4 HOW THAT THEY VOTE WANT JOBS Women Taking Advantage o! ; New Rights In Illinois. CANDIDATES BY THE SCORE Feminine- Voters In fUoe For Publlo Offloes In Many Ceunties Qlvs Pref erence io Potition of Towmhlp Col lector On Women 8ks to Besom Mayor, Illinois women, as B'tlr cnndldntes for ofnYe at the nppronrlifiig aprlni elections, nra innxlilng political prece dents u II ovur tbe aula. Tlio now stiffritKo law grnnla to wom en tlio privilege of "ruunlng" for all of tlio statutory offices fur which tliejr mny vote. Reports to tlio Chlrngo Trillium from miuiy of tlio 101 down tuts rouiitiia Indicate tbere la In run field of women who liar flled nominat ing petitions. from all over tlio state report coma tlmt thers to be so eici-ptlonnlly heavy vote of women at tus township elections In April, owing to tb fact tlmt tlio local option queetlon la to b submitted In mora tlinn 3X townalilpa. Township collector la the Job tlint uioMt of tlio women rnndidiiles sr aft er. Tlio rollprtonililp lu tlio larger Tit le la tlio "falteiit" political Job. paying the (urgent rouiiieimntlon for tlio least phyNlrnl work. Jinny of the women cniidlifiitos want to do the towmthlp aiuM-iuiliig. Homo are seeking pbices aa school trinnem. The county bonrd of uiwrvbuira look pood to a substan llul aijund of the now voter, Woman Aaplr to Mayoralty. There la but ono suiiounced candi date for mnyor-Mra. Mary KeuiK-dy of Mount Carroll-and there are scat' terlng reKirl of women who would like to alt lu town council. Mr. Kennedy, who ha the distinc tion of being the II rut woman cnntll lnte for uinyor In lllluoht, I a Ihmiio-4-rat In national politics, but I running for mayor of Mount Carroll on the atliM-n1 ticket Khq la fifty five year old. married and line two daughter, On the ticket with Mr. Kennedy will lie MU Mary ft. Hunter, daughter of former Ktiite Senator J a me M. Hunter. She want to ba city treas urer. Mr. Rcliecea K. Ank. a widow with five children, I a cnudldnte for tax collector of Mount Carroll town ship. Mr. Ida flloldl. recognised In I'nrl. I'dnar county, n tlio domlunnt factor tn a meat packing eNtnhlUhincnt In an-oi-latlim with her thru muni. U n can didate for iilderman n a Progressive. The rrogreiwlve aUo have MIm Tntt I. Ink na a candidate for aamttuor of I'nrl towimlil), Many Women Rivale. f'lirlNtlaii county ha ninny women candidate for towtiidilp officii. Tho collector's office In sought tiy MN Net tle Vitiiglinn and Mr. JoHcphlne Hill n opMwlng IieiniM-ratlc candidate In Tnylorvlllo township; Mrs. O. Snow, iiideiH-ndeiit. Axaumptlon township; Mr. T. E, Gregg and Mr. Maud Doty, battling n Itepulillcnna In Htoiilngtun; Mr. J. W. Kldell and Mr. Kiln Leigh t.v, Ieiuocratlc opponents lu Tower Illll; Mr. Mate I leaden, Ilemncrat, In Khelbyvllle nnd Ml I'IohbIo Kirk wood. Ih-mocrnt, In Windsor. Women are nlo candidate for col lector at Lincoln, Logan county; at Ddwanlnvllle; In two townships lu Ma son county; Iti llartlund townHhlp, Mc Ilenry county; nt Monmouth, nt Aledo, nt irlggtivlllo, nt rittntleld. nt t.ncon nnd In one township In Winnebago county. Madlon county ha two women In tlio Held, both running na HoclallNt In the coal mining territory, whure there 1 B heavy Socialist votu, MImh Polite Oler, n young newspaper woman of Grant townHhlp, Vermilion county, ha entered tho raco for tux collector there. W There nro three woTnen candidate nt Qulney, nnd all three nro Socialists. UNITED STATES IMPREGNABLE Need "Bluff" No Longer, Soy English Peao Advocate. It would take Japan thirty years, with an army of 27,ooo,mk men or nioro nnd with a war fund the viist ness of which may not be readily com puted, to make u conquest of the Unit ed States, according to a comparative computation made by Norman Angell, the KngllHh peaco advocate, In a speech delivered recently lu Washington un der tho auspices of the Curiiegle ponce endowment Tho comparison wns bused on tat la He of hi country's latest war of sub Jiigatlon. Mr. Angell said it took Eng land four year, with a glgnntlc army and the expenditure of millions of dol lars, to subdue ft little country that wna not oven Pelf siipisirtlng tho year around and had only a small urmy. lu this connection Mr. Angell mild the United States Is obviously Impreg Dubln nnd Unit II Is no longer neces sary for It to "put up a bluir." The great Importance of continued pence to tho fulled States was jKilnt fd out by tho spc'iker In connection with tho development of Smith Amer ica, which, ho said, Is being done by Eiii-upcim capital. Ho declared tlmt (ho help of this cou.itry Is vllnlly essential to the es talill.dmicnt ef the pence movement lu Kuropo. Get Together Over This Golden Rule Of Business MOSS. BUSINESS Me cca 1 built on actual MU TUALISM. It la not a cutthroat proposition, al though at time It teem so. Every phnae of bualnn activity muat contribute to the WuXPAUU of ALL partle con cerned, Now the moat SUCCESSFUL merchant In thl city are CON HI8TICNT sdvertlsers lu thl pa per. They have built up their trad on SERVICE to the cus totner, dependable and diMlrabla mnrchandl and BUST VAL UES for the money. The advertiser recognize the value of the patron go of the reader of thl paper. Tbat'a why they are (pending their money with u to display their new. Don't you think In Justice to youmelf and to tbem that you ahould make It a point to follow their ada. CIX)SKLY and CON SISTENTLY? They are trying towfi you money by their ape clnl Inducement. If It pay them to get your trade It pay you to give It where It I made worth while. Tht merchant advertl1 be cause be want to OET TO GETHER with YOO. You ought to watch hi ad. hectie you wnt to (JET TOOETIIEK with HIM. Your Interest and hi are actually and poallivety MUTUAL. A bowl of cold aoup I charged with being responsible for a (hooting affray In a 8b Louis restaurant -Will any one rise to oppose the enactment of a federal prohibition law against cold oupT An Insulting Janitor I good enough cause for breaking a lease, a Manhat tan court bold. Thl make the lease notion obsolete. No Cheaterflolda, o far a we know, have ever hired out a Janitor. Notice of Finn I Account In the county court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Crook. In the mutter ol the estate of Eu- liiund (1. Ddw, deceHKcd. Ntnte of Oregon, County of Crook m. The undcrnlgtied, administrator of the estate nf Edmund G. Dow, de ceased, has filed lu the county court hi Hunt account, na such adminis trator, hikI notice I hereby given that on Monday, the 4th day of May, lull, nt the hour of lu o'clock, n. in., tins by thl court Ih-cii set as the time ami the county court room In Crook county as the place, for n settlement of said final account, and tho bearing and determining; ol ob jection thereto. AllKl.lH.IIT Kiki.d, Administrator. First publication, March 2(1. Last publication, April .'10, 1914. T. J. Hewitt, Attorney. Notice ol l liiul Accounting.. Notice I hereby given by the under finned, the executrix nf the last will and testament of Allen Hash, deceased, that she ha filed with the clerk of the county court her final accounting of her administration of the estate of said de ceased, and that the county court haa net Monday, the -4th day of May, 1014, at 10 o'clock io the forenoon, at the county court room in Prineville, Ore gon, aa the time and place lor bearing and settling said tinal accounting. At wlilch time anil place any persou inter ested in said estate may pear and ob ject to said tinsl accounting. 1 uted this lititli day of Mttrch, 1011. Martha Ann Strait, Executrix of the estate of Allen Hash, deceased. Mimiiuon. In the circuit court of the stale of Oregon for Ciook county. Crook County, Oregon, a public corpor ation, plaintiff, VI. llnnly Allen, Ceo. W. Ilarnes, Surah llsmlle, Mrs. M. M. ltcck, Columbia Valley Trust Co., Mary Ferguson, Fletcher iV Croup, J, L. tiaril, Waller (iilllespie, W. F. Hammer, ' P. A. Hamilton, Irvin & Hamilton, Cora A. Jones, J. W. Jones, J. O. Juliet), Heirs Frank Krogan, E, II. ltntlor, K. J. Lane, James Magness, J. W, McCollum, Jell McCollum, J. W. Mc Kay, McTaggnrt A live, Eric Nelson, Mr. K. Poindexter, O. A. Potter, E. H. Potter, John Siseinoro, (1. E, Smith, Mrs. Mary E. Smith, John C. Stiles, Win. O. Stiles, Lacouie Stiles, J. P. Btrlckler, Uren A Hon, Warner A Uurnett, A. E. Weisner, Dan C. Crowley, W. W, Harris, C. S. Kay, Ed Joslin ICst., W. F. C. Protltt, Profitt llroi., Chas. Lamson, Mav fluld Bros., J. L, Lingan, Nancy E. Pratt, Mrs. M. J. Price, L. S. Rogers, I, II. Overtnrf 0. Kampher, J. F. Drew, Columbia Southern Irrigation Co,, and all persona unknown owning or claiming to own, or lowing, or claiming to have, any right, title, equity or intorest whatever in the res! property hereinafter described, defendants. To Iliirdy Allen, fieo W Barnes, Sarah Handle, Mrs M M Heck, .Columbia Valley Trust Co, Mary Ferguson, Fletcher & Croup, J L Card, Walter llillioppie, W F Hammer, P A Ham ilton, Irvin & Hamilton, Cora A Jones J W Jones, J G Juliet), Iluira Frank Hrogan, 15 H Butler, E J Lane, James RIagueHs, J W McCollum, Jull McCol lum, .1 W McKay, McTaggart & Rye, Eric Nelson, Mrs E Poindexter, C A Pottor, K S Potter, John Sisemore, G E Bmith, Mrs Mary E Smith, John C Stile, Wm 0 Utile, Laconlo fltlle. 3 V Htrlokler. Uren A Son, Warnor i Burnett, A E Weiiner, Dan 0 Crow, ley, W W Harri. C 8 Kay, Ed Jo.Ho Kt., W F 0 Profltt, Profitt Bro. Cba Lameon, Mayflold Bro., 3 L Lingan, Nancy E Pratt, Mr M J Price, L8 Kogari.J II Overtnrf, ii Kampher, J V Drew, Columbia South ern Irrigation Co, and all periooi un known owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have, any right, title, eotiily or In teres t whatever in the real property hereinafter de scribed, the above named defendant: In trie nam ol the atata ol Oregon, You ara hereby notified that Crook county, (Oregon, a public corporation, the holder of Certificate ol Delinquency numbered CI to C57, saving and ex cepting number C12, C29, C3H and C41 i Issued on the jKth day of March, 1914. by the Tax Collector of the count v of Crook, itute of Oregon for the mount of One thousand one hundred nineteen and fifty hundredth 01110.50) Dollars, the tame being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1U07, together with penalty, lotereet and coat thereon upon the real property assesaed to you, of which you ara the owner a appear of record, situated in id county and state, and particularly bounded and detcribed a follow, to-wit; Lots 7, 8,9, blk 1, Sitter. tot 3, blk 2, Sister. Loun, 6, blk 0, Sister. Lot 2, 8, blk H, prineville. I-ot 7. 8, blk 8, Denchute. N J dwJ, wl nw) see 19, tp 17 r 19. Lot 11, 12. blk 13. Laldlaw. UA H, blk 17, Deschute. Ut 1.1, II, blk $1, 1'almaln. tot fl, blk 27, Palmaio. tot 5. blk 15, Itedmond. NeJ eej ne 14, t J , nwJ iw, ec 13, tp VJ. r 13. Uit 9, blk , Palmaln. tot 8. blk 1, Ashwood. totaQ. 7. 8,0, blk2H, Bend. Ne nwj, n i ne J, e nei sec 29, tp 10, r 1.1. SI w sec 1, tp 10, r 13. W nej, aej, nej, nwj m aec 35, tp , r 17. Lots 12, 13, II, blk 8, Palmain. tot 14, blk 11, Palmain. WJ nej. 1 n-i aec 20, tp 15, t 20. S) St- tec 10, n 'i ne sec 15, tp 15, r 12. tot 6. 7 blk 11, Ashwood. tot 2, blk 11, Ashwood. tot 1, blk 11. Lvtle ad I. tot 14. blk 20, Palmain. tot 8, blk II, Palmaio. hSinS,' aec 18. tp 15 r 10. A parcel of land commencing at a point 400 feet east of the corner of w na 24 9-in, thence eaat 214 feet, thence north 214 feet, thence west 214 feet, thence south 214 feet to place of beginning. Nej sec 14. tp 18, r 10. Ni ec 14, tp 18, r 10. Lota 13, 14, 15, blk 15, Bend. tot 11. blk 22. Bend. Sw'4- J tec 16, tp 10, r 15. Nej e I sec 11, tp 17. r 18. Wft nel, set nci, m t tec 2l, tp 17, r 24. I Ait 1, tK nej, e nwj sec 4, tp 22, r 16. tot 23, 24. blk 18. Laidlaw. tots 1, 2. blk 18, Laidlaw. tot 11. blk 4, Laidlaw. tots 10, 11, blk 3, Newaoin add Prine ville. S' sl ec 14, nej nwj, nwj nrj aec Z-l, tp l.i, r 13. tot 8, blk 9. Laidlaw. Nej ej sec 12, tp 10, r 17. W, swj, sej ewj tec 7, tp 10, r 17. SJ nel, n' sej sec 2, tp 17, r 20. E 1-2 lot 4, 5, tl, blk 16. Laidlaw. N nej sec 10, tp 17. r 21. WJ nej, sej nej, nej aej aec 32, tp 10. r 111. Sej awj see 9. ewj nwj oc 15, n toj oc 16, tp 10, r lit. Nwj sims 8, tp 13, r 13. interest nwj nrj aec 33, and in nwj nej, eej nw'4 sec 26. tp 12, r 12. sj nej, n J sej sec 8, tp 13, r 13. EJ aw J, mK sej ec 24, tp 10, r 13. Lots 5, ft, blk 15. Prineville. Nwj nwj sec 25, n'-g nej, eej nej tec Zb. tp i:i, r 1U. Sej tec 9. tp 21, r 14. Sej tej sec 11, twj twj tec 12, nwj nwj sec 13, nej nej tec 14, tp 0, r 14. f-i twj, ej nwj tec lb, tp l.i, r 11. ton 1, 2, 11, 12, blk 5, Laldlaw. Said Hardy Allen, Geo W Barnes, Sarah Handle, Mn M M Beck, Colum bia Valley Trout Co, Mary Ferguson, Fletcher & Croup, J L Card, Walter Gilliesplo, W F Hammer. V A Hamil ton, Irvin & Hamilton, Cora A Jones, J W Jones, J G Jnlien, Heirs of Frank Brogan, E II Butler, E J Lane, James Magness, J W McCollum, Jell McCol lum, J W McKay, McTaggart & Bye, Eric Nelson, Mr E Poindexter, C A Potter. E S Potter, John Sisemore, G K Smith, Mrs Mary E Smith, John C Stiles, Wm G Stiles, Laconie Stiles, J P Strit kler, Uren & Son, Warner & Burn ett, A E Weisner, Dan C Crowley, W W Harris, C L Kav, Ed Joilin est. W F C Profitt, Protltt Bros, Chae Lnmson, Mavlleld Bros, J L Lingan, Nnnev E Pratt, Mrs M J Price, L S Rogers, J 11 Overtnrf, G Kampher, J F Drew, Col umbia Southern Irrigation Co, and all persona unknown owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any right, title, equity or interest what ever in the real property hereinabove detcribed; as the owners of the legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record and each of the other persons above named are hereby further notified that Crook county, Oregon, a public corporation, will apply to the circuit court of the county and state aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the lien against the prop erty above described and mentioned in said certificate. And yon are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of the Bum mons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend ttiia action or pay the amount due aa above shown to gether with costs and accrued interest and in case of your failure to do bo, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and promises above named. ' This summons is published by order of the Honorable G. Springer, judge of the county court of the state of Ore gon for the county of Crook, nnd said order was made and dated the 25th day ot March, 1914, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 20th day of March, 11114. Date of last publication May 2S, 11)14. All process and papers in this pro caoding may be served upon the unoer Bigned residing within the Btute of Ore gon, at the address hereafter men tioned. WlLLAHD II. WlUTZ, District Attorney and attorney for plaintiff. Address Prineville, Oregon. Notice) of Aaaetiment for Street Improvement Notice la hereby given that at a apeclal meeting; of the city council of tne t;ity 01 prineville, Oregon. Held on the 24th day of March. 1914. and called for the purpose of making aald aemenr., pursuant to an ordi nance number 211, of tald city, pro viding for the (trading, graveling and otherwise Improving Enat F. street from the aoiitb line of Flret atreet aoutb to the city limit, In aald city, council at auld meeting proceeded to ascertain and deter mine the probable cost and ex pellee of making tald Improve iiienta, and did at that time, tmmnut upon each lot and part and parcel of adjoining land liable therefor It proportionate share of ucb coat Wind expeiiHe a follow Lot Blk A million Coat 4 Third 12 06 Fourth 12 06 " 12 05 1 2 2 4 4 6 6 13 13 12 12 14 14 15 12 05 T' o, 1st Add 63 65 " " 60 65 N W 63 115 " 60 66 " 108 10 " 108 10 " 108 10 " 108 10 " 29 80 " 29 30 " 29 30 15 29 80 It waa further ordered by the city council at said meeting, that each and all of the foregoing uxsetuitnenta ahull become delinquent the let day of June, 1914. If any aeaeHMment remain due and unpaid on the let day of June, 1914 a warrant shall lie Issued to the mar bal of laid City of Prineville requir ing biin to forthwith levy upon any lot, or part of lot or parcel ot land upon which an assessment rcmulii unpaid, and aell the same in the manner provided by law for tbe sale and collection of delinquent atate and county taxes. The first publication of thl notice Im the 2tith day of March, 1014, and the same I published by the order of the city council of the City of Prineville, Oregon. E. O. H yiik, Recorder. Notice of Sheriff Sale. By virtue of an execution in fore closure duly issued by the clerk of tbe circuit court of the county of Crook, atate of Oregon, dated the 9th day of March, 1914, in a cer tain action in the circuit court for said county and etate, wherein Iloecoe Howard as plaintiff recover ed judgment against Cole E. Smith and Minnie S. Smith, defendants, for the sum of Thirteen Hundred Thirty Five and 45-100 Dollars, and cost and disbursements taxed at One Hundred Forty and 50 100 dollars, on the 26th day of Janu ary, 1914. Notice is hereby given that I will ON THE I8ik DAT OF APRIL. 1914, at the north front door of the court house, in Prineville, Oregon, in Crook county, in said county, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, sell at public auction to tbe highest bid der, for each, the following des cribed property, to-wit: The southwest quarter of tbe northeast quarter (swj of nej) of section twenty-one (2 ), township seventeen (17) south, range thirteen (13), east of the Willamette merid ian, in Crook county, Oregon, taken and levied upon as the property of the said Cole E. Smith and Minnie S. Smith, the above described real property, and will sell tbe same, or as much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of Koscoe Howard against said Cole E. Smith and Minnie 8. Smith, with interest thereon, to gether with all cosU and disburse ments that have or may accrue. Frank Elkins, Sheriff. Dated at Prineville, Ore., March 12, 1914. By W. E. Van Alien, Deputy. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, Not coal laiide. II. S. Lund Ollice nt Lakeview, Ore March 2nd, 1914. Notice Is hereby itlven that Alex Eraser of Imperial, Oregon, who, on Sep. tember 16th, 1010, made honioxtead entry No. 0101;!, for s,'j ewj section 4, und nw'l section 9, ej nei section H. township 21 eouth, ranee 19 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Hnal three year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before A. S. Fogg, United States Commissioner, at Hampton, Oregon, on the 14tU day of April. 1914." Claimant names as witnesses: II. II. Hogg, II. K. Hogg, of Hampton, Oregon; W. Titus, W. Volgt, of Imperial, Oregon. 3 12 Jan. F. Bi'Rokss, Register. isotice for Publication. Department of tbe Interior, U. S. Land Ollice at The Dalles, Or. March 24th, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Jessie Gray of Prineville, Oregon, who, on Aug ust 9th, 1009, made desert land entry No. 0515:!, for nj sej, and nH 8WI4 section 18, township 16 south, range 19 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final desert proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Timothy K. J. Duffy, U. S. Coinmls stoncr, at Prineville, Oregon, on tbe 1st day of May, 1014. Claimant mimes ns witnesses: Homer Norton, John II. Gray, both of Prineville, Oregon; William 11. Post, Wallace Post, both of Post, Oregon. H. Fhank Woodcock, 3 26 IteglsU'r. Sure to win if you save Green Trading Stamps. Elkins Store. SProffssCta Cards Dr. Howard Cv Dr. N. Morrieoa DENTISTS Crook County Bank Building Bennett, Sinnott & Calloway Attorneys-at-Law General Practice The Dalles, Oke. N. G. WALLACE Attorney-at-Law Room 3-4-8 Kamstra Bld'g Prinovillo, Or 3. B. Bell A. W. 8lma Crook County Abstract Co. (lac) gucceeeora to The J. H. Haner Abstract Co. Frloeirllle, Oregon Abstract , Insurance Prof. A. W. Grater, Divine Healer Office in Morri Building three door south of Journal office. Prinovillo, Oregon J. Tregelles box M. B. C. 8. Ene; and L. 8. A. London; Licencee Oregon State Medical Board. Hpecialint in Surgery; Hygiene; Ali mentary Canal, women ana cliildra'i dixeace. eta. Otrtoe and rmldenne Third itml near Court tiu. Tel.: itoneer. Cell nwered prumpUr. olgtit ordar. Charge moderate t Jt, ttettmbtrg , Printmiilt, Or;m. OCCDL18T9 ffielknap & Cdwarda pJkyiMmmi mm tl tSmrjn. (County Physician.) PrmtmWt, Crtft. T. E. J. DUFFY Attomeat-Law (Boooneor t W. A. Bell) Pbinitilli ... Obeoor C. 33riM SPta Cttat0 Cornett Building, Room 6 D. H. PEOPLES Civil and Irrigation Engineer Room 11 A ilatn eon Bld'g Prineville, Ore. 08 Calls ahuwirkd Promptly Oat o Nieai Orrici On Door South or ADM!tOK'i Daue Storr. Both office an naj deuoe telephone. ZPrintwill: - Orfm W. A. BELL Lawyer The Dalle ... Oregon Si. Clitott, jfttrmjr-mt-jCmm ffn , Ortftn. 55?. C. Urink JLawyr ff ttrtrf. IPrintmill, Ortfem. Willard II. Wirtz District Attorney Office in Crook County Bank Bldg. PllIXEVILI.E OUEGON 1A A r Loilge meets everyTueB- vJ I day night. Strangers welcome. T.l,. Coon, N.O ; Estes Short, V.G.; Percy R. Smith, Secretary; C. B. Din widdie, Treasurer. r : 1- . -,i viic iiauu vuic Willi every cent of your purchase at Prine ville Merc. Go. I LUMBER I THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville, Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Aotlc for Publication. Department of the Interior, (J. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore. February 19th, 181. Notice ia hereby given that Cbarlea W. Spring of Prineville, Oregon, who, on Augutt 22, 1912, made Homestead Entry Ho. 010645. for n nw, aw nwj tection 28, townahip 14 sooth, range loeaat, Wil lamette Meridian, ba filed notice ot intention to make final commutation proof to eetabliah claim to the land above described, before Timothy E. 3. Duff.', U. 8. Commiaaioner, at Prine ville, Oregon, on tbe lOtb day of April, 1914. Claimant names a witneaae: Wil liam 11. Bird Hong, Arthur R. Minkler, Georgo W. Roberta, John A. Bostwick, all oi Prineville, Oregon. 3 5 H. Fbanx Woodcock, Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Ollice at The Dulle. Or. March 2nd, 1914. Notice 1 hereby given that Alexander Rlckman of Held, Oregon, who, on March 24th, 1910, made Homestead Entry No. 06.'i09 for m se. and e aw, section 3, and on December 31at,1910, made additional Homestead Entry No. 07890, for sei sej, section 8, n nej, and w nw section 10, town Hhlp 19 south, range 19 east, Willam ette Meridian, bas filed notice ot In tention to make Final three year proof to establish claim to tbe land above described before A. S. Fogg, U. 8. Commissioner, at Hampton, Oregon, on the lOtb. day of April, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Paul Held, Floyd Houston, John Holland, Shellle Holland, all of Held. Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, 3-5p Register. The Brosius Bar Finest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor Farm Loans For a ebort time we have sub ject to our disposal $25,000 for loans on highly improved irrigated ranches in the vicin ity of Prineville. Loans to be for $5,000 or more and run from 3 to 5 years, with inter est at 8 per cent, payable an nually. We charge a email commission to be paid by the borrower. See A. R. BOWMAN with Central Oregon Title & Trust Co. 6 19 Prineville, Oregon Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, uiasses, &tc. &.K., ate. hi SHIPP& PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON g