Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 15, 1914, Image 4

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    Sunday Concerts
Draw Big Crowds
Another larjre crowd attended the
Sunday afternoon concert at the
Commercial Club last Sunday. Mr,
Carl Zinke, the director, rendered
"The Holy City" on the trombone
which he was obliged to repeat at
the request of the assembled audi
ence later during the program
There was also a vocal solo by Mrs,
Willard Wirtz and selections by the
Lyric Orchestra, all of which wer
especially well received. The band
is improving under the ifirectorship
of Mr. Zinke and increasing crowds
are appreciating the Sunday con
certs. Out-of-town people are in
vited to enjoy the programs with
the peoyle of Prineville. They cost
nothing, being supported by the
city council and business men of
The Boston Million
aire Has Fine Place
r. a. Komnson, who was in
charge of the Lawson shipment of
blooded stock that was recently re
ceived at the McCall ranch, was in
Prineville this week. Mr. Rolfinson
has been visiting some of the stock
ranches in Crook county and was
surprised to find so much good
stuff m this section. He is a great
believer in the dairy herd which he
says, if run in connection with hogs,
is bound to pay. Its one of the
best money-making combinations
.conceivable on a ranch.
Mr. Robinson says that the Law
son estate at Egypt, Mass , which
is 27 miles south of Boston, employs
from 75 to 200 men. There are 700
acres and 37 barns are required on
the place. These barns have con
crete floors and the latest devices
for sanitation, feeding, etc.
A water tower 175 feet high
furnishes the water pressure for
the big farm and the town. The
tower has a beautiful chime of bells
and a big clock. A professional
musician is employed to ring the
bells, which weigh from 500 to 3500
pounds each. Mr. Robinson will
leave for Egypt the last of the
Parent -Teachers Meet
The Parents-Teachers' Association
met Friday, January 9th, in the
public school building with Mrs,
Eelknap as presiding officer. The
following program was given:
Violin solo Mrs. Edwards.
Talk "How can the parent help
the teacher," Mrs. Collins Elkins.
talk ishall parents listen to
tales from school?" Mrs. Joe Lister,
followed by Mrs. George Reames.
A general discussion followed.
Vocal duet Misses Jeffries and
A report of Tag Day was given by
Mrs. R. E. Gray.
The next meeting will be held on
the second Friday in February. All
parents and those interested in the
welfare of the boy and the girl are
urged to be present.
It is a pathetic mistake
to accept drues or alco
holic mixtures when nature
craves nourishment to repair
the toasted body and restore
the vigor of health.
For forty years the best phy
sicians have relied on the whole
some predigested nourishment
in Scott' Emulsion whichis totally
free from alcohol or opiates.
Scott's Emulsion sharpens
the appetite renews blood
nourishes nerves strengthens
bones and restores the courage
of health to make life bright.
Scott't Emulsion set in action
the very forces that promote health;
it ii pure, rich strength. i3-so
Ax- A
Johnnie Templeton got back Fri
day from his trip to Sumptor.
Attorney Burdiek, of Redmond,
was a Prineville visitor Saturday.
E. Wagoner left for Portland on
a business trip the first of the week.
Mrs. M. A. Parrish, of Haycreek
was a business visitor to Prineville
Mrs. Addie Spaulding returned
the last of the week from her visit
to Portland.
Tom Balfour is the new janitor
at the court house. He commenced
work the first of the week.
Mr. Klipple, who is feeding sheep
at Leo Lafollette's place, shipped
four carloads of sheep out of Terre
bonne for the Portland market Sat
There will be a called meeting of
the Ladies' Annex at 3:30 Friday
afternoon to make arrangements for
the Turner Art Exhibit. Everybody
invited to attend.
Frankie Monroe Smead of Post
and Hilda Rimpler of Prineville
were married yesterday in the
parlors of the Oregon Hotel by
Judge Bowman.
C. C. Brix today received an in
surance check for 13000 from the
Modern Woodmen of America, pay
able to Mina Kennedy, on account
of the death of her husband last
O. C Claypool & Co. have bought
the grocery and hardware stock of
O. G. Adams & Co. and will take
possession of the business today.
The new firm will continue the gro
cery and hardware lines and will
also add several new lines.
The Huff-Maker Auto Co. is the
Prineville agent for the Buick. Mr.
Huff came in the last of the week
with a new 5-passenger demonstrator
that he brought in from The Dalles
without trouble. The car is 25 h. p
and is equipped with a Delco self
starter. It is right up to the Buick
standard the best for the money.
The Shumia Club met with Mrs.
Collins Elkins Saturday January 10.
Mrs. Winnek gave a very interest
ing talk on Brete Harte, and Mrs.
Clifton reviewed the life of Homer
Davenport. A debate followed with
Mrs. Walker leader of the affirma
tive and Mrs. Herman leader of the
negative. Subject,"That sex hygiene
should be taught in the schools-"
Refreshments were served by the
hostess. The club will meet Satur
day, January 17, with Mrs. Van
W. C. T. U. Meeting
The subject, "Municipal Organi
zation, was discussed at the meet
ing of the W. C. T. U. held last
Wednesday afternoon. The dis
cussion was opened by Mrs. Mc
Allister, followed by Mrs. Street
and Mrs. Van Morse. Each paper
contained helpful facts and all pres
ent expressed themselves as having
been greatly enlightened. The next
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. Columbus Johnson. Subject.
'Eugenics." Leaders Mrs. Josie
Yancey, Mrs. Lorene Lakin, Mrs.
Effie Calbreath.
Notice to Parents
The second semester of the Prine
ville Public Schools will open Mon
day, January 26th. Pupils who are
to enter the first grade must do so
within the first week. No pupils
will be admitted to that grade later
than Monday, February 2d. Anv
child who will be six years old with
in one month after the term opens
is eligible to attend.
A. T. Lewark, Principal.
Board and Lodging
Good board, with or without
lodging, at reaHonable raten. In
quire of Mrs. K. A. Roberta, one
mock weHt oi uommerclal uuh build
ing. 1 15-lm
For Sale Cheap
Grand I'lano by Halo. For infor
mation apply to J. E. Stewart & Co.
Call for Warrants
Notice is hereby given that all regis
tered general fund warrants up to and in
cluding No. 167.'), will bo paid on pre.
Bentation to the county treasurer. Also
all registered Scalp hounrv warrant".
No intereot paid after this date Jan.
uary 15. 1!H4. It. L. Joudan,
County treasurer of Crook county.
Mansel Wheeler of Grizzly was in
town yesterday,
I). H. Peoples has been appointed
deputy county treasurer.
Services at Grimes Chapel at 3
p. m. Sunday. Geo. H. Ramsey,
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Booh toll re
turned from their Portland trip the
first of the week.
O. M. Pringle, a former resident
of Prineville, but now of Portland,
is reported very ill.
C. I. Winnek left Monday for San
Diego, Cal., to see his mother, who
is reported as very sick.
Rev. M. A. Prater will preach
oundny at 3 o clock p. m. at the
Tom Houston schoolhouse.
The Ladies Aid Society of the
Presbyterian church will meet with
Wm. Adams, Thursday, Jan. 22d.
Mrs. Miles C. Baragar of Stan-
field, Ore., will arrive in Prineville
this evening to visit Mrs. C. R.
County Superintendent Myers
left last Saturday for Salem, where
he took Rolla Sumner to the re
form school.
The Ladies' Annex will give a
basket social at their parlors in the
dub rooms on January 30. It is
free to the public.
Mrs. C. M. Elkins entertained the
500 Club last Friday evening. Mrs
Haner and J. B. Bell won the hon
ors of the evening.
E. W. Wagoner, II. Z. Griffith and
R. L- Reynolds have incorporated
under the firm name of Wagoner &
Co. Capital stock 15,000. Principal
place of business, Culver, Ore.
The Bend Land & Title Co. have
filed articles of incorporation with
the ciunty clerk. Capital stock
13,000. The incorporators are J
Ryan. A. C. Henkle, 11. J. Overturf
and V. T. Forbes.
O. C. Claypool & Co. filed articles
of incorporation with the county
clerk Tuesday. W. J. Schmidt,
Archie LImer and O. C. Claypool
are the incorporators. The canital
stock is 18000.
The Rye Grass Telephone Co. has
filed articles of incorporation with
the corporation commission at
Salem. Incorporators, Fred Grimes,
C. J. Sundquist and Price Coshow.
Capital, 14,500.
The Ladies' Annex will give a
500" party tomorrow (Friday)
evening at the club rooms. Every
member is requested to be on hand
promptly at 8 o'clock. A large at
tendance is anticipated.
The W. T. E. Wilson house one
and a half miles east of Sisters, was
burned down last Thursday night.
Everything except a little bedding
was burned. There was no insur
ance on house or furniture.
The Sisters Herald reports that
the Dan Heising place, located near
the head of the Metolius river, was
destroyed by fire last week. The
family lost everything. The build
ing was insured for $800. The
Heisings will rebuild at once and be'
ready for summer pleasure seekers
as usual.
Buy it Because
It's a Better Car
Model T
Touring Car
f.o.b. Detroit
Get particluari from
Prineville Agent
Bidwell Cram and II. L. Priday
were in from Gateway Saturday.
Mrs. L. D. Claypool and family
have moved down from thu ranch at
Joo Tetlow is teaching at Eagle
Creek this year. School opened
January 12.
C. L. Roberts has leased tin
Dishman place up the Oehoco and
will move out there the middle ol
next month.
J. F. Blanc-hard's littlo girl fell
and broke her arm last Friday at
tetnoon while at play. Dr. Ed
wards reports the case as doing
At the Baptist church next Sun
day. Sunday school 10 a. m.
Preaching by Rev. C. H. McKee,
both morning and evening. B. Y
P. U. at 6:30 p. m.
The meeting of the Music Lovers'
Club which was to have been held
at the home of the president, Mrs,
Edwards, on Saturday, has been
postponed indefinitely.
The regular services at the
Methodist church Sunday. Subject
of evening sermon, "The Wedding
Garment." All are welcome.
John E. Williams, pastor.
H. C. Oliver, traveling freight
and passenger agent of the O.-W.
R. & N., is recovering from the ef
fects of a bad sprain received while
attending the company's corn show
in Seattle.
Nick Rachor caught a big wild
cat last week in a No. 0 steel trap.
I he trap was just big enough to
enclose the animal's foot. It held
all right. Ranchor had it set for
weasles but the big cat got into it
All the regular services at the
Union church Sunday. Subject of
evening sermon, "The Devil the
Best Church Goer in Prineville."
There will be special music both
morning and evening. The orches
tra will play at 7:30. Geo. II.
The compositor slipped one over
on Mr. Baldwin last week. Instead
of making it read "hospitable en
tertainment" as Mr. Baldwin had
it, the typo made it read "hospital
entertainment." We assure the
gentleman that we did not wish to
give him such a sanguinary charac
ter. At the Presbyterian church.
Bible school, 10 a. m., morning
worship, 11 a. m., Y. P. S. C. E.,
6:30 p. m , evening worship, 7:30 p.
m. Teachers' training Bible school
each Wednesday evening from 8 to
9 o'clock. If you wish to join the
school see Superintendent Gove.
M. A. PrUer, minister.
They talk about running Bill
Hanley for governor. If Harney
county runs Bill Hanley for gov
ernor, Grant county will trot out
Joe Combs, and if Joe don't make
a campaign that would resemble a
whirlwind, tornado, cyclone, a Kan
sa8 twister and Chinese simoon all
stirred up into a summer zephyr,
well then, we don't know Joe
Combs. Blue Mountain Eagle.
L, E. I'l lekott of Redmond was n
week-end visitor to Prineville.
11. C. Ellis und Attorney
Anmmd were over from Bend
Rev. Luke Sheehun of Bend
hold services in Stewart Hull
Sunday morning at U:30.
O. I.iungaard, the engineer in
charge of the slate irrigation pro
ject, was in Prineville the last of
the week.
Rev. J. McAllister of Prineville
will preach at Post Saturday, the
17th at 7:30 and Sunday at 1 1 a. in.
and 7:30 p. m.
List Saturday evening Miss Beth
Thomas and Chns. Remington enter
tained tho senior class of C. C. H. S.
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Smith. Various novel and Interest
ing uames were played after which
light refreshments were served.
1 I Vf-VM
r i
The man who made tho abovo drawing' mado it from
his own experisnce. Ho learned early that BANKING his
money was the proper thing to do. You can do tho same
and before you know it, it will become a habit and a joy.
You will take more ploasure ADDING to that bank account
than you will in spending those dribs and drabs of money
L I i I Alt s r- v i r- ft .
uiiit Keep so many poor all
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
We pay four per cent interest on Timo Deposits.
We linvr 25 inipnr!i d !Vrh.Ton, I:, and Shire Stallionn,
two to five ynar- old, weinhiuj; 1M0O to a ton. TUho are a
prand lot with plenty of hon and action the kind that will
do you h,U of good. If you art.'ju the market for n million or
if you Ioivb an Hn,d malhuo ur H'liiw .vo ih to trade,
write uh your wnnte, or, berter till, come and c- im.
S. Metz & Sons
We Teach Taxidermy
ing by
We can tench you how to make up
mittens riuH. rotm, and all kinds
your own uprcimeriM how to blend
today for our illm tratod book on the
" -i xl (') fe-:t i'.(t
James Rice of Haycreek was In
town yesterday.
At 4 o'clock next Sunday after
noon there will bu a venper nervlco
of the Protestant Eplseupnl church
at tho Union church. Everyone in
Invited to worship with us.
The 1'iineville Steam Liumdry Is
growing In public favor every day.
Machinery does numl of the work
but it is machinery of the latest
make, It can beat handwork to u
frazzle. If you don't believe It see
it work.
Three lines restored the loat neck
lace to its owner, Mrs. Hoiner Nor
ton of Post. Albert Noble picked
it up on the street and tho Journal
did the rest. Get next to the
moral If you lose anything, want
to buy or ttcll anything use our ad
vertising columns. You get re
This 15 the
ur I MUK LIVfc.5.
and Pur Manufactur
all kind of fura into coat... ran,.
of hum tun and mount all
and dye all kindH of furs. Write
subject. It is free 12 25