f V V A WHEN AND HOW TO EAT The Value of Fresh Food. By EUGENE CHRISTIAN, F. S. D. tCopyright, Wit. by American Press Association. EXT to the selection of food. the most important thing is its freshness or the inuuner la which it has been kept. Modern science has shown us that j the fourteen chemical elenieuts of j which the body is composed, which j were given in one of my former nrtl- j cles, can be procured from a very few articles of food-the fewer the better, j The study of dietetics leads the stu- j dent Inevitably toward simplicity and points out with great emphasis the er- i rors of eatius too mauy things at the same meal. If one would select four articles that is. one from each of the principal : classes and have them prepared in j indefinitely upon them as an exam ple, one proteid, one carbohydrate, oue fat and one article rich in mineral salts. A few of the leading articles of food representing these four classes are as follows: rroteids Milk, eggs, peas, beans, peanuts, pine nuts, fish and chicken. Carbohydrates Grains, potatoes, ba nanas. Fats Butter, nuts, olive oil or cot tonseed oil. Fresh Vegetables Carrots, parsnips, turnips, cabbage, etc. The best meal can be made by se lecting one article from each of the ' Science has nut yet taught man new to arrest, entirety dtvomposit'oti, and ttr TT A T 1 nflr ,,n al'"l ,t' ,,f f",Hl lu W ll A 1 . preserved state It is gradually under- ; mmui.- imiui l wmtii ! that is, taking It farther and farther away win a true rooii. vi nen glance into the average grocery stores, from which a vast number of peo ple get their supplies, wo would think that they lived wholly out of cans, and in many cases It Is unfortu nately true. This custom prevails largely because people do not under stand' the difference between fresh foods and canned foods. Canned foods are more convenient and in many cases cheaper and often taste quite as well as the fresh article and Impose much less labor and trou ble upon the housewife aud cook. Therefore the natural desire to shirk labor and responsibility and to pursue lines of least resistance makes the NEXT to the selection of food, """' i- the most Important thing is Tha Preparation of Food For tha Tabla. its freshness or the inauner Hundreds of cookbooks have been .... .t.. A.. l....,M1.1, ,.i,l., wntieu purporting iu iusuum in the art of preparing food. For the most part these works, while got up perhaps by conscientious people, are j merely methods of telling how to pre pare "the wrong thing In the wrong way. In four standard cookbooks there are over a thousand methods of preparing meat, but not one sugges tion in regard to selecting aud com bining food according to one's age. occupation and the time of the year. There are about S00 recipes In the same books for the preparation of sweets aud desserts, every one of which is unnecessary and in reality injurious to the human family. The housewife or the ouo having the interest of the family health at heart should understand a few very simple rules: First She should know how to classify food as given above. Second. She should know bow to select foods for hot weather aud cold weather. Third. She should know how to se lect foods to meet the requirements of the manual laborer and sedentary worker. Fourth. She should know bow to select foods according to age. All of this information could be con tained in a book of less than 100 pages, and on one page thereof could be printed every article of food necessary to support life in its highest form in any civilized country in the world. A Few Right and Wrong Ways For Preparing Foods. The old method of preparing fresh vegetables Is to place them In a pot, cover them with water and boil until Boft, then drain the water off, season ! and serve them. In this way most of ! the mineral salts they contain are dls- solved and discarded with the water; j therefore nature's most valuable food I is robbed of its most valuable nutri j tive element The office mineral salts i perform In the body Is to purify the ' blood, assist in the building of carti lage and bony structure and aid In the final digestion of all other foods. There Is no element of nutrition more valuable than mineral salts, especially in the complicated metabolic process es through which' food passes after it enters the blood. All fresh vegetables should be cook ed en casserole that Is, in a tightly covered dish, preferably made of alu minium. They can be placed in a cas- ebove groups, while an excellent meal le dish, a very little water added, can be made by selecting two of the then P" in an ordinary baking oven. w ,o,-w ,ch . who! nil'k and i Iu this way they are really cooked in KEEPS YOUR HOME FRESH aiWClMi wn Combination Pneumatic Szvccpcr 'T'HIS Swiftly-Sweepine, Easy-Runnmtr DUNTLEY Sweeper A cleans without raising dust, and at the same time picks up pins, lint, ravelines, etc., in ONE Ol'fc.RATlON. Its ease makes sweeping a simple task quickly finished. It reaches even the most difficult places, and eliminates the necessity of moving and lifting all heavy furniture. TTie Great Labor Saver of the Home Eve ry home, Urge or mall, can enioy relief from II room drudgery and protection from the danger ot Hying dust. DuntUy Is the Pioneer of Pneumatic Stueepers Hiu the combination of the Pneumatic Suction Notile and revolving brush. Very easily operated and abolutely guar anteed, in Buying a vacuum ueaner, wny noi give tht "IfuntUy a trial in your home at our expense f Writ ....I. w. Im t.,11 ..... . , , , r w.i' I A iii r T I t : r, De LAVAL ream Separators Sold on Easy Terms Pioneer Cream Co. Prineville, Oregon JVutlce of Sale of Kctil I'xtuto III the County Court o( Hie KUlto (if tin ami lur Wiikcii County. In the mutter it thi-cxline (if John C. I' l'Wlle, dceeiiHcd. Notice Ix hereby ulveu that In pur xiinnec f nil order duly made and entered ill the above eul ll led c uirt, III the llbuve emit led liuitler, nil the Ulh liny ot Mny, A. I. lt'l I, the mi derlmicd. nx ndniliilxlrntiix of I lie snld t'Htnie, Will proceed to hi II lit private snle (orthe best price (dilnlli (ible. forciiHli, on it ltd nfter Mnturilny, the 2iilh day of June, A.ll.l'JM. t the h.uir of o'clock 11. 111. of foibl (Iny. the following ilemTllied renl etittc liclnnulnu; to suld cstnti', to wn : Tim enst hull of the tinrllu nt-t Uluirler (1 1 net) nnd the eiiMt hnlf of KoutlieiiHt (ittrter ( fi ll otcclloii thirty four t:tl), In townhlp eleven (11) Noiith, rioige Hi veiiteeii tl'JeiiHt of Wlllninette liierldlnn, 111 Crook eountv. tlreiion, tlie hiiiu tiiHcrioeii Nolii'd ft rtiblication. liepnihiieiil, of the Interior. V. H. I.iiiul Olllce 11I l.iil-i'vli w. ir. April UMh. ll'l t. Not cool bi'ls Nollie Ih liercliV given tlillt tlUlll 'I'llolllpHOII of lr,V Lake, Mregoll, who, oil )e ccinlici- HHi. Will, limde lioiiientenil enlrv No. IHIM, for et net secilon I; m i iiej Heellon 12, IohiihIiIp i!I hoiiiIi niiigeaieie'vHttiHeclloll li.invl nw( Hcclloti 7, mwiiMlnp l hoiiiIi, I'lingu 'Jl eiiHi, Wllliiiiiclto MeiUlliin, bn tiled notice of liileiltloli to iniiko Hunt tlnee enr proof, to i-HtiibllHh cliillll to llio lillld liliovo ilen-rllieil before ('till. A. Hherilllin, l lllleil Stnte Coiniiitfxloiier tit l''lfe, t)ro iron, on the 271 It ly ' Jtm", i"M. Clllllllllllt IlllllieS M Wltlll'HHCKf U-wlH W. Heiiliet, Itlclmnl It, Rhode, lioili of Dry l.nke. Oregon: Orvlllt' I. DmvIiIhoii, 1'lnlier l.onil, lioth of Unriie, lire, loud 'bl-liig .".tniiMMily known iih de- i M J amkh K Hi mokhh. U-tl.r. i .f, - ".1 THEBR 18 A RIGHT ANT) A WBONa WAT IS COOKIKO. I m ' mm w mp City Meat iV iarket HORIGAN & REINKE, Prop. whole wheat The milk contains sugar, j fat, nitrogen and protein; the wheat : is rich in sugar, starch and protein and contains some fat and nitrogen, j and the bran contains valuable miner-1 al salts. From these two articles a i person anywhere in the temperate zone could live almost Indefinitely, if it be- j came necessary, and far more health-! fully than upon the average mixed nnd complicated diet There is nothing that contributes more disturbance to the digestive, as- j slmiiative and excretory organs than ' the average course dinner. It would , be Impossible to make a dinner com-; posed of a dozen things chemically 1 harmonious, especially when many of these things, such as condiments, are composed each of half a dozen articles, made perhaps in a foreign country aud held in stock for years and having un dergone various stages of decomposi tion. It is amazing that people will put into their stomach, the most delicate crucible known to science, articles of which they know absolutely nothing except that they can only do harm. Safety and the royal road to health lie always In simplicity. This pre vents overeating and chemical inhar- mouy, two of the things that can e 00 per cent-of all stomach and intestinal trouble, and, inasmuch as about 01 per cent of all human disease is caus ed by wrong eating, It is evident that from these two primary causes a vast amount of human suffering originates. It Is possible for every farmer to Htore away and every family living lu even the small villa v:s tliroMshout the i witntry to secure in their locM mar ket C!iiiii,"li of the st ip'e fr -h ve: iu liies to supply their table e'.vry d :y i.i the year provided tiiey d- not desire 11 liii"."( variety. If this were done it would nlinoHt etimiuMi' the iifsdty fur living iipyn eauied fo.nl nnd fro a tiie counter of llie deiicntess'-ii. Canned Fc-x'a. The great cnimlii ia l:i:-l '' s country have done (':': Kent work. They have succeeded In prcs'TVing a great nuniber of fond co-nniodili s. so they could be trwifporM Into section--, of the country v.lu-re they could not be produced, and for thla service tlic have earned much public applause. Nevertheless no article of food was ever benefited by canning, and no arti cle Is as good canned as It Is fresh. their own Juices, and the mineral salts are preserved. They are more nutri tious, more delicious, much more ten der and easier of digestion. Ordinary green peas should not be : shelled, but cooked en casserole In the , pod. The pod is much more nutritious j than the pea. It has been exposed to the sunshine and air and contains not . only more nutrition, but better quality than the pea Itself. When cooked this way peas are exceedingly tender and can be eaten by placing the pod be tween the teeth and giving it a gentle pulL This strlim from the pod its meat or outside coating of nutrition, leaving only the thin film, which is pure cellu lose. In this way the pea will yield double the amount of nutrition than when It is shelled. All fresh, salty vegetables, such as lettuce, romalne, celery aud tender carrots, should be taken uncooked. At least one vegetable In this class should be taken with every noon and evening meal. Grains should be boiled whole. They should be served with milk, cream or nuts, and the bran or outside coating should not be removed. The bran con tains valuable mineral salts and also supplies the body with the necessary roughness or fodder to prevent Intes tinal congestion (constipation), from which a vast number of people suffer and from which some thirty odd dif ferent so called diseases originate. A bushel of wheat contains about eighty pints. When this Is cooked un til the (Trains burst open it will maUe ' about Vf) pints. With a little milk, but- ; ter or nuts wheat prt pared In this way j I will make an cxi-elk-nt merl. liven n ' laboring man could eat but little i::om : 1 thrtn a pint a day. At the present cost I ; of wheat, about ?1 per bushel, the car- 1 ; bohydratc element of h!s food could j ' not co, t him as much ns a cent a day. i The same can bo said of corn, rye, ; oats, barley and rice, j Aside from the economy, one pro of the j cures the best nutrition known to the science or rood chemistry in lis nest form. The logical, question, then, Is. Why should the housewife purchase pre pared foods made from the same grain nt a coi-t to her of anywhere from $18 to UJi per bushel? And all that has been done to them by various proc esses Is t! mnlre (hem more expensive und reduce their food value. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters eeio-ed'M '.'limber mild, loltelhcr Willi the tenements, heicilltiiiiieilt nml tipiiuricimuccH thereunto belong. lUK lint) iipperiiilninu. Anv person ilcHlrlnir to buy Hitld Ininf In 11 quested to submit II bid therefor Willi dnift or i-ertllled check for the amount of bis bid, pti.vnble to liorotheii f. Fowllc, iiilinlnlHtrij trlx, In cure of Bright. Ilrymit & Hills, her Mttorne.VH, The Dulles, Ore troll, on or before l-'rldiiy, I he UMli dn.v of June, A. P. l'Jll. "t 6 o'clock p. 111. AiiinlnlHtriitrlx reserve the rlht to reject liny or nil bids. , Sold Hiile will be made Htibjirt to the coiitirmiillotl of the court 11 lid j abstract .of title will be fiiniUhi it If; ntiilicd. , I tinted lit The Dnllm, Oregon, till 1 11th day of May. A. H. H'U. Iuuiotiik.U'. l ow I II, f 21 6 Admlnlolrntrlx ot Said ltnt. .MiiomoiiH In the Justice court of the slate of uiceoii, Crook county, ditrlct No. 1 Collins W. lilkliiH, plaintiff, VH. M. A. (iullck, defendant. To M. A. (iullck, defendant above named: . In the inline of the state of On-jron you are hereby required to aiqiear ami answer the complaint, 01 plain tiff tiled herein analiiHt you oil or be fore the 3rd day of July, 11114, or for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the hiiiii of Thirty and fifty hundredths dol lars with Interest thereon at the rate of ten ix-rcciit per annum from October ll. li13, for 00 attorney fees and for I lie costs aud disburse liieutM of this action. This Hiiiiimoim Is published by or der of the Honorable A. it. Ibiwiiian, JilHtlce of the Peace ot District No. 1 of Crouk county, Or. koii. The (late of I be first publication of this Hiiiniiions Is May 21, I 'll. Date of last publication July 2. 1U1 1 Notice for I'uhli. ati.'O. Department of the Interior. I". S. Land Ullleeiit The Dalles, Or. May 2nd, lul l. Notice Ih lief, bv ulveti thai Adolf S.-hiil. of Meld. Oregon, who, on duty r'h, mad.. hiiiiicHtead entry No. UMKI, and on March '.'Gib, 1'iH, made uddltlonal hoincHlead elilry No, 012715, for lots 1, 2 anil 3 and c'4 lii we l'.l, lot -1, sec IS, tp IS Holilb, ranue 21 cast, and si J ne1, net h Heellon 2i, toviisbli 18 south, range 2d east Wlllninette Meridian, has tiled notlcK of Intention to make filial thnryenr proof to establish claim to the land above described before A. S, I'ogg, 11. S. CoiiiiiiIh. Hlouer, at Hampton, Oregon, on the 10th day of .liiue, 1 ' ' 1 1 . Claimant names as witnesses: I'aul Held, Hurley Saunders, Itenbetl J. Kngstrolll, (ill of Meld, Ori-gon; Hurry Itarnes of liarneH, Oregon. 11 I'llANK WoonrocK. 5 7p lieglslcr. Fruit and Vegetables in Season Round Trip Excursion Fares June 7th to 11th Inclusive to Portland Rose Festival Notice ot l iinil Settlement. Notice Is hereby itlvelt by the un dersigned, the adiiiliilstralur of the i-Htaleof Samuel S. . I ones, deceased, to all persons Inter sled In said es tate, that he has tiled with the clerk of tlieeiuiiilv court IiIh final account Iiilt of bis inlmliilHirailoii of said cm- 'state, and that the court has set Monday, the tit ll day of July, Hill, at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon, at I lie county court room lu I'rluevllle, Oregon, as a time nnd place for hear ing and fcltllug said llnul account ing. At which time and place any person Interested III said cNlale may appear and object to wild dual ac counting. Dated tills 21st. day of May, Mi. 0. K. Jonkh Administrator of the estate of Sam uel H. Joiic4, din eased. 6-'Jl Four Days of Dazzling Attractions, June 9-12 9th Marine Pageant 1 1th Human Roechud Coronation . ( Parade Rose Show National Balloon Race Military Display Great Fire Spectacle 10th Flora! Parades 12th Daylight Pageant Fireworks. Carnival Electrical Historical Band Contest Parade at Night Novelty Features Protect your chickens from lice. Use Carbolineum One good application all that is needed for a season. For sale by J. E. Stewart & Co. $9.20 from Kednoond arid return. Limit Juno. 15s h. Details on application to II. I1AUK0L, Agent, Itedtrjoinl, Ore. See ClatsopEeach on the Oregon Coast, one day side trip from Portland . 6-21-4 You would enjoy the Journal. $1.50 per year Satisfaction Guaranteed by A. C. WILSON General Carpenter and Builder . New Houses Built, Old Ones Repaired, Remodeled or Reshingled( by day or contract. Leuve or ders at Clifton & Cornntt's Htore or addrcus Lock Box 375, Prine ville, Oregon. 4-9 Nutlet (ft Publication lcinrltiient of the Interior, ll. 8. Imlld Olllce lit i.akevleve, Or. April aiih, 19tt. Not coal Intel". Notice In liereliy ulveu that Minna l'aiiMcli of Fife, Or'ou, nx mother and liclr at law of I'raiilw'l. 1'aiiNih. d.renxed. who, on llceeiillier IH, limit, Hindu hoiueHlead entry IC7M at l.akevlew, Orcuoii, for nw i. ce 4, tp HI mnitli, raune t cant, and on Kepli-mlicr it, ltilo, made additional lioiueteai entry (Act t. It. Id, PHKU 07:17.1 at The lalleH, livifnii, for 'J Mftloll HI, towlitdlli "0 couth, r.lUire Ti cntp Wllla lie Meililiau. nan ni.i noiuo of liiii'iilloti to make final tlifn- veitr proof to ctiildlh I laiiu to thelaml aliiue dchcillnd licfora t'harle A. Sherman, t". S. l ouiiolio-loiier, at l ite, r'i;oii, oil the l.ni nay 01 June. PHI. Claimant name ax witiiec: Wexlev Htrift, John A I'aimch, Slieriiiau, Kdward I'iiiihcIi. nil ol Hie, OreK'oii. J.01. 1'. l.rmiMw, Kotlct for PuliUUon lxiUted Tract Public Land Sale Ih-partiiii'iit of the Interior, I'. S. Laud t)lllc at The ialh. Or. March lsili, plU. Not let o herehy lv ll Unit, nit dl ricted ly the ('oliiuihudoui'r of tlitf tieiieral l.nml Otliee, under pro. vIhIoiim of Act of t'onuremi npproved Mareti I1U3, CWNtiitn., 77), pur Biiant to tint appllcntloii of llclija Hiln Sordal. Nrlal No. OUr.tSK, wt will offer nt puhlk' xale, to the hluh. ext l.ldder. hut at Hot lexit tllllll "i 00 l-r acre, nt 10 o'clock n. in., on tho Plill day of June, l'.ll , lit thlx oltlce, the foll.i luu tract of land : xi'l H i xi-ettou "I. towtmhlp I t x'iith, raii(i 111 tiixt, Willamette Meridian, " i'hlx tract Ix ordered Into the market oil a nhott iutf that the ttreater purtloii tlictcuf ix motiiiialiioux or too rouclt for cnlthalloii." Anv perxmix clnlmlnit ndverxelv the 'ahiivcdixerllnd land nt nd vled to tile llH'lr clalmx or olijcc llo iih jni or liefore the time desig nated lor xali- 57 II. I hvsk XVo. ih-. rk. li.'iilxt.-r. Nutk lot Publication.. Iicpart nieiit of I he Interior, I,'. S. I. und tiilice at Lnkevlcw, Or. April asili, mil. Not coal laiiilx. Notice tx liereliy Klveii that W. Helmet f lry Lake, iri'on, who, on Feb- , rtiarv .ll, I'd.', mane iiniiiixiean entry No. o:KHa, for el lisvj. lot I, 'i. 1,4. xeetloli 1, toWlixtilp 1 xolitli. ranue 20 eaxt : lotx4 and 5, wclloii li, townxhlp Li xoiith, rani;i 21 eaxt, WillMinrMe Meridian, hax tiled niillce of Inteiitloii to make llnal thr-w year proof to extalill-h claim to the laud aliove dcxeiilicd l-for (hax. A. Sherman, 1'. S. CominlxMlouer, nt l-'lfe, Oreiroit, on tht; 27th day ot June. PH I I laliiiant naiiicM ax w lliii-xxi-x; tchiird It. Rhodes of I'rv Lake, Ore. mm; lixher LoKau, Orvllle I Oavld--oii, holh of itarnex, Oreiroii; Olvtn ThompMou of lrv Lake, tlreirou f 7p Jam F. Hi ihii:x, Itenlxter. NllllllllOllX. In the circuit court of the Bluteof Oregon, for Crook county. Cliaiicx A. WhllHctt and Minnie M. hltxett, plallitlffx, VH. F. I). Parker, Minnie L. I'arker, J. I). Morrtx, admlulxtrator of the ex- tutu of (JeorKH llerren, di-ceaxed, and Lulu (!. llerren, diieudaiiiH. To F. I). I'arker, Ml.inte L. I'arker, .1, 1. Morrlx, admlulxtrator of tin; cHtnle of lieorue llerren, deceaxed, nml Lulu (I. I li rn-ii: In the iiMiie of the xlnle of Ore. Con, you are liereliy reiiilrcd to ap pear and nnxwer the complaint Hied lu the above entitled court and cauxe on or In-fore the lilt It day of , .lune, KM I, mid If you fall ho to ap pear and nnxwer, the plaintiff will apply t o the court for tho relief de manded In their complaint, to wit: for a Judgment, iiKuliixt ilefcuilant, F. I). I'arker. for t he hiiiii of Threii Thotixanil Dollarx with lliterext lliereon at the rata of xeven per cent per nnmim from AnniiHi, Hn, 11112, for $:I0U.(H) iillorney'M feex und for the cohIx and illxhiirxeineiitH of thlx xull. For a decree mfiiliixt nil ofthede. feridant that the liind ileHcrllied lu plaliil.lff'x complaint, nnd morliiKH lie xold by the hherlff of thlx county aceordlnu; to la w and t hat t ho pro- ceedx of xald xe.le he applied to the. payment, of plalutlffx Jiiilninent, anil IhecoHtxof making xuch xalu mid that t.he.v bnve a. ilelieleiiey iidr liienti niiiilnxt (lifcndaiil, F. I. I'arker, for any xiim rcmulnluir tin paid alter appl.i Inn: all of the pro cecdx of Hiild Kale properly applicable to xaid Judgment, Tliat. I be de feiiibinlx ami each and nil of lliem, and all pevHonx claluilnir under them or any of them be forever barred and forecloxed of all rlubl , til le, In teri'Ml .and rixt of redemption In xnld preiulHcf mid every part thereof, j 'J'lilx HiiiumoiiH Ix publlHlied by order of the Honorable. O. Springer, Juiljio. of the eouiit.y court of thei Mtalo of Oregon for Crook counry, tnude on the 27th day of April, P.UI, which xnld order prexcii hex tha t, thlx Hiiinnioux be publlHlied In the Crook County loiirnal, a weekly newx paper' printed and piibllxhed la PHnevlllc, Crook county, Oreiroti, for n period of xlx coiiBeiMilivo weekx. The dale of tho flrxt publication ot thlx Hiiuiiuoiitt Ih April 110, 11)14. , M. K. Fi.i.iott,. Attorney for lialntllTH. ,