Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 14, 1914, Image 1

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    . Of
we 0f.
Crook County
Entered t th pontortloe at Prtmrvlll
Oroaon, as Moood-cJMi matter
NO. 25
May Term of the
Commissioners Court
JtoKiitnr May term of County Court con
Vfiit.,1 at 10 o'eltx -k a. in. this lltli day of
May, 11114. at the court liuiinn, at Prliiurllla,
( rook ooiiuty, Ori-guti,
l'miwiit, 0. Hprinnnr, ju.lP R.(. Itaylcy
and Wlllla W. Drown, ounitiiltuiit-rs; War
ren llrown, county clerkj Frank Klkln.
Wbtraupoii tlia following iroccillMK
nr hail, tn-wit: '
In tlia mailer ol the Ilalilwln Hliwp Co.
county ruail. IVtlilon prvMiiUHl to the
court, all papers certlllMl to ai to form by
tlio tllstriu' attorney. Iloiul approved in
tbaauinuffm Viewers ordered to meet
on May IH, u, ami view out tba proposed
road ami report theruou at iiel regular
Hwoliitluiii Whereaa, The court realises
the necwaslty of opening a icooil anil sulll
t'lenvruad from Aehwuoil to Madras, ami
that thin roail sbotild U openeil aa suon an
possible and work liegun tberooii, it la tirn
ly rewlrej that Hie court eiprena Ita will
iiiKUKM to appropriate tne sum of .'.OtiO
oiii a tlie preliminary report and survey
bava been Hied lu ibis court and approved
In Hie matter of road dlslrli-t No. 3(1, Hal
Hock and district No. f. Allen Willioxeii
apuili,tiHl aa aupervlw.r for Hat Uurk dis
trict Se. 3d and Powell Unite dlMrKl No.
2 for year 11)14.
In the mailer of tb Alfr.d Wild et al
comity road, petition ami aflldavit of post
ing notices presented ti.getlier Willi cerllll.
cate of approval by the district attorney.
Uond approved in the sum of ;'o. Ordered
that the vlewera meet and view out the said
road on June 1.1th, M4. Tpon the re
quest of the petitioner., Win. Karrel la a",
tborlied load aa aiiervlor of the con
struction ami do tha work on aald road,
when tba preliminary report ami survey
bava lii-en approved by thin court.
In the Hinder or work on county rnada,
on petition In htoii, Andrew Morrow la
authoriaed to eiiend the auui of 11.10 on
certain rnada in tlia Willow creci and l.s
iiionta ruad dlatrlru.
In the matter of the creation of the fiend
Justice district, petition pre.eiitl by tba
eitiwiia of II (' mg tliat the ju.liit
tlialrlrla of Nortli and South llend be aliol.
Ilir.l and a district be created co.eatenaive
with the Ixiumlarle of the city of llend,
and to I designated aa the Item) ill.irbt.
Order granting petition. J. A. Kta and
l.on I.. Ko appointed jtutlce. of the peace
and eonitublo re-ilivrly for aald dk.
in Ilia matter orn license to aid I Intoxl.
eating liiiior, petition presented algned by
U-Kal voters of Ireland precinct No. 47, auk
lug that a llcaiikt be granted to i. W.ltnper
to aell iiitoKlcallng liiiioraon ceruln prein.
le lu the city of l.a Tine, In the l,a Pine
Hold. Filed. PriHifofaniiiJiirityof legiil
Voters. Aill.luvlt aa to number ol rooms
and iioii-coiivlotlon of aelllng to minora:
allldayltaa to number of legal votcraj alll.
tluvlt aa to publication; receipt from conn,
ty treasurer for J00. Ilotid approved in
the auui of il.ono. wit), National Hureiy Co.
aa aunties. Order griiiiling license for an
montha begliinlng May 1,11)14.
In the mutter of atrlklng certain property
from the tan rolla. Petition of 1 beelierger
asking to have the taxea on certain prop-t-rty
rebated for the year lilt-l, and to have
aald pro.erty stricken from the tax rolla aa
.the title to the same la in the United
Unites. Filed certificate from desert land
board of alale of Oregon, Order rebate
granted in the auui of 136.10 and atrlking
aald lands from the ta rolla of the county.
Ill the mutter or tba taxes fur the year
11108 on lot , block 8, city of llend, Oregon.
Stipulation II loil by district attorney ami
by N.ll Wallace.altoniey for owners of aald
lot. Ordered that the sheriff bv instructed
to receive tuxes on said lot on a valuation
of HS0 and Unit the lieu against this prop
erty for personal taxes of the Centrul Ore
gon Dunking Company lor the year lUOa be
In the mutter of correcting tax puymcnt.
Petition presented by J. II. O'Neil allowing
payment on wrong property. XUttor con
tinued. In mutter of tax rebate. Petition of
Moll'ott for ruhate of tuxes on lots in Cpul
City. Petition denied. Tender of ilSO in
satisfaction of all tuxes refused.
In the matter oi double assessment. On
the petition In person of L. H. Hamilton,
W. K, Wills and 8. L. Wills and a cor till
cats of double assessment by the sheriff.
Ordered that a rebato be allowed In the
aum of (5.50 and that the clerk be Instruct
ed to draw a warrant in favor of the said
L. H, Hamilton for that sum,
In the mutter of the Ashwood road dis
trict No. 11. Floyd 0. Kilts appointed road
supervisor for Ashwood road district No,
In the matter of the Willholt and other
bridges. Cliiims presented by the Coast
Itrldge Company for work and material,
Hills certified to by dtstrlot attorney. Or
dered tliut tbo hills be ullowed in tlio fol
lowing amounts and that the clerk be In
structed to druw warrants accordingly In
favor of the Coast lirldgo Company:
Wllnott hrlilKO. contract April 20 191 1 fj, ,'1,'
Wllholt brhlH", on account u.iiihi (HI
iiucp Ijiiiivon I tcshii, on account.. U Olio IH)
AiHeliipe Canyon tirblgu, contract Deo, ,
, luiil..... , i.M.m
Tumulo brldgu, contract April a7, una... (iiiu.oo
Total 111,711,00
May 7, lul l, Court convened at 9 o'clock
in. Maine officers present as yesterday.
Ill tba matter of White Unite Precinct.
Mrs. Annie Kenecal appointed Justice of
of the pealie for White Dutte precinct No.
In the matter ol tha II. II. Ford et al
county road, Change In, Hi-solution
adopted recommending the change de
scribed therein lu the II. II. Ford el al
county road aa a public necessity and di
recting the county surveyor to survey and
report on the same. County surveyor filed
reMirt, survey giving complete Held notes
ami map of change. Ordered that the 1st
lay of July, 1(114, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m. at the county court mom, be act aa
the date ol bearing aald report of county
in re supporioi iiiuigent poor, itcport
presented by II. 0. Kills containing Item-
ld statement of receipts and dlahurae-
nienta, together with all Touchers. Iteport
examined approved and ordered llleii.
In re dictionaries. County superintend
ent authorised to purchase an Internation
al Dictionary for hl office in the court
OrrgomWaahliigUiii Railway A Naviga
tion Company. County clerk mpiestrd to
frutilah the Oregon Washington Hallway
Navigation Company with a certified
copy of the report of Huperviaor Monroe
on work done on county road between
(Jateway Htatloii and Agency Plains.
In the matter of the proposed Newsoni
Creek county road. Keaolutlon adopted
recommending the establishment of the
Newaom Creek proponed county road aa
dcacrilied therein aa a road of public neces
sity and directing the county surveyor to
survey and rcpot on the same. Filed. Pur
veyor's report containing preliminary re
port and map. Order setting July 1. 1(114.
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., as time for
Continued on I'ago aavvn
Last Day of
i .
! I
1 .'"ft 'A
If- Jl Jt,i,,-'-
Polling Places and
Judges of Election
Polling places tomorrow are as
East Prlneville Basement of
courthouse. Judges of election: J.
F. Cadle, R. W. Zevely and Earl
McLaughlin. Clerks L. M. Bech
tell, F. A. Rowell and Carey W.
Foster. '
West Prineville City Hall.
Judges of elaction: I. W. Ward, D;
F. Stewart, W. J. Pancake. Clerks
G. P. Reams, Willard H. Wirtz
and Lester Cohrs.
Polls open from 8 a. m. to 8 p.
One bay mure, aged 8 years,
roached inane, wearing halter, H
with curve under, brand on left bind
leg. Left I'owell JlnlteH May 9. 110
reward. C. C, Kim.mici.i,, Prlneville,
ureguu. o-ii-iiip
Eyeglasses Lost
Gold rim, go over ears, left leim
In cracked. Leave at thin olllee or
with L. 1). Claypool. 6-7 ltp
Political Line -Up of
ToUl Hop
KiiNt Prliuivllli- 242 l.")4
Went rrlncvllle 229 115
North Hond 16il 73
South Build 190 109
SlHiorg . 157 71.
MnyaUtck 1.19 62
McKay 90 67
Iliiycrcfk .. an .. , 83
Willow Creek 68 31.
Crow Keyi 25 22
ANhwood 78. 61
Dcachuh-a 181 . 77
JoliiiHon Creek 67 39
Mill Crock 36 7
Howard 14 10
Summit 6 2
Beur Creek 61 28
Camp Creek 117 06
White Butte 30 IS
lkntver Creek 90 40
Mutiry 24 6 16 1 1
Ni-whoiii - 62 25 27
Kutclier 133 71 49 2 5 5 1
Brecae ; 11 8 8
Powell Butto. 40 j31 10 2 2 1
Warm Spring 43 20.! 11 3 1 1 1
Tetherow 99 40 35 14 1 2 1
I.iitdluw 191 93 65 4 9 12 8
Lamotita 77 44 28 1 3 1
Lylu Gnp 78 63 14 4 2 3 2
Mad ran 124 71 43 3 6 1
Uedmond .. 110 78 50 8 I 2 2
IMllimin 87 39 24 13 3 3 5
Cllne ThIIh 31 16 12 1 1 1
Hat Hock 58 29 J4 . 1 4
Mfo. 13 . 9 4
IllmkBiitU' 65 22 28 7 3 3 2
Centralo 65 27 : 15 6 4 3
Alfalfa '43 15 13 1 8 6
Mllllcan 69 21 IS 7 7 3
Opal City 71 33 25 1 9 8
Uiwer Bridge 42 20 12 4 2 1 3
Montgomery 40 18 17 4 1
Metolliw 134 75 47 9 2 1
Imperial 147 6ti 48 9 10 8 6
Ireland 48 20 17 1 10
Total 393S 2036 1420 127 162 95 98
Pompeii at the Lyric Saturday, May 16
Scene in the Temple of
"Last Days of Pompeii"
at the Lyric
Although George Kleine's photo
drama production of "The Last
of Pompeii" is more of an idyllic
love story than a spectacular sight,
there are nevertheless some keen
thrills and awe inspiring moments.
These are notable in the episodes in
the arena when the mounted gladia
tors fig'ht and in the scenes showing
the terrible eruption of Mt. Vesuvi
us. The pandemonium following
the eruption is marvelously illus
trated and demonstrates wonderful
stage craft. ','The Last Days of
Pompeii" will be presented in this
city next Saturday at the Lyric.
All seats are reserved at the even
ing performance. One show only
being given, beginning at 8:15.
Only a few seats still remain unsold.
950 pound liny saddle homo,
branded 11 liar on shoulder, white
star on forehead. Mnder please
notify Homer Roust, Forest Super
visor, and receive reward. 6-14 liu
Crook County Precincts
Dom Prohl Boc Prog Ind
79 1 3 3 2
105 4 1 4
75 8 1 7 5
71 2 2 2 4
62 7 IH 4 5
65 13 j 2
28 .1 2
. 6 2
22 6
1 2
21 6 1
77 15 1 9 2
21 1 1 -.2 3
20 1 2
- 4
26 1 4 1 1
36 1 4 6 6
38 1 2 3
A Smooth Stranger
Passes Forged Check
The note of warning sounded by
the Journal a couple of weeks ago
to be on the lookout for the bad
check man was not taken seriously.
Since that time one of our mer
chants got stung for $50 by a man
calling himself Fred V. Ross.
Ross was apparently an innocent
looking ranch hand, somewhere
between 20 and 30 years of age,
dark complexion and would weigh
about 160 pounds. There was noth
ing in his looks that would arouse a
suspicion of crookedness. He was
to all outward appearances a laborer
He made the acquaintance of Mr
Huff, the automobile man, and
Huff introduced him to some of
our business men.
Foster & Hyde didn't have the
change to spare at the time so the
Prineville Mercantile Co. received a
call. Ross Robinson, the manager,
never questioned the genuiness of
Friday Was a
Day for the
Friday, May 8th, the first annual
Crook County High School Day was
a huge success in spite of the
The juniors decorated the assem
bly hall in appropriate pennants
and flags and the freshmen made
the grounds attractive with flags
and bunting.
The morning program was well
attended considering that a thunder
shower was in progress during most
of the time the exercises were be
ing held. With a few well chosen
words Supt. Baughman welcomed
the visitors and talked of the pres
ent work and future plans of the
James Cram, senior, represented
the student body and gave a
splendid talk on "Loyalty," em
phasizing the necessity of class
loyalty and loyalty between faculty
and students, and a loyal faculty
and student body felt that when the
young speaker took his place in the
world he would earnestly try to
follow the principles he advocated.
Attorney Wirtz represented the
Commercial Club and his words
were strong and to the point- This
young man is successful in his
chosen profession and was able to
give Upful advice and encourage
ment to the students of Crook
County High School. A hearty
round of applause showed how
much his words were appreciated.
-vunk JluiK,lidfV.
Welles gave a most interesting ad
dress on the "Modern Trend of
Education" and showed that he was
keenly aware of the many practical
improvements that are being made
in the school systems of the United
States. He also spoke of the great
advancement in the Oregon schools
within the past few years.
The musical numbers on the pro
gram were especially enjoyable.
Superintendent Baughman deserves
great credit for the able work he
has done with the high school
orchestra. Patrons and students
alike are proud of their progress.
Miss Conway sang in her usual
finished manner and her. solo was
very appropriate to the day "The
Rain is on the River, but the Sun is
on the Hill" Miss Elma Noble
delightfully rendered an instru
mental solo and Misses Florence
Waldron and Lela Geyer played a
duet that was greatly appreciated.
At 1:30 a very fine parade passed
through the streets of Prineville
and a large crowd of people sudden
ly realized that the pageant repre
sented Crook' County High School
in gala attire out for the express
purpose of "showing off" and it was
a good show, too. First in line
was the band and they were both
the check, simply produced the coin
and that was all there was to it.
The fellow then went back to
Foster & Hyde's, made some pur
chases and then hired Mr. Huff to
take him to Redmond. This was
on Saturday, May 2. One week
later the check was returned to
Prineville marked "forgery."
The check was supposedly drawn
by Wm. W. Brown on the First
National Bank of Burns, payable
to Fred V. Ross. It was written
on a leaf torn out of a note book.
Mr. Brown quite often writes his
checks this way if printed ones are
not at hand.
iiiree otner iorgea cnecks were
sent over by the sheriff of Harney
county all drawn and signed Wm
W. Brown. Everyone of them was
turned down by the Harney county
High School
seen and heard; then came a dainty
little carriage draped in white,
drawn by ten of Prineville's youth
ful citizens. The boys kept step to
the music and were very careful
that the little carriage kept in
equipoise in order not to disturb
Miss Doris Claypool who repre
sented the city of Prineville. Then .
in order came the Crook County
High School board in a car of blue
and gold, the alumni in cars of
purple and white, the seniors,
gorgeous in black and orange, the
domestic science girls on a beauti
ful float of white and gold, their
queen occupying a dainty throne.
All who looked at these girls did
not doubt that they would all be
"queens of the kitchen" some day.
Following the "Queen of the Kitch
en" came a mule cart containing
two seniors who represented the
agricultural department of Crook
County High School, then the
juniore and they were all seen for
they were mounted on ponies and
their colors of black and red were
very vivid. The sophomores were
next in line in five cars artistically
draped in white and green, class
colors, and then came the freshmen
in maroon and gold, on foot. Be
ing freshmen they were not allowed
to ride but they gave a good ac
count of themselves. They won
the cake which the domestic science
girls gave for the best parade fea
ture gotten n-4 by the f'-ur classes.
hl--t; i.- - j-I. t ... y
ine iacuuy xoiiowea in cars
draped in blue and gold and a
faculty "take off" car decorated by
Mrs. C. W. Elkins and Mrs. R. E.
Gray caused merriment ell along
the line of march. Mesdames
Elkins and Gray are ex-teachers of
Crook County High and attested
their loyalty in decorations and
mottos. Several cars representing
the Commercial Club were in line
and all who saw the parade had
word3 of praise for it. On the
counter-march back to the high
school the crowd fell into line and
followed to the campus where the
afternoon was spent in athletic
sports under the efficient direction
of Prof. E. E. Evans. In the flag
rush the sophomores succeeded in
placing their colors on the top of
the pole. In the baseball game the
town team defeated the high school
team, the score standing 10 to 4.
A high wind came up before the
close of the game and on account of
the dust and cold weather the tug-of-war
across the Ochoco was called
The "Big Day" closed with an
alumni ball in the evening and
"Auld Lang Syne" was suug short
ly after 12 o'clock by a large num
ber of alumni and students.
bank. With a week's start the
chances of apprehending the al
leged Fred V. Ross are rather
Dry Land Alfalfa
Doing Well
"Dry land alfalfa 15 inches high
is no pipe-dream," said A. J. Rey
nolds, who has a ranch in the
Powell Butte country, last Saturday.
"Of course I haven't much of it,
but on the other, -hand it has not
had much cultivation. It was sown
three years ago as an experiment
and you can take it from me, its all
right," said Mr. Reynolds to the
Journal man. "The plants have
been allowed to run to seed every
year, until now there is a good
stand. Dry land alfalfa is no
longer a dream its a reality. En
courage its growth."