Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 19, 1914, Image 7

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    County Court
Cotitlnuod (rum flnt putfft.
rink reiireacntlnn; a body of tax
x .............
jiityers, presented i lie umowinu reso
lutions mill nsked that they be
adopted by this court. Resolutions
reads (Mr, Itrluk called (or afllrnia
tlve vote, viva voce from audience)
Mr. Van Allen, deputy sheriff, dn
niiunled that Urn tax rolls (or l'.M)7
which hud been out of his olllee (or
twenty-two day In the hand of
tint iiei'oiintitnts bo relumed to IiIm
cilllre. AIno that tliu county court
pertlng the county records. Advise
of comity attorney Duty ol the
court to decide an to efficiency a ml
keeping of present, accounts. The
suit on the delinquent taxed for 1907
must liu hrollKht heforu April 1st,
1UI I, hut times on personal property
iniiHt liu collected within a reason
aliki time. Jtidjie Hpi'lnger moved
that thu matter of illwliurictiiK the
experts lie reconsidered anil tlio ex
perU bo allowed to report. But
motion lout. Mr. Brown and Mr.
llayley opposing. KeiueMt of JudtfH
HprliiKnr to Incorporate. In minutes
a written luotloti containing re
murks, (leiileil,
In Him matter o( tlio wroiiKfuI as.
NeHNinent of l'rlnevlllu Commercial
thU llllM'V
inaku nil order (or thu Slate Inxur
iihi-ii ('iiiiiiiilHHtiniir In riiimi tin ami '. ''lull. TIlH taxes HKIllllSt
Inspect his ofllce. (Mr. Ilrlnk called ! all park In tlio name of the Com
(or rising vote of those favoring
resolutions, exeliidliiK oflichtls,
ntioul fifteen roHc.)
Mr, llayley moved that tho resolu.
tli inn an offered tat adopted and that
thu nccouutiititM nw expertluu: thu
county record! lit fnrwlth dls
elinrjted mid that thu (State limur
mien Commissioner lie reiiieMtod to
furnish a lair and competent ae
cniintaiit to expert all hooks,
record and account of all thu of-Ik-en
and olllclalM of Crook county an
noon II pllMMlllIf,
AMIriiicil hy Mr, Drown.
JinlKi) Springer opposed to said
Id-solutions adopted.
(Request of Judge Springer Hint
those ofterliiK thu reNolulloiiM sign
thu mime, refused.
lu thu matter of a frnuchlMU for an
casement on county nmds fur thu
transmission of electricity. I'etltton
presented hy Hteltll and Tect ly
their attorney, II. U, Kills, asking
(or an easement for coiiHtructliiK It"
-v-i..i .,! f..F Li-ix-timi of nil and on renderlinr accurate accounts
Holes mid other necessary or con- of work tlono and money expended.
(lenient appurtenances to distribute The court requested thu rrlnevllle
r . ... . .. - i.. f',ti,tmi,mlii! Pit, I, tlirimrh Iln rt.ttre.
viivincai energy on an i-uum riiium,""
now In existence or to Im hereafter sentallve. W. V. King, to draw up a
rented; pel It Ion lielnu approved by plan of accounting for road work
thu county attorney. granted. (Hen and present thu name to thlH court,
order.) In tho matter of the U. T. Lutby
In the matter of school dh frlct No. tliu j A Morris road. The
M. I'pon thu petition of 1. A. matter comlnij up for further coiihUI
Orahlcr, together with the necessary 1 erutton. thu petitioners appearing by
aflldavlu and Information hm ro-1 u. c. KHIm and T. K. J. Duffy ap
pilred hy law , the court ordered the ' ,.arK fr tho remonstrutors.
creation of school dlHtrlct to Ims Agreed In oen court that tho mime
known a No. 84. decision should hold for both caw.
In tho matter of a change In the J Agreed a follows! That the roads
Terrebonne road. On thu jietltlon KrHiited according to the petitions
of J K. Myers, ordered mat Uoiiuiy
merclal Club being claimed as an
Illegal iiMHi'MMiiii'iit, nuw was refer
red to tho county attorney.
In the matter of tho rebate of a
ueualty on delinquent taxes, l'etl
lion of J. N, Williamson (or rebate
of penalty on certain taxes for 1909,
samu being claimed unjustly charged;
ordered that upon the filing of an
affidavit by Mr. Williamson that to
tho best of his knowledge and belief
ho paid the taxes, a rebate of $38,821
Iwlng one-half of tho penalty, bo
In the matter of tho appropriation
for Heaver and Bear creek roads.
Ordered that tho clerk draw two
warrants lu favor of D. V. Ktewnrt
for tho sums of f 10,000 and 15000 re
sectlvc!y, on tho tiling of a sulllcleiit
bond protecting tho comity and
drawn by the county attorney.
County attorney Instructed to draw
bond, and also order for warrants;
llond drawn In the sum of f.'O.O-K),
siM-clfylng that Mr. Ktewnrt draw
! warrants at certain speclllcd times
i ,
Purveyor Itlce survey and leport at
the next regular meeting of this
court on tho change In the Terre
tioniic Ki'ilmiinil road, near the rest
deuce of Roy Stevens.
In thu matter of wrongful assess
ments. Thu following rebates were
allowed: I K Smith, ngeut for
r.velyn Schmudcl, $1.K0; A A Uurrls
iV2.r,; L 1: Smith for Chinook Land
co, f.'i.KO. See order. The following
were disallowed ! I. K Smith, agent
for tho Chinook Land Company:
f:l.H2; f H 12; f2.75 and f 10 44.
In regard to an iiutomobllu (or the
county superintendent, thu follow
ing agreement was madui
We, the county court of Crook
county, Oregon, have Issued a war
rant of 1200 for thu purchiisu of a
llulck automobile car No. 5097, class
11 95, for J E Myers, county superin
tendent, with the following condi
tions: I, the above named J. K. Myers,
agree to turn over my yearly travel
ing allowance and sufficient cash at
tho end of each year December 31,
1014, December 31, 1915, and Decern-j
;ll, 19111, so as to make, thrill annual
iiayments of (our hundred dollars
each, or twelve hundred dollars lu
all, with Interest at 8 percent.
It Is hereby understood that the
county's equity In said car shall
tnko precedence over any and all
claims until tho above conditions
aru fully met J. K. Mvkiim.
(Signed) O. Springer,
R. II. Bay ley,
Willis W. Brown
In tho matter of thu Wilson road.
Allen Wllcoxeu. supervisor, bill of
Lilw. B. Williams (or fill, (or work
on said road, allowed
March 5th, 1914.
In thu matter of grading certain
county roads. Tho request of cer
tain land owners In the Powell
Hutu district No. 25, to grado the
county roads ndjoluldg their lands,
they to bear half of the expeuso and
the county the other hall, grauted.
Tho report of Water Master Geo.
Brewster (or the months o( January
and February, 1914, presented and
ordered Hied.
lu tho matter of road district No.
11. Special report ol 8. F. Santeson,
special supervisor In road district
No. 11, In regard to supervising the
subscription work on tho Hanteson
road, presented and approved.
In the matter o( teachers' con
' tract. On request' of Supt. Myers,
ordered that said superintendent
have printed enough (onus (or teach
ers' contracts to meet the require
ments. lu the mutter of a rebate on taxes.
The petition o( Plnney of Malheur
county for a rebate on the taxes
against his school land, referred to
tho district attorney.
Iu the matter of A. McE. Bull cx
as motlllled by the stipulations as
entered In each matter; that the
county clerk Iw directed to furnish
the viewers with a copy of said stlp
illations, and that thu viewers view
the K. T. Luthy road on April 8th,
1914, and the J. A. Morris road, on
April 10th, 1914. Said agreement be
ing approved by the county attorney.
In the matter of thu D. II. Yeoman
road. Samu coming up for further
consideration, ordered that the view
ers make a supplementary report at
May term of this court. (See order.)
Iu thu matter of a change In the
M. M. Davenport road. Ordered
that the comity surveyor examine
tho proponed change aud report at
the May term of this court.
In the matter of plats of Wleaterla
Townslte and Kenwood Gardens
Towusltu. Said plats being pre
sented to the court for approval and
same appearing regular, ordered ap
proved. (See orders.)
In the matter of the George Klss
ler road. Upon tho request ol T U
J Duffy ordered that said matter be
reopened (or the purpose of taking
testimony In regard to the 'question
of damages; and further ordered
said question of damnges be con
tinned, and that the commissioners
look over the land In question.
In thu matter of tho C. J. Sinul-
qulst roud. Report presented by
the county surveyor, and action on
said matter continued and May 1st
1911. set as the time for hearing on
the same.
lu thu matter of the vncatlou o' a
portion of Gateway. Hat (or the
vacation of a certain part of the
town of Gateway presented and all
tho requirements of law not being
met with, action thereon continued
In tho matter. of Crook county vs
Alma I). Kratz. Ordered the case be
discontinued lu this court and that
the district attorney bo directed to
move for Its dismissal lu the circuit
court o( this county. (See order.)
In the matter of the 8 F. Saute-
son road. Ordered that upon the
completion of the work by Mr. Saiv
teson, an order be drawn In his
favor on the road fund for the sum
of $1000.
In the matter of the courthouse
doors. Ordered that the Janitor ol
the courthouse bo instructed to have
tho outer doors of the courthouse
hung to swing outward lu compll
anco with the state law for public
lu tho matter of the Antelopo can
yon bridge. Whereas tho Coas
Brhlgo Company has put In Its bill
lu accordance with Its contract of
December 8, 191)1, and whereas Com
missioner llayley 1ms Inspected the
material now at Redmond, It Is here
by ordered that tin amount of the
bill bo paid In tlie sum of $2150 and
that warrants be di awn accordingly.
In tho mutter of the Wllholt
bridge. Whereas the Coast Bridge
Company has delivered at Redmond
the steel for a 125-loot bridge over
tho Crooked river about six miles
below Prliievlllu, Oregon, under Its
contract of 1913 aud whereas Com
missioner Hayley has Inspected the
material now at Redmond, and
whereas It Is necesiary that the said
company furnish the county with a
good aud siilllclciit bond for the
faithful performance of Us contract,
It Is ordered thut when the sal. I com
pany shall file a bond In the sum of
KX100 'm tH" National Surety com
pany and such bond shall have been
approved by this court, then the
said company shall be paid by war
rant the sum of $2000 in part pay
ment on tho said contract.
In tho matter of services and dis
bursements of Geo. P. Clark. Now
Is presented to tho court thu claim
of the Coast Brldgu company for the
services and disbursements of Goo,
I'. Clark, an expert of Portland, Or.,
lu thu sum of $1090.30 for examining
the records of thu various county
ollielals In the matter of a suit
against the comity warrants In 1913,
ordered that said matter lie con
tinned for further consideration.
In the matter of discount on coun
ty warrauts. Now Is presented to
the court the claim of the Coast
Bride company and of Beal & Com
pany, Jointly, for discount on war
rants retained by them, said amount
having been held back from previous
bills rendered, lu the sum of $.1928.15,
aud the same Is continued for furth
er consideration.
March Clh.
In the matter of the C. K. Mc
Dowell road. Said matter coming
on lor hearing, same was continued
(or further Investigation.
In the matter of the assessment of
state lands held under contract. It
apH-artng to the court that In order
to make an Intelligent assessment of
state lands held under contracts, It
will 1h) necessary to obtain from the
state laud board a list of the state
lands In Crook county, held under
contract, on which patents have
Istm Issued to the state by the
I'nlted States, It Is ordered that the
clerk write the state land board (or
such a list and he Is hereby ordered
to draw a warrant In (avor o( the
state land board to cover the ex
pense ol obtaining the sane.
In the matter of the Mill creek and
Ashwood road. Said matter com
Ing on (or hearing, same was con
n the matter A. McE. Ball, export
ing the county records. By con
sent of a majority of the court, Mr,
llayley gave the A. McE. Ball ac
ountanu formal notice to stop all
work In connection with this county
anil Its records.
The following were appointed roi
supervisors for 1914:
John W. Suxton.Opal Cltydlst. 42,
II M Elder, Alfalfa dlst. No. 40.
It V Jenkins, Haystack dlst 6,
appointed, report 191)1 approved.
John Peters, Ireland dlst 4i,
appointed, report 1913 approved.
W M Karrell. Lyle Gap, dlst 30,
reappointed, report 1913 approved
J W Wilt, Sisters dlst 5, reap
L 11 Moot, Laldlaw, dlst ZS, re
David Grimes. McKay dlst 7; John
son creek dlst 13; Mill creek, dlst 14.
Perry Monroe, Cross Keys, dlst 10,
Roy Newell, Haycreek, dlst 8, re
R M Elder, Deschutes, dlst 12, re
In the matter ot application lor
relief. It appearing to the court
necessary, ordered that the superin
tendent take out to tho James Ash
ley family at Hampton, the follow
ing supplies: 2 barrels of flour, 50
pounds of rice, 50 pounds of beans,
60 pounds of salt, aud a thick side ot
In tho matter of Justice of the
peace tor certain uistricts. it; ap
pearing to the court that there Is no
Justice of tho peace In Black Butte
precinct and It being desirable to
have ono there, R. E. Osborii Is here
by appointed Justice of the peace for
said Black Butte precinct. It further
appearing that there Is no Justice of
tho peace In Alfalfa precinct aud the
petition being presented for the ap
pointment of Edgar R. Barnes for
such ofllce, ordered that said Edgar
R. Barnes be and he Is hereby ap
pointed JiiBtlce of the peace for said
Alfalfa precinct.
In the matter of the Byram road.
The claim of 11. C. Hilton lu the
matter of said road being presented
to the court the same Is hereby re
ferred to R. M. Elder, supervisor of
Deschutes district.
In the matter of tho vocation of
certain property In the town of II 111
man. The petition of S. Sroufo be
ing presented to this court, asking
tor tho vacation of a certain part of
HUlman, the sanio Is hereby con
tinued until tho May term of this
court, no plat or odidavlts ns re
ulrod being presented.
In the matter of road supervisors re
ports. Ordered that each supervisor be
required on each and every report made
U. 8.
If otic ( Contest
Department of the Interior,
L,anu umee, i ne uaiies, ore.
Kebruary 27. 1914.
To Mabel A. Klmons of Held, Ore
gon, contestee:
Yon are hereby notified that
Georgu McVey, who gives care T. E.
Duffy, I'rliievllle, Oregon, as his
postofhee address, did on February
1914, nie in tins oiiice his duly cor
roborated application to contest
and si-cure the cancellation of your
omestead entry, serial No. 07797,
made Dec. 9, 1910, for swj swl sec
tion 27, nwl nwj section 84, n'A net
section 3)1, township 18 south, range
east, Willamette Meridian, and
as grounds (or his contest he alleges
that said Mabel A. Simons has
wholly abandoned said tract of bind
r over three years Inst past: that
he has wholly failed to reside upon,
mprove or cultivate the same as
required by law for over three years
ast past or at an since making sum
You lire,, further notified
that the said nlli-gatlons will lnt
taken as, and vour said
entry will be i m. Hcd without furth
er right to i i ard, either lieforw
this ollice or oi. .,;ipi-al, II you tall to
tile In this oflli-.- lihln twenty days
after thu FOURTH publication of
this notice, as shown lclow, your
answer, under oath, specifically re
sponding to these allegations of
contest, together with due proof
that you have served a copy of your
answer on the said contestant
ilther In person or by registered
You should state In your answer
the name of the postofTico to which
vou desire future notices to be sent
to you. II. Fiiank Woors:ocK,
Date of first publication Mar. 5, 1914.
second " " VI, 1H14.
third " " 19, 1914.
fourth " " 26, 1914.
tProfossicnal Cards,
Dr. Howard Got Dr. N. Morruon
Crook County Bank Building
Bennett, Sinnott & Galloway
General Practice
Thb, One.
Room 3-4-5 Kamttra Bld'g
Prinaville, Or
J. B. Bell A. W. Sims
Crook County Abstract Co.
(lnc) Huccemon to
The J. H. Haner Abstract Co.
Prfnerllle, Oregon
Abstracts Insurance
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Lund Ollice at The Dalles, Ore.
February 19th. 1914.
Notice is hereby im-en that
Charloa W. Hpring
o( Prinevi'le, Oregon, who, on August
22, 1912, made llomrstead hntry no.
010045. for nW nwi. (1 nl section 26,
towiinhip 14 south, isnge 10 east, V II
lsmette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Snal commutation
proof to establish claim to the land
above described, before Timothy E. J.
Duff, U. 8. Comninmioner, at I'nne
vllle, Oregon, on the 10th day of April,
Claimant namei as witnesses: Wil
liam 11. Birdsong, Arthur R. Minkler,
Oeorgn W. Roberta, John A. Bostwick,
all nl Prineville, Oregon.
35 H. I-basx Vt pope-oar, Kegleter.
Prof. A. W. Grater,
Divine Healer
Ofllce In Morris Building three doors
south of Journal office.
Prineville, Oregon
J. Tregelles box
M. R. C. 8. Eng; and L. 8, A. London;
Licence Oregon Htate Medical Board.
Kpecialiat In Hurgery; Hygiene; Ali
mentary Canal, women and children's
dlwasee. etc
OfBoe and rmildenn Third street, near Coart
Houm). Tel.! noneer. uuis an.werea
promptly, nlnut or dajr. Coarse moderate
Notice tor Publication
Department of the Interior
Not coal lands.
U. 8. Land Ofllce at Lakevlew, Ore.
February 3d, 1914.
Notice Is hereby given that
Adna S. Fogg
of Hampton, Oregon, who. on Feb.
21st, 1910, made homestead entry
No. 03010. for w section 19. town
ship 21 south, range 20 east, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of In
tention to make three year proof, to
establish claim to the land above
descrllied, before Chas. A. Sherman,
I'nlted States Commissioner, at He,
Oregon, on the 20th day of March,
Claimant names as witnesses:
L. C. Peck. Hnrr Black. L. C. Mil
ler, John 0. Whltaker, all of Hamp
ton, Oregon. JAS. F. Bt'ROKSS,
2-mp iiegisier.
Kotice for Publication
Department of the Interior,
U, 8. Land Ofllce at The Dalles, Or.
March 2nd, 1U14.
Notice Is hereby given that
Alexander Klckman
of Held, Oregon, who, on March
24tb, 1910, made Homestead Entry
No. 0RJ09 lor wJ4 set ana ej swj,
section 3, and on IJecernber 31st, 1910,
made additional Homestead Entry
No. 07890, for set set, section 3, n
ne, and nej nwj section 10, town
ship 19 south, range 19 east, Willam
ette Meridian, has tiled notice of In
tention to make Final three year
proof to establish claim to the land
above descrllied before A. S. Fogg,
U. 8. Commissioner, at Hampton,
Oregon, on the 10th day ot April,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Paul Held, Flovd Houston, John
Holland, Shellle Holland, all of Held,
Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock,
3-5 Register.
CmUt mmtwim promptly 1f r mifkl j
Bhrmf Jm. 2&mm www.
Kotice far Publication
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Laud Ollice at The Dalles, Or.
March 2nd, 1914.
Notice Is hereby given that
Thomas N. Hickman
of Held. Oregon, who, on March
21st, 1910, made Homestead Entry
No. 06268 for swl sei, eW swl. ana
swl swl section 2 and ou December
31st, 1910, made additional Home
stead Entry No. 07801 for nwl swl,
swj nwl and lot 4, section 2 and lot
1. section 3. township j soutn,
range 19 east, Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of intention to make
Final three year proof to establish
claim ti the land above descrllied,
before A. 8.. Fogg, U. 8. Commis
sioner, at Hampton. Oregon, on the
10th day of April. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Paul Held, Flovd Houston, John
Holland, Shellle Holland, all of Held,
Oregon. H. Fhask Wooocock,
3-5 Register.
Belknap dc d wards
(County Physician.)
(Huocetaor to W. A. Bell)
&al Cttal
Cornett Building, Room 6
!PrimilU, - - 0rfn
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brand of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
Civil and Irrigation Engineer
Room 11 Adamson Bld'g
Prineville, Ore.
There" will lie a regular annual
meeting of the Squaw Creek Irriga
tion Company at the courthouse In
Prineville, Oregon, on Saturday,
March 7. 1914. at 9 a. m.. for the pur-
pose of elecMng officers, for recapi
talization, for the adjustment ot the
1912 water rates, and for any other
btndness that needs to tie considered.
The above meeting was voted at
the November meeting.
E. T. Slavton, Secy.
February 12. 1914. 4-t
Calls AsuwmssD Peohj-txt Dat oe Ftiain
Orrici Oni Dooe Booth or adimkik's
Uaoe Stors. Both office an reaj
denoe telephones.
Continued on page 8.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution in fore
closure duly issued by the clerk of
the circuit court of the county of
Crook, state of Oregon, dated the
9th day of March, 1914, in a cer
tain action in the circuit court for
said county and state, wherein
lloscoe Howard as plaintiff recover
ed judgment againRt Cole E. Smith
and Minnie S. Smith, defendants,
for the sura of Thirteen Hundred
Thirty Five and 45-100 Dollars,
and costs and disbursements taxed
at One Hundred Forty and 50 100
dollars, on the 26th day of Janu
ary, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that I will
ON THE 18th DAY OF APRIL, 1914,
at the north front door of the court
house, in Prineville, Oregon, in
Crook county, in said county, at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day, sell at
public auction to the highest bid
der, for cash, the following des
cribed property, to-wit:
The southwest quarter of the
northeast quarter (swj of nej) of
section twenty-one (2 ), townohip
seventeen (17) south, range thirteen
(13), east of the Willamette merid
ian, in Crook county, Oregon, taken
and levied upon as the property of
the said Cole E. Smith and Minnie
S. Smith, the above described real
property, and will sell the eame, or
as much thereof as may be neces
sary to satinfy the paid judgment
in favor of Roscoe Howard against
said Cole E. Smith and Minnie S.
Smith, with interest thereon, to
gether with all costs and disburse
ments that have or may accrue.
Frank Elkins, Sheriff,
Dated at Prineville, Ore,, March
12, 1914.
By W. E. Van Allen, Deputy.
The Dalles Oregon
a. euutt.
!Pri will; Orvym.
. Sirink
Jf tfrttt. !Prinmili: Orf mm.
Willard II. Wirtz
District Attorney
Office in Crook County Bank Bldg.
Prineville 'Oregon
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
1A A P Lodge meets every'l'ues-
V a df.y niht.
Straneers welcome.
T. U Coon, N. G ; Estea Short, V.G. ; i
r TL c.n;u c. r Xi ni. J
widdie, Treasurer.
One piano vote with every
cent of your purchase at Prine
ville Merc Go.
For a short time we have sub
ject to our disposal
for loans on highly improved
irrigated ranches iu the vicin
ity of Prineville. Loans to
be for $5,000 or mora and run
from 3 to 5 years, with inter
est at 8 per cent, payable an
nually. We charge a small commission
to be paid by the borrower.
with Central Oregon Title &
Trust Co. 6 19
Prineville, Oregon
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Eto.
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent