HEWS ?B G'JB HATIQHAL CAPITAL --. - President Ins!sl3 cn Passing Anti-Trust Legislation at Present Session. Washington. ProMiHuit Wllurm will be Hitl tMflixl wltli nulliliiK Uw thiin tho lniHMiusn UiniiiK.li both houses of con (irons, t tlui present session, of the ami-trust livJiiliitlon recently PRmed on. Till wan made clear by officials close to tlio alinliilslriitluii. Ills attl- tilde wtis made known In answer to RUKKAHtlollll tlmt ouie leader lit till) Ciildtid behoved II would be ttufflelont to inmH tho unll trunt lillln In tho hoiwo mid only imri'O on o tlimi fur a vole next KCHiiliiii III tho dcntite. Tho huiiD" of ri'irim uiH'IVR, In ivn effort to runli thniUKh tho soeond of the iidinllilNliiillon'i nntl-trunt ineim uri'd, begun nli;ht vrmionii thin week nnd tho neuiito In ulno endeavoring to peud lii Ii'kIhIiiIIou to tiiHiiro an ad journment In July. CoiiKri'im lenders ttdinlttwd however, thut If tho somite undertook to put thrmn;h nntltrut legislation of a comi?litnklv niiluro adjournment could hiirdly to tiiketl until lute lu tbo full. Tock Indictment to 8avt Morgan. A diwiintlo climax marked tho clone j or the MHMiitlotiul U-ntlmoiiy of Clnm. 8. Mullen, ex ireldnt of tho New York, New lliivin & Hartford railroad, boforo tho Interstate commerce com niltmton. With ovldi'iico of deep emotion Mr. Mellen averted tho hue J. Flerixint .Morgiin wim cognizant of the Grand Trunk negotiation for which Mr. Mel Ion himself wui crlmlniilly Indicted for vtohttlon of tho Sherman will-trout act, ti nd that ho look the Indict niont that belonged to Morgan, a be be lieved It would have killed the aged financier to bo Indicted. Abnoluto roonoioly of transport tlon under government regulation and coulrol win suRgented by Mr. Mellen as the enhit lun of tho American rail road problem. Majority of 10 for Repeal Frsdlctcd. Pemocrtitlc lenders In the eniiale are confident tho I'aimnin canal lulls exemption repeal bill and tho arbitra tion amendments will bo disponed of tlilu week. Senator Kern, leader of the nmjirlty, mild a vote would bo taken May 2S or ahortly "sirterwnrd; mid added that tho repeal till woild be naiiied by u mujorily of at leiiiit in Opponent of repeal are not tin... ..v.. to doubt that the bill will par, but the vote on the many amendment offered to modify Its meaning will be watched with Interest by senators on both sides. Tho administration la said to cei!.r Its support on the amend ment proponed by Senator Simmons, declaring that the United States waives no rli;M over the I'annmn canal. Parcel Post for Belling Truck. roBtmnHler Otto I'rai-Ker. of Wash ington, has sent out to the patrons of the Washington office an advertis ing poster, containing the names of 150 truck farmers, fruit and poultry growers, home fruit and vegetable emitters, and producer of smoked hums and bacon, who desire to serve Washington consumer direct by U10 parcel post. On the reverse of the poster ore II lustrations of a parcel post delivery truck and of a banket, In which a Washington consumer has received a smuiago from a Pennsylvania farmer during the past winter, together with testimonials from 14 patrons of the Washington offlco recommending the parcel post for efficiency and economy In the shipment of produco. Producers from 12 Btntes, Including New Jersey nnd Mississippi, offer to tell their product direct to Washing ton consumers. National Capital Brevities. The senate ndopted nn amendment to the agricultural appropriation bill proposed by Senator Johnson, appro . printing 1100,000 for potnto quaran tine Inspection. Creation of tin aviation section of tho tinny as part of the signal corps, Is planned by a bill that has passed tho house. The measure has the ap proval of the war department. Copy of the proposed peace treaty between the United States and Nor way has been iw.elvd at Washington Bcretnry P.rynn and the minister of Norway will sign It when the draft hiis boon mndo. A bill putting telephone and telo graph companies mid plpellnos under tho Jurisdiction of the interHtnto com nierco commission waB Introduced lu the house by Representative Uollly, of Wisconsin, President Wilson appointed a com mltteo to arrange for the formal open ing of tho Panama cunal June 1. lis members nro Colonol OoethnlB, chair man; Richard Motealf, vice chiilrmnn; Colonel Harry 1 lodges', Surgeon Gen eral Corgns, Colonel Rousseau and Colonel WtlUum Sihcrt. D. EK!U0 ftABASA w' ' . ft'. M ,7 . ' . I -A D. Emlllo RbM, one of Preildent Huerta'. reprea.ntatlvea at th. media- The mediator, disclaim any Inten tion eonferene. at Niagara Falla. I tlon of dictating the choice of a pro- j 1 prealdent. SiiBKeetlona will , MOVIES SH0VNAT CHURCH Innovatlona to Meet the Need of Member, Explains Chairman. j Seattle, Waxh. Moving pictures, whlMtling soloa and service without a milliliter were witnessed lu Baptist ' church here Sunday nlnht. The Temple Baptist church entered upon an experimental stnijo In the ef-j fort to make the Institution fit " ' surrounding and reach the people In; lis neiKtioornoou. me cnurcu sum- torlura at Third and Cedar streels wa comfortably filled, with an attendance of narly 200. Frank Mornn, of the church board, was chairman of the evening. He opened the services with a few wonls explanatory of tho purpose of the church In malting Its new departure. "I hope," Mr. .Mornn said, "that no one h'-re Is expecting anything senea- j tlonal. That Is not tho purpose of tho church. There will be no dunclng or anything of that sort hre. We ore tryiiiR mon-ly to make this church j fit Into Its siirrouniitnus aim to nmho It serve the people It should serve. Electric Shock Fatal. Mor.cow, Idaho. One man was killed nnd three were seriously In jured here when a high tension wire of tho Washington Water Power com- pnny. carrying :2,000 volts leading In to the city from Lewiston, came Into contact with a ground wire attached to a pole being erected, Edward Ksterbrook, a drayman, Is dead, nnd Charles Comstock, of Mm- ! cow; narry manium ami oaiuuei iun ler Btistnincu severe shocks, The last named two are linemen of Spokane. PATRICK CALHOUN IS ACCUSED OF LOOTING San Francisco. Patrick Calhoun, ex-presldent of the United Railroads of San Francisco, was accused by the railroad commission of "looting" that corporation of Jl,0!)f,000 nnd being forced to give for that amount a prom issory note for an equal Bum, made payable one day after date, which his successor, Jobbo W. Llllenthnl, credit ed on tho company'! books with a vnluo of $1. Calh' n's action wbb Indorsed by the directors and stockholders of the United Rnllroads In a resolution, but the commission declared that the "whole transaction Is a fraud, not on ly upon the public but also upon the bond and note holders." The Calhoun deal, which was put through apparently with nn Idea of aiding the finances of the Solano Irri gated Farms, Inc., a land scheme In which Calhoun wns heavily Interested, came to the attention of tho commis sion -through nn application for au thority to borrow money to add to the rnllrond's rolling stock. The report of the state commission snys the records bIiow tho stockhold er authorized this transaction. Clovelnnd. Mr. Calhoun denied the statement that ho had applied funds of tho railway company to his own purposes. THE MARKETS Portland. Wheat Club, 80c; bluouteni, 8Dc; red Russian, 8Gc. Hay Tlinolhy, ?1fl: nlfalfa, $13. Butter Creamery, 27o. Eggs Ranch, inc. , Seattle. Wheat BhicBtom, 89c; club, 86c; red Russian, 85c. Hay Timothy, $17 per ton; alfalfa, $14 per ton. Butter Creamery, 26c. Eggs 24c. MEDIATORS EXPECT SS!S!S THIS WEEK Establishment ct a Junta for . Mexico Said to be Under Consideration. Niagara Falls, Out. In the hope of ioolng a provisional government that the United Slates can recognize e tablUhed In Mexico before the rebel! wlxo the city, tho raii-Amerlcan med lutore are preparing for the crlala In their deliberation. Should tho lluortft government cot hiime (ib the retiol army approacheg, It la retillzod that a condition of chnoH a'ld anarchy would result. The Mexi can dolnt believe a government ant tip by tho rebel cannot hint lon If unrecognized by the United SUitea and world powers. They declare a new revolution would be Inevitable. Should Carrnnza atill he In tho field Hhon an agreement I" reached here, It In the oidnlon of tho inedlutora that the Influence of the United State may be relied on to bring the coimtllution- j alii.tH to terino. The eBtahllBhmeut of ).... la .,.nul,l,.ri.il il lH HIllll. i be made by the Mexican ooiegateg, but the final choice will be left to the ; United States. j The urgent demand from the Ameri cana that a plan for the eetllement of , the land question be Incorporated In ie Bt(L.ment here la not acceptable either th mediators or the Mexican d,.ipK:,it., it Is said, if It Is Inslatcd ; on t wm n(,ely disrupt the mediation. f A serious effort Is being made to mod-1 (fy tne scope of the negotiations so , M t0 mriUer tne lana prooiem ib exigent. CONFIRM BALKAN CRUELTIES Atrocities Called Unparalleled by Carnegie Peace Commlitlon. New York. Results of an exhaus tive Invent lent Ion Into the conditions In the Bulkans during and following thB wllrg 0( jjji and 1913 were made ,,,,1,110 iy the Ilalkan commlHslon of inquiry of tho Carnegie Endowment tllT international Peace, ,n th(J ,,, jjclm.nt brought by the ,,,,.,,!,.., aBaint all the contending forces, no one of the Balkan nations Is spared. Atrocities committed upon the non-comr.nt.ant Moslems In Mace donia stirpessed In many Instances the crimes committed by the race fram which the Christian nations were imp pored to have received their educa tion In the refinements of cruelty. The bnrb.-.rous acts and Inhuman reprisals performed by Bulgarians, Servians and Greeks against each other would be Incredible If they wcreJuV( mi ttt ti,e"i,our 0f 10 o'eiock ' , pcrU.d hy unquestionable evl- (jcnce "Dry" Orator Saya He Know Captors. St. 1-ouls. Rev. Louis R. Patmont, the prohibitionist advocate who said he was kidnaped from Westvllle, 111., on March 31. and found In an aban doned house near Columbia, 111., Sat urday, asserted here he knew the ones responsible for his detention. He left for Danville, III., where the grand jury now In session will take up the Inves tigntlon of his story. IDAHO GUARD 'HALTS ATTEMPTED OUTBREAK noise, Idaho. Ono prisoner Is dead and two wounded as a result of an attempted wholesale delivery at the Idaho state penitentiary Saturday. U. Q. Iloreup, serving a life sentence for murder, committed at Pocntollo, died two hours after the attempt was made. C. A. Allors, a prisoner from Shoshone county, serving an Indeterminate sen tence for forgery, will lose an arm, which was shattered by a bullet from one of the guns of the prison guards. Lyman Jones, serving a sentence of from 10 to 40 years for murder in Fremont county, was slightly wound ed.. The break for liberty was made while half of the guards on the prison wall wore at lunch. The prisoners put up a bench to the wall where No. 2 guard usually stood, but which was unprotected. The men were able to make the top of the wall. They were Been as they were scal ing down the outside of the wnll nnd before they had proceeded many feet awny they were shot by guards. The convicts wera taken back to the pris on and physicians summoned. Retreating Army Doubly Harassed. Tnmplco. Brought to a halt in his march to the south, General Morelos Zaragozo! the defeated federal com mnnder of the fnmplco garrison, will have to face In battle once more the constitutionalists who drove him out of this place or enter the wilderness of mountains in the Hunsteca district to the west. rrrz. Cut the High Cos! of Living Through "Factory Direct mi arr vt: a t..b jn m "."" a Call or end for our new 420-page Catalogue. ITS FREE! A. H. Lippman & Co Latest New: Art Squares Dropped 25 Per Cent "PRINORE" AND "STANDARD" ille nnevi THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Pr'meille. Rate? Heapon mile. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent KowCw- of Final Account In the Count v Court of the State of I Oreuoii, i;i ai,.i lr the County of Crook In tin1 matter d the estate of Mary K. Monner, (hreiiseil. Ni-iice I" hereby ylven that the un (ierxiuneil lulu pieneuted hie filial ne edier to th nlmve entitled court, 1 ilmt. .'iinnl.iv. the 6th dnv of a. in., Him oeen nxea as ine nine, and the court room of said court as the (dace for hearing: objections.. If niiy there be, to said final account. Any petunii having objections there to 'should file the same In writing, duly verified, with the clerk of the above entitled court on or ln-fore said date. Fhank Monnkr, Administrator of the Estate of Mury K. Monner. deceased. Joski-ii k Hanky, 5 28-5t 611 Corbett Building-, Portland. Ore., Attorneys for Administrator. Notice ot Final Settlement. Notice in hereby given that the un (lersluned executors of the estnte of Onirics II. Foster, deceased, have tiled their final account as eneh exec mors, In the oilice of the county, clerk of Crook county, Oregon, and Monday, the 6th day of July, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, has been set for the time for hearing snld dual account and any objee tloiie that may be made thereto, and (or making on order of final settle ment of eald estate, and for such other and further order ns my be lust and proiier In the premises. Dated and published first time May 21st, 1914. Mklvin M. Fostkk, Oka C. Fostku. Executors of the estate of Charles II. FoBtt-r, deceased. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given by fhe nn derslgned, the administrator of the estate of Fernando Roots, deceased, to the creditors of said deceased nnd to all persons having claims against snid estate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the under signed at tne ottice 01 m. k.jmhou, lu Prineville, urcgon, wuiiin six nionrlu! from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time May 28, 1914. A. II. Lippman, Administrator of the estate of Fer nando Roots, Deceased. Bids for Wood Wanted Notice Is hereby given that bid for 80 cords of four-foot body pine or juniper to be delivered tit the Crook County High School, Prine ville. Oregon, on or before Kept I!0, 1914: and nlso for 100 cords body pine or juniper to be delivered nt the courthouse, Prineville, Oregon, on or before Sept 80, 1914, will be re ceived by the umterstgiied. Bids must be Hied with the county clerk on or before July 1, 1914. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. WAHHKN UKOWN, County Clerk. For liest quality milk, cream butter nnd buttermilk 'phone Wm Our New to Home" Plan P 4-1(1-14 H i Notice. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Mult nomah, in Probate. In the matter of the estate of Kirk Sheldon, deceased. ' Notice is hereby given that hereto fore, on the 23d day of May, 1914, the judge of the above entitled court iiiaile an order licensing tne under signed to sell the hereinafter de scribed real estate owned by the said estate at privstesale for cash: Now. therefore. In pursuance there of, notice Is hereby given that the nder-lgned will sell at private sate t 602 Fenton Building, Portland,' Oregon, on the 8th day of July, 1914, t 10 o clock a. m.. the following described real property, to-wit: Lots numbered six (6) and seven (7), In block numbered fourteen (14), ! ilen Harbor, Multnomah County, j Oregon; and the east one-half (e.j) of he northeast one quarter (neJa) 01 section thirteen (13), township ten i (10) south, range thirteen (13) east, ; Willamette meridian, Crook couuty. i Oregon, Terms of the sale will lie cash lu ; hand at the time of sale, with the1 exception that In the sale of the tract : last above described, purchaser may ! assume the mortgage or jldou.uu threon us a part of the purchase price, and all persons riestr. lug to submit bids on said prop erty are hereby notified to appear at the aforesaid time and place and sub mit their bids thereon. And the un dersigned hereby gives notice that on the said 8th day of July, A 1). 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., she will proceed to sell said real estate at private sale as aforesaid. Date first publication, May 28, 1914. Date last pub.. July 2, 1914. COHIN.NE SlIK I.DON-DKRRY, Executrix of ttie estate of Kirk Shel don, deceased. Notice tor Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. hand Oilice at The Dalles. Ore. May 21, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Lewis W. Foster of Terrebonne, Oregon, who on June 7th. 1909, made homestead entry No. 0-1958, for uej, section 15, township 14 south, range 14 east, Willamette me ridian, has filed notice 01 intention to make final five year proof to es tablish claim to the land above des cribed, before Warren Brown, county clerk of Crook county, at Prineville. Oregon, on the 10th day of July 1914. Cinnunnt names as witnesses: Auel Cmid and Louis J. Ogilen, ot Terre bonne, Ore., Carl J. Suiidqtiist and Victor Butler, of Prineville, Oregon. H. Fhank Woodcock, 5-28p Register. Strayed Light bay horse, gelding, weight 1020, rangy built, bald face, four white stocktngs, Small brand 011 left shoulder, also T F connected on stifle. Has halter on and sharp Shod No. 2 shoes. Last seen near Roberts, Ore. Reward of $12 will be paid for recovery of horse. Deliver horse to M. S. Mnyfield. 4-9-lmp Flour la E, IX WOMAN'S BUST ALWAYS BEGINS SMALL LUMP LIKE THIS and ALWAYS POISONS DEEP GLANDS IN THE ARMPIT AND KILLS QUICKLY WILL GIVE $1000 1 IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOIl i I TREAT BEFORE it Poison! Bone orSeep GlanCi mm or PAIN i Ro Pay Until Cured-j I Kn X Rv or nther 1 niudl. An Wand i plant makM the eur , ILlSOttllE muniit any iumuk, uir 011,2 1 6.r on tn lip, taea I I cr body tmt t$ Cwwr i,- i It avla!ft until lv J. '"'"'r, i iukcu 1204r.E BOOK ' Jrfi ! Vi-j,Ti C!ir."i l Wie & S Vtr4 mim mm breast to9 U?t, We have curfcd lM.uuy myri, .idress DR. 4 ViRS. DR. CHAMLEY&.C0. A43VUK,i ST, Si8 Fi!i!!C!SC0( CiL KL'iDi.t KAJL Ihis to ms cm v.ilh CAKCE2 For Sale. One tmiruty, 1 tpnm ;elillns:, wclaht 12)0; 1 Ci Inch Winona wnifon, 1 necl drill, 20 hend Pfdnnil Chlna hiK, 6 nnmthii ohl. 'I'hone ii- writ.- i-'l-fli (irllMIH. PrlnHViilu. flreiron. 5 7-ltIiD 8X111 1 oans For a ebort time we bare sub ject to our disposal for loans on highly improved irrigated ranches iu the vicin ity of Prineville. Loans to 1 for f 5,000 or more and run from 3 to 5 years, with inter est at 8 per cent, payable an nually. We cha rge a email commission to ba paid by the borrower. See A. R. BOWMAN with Central Oregon Title & Trust Co. 6 19 Prineville, Oregon Millinery Always the latest styles at the most reasonable prices. Special rates to teachers and others attending Sum mer School. We also carry a full line of Velvetina Toilet Preparations which never fails to give satisfac tion, at Mrs. Estes MILLINERY PARLORS Prineville, Ore. Prineville Drug Co successors to The French Drug Co. Prescription Pharmacists Only the finest drugs and cliem icaU used Complete line Stationery, Per fumes and Sundres Mail orders promptly fiilled Exclusive NYAL Agents "We are in business for your health" ' 3-26 ft L 25000 S. Ayres. 4 BO-ti You need the Journal, 11.50 a year