Barnes Items llarnes, Ore , May 11. Mr. and Mr. I, J. Sand made Sunnyside. Powell Butte I'owell Hutte, My 11. Miss MhIji'I Allen wtttt tt visitor In Prineville Tuesday. "Sy." IJuckinuImm the "Shores" man transuded business with Powell Butte farmers IhhI week. Mn. A. VY. liny ii and her houstt guest, Mr. Frank Usyne of IVrt land, were pleaiant hostesses to the I'owell Hutte Surosis Wednes day atfernuun. A goodly number were In attendance and a pleasant afternoon passed. The ftudy ol Holland was taken up and promises to he a most interesting tudy. Appropriate refreshment were served previous to adjurn ment. Mrs. Allen Willcoxeti as tinted the hostesses in serving Next meeting will be with Mrs. Willcoxon. The junior girls' Hunxhine Club met at the Moore home Tuesday. The girls have very pleasant timet at these meeting. Herman Meyers of Tacoma, came in Monday and wai met at the train by hit brother, Henry Mevera. The former gentleman owna lowe land io thin section and will probably make proof while he it here. Mener i Harry Speer and J. A Riggs are putting in tome alfalfa od what it kncwo at tbe Miller ditch land. Mr. and Via. Karl Forreet and the latter'a sinter, Mlm Chabolt were viaitort at the county teat Wednesday. "Chris" Seitx ttarted on a light teeing trip Tuesday. He wai headed for the Lakeview country first, to have a look at the home stead land but told friend be might go on into Nevada before re turning. Mr. Seitx has bis crop all in and had nothing to do at home untill harvest time, he in tends to spend tome time fishing. Mist Ada Morse accompanied a party of jolly 1'rinevillitea to Bend Thursday on a fishing expedition. J. L. Gibson returned home Saturday from a week's sojourn at his Laidlaw farm. A. W. Bayn went to Prineville Friday. His daughters, Miss Gladys and Hazel accompanied him home (or a week end visit. W. G. Mustard took a load of potatoes to Bend Saturday, return ing horn Sunday. At a meeting of the stock hold ers of the Farmers Cooperative Creamery in Redmond Saturday, G. C. Truesdale waa elected to sue ceed himself as director from this locality. W. K. Young of Redmond, autoed out Saturday afternoon lteturning with him were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Willcoxen and daughter Harriett who Sundayed over the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Young. The two familet enjoyed the day on a Cubing -trip to the Deschuters. Mr. Cornett of Prineville, ac companied by his daughters and Miss Marie Shafer visited in this section Sunday, the guests o( Mr and Mrs. Geo. lieckman. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Tweet and family visited in Redmond Sun day. C. II. Miller of Redmond, man ager for the Deschutes M. T. Co., autoed through this section Mon day on his way to Prineville. Some cIbhb to Manager Miller since he purchased bis auto. Earl Saunders is preparing to do farming on a big pcale this Hum mer, besides the home place he is putting in 40 acres of alfalfa each on the liogart and Spinning places. Tom Lnngdon has moved out to his I'oweil Butto (arm and will try roughing it for a tiuio. Mrs. Frank llayn visited at the (iuy Sears homo Monday. Strayed From Powell Butte durliiK the winter, nine head of two end three-,venr-old horses, mostly blacks and buys, branded UK connected on left Htlllu, and soino of them branded row lock on left shoulder. One buy t hree-year-old maro with bell, gentle, and one black three-year-old mare, Ren tie, both branded 10 on left shoulder. Will pay for their detention or for Information leading to their recov ery. . ' . .0. M. Cohnhtt, 4 10 Prluevllle, Ore. f a trip to Buck Creek loxt week. Alex Amnions, the saw mill man, bat moved Irora hi home near Barnes to hit mill on Mowery mountain, where be intends to start sawing in tbe near future. A K. Bates returnrd home from the Bend where he went after a load of supplies. Leightou Morgan of Albany, Ore., passed through these parts on his way to W. W. Brown's horse camp, last week. Mr. Simons who is on tha sick list, is belter this week. )), I). Burtch who has been In Washington fur the past four months, it again at Barnes, visit in If his family. Fitz News Is Stranger Than Fiction y MOSS. e UPPOHB ad- J vertlslnf of all kinds the world over were wiped out for a month utterly obliterated. Yea, tt would ruin business. But It would do more it would make this old world positive! STUPID. Why? Because ADVUtTISINQ 18 NEWS, and we nitut keep pace with the newt or grow stale. Newspaper advertising TUB BEST ON EAUTH-U displayed news, paid for with a purpose. Tbe Istast news In newspaper advertising, a special sale of furs, a bltf reduction In suits, a saving In groceries, furniture at annual sale prices or lire bars of soap for tbe price of three all this latent news ts as Important to every bousewlfe and tbe busbsnd who psys the bills ss the last word from Mex ico or an account of the newest municipal or society scandal. Advertising la POSITIVELY and ABSOLUTELY news. Successful advertisers make their ado. as NEWSY as possi ble. Head the ads. In this papee as NEWS. Keep up with them. Truth la .stranger than Action. Bo Is news. 1 When we read of those failures in which the liabilities are from Are to ten timet tbe assets we feel that this old world of ours Is really very Inno cent and truatfvl after all At tbe rate of $1300 a square Inch, tbe reputed price for Mr. Wldener's new Raphael Madonna, art seems still to mslutaln Its fluanclal precedence ever New York reel estate. A Danish prince bss renounced his right to tbe throne In order that be uisy marry a woman with whom be Is deeply In love. I'rluce Chsrmlng doe not exist In fairy stories only. A Japanese weather forersster who didn't proiuiostlcute properly and was criticised therefor committed baraklrl. There's no use talking, these orientals lis re some pretty good ideas. Nature was wise when it ordained that chickens ahould have no -teeth You cun t tell their sire. It weuld be hard on the dealer who was trying to palm off an old hen as a young pullet The appointment of an American railroad superintendent as general manager nf a great ICnKltsB railway system Is a fact of Interest Is Enjr land threatened by another "menace" )o ItH home Industries? The building of a motorcar In eleven minutes at Manchester. England, may break the American record, hut we shall not despair until we bear that the stop watch shows that It took an American a larger number of seconds than It took an KnullHlimiin to sell it Notice to Water Users. Irrigation hours are from 6 a. in. to N a. in. and from & p. m. to 7 p. m. Water found running before or lifter t he Irritation periods will be shut off at the curt) mid achuixe of si will bo made for tnrnlnir on ngnlu l.eiiklnjf hone and Hooding the ground can not lie allowed ns all we agree to do Ih to furnish oiiomrli water (luring; Irrigation periods to Keep lawns or gardens In good con dlt Ion. , fi-7 lit DUMCIII'TKH Powun Co. House for Rent. Residence of W. II. Keebn for rent; new Hroiiin Iioiiho with liath mid partly furnished j iiIho a barn. Kor Information call on r. A. Uoweii. 4-30-lmp Mrs. Wright's Confectionery Store Fresh lioine-mado caudles always In stock. Soft drinks of all kinds lee cream. Agent for American I.iuly Tailoring Co. Prices lower than ever. !) 20 Mrs. J. N. Wright, Prop. Sunnyside, May 11. W. A. Thomas and family of La monta have moved to Cemp No. 7 where Mr. Thomas expects to work. Messrs. B. D. Grenouich, J. E. Smith and W. II. Wadstroth ar rived from The Dulles last week with a view to locating here. The party camo from Montana in their auto by .way of The Dalles. Ed Kennard, Mr. and Mrs. Han son and Mr and Mrs. Shaller of Laidlaw passed through here Sun day on their way to Sisters. Two new camps Not. 8 and 9 are to be established soon in this vicin ity. No. 8. will be erected south west of the Scott and Smith ranch and No. 9 will be established in the Gerking neighborhood. Engineers Jamison and Dexter of Camp No. 8 spent Sunday in Bend. Mrs. Crawford passed through Sunnyside Saturday on her way to Laidlaw. Dr. Gail Newsom and B. F. Nichols were guests cf Mr. and Mra. George Couch Saturday. Mrs. G. M. Couch entertained Mrs. L. H. Root of Pine Hurst Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Leverenz of Plainview passed through Sunny side Saturday on their way to Bend. Fred Wilson and sister spent Sunday In Laidlaw. Maurine Beauty Lotion Maurlne Face lTeparatlona are guaranteed to get results or money refunded. Why line cheap or Interior grades of cosmetics when Maurlne Is guaranteed to be absolutely pure. Try It at our expense. Prineville Mercantile uo. 9 6 Commissioners' Court Continued from first page. hearing on said report of county surveyor. District attorney to prepare proper notice. In the matter of the Joseph Street et al proponed county road. Petition presented accompanied by affidavit of posting: notice. Certificate of approval by district attorney. Bond approved In the turn of $300. view era ordered out to view and nurvey said proposed road on June 23, 1914. W. H. Hunnell et al proposed county road. Petition presented accompanied by aftldavit of posting notice and certificate of approval by district attorney. Bond ap proved in the sum of 1100, Viewers order ed out to view and surrey said road on June SO, 1914. J. A. Morris county road. Supplemen tary stipulations Hied by the petitioners and remonstrators by their respective at tornryo, H. C. Kills and T.E.J. Duffy. Viewers ordered out under stipulations to view out and survey said road on Jwne 22. 1914. L. C. Young et al proposed aounty road, Petition presented accompanied by affi davit of posting notice and certificate of approval of district attorney. Bond ap proved in the sura of 1200. Viewers ordered ont on June IS, 1914. In the matter of county roads: K. T. Withy road, viewers report read for first time. W. P. Gift county rod, viewers report read for first time. ft. J. Hoech county road, viewers report read fur Unit time. D. H. Yeoman couuty road, viewers re port read for firttt time. T. A. Urahain county road, viewers re port read for first time, W. C. Buckner county road, viewers re port read for first time. C. B. Swaliey county road, viewers report read for first time, '' 11. M.Austin, county road, viewers re port read for first time. - Chas. Austin county road, viewers report read for first time, ' In the matter of wrongful assessment On petition of Screpta Hamilton in person showing that she has been assessed on gov ernment land, rebate allowed in the sum of IS.flO. Clerk instructed to make order and draw warrant accordingly. In the matter of a widow's pension for Hnttie Kam.stra. Application for widow's pension Bhowing three children under the age of sixteen presented by Hnttie Kam stra. Investigators report Hied. All papers approved by county judre. Order pension in favor uf said HuttitfKamxtra in the sum of if'JO per month. In the matter of the vacation of a portion of Gateway. Plat presented and all the provisions required by law having been complied with, order approving tid vaca tion signed in open court. See order on plat. in the nmtter of ri'ifXlting tax penalty. On petition, penally remitted in 'Miif 0. XI. Cometl in the sum of 8'-S.97. Clerk instructed to make proper order anil draw warrant accordingly, lu the matter of Henry Montgomery, road supervisor. Keport of May 4th, 1014, continued. In the matter of tax rebate. Petition of J. K. Ketnlau'fora tax rebate denied. lu the matter of cancellation of taxes. Petition of Kiank E. Newberry for a can cellation of I'.IOS tuxes. Representation ot Ti B. Kay showing certificate, for taxes for 11)08 on said described property. Action of sheriff In cancelling taxes for 1008, ap proved. Cancellation of county warrants. The following warrants having been issued over seven years and not having been called lor G O S o CO a) WOULD YOU LIKE THIS BEAUTIFUL PIANO AS A PRESENT? WE SHALL POS ITIVELY GIVE IT TO SOME ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS Come to our store, see and try this splendid instrument. We will tell you all about our plan of giving this piano away. This is a present worth having. This piano is of a celebrated make and carries the manufacturers' Ten-Year Guarantee. We cordially invito your inspection. Prineville Merc. Co. are hereby ordered cancelled: Class s, No 41, Class 2U. Numbers 227. 600. 714, 814, 784 935 90T, 1074, 1130. 1407, 1497. Clerk to make proper orders. In tbe matter of wrongful assessment Petition of J.N. HcKnight for rebate of lues for 1912, rebate allowed by sheriff. approved by court. In tbe matter of Justice of tbe Peace for Imperial district." On Petition Warren McConnel! appointed Justice of tbe Peace for Imperial district. In the matter of wrongful assessment. Petition of Sherman Montgomery for re bate of taxes on town lots in Imperial. Denied. Petition of C. Y. Smith for re bate on dstlnquent taxes. Denied. May 8th Court convened at S o'clock a. ni. Same officers present as yesterday. In the matter of refund and Interest on county warrants. Petition presented by the Merchants National sank of Portland, Oregon, lor interest on warrants of Crook county from April 6th. 1913, to October 28th, 1913. in the sum of 1323 S3 and for a refund of 1200 paid said county in com promise of a suit againt said county war rants. County clerk to draw warranta In favor of Merchants National sank in tbe sum of 1523.33. In tbe matter of tax rebate. Peti tion of H F. Andery for rebate of taxes paid on government land aa 1913 tax In the sum of $2512. Order clerk to draw warrant In favor of H. F. Audery In the sum ot 125.12. Petition of Maria L. Craln for re bate of taxes paid as penalty and Interest In the sum of 28.70 for tbe years 1907, 1908, 1909. Petition dented. In tbe matter of W. H. Lucy. Re port ot W. H. Lucy over signature as county sealer for moaths ot March and April, 1914, presented to court. Report refused. In the matter of cancellation of taxes. Petition of Willie Percy and Florence L. Percy for cancellation of taxes for 1907. Petition allowed. Report ot Insurance Commissioner on Investigation ot Crook county. Report presented ot J. W. Ferguson, Insurance commissioner ot the state ot Oregon showing the result ot bis Investigation of Crook county. Or dered that clerk acknowledge the receipt of said report and place the same on file. In the matter of the Sherman Montgomery county road. Resolu tion adopted declaring the proposed Sherman Montgomery county road as described therein a public neces sity and ordering the county sur veyor to make a report thereon. In the matter of the Sherman Montgomery county roud con't. Or dered that July 1st at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ru. be set as tly time of hearing said report. District at torney Instructed to prepare the proper notices to lund owners af fected by said roud. Demonstration work. On the representation of 1'rof. French of the Oregon Agricultural College, or dered that hereafter the regulnr warrants allowed by this court for demonstration work In this county be drawn In favor of B. F. Irvine, treasurer of Bonn of Regents of Oregon Agricultural College. War rant In tho sum of $ ordered drawn for quarter ending July lnt, 11)14. lu the matter , of the Edwards road. The report of ' the surveyor coming on for hearing no objectlons as all land owners affected bv said road had waived their claim for damages and consented to said road, surveyor ordered to make a final report and survey thereon on the acceptance of which the court shall Issue a dual order directing the said road to be opened as a public highway. , In tbe matter of tbe change In tbe Aldrldge road. Resolution adopted declaring the proposed change on tbe Aldrldge county road a public necessity and directing tbe surveyor to report on the same. Preliminary report filed by couuty aurveyor. Or dered that tbe 1st of July at tbe hour ot 10 o'clock a. m. be set for a hearing of said report and ordering proper notice to all land owners not consenting to said change and af fected thereby. Bridge over private Irrigation ditches. Supervisor Montgomery Instructed to give notice Immediate ly to the People's Ditch Company and the Lone Pine Ditch Company to build all bridges over their ditches on the Prineville O'Aell couuty road within six hours after notice or suf fer tbe penalty of tbe law under Sec tion 6428 L. O. L Mill creek county road, change therein. Resolution adopted de claring the described change In the Mill creek county road a public necessity and directing tbe surveyor to report forthwith. Surveyor's re port Sled. Ordered that July 1st at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m. be set for tbe time ot hearing said sur veyors report and ordering proper notice to all parties not consenting to said change. In the matter of painting tbe courthouse. Clerk Instructed to draw warrant In tbe sum of (250 In favor ot W. F. King on account of painting county courthouse. In the matter of Mill creek county road. Road Supervisor Grimes la strueted to proceed with work on road aa soon as the preliminary pro ceedings have been approved. In tbe matter ot cancellation of taxes. Petition of Wm. Plnney for cancellation of taxes for year 1909 on certaiu lands. Based on a report from the Desert Land Board. Peti tion granted aud taxes ordered can celled for 1909. In the matter of widow's pension. Petition of Bertha O. Moeck filed for widow's pension showing one child under age ot sixteen. Investigators report. All papers approved by court. Order pension In the sum of ten dollars per month. Petition of Lucy T. E. Hicks Bled lor widows pension snowing one child under age of sixteen. Invest! gators report filed. All proceedings approved by the court Order awarding pension In the sum of ten dollars per month. Petition of Effie Mne Kopper tor widows pension showing two chll dren under the age of sixteen. In, vestlgator's .report filed. All pro ceedlngs approved by the court, Pension allowed la the sum of seven teen dollars per month. Cllne Falls precinct election board On petition of residents aud voters of Cltne Fulls, the following election board Is hereby appointed: F. N. Abbey chairman; B. F. Chase judge; j W. J. Wright judge; Lord Harader cl.'ik ; Harvey Martin clerk; ihnrles I Kafer clerk. I In the matter of road district No. 39. Reals I nation of Andrew Behrcns as road supervisor, j accepted. Report ot tools aui ot f3.5s on hand accepted and tiled. On petition K. P. I Madsen appointed road supervisor for district No. 89 for year 1!)14. In tho matter of road district No. 87, Bear creok. Report of John Mllliorn, road super visor of district No, 87. as to tools on hand. Accepted and filed. In the matter of Blaok Butte voting precinct. Theurandvlew schoolhouse Is named as the place of voting in the Black Butte voting pre cinct. Road district No, 19, Hardin. Paul Werner re-appointed road supervisor for Hardin road district No. 19. In the matter of road district No. 4. J. M Standing of Contestants In the $400 Piano Contest For Week Ending May 6, 1914 No. Vote No. Vote . M2 70 SO M iSO S 13S on 100 M6 U 1 0S0 102 7 195 12 7SS1S 111 II t IS 386 066 124 52 925 IS S S25 127 S MA SS 50 005 138 2 620 M 12 920 140 1 32 000 85 171 680 14S 72 5S SS 50 835 144...., 910 480 52 91065 168 70 545 58 57 890 159 460 4SSB0 160 12 815 7 18 090 12 20 820 78 U 420 154 8 150 79 170 990 164 7 845 89 45 986 155 243 (10 Montgomery reappointed roed snpervlaor lor rod district so. 4. Montgomery dUtrict. Ia the matter ot the C. K. McDowell county road. Viewers report read lor the flrst time. Judge Springer; requested to report et next reading. May. Court convened et 8 o'clock a, m. Same officers present as yesterday. In the matter of turning over tools. Order made, signed in open court end sent to Henry Montgomery directing him to turn over to Emery Murphy certain tools belonging to the county. In the matter of tract ownership slats. The Crook County Abstract Company Is authorised to furnish the county a complete set of its Tract Ownership Plats not including town lota at a total cost to the county of 8300. Indigent poor. Report of Mary V. Charlton on receipts and disbursements for care ot Mary Jones, indigent. Report accepted. Bids tor wood for county. Ordered that the county clerk advertise for bids on four-foot wood, pine or Jrniper, eighty cords for the county courthouse; wood to be delivered on or before September 30th, 1914. Bids to be sub milted on or before July 1st, 1914. In the matter of wrongful assessment, on petition of W. M, Wilson ordered that he be granted a rebate on taxes paid in the sum ot 8303.45. Clerk to draw warrant in favor of said W. M. Wilson for said sum. In the matter of county bridges. Court de- , Ires to make note of the fact that total cost of hauling the Antelope Canyon Bridge ts 823t'45; tor unloading bridge No. 2 or the Wllhoit bridge and hauling the same. 1318.70, In the matter of road district No. 34. Clerk Instructed to notify Geo Hamilton of Terre bonne to do no more work on county roads in district No. 84 until further notice. In the matter of road district No. 5. Report etj. W. Wilt as road supervisor presented showing 12053.77 expended and 8441.23 on hand. Report accepted. in the matter ef bridges over Irrigation ditches. W. F. King given authority to furnish lumber to build bridges over Irrigation ditches on the PrlneviUe-O'Nell road where the ditch companies involved have not repaired the same on proper notice. In the matter of county roads. The viewers report was read this day a second time in each of the following roads and tbe clerk instructed to draw the proper orders opening the same as public highways E T I.uthy county road, W P Gift county road, H Hoeck county road, D II Yeoman county road, T A Graham county road, W C Bucker county road, C B Swaliey county road, H M Austin county road and Charles Austin county road. In the matter of the C. E. McDowell road. Viewers report read a second time. Report presented by Judgo Springer recommending that the adoption of the surveyors report and survey in part. Report adopted. Clerk in" strueted to issue proper order opening a part of the proposed road as a public highway sc. cording to tho viewers report as modilled by the judge's report, The county court resolved to (to on record as willing to open the remain der of the said road accordiug to the viewers report another year. In the mutter of the appropriation for the Bear creek and Paulina county roads. Peti tion by the Prineville Commercial Club In writing asking for an appropriation of $15,000 to be made out ot the general road fund In warrants anil showing the advisability of com pleting tbe Paulina and Bear creek roads this season. Ordered that an appropriation of 115,000 be made out of the general road fund under certain conditions as In the written order speciftd. Approved by Commissioners Bayley and Brown. Judge Springer signltytng a willingness to sign the order with the fol lowing proviso: That the order shall be In force only so long as the road budget and ten per cent additional la not exceeded. Adjournment.