f i BP H o o to o c p (D P t : o C H pi CO o 7T 3 CD o p 3! 3" p o r o pool 0 o o cr -J o p o CD c (D Z 2 O 2 If You Want Eggs Raise Anconas Settings for Sale from a Good Laying Strain See DALE JONES Prineville. Ore. 4-3-1 Tuesday, April 14 Clean-up Day Mayor Clifton by proclamation has announced that Tuesday, April 14, is Clean-up Day for Prineville. He wants all good and loyal citizens to make a special effort in behalf of a clean town. The city will provide teams to cart the stuff away. Those who do not conform to the mayor's wishes will be dealt with under the city ordinances. Clean out the streets, alleys and yards adjoining your premises. Give us a neat tidy city. It pays. Ladies Annex Elects Officers The ladies of the Annex held their regular monthly meeting last Tuesday at the Annex parlors. A large number were present to take part in the annual election of offi cers of which the following were chosen: President. Mrs- Omer Clay pool; vice-president, Mrs. J. B. Bell; secretrry, Mrs. H. W. How ard; treasurer, Miss Baldwin. Among other business transacted the ladies voted to present the Com mercial Club with a tlOO check and a vote of thanks for their kind con sideration during the year. Near the close of the meeting Supt. Myers accompanied by Prof. Rebec of the U. of 0. appeared and Prof. Rebec gave an interest ing talk on university extension work and also on the work done by Dr. Hodges who started the "swat the fly" movement. Much credit is due the retiring officers for the very prosperous year the Annex has enjoyed. LOCAL MENTION F. M. Barton, who stole a saddle at Paulina and was arrested at Lakeview, has settled the matter with the parties interested and they refused to prosecute. Barton was given his freedom. . Easter services at the Presby terian church both morning and evening next Sunday. Subject for evening, "Doe3 the Bible Teach the Resurrection of the Body." M. A. Prater, minister. Owl Dance May 1. Come to the Owl dance, Friday, May 1st, 1914. Plenty of floor managers, insuring everyone plenty of dances. Excellent music and a good time for everyone- Nothing but gentlemanly conduct will be tolerated. What do you feed the Squir rels? Try Wood Lark's Poison. 319 0. C. Claypool & Co. Seed Potatoes for Sale. Uncle Sam, Early Roe, Burbank, Early Ohio, Hundred Fold and other varieties as good as grown. Leave orders with J. K. Sh-wart & Co. 8. D. Muhtard," 3-19 Imp Powell Butte, Ore. LOOK HERE! Double amount of Green Trad ing stamps this Saturday on boy's and men's clothing, double amount of green trading stamps next Wednesday on clothing and footwear. Big lot of ladies' and children's oxfords at reduced prices. C. W. ELKINS, Prineville, Ore. Utile . Girl Killed j at Barnes Last Week A very sad accident occurred at Barnes last Wednesday, when the two little children of Irving Sands were coming home from school Their horse fell in a ditch and threw Uie children, killing the little girl, eight years old, almost instantly The boy, two years younger( wa caught under the horse with his sister, but he managed to pull his shoe off and got losse, then ran home for help. A doctor was called but the little one was past all help. Funeral services were held at the Camp Creek cemetery on Friday, April 3d. Easter Song Service at Methodist Church Sunday evening at the M. E. church the ladies of the Prineville Singers' Club will render a special Easter program. Some very at tractive choruses have been pre pared and solos will be given by Miss Blanche Williams and Mrs, H. R. Lakin. The members of the club are: Miss Blanche E. Williams, di rector; Miss Edna Estes, accompan ist; Misses Nora Stearns, Frances Williams, Maggie Glaze. Lora Stearns, Ethel Williams, Mesdames Lakin. Smith, Ketchum, Bechtell, Calbreath and Wirtz. Columbus Johnson Has Stroke of Apoplexy Columbus Johnson is suffering from a stroke of apoplexy. He was on the ranch at the time but Dr. Edwards fixed up his ambulance and brought him to his town resi dence. Mr. Johnson was getting ready to brand cattle when he ruptured a blood vessel in the brain. ' His condition is not con sidered serious. No County Division Continued from first page. can be placed on the ballot at the November election. "At the election in the fall, pro vided the matter is placed on the ballot, there will be required for the division 65 per cent of the vote in the territory creating the new coun ty and 35 per cent of the vote in the old part of the county from which the new part is cutting off, to vote in favor of the proposition in order that it may carry." There is no county division senti ment in this neck of the woods that the Journal man has been able to find. Not a single, solitary person was found who favored separation at this time. It is too premature for any such movement to be taken seriously. Death of Mrs. Templeton. Mrs. David E. Templeton died Saturday, April 4, 1914, aged 78 years, 7 months, 16 days. Lavinia Pell was born in Ohio in 1835 and crossed the plains with her father to Oregon in 1852. She was married to Mr. Templeton in 1855. Five children were born to them Mrs. Med Vanderpool, Mrs. Philli ber, R. M. Templeton, Mrs. James Cantrill and J. If; Templeton, all of whom are living and were with their mother at the time of her death. Her husband passed away in December, 1908. Funeral services were conducted from the Presbyterian church Mon day, April 6. Household Goods for Sale Inquire of V. A. Oregon. Shirley, Prineville, 4 9 "A Pair of Idiots" will make you forget your trouble. See them at the Club Hall, Friday, April 10. Estray. Ki!(l awl white how pig, weight about 85 IIik., tnkcu up at my plmu. Owner tun have mime by paying cunt ol adverting, etc. A co. DuicYKir, 3 26-:ip Powell Butte, Ore. For Sale One lot In block cant of public Hchool, Y17 cash, If taken thlH or next week. Auureht) A. lively, trine vilie, Ore. 4 -2-2 1 County Field Day at Redmond May 15 May 15 is Crook County Field Day. It will be held at Keilmontl this year. County School Suporln temlent Myers has arranged the following program: 1 One mile bicycle race. 2 Boys' 50-yard dash, 3 Girls 4 Shot put. 5 880-yard run. 6 High jump. 7 120-yard hurdle. 8 Girls 100-yard dash. 9 Boys' 100-yard dash. 10 Pole vault. 11 1-2-mile dash. 12 Discus throw. 13 440-yard dash. 14 one-mile run. 15 Standing broad jump. 16 Grammar school relay. 17 220-yard dash. 18 Running broad jump. 19 220-yard hurdle. 20 Javelin throw. 21 One-mile relay. The girls' tennis contest will take place in the forenoon. In the evening the declamation contest will be held. The county school superintendent wished it distinctly understood that event No. 16 is for the grammar school boys alone- He wants to give the little fellows a good fair show for the prize. All pupils who have attended school three months this year are eligible. "A Pair of Idiots"-A laugh in every line. Fishing Tackle We have a complete line. Kverv thing you need, t'nmo and nee L. Kaiuxtra, The Prineville Jewelry & Sporting (ioodM Store. 4-9 Seed Oats for Sale No. 1 New! (MU for nle.. Addtvtw Itaytuond Calavan, I'rlnevltlo, Ore gon. V2-;itp Holstein Bull for Sale. Thoroudhbred MolHtcIn bull for Male. $100 on time and t'JO cash tukeH him. T. K. McCai.mktkk. 4-2-Imp Ordinance Number 212 An ordinance locating and dettlg ntitliiK the center lino of Third Htrcet fast from the mint line of "A" Ktrcct to the eiuit boundary of the city limit: , Whereas, It appearing that then are ceverul dlHcrepcuclcs lie t ween the recorded plut and mirvey an maile, laid out and utaked over and upon the ground of the Original flat and Survey of Prineville, and the several Addition! to the wald town, now City of Prineville, Crook county, Oregon. And whereaM, It appearing that the rtntr line of Third Htreet w-'Mt from "A" Mtrcet mm re-entahllnhed and fixed by the I.. I. Welnt Hiirvey ami ordinance of Maid city adopted and paMHed In conformity wllh Much survey, Ik two and one-half feet north of the center line of Third Htreet eaMt from "A" Htreet, an laid out ami surveyed over, through and acroHH the KlrMt Addition to 1'rlne vllle, Crook county, Oregon. And, whereaM, the center line of Third Htreet east from Kant "K" street as laid out and surveyed over, through and acrons the Third and Fourth Addition to 1'rlnevllle, Crook county, Oregon, makes an angle to the north of ten tnlnilten with the center line of Third street iih laid out and surveyed over, through and across the First Addi tion to Prineville, Oregon. And whereas, It appears to be to the best Interest of the public and the Inhabitants of the City of Prine ville, Crook county, Oregon, that the no iil center line of Third street be Htralglitcned from the Kast line of "A" Htreet east to the east bound ary of the city limits. , Now therefore, the people of the city of Prineville, Oregon, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Beginning at the center lino of Third street on the east line of "A" street as established and marked by an Iron pin, placed by the L. L. Welst survey, thence In un easterly' direction making an angle of seven minutes and thirty-Mix seconds to the south with the center line of Third street through the orig inal pint of the City of Prineville, as re-established and marked with Iron pltiH, by the L. I). Welst survey, to the east boundary of the city limits. (Section 2. All curb lines between the east line "A" street and the east ern boundary of the city limits along said Third street, shall be twenty-eight feet on either side measured at right angles to the cen ter line of Third street as fixed and designated by section one of this ordinance. Section 3. established This center line as re and designated In sec- tlon one of tlils ordinance shall be and hereby Is for the use only In the building or curl) on said Third street , and shall In no wise be construed as effecting or to effect the property lines as surveyed and marked on the ground of the said First, Third and Fourth Additions to the said City of Prineville, Crook county, Oregon. (Section 4. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, after the third reading. Approved by the Mavor of the Raid city on the 8th day r.f April, 1914. O.N, Ci.ikton, Mayor. Not Many Ladies At tended the Meeting Not very many huliei turned out to the political meeting announced for last Monthly at the courthouse, There were several reasons there for. The hour of meeting was changed from 2 to 4 o'clock owing to the two funerals which were held that afternoon- The lutencss of the hour interfered with the at tendance of some so altogether the combination of circumstances kept the women away. A temporary organization was effected by the election of Mrs. Benj. Zell, president; Mrs. Chas. Shattuck, secretary; Mrs. Wm. Young, treasurer; Mrs. Charlton, press reporter. Executive com mittee Mesdames Ross Robinson, Thos. Sharp Jr. and F. A. Rice. Meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the executive committee. Strayed Light bay horse, gelding, weight KI2U, rangy built, bald (ace, four white slocking, (Small brand on left shoulder, also T F connected on stllle. Han halter on and sharp shod .No. i arnica. Mist Meet) near HolM-rts, Ore. Howard of $12 will lie mild for recovery of horse. Deliver home to M. 8. Maytleld. 4 Imp Notice MeuilsT of the Prineville Com mercial Club are hereby notltlcd that the annual meet lug for the elivtlon of ollicero will lie held at the Club rooms on the second Tuesday la April (April 14, l'.M l.) at 8 p. in. By order of the Board of Trustees. a-2il Da.n 11. Bi.ooit, See'y. Maurine Beauty Lotion snd Sstin Cream ara roniiiiilla for many beautiful ikini lliat ara attributed to Orvgou climuta. Try them at 3 5 1'mssviu.s Mkkc. Co. Ground Bone, Oyster Shell and Baby Chick Food at Claypool's. For Sale 300 head of 2 year-old si rem and heifers: all grant- MerefordH. Call oil or address 1). W. liarnett, Madras, Oregon. 41) it Mn. Wright's Confectionery Store Fresh home-made candle always In stock. -Soft drinks ot all kinds Ice cream. Agent for American Lady Tailoring Co. Prices lower than ever. 3 2U Mrs. J. N. Wright, Prop. Auction AT Odd Fellows Building, Prineville, Oregon Saturday, April 18, 1914 Commencing at 1 :30 p. m., I will offer at public sale all my household goods, including a first-class piano, also farming implements consisting ol a mower, hay rake, wagon and harness, double shovel plow, garden seeder with all attach ments, also a small hand seeder for sowing alfalfa, etc. Two horses and a colt. Two cross cut saws and different kinds of tools, small platform scales, etc Terms cash. Mrs. Alf. B. Geyer c osmg Our entire line of Sulky, Gang and Walking Plows, Disc, Spring Tooth and Peg Har rows, Garden Cultivators and Wagons. Get our prices. 0. G. AdaEis & Co. PRINEVILLE, ORE. Salisiftiction Guaranteed by A. C. WILSON General Carpenter and Builder New Houses Built, Old Ones Repaired, Remodeled or Reshingled by day or contract. Leave or ders at C'lidon & Cornell's store or address Lock Wax 375, Trine vills, Oregon. 4 9 To get results from the setting hen, exterminate the enemy. Lee's Lice Killer, Insect Powder, Carbolineum and Little's Dip. 3-1 'J O. C. Claypool & Co. A new Klugstuiry pin no for Halo cheap. For further partlcubim write or 'phnueJ. II. ! HKUifciiu, Itedmoiid, Oregon. 3-21 '.'l Watch for the Owl dance. ANCER IN A WOMAN'S BREAST ilim trust Mil ivut inr tsii NO IWYS POISONS DtCP O LANDS IN Thc ahmpit ano KILLS QUICKLY IWILLGIVES1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE art CANCER or TUMOR no mil or pain. No PAT Unta Carts I No X-Ry or othw twfetdlo. WRITTEN aijoliii swum: ANY TUMOR, LUMP or I0IU oa k UP, MCI at kmlr hni it CCI. I mc fr Ski lift hihl uwiui mnni.lt of tMMMN Cvtf km tun mat ANY LUMP m WOMAN'S BREAST is sum. ctsrMN math a woircno OS CUT Ow PalnNHM Ma nnlM CUM! la 10 DATS MIU40N1 nit tvtar "Aft kr w .mc To L YOU mi rWH to btm mill TOO LATE I SWEAR WE HAVE CURED 10,000 tor emt d MAif MMOt if um h wuN Address Old DR. & MRS. CHAMLET t CO. 40 run "SKfUTHT CANCta VfCIAtltrt UVM" A O 436 VALENCIA ST, UN FIUCIUI. ML KINDLY MAIL THIS to (omoono wit CANCER 0 SBBBBm Sa e Out I