter, Ale and Olympia i Draft Beer on Tap. Imported Wines Liquors. JkjaVjAutV and The Oregon Bar At the Old Stand CW.Waey&CoPrps All kinds of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranier Beer ia Bottles and on Draft The Brosius Bar Finest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT Estray Notice One 3-year old horse, branded 2 or 4 V connected on left hip nt svlile lolnt: left bind foot white, white spot In forehead. Owner tun have smile by proving property nnd puyitig ex penses ol advertising, etc. O. T. E1.DRIDOR, 4-9-4p Prineville, Ore. F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor Why not take the Journal ?