Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 12, 1914, Image 7

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    A WISH.
Ml mi lit a rut lii'Mlilit tlin lilll,
A beehive' limn Mint 11 soothe
my eur.
A wllUnvy brook, tlint turitM n
With mil ny a full hIiiiII IIukit
The swallow oft beneath my
Shall twlltor from lnr ehiy
lillllt nest.
Oft shnll tliu pilgrim lift the
Ami shiiro my umul, a welcome
Arimml my Ivlcd poivu shall
IOik'Ii fniKnint flower Unit
ill Inks tliu dew, ,
Anil l.ncy, lit lii'r wheel, ahull
In ruHNi-t tfuwti Hml tiron til no.
'I'll (i vllliica clmi'i'b Hitinuit tliu
Whore lli-Ht our murrliiKu vow
WITH itlviui,
Willi merry pcula (111111 swell Him
Ami (mint with taper plre to
-Kitiiiuel ltojrer.
I hoie hihI iinmiiiiik t hut the
prenoiit HilinlnlNtriitlnii In merely
imikliitf Itself acquainted with
tlll Kttllllllotl. WllCtl It KI'tH tho
fact I Intra tint tho Hllldltesl
ituiilit Unit It will net) IM duty mm
we have seen It who luiva been
thtrc. Thin In to ii'miriii! the
Filipino to tuko mi ni'tlvo n pnrt
III tho noveriiiiiont It In iifo
to have ihcm tuko. tiut to ri'tnln
n controlling biiiul whlln they
are In their tutchnre, while they
are leiiroliiir olltU'al self ro
ut mint.
' It will tuko certainly two Ken
erntlons. pcrhitp lomrcr, fur
thi'in to lu this, hihI for tin to
promise within nny definite time
(0 lilVO Ulelll llldeHlldclieO In
very foolish. It would lie a fail
ure lit duty to tlirin. It wmilil lie
a failure mi our port in main
tiiln'liiK the self riMM't that we
oiiKht to bnre In dUchnmlnii a
n-xKiniillilllty Hint hiia come to
un under clrciiitiHiiiiire we t-ould
not control nml which we are
quite atite to dl tin rue with com
paratlvely small effort. We shall
mnko a aerlou mistake If we fol
low the eloquence of the Rinooth,
Iokon rillplno imlltli'liinN who'
are looking himurlly for the ex
ercise of a power which they are
III adapted to wield for tho bene
fit of their own people. William
Tho old pin no In a pet.
Tho fanner think It (Inn.
It wiih th bent tlmt liu could Ret
He toll the bimrder with much
Of how he blew hi dmicb
To buy It for hi bonny brlilo
Ho m nny year ago.
The wire are getting rat bur
Ami yellow nro It key.
Hornet lino it gurgle like a
Hoinetlme emit a whieze.
Rut Htlll It seem a goodly thing
When girl from rim He dell
Bit down nml imike the welkin
With "Monastery Hell."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
NoeeHKlty hn no law.
I'lililic necessity la gronter than
That 1 nocoHMlty which ennnot
bo dispensed with.
Necessity 1 the law of a par
ticular time and pluoe.
Nocesslty make that lawful
which otherwise la unlawful.
There I no necessity for prov
ing tho existence of light.
Thore I a flower, a little flower,
With silver crest and golden
That welcome every changing
And weather every aky.
'Ti Florn'a page In every place,
In overy Reason, fresh and fair,
It open with perennial grace'
And blossoms everywhere.
On wnsto nnd woodland, rock
and plain,
IIh humble buds, unheeded,
The roso bus but a summer
,. The daisy never dlest
u " 'i :
, mm -
I X UJK. ' I -. A I'- l : fa .
Copyright, lill, by tin anuma-I'aclflo
TUB dominating re li I tectum I feature of the exixmltlnn. the inperb
Tower of Jewel, which will command the aouth entrance of the
Court of Run and Htnr at the t'annnia-racinc International Ex
poHltloa In Una Kranclsco in 1913. Till tower, Alio feet la
height, will have a base one acre in extent The tower will rlo upward
In terraces, giving way at lat to a group of figure aupportlng a globe,
typifying the world. The repeated figure of armored boracmen and of
explorer of the oren will be used on the tower, which, wltb It atatu
ary, mural painting and mosiik', will be Indescribably beautiful
Mcmtr. Carrere at Hasting, architects In chief of the Tan-American Ex
position at Huffulo in 11)01, are the architects.
t .Jr.. . jr "ifc -j f...
' '
it -
I yfl If 1
Copyright. 1913. by the Panama-F&clflo
TUB above photograph represent "Enterprise," a detail of the
sculptural group; the "Nation of the West,'' which will crown
the Arch of the Setting Bun at the Panama-Tactile International
Exposition, Ban Francisco, 1015. This arch wilt be on the oppo
site aide of the Court of the Buu and Stars to the Arch of the Rising
Bun, crowned by the composition "Nations of the East" The group
"Nations of the West" is designed by Messrs. A. Stirling Calder, Leo
Lentelli and Frederick 0. H. Roth.
The richer you are, tho easier It la to
Lay sermons on eggs seem especially
Old age never can know half what
youth thinks it knows.
One sclentiest says that fish have no
morcy. liut a lot of 'em don't bite.
Some men who pretend to be In
search of knowledge insist on doing all
the talking.
Russia wants to withdraw her troops
from Peking possibly to transfer them
to Mongolia.
There will have to bo another arctic
rescue party. Btcfansson's ship has
run away from him.
The supreme test Is whether any
public otlicial would rather bo right
than baseball president.
. t :
International Ex poult Ion Co.
';ri;;- .
International Exposition Co,
New York Is afraid it will suffer In
the next census unless the speeding
motor driven are restrained.
Some physicians Insist that the tango
affects the heart. A lot of people seem
to have fallen in love with It
Andrew Carnegie say he expects to
live twenty-five years longer, and It Is
undisputed thnt he can afford to.
Nothing revives that "bnck to the
farm" feeling like a bashful glance nt
an artist's conception of n shepherdess.
Cannda has got to be good. The
archbishop won't, allow "Tbals," and
the governor general won't have the
Secretary Daniels says the navy
needs more chaplains. In other words,
there should be more worship on the
Jfotic t Contest
' Department of the Inferior,
U. M, l,utul Ulllce, The Ixillen, Ore.
I'ebrimry Zl, 1914.
To Mabel A. KItnoiw of Held, Ore
gon, contested:
You are hereby notified that
Oenritn McVey, who jflvea enre T. K.
J. Duffy, I'riiievllle, Oregon, aw bis
postofflcu uildress, did on February
24. 1I)M, Die in this office his duly cor
roborated application to contest
and m-curi! the cancellation of your
homestead entry, serial No. 077!)7,
made Dec. 9, 11)10, for wi awi auc
tion 27, nw j n si-ctlon 84, ti4 ml
section '.Kl. towiiablp 18 ami Mi, rungo
20 oust, Wlllainette Meridian, and
a KroumlN for hi contest be alb-gen
that suld Maliel A. Siinoim ba
w holly abandoned aald tract of land
for over t hree years last past; tlmt
she ban wholly fulled to reside upon,
Improve or cultivate the same as
required by law for over three years
last paMt or at all tdtice making suld
You are, tberefm.-. further notified
that tli Mild mi nations will lie
taken as poufop-i!. and your said
entry will be ci ..;. ! without furth
er right to be In .!. either before
this office or on Hri" h, If you fall to
tile In tills olllce wulilii twenty duvs
lifter the I'lil'inil loil.ll.-iitl,,,. ,.f
jTlils notice, as showu Is'low, your
answer, under oath, specifically re
Hponillng to tliese allegatlona of
cutest, together with due proof
mat you nave m-rved a copy of your
answer on the said contestant
either In isTHou or by registered
You should state In vour answer
th name of the postoffice to which
lu- ua
on d
eslre future notices to lie sent
to you. II. FlIANK WOOIN.'OCK,
Date of first publication Mar. 6, 1914.
" " second " ' 12, 1!)14.
" " third ' " 19, 1914.
" " fourth " " 26, 1914.
Notice for Publication.
I)epartment of the Interior,
V 8. Land Ollice at The Dalle, Ore.
February 9th, 1914.
Notice is hereby given thai
Cbarlh W. Bnrinii
of Prinevi'le, Oregon, who, on August
i. V$i, niaile ilouimtead J-.ntry No.
OlCHiiS, for t nwj, wx nj section 26,
townsnip 14 south, tange 1U east, Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make final commutation
proof to establish clxim to the land
above described, before Tiaotby E. J.
Duffr, U. 8. Ccnunissioner, at Prine
ville, Oregon, on the 10th day of April,
Claimant names as witnesses: Wil
liam H. Birdsong, Arthur R. Minkler,
Georgn W. Roberts, John A. Bostwick,
all of Prineville, Oregon.
8 6 H. Fbaxk Woodcock, Register.
Notice tor Publication
Department of the Interior
Not coul land.
U. 8. Land Office at Lakevlew, Ore.
February 8d, 1914.
Notice la hereby given that
Adna S. Fogjr.
of Hampton, Oregon, who, on Feb.
21st, 1910, made homestead entry
No. 0:1010, for section 19, town
ship 21 south, rangp 20 east, Willam
ette Meridian, ban filed notice of in
tention to make three year proof, to
establish claim to the land above
descrllied, ludore Chas. A. Sherman,
Tulttd States Commissioner. At Fife,
Oregon, on the 20th day of March,
Claimant names ns witncssi-n:
L. ('. Peck, Hnrr Black. L. C. Mil
ler, John O. Whltuker, all of Haiup
tou, Oreirou. J ah. F. Biiiukss,
212 Register.
Rottca for Publication
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Oflice at The Dalles, Or.
March 2nd, 1914.
Notice la hereby ptven that
Alexander Blckman
of Held, Oregon, who, on March
24th, 1910, made Homestead Entry
No. 06;109 for aej and ej gwj,
section 3. and on December 3lst, 1910,
made additional Homestead fcntry
No. 07890, for aej gel, section 3, nj
neW, and net nwl section 10, town
ship 19 south, range 19 east, Wlllara
ette Meridian, has tiled notice of In-
tetitlon to make Final three year
proof Jo establish claim to t be land
above described before A. S. Fogg,
U. 8. Commissioner, at Hampton,
Oregon, on the 10th day of April,
Claimant names an witnesses:
Paul Held, Flovd Houston, John
Holland, Shellle Holland, all of Held,
Oregon. H. Fuank Woodcock,
3-5 Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Ollice at The Dalles, Or.
March 2nd, 1914.
Notice Is hereby given that
Thomas N. Klckman
of Held, Oregon, who, on March
21st, 1910, made Homestead Entry
No. 06-'68 for swl sci, ek' awl, and
swj gwj section 2 and on December
31st, 1910, made additional Home
stead Entry No. 07891 tor nwl swl,
swl uwl and lot 4, section 2 and lot
1, section 3, township jsi gotith,
range 19 east, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to make
Final three year proof to establish
claim to the land above described,
before A. 8. Fogg, U. S. Commis
sioner, at Hampton, Oregon, on the
10th day of April. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Paul Held, Floyd Houston, John
Holland, Sbellle Holland, all of Held,
Oregon. H. Fkank Woodcock,
3-5 Register.
There will be a regular annual
miH'tlng ot the Squaw Creek Irriga
tion Company at the courthouse In
Prineville, Oregon, on Saturday,
March 7, 1914, at 9 a. m., for the pur
pose of electing officers, for recapi
talization, for the adjustment of the
1912 water rates, and for any other
business that ueeds to be considered.
The above meeting was voted at
the November meeting.
E. T. Slayton, Secy.
February 12. 1914. 4-t
The piano has a beautiful tone.
Prineville Merc Co. says, "Ab
solutely free to someone."
!p7ofo33tc,tal Cards.
Dr. Howard Gov Dr. N. Morrioo
Crook County Bank Building
Bennett, Sinnott & Galloway
General Practice
The, Ore.
Rooms 3-4-5 Kamrtra Bld'g
Prinaville, Or
S- B. Bell A. W. Sims
Crook County Abstract Co.
(fnc) Hucceiwon to
The J. H. Haner Abstract Co.
frincvllle, Oregon
AbstrncU Insurance
Prof. A. W. Grater,
Divine Healer
Office in Morris Building three door
south of Journal office.
Prineville, Oregon
J. Tregelles box
M. R. C. 8. Emr; and L. S. A. London;
Licencee Oregon Ptate Medical Board.
Hpeeialuit in 8urery; Hvtciene: Alt
mentary Canal, women and children'!
acwases, etc.
Offlw and rien Third street near Court
Houne. Tnl.i Honer, Calls an'wered
proiupUr. nixht or day. Charge tnoderata
ffijfstmm mad Smrgtn
Cmiii mmsmer' promptly day r mtyki
Ckm: S. dmmrtt JV. P. 33lknp
fflglknap de d wards
(County Physician.)
!Prln;li.. OraoK
(Kuocoaor to W. A. Bell) ... Obegom
Qt C. 33rix
Sital Cstatt
Cornett Building;, Room 6
!Prinmill, - Ortyon
Civil and Irrigation Engineer
Room 11 Adamson Bld'g
f nneville, Ore.
fAysa'am mm J Surytmm
Calls Anrwibid Pbomftlt Dat ob Niobi
Omc Oni Door Sooth ot Aoahmih'i
Dsd 8TOHB. Both office an real
deuce telephone.
yrimmllm. - Onamn
The Dalle
&. ltiott,
iPm mill; Ortgmm,
. SSrink
Jf ttrmt.
Willard II. Wirtz
District Attorney
Office in Crook County Bank Bldg,
Pkineville Okeoon
IO fi F Lodge meets everyTues-
day night.
Strangers welcome.
T.L. Coon, N.G ; Estes Short, V.G.;
rercy R. Smith, Secretary; C. B. Din
widdie, Treasurer.
One piano vote with every
cent of your purchase at Prine
ville Merc. Go.
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Notice of Contest
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Olllce, Burns, Ore.
January 2. 1014.
To William T. D. Powell, contestee:
Yon are hereby notified that Joseph
II. Boundtree, who give Paulina, Crook
county, Oregon, a hi postoflir.e ad
dnss, did on February 2, 1914, file in
tins olhce hi duly corroborated appli
cation to contest and secure the cancel
lation of your Homestead, Serial No.
0."j.'S;5 made April l.'i, 1911, for m n
and w;i fej section VA, towninip 1'i
oath, range 24 east, Willamette Mer
idian, and as grounds for bis contest he
allege that W. T. I). Powell has wholly
abandoned said tract for more than 12
month last past; that raid tract is not
settled upon and cultivated as re
quired by law.
Yon are, therefore, further notified
that the said allegations will be taken
a confessed, and yonr said entry will
be canceled without further right to be
beard, either before this office or on
appeal, if you fail to file in this office
within twenty day after the FOURTH
publication of this notice, as shown be
low, your answer, nnder oath, specifi
cally responding to these allegations of
contest, together with due proof that
yon have served a copy of your answer
on the said contestant either in person
or by registered mail.
Yon should state in yonr answer the
name of the pottoffice to which you de
sire future notice to be sent to you.
Wm. Fabkk, Register.
Date of first publication, Feb. 19 1914.
" " lecond " " 28, 1914.
" "third " March 6, 1914.
Date of fourth " " 12. 1914.
Prineville Merc Co. say,
piano is f.'ne,"
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
For a short time we have sub
ject to our disposal
for loans on highly improved
irrigated ranches iu the vicin
ity of Prineville. Loans to
be for $5,000 or more and run
from 3 to 5 years, with inter
est at 8 per cent, payable an
nually. We charge a email commission
to be paid by the borrower.
with Central Oregon Title ife
Trust Co. 6 19
Frlneville, Oregon
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
uoors, uiasees, js,ic. tuc, juc. 11