400,000 Acres Land to be Opened to Settlement Mora than 400,000 acrns of land in Ilia ltmohutta and 1'aullna Na 'liunal fort'Httt in Crook, Laktt and Klamalh countiei will lie thrown opn (or lotllrment within CO daya through ao order just tinned by l'rvitidttnt Wilson withdrawing this land from the forcut rafcrva tidllH. It la reported that the land will be optmed for actual aettlfraunt May 9 and that filing will ba per mitted on and after June 8. Official of thu Koreitry Bureau In Portland estimate that of the agfirpgnte of 410,70!) acre thrown open, approximately 120,000 acres are occupied by settlors. These tettleri will be pertnitied to tc main. Settlera on the remaining 2;0,(XXJ acre will be permitted to take up honieKteadt of 1C0 acres eich in accordance with the Feder al land law. The entire area will be placed under jurisdiction of the local land oflieo at Lakeviaw und The Dalit. Intending settlers are in structed to make inquiries con cerning the land at those office. Of the total 00,81)3 aoras lies with in the Derchutea forest and 319,879 acres in the Paulina forest. The land' ia in the same general lo cality, since the two forests adjoin An aggregate of 176,040 acre lies in the immediate vicinity of La I'ine and Cre cent. This acre age ia covered with lodgepole pine, a timber specie which, in this lo cality is of low commercial value. 8ome of this land, however, haa already been settled. An aggregate of 2'J 1,070 acres, which also Includes lands that have been settled and lands not settled, iain the bills about the Fort Rock valley and is covered with a sparse grown of juniper trees and sagebrush. This land waa recommended for elimination largely on account of the low value of the timber and the avail ability of other National forest timber land nearby for community use for lumber and fuel. To get results from the setting hen, exterminate the enemy. Lee's Lice Killer, Insect Powder, Carbolineum and Little's Dip. 31 'J O. C Clay pool & Co. Get Green Trading Stamps with your cash purchasea at Elkins' Store. Great Winter for Stock T. J. Ferguson of Roberta was a business visitor to Prinevillo Mon day. Mr. Ferguson saya that the pant winter haa been one of the best for cattle that he ever experienced. His loss will be lesa than one per cent and his stock is what he calls "emigrant" cattle. He bought them in Arizona last fall and ship ped to Crook county. "Native stock would winter even better," said Mr. Ferguson. "This will be a prosperous year for the stock man," the Roberta rancher thinkB. Consumption Takes 350 People Every Day in the United States and the sur prising truth is that most cases are preventable with timely, intelligent treatment. These appalling facts should warn us that after sickness, colds, over work or any other drains upon strength, Scott's Emulsion should be promptly and regularly used be cause tubercular germs thrive only iu a weakened system. The tested and proven value of Scott's Emulsion is recognized by the greatest specialists because its medical nourishment assimilates quickly to build healthy tissue; aids in the development of active, life-sustaining blood corpuscles; strengthens the lungs and builds physical force without reaction. Scott's Emulsion id used in tuber culosis camps because of its rare body-building, blood-making prop erties and because it contains no alcohol or habit-forming drug. Be sure to insist on Scott's. t bcolt fit Uowue, lilouuliidd, N. J. U-K Powell Butte John Hhode left Wednesday for Madden Mineral Spring, near The Dalles, where he will remain for Home time for the benefit of bis health. The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. Humphrey Thursday afternoon and busied themselves with sewing for the boaters, after which an ap propriate luncheon was served. Joe Elliott returned last week from the western part of the state where be was called by the serious illnex and subsequent death of bis mother. It. A. Kendall, the Redmond hardware merchant, was a visitor in thin section Friday. Messrs. Carlson and Blood, two l'rinxville business men, were in this section Friday. The former was buying up aeed oata fur bis firm. Stewart & Carlson, millers. Allen Wilcoxen and wife, Mrs. ('mo, II. Hue and Ina Hoe were 1'rineville visitor Friday. Mr. I'oiucek left for bis borne in Tacotna Baturday after making Some improvements on his place here. Mr. I.indquint will look after the crop in the absence of the owner. Al. Jones, the 1'rineville sheep man, ia hauling bay from the A. II Rohde ranch to hit place near 1'rineville. Clarke Morse returned lant Tues day from a trip to Portland. Henry Kdwarda, I. A. Yates and H. J. Meyers are all reported on the sick list. The program and basket supper at the Powell liutte School bouse Saturday evening attracted a large crowd and an enjoyable time is reported. Proceeds from baskets amounted to 132.00. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wilcoxen and daughter Harriett, Mrs. Geo. II. Hoe. Miss Ina Hoe and Reeves Wilcoxen enjoyed dinner in Red mond Wednesday taking in the moving picture show in the even ing. Henry Tweet has moved bis family to their new home on what is known aa the Tengman home stead which Mr Tweet purchased recently. Mrs. A. W. Bayn visited her daughters in Prineville Saturday returning home Sunday. Roes liussett has treated his houee to a coat of paint which add greatly to its appearance. Geo. Morcan proved himself a genial boat Sunday when he enter tained a number of friends at a dinner iiarty, his guest were: Allen Wilcoxen, wife and daughter, Miss Ina, J. 1 . Doherty and Reeves Wilcoxen K. Bussett has rented the James Green place and is putting in a crop. O. C. Truesdale wife and daughter visited at the Harry Speer home Sunday. The baby daughter of Earl Saunders haa been quite, ill, but is improved ai mis wrmug F. A. Miller is loading out a car of potatoes tbia week. Ross Bus sett and Karl Saunders are helping him haul A rural mail delivery is being talked of among our people. An effort was made two years ago to secure a delivery and ft was shown that we had more families within tne limited distance than the law required. As our section is stead ily gaining in population we should have no trouble in securing this great rural advantage with a little well directed push. John Tengman has issued check for $5 which is being held as a premium for the hunter killing the moBt rabbits at the next rab bit drive. March at Powell Butte is failing to produce the windy, blustering weather for which it is noted, in stead the first half of the month has been one of ideal weather conditions and has Been the begin ning of much farming activity among our people who believe in working while the sun shines. Had Profitable Meeting The Lndies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church had a very pleasant and profitable meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Biggs. The newly elected officers are President, Mrs. Dishman: vice-president, Mrs. Prater; treasurer, Mrs. Balfour; secretary, Mrs, Rice. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. J. II, Crooks, Thursday, March 2(i, at 2:30 p. Ever use Fleiachman'a Yeast ? Try it. O. C. Claypool & Co. What do you feed the Squir rels? Try Wood Lark's Poison. 319 O. C. Claypool & Co. Candidates 'Column. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of county commis sioner, sultjmst to the approval of the Democrat io voters at the primary elec tion held May 15, 1914. . E. W, RicHAaMON, pd. adv. Bend, Ore. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tha nomination of county treas urer, subject to the approval of the Re publican voters at the primary election to be beld May 15, 1014. pd. adv. Ralph L. Joiidam. For County Treasurer. . I hereby declare my Intention to be a candidate for tna nomination of county treasurer, subject to tlie approval of tbe republican voters at the primary elec tion to bo huld May 15, 1014. pd adv John W. Mokoan. For County Clerk. I horeby announce myself as a candi date for the Domination to the office of county clerk, subject to the approval of the democratic voters at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. ixl adv Wakkkh liaowa For County Surveyor. I hereby declare my Intention to be a candidate for the nomination to the olllce of County Surveyor by the Republican Tarty at the Pri mary Election to be hel.l May 15th, 1914. pd. adv. H. A. Kki.i.ky. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the offlce of Hlierln or Crook county subject to the ap proval of the Democratic voter at the coming prlinurlea May 15. 1914. pd. adv. E. B. Knox, Post, Or. For County Surveyor To the Republican votera of Crook county : I hereby announce myself a candi date for tbe office of County Sur veyor, subject to the approval of the Itepubllcan votera at the primaries held May 15, 1914. pd. adv. 11. I Bhkwhtkr. Died At Prineville, Oregon, March 14. 1914. J. L. Luckey. aged 7C years. Mr. Luckey was born in Fort Wayne, Ind., in 183&. He crossed the plains with his parents in 1851, and settled near Eugene. Oregon. Mr. Luckey came to Crook county in an early day and was among the first settlers in this country. He lived on the Ochoco on what is now the G. H. Russell place. Mr. Luckey was a deputy sheriff when this was a part of Wasco county, which extended from the Columbia river to the California line. Mr. Luckey was married at Olympia, Wash., in 1873 te Sallie Hodges. To this union were born three children Mrs. J. H. Rosen berg, Mrs. H. E. Darling and John R. Luckey. Besides his widow and children Mr. Luckey leaves four brothers James C. Luckey of Port land, Joseph, Warren and Thomas of Eugene. The remains were interred in the I. O. O. F. cemetery Sunday. Resolution of Condolence. Whereas, It has pleaded an All wise Creator to remove from our midst our much beloved and long respected brother J. L. Lucky, Sr., therefore be it Resolved. That the deep syrapa thv of this lodge be extended the widow and family of our esteemed brother in this hour of sorrow and mourning. Resolved. Further, that a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes of the lodge, a copy published in the Crook County Journal and a copy mailed the members of the deceased brother s family. Ontoco Lonc.K No. 46, 1.O.O.F. Percy R. Smith, (i. P. Reams, C. B. Dinwiddle, Committee To Friends and the Public. I have entered the contest at Jordan & Robinson's for piano or other prizes, and will appreciate any assistance given me by favoring me with your votes. Knter your votes at (t ore on each Wed nesday if possible, but be sure ami en ter on last Wednesday in each month. Thanking von, 3-W-lp Mils. "Pkari; Bkkkdixu. Eggs for Setting. For egos from heavy laying strain ot White Wyandottes, prise winners at Crook Comity Frir l!l:t, see Frank O. Rico, Prinevillo, Oregon. Ega-a $1.50 net-15. 3-10 3 Maurine Beauty Lotion and Satin Cream are responsible for many beautiful skins that are attributed to Oregou climate. Try them at 3 5 PlUNKVlI.I.8 SI hug Co. BE SURE AND ASK FOR YOUR PIANO VOTES WITH EVERY PURCHASE Rules of the Contest Name of conh int will not be known. Name of contestant will not be published. Every contestant is credited with 2,000 votes to start witb. Every contestant gets a number. 4 5. Standing of contestant's numbe-e pub lished weakly. ' 6, All votes must be brought in for record ing on Wednesday. Votes must not be written upon. Prineville Merc. Co. Pringle Flats The people on Tringle Flats are enjoying the fine weather and the ranchmen are husking tne piougn ing and getting ready for seeding. A. C. Cottingham has just fin ished 30 acres of spring wheat. Rov Winters cleared sagebrush this winU.rf.-oui a 20-acre lot. He finished ploughing 80 acres last week. Mr. Genung has engaged Roy Winters to put in a crop for him on his homestead this spring. The Sagebrush Circle met with Mrs. Archie Davis last week. A delightful time was reported. S. A. Kennedy and wife were visitors to held this week. Mrs. F. D. Kennedy returned to her homestead last week after -an absence of six weeks. Mrs. Mary Wiggam is expected out for the summer, one has been absent all winter. Mrs. Rov Rodgers expects to be on the homestead next week after an absence of five months. A. C. Cottingham is on his way to Bend this week after a load of grain for spring seeding. The Dramatic Club of Pringle Flats will put on a play at the Carpenter home March 27. There is quite a number of talented young people in this club and a fine time is expected. Seed Potatoes for Sale. TTnnlft Sam. Karlv Rose. Burbank, Early Ohio, Hundred Fold and other varieties as nooii aB irrown. Leave orders with J. K. Stewart & Co. S. 11. Mustard, 3-19-loip Powell Butte, Ore. Eggs for Hatching. Barred Plymouth Rocks, tl'.OO per 15 9 Also one Barred Plymouth Keck eggs rooster 2.00. 3-ltl-lp Mbs. Pkarl Bhkedinu. Jersey Cows for Sale Anything from calves to milking coven, All young stock of high grade. Prices reasonable. 'Phone or address, L,. It. LufoIleUe, Prineville, Oregon. For Sale Buff Ormmrton. raited on free range possessing stamina, vigor, quality and healthy laying machines; tlie kind that wins the blue ribbons. Kggs for setting of 13 Pen No. 1. 5: No. 2, 3; JKo. :!, $2; No. 4, Sl.fiO. Also some A 1 cocks and hens for sale. 3. H. Okay, 1.2!l-3m Prineville, Ore. High Class Millinery at rea sonable prices. Elkins Store. Piano For Sale In firet r.liiHH condition. OhrIi, or trade for hay or uriilit. Inquire In terior Mercuutllt) Agency. Prineville, Oregon. 2 ID-Imp Piano We Give Away VALUE $400.00 p f ""1 r, I . J For Sale 160 acre. NEJ 24-13-13; about 100 acres good plow land ; spring water; un improved; easily cleared. How much am 1 offered for it. All cash, or half caxh and four years witb good security on balance. First of April limit. All rights reserved. Address M. M. Most teith, Culver, Ore. 3-12 2t You cannot fail if you save Green Trading Stamps. Elkins Store. Dog Lost Black Shepherd, answers to name of Stub. Reward offered by leaving same with Rel Powell. 3 12-2tp Beautiful Spring Millinery ar riving daily. Elkins Store. For Sale. Some rood business lots on front street near the center of the town. Al so some business honres to lease, and remnant of stock consisting of hardware and furniture for sale Store buildings to lease. Inquire at thia office. 3-12 SYNOPSIS OT THE ANXCAL STATEMENT Mannheim Insurance Company of Mannheim. Germany, on the . ,?'. December, twin, mn. to ,. , V. listener or mi state u. v,. r- to law: Capital. Amount of capital aiock paia up -uu.uvv lncom. Premiums received during me year In cash :''".' Interest, dividends, and rent! re calved during the year Income from other sourcea re eelved during the year , f 1.436.943 37 24.1T4.27 13(1.724.10 Total Income 1.5U7.S41.74 IMtbursetMentrt. Lossea paid during the year.... I f :iT.i)Sl.0 I'oniiuK.-'ion. and salaries lald during the year S.H.NM-Ii Taxes, licenses, and tees pain during the year Amount of all other enpendl turea 4S.4U2.20 71,722.44 Total expenditures l.u37.414.: Asaets. Value of real eMnte owned. Value of stocks ami bonds owned l.i-uns ou moittagtts and col lateral, etc Cash In banks and on hand I'lenilunis in cuuri,' of coltectlon ami In tr;uismilun Nil 825.4511.00 Nil 3, IMS 12 311.(117 S2 a. 122 .13 Vtllls receivable Inte at und t'en'.s due and ac C! utd T MO. On 1134 .11SS 4SI Total assets Ti'tstl nsscls admitted In On IK.I.0SS. 1!) 1 hlhillllc-. .-ijima lor Iowa unpaid . . .$ 3UO.IJ7.41 ::l of iihoatiird preinii ma on ,,ms!iiui,l risks 3. 0114 10 In,, commission and brokcr- 2.SIS.H titer ilabllilU'S Hu..-,uu oo Via! liabilities exclusive uf cuplt.il stock of $ 4.S2.tr. T.,i:l premiums In force Decem ber ill, 'lam Uiiitu-Ns In Orccoii for tlie V Toi:l risl.s written uurlux ill $ 0:10. 1 ill), ou (..teyi premiums ecelved dnrlnif tlie yeiu rremiums reunited durlnK tin 0:111 IMI 4 i ll.2." l.u:..i'.l t.osyes paid tlminu the year Losses Incurred during the year. Total amount of risks outstand- ini, lit oreuoll December 111. litKI 4 3:to.0."0.00 BY F. 1IRKHMANN CO., V. S. MtlKH. Statutory Kcneral anent and attorney tor service: O. Klrkham Smith, Lewis blUg., Portland. Or. WHAT SEEMED TO US TO BE A QUESTION IS NOW A GRATIFYING SUCCESS. IT PAYS TO BE LIBERAL WITH OUR TRADE. nn:e w trsi announced that we should give away this beautiful parlor grand piano to some of our customers our business has shown a big in- Simtfl i F.rut announcer! uicaco iu every uryariuirui. Of course tbe unusual values which we are offerirg have helped to make this increase and we shall continne along these lines. We are daily re: ceiving new and attractive offerings from the fashion centers and yon will find our stocks complete in all lines regardless of the heavy daily demand. 8. Tie votes in packages with contestant's number and amount on top slip only. 9. Color of votes will change and must he , recorded weekly. 10. Votes are transferable only before - recording. 11. Contestant having tbe largest number of votes wins the piano. 12. Candidates not bringing in personal votes will be dropped. Millinery First showing of Spring Millinery this week at Mrs. Estes MILLINERY PARLORS We will have new goods each week until Easter TNOP9IB OF THE ANNUAL BTATKMEN OF THE Hanover Fire Insurance Company of New York In tha Stata of New York o the 31st day of December. 18tS. made to tha insurance Commissioner of tha Elate of Ore gon, pursuant to law: Capital. A?p0um. . f . !!?.'. .,..c.k . ,P.!ld. 11.000.000. 1 Income. Net premluma received during the year , ; . . ..528,8SS., Interest, dividends, and renta received during tha year 143,41.2 Income from other sourcea to- calved during tha year S,5S3.1 Total Income $2,741,871. Disbursement. Net lossea paid during the year.Sl,64,81S.0X Dividends Paid during the year on capital stock lSO.00O.0a Commissions and salarlea paid during the year 780,4, s.tia Taxes, licenses and reea paid ..4pin the vear , 88,300.0 Amount 01 ... ne. ,.u.- wl 8fl8M lures. Total expenditure. 2,&llM(o7.0i Assets. ' Unpaid reinsurance on paid ' lossea 18,80.33 Value of real estate owned (market value) U2M7S.00 Value of stocks and bond owned (market value) ,881,76.0 Loans on mortgages and collat- ' eral, etc S,500.0 'Cash In banka and on hand.... 297,132.1 Premiums In course of collec tion written since September 80. 1013 404.872.8S Interest and rents due and ac- ,.., crued 27,Bi0.3 Total assets IHIiKSiS! Total asset admitted In Oregon. $4, ,43,2J..8 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid.. $ 249,435.43 Amount of uneanwd premiums on all outstanding risks 8.042,121.8 Due for commission and broker- age e,2..T All other liabilities 104,lllt.J Total liabilities eiciuse of .,. ... capital atock of 7S $8,001,S-'8.2 .Total premiums In force Decern- . I ber 31, l'.U:l $5.187.l)23.i7 ! Business In Oregon for the Year, .a,i Total risks written during the " i year I 728,4W).0 Gross premiums received during the year '. v.nmlnm. relurneil during the 13.:lll8.31 year 2,32(1.02 Losses paid durin the year.... 4.t0.33 Losses incurred during the year. 2.02O.11. Total amount of risks outstand- Ing In Oregon December 81, 11113 wo.siw.oa THK IIAJiOVKK FIKK INSlKANtK CO, Ol' NKW YOKK. By R. EMOKY WAHH'IBLl), President, i Statutory general agent and attorney fof Service. William Deans, Oltf Corbett build ug. Portland. Oregon. ...