' of o Free Agricultural Short Course at Prineville, February 23d to 28th, inclusive. COME ! ;'''fle 0. Crook Cotiety journal ' COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 29. 1914. KasSKHBSES?1" .VOL. XVI1I-NO. 10 Commercial Crook E. E. Kvuns, in charge of tho Commercial Department of the Crook County High School, la pre eminently fitted for the position he holds. He In cultured, logical and practical, qualifications necessary to the success of any business man. Mr. Evans has been an Instructor in Crook County High School for the pnst five years, coming here from a thriving town In Idaho where he Is still spoken of as the "best teacher we ever had In the town," and the students here who are under him heartily agree with tho above senti ment. The writer, In a recent Interview with Mr. Evans, secured the follow ing Information In regard to the history and work of his department. Mr. Evans said: "When we organized, the Com mercial Department three years ago with a class of six students, we k'tioved there was a growing de mand for such a department in the Crook County High School. Since it organization it has enjoyed a rapid growth and today leads any one department In the number of students enrolled. In working out a course of study for this department we were of the opinion, that the aims of a high school should be somewhat different than the view point of a business college. While a business college has a mission to fulfill in that It supplies boys and girls who cannot continue their education, or think they cannot, with a quick means of earning a livelihood, viz: a Bhort ID Department County High course In bookkeeping or stenog raphy, at best only a limited and narrow education, we believe that a high school commercial course should be equivalent In cultural value to the other courses and so arranged as to require an equal amount of application in all di rections. "I fully believe it Is only a ques tion of a short time when the best universities will admit the com mercial graduates from accredited high schools without disqualifying them In any way, or compelling them to take entrance examinations. Already some of the universities in the East allow credits for short hand and some other commercial subjects." Boys and girls of Crook county who contemplate a commeriial edu cation, we call your attention to the excellent course offered by the Crook County High School, com prising Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Commercial Law, Commercial Eng lish, Commercial Arithmetic, Com mercial Correspondence, Typewrit ing, Penmanship, Office Practice, Commercial Geography and Eco nomics. We teach the same system of bookkeeping as is taught is the big Business Colleges of Portland and this department is equipped with a bank, wholesale, retail, commission, broker and Insurance offices, and actual business practice Is taught from the start. Our typewriting department is equipped with seven of the latest DAIRYMEN ! We have arranged our work so that hereafter the use of our testing apparatus will be reserved for the use of our patrons on Saturday of each week. Prof. Pratt has kindly consented to give instruction in test ing, and we hope that our patrons will take advantge of this opportune Come in and learn how to do your own testing. Don't forget the Agricultural Short Course at Prineville February 23d to 28th inclusive. loneer PRINEVILLE Remington and Underwood ma chines. The Touch System of type writing is taught. Our equipment, outside of Port land, is second to none in the state, and we offer you an excellent course and training here at home in your own county high school. Looking for a Good Man for the Job The following letter was received by J udge Springr in answer to an inquiry sent Pres. Kerr of the Ore gon Agricultural College relative to the appointment of a man to take charge of demonstration farm work In Crook county: Judge G. Springer, , Prineville, Oregon. I am just in receipt of your In quiry of the 16th instant regarding the appointment of a man to take charge of the demonstration farm work in Crook county. I have just been in consultation with Professor Hetzel. No one has as vet been ap pointed for this work. We are pro ceeding cautiously in order that we may be able to secure a man who not only has had the necessary training, but whose experience also shall have been such as to insure his success from the beginning. We are crowding the matter as fast as possible and hope very soon to find a suitable person for this important work. I understand that Professor French will be in Crook county soon and while there he will, of course, see you. Estray Strayed into my place, one bay borae with itripe in face; brand oat clear. Owner identify property, pay advertis ing and feed and receive home. 1 2-J-61 L. W. Blair, Powell Butt. Why not take the Journal ? Cr earn Found Model School Where Least Expected Supervisor Shawe, in his school visitations throuuhout the county, reports a model school where it was least expected. The school in ques tion is in joint district No. 15, be tween Crook and Wheeler counties. When first organized school was held in a shed-like building but last summer the people of the district decided to erect a better building. Wallace Wharton and E- M. Steph ens, the directors, put up the money and work was commenced. The district now has a very neat schoolhouse. .It has stone founda tion and every convenience. Next summer it is to be painted and the interior finished in Beaver board. Miss Ruth Hawley is the teacher and she has 15 pupils above the average. Will Give the Home steader a Chance Washington. There is hope ahead for those who have been long desiring to secure homes in the Deschutes and Paulina national forests. Action in opening agri cultural lands in these forest reser vations has been delayed because the reclamation service has contem plated starting irrigation projects. Congress-nan Sinnott made in quiry and was informed that there would be no withdrawals on ac count of the contemplated reclama tion projects in the Deschutes and only a few withdrawals in Paulina. As soon as this information is of ficially communicated to the land office these lands will be opened for entry. Subscribe for the Journal, 11.50 yr. DAIRYMEN ! Something for Tax payer t. Remember The 1913 tax rolls have been turned over to me and are now in my hands for collection. State ments will be mailed to all persons assessed for farm land or personal property so far as their addresses appear on the roll. On account of the method of assessing town prop erty by lot and block instead of by name, no statement will be mailed on town lots unless requested, and all persons requesting statements on town property should give the lot and block number of the prop erty on which statement is desired. The loose leaf receipt system is being used this year for the first time. A statement in duplicate is mailed out and when returned with the money, is numbered, stamped paid, the original is returned to the taxpayer, and the duplicate is filed Christian Endeavor Day The first Christian Endea- society was organized Feb. 2, 1881, in Portland, Maine- For many years the first . Sunday in February has been observed as Christian En deavor Day. This year the annual observance is to be extended throughout the week. The local Presbyterian society will observe threft days a follow? ;?' -' . , . Sunday, Feb. 1, Anniversary ser vice at 7:30 p. m. Subject, Chris tian Endeavor Progress." luesday, reb. 3, reception in as sembly room to new members and friends. ompany OREGON in the treasurer's office for record. Under the new 1913 tax law no rebate is allowed on any taxes. One per cent per month penalty is collected on all taxes unpaid on April 1st, (including deferred sec ond half payments) and paid before September 1st. On September 1st a penalty of ten per cent is added and interest at the rate of one per cent per month is collected from that date. All remittances unaccompanied by description of property on which it is to apply or by tax notice, re ferring to roll, page and line or by tax statement will be returned to remitter, so when paying taxes do not fail to describe property or to enclose tax notice or tax statement. Ralph L. Jordan, County treasurer. Sunday. Feb. 8, at 6:30 p. m. in assembly room, Decision Day. All members, both active and ..jnorary, are urged to be present at these services and to bring friends. Peninsula Development League. A Development League was formed January 21 by the settlera between the Dejchutes and Crooked rivers, known as the Peninsula Country. M. M. Davenport was elected chairman and James I. Allen secretary. The league will be rep resented at the Irrigation Congress at Portland.