TELEPHONE COZY. j The Latest Accessory In Smart Household Trimmings. NOVELTY IN FORM OF DOLL Tea Coiiee Take on New Vogue and Appearance Thic Samon Foundation Nothing Mora Than Miniature Hoop Skirt Portable Book Rack. Quite the latest thins In the wny of telephone accessory la the telephone cozy, which furnishes an ornamental disguise for the instrument in a baud omely furnished room or hall. This novelty usually takes the form of an elaborately dressed manikin, whose full skirt is mounted on a wire f PORTABLE BOOS RACK. foundation of a size to conceal the tel ephone as It stands on table or desk. At the waist line the skirt is attached to the upper part of a doll's body. The head and shoulders of the figure serve as a handle for the cozy, so that It can easily be lifted off like a bell when the telephone is to be used. Another model, not so simple of ad justment, has the fullness of the skirt arranged to open under a front panel, allowing the telephone to be drawn forward for use, leaving the manikin In its original position on the table. The introduction of the elaborate tel ephone cozy has brought about a no ticeable change in the tea cozy, and many of the same unusual features are shared by the two. In the case of the tea cozy a wadded interlining is. of course, necessary In order to make It useful as a conscrver of heat Considering the fancy price asked for one of these ornamental trifles. $20 being the average charge, the woman clever with her needle will probably study the store models and thnn do a little home copying. The wire founda tion for a cozy of either type can easily be arrived at by making a min iature hoopsklrt, narrowing It toward the top. where the doll's body is at tached. Any woman who knows how to dress a doll cannot fail to be suc cessful in the making of the modern cosey. Another new piece of furniture pic tured is a portable rack. In which fa vorite books and current magazines may be kept The rack may be lifted about easily wherever the invalid's chair is wheeled, and books and period icals will always be within reach. You'll Find These Useful. Combined measures and funnels have been seen for some time, but they are not even now in general enough use. Instead of having a separate "two quart" or "quart" measure, with sep arate funnels, it is much more efficient to have the measure and funnel In one. bo that the liquid readily pours with out the need of holding the funnel steady and without the need of han dling and washing an extra utensil. Especially if one has a blue and white kitchen, the new shapes in vine gar and oil cruets decorated in blue will be attractive. Many are found in the shops, placed on a stand or In a little rack which can be placed near the kitchen table. Other novelties are the many imported spoons, dippers, skim mers, etc.. which have china handles and which form decorative bits for the kitchen walls. There have been several kinds of pads made especially to accurately fit different sized dining tables. A new kind, Ju8t brought out is In two sec tions, folding Invisibly, and is covered with canton flannel. A cover of peb bled oilcloth of fine -quality comes with the pad and can be easily removed. The cover and pad are so made that arrangement can be made for extra table leaves if desired. Cleaning With Naphtha. To clean a gown successfully with naphtha remember to treat It exactly the same as if it were being washed in water. Us blgb grade naphtha, which costs a few cents more per gallon than the other kind. Have a covered tul sometliing that will not give off rust or paint. Enamel Is excellent If gar inents are much solied use plenty of soiip (naphtha or benzine soap) and let them stand awhile In warm nnph thn. Clothes should be thoroughly brushed and all spots well rubbed with sonp and naphtha before they ure put into soak. Naphtha can be safely heated by putting a Jug of boiling wa ter, tightly corked. Into the tub, and this seems'to be the secret of success ful home cleu rising. Light goods need to be rinsed. HEYDAY OF THE CAULIFLOWER Novel Way of Cooking This Delicious Vegetable. While cauliflower belongs to the cab bage family, it Is much more palatable and delicate and far more delicious than any cabbage. For many years cauliflower was a luxury, because it was not raised by gardeners general ly, but the advance of Information aud the growth of the truck farming busi ness have made it possible to produce cauliflower of excellent quality and at very low prices. Here are some ways of cooking this delicious vegetable: Cauliflower Fritters. Cook one small cauliflower until almost tender. Then break off sprigs and dip In a batter "made of three talilespoonfuls of Hour, two tablespoonfuls breadcrumbs, one half teasiHKmful salt and about one half cupful of milk, or enough to make a frying batter. Fry the fritters In deep fat until a nice browu. Serve at once. Cauliflower au Gratin. Separate the boiled cauliflower luto small flowerets. Tlace them in buttered pudding dish in alternate layers with white sauce and grated cheese. Cover the top with breadcrumbs and bake until the sauce bubbles through the crumbs. Creamed Cauliflower. Iteiuove the leaves, cut off the stalk and soak thir ty minutes (head downi in cold water to cover. Cook (head upl twenty min utes or until soft in boiling salted wa ter. Dralu, separate in flowerets and reheat In one and a half cupfuls of white sauce. Cauliflower au Parmesan. Place a whole cooked cauliflower on a dish for serving. Sprinkle with grated cheese, then cover with buttered bread crumbs and place on oven gmte to brown crumbs. Iteiuove from oven and pour a cupful of white sauce around cauliflower. . Cozy Sleeping Porch For Children. If you have a porch on your sleep ing floor, why not fix It up this win ter as an open air bedroom for the small members of the family T Have awnings which can be drawn flatly down at the sides In case of a bad storm. It Is Important of course, that the children have plenty of warm bed clothes. It is wise to have them sleep between blankets and to wear thick pajamas. Cotton sleeping socks can also be bought at the department stores. This plan of sleeping has been adopt ed by many wise parents in the last ten years, though there are a great many others who are "afraid" of the results from such an arrangement This is all a mistaken notion, as a child who has been allowed since in fancy to sleep out of doors Is far healthier than the boy or girl who la accustomed to be coddled by his mother and made to sleep in a heated room with perhaps the window pulled down but a few Inches from the top. Fashionable Fur. There is something very barbaric In the arrangement of fashionable furs. Jjt V. ' 1 ,vY v L v' 1 ' J SET OP POINTED FOX WITH STRIPED SIL1 This neckpiece of pointed fox goes but halfway around the neck, one side being eked out with a narrow band of contrasting pelt and some striped silk. The effect is repeated in the muff. Safety In Window Cleaning. It is no longer necessary to endanger one's life or risk one's nervous system by sitting on a window sill to clean windows. A window cleaner Is manu factured that is wonderfully simple and efficient It consists of a chamois finished cloth on nn oblong holder, to which U attached a curved handle that opening and closing on the prin ciple of a pair of scissors, will manipu late and control the cleaner so that the outside of windowpanes can bo clean ed and polished from within the house. The price of this life preserving, nerve saving invention Is $3. A Culinary Hint. Most people use a tablespoon for mixing batter for Yorkshire puddings or pancakes, etc. If an . ordinary kitchen fork Is used Instead of the spoon It will be found that the Inmps can he smoothed In half trie time. Also a fork used for beating the batter al lows of the air get tine In. which helps to make the butler lla'it. fevi; j i l ' ;! : m If j ! 11 . K", i, ft ..:..,. CopyrlRht, 191S, by the Panama-Puclno International Exposition Co. BEAUTIFUL OREGON BUILDING AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. OUKC.OX, the first state to select mid dedicate a site nt the Panama Paclrtc International Kxposltlon, was also the first to accept de signs for her state building. This very interesting structure, neighbor to New York's great bulbing, has lieen designed In tho chaste spirit of the golden age of (ireece'a architecture. It will be WO by 250 feet and designed on the classic line of Ictlilnus' Parthenon. The col umns, which Greece herself modeled In marble from previous exemplars In wood of a more auclent architecture, will revert to the original and be of timber brought frout Oregou's forests. They will be live feet ill diameter and forty feet in height Not only will the materials which will be placed within the structure be Oregon's products, but the ma terials of which the state palace will be constructed will come from Ore gou's vast resources. L 4-- ,-.' -U,. .e- i, .. ..; U i , ., . . 7? jT"" tff V,- - ----- ttn. - . . . " ' - fcuTI - , Copyright, 1913, by the Panama-Pnclflc International Exposition Co. PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION BY NIGHT. N HJIIT iierspee-tlve of the Panania-Paclfle International Exposition In Kan Francisco in 1!)13. At night giant searchlights will trans form the vast exposition city Into a fairyland. The lighting scheme Is the most remarkable ever planned. STALLIONS We have 25 imported IVrclieronn, Heliatis ami Shire Stallions, two to five years old, weiahiii 1800 to a tori. These are a grand lot with plentv of bone and action the kind that will do you lots of pood. If you are in the market for a stallion or if von have an aged siallii n or geldings ynu wish to trade, wnleusi your wan in, or, better still, come and cee us. S. Metz & Sons PENDLETON, OREGON 115 DeLAVAL Cream Separators Sold on Easy Terms Pioneer Cream Co. Prineville, Oregon "PRINORE" AND "STANDARD" rineville Flour We Teach Taxidermy and Fur Manufactur ing by Mail 1- MR . 'fa 1 We can teach you how to make up all kinds of furs into coat, rape, mittena, ruts, roben, and all kind-i of ladies' furs and mount al your own ppeoimerif how lo blend and dye all Kindt of furs. Write today for our illustrated book on the subject. It ia free. 12 25 OREGON SCHOOL of TAXIDERMY Lakeview, Oregon The Journal is Cheap at $1.50 a year Statement of Reootircet anil Liabilities of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Orcnon KKHOt lll KH t.lA 1111.11 IKS Lohiu mill litmninu... t-tW reptul Hlwa, U1 In I M.0H0 00 I! illicit KUtr Bond! IWO0 Hurplue fnwil, ernl HnjV OB Hunk trvmlam.i'Ui 1'AMO M Undlvlilwl pruflte. rnl I7.T.1 M ( iwli buerruinbenka 31U,?.' M (trrulnll.iti I.euo 00 lletla IM.W U vil..M U 1 B. P. A Deo. Pr..M.l T. M. BMle, CJU WiU Wttnw.Ux, Vic. FYMUJeal H. BMwIm. Aw'l OuklM IfrousK strong whisKey bums your mouth, gags you"w1ieiiyoii swallow it what will it do to the delicate lining of your stomach VCyrus Noble mild and pure Jj W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon California Winter is the name of a Season, not the description of a Climate LET US HELP YOU PLAN A VISIT To the land of sunshine, fruits and flowers. Outdoor pporc, t uto lripg among the orange proves, trips to tliu beaches, Btirf lathing, and tbe btindredH of varied amuHoments for which California itt famoun. ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT REDUCED FARES For handsome booklets descrip tive of California, also for fares, tickets or reservations, call on any agent ot the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. M-8t i