..... Stoddard May Get Place On International Polo Team -1 w mjm x N , " VHJ "tl , J Photo by American Press Association. LE. STODDABD. the well known young polo player, will chosen a, a member of the American team which plays the British . challengers for the Westchester cop next summer orttoo of the most promising players of the younger set and has been In Tiled by the Polo association to participate to the tryouts to be begun April 1. Notice of Sliv-Atrs Sale In the circuit court of the statiMit Oregon for the counts of Crook. H. K. Noble, pldtutttf, tnter. detclldiint. 'liv virtue of nil execution, decree and order of sale duly Issued out of ! .! .....t.,i. tii.. seal of tho circuit court otthe state of Oregon for the 1 i iv..k. to me dltvctinl nnd CKIIU..T ' " " . ,, .... I dated tho asui miy ui ". upon ft decree tor tiitf wni 'T1 . a certain mortgage, ami Judgment ....i....i .....I mitcred In wild court 1.. 'V.,i. .i.iv ..I March. 1914. in the above entitled cause, in favor ot i..i..tiir mill nunlnst the delimit- aut.J. Snow l'nrmhitor, the, judg- . .. .ii.t. in the sum of High- Am Hundred and Forty U1MO.0O) ...n.. interest, thereou Iroin ' . .1.. inn u ti.n the lsth any oi amy. i. " .... ,.t iu.rci.nt m-r minimi mid One Hundrt-d and fclK'hty iflSO.W) dollars. RttoriieyV few. ul the further sum o Blxtwn dollar cost-, savins and fwil otOno Hundred mid Forty (tUO.lH) dollars paid on account of said above mentioned Interest and the :. ... niinii this writ, mid coinmnndliiK mis to make sale of the .....i ,,r.,,,..rn- inliraiH'd in sueh de- ..... ...i i......t...,f...f inw oi foreclosure aim uvivim.i... described, I will, oil S.tnnlT. K 2n4 day f MT, 1914. at the hour ot 10 o'clock In the fore noon of said day, ami mi door of the county courthouse lu Prlneville, UrooK county, '. T 7 si'llat public auction to the lilKliest ....l.i.,. t.., ....-h in hand, all the rltfht, """" 1 ' .... .... .!..( I. lille and Interi'st vvimu uie uv.. . ..... i v....... i', ininttT had on the v. "v". ..... ,..,,,,t jr., i. ,i,.v hi nihtvii. i;m'i. iih7 ..... the ludiimeiit and decree herein, or which stub defendant now has or has since acquired lu and to the fol- IowIuk described real proin-riy wit: The east half ( of the south west quarter (i). the northwest quarter () of the southwest q" (i). of section twenty-one tan. In r..nhiti slxtivii (16) south, raiitfe fourteen 111) east of the Willamette Meridian, lylntr "! Bltimte in the said county ot Crook, state of n- . .......ii .if Hiitd nronerty as t in' a..tlfv said ludirment and de- ith posts mid accruliiK costs, l.VV, .. - ....1.,. Said property win oe confirmation aim reurmn".. law piovided. nmed at Prlneville, Oreiron, 2Sth day ot March, A. D., W14. r HANK W.M.1". fin-. " First publication, April 2, 1!14 Last " Siiniiiioii" I., tl.u fMicult court ol Ui HtmtO of Dilworth ml his wile, ilw- 1 ill worth nl NEWS OF THE SPQJITWORLD New Football Rule Bars Side LinaGoBCti. FRANCIS OUIMET'S PUNS. i.nua k. Juvenal, me luruici pion sculler of Philadeipwa. win oe The crews will bo plckea iroin mo mmhorihln of all the rowing clubs la Philadelphia and from other applicants who may develop into gooa oarsmeu. this 1914. in A New Floor a Dollar Uncoated floors absorb and hold stains of all kinds. Cleaning them means hours of scrubbinghard work that may be avoided by susing. ACME QUALITY FLOOR PAINT (GRANITE) A coating of Acme Quality Floor Paint (Granite) gives you a new floor that is smooth, hard and easily kept clean and free from stains and dirt. A quart will cover 75 square feet, two coats, at a cost or less than a cent per square foot Made so you can easily apply it yourself. ' Call and secure a sample card of colors and a copy ol our free book" on "Hqme Decoating." COLLINS W. ELKINS n Ml- Or.nnn 4 9 I rincv me, wivm r, Open Golf Champion to 8ail Apr-'' ! Philadelphia May Row In Olympio Gamea Add 110,000 to Kentucky Derby Limit School Athletes to Twenty Year. The Intercollegiate football rules committee, meeting in New York, de cided that hereafter coaches should be barred from the lines. This was the most radical change in the rules adopt d at the meeting, which was one of the shortest in the committee's history. Other changes were as follows: Intentional grounding of a forward pass was penalized by the loss of ten varda from the point of scrimmage. When the ball from a free kick hits a goal post and bounds back Into the feld the play is counted as a touch- back. After the teams line up the team i,i,r tho hull shall not enter the neutral lone in short formation. a nlnver out of bounds when the ball Is put in play penalizes bis team by the loss of Bve yards. Under the old rule there was no penalty for this of fense the first time it was committed. Although the proposals to number players, grade the value of a field goal according to the distance of the kick and move the goal posts back were discussed, no action was token on these and other points. Chairman E. K. Hall of the committee announced that the committee had decided to wait and observe how the plan of number inz Dlayers worked out among the col lege teams which have voluntarily de rided to adont this syBtem of identi fication during 1014. Following the suggestion of Walter Ciimn. teams were given the right to use a fourth official in their games if they desired. This official will be known as "field Judge," and his status will be further fixed by the codifying committee, consisting of William Lang' ford. Trinity, W. N. Morlce. I'ennsyi vanla, and Nathan A. Tufts, Brown. Plans are under way to have Phila delDhla represented in the rowlu; races in the Olympic games at Berlin In 1910 by having crews in every event Details are being worked out by William B. West of the West Phila delphia Boat club. He has selected a committee con isting of George W. Orton. the trainer of the University of. Pennsylvania track team; W. A. Stecher, director of the athletic work of the Philadelphia public schools, and W. .1. Ilarmann. a gymnastic Instructor, to pass upon the .fitness of caudldutes for the crews. Francis Oulmet, the American open ir chammon. arranged to sail on April 14 for England, where he will play in the amateur and open cham pionships nert spring. He will be ac companied by Arthur G. Lockwood. formerly of Weston-super-Mare, Eng land, who has been in this country twelve years and is ranked among the leading amateurs here. Upon reaching Liverpool and Lockwood will visit the nearby unt. of novlake and then Journey leisurely to the south of England, ar riving early in May at Sandwich where the amateur cnampionsmiJ be played. Their stay there for the first time will be Drier. n return a week before the championship tournament, which begins on may they expect to be Joined by J. D. Trav ers of Upper Montclalr. N. J., the American amateur champion; Freder ick Herreshoff of New York and Hein aphmldt of Worcester. The open championship will be held . PrMtwick. Scotland, beginning . 11 ft.r the olay there ths Amrin colfers will visit France, Onimet expects to return In time to de fend his title in this country. a 1., Restoration to I.niry oi ihus .utionni rorcm. Notice is hereby given that the binds ,i.....u,.i i.l.w .Miiliriirlnir B0 acres, Ul-m .- " . , ..I.Mn tho IhWltlllPft ittUdliai wiii.it. - . . i . 1 Mrmr.m W lie dUIWCt VU m-i n-- ment anil entry unui-r lr ?""' .. .i. i,.,n,u-tui.,l avi of th I. lilted ui tnw m-'ii. " . .. . . urn.: States and the act oi June f:U Stat., ui m i iiuCTi .. Lrt ntlicp at Lakevtew. Oreiron, on i....o mil Anv settler who whs actually and In Rood faith clalmluK i lintdii for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, l'Jut!. LVh.. nut. Abandoned same, has a preference rlfc'ht to make a h.mu i..,,i .nn. for t he luudH actually ,winll. 'Said lauds were listed up- k. .....n.-ntiima of the persons mpntloiied below, who have a prefer ence rl(ht subJtH t to the prior right .....h u..ttl..r. nrovldt'd sucli settler or appllcaut Is quallned to ..t. h..m.tad entry and the preference rlsht Is exercised prior to June 2. l'JH. on which date the lands mill m BUb eet to seim-iin-uK De LAVAL Cream Separators Sold on Easy Terms Pioneer Cream Co. Prlneville, Oregon Ori'ifim l'ir Crunk oouiity. (!. W. Klklim, pliilntifl, vs. John Crl.i mid Mrs. J. A. I'liwuimi llMllllllllS. t. IlIiii t r HIM. J. A. Mrs. J. A. " aliova nmiiodi quirwiiup r- - , - ,,..,v, tn. l!,Ziinnd o or btrath. inr thfl i inn n, "v I t to-wlt! Oiiur Mr Hi? "lb day ol April, IttU. and I you inn w sn r or otliMwIw pll .V ".?"!; lllll lit. lr W"1 lliwrwiii . will Vlly l ' urt ,or u,8r,,lle( tluirelu ilwuisniiBii w Vat luilnmeiit H n """""""""i M).IKI atu.rit.iy . .. y - - lur iiluuiiiii i""'" s'"4 -""" lurll.sr to lxl. , . . , And lor a interne v" ' V ; le of !, Mt hall "I H' 'thw,H misrler. ami tlm northwrt .irl. tl.e tuullifaet ipirt.-r. aud tli so t" IH'llllll H, l.l ,, , .,. T 111 vastul tl. Wilhi.imU Merld .in, In r...k coiinlv. OreKt.n, by, Ui h" .sidco.t.it - c-rdiitir to law, and t tt ilm i.nuwd ' ol saw saw aurr i i, sllot ney'. I",-. " ".) ' '' cl.lHitt Ut nid l', 1 )'l''l l'11 tili'i ta d jiuiumt'iH. i","" Mid Mplli : -ml t)..H the .l.-l-mlU,.U and a iktsoiis rmiiiii " " " I r'aiKl. or under them or either o thfui , i i',,v,,r '" '""''.'Ti ol nil rigid. lido'Wt rt1' ol re.leini.U..ti in or to suld preml-" or Any portion tl.eieol, except provlde.1 uu.ll all neriHitm claiming or to 'claim under wild defemlsi.t" or either ol them, by virtue oi t sriniug ule.iu.ttt to th Menu ion d id imtrli!., and that l,l'V" linve execution kiiii u" eie,......., John Cripi and J. A. 1 Iworl Ii, for it detlcteiicy remaiiiiiiK " -i'i"',"l ii . .i.i.. .....tn nf the owlil ! ,ld morttcueil mBil. ?PI.Hcll U the payment of plslnllirt said Ji.il- llient. anil tlisi piaiimu - "" other and lurther rebel as to Ilia court iiikv teem Jtit and eiiilthl. this summons It nerved upon ' y order of the llonorahla ti. Hiriiigr, jmlga of th comity court of totdj rmutly, Oregon, msde on the 3rd dify at Msrch. 1H. and irK:rlbln that , a d stiiutumii I pubiihl six weekt In seven consecuilva Issue in tha Croon County Journal, weekly nepr published at rrlneviii. v rm. Oregon, and tho dsteof the first poUl cstion ol thlt tummotit It the 6lh dty ol March, 1H. ami mm pttl.licsiiou It the lth day of April, llU I. T. K. J. Dtirrv. Attorney for plaintiff. entry by any qualified V T'' i ...i,i uu u u iiiiifiwaa; v i iv: a w. the v swj m i, Si-e, 12. 1- " ".. .,'nn . ., llfail lllllin ,.i.llcitlon of W. L. ChilderH, Oold Hill, oreicon; iisi, inl and The nwj s.-l ej, tne nj swt t. i"- " sej, the aw J uwj sej Sec. 2, T. 22 S.. R 8 E., 50 acres, application ol Geonre Fells, No. St North 6tb atiwt. Hotlce for Publleation-ItoUted Tract Public Land Sale. TY....,u,nt of the Interior, 1-"" fix U. 8. Land Office at i nj April .i,u, Notice Is hereby (Iven that. M til- ncU'd by the t'oininlMHiouer ui .... General yLand- (Mike, under pro- visions ol Act oi Y"' "i 'V " m.,.i. -Nth. Ilil2. f:)7 Stats., i7l. pur niii.llcntlon of Jaiiu's T Hilton, No. Oipf. we will offer at public sate "'. est bidder, but at not less than XW) n .nit t.'.iiU n 111., tin Portland, Oregon; ust o-"" ia ion r. M. Hhlck. As .itHnt CotiimlsMlouer of the uenerai 17 Thin Land Office. 4-94 The Kentucky Derby for 1914 will be i,Q riPhMt Derbv ever run over the course at Churchill Downs. The New rniKvliiB Jockey club has added $10,- 000 to this event, wmco is we amount that has ever been added to the classic event since the nrsi uerojr was run In 1875. The largest auiouu., ever added was $?.000, while as a rule the added sum was $1,000 or $5,000. With the usual number oi emue the $10,000 added will bring the total value of the Derby to $14,000 or $15. 000 and will make the race worth to the winning horse between ?iu,uw aim $12,000. ti,b hord of control of athletics of the board of education of Chicago vot ed to make the age limit for athletes In the schools twenty years nisieau ui ....t.nn vears. as It is at present. This will limit the competition m ni.u- letics In the schools to students are not over twenty years or age. ...... n r M ll II I' IN R la lhe21st'd"a of" May. WM. at thl- lli u tn 14 south. ran vviiiiinii.t.tM Meridian. vcuiu, . . lu ordered Illio nmmov .... l.n irn.Hter DOUlOn SIlOWIIlA 1 1 ' f r . th.rnf u mountainous or too rougu K.tice of AdminUtrator't Sale of Rl for cultivation. n,iverselv otlce 18 nereuy K.ve., ... k- ".. ; ,.. . olilectlonH, on the time designated for H. Fbank Woodcock, - . ... . . . 1 1 lull in t.iik a...,. - - - t. krn flflV ... n III II. " ..... ,.f Hi. uutBt of John H. Jar rett, deceased, tne unuerHiBiicu, ntnlul.atn, fli eA.ll esiuie. will m ' at public sale to the highest bidder, ? "...u ... in ..v.i.i. t in the morn- i ,.t ti,rdHV. the 9th day ol May, .mi thu rrrir nnrir in liib i;........ In Prlneville. Crook county. Oregon, subject to confirma tion by said couniy cuun, iikiii. -t A, ... t. i u lomtt hud at tne nine i" .Notice fur l'uhlUntion. Deiiartment ol the Interior. U. B. Land Office, The llls, '. March 10, 1U14. Notice is hereby given that Uranvllle U. ltolmrts, -i n.;.,....iil.. (in.iriin. who on April 17 mil um.lM homestead entry N. 0S717, i... ....i ..l nU sel and St'l ei, ol sec- til. .1.4 ."."-- - ,., .i ii ,,.u...i.in Hi. oiith. range lu , iviiui.ii.tt.. nisiidiiin. bus llletl ,.t I...-.,,;,,., tn make fiusl three ..,,. tn ...ihIiIikIi claim to the i fluid above descrilwd, before Timothy ... I t...fTw II H. cnlllllllPHliiimr. r. . .'u.ij. w - - i.;....uu (lr.M.nii. on the KHU uay oi ..:i lul l ..'l....nr names at witnesses: John ...,, r..,rt WiliKin. William It. Kan '.r.r ,.(.,., K. Jones, all ol IIRUfCI nil" 3-l 11. Fhaw Woodcock, Kegister ail ii rw n the atate of Oreiron lor or ttefore vu. . . . I 1 -i.,.l. .nnntv rrmrlR ana enicreu sale, ei'll Rotict 0 Cftditort Notice la hereby given, by the uif dtrslgned, the administrator with the will annexed oi i"" "! i , . 1 1. Ui.illl, ilia-1'HH.UI. lO Bli creilltura ot aald d.i eiuM-d and to all iK-rson havlnir claim iikhiu estate to present tb w"m. wltU the proHr vouchers, to the undersigned, at the office of M. It. W" r" vlll, Oregon, wiuii ii i ""' from the date of the first publlint on of this notice. Dnled this 121 h day ol March. l'JH. ' o.Miir.u, AdltiliilHtriilor Willi me w in nini. ' of the estate OI iiiiaui mmiu, tleceased. . MlllllllOtIS, In the circuit court ol the slate ol Oreiron for Crook county. U. M. Powell, plalntm, vs. John Ciipt, defendant. To John Orlppt, defendant above named. In the name ol tin siaie oi iieami, ... ..,,1 nf von are hereby re- uuired to eiuiear and answer the plain 1 M. ...I... .U...I I. ,1.. almv. Mtl till I coinniaiiii i" --- ---titled court and cause, ou or before tha last day of the time prescriiieu in w order for the publication ol tummont herein, to-wit! on or ueiore ine day ol April, Mi, tnd If you fail to answer or otherwise plead to ttld com. plaint, for want thereol, me piaimi" ill aoulv to the court for the relief ti,o flnnnce committee of the city .,..n nf Vancouver. B. C. recom n.Mided that permission be granted for short boxing bouts not exceeding ten rounds. An effort will be made to open the game with a match between Harlem Tommy Miirpny uuu "'i.-pnn- football team will play .mm,, with the Navy eleven next fall. ni 17 ia tho ilntn iiirreed upon. Aside from the annual game with the Army the game with the Quakers will be the flint on the middies have ever played away from home. A two year contract has been signed. The Navy contest to the onlv new addition to the Quakers schedule, which has Just been publish ml. Penti State and Brown have both hewn dropped. No midweek games will ho played this year. C. Logan, Orvil Davison, both of Itarnet, ol Oregon, John J. Cunningham, Richard to his death in the following described al property, to-wit: Lots three 3 and four 4 and the south bait i oi tne non - quarter iJ of section oj, vownm..,. .1.. ....... Yiai .,th mnini nineteen fl9 east of the Willamette Meridian, IviiiK and situate In Crook county, Oregon, and containing 153,84 acres, according to tne omciai i""" United States survey ii Uiven under m.v nauu ium m.. j of April, A. D., 1914. ru ..n.i i . rvi ni'.i it i niiKi Administrator of the estate of John ij I., i.otr iitutiUtU. irui.a.i u wirtx. attorney lor rv 1 1 1 rx l VJ ait estate. ' Date ol first puuiicauou tiuf. ui Mat iiuui caiiun, 1914. Hotlct for Publication it the Interior. o iV..a iirttPAt The Dalles, Or. AUDI 3rd. 1914. Notice i hereby given that w.t.n A. French of Prlneville, Oregon, who. on June ... ,(u.7 homestead entry o. f?r- '..i.i M.. .IU128. for nwi si-c. l.'lUiU. rt; I I"! - - tion 10. township 14 o ui,ola, both ol Dry Lakes, Oregon east, Wlliainetie :""," H. F notice of intention vear proof to establish claim to the .' ;...,. ,i.,.,.rii,.d before Warren iiliiii n.i.y.c u.." - . Brown, county cuts, ov "",'.' A "Z nn the 16th day of May, Vyi . p,.'.., ll 1 ...... 4 .nmm 110 WitnPSHP Joyd Powell, ;Henry McCoy, John Demarls, William H. rrose, o., . rlnevllle. Oregon. ,... 49 D 11. FHANK WOOIHjous, ws"""" Notice for publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Ollice at The Dallea, Ore. February 28, 1UH. Notice It hereby given that of Dry Lake., Oregon, you for th A?T JTSTL 3 turn of fT;nd interest the-n from ViWIaV towtiol: lametto Infisntin T'' TJSC ZC 7 A S FoK; V. And lor. n oVder o, .aid court, that above descr bed be ore a. . rogg , u. ... ...uthweat ouartar. h9ffSrVJSur V"" -nd Ihe rilieasl ouarter of the touth- na manfe nftlfU'g At WMUeHB i rioii. vh m . ---- ---- o, ui ZuNoutLtinge eastWi. May n make fln.l com.nutation 00 at.orney'. fees, tnd lor plaintiff .1.. ra ...s..t aiml il I li lilt FMH III H II LB 1.U UD HtM April 9, Nr.tie ot Final Accounting. -.!..!. i,..j,ti oivi,n h the under' ti.,ned. the executrix of the last wi i Ij ... nf lllpn Hash, deceased that she has filed with the clerk of the county court her nnai accouniuiis :..:...ii,n nt rim OHinii, u' Bum " llilinri. 7 o.0,l ,wl that the county couri, . ..- - . . ...... .i n .. tta urn nav 1.1 it.ut. BBl lYJUimn, . ...... - , in ni..i..nir ,n tii. Tnrnnmiii. nv ... nn,i vn,n in ,-rinHvmrc, w. liOll. no ...... , . j .!! ..Irl Hnal Bl'irntintinil. At ami we 1 1. 1 1 1 1 k n " , , . . i io... .nn twrnon inter Willi'" limo Dim .j r , . efcted in said estate may appear and od iect to said final accounting. n Dated this 26t.h day of March, 1914, Mabtha Anm Stbait, TExecutrlx of the estate of Allen HaBh deceased. 319p BANK WOODCOCK, Kegister. Noticelor Puhllcatloii Motice fdt Publication Department ol the Interior, U.S. Land Office at The Dal lea. Or. A 1,1 II "I Notice Is hereby given that i r......n W r.rn v . t li.,in who. on fllini OI ljllllioil'n. - ' i, 19,11111. made hoinestead entry No. r,r,An .... 1 rt ,1, 1 LUlt tll'l ami II W UOI1.), nil 1 V1 .m.th. . T.owiiemu . ' . DepaMment of the Interior, U. S. Land Ollice at The Danes, ure. marun zuui, luxi. Notice is hereby glvrn that Charles reruene of AtfaWa, Oregon, who, on January ...... i.H'i linninatead entry HQ. nu, . - ; i ... oa- ....I 01120H, for tw set. -- nwi nwl section vownsnip ,u . - . ...in U. ,1 nn hull range lo east vv iiiamovw filed notice of lutention tu make final commutation proof to establish claim to the land above described before Timothy K.. J.nuff. V. 8. Coimnlt- sioner, at rrinevme, wrDKuu, u. -day of May, 1914. Claimant, names as -' C. Kimroell ot i'rineviue, uregon, . W Mlrr. nf A a S. UreBOIl, Jjouin Iliu i, ir. 14 annth ol raiiKO lb east I the Willamette Meridian, In Crook county, Oregon, In said action hereto fore attached and levied upon, be loid to satisfy eaid judgment, attorney't foes, costs and accruing costs. This tummont It terved upon you by order of the Honorable 0. Spriiigor, i.,,i,.o nf ti,a nmintv court of Crook county, Oregon, made the 8rd day ot March, 1914, and prescribing that tho said summons be published In the r.rmA Tnnntv Journal, a weekly newt- paper, published at rrinuvine. uregoo, and that the tame be published at leaat six weeks in eeven consecutive -sues of said paper, and the date of the first publication is the Dtli day oi warcn 1914, and the date of the last publica tion ia the 10th day of April. 1914. A, X'i Ut Attorney for plaintiff. J. .... 1 All net, er'1-..,.. ., r . M...,in..u. "-"--:, - .T .. ', I,- .r,tt. nf Prine, range i: vuhi. nmiu.:.,. , i, seeoemer auu "" vine. ure. . nni I..' .w.,i,.o of Intention to make ""vr" . :.; . ;v. .f t, establish nniii iiin-o jc" - ,,,.n,,.,i ,.i..i d.u lnnii aoove uimtn... cini " ,.l..rW neiore y, a. -" - - ,- III! WI" ."w. 42p Kegister. Notice to Creditors . .. . i... ..i..An l.r Un nr.. 1 1 i Mveifil4 dirsgietLt executrix' of the last diiy of May, 1914. : . , V..I.o.....nr. ,.f nnrv C. Abel. AUmz" Negus (' Vin "urtlH George d.to all editors of said de- It irmr Levi Knorr, all of Lanionta, cmmiH and to till persons haying Oregon: H. Frask Woopoook, (.,alms nguliiHt said estate to pres. nt UrtfK""' ' lliwr1u.it. ... tha iiiiilirHltrilt(l. Wit lie mmin a. n 4 9p Kegister. , Canadian Field Peat, Alfalfa and GraH Seed, high test. 3.19 O. C. Claypool & Co. Subscribe for the Journal, $1.50 yr. Vmi u ii t l U xi.,. vfuoura. within RtX ..." X. V.i th first unlillcatlon of t.ia ,.H.n n.r, the ollice of M. R, Linn ..wvt. , - ..in,,. in Pntmivllln. Oreiron, Dated thlH.19th (lay of March, 1914 Miiiii.iiitT Ann Alticl,. ni estate of Henry C Abel, deceased. C3 1 irtflilWit-m miMwusXM Notice of Final Settlement Notice it hereby given by the under signed, the executrix of the estate oi Jfamet S. McMeen, deceased, that she has made and filed witn me eiera oi me county court her final accounting of her administration of said estate, and that the county court has tet Monday, the 4th day of May, 1914, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at tne county coun iwn In Prlneville, Oregon, as me time am; place for hearing and settling said flua accounting. At which eaid time and place anv person ihiwmum m mi ro tate may appear and object to said final accounting. Emma F. McMrhn, Executrix of the estate of James S. McMeen, deceased. 42 Why not take the Journal ?