Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 29, 1914, Image 7

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    Ploding for a Throne,
Princess Marie
Has Ambitious Plans
THIS matrimonial dllMetiltlM of
I'rlnco Wlllliim of Sweden,
King CJtmttt vim second ion,
1111(1 III HllHHllltl wife, Grand
Duchess Marin, iiro ciiuhIiik n profound
cimiitlim In Kiiropo because they In
vulva iiITiiIik of tlit highest importance
to tli IIiihhIiiii crown,
The vllnl qiioHtlou nt the Imperial
court In, "Who will succeed Nicholas
II. upon tlio tlirono7" No on liollttvct
Hint tlio cinr'i llttlo inn will ever II vo
to reign. If ho should he would liu
physical wreck nml could not hope to a "'in himself to curry on the
direct lino. Tlio cr.rlnil In mow forty
0110 yearn old mid hit been In such
tind health for yearn thnt the pros
pect of hor presenting anothor holr to
tlio crown U small.
Tlio ruir'i only brother, Grand Duke
Michael, formerly tho heir apparent
before tho hirth of llttlo Ccnrevltch
Alexin, poMlUvely refuse to consider
roturu to Unit pontoon. Ho hn quit
tho country. with hi tiiorgmintlc wife
mid children, and It 1 said thnt wild
horse, could not drag hi 111 buck as til
brother' successor to tho Bloomy
pomp mid turrtfylng dangers of the
Imperial crown.
Tim male tie it In Una after him are
tlio con of tlio Into Grand Imke Vla
dimir, Grnnd Duko Cyril, Grand Duke
Itorl and Grand Duke Andrew. Hut
their father and they themselves after
hi 111 have reduced the national treas
ury when lu positions of authority
end liar o openly detled the people'
welfare thnt neither one of them
could possibly amend tho throne with
out anarchy, assasslnatlou and thulr
attendant horror.
The tptrlted. plenmire loving little
Mario, known a tho "Merry Grand
iMirheM," who married Prlm-e William
of Sweden tire year ago, when he
only eighteen. Inn developed ex
traordinary IntollcK'tuiil 'qualities and
diplomatic tart, and alio hn become
the lift) nud ou of tho political group
at the HI. I'elorshurg court In favor
of proclaiming tho csnr' eldiwt daugh
ter, Grand liuehes Olifit. the heir of
the throne nud at tho an me time an
nouncing her betrothal to her coualu.
Grand Duke Dtmltrl, Grand Duchess
Mario's only brothor, it Iiiin been In
her ardent devotion to tlio fiirrenchlng
11 lin of her political activities that
I'rlnco William's wife him sacrificed
licr husband for the nko of her broth
er' future.
Her inoMt liiiportmit ally 1 tall, dark
eyed Grand Duchess Olga. who I a
simple a a child In many ways, al
though xlie celelirnted tier eighteenth
birthday a few duya ngo and who tin
muilo up her mind that her coualu
I l in III I U tho hiiiidsouieHt, moHt fas
clnntliiK young uinn In tho world and
thnt she will never marry any other
mini. Her betrothal to tho crown
prliico of 1 tot 1 111 11 11 la wii announced
In that country a few week ago. but
the czar hint not been 11I1I0 to get his
daughter' consent to announce It lu
Urn ml Duchess Mario whllo In
Sweden with her husband left no
Htono unturned to add to her personal
Influence over tho 11 ml lucreiiHO
tier power with tho Itimalan govern
inent Itself. . She gained access to
statu papers nt Stockholm and sur
reptitiously conveyed Information of
great Importance to tho Ht. Peters
burg statesmen through a KunhIiiii ut
tacho nt tho Swedish court. Military
secrets which UuhkIii would have paid
fabulous prices to obtain through se
cret iigents tho wlfo of I'rlnco Wil
liam was able to get from susceptible
nrmy nml navnl olllocrs In Swollen by
menns of tho spell of her beauty mid
Princess William, or Grand Duchess
Mil Ho as slit! will be called horenftor,
was only sixteen months old when her
mother (lied, six days nfter giving
birth to Grand Duke Dlmltrl. The
mother wns n sister of King Constan
tln of Greoco. Hho had n Itusslnn
mother and had known from child
hood of the license of the Russian
court. Yot she wns so deeply In love
with her husband, Grand Duke Tnul,
thnt she (lied of a broken heart be
cause of his neglect and dissipation.
Grand Duke Paul was exiled from
ntisNln, but It Is snld, that he will Boon
bo restored to favor.
Victim of a SyiUm of Avtrign Ud
by Mldtilsmsn.
WiiNlilngloii.-TIm ollli'o of market
of the ileparimeiil of Hgrh'tiltiiro ha
imiile an Investigation of the Irregu
larities lu pi'li tw paid for cotton from
the time It 1 harvested until It roach
e New York. The ltivostlgnlor re
ported that In some section of the
cotton belt the farmer are clieatod
out of from 11 to $12.60 a bulo by the
middlemen and tbe carrier, by a y
tout of average.
"The cotton crop of Oklahoma for
11)12," any the report, "contained
about 19,000 bale of strict good mid
dllng cotton on which the New York
difference would entitle somebody to
a total of over $20,000 in premium
above tho prices of good middling. No
one In that state who was Interviewed
admitted hnvlng received a cunt of till
"The Investigation showed thnt In
the case of strict middling cotton In
the same local umrkot, the difference
In price for bale of this grade would
vary from 12 to $7.23. In the case of
low middling cotton lu seven markets,
the price variation on the same day
wa from $2.20 to I12.M) bale. In
tho case of low' middling cotton the
variation ran from I2.BO to $3 per
Kill Two Tsmsd Onto Right Off Be
fore It Is Shot.
White Pigeon, M lc b. Jacob BUckel's
"pet" wildcat la dead, much to the
orrow or Htlckol, but to the joy of
bl neighbors, before the cat died or,
rather, wa killed, considerable eiclta
mout prevailed, and not few of the
resident locked themselves In their
homes to escape the fury of tbe ani
mal. The trouble suited when FUckol's
"pet" escaped from It cage. Tbe Unit
tiling tho animal did on getting free
was to quickly put to death two cats
lu the neighborhood, Tho shriek of
the tame cats a they wore attacked
by the wildcat (truck terror In the
hearts of the many women and chil
dren and brought out the men of the
neighborhood with guns and other
wen (hi ns, and the hunt for the animal
After some hours It was located un
der the barn. Effort were made to
drive It buck to Us cage without suc
ceiu. Finally the animal was shot by
Horace Reynolds.
Won Doctor Says II Is Worst
Than Most of (he Vices.
London, Love, passionate consum
lug love, which torture and disables
Its victims. Is curable by segregation
and a new serum. This Is the dlacov
ery of Dr. Maurice de Floury, the fa
nious "brainstorm" spoclullst
Dr. de Kleury declares that to be lu
lore, whether passionately or platon
Ically, Is a form of mental poisoning
comparable to physical Intoxication..
Ily menus of delicate electrical lustra
inents. which "record every Infinites!
nml movement of the uoitous system."
Dr. de Kleury said, he has obtained
charts ot the condition of sufferers
from this "passional Intoxication" and
found how to treat It.
He puW love In tlio Bfth category of
enslaving poisons, which he arrange
according to severity as follows:
First, alcohol; second, opium and
hasheesh; third, morphlno, cocaine and
ether; fourth, tobacco; fifth, love.
In tho course of his experiments Dr.
de Floury traced the curve of love fe
ver as clearly us that of typhoid may
be traced and charted In Its phases,
lie prescribes graduated Isolation and
a wonderful serum, which he doe not
Ho tells of one typical case of a bad
mnu who wished to be cured, but re
sisted treatment. Just us the typical
mnrpliliiomniiliic does, He wept and
Implored mid reproached the pli.vslclau,
who wns convinced that the man
would commit suicide If the treatment
were abandoned. He dosed his patient
with Intermittent separations from his
lady love. Increasing tho Intervals of
segregation ns the man grew strouger.
After (lvo weeks the man became culm,
and at tho cud of two mouths he wa
completely cured.
Psgleg, Father of Eleven, Sends Pro
posal From Ireland,
West Ornngn, N. J. A proposnl of
nmrrlnge from a wooden lodged wid
ower aged fifty three with eleven
"pretty little children" hits been re
ceived by Miss Jessie Costfrovo, who
was formerly employed bore.
A few years ago, for a Joko, Miss
Cosgrove penned a proposal on n piece
of paper, which she Inserted Inside 11
package nt hor factory. Then Miss
Cosgrove, who Is soon to be married
received the proposnl from one Dentils
O'FInn of WeHttnenth. Ireland.
In part, the letter says: "Hnvlng
pity on my eleven little ones, I
thought to 11 sit If you would become
my wife, so 1 could Intrust their bring
ing up to you.
"Of course I 11m not a rich man and
cannot pny your passage, but mnybe
you have some savings and wouldn't
mind coming over If you got a good
husband with eleven children In tbe
Mmo, Puderowskl, wife of the ro
nowiicd pianist, raises poultry on her
fni'iii us a pastime.
I-otln Crabtreo manages all her prop
erty Interest mid still llnds tlmo to
attend tlio theater regularly.
Miss Anna (linen, an Kills Island
uurso, who recently plunged Into tho
bay nt night and saved an Immigrant
from drowning, bus been rewarded
by the government with a substantial
Increase In salary.
Miss lreno Vogel of Urn Angeles Is
probably the llrst girl ever to "tin a
locomotlvo on the Houthern Pacific
railroad. Hhe successfully rnn ti largo
ten wheeler recently and handled It
In a way that was fur beyond hor
wildest (Ires 111,
Fraiileln Itnchel Illrsch Is the first
woman physician u Germany to ac
quire the title of professor. Dr.
Illrsch has not only been active In hos
pital service, but has also done supe
rior research work In the fever and
bacteriological Helds.,
Current Comment.
We are surely living In a progressive
age when aviators begin to tulk of
right of way In the ulr. Milwaukee
Tho sun now has a spot of over 400,
(XS),(KW square miles. "Kpot" seems a
sort of diminutive name. New York
Every day a new cure for something
Is announced, but also one or more
new diseases are found. The moral Is
to stay lu the fresh air, eat plain food
and quit worrying. Philadelphia Pub
lic Ledger.
Ten year ago the best In the battle
ship Hue cost something over $5.00V
(MS). Now It costs liesrly ltl,000.000.
All of which Is not an Inconsiderable
factor In the Increasing cost of living.
Topeka Btnte Journal.
Flippant Flings.
President Wilson bnd la grippe.
Think of a genu with the nerve to
tackle blm! Chicago Inter Ocean.
Kaiser Kill comes out (Irmly against
tho clean shave, but no elective poten
tate could thus afford to alienate the
burlier vole. Itoston Transcript
A Philadelphia woman was awarded
a dollar damages for J ho loss of ber
husband's affections. Tho Joke seems
to be on the other woman. Toledo
Plumbing thieves, according to the
New York Hun. garnered f 100,000 lust
year. This, we bike It, has no refer
ence to the regular plumbers. Detroit
Free Press.
Muddled Mexico.
The Mexican situation Is going into
extra Innings. Columbia State.
One thing this country Is thankful
for Is that Mexico Isn't twins. Cleve
land Leader.
Mexic o Is to have another presiden
tial election next July. It Is a long
time to wait. There may be no voters
left In Mexico when next July come.
Chicago Itecord-IIernld.
Taking cliurge of Mexico, which a
correspondent suggests should be done
by this country, would be more feasi
ble if Mexico would stand still and
act satisfied. Chicago News.
Simple Salve.
Tellow dock, root or leaves, steeped
In vinegar will cure tho worst case of
Iodine acts as a healing remedy as
well as a disinfectant, and It la espe
cially helpful for wounds caused by
rusty nails and tbe like.
Hot water na a beverago Is exceed
ingly wholesome, especially when a
person's digestive organs are weak.
It should be taken before and after
each meal.
Fashion Frills.
Fortunately for the stylo factories,
women have 110 annoying sense of
humor. Chicago News.
With tho narrow skirts circumscrib
ing their activities, the ladles of today
can't step on anything higher thiiu an
ant Montgomery Advertiser. .
Fashion experts announce that bnnss
will be tho most modish part of this
senson's headdress. Which lets 0110 sit
bnck to watch the nolso. Milwaukee
Hinh Priced Hen Fruit.
It Is In order to publish recipes for
mock omelets. Chicago News.
Tho country now expects every hen
to do her duty. Philadelphia Inquirer.
In popular bird lore tho hen Is as
suming more Importance than the dove
ot peiico. Wusiiliigtoii Star.
Is not the time rlpo fur the lndepend
out egg to light the trust laid article?
"Not Laid by a Trust" would be a
good slogan. Exchange.
British Briefs.
Tho first envelope ever nmdo Is tn the
possession of tho Hiitlsh museum.
Out of tho tunny thousands of candi
dates declined for the British nrmy
ench yoar.Miy fur the largest tiumber
nre rejected on account of being un
ible to puss the test for eyesight
Captain Scott's old ship, the Discov
ery, has been acquired by G. Foster
Stnckhouse, who will lead the British
antnrctlc expedition to the south polar
continent as early tn 114 as the start
can bo made.
Notice of Guardian's Mule of Kul
In the connt" court of the State of Ore
gon, for Wss;o County,
lit the matter of the GusrdiaiisMp of
Waller Irani Is Kyan sod Anns Cath
erine Kysn, Minors.
Notice is hereby given that under and
bv virtue of sn order of the coiintv
court of the Stale of Oregon lor Wasco
County, aiitnonziiiji and directing me
as the guardian of the shove named
minors to toll all the interests of said
minors in and to the real property
hereinafter described, I will, from and
sfter tbe 14th day of February, 114,
sell at private le and lor cash in hand
or upon such security as may lie ap
proved by Ibis court, all the right, title
and IntereMs ol the said minors, Walter
l-ranci Kysn and Anna Catherine
Itvau. In and to all the followinu d-
scrilwd real propsity, to wit:
The t ol nwj of c. 4: i of nwj.
1 o' ! Hi -i ol nwl. eli of
si, of sec. I I; nl of nwl. ol sec. Zi;
wjofnwj nso(-J, see. ;!4 ; J of
ni, nl of sl rwj .f sej. ol see. 23;
h J of m of sec. ; im of nej of rcc.
ZS, net Of lie J, in. of ej. 11 of ,
sec. 26; swj ol v J f nee. 5; ej of sej
of see. 12; wi of ii ej of ncj, nej of
m-J. of sec. 20; nl in ip. 9, . of r. 17
est, W, M., in Cnsk County, Oregon;
snd also tne following described real
property, to-wit; The ni of nwl. wl
of nwj, of sec. 12, in tp, 8, 1. of r. 11
east, w, m.t Hi w asco County, Oregon j
l.acn 01 sam minors has a one-eighth
!i) Interest in and to all tbe real
property above described, and bids for
said interests of said minor will be re
ceived bv me at my residence in The
Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated tills 6th (y ol January, 1914.
Waltkb Hill, Guardian.
115 212
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
Ity virtue of an execution In foreclos
ure duly issued by the clerk of the
circuit court of the county of Crook,
state of Oregon, dated the 13th day of
January, 1W14, in a certain action in tbe
circuit court for said county and state,
wherein Mattie Klliott a plaintifl re
covered Judgment against Fred A. Mc
Dowell aim leona McDowell.defendanU,
lor the sum ol one thousand forty-five
and no hundredths dollars, and cost
and disbursements taxed at one hundred
twenty-seven and no hundredths dol-
ars, on the 1st day ol December, 19KI.
Notice is hereby given that I will on
TW 14ta D.7 A Fcfcrswy, 1914,
at the front door of the court house in
Prineville, in said cotintv. at 10:00
o'clock in the forenoon ol raid day, sell
at public auction to tbe highest bidder,
for cash, the following described prop
erty, to-wit :
Tbe south half of the northwest quar
ter and lots three and four of section
four, in tosnrbip thirteen south, of
range thirteen eat of Willamette me
ridian, in Crook county, Oregon.
Iakenand levied upon a the property
of the said Fred A. McDowell and Leona
McDowell or as much thereof a may
lie necessaiy to satisfy the said judg
ment in favor of Mattie Elliott against
said Fred A. McDowell and l.eona Mc
Dowell with interest thereon, together
with all costs and disbursements that
have or may accrue.
Frank Ei.kins, Sheriff.
Dated at Prineville, Oregon, January
13, 11114. 115
By D. II. Peoples, Deputy.
Notice of Contest
Pepiirtment ot the Interior,
t'nlu-dSutcn Laud Offli e, The l)lle. Ore,
December 31 1-J13.
To Thomiu Rtark. ot 69 N. 10th St., Portland,
Oregon, eonteiiiee.
You are hereby notified tlmt Thiimu Ewlnc,
who given care ol lieorne W-('oiirl, Roberta,
Ore., a. his iKMt office n.hliM dot on Nov. 2S.
Yt. file in llii ofllre bin duly corroborated up-
pllcalloll to contest silo xerurc the cancellation
of your bomeatcad aerial (to.OKlltft matte April
17, lWi lor VK aectlon '.'K, n'4 sMllinn 83,
town.hlp 19, ranue 1H e. Willameiive meridian,
ami aa ground for hia conical he allegca that
.aid Thomaa Slack haa wholly abandoned said
tract of land tor over 14 niou'tba laat paat; that
he haa wholly failed 10 remde upon. Improve or
cultivate aaid tract ot land for over U molilha
laat paat or at all, as required by law,
You are, therefore, further notified that the
aatd allegations will tic taken a confessed, and
your said entry will tie canceled without
further right to be heard either before this
ofllc e or on appeal. If you fall to Hie In this of
fice within twenty nay alter tne hilkth
publication of this notice a show n below, your
answer, under oalh, wilh due proof that you
have served a copy of your auswer on the said
rontcsiaiil either in person or by registered
You should state la vnur answer the name
of the postottlce to which you desire future
nonces 10 i e scm io von
It. FKASK! WOODCOCK. Regislcr,
Pate ot first publication, January H 114.
econd ' 15. 1'.'U.
" " third " " , w, 1914,
" fourth " WIS.
Notice tor Publication
Department of tbe Interior,
r. S. Lund Ollice, at The Dalles, Ore.
December 31, 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that
.1 nines W. Curtis
of I.nmoiitn, Oregon, who on July
Uth, l'.KLS, in tide homestead entry Nt
(Mi, for swi nel, wise and sel eel.
section 26, township 13 south, range
11 cast, Willamette meridian, has
tiled notice of Intention to make final
five year proof to establish claim to
the land above described, before
Warren Ilrown, county clerk, at
PHneville, Oreiron, on the 14th day
of cVliruury, 1S4I.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Simeon S Negus, Alouzi ('. Neirus,
Alfred T. Stacks and Abel W. Mor
ford, all of ,n intuitu, Ore.
H. Fhaxk WoooeorK,
18 Keplster.
Notice for Publication Isolated Tract
rnblio Land Sale
Department of the Interior,
lT. 8. Land Ollice at The Halles. Ore.
December loth, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that, as di
rected by the Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land Office, under provisions of
Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906
(34 Stnts., 5171, pursuant to the appli
cation of Orvi'le I. Davison, Serial No.
01(Mfi!l, we will offer at public sale, to
the highest bidder, but at not less than
$2 per acre; at 9:30 o'clock a. m., on
the 2Sth day of February, 1914, at this
ollice, the following tract of land: SW
NWJ, Na SW'l, section 9, township 19
south, range 20 east Willamette Merid
ian. "This tract is ordered into market
on a showing that the greater portion
thereof is mountainous or too rough for
Any persons claiming .adversely the
above-deBcribed land are advised to tile
their claims or obiectioniHin or before
the time designated for sale.
1 22-p II, Frank Woodcock,
iProfosstittal Cards.
Hygenic, Dietetic and Natural Tlifrapeu
tics. Chronic Nervous Disorders
a specialty.
Drugles Physician
. Hour 9 to 8 or by appointment.
918 Kooni lOll Cornett Building.
Rooms 3-4-5 Ksmstrs Bld'g
Prineville, Oro
J. B. Hell A, W, Wins
Crook County Abstract Co.
Cine) Successors to
The J. II, Haner Abstract Co.
Prineville, Oregon
Abstracts Insurance
Prof. A. W. Grater,
Divine Healer
Office in Morris Building three doors
south of Journal office.
Prineville, Oregon
Dr. Howard Gove
Crook County Bank Building
J. Tregelles Jhox
M. R, C. 8, Eng; and L. 8. A. London;
Licences Oregon State Medical Board.
Hpeciaiint In Burger?; Hygiene; Ali
mentary Canal, women and children'!
dUeasea. ete.
Ofnm and renldeno Third street near Coart
Hihim. Tel.: .Pioneer, Calls answered
promptly, n is lit or day. Charges moderate
si mmmf Vfmfm tfft
CAm: J. CJmmrlt Jf. !P. SStikma.
Sftelknap dc Cd wards
rAjtlfian$ mmd tSmrfttm.
(County Physician.)
(Huoceaaor to W. A. Bell)
Oreoos ,
C. SSrix
&tal Csiatt
Cornett Building;, Room 6
Prinwlt; - - Or9n
Civil and Irrigation Engineer.
Koom 11 Adsmson Bld'g
Prineville, Ore.
0 J?y
ZPijiieian mm J Smrym
Calls Asivssid Psohftlt Day ok Niem
Omci Ons Door South or A damson's
Dace STosa. Both office an resi
dence telephone.
(Printmiltt, - - Onaom
Tbe Dalles
jf Hrmy-mt-wCmm
!Prttt mill; Orijtm.
. ttrink
Jf ttrrtt, iPrimamilU, Ortgon,
Willard II. Wirtz
District Attorney
Office in Crook County Bank Bld'g.
If f P Lodge meetB everyTues-
Strangers welcome.
Geo. Noiilk, N. G.; Bkrt Barnes,
; V. G. ; T. L. Coon, Sec. ; C. B. Di.n wid-
ijik, Are&H
Crook County Journal, $1.50 per yr.
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month f t
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Notice ot Shcrifl'a hulo.
By virtue of an execution in fore
closure duly issued by tbe clerk of the
circuit conrt of the county of Crook,
state of Oregon, dated the 9th day of
January, 1914, in a certain action in the
circuit court for said county and state,
wherein George W. Watt as plaintiff,
recovered judgment avainst George N.
Ki kler for the mm of Kifcht Hundred
Dollars and cost! and disbursements
taxed at One Hundred Seventy and
fifty hundredths dollars, on tbe 6th day
ol September, 1013.
Notice ia hereby given that I will on
MtlJay of FebrsarT, 1914,
at tbe north front door of the court
house in Prineville in said county, at
10 o'clock in the lorenoon of said day.
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder, for cah, the following described
nrooertv. tA.mrit: Nnrlhsast nna nnartap
of the southwest one quarter, and the
west nan ol the southeast one quarter
of section (H) and the northwest one
quarter of the northeast one quarter of
section (17) in township No. 11 south
of range No. 19 east ol the Willamette
Meridian in the county of Ciook, state
of Oregon, containing one hundred
sixty acres of land.
Taken and levied open at the proper,
ty of the aaid George N. Eckler and will
tell the ssme or at much thereof as
may be necessary to satisfy tbe said
judgment in favor of George W. Watt
against taid George N. Eckler with in
terest thereon, together with all costs
and disbursements that have or may
Fbask Elkikb, Sheriff.
Dated at Prineville, Oregon, January
9tb, 1914.
By W. E. Van Allen, deputy.
Yon need tbe Journal, $1.50 a year
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
For a short time we have sub
ject to our disposal
for loans on highly improved
irrigated ranches iu the vicin
ity of Prineville. Loana to
be for $5,000 or more and run
from 3 to 5 years, with inter
est at 8 per cent, payable an
nually. We charge a small commission
to be paid by the borrower.
with Central Oregon Title &
TniBt Co. 6 19
Prineville, Oregon
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc