County Court hereafter to ihow the balance on hand and due hit district at the date of said report. Farther ordered that Judge Springer tend special notice to the supervisors ot this order. In the matter of Demonstration work. The clerk is instructed to forward to the secretary o' state, a certificate show big the date when money was appropri ated by this county for farm, field and demonstration work. County sealer's report. Report of W. H. Lucy, county sealer for the year 1913, approved and ordered filed. In the matter of an election precinct at or near Imperial. Petition present ed and same was denied because the not of the territory defended in the same lies within the Imperial election precint. In the matter of the appropriation ior the Beaver and Bear creek roads. Undertaking given by D. F. Stewart, in the sum of f 20,000 with W. F. King, Wm. Pancake, J. H. Gray, S. R. Cooper, Oscar Hyde and J. . Stewart as sureties, presented and accepted by the court. In the matter of the wrongful assess ment of the Prineville Commercial Club. The aaid matter coming on for further consideration, and an opinion feeing given by the county attorney, or dered that the said taxes be rebated. ISee order.) In the matter of A. McE Ball, ex perting county records. Report of A. McE Ball on the 1907 tax roll filed and turned over to J. B. Bell, of the Crook County Abstract Company, for exami nation. Mr. Bell reported that the re port appeared correct on the face but that in his opinion nothing would be added to its effectiveness by incorpor ating it in the minutes of this court. Later Mr. Bell reported that he had tbecked up on one of the larger items and in his opinion the same should not have been placed on the list of delin quent taxes as it was not assessable. Deputy Sheriff Van Allen was called in and his opinion asked on the said re port. Mr. Van Allen stated that the rexxt contained nothing more than he would have gotten out in a short time and with much less time in obtaining it. In the matter of a tax collector's bond. Bond of R. L. Jordan in the sum of 40,000.00 as tax collector for the year 1914, presented to this court and approved. In the matter of insurance on the tounty automobile. It appearing the nsurance on the county's automobile should be renewed, it is ordered that the clerk be instructed to renew the tame with the Royal Insurance com jany. In the matter of the petition of J. E. Rice et al for a county road. New is presented to the court the petition of J. . Rice et al for a county road and ask ing that the same be forty feet wide, ind the same is hereby referred to the eounty attorney. In the matter of the application of H. C. Topping & company, for a license to store giain. Now is presented to the eourt the petition of H. C. Topping & company for a license to store grain, and it is ordered that said company give a good and sufficient bond as re quired by law in the sum of $5000.00, ' and clerk is requested to notify the said company of this order. Further action is continued. In the matter of petition for widow's pension. The petition of E. Lundberg being presented to the court, and ap proved, ordered that upon the filing of a 3atiBfactory investigator's certificate Closing Out! Our entire line of Sulky, Gang and Walking Plows, Disc, Spring Tooth and Peg Har rows, Garden Cultivators and Wagons. Get our prices. 0. G. Adams & Co. PRINEVILLE, ORE. made out by tome well known taxpayer in the community where the said widow lives, the amount ot the pension asked for in the taid petition be al lowed, namely 25 per month. In the matter ol the comity printing. The matter of the county printing for the year 1SU4 coming up for consideration, ordered that the con' not ot this county with the Crook County Journal for the year 1913 be continued and held in force tor the year 19H, as to court proceedings and the publication of notices. Moved by Judge Springer that the list of prices furnished by Henry Clow on ma terial and machinery for county use. be tiled with the clerk and that this court gire no orders for any machines or ma terial specified on this list at a higher price than that given on said lists. Carried. In the matter of claim against Marion Haunt. The matter of the claim of the county against Marion Haum of Wyom ing coming on for consideration, ordered that the clerk prepare a statement of the comity's bill against the said Marion Haum, and write the necessary letters. March 7th, 1!H4. In the matter of the amended map of Prineville acres. Now is presented to the court tha amended map of Prineville acres and it appearing to the court that the same is not regular, does not conform with all the requirements of law, ordered that the same be continued for correction. In the matter of a wrongful assessment. Now is presented to the court the petition of Jesse Hobson to have a certain tax re bated because of wrongful assessment on personal property now owned by him, or dered that a rebate of lM2 b allowed. In the matter of a justice of the peace for Lower Bridge precinct. It appearing ' to the court that there is no justice of the peace in Lower Bride precinct and there be ing presented a petition asking that L. A. Hunt be appointed such justice. It is or dered that said L. A. Hunt be and he is hereby appointed justice of the peace for said Lower Bridge precinct. In the matter of unloading bridge. The matter of the bill for unloading a bridge coming on for hearing, said bridge being unloaded at the request of Commissioner Bayley, ordered that the said bill be al lowed, but the amount of the same be charged to the account of the Coast Bridge company. In the matter of an indigent typhoid patient. The matter of the care Sf an in digent typhoid patient coming on for hearing, on the recommendation of Health Officer Belknap ordered that a warrant for $20 be drawn in favor of Dr. barrel of Bend, for the care of said patient. Official Notice to the Creditors of Crook County. The creditors of Crook County are hereby notified that hereafter no bids against the county will be allowed which are not properly approved, and that all road supervisors, deputies and other of ficers of this county shall be required to use the legal blanks tor this purpose, which blanks may be obtained from the county clerk. In the matter of the vacation of south addition to Madras. Now is presented to the court the plat for the vacation of the south addition to Madras, Oregon, and it appearing to the court that the said plat is regular and conforms with the require ments of law, it is hereby approved. 8ee order. March 9th, 1914. In the matter of a road supervisor Xow is presented to the court the appli cation of W. M. Dunkle asking that a road supervisor be appointed in a certain dis trict, and the said matter is hereby re ferred to I). . Stewart, genera! supervisor for Beaver and Bear Creek roads. In the matter of the Metolius Improve ment company. Now is presented to the court the petition of the Metolius Improve ment company, asking for a franchise on the streets and alleys of Metolius and on certain county roads for telephone lines, and the same is hereby submitted to the county attorney for approval, and it is ordered that an order be entered in the form of draft also herewith submitted. In the matter of an indigent cancer patient. Now is presented to the court certain resolutions giving C. 8. Benson and H. C. Kllis authority to act in the matter of the care of a certain indigent cancer patient near Bend, under certain limitations, and said resolutions are here by approved. In the matter of A. MoK Ball, txperting tha county records. Moved by Judge Sptnger that ths report of A. McK Ball be accepted and approved by this court and the bill be allowed. Motion lost, Springer voting yes, Bayley and Brown no. Discussion. J. B. Bell of the Crook County A bstraot company and A. B. Gor don, acting assistant of A. McK Ball were called before the court and gave their re spective opinions on ths accuracy and ef ficiency of the said report. At the request of the court ths l'.WT rolls were brought in by the deputy sheriff. Judge Springer requested that the inter ested parties who had been heard by this court to keep out of the discussion. Deputy sheriff withdrew the rolls. Motion made by Mr. Browu that the matter ofexperting the eounty hooks by A. McK Ball as to his report and bill be continued to the May term, Heconded by Bayley. Springer votes no. In ths matter of the J, A. Morris road. The said matter coming on to be heard by request uf J. X. Williamson, the case was reopened, reconsidered and suid matter continued. In the matter of the Ashwood-Uateay road. The matter of ths Ashwood-Uate-way road coming on for hearing, ordered that a warrant be drawn on ths general fund lor the sum of i"W0 In lavor of P, T. Monroe, supervisor of Cross Keys District, and the said supervisor directed to check upon this fund upon his presenting proper vouchers for work done or material used on said road. In tha matter of request for oulvert on county road. Now is presented to the court the request of F. 8. Towner for cul vert material to put in a culvert on a private ditch on the county road, and said pe tition is granted, said work to be done under the supervision of David Grimes, supervisor. In the matter of petition for widow's pension by Mary E. Jones. Now is pre sented to the court the petition of Mary K. Jones for a widow's pension of tlO lwr month, and it is ordered that a warrant for $10 be drawn in favor of Mary Charl ton to be used in the immediate relief of the said Mary E. Jones and that upon the presentation of a proper petition and other necessary papers, and when the same are approved by the county judge, that the said Mary K. Jones be granted a pension in the sum of $10 per month. In ths matter of painting the roof of the courthouse. Now at this day it appear ing to the court tnat the W . F. Kinu c mi pany of Prineville, Oregon, has protwscd to furnish a first-class quality of paint and paint the roof of the county court houe and also that of the Crook County High school, at the actual cost of labor aod ma terials, it is onlered that the said W. F. King company, be and it is hereby author ized to furnished a first-class quality of paint and proceed at once to paint the roof of the court house and of the Crook County high school in Prineville, and ren der an itemized statement to this court at its next regular session. March 19th, 1014. Now is presented to the court the bid of paint by the Bell Paint company, at a price of to cents per gallon. In the matter of A. McE Ball, eiperting the county books. rUatemcnt presented by A. Mc Hull and placed on file, and at the request of Judge Springer, section 6 is incorporated in the minutes as follows: "VI. We believe it is the duty of your honorable body to see that legal action to collect the taxes on this property before they beoine outlawed, allowing the ques tion of assessibiiity to be settled in the courts." In the matter ot road tax levied against Prineville property for the years lfJOl, 1002 and 19"3. .Statement for the county presented to the court and ordered filed, and said matter is hereby continued. In the matter of county sealer of weights and measures. The matter of a county sealer coming on for hearing, it is ordered that for the purpose of retrenchment in county expenditure, that W. H.Lucy lie discharged and that county fruit Inspec tor, (iuy Lafollett be appointed as county sealer, bee order. Judge Bprlnger dis senting from above. In the matter of a widow's pension for Lucy Poweil. The petition of Lucy Powell, widow with four children, preent ed, and all papers being approved by the county judge, said petition is granted in the sum of $ per month. In the matter of road supervisors re ports. The following road supervisors presented reports. K. M. Elder, dist. No. 12, for work done in Central Oregon Irri gation company's canal, making bridge and repairing road, report approved. Glen liendrickson, district No. 'Mi, re port approved. L. H. Root, district No. 28, report ap proved. II. M. Gardner, district No. 2.'i, report approved. Henry Montgomery, district No. !), re port approved. In the matter of A. McK nail, expertlng the county records, niil presented by a. E. Haney of Portland, for legal services rendered the county in the sum of I25; disallowed. Springer voting to allow the same. In the matter of funds for road districts ordered that warrants be drawn in the fid lowing sums and deposited to the credit of the supervisor in whose favor-drawn, to be drawn on by him on piesentation of the proper vouchers. In favor of W. H.May for the sum of In favor ol J. W. Wilt for the sum of $2,000. In favor of W. E. Claypool for the sum of 82500. In favor of II, M, Elder for the sum of ;koo. In the matter of a county health officer. The matter of a county health officer for Crook county coming on for hearing, or dered that Dr. J. 11. Itosenherg be appoint ed county health officer for the year Hill according to the terms of his bid. In the matter of the Boegli grade. Now is presented to the court the petition for me uoriiiiiumiou 01 wie joegji graoe and the said matter is hereby continued until tho November term of this court. Judge Kpringer voting against such continuation. Thereupon court adjourned subject to cau. The following bill were ordered paid I Hnia School Pnstn i W Smith, salary Jn and Peb two 00 Mrs E U Walker, salary Jan and Feb,,, HO 00 II Evans " " 61 Louisa Herman " " ,M Catherine Conway " ...HD II K I'ratt 'HUM II 0 llaut hman " ....Haass (lAOustarson HO 00 Uoodyeer-Marthall Pub eo, nuts Air oom drpt ,,,, 1M Rates short, sawing wood.., I 00 R R Prlos. express and teaming It to 1 B Stewart A oo. mdse for dom science M 10 0 0 Claypool A o " " " I (0 J K tllll co, books Kir oom'l dept. " " earl dept... h) 1 K Myers. xp Short Course t 06 Mrs Kuima Wilson, eggs dom science... 1(6 Monroe Creswvll, mdw Air rt depl 1 48 Crook Co Abat eo, mini Ink, oom'l dept 1 10 Mr 1 Michel, indue rioin siittmce , 10 SO Adams oo ' " " lft 30 Khlpp A l"erry. todse manual training US V0 Hotel I'rtiiovllle, meals so Short fours 40 m Mpimmn A 0s rent chairs " " II 0" Deschutes Power oo, water, light Mo 10 Adamson A oo, mdae t U D F Stewart, rent dormitory SO oo Crook Cq Journal, prlnttut A pub 1US aft HOHauf hman, cash adv Air debate., sooo W r King eo, nidne dom science IS SO " " " " " a SO ' " " repairing I N Hodfsou, music , 4 US UaNgKAL Fusn W II l,ucy. county sealer IN OS llew-hutes Valley Tribune, print Mialer 4 10 Kalrbanks-Morae A eo, scales eo sealer '& 00 UeoH Kuaaelt.exp In Jno McPheraon num. 140 disallowed Oregon Hotel, board Holla Sumner.... 78 MJ Motirath, wit elrautt court IS 00 Joe HI xhy, groceries Holt family 10 00 Fmnk Klklns. transporting Welch pen 10 T L (J ulnn. balancing tax rolls for ass'r 4 uo On Ore Mere oo, mdse for Newell A Nace 13 Madras Pioneer, pub proceedings 'JB Oo t'lirton Cornell, mdse for pauper ... I 4 Home of the Aged, cam Mitchell. I JO, dlsalwd E A Davenport, care Fleetwood 0 uo K 8 Price, expmu and team work 10 11 Doyarmoud Machine Shop, repairs, bridge dial U I 60 LH Irving, acting dlil atty S AO Hend l.lverr A Transfer co, hauling.,., t 60 Ht Vincent Hospital, care Srferdahl.. ., Sis" Central Oregon Oarage, repaint to Henry A Cayton. lumber dial ti 11 SI Anderson llnis. lumber, Huytey, Elder 850 fiA I B Pulndrtter, oor fees Llndhurg Inq 1 14 " Mnlherly I'J 0 J W Kilter, Juror Matherly I mi I in It W Uray " ' 1 go J I! Scott ' " I t Henry Koch " " " 1 00 E A Davenport " " I Ou I) H l'ultmin, umr ' 1 oo Z Xtroud. wltnesj " " I SO Harry Myers ' ' ........ 1 VI August Htroub ' " 1 60 K P Mlnter, Juror Mndbunt lu! 1 00 Y. 0 Hour It ' " 100 John HIom " ' " 1 oo J W Hrown " " " 1 OO H (1 Caldwell ' ' " I 00 J Ryan - " " 1 00 8 Stewart, witness " " 90 John Coleman " " " 2 0 J J Adams " " 1 60 John Rossi " " i SO Fred Hrown " " 1 M David Frailer ........ a o A J Welton " " " 1 90 O Lourgaard 2 90 Du Pont de Nemours Powder co dlst 11 276 S3 A () Hcoggln, hauling culvert 4 00 J K Myera.exp to Salem with Sumner 6 66 Chrlatabella Hubtwrd. work ex board 8 Mrs C W F.lklns, work on exam board.. I ' Mrs Itobt Uray - ) oo W II VVirli, Incidental exp 42 14 Mrs (1 Springer, exp Eva Dixon to l'ortland js B.1 J H Rosenberg, M D, nervines 10 Uo J J Buckler, anloadlng steel bridge.... lg 73 C S Benson, actg dlst atty, H-j, disallow ed tvo 20 on Ross Kurnham, actg dlst atty.H", dis allowed 26 16 Oo J our 'Inn A Kulescti, II v Geo Brewster., 14 60 Mrs J r Morris, care John Mtam lit i Kstes Short, sawing. Jail 76 E F Tucker, acct Sagerduhl 76 on H I' Belknap, county physician I6 00 FA Howell, dep assessor 2iJ 00 Pilot Butte Tel co, services Nov to Mar 't 00 Victor Shawe. salary and exp Jan. Feb SAS 00 J F. Myers, rilsa on warrants, stamps.. 2S W W V King oo, mdse for courthouse lm 66 D H Peoples, dep treasurer 2"0 00 Crook Co Journal, mdse tor treasurer.. MS 76 1 " pubproceedlngs.otc.. 67 75 Fiencb Drug co, mdse 6 80 Mannhelmer Bros, mdse Jane Itohlnson 00 Miller Lhr co, mdse dlst 40 7 10 H A foster, freight and alainpt 2 20 D P Adamson A eo, mdse officers 9 66 " " " " pauper scot.. 4 6 Redtnand Spokesman, pamphlet sunt.. 60 go Remington Typewriter 00, baldu.... M 26 TJ M Inner, plumbing In basement.... 151 50 C O Hollard, asst watermastor...,,.,.,. 6 00 Geo II Brewster, sal and exp 22 10 Van M Morse, freighting so JO J K Christian, burial Matherly l.r 00 L M DeehtcM, dep dlst atty 10 00 J H Wt'iiand.v, auto hire lhurg Inq 12 00 Tum-a-Luin Lbrco, mdse for Claypool 24 40 OW Elklns mdse Hrewsler and Clow. . 2 76 O U Adams A co, mdse for dlst 11 a 16 Deschutes Power co, light and water.. '9 88 Clarence Rice, salary and exp 171 to II Grimes, horse feed. 4 00 Fred Grlrnes chalninan 6 00 John Grimes, flagman 2 00 Dave Grimes, chalninan 6 00 Peter Jensen " 2 00 W H Barney, flagman 4 00 J W Barney, ohalnman 2 00 M L Barney, marker 2 00 Jock Harney, chalnriian..,, 4 00 F T Jones " 2 00 J E Fuller " 4 00 H Grimes, viewer 10 00 CJHundqulst, chalnman 2 00 R L Brewster, work ass'r, water master 110 00 Shlpp A I'erry, bal on contract 829 46 Club Cafe, feeding prisoners 6 60 Hfntlra Blifgs, secy to county court 16 10 Frank Klklns, stamps 2 " " auto license etc 85 32 Ed Harbin, repairs on county car 120 26 llMtr.Noble Auto co, auto repairs 11 Kred A Kloe. surveyor's foes 1250.60, dis allowed IS2.50 108 00 G 8 Young, surveying Luldlaw grade,.. 20 00 Kllhain Hta A Printing co, mdse for'ur 85 62 Toney A Rose, auto hire Hrewsler 11 Oo Prlnevllln 1'ulnt Shop, signs courthso 7 "11 'j H Irvln, burial Hays 115 00 J A Kelly, serving subpoena 10 66 TN Balfour, sal mid laundry 147 60 W J Pancako, work In surveyor's office 18 1)6 ' ' ' " watoruiastcr . 8 ftTi F J Phoenix, dep surveyor 120 00 J E Htewart A 00, tobacco for paupers,, 1 25 Ouy Lafolletto, fruit Inspector 1)2 00 State of Oregon, fire patrol for 1012-18.. 47 Hudson Land co, final proofs for ass'r 81 80 August Stinub, cr Matherly, deceased 5 disallowed Hurry Myers, cr Mutherly deed 85 " Horns Hospital, oars poor 66 00 Uppman A 00, cushions Brewster 6.w dlsald Uppman A oo, eoflln for Matherly 1 16 Pa Bla A Print eo, mdse tor Brewster SS.S9. disallowed 14.11 4 61 II H Glow, salary, laundry, ate 8 00 R L Jordan, envelopes, express, etc,.,. Ill MO Prlnevllle-ltedmond Auto eo, auto hire Brewster. M 40, disallowed HS.,.. 4(0 W II Barney, lumber and loam work,, It 22 Crook Co Abat 00, ruruialilng data aur 66 60 h ,llinotrapiilo Mrvlees M a .. pl,Ul nuumo, la 00 E L Roae, aulo hire Sumnsr ease 160 Bend Hdw en, mdas by Walker 4 76 " " " " Claypool ISO 60 " ' " ' Wilt 176 00 " " " " Hamilton 14 " 20 44 " " " " stove pip. for election board, tl-16 disallowed Alfred Mima, mdse by Hamilton tt 24 Bayley 1 16 " " M " Clayp.Mil 141 1 P D t'untiliinham eo, mdse 00 sealer 4 40 Redmond 1. A Prod eo. gas for co car. , 61 CI Irwln-llmlsonni, desk for watermaaler 60 00 " " mdse tor aammsnr 2"4 10 " .,.. in.aaurer 1 18 80.0U0 loiter heads 102 60 lllaks McFall eo, toilet paper 1 16 lliishuug A eo, mdse for assessor til Ilarthold-Hani co, mdse walermaaler " T.t4 disallowed Warren Hmwn, stamps and express,... II t " " writing letters re Umber 20 00 W Lucy, rrelghlon scales I Hend Bulletin, printing tor dlatatty..,, so 06 " " charts for school aupt.,.., 14 60 " " blanks tor assessor Hi 14 " " tax receipts tor treasurer. 121 26 " " nid tor watrrmaaler..,, U 80 tllaas I'rudhoinma, tndaa tor aaanuair., I OS " " " clerk 2M 60 " " " " treasurer 129 00 " " " sealer 1 00 " " " sheriff ... 2l to W F King, aulo hire tor sheriff 80 60 I'ndnrwood Type en, machine dial ally 2 26 J A Eastea, Justice toes 16 86 John Hloaa, wit frea , I so , Gully ' " ln Iwla Main " " 1 so Clyde McKay " " 1 So K M ThomiHHin, Juror I 00 Floyd Dement " 1 on Art 1'rwtor " I 00 J I' Johnson ' I 011 R HOoiild, Juror.. I (X) N P Smith " 1 no 1, 1, Fox, dep sheriff JO U 00 H H DrArmond, wit fees I So Hleve Sleldl " , I an O ATboisen " " I Sti J A Kaalea " " 1 SO J A Mi-t loakey " " I J l.lilaen I an Kll la,Armond. Juror isi KP llriMlerlioos 2 no C P Mswonger " 2 "0 K V Ward " 2 li c R Brown " I in Klmer Nlswonger " 2 ' W K Klua eo. auUi tln-a and casing..,, lea ai Jttt III. road work dial 4 117 . 'si H V Ji-nklna Mad work dlst 8 JA", Diivn Grltlltsl " " "7 48,10 I' T Monroe road wrk dlst 10 1 l-j tai M K Hrara. mad work dial II l til M K Maiiiesaiui. road work dlst II 7si ( Murlon MiivHeld. nm,l work dial I.K S6 Paul Held ad work, dial Is S.1 uu H P Werner IV 1st) Ul '. 78 , 4 78 2 M 4 IS8 V. , " ss fsi 2SI IS SI uu ' Ve 48 2682 V M Balwr. niad work dll 22 Hugh tteo 24. ,..,., Allen W llleoxen. road work W KCIavpool, road work dial 27, .... Roy .loalln M " " 2 ... 61 Farrell, road work dial so Geo HuiiillUiii, road work dlst 84 andiew Hehrens, road wmk dlst 'i ... A o Walker, road woik dial u. It M Klder 12 Prineville Maeh Shop, auto reolra. 24 IU 2.', IX) IS to 7 ISI J T W heeler, work Prlnevllln va t'niok J II Venndy, dep a In- riff ....... R H Bavlev, ll wrvlm Warren Hrown. ex elerk hire n, Feb 217 II K Haney, lenul aervleea I'i'-IH dlaullowed OCiirav. road work dial 23 I d 'U Geo lodd, intlettKn elrtuill url 1 'O K I, Jordan, postnla and stnmps .'iw II II Ituvley, road work and com fees .. 37 tai W W Brown, commissioner's n-i-a ho to Sure to win if you save Green Trading Stamp. Elkint Store. HEALTH HINTF0R TODAY. Slssping After Maala. A render, rcforrliiK to tho ad vice itlvn In a recent hint to ait In on ensy chnlr lifter c-iitltift the prltiilpiil tncul and sleep for a few minutes, Hiiys thut she has found hy rt'ii'tttiil trials Hint sliM'plnK In an upright iosltlon nfter entitle Is lienellclnl for her, hut flint If "ho sleeps In a horizontal position Immediately nfter entliiK a headache Is Inva rlnhly Indiiecd. The tests nindo lead to tho roneluHlon that thore Is no objection to alccVlnJC In a horizontal position an hour nfter entliiK, hut a recllnlnir position should not he taken liiiiiiedliitely nfler ciilltiif. In certain ciiHes, however. II. Is beneficial nfter a mcnl ('(insisting of llitild, like milk or fruit JulceH, to llu on the rlslit Hide. -aO Let'a Pretand. "All Is vanity," sulth ths seer, "All Is vanity here Ijolow." A puper lnf and a twlv thnt'i qiimr Will do as wll aa tlis mlstletos. C.'leviilund l'luln Dealer. Of pnsteboard you can make a star. ImuKlnatlon Is the thliiK. Oh, maiden, the bund on Hob's clirnr Is just as Kood as a diamond rlnirl ClilcaKO Tribune. Imagination's Rrcat, all rlnlit. We're sure of that where'er we rove. But, say, when a protty Klrl's In slht Would you as lief just htm the stove? Yonkers Statesman. For Sale Cheap. Second-hand Parlor Oriran. (iood as new. Write Charles F. Condart, Prine ville, Ore., Hox 431. 3-12 Man Wants Ranch or Position, I wimlil like a runcli on HlmreH or a kdciiI Job on ninth, t'nti furnlHh Kootl references. Can do any kind of work. Statu kind of ileal or wtiifcH In HrHt letter, AtldrcHM liox 530, I'rlnevlllt), Ore, 3-12 3f p Gasoline Engine Cheap 24 h.p. FalrbankH-MorHH, For sale cheap for uiihIi. Jiiqiilro at Journal OHice. Watch for lilt) Owl fiance. For Sale A 1913 7 hp. Indian niotorcyclo Kiiii.rant.eoi jierfet't order. Kor pi'lci! and torniH buu J, 10 Ktuwart & Co. For S1a Buff OrpltiRton, the kind that Uy In wlnfor. Took flrat prise at tho Stat Kalr two years) anil flrat at Prlnovlllo, 111 l'J !; for act ting of lft, fl. Also a tow roiislcra. Man. Jim Montiiomkhv, Crooked Itlver. 2 10 Imp Cowt for Sale Two Jersey cows. Inquire of lied Vanderpool, Prineville, Or. 2-6-2tp Oliver Plows, Page Steel Wire Fence. Elltint Store. See that $3.00 High Cut Shoe. Elkint Store. Stallion for Sale. A fine German Coach, color dark brown i weight Kill) Hi. j won two flrat prlsos at Kcait'r In lIHll); also several other first prise rililious, Will tell cheap, Call on Ira K, Hay, at llurnt Kanch or address lilin at Antelope for particulars. Sb'il W u tell for the Owl ilnnce. Morses for Sale Forty hnad of good work horses, 4 and ft years old, for tale; weight Irani ION to UUU pounds. Will he told at right prices, (i.ll. Russell, Prineville, Or. S I Buckingham & Hecht $4.50 Shoe for $4.00. Elkint Store. Kodak Lott I'.itHfttwiti Kotltik. I'lt'itao notify (I. M. t'oriiclt, or U'tive at Journal iMllcc. 2-S Waited " A trill t 12 hend of linrai-M. I hnve a lltilt'k Aultiiuolille tu Ural clitMaahHrm Unit I would like to trade In. Will tiny tho illflrrviu'o In rnah. Ad drees l(ox 21, uYud, ()rt. 3-u 4i $1000 FREE IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR POOR CURED AT HALF PRICE OR FREE NO KXIFE. OR PAIN NO PAY UNTIL CURED hr SUAMNHL No X Ksv tr oth.r awlmlla WHITTEM CUARANIEE 3-day palalaas plaataf ANY TUMOS, LUM or SMI o. ika la. rCt or Kmlr la CSHCIS. It Ntvsr faint Usui last tttis. uanai too anl Iraai taalitnoniala l IH0USAHO1 CURED Any Lumpia Woman's Breast I tiutvr It l WYt C8NCII. snd tlWSVt Ms in slasSs 8) ttia wmttt anS KILLS QUICKLV lanarirakm CURED 10,000. 8s sH Old Or.liMrs. CHAMLEf MTassSJi "shut ttoeittitt eseis it teiaiuti inrist" A 431 Vsfsnot St, SAM FRANCISCO. CM. KINDLY MAIL thlt to tomeone wltti CANCER Notice for Publication. Ilfpartniciit ol the Interior. U. H. Land tlffice, The Palles, Ore. March ID, 11114. Notice is hereby Riven that tiraitvllle It. Huberts, of 1'rinoville, Oregon, who on April 17, lull, made homestead entry No, 0717, for nej aw), n' sej and sc set, of sec tion 1) township ID, soiiib, ranitn I A cast, Willamette tueildiiin, has filed notice of int. ntion to makti lltial three year proof to esta'dish claim to the lit nil above (learn! el, bi-lurn Timothy K. J. Iiuffy, U. H. cniiimissloner, at I'rlnevllln, OiC(on, on the L'llh day of April. 1WH. Clulinant nsmiMi aa witnesses: John Ihirnett, Curt Wilson, William It. Kati I auscr and Arthur K. Jones, all of Prinevillo, OreKon. 3-11) II. Kiian'K WooiHtH'K, Heitister. Hollcu to Ci-tttlltors) Notice la hereby Klvn, by the un derMlirned, the executrix of the bwt will and tcHlnmciit of Henry C. Abel, decenMcd, to all cretlltorM of said do. ceiiKeil anil to all iiersona hiivlnsr I'laliim iiKiiliiHt hhIiI estate to lireaent the stunt! to the iindcrNlj;ncd, with the proper vonehera, within alt niontha of the flrat publication of thlM tintlee, at tho ullico of M. R. Kllloft In Prineville, Oregon. Utited thlH lillh day of March, 1014. Maiiiuiikt Ann Ahki,, Kxeciitrlx of eHlute of Henry C. Abel, tleccuMcd. Notice for I'tiblii iitimi. Hepai tment of the Interior, f. S. Land Olllcu at The Dalles, Ore. Kebrimry 2S, UU I. Notice Is hereby (fiven that Mario C. Whittaker, of Dry I.Hkes, Oreiton, who on August 21, 11112, made heuiestoad entry Ne. 0106-11 for ej nej, el sii, auction 2.ri, township 20 south, ranitn 20 east Wil lamette meridian, hiiH lilod notice of intention to make final commutation proof to ostabliHh claim to the land above described before A. S. Kokk, I). 8. CotnmlHHionnr, at Hamilton, Oregon, on the 21st day of April, 1014. Claimant names as witnesses: Fisher C, l.oKRt), Orvil Dnvison, both of Karnes, Oreiinn, John J. Cuiiniiihani, Richard 11. Ulioda, both of Dry Lakes, Oregon. 11. Frank Woodcock, 3 19-p Keaister. Stock Brands Must Be Renewed by June 3 Owlnii to the fact that at tho liiHt hchmIimi of the LeglHlntiiro a chaiiKe wiim matle in the law for hritmllujr llveHtot'.k, I UeHlrn to glvo notice to all Htoekiiien of (!rook county that niileHH their bramlM are renewed be fore J line 3, 1014, Halt brantlH will be cancelleil. To renew tlieno bramlN I have adopted the plan of recordlnir the branii In the tmmt) way that It wiih fli'Ht recorded. Hy fliilnu; thlH It will be ncceHHary to file a leather with the brand burned upon the Hatne, toKetliei' with the application for roconltnjr the brand. The fee for rccorillnu; In W) centH. Applications) limy be received by writing to this) olllcc.. It will not be noceNKary tti renew brands) that were recorded at tlilH tifllco after J line I, 1913. l-2!) 3t W'AltltKN BltOW'N, County elerk.