Free Agricultural Short Course at Prineville, February 23d to 28th, inclusive. COME! Crook CoMoty Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 12, 1914. Entered at th prxtoffliw at Prineville Onon, Moond-clam matter VOL. XVIII NO. 12 Study Your Attending Arrangements for the Short Course are fast nearlng completion. Classes which will begin at 8 o'clock on the morning of February 2Urd, will bo hold in the Commercial Club Hull, at the courthouse and in Home of the cluss rooms at the high school in order to accommodate all who wish to attend. Professor Pratt !h receiving letters by every mail requesting further Information about the Short Course, For the Iwncflt of our readers we give a brief outline of the nature and ex tent of the course. The work in agriculture will deal with all the phases of the subject of interest to the farmers of Crook county. The lectures and demon strations In Domestic Science will all be of a practical nature. Under agronomy will be studied such subjects as Crook county soils, their fertility and management, the cros adapted to each tyjie of soil, the production and disposal of these crops, as well as other phases of this Interesting branch of scientific agriculture which deals with soils and crops. This work will be given by Prof. Scudder, the head of the agronomy department at the Ore gon Agriculture College. I'rof. Scudder is well known in Crook county as a popular and interesting lecturer. Lectures on the various breeds of beef and dairy cattle, light and heavy horses, sheep and swine will Im given by I'rof. Potter. He will also give lectures on the breeding, feeding and management of the PRINEVILLE Interest by Short Course various classes of livestock. Practice in scoring and judging will be given. Kach part of the animal will be studied so that you will learn to look at the animal as a col lection of parts, each of which shmld conform to a certain stand ard. Farmers having animals they wish judged should write to Prof. Pratt at Prineville and arrange for it at once. E. H. Fitts, professor of dairying at 0. A. C, will deliver the lectures on dairying. Such topics as the establishment, care and feeding of a dairy herd, milk and cream test ing, co-operative testing and mak ing of butter and cheese, etc. The students will be given practice in testing milk and cream. Those wishing to take this work should bring a sample of one of his cow's milk, or samples of the milk of several of his cows as well as two or three cream samples. The work In Domestic Science will be conducted by Dean Calvin, assisted by Mrs. Dolman of Cor vallis, and Mrs. Walker of-the Crook County High. The work will cover pluin, fancy and special cookery, home nursing, house sani tation, etc. The list of Instructors Is certainly a strong one. Professors Potter, Scudder and Dean Calvin are the head of their departments at the Agricultural College. Mrs. Dolman and Prof. Fitts stand at the head of the teaching profession. Mrs Walker and Mr. Pratt from the Crook County High School are well DAIRYMEN! We have arranged our work so that hereafter the use of our testing apparatus will be reserved for the use of our patrons on Saturday of each week. Prof. Pratt has kindly consented to give instruction in test ing, and we hope that our patrons will take advantge of this opportunity. Come in and learn how to do your own testing. Don't forget the Agricultural Short Course at Prineville February 23d to 28th inclusive. Pioneer and favorably known for the work they are doing in the county. Fill out the slip printed below and mall it today. Come to Prine ville and enjoy a week of good lectures and visit with people In the same kind of business that you are in. Right-of-Way Over to T. M. Iiuldwin, as trustee, has deeded to H. P. Hcheel, the con tractor for the construction of the Prineville-Mctolius Railway, all the right-of-way and terminal grounds acquired by him as said trustee. Mr. Scheel has organized his com pany and filed his articles of Cor poration In the state of Washington, and also with the secretary of State of Oregon. In a letter to Mr. Baldwin re ceived the other day Mr. Scheel urged haste in winding up the right-of-way business. What was wanted especially was the deeds Concerning the Sale of Cattle in Crook Co B. E. Nevel, county veterinarian, gives out the following information concerning the sale of cattle: No public auction sale of any herd or part of a herd of dairy ani mals, or animals intended for breed ing purposes, shall be held except under the process of court, unless all the animals offered for sale have, within twelve months prior to such sale, been submitted to a tuberculin Cream . Co Mr, II, U. Pratt, I'rliievllle, Or. Dear Sir: The undersigned and other members of the family will atU-nd the Short Oourxe to be held In Prine ville, February 2 ! to 28 Inclusive. Name PoHtofllce , Turned Mr. Scheel from the Oregon & Western Coloni zation Co- to the right-of-way across its land and when Mr. Davidson, the president of the company, was in Prineville recently Mr. Baldwin put the matter up to him. Mr. Davidson said he would have the deeds made out at once. This will practically close up the deal. The owners of the few remaining patches not closed up in the right-of-way will be brought into court and the right-of-way condemned. Mr. Scheel says he wanU to start work in the early spring. ' test and received a certificate of health from a qualified veterinarian. Any person who exhibits or permits the exhibition of an animal in viola tion of the provisions of this section, and any person who violates any other provision of this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than' 1250 Woman WanU Position Educated, refined widow (45) wants position as useful companion, nurse or housekeeper. Hlirnest ret ereuces. Mrs. Clara Chadwlck. Bend Oregon, Box 372. 2 12-lt DAIRYMEN ! Knights Will Their Golden Jubilee In celebration of the Fiftieth An niversary of the founding of the order of Knights of Pythias, the various lodges throughout the United States will participate in a Golden Jubilee, February 19. Locally, the affair will be one of the most auspicious and brilliant ever attempted by the order. In was on February 19, 1864. that Justus H. Rathbone founded the first lodge of the order, his work being inspired by the ancient Greek story of Damon and Pythias. Since that time the order has spread rapidly throughout the United States until now it is one of the strongest fraternal orders in existence. The growth of Luna Lodge No. 65, of Prineville, has been very fast, having increased their membership in 1914 by over forty new members. In celebration of the Golden Jubilee the lodge will hold a special meeting on Thursday. February 19. at their lodge rooms at which time Lincoln Pictures at Lyric Saturday President Lincoln had consider able trouble in getting volunteers for the Northern cause but was greatly helped by a beautiful singer who, at a great patriotic concert, so fired the men with enthusiasm that they flocked in large numbers to the recruiting offices and en rolled for the defense of their prin ciples. She assisted the chaplain mpamy OREGON Celebrate there will be an elaborate pro gram and banquet for all Sir Knights and ladies. The hall will be artistically decorated for the occasion. A pleasant feature of the evening will be the sending of a telegram of congratulations to Grand Chan cellor Frank S. Grant. This will be done by all of the 77 lodges in the state. He will in turn telegraph the greetings for all the lodges to Grand Keeper of Records and Seals L. R. Stinson who will be in attend ance at the Supreme Lodge conven tion at Washington, D. C, which is the lodge founded by Justus Rath bone and at which there will be delegates from all of the Grand Lodges in the United States. For the celebration which Luna Lodge is preparing, a special com mittee on arrangements is now at work. All Visiting brothers and those who are members of other K P. lodges are specially invited to be present on this occasion. among the soldiers and wins his love. Their wedding was the only one ever solemnized in the Capitol, and was graced by the "presence of the President himself, who is filled with admiration for them both It is a true story of an actual happening in the time of the war and is most convincingly played. Ralph Ince, who takes the part of Lincoln, deserves special commenda- jtion for his work. The Song Bird of the North" will be pre sented next Saturday evening at the Lyric Theatre. 1