Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 05, 1914, Image 7

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Kiip Your Mouth Clam.
1'llU 1 110 11 1 ll Id till" lllUNt IH'Kll'I't-
cil and HI hi'i't iii'wiii) nf I lm lm
Minn lusty. Hoi i in iiiitlini'lllcH ns
Mcrt 11ml our iii'kIik tnl unit nils
umciI incmtli lire rc-KiniiiHllilu fur
liiui'O litlllinll Ills nml lumen of
wurkliiK clllrli'iicy 1 1 1 ft it any oth
er oiio own lu lliu body, Cure
of llio ti'i'lli on ii nut lm tmiidit too
mull. Clillitrt'ii In school should
lm tiiuuht Hit euro nml proper
UNO of tlu "Iniiiiiiii KdinlliiK urn
ehliiu," Tliln In inrtk'iiliirly trim
where children ii ru not tnuulit a
row simple, regular IiiiIiIIh about
cIcimltiK nml brushing tliu teeth
at IMiim, TootliliriiHli drills mo
h regular murae In koiiio of our
larger 'lly hi IiimiU. They should
be In every school,
Hoi Baths For Pntumonla.
Tim method of lining li"t lm I lm
In put-utiKiulu citiiHtMta In Im
mersing the body completely lu
water nt 40 to 42 degrees 0. and
applying nnpklu soukud In cold
water to tint bend ti prevent
crnulnl congestion. Two buth
of ton minutes' durntlnii are glv
on dully, mid after each the pa
tient fc qiili kly dried nnd return
ihI to bed, where lia rent for tin 1 T
to one hour, after which tliiu
net shirt In put ou until the nuxt
Imih. I'rofuse willing result,
and, .thuugli tlm method U snld
to lie painful, tlio results are
ccllrnt. Tlio gonornl condition
Improve riipldly, delirious pa
tient tire rendered quiet, end
tlie l-pte obtain sleep aoou
nftiT Hit bnth. Tlm method In
unsuitable for children.
Rulot For Aiding Victim of EUo
trio Shock.
Hint the palm of your hand
on lit loins ion tlio muscle of
the small of tlio buck), wltti
tliumbi nearly touching ouch
other Olid with flutter spread
over tlir lc went rib. With arm
held straight swing forward
lowly, so that the weight of
your body Is gradually brought
to benr Uxin the suliect.
Thl opernUon, which should
tuko from two to three seconds,
must uot be Violent, at Internal
orgnm tuny be Injured. The low
er part of the cheat and alao the
stomach are thua compressed,
and air la forced out of the
Artificial respiration ahould be
bi'guii liufuru any atumipl are
mnde to loosen the subject'
clothing. Thla tuny lie done by
an assistant while It la going
on. The artificial rtuplratlou
ahould tie continued without In
terruption for at leant two hour
or until a doctor arrive. No
lliild ahould be Introduced Into
the patient' tnoutll lllitll he I
fully conscloua.
Prevention of Autolntoxlostion.
The germa which are alwaya
found In putrefying food mate
rial, liiHlde or out of the alimen
tary canal, are the necessary ac
compnnlimMit of putrefaction,
and the queatlon may be raised
whether mora harm than good
mny not be done by prcveutlng
tbo growth of these bacteria,
which are In reality aciivenger.
The niiturnl way to overcome au
' tolntoxlcntlon la not to produce
It by cntlng Improper food and
theifi correct It by the growth
of bncterlu In the Intestines an
tagonistic to the Injurious bac
teria, but to adopt audi a diet
ary and to ent In such a man
ner as to prevent the nutolntoxl
cntlon which follows wrong diet,
hi the prevention of autointoxi
cation tlio mnliitennnre of a
right nientnl attitude, proper ex
ercise and other uicuiih affecting
diminution, also through niustl
eutlon, are lm jiortnnt fuctora aa
well as diet.
Mtdiolnal Valu of Apple.
People ought to know that a
good thing la to eat apple Just
before retiring for the night
I'eraoiiB unlultlnted In the mys
teries of the fruit are llnblo to
throw tip their hands In horror
at the visions of dyBpcpsla
which such a suggestion mny
summon up, but no harm can
come even to a delicate system
by the eating of rlpo nnd Juicy
apples before going to bed. The
npplo Is excellent brain food be
en line It tins more phosphoric
add In easily digested shape
than any other fruit It excites
nctlon of the liver, promotes
Hound and healthful sleep nnd
thoroughly dlslufocts tho mouth.
This Is not nil. Tho npple pre
vents Indigestion and thront diseases.
Car of Dnbloi.
Wiili'li expciliilly I ho nose mid
ives of Ihe chllil. If the child
Iuih ii luul cough do nut lot It be
licgUx'liHl. bill Inki' the Imliy at
once to a doctor for trcutiiiuiit.
Hytiiptoins of orlou broncliliil
illmirder nro iiNimlly evtdoiit lit
the start, and much li knon ciui
be avoided by iiropor prcciiutlon
nry iiiciimiii'c.
(live tlio bullies plenty of frcxli
nlr, but do not let them bocoiuu
chlllod, Wati h the eye mid ear
fur any signs of anrimoM and
hiive such nlliiiciiis iiroiuptly
remedied. io uot let a alight
cold develop Uito a grwiiter one
that may l'd suddenly to mem
branous croup or dlphthi'i-ln.
IMcntilliiKMB nml scrupulous cure
of the bnby' eyes, cars, none
and throtit menu the saving of
ninny hours of worrlmeiit for
you and perhaps even the llfo
of the child. lo not bundle up
the bnby too much simply be
cnuse It t winter, rllmply make
sure the child 1 warmly chid.
Household Llnlmant.
For a giMHl all round household
liniment which will keep and
not regulro bottling the follow
ing la very useful: Hrlng one
(liiiirt of clean soft water to the
iHillliig point, add one pound of
good white soap, shaved very
thin; atlr until smooth. Dissolve
two ounce of crumbled cam
phor gum In one pint of turpen
tine. While the ni mixture Is
hot add the turpentine In which
the camphor gum bn been dis
solved; atlr until cool. This may
then bo poured Into glnsa Jura.
For about CO cents a large quan
tity of good "solid" liniment may
bo made. When using rub well
Into the affected part
Inatinct In Eating.
Appetite should bo the guide to
what to eat Berloua Injury r
aults from Interfering with the
normal exercise of the appetite
In many respect. Wo ahould
follow nature. W ahould al
low the InstlnctJvo dealt- for
food free exercise within th
acope which reaaon teacbe u
to bo beneficial. Whllo harm
may be done by the suggestion
that wo must bo careful to avoid
injury from wrong eating, much
good cau result from knowing
that we can select food wisely
and itiflueiico good nutrition by
the exercise of reason aa, for In
stiince, In mntlcatIon. One can
decide to chew three time aa
much a ho lm been In the habit
of doing, and knowing that thla
will Improve uutrltlon la a source
of good suggestion, though tho
prnctlco ahould bo reduced to a
hnblt requiring no special effort
If w admit that reason ahould
not control in the selection of
food wo must admit that It
should not control In tho aelec
tlon of thought; that wo ahould
think what wo like, good or bnd.
Hanlty and aucces He in tho
proper balanco of th objoctlvo
and the aubjectlvo. reaaon and
Cur For Htadaoho.
A nervoua headache may fre
quently be cured by aeveral allcea
of lemon In a cup of trong tea.
and a bilious benduche I almost
invariably put to rout by a table
apoouful of lemon Juice In a cup
of blnck coffee. The Juice of
half a lemon In a cup of hot
water Brst thing In the morning
la an excellent liver corrective.
8ugar Food.
Tho latest result ot Professor
MetchnlkofT experiments !b tbnt
tlio Injurious effects of autoin
toxication from the absorption of
poisons generated In the lower
Intestine can be avoided by tho
use of sugar foods, tho best for
tlds purpose being, according to
his tests, beets and dates. But
he snys sugar Is so quickly ab
sorbed that It ennnot reach the
lower Intestine, where It Is need
ed. This is true when the ordi
nary method of entlng is follow
ed, taking tho heavier foods with
only a auiull amount of sugnr
fruits. But If the latter are tlie
mnjor portion of the diet, mak
ing the evening mcivl of prunes,
figs, dates and rulsliiH, or If rice
and ralslus in equal parts, the
sugar, constituting nearly all of
the meal, will reach the lower In
testine. With acid fruits for
breakfast a simple protcld meal
at midday nnd the supper of sug
ar fruits there will bo little If
any autointoxication, und with
tho system adapted to It great
health Improvement Is certain to
Wonderful, Wonderful!
Mm. Asker-Hiis Vnn Dusen many,
family heirloom?
Anker A few. Ho tins the stylo
graphic pen his great grandfnthei
signed the ecln ration of Independ
ence with mill the snfety razor pre
sented to li 1 in by Iufayclto. New
York Olohe.
A Broad UnrfarsUndlng.
"Now, look here, wtfiel You have
got to cut out this extravagance!
From now on 1 am going to put down
my foot on all unnwiwwiry expense.
Huh! Your foot will more than
cover all expense!" Chicago Newa.
Wish W Father to th Thought
Excuse me; I thought It was some
body else."
No apology necessary. I wish
wa." Pittsburgh Tresa.
Mutual Desir.
'At last," he sighed, "we're alone.
I've been hoping for this chance."
"So have I." said she very frankly.
"Ah! Vou have guessed, then, that
I wanted to tell you that I love you 7"
'Yes. And I want to say 'No' and
get It over with." Philadelphia Ledger.
What' th Difference f
"But you can't shoot before tho sea'
son opens."
"It makes no difference. I never hit
anything anyway." Pittsburgh Dis
So Generoutl
She Mrs. Grouch says sho'll give
us just six months to live together.
lie Dear old optlmlntlc soul! Now
LUIJI ' 1 1 !" SI I
Notice ei Contest
l)epiirtiiH-nt of the Interior,
U. S, l-unil Olllw, The HiIIcn, Ore
February Zl. 1014.
To Miiliel A. SIiiioiih of Jleld, Ore-
irnn, cdiitcHtce:
You urn liereliy notified tbnt
(ienrit" Mcvey. who give CHre T. E.
Duify, rniieville, Oregon, nw his
poHtollice aildri'HK, did on l eliruury
'L. 11)14, llle In this ullicf his duly cor-
liorutcd iipiillciitlon to contest
nd secure tb cmicellntlon of .vour
liomeHleitil entry, serial No. 077!)7,
uiikIh lec. 9, 111(1, for swj awj m-c-tlon
27, nw J nwj Hccllon ill, i ncj
section '.U, township 18 south, range
ciiHt, w llliiiiet.te MerldlHii, and
s grounds for bis context bu ulli-gcs
but siihl Mnliel A. Simons bus
wholly ulifimloned snlil tnict of bind
ir over yciirs lust piutt; that
he tins wholly filli il to reside upon
inprove or euluviue the sumo os
ri'iiilrcd by liiw for over three yeiirs
tst pHMt or in mi since inuklnn sum
nt ry
i ou lire, then fMie, further notified
Unit the sulil ilhgiitlona will lx
iiken ks conf d, nml vour hhIiI
utry will be cm i. led without furth
er right to be i- nrd, either In-fore
his office or on i,, peiil, If you full to
file In this office within twenty days
lifter the FOURTH publication of
this notice, iim shown below, your
answer, under oath, specifically re
ponding to these Hllegutlon of
iintcst, together with due proof
that you have served a copy of your
miswcr on the aald conb-Mtant
Ither In person or by registered
You should state In your answer
the name of the nostoffice to which
vou dealre future notice to be sent
to you. 11, F'iia.nk Woors;ocK,
Date ot first publication Mar. 5, 1!14
second " " 12, 1D14.
third " " 19, 1914
fourth " " 26, 1914
foticc for l'ublitiutlon.
iHipartment of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Oliice at The Dalles, Ore,
February 19th. l'JH.
Notice Is herehy given that
Charles W. Hpring
nf Prlnevi'le, Oregon, who, on August
22, 1912, made Homestead Entry No,
010015, (or dK nl, mi nwl section 26,
township 14 south, lange In east, Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make final commutation
proof to establish cUim to the land
above described, before Timothy E. J.
Van?, U. U. CommiMUoner, at rnne
ville, Oregon, on the 10th day of April,
Claimant names aa witnesses: Wil
iam li. Hirdsong. Arthur K. Minkler,
Ueorgo W. Koberts, John A. Boetwick,
II ot t'rlnevillo, Oregon.
3-5 H. Fbask Woodcock, Register.
Notice tor Publication
Department of the Interior
Not coal lands.
U. 8. Land Office at Lakevlew, Ore.
February 3d, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that
Adna S. Fokk
of Hampton, Oregon, who, on Feb.
21st, 1910, made homestead entry
No. 03010, for w section 19, town
ship 21 south, range 20 east, Willam
ette Meridian, baa tiled notice of In
tent ton to make three year proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before Chas. A. Hherinnn,
I lilted State CominlsKloner. at r- He,
Oregon, on the 20th day ol March,
Claimant names as witnesses;
L. C. Peck, Burr Black, L C. Mil
ler, John O. Whltnker, all of Hamp
ton, Oregon. Jah. F. Bi kokhh,
2-12 Register.
Hotic for Publication
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Otlice at The Dalles, Or.
March 2nd, 1914.
Notice Is hereby given that
Alexander Klcknian
of Held, Oregron, who, on March
24th, 1910, made Homestead Entry
No. 06it09tor .wt, set ftu,i ei w,
section 3, and on December 31st, 1910,
mnde additional Homestead i.ntry
No. 07890, for set si J, section 3, uj
wyi, and net nwl section 10, town
ship 19 south, range 19 east, Willam
ette Meridian, haa filed notice ol in
tentlon to make Final three year
proof to establish claim to the land
above descrlliod before A. S. Fogg,
U. 8. Commissioner, at Hatuptou,
Oregon, on the 10th day , of April,
Claimant names ns witnesses:
Paul Held, Floyd Houston, John
Holland. Shellle Holland, all of Held,
Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock,
3-6 Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Otlice at The Dalles, Or.
March 2nd, 1914.
Notice Is hereby given that .
Thomas N. KU-ktnan
of Hold. Oreron, who, on March
21st, 1910, made Homestead Entry
No. OfCbS for swi set, e swi, and
swj sw section 2 and on December
31st, 1910, made additional Home-
stead Kntry No. 07891 lor nwl swi
awl nwj and lot 4, section 2 and lot
1. section 3, township 19 south,
range 19 etwt, Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of Intention to make
Final three year proof to establish
claim to the land above described,
before A. 8. Fogg, U. 8. Commis
sioner, at Hampton, Oregou, on the
10th day of April. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Paul Held, Floyd Houston, John
Holland, Shellle Holland, all of Held,
Oregon. H. Frank Wooiicock,
8-5 Kogister.
There will he a regular annual
meeting of the Squaw Creek Irriga
tion Company at the courthouse In
Prineville, Oregon, on Saturday,
March 7, 1914, at 9 a. m., for the pur
pose of electing ollleers, for recapi
talization, for the adjustment of the
1912 water rates, and for any other
business that needs to be considered.
The above meeting was voted at
the November meeting.
E. T. Slayton, Secy.
February 12. 1914. 4-t
The piano has a beautiful tone.
Prineville Merc. Co- says, "Ab
iProfossKital Cards.
Dr. Howard Cove Dr. N. Morri.on
Crook County Bank Building
Bennett, Sinnott & Galloway
(Mineral rractice
The Dallks, Ohb.
Room 3-4-5 Bld'g
Prinevilla, Or
. B. Hell A. W. Wins
Crook County Abstract Co.
(Inc) Huccnwort to
The J. li. H aner Abstract Co.
frlnerllle, Oregon
Abstracts Insurance
Prof. A. W. Grater,
Divine Healer
Office in Morris Building three doors
south of Journal office.
Prineville. Oregon
J. Tregelles box
M. R. C. 8. Eng; and h. 8. A. London;
Licence On-non Btate Medical Board.
Hpecialist in Burery; Hygiene; Ali
mentary Canal, women and children'!
dineases. etc.
Offloe and ritdenm Third street near Court
lluune. Tel.: Pioneer. in nwerea
promptly, ulnlll or day. Charges moderate
!PAwt4iun mJ Smrfm
Cmllt mmsmmrmd pnmjttf ttmj r mifjkl
mm t&mm JnmK
tPrmft. 0rf0.
Ckm: S. CdmmrJi Jf. ff. 33.lknap
iftolknap & Sdwards
(County Physician.)
(Buccnaor to w. A. Belt)
Qt C. SBrx
Cornett Building, Room 6
Print!!: - 0rwf
Civil and Irrigation Engineer
Room 11 Adamson Bld'g
Prineville, Ore.
O JCyd.
SPjtftisian mm J Surpm
CUlu akiweud Pboiotlt Day ob Niobi
Orricl Ohi Dooa Hocth or Aoiaaos'i
iiaee Btore. Both office an resi
dence telephone.
SPrin4ll; - - Ore
The Dalle -'
. Oregon
Si. llioH,
2rtl mill;
Willard II. Wirtz
District Attorney
Otlice in Crook County Bank Bld'g.
IA A r Lodge meets everyTues-
Ve Ue To Jay night.
Strangers welcome.
T. 1,. Coon, N.G ; Estes Short, V.G. ;
Percy R. 6mith, Secretary; C. B. Din
widdie, Treasurer.
One piano vote with every
cent of your purchase at Prine
ville Merc Go.
Shingles, Mouldings Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc.
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Notice of Context
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Olllce, Iiurns, Ore.
January 28, 1U14.
To William T. D. Powell, contestee:
Yon are hereby notified that Joseph
II. Koundtreo, who gi ves Paulina, Crook
county, Oregon, as hi postothce ad
dress, did on February 2,11)11, tile In
tin olllce tns duly corroborated appli
cation to contest and secure the cancel
lation of vour Homestead, Serial No.
OKMio made April W, 1911, for m m
and v'i l section 84, townihip 10
south, range 24 east, Willamette Mer
idian, and as grounds for hi contest ho
alleges that W. T. I). Powell has wholly
abandoned said tract for more than 12
months last past ; that raid tract is not
settled upon and cultivated as re
quired by law.
You are, therefore, further notinea
that the said allegations will lie taken
aa confessed, and yonr said entry will
be canceled without further right to Do
heard, either before this office or on
appeal, if you fail to file in this office
within twenty days after the rOlKltl
publication of this notice, as shown be
low, your answer, under oath, specifi
cally responding to these allegations ot
contest, together with due proof that
you have served a copy of your answer
on the said contestant either in person
or by registered mail.
You should state in your answer the
name ol tbo poetofflce to which yon de
sire future notices to be sent to you.
Wm. Fabkk, Register.
Date of first publication, Feb. 19 1914.
" " tecond . " " 26, 114.
" " third " March 5, 1914.
Date of fourth " " 12, 1914.
Prineville Merc Co. ay, "The
piano is fine,'"
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wine,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
For a short time we have sub
ject to our disposal
for loans on highly improved
irrigated ranches iu the vicin
ity ol Prineville. Loans to
be for 15,000 or more snd run
from 3 to 5 years, with inter
est at 8 per cent, payable an
nually. We charge a small commission
to be paid by the borrower.
with Central Oregon Title &
Trust Co. 619
Prineville, Oregon
York Globe
solutely free to someone."