fmd Practical Christmas Gifts are easily selected here. The Christmas Spirit prevails and the tendency during these times is to make gifts of no doubtful utility. USEFUL PRESENTS ARE WELL GIVEN Gifts for Men Hosiery, cotton wool or silk Handkerchiefs Ties Suspenders Slippers Shoes Shirts Collars Hats Neckwear Razors Pocket Knives Cuff Buttons Pipes Suits Overcoats Suit Cases Trunks For the Home Table linen Nice Warm Blankets Towels Comforters Bed Spreads Aluminum Ware Glassware DISHES s Printers Ink to Make You Think By HOLLAND. MILLION'S of dollars are spent In this country every year to promote think ing. Von are Induced to think on all sorts of subjects at a vast expenditure of mon ey. Some concerns want you to think about clothes, others want you to study the ques tion of breakfast foods, while others want you to investi gate the care of the teeth and think what sort of paste, pow-' der or liquid wash Is best for preserving them. Advertising is the method by which these men are in ducing you to think. They know that If you begin to think you will insist on the best, and each advertiser knows that his goods possess -real merit He knows It would not pay him to adver tise something that would not stand the bard test of actual use. If yon will do the thinking the aim of the advertiser has been achieved, for you will in time try his goods. That is all he wants Just a trial. He will then depend on the goods to make a favorable impres sion. Advertising merely in terestsmakes you think. THERE IS FOOD FOK thought in orn ADVERTISING COLUMN'S. Bad Day For Birds. The day after Christinas. St Ste phen's day (boxing day In England), is celebrated in a queer way by some of the Manx boys, and Ditcbfleld says they feel privileged to stone wrens at this time because of a story to the ef fect that In days gone by a most dan gerous siren was finally compelled to assume the form of a wren once a year (on the 2itbi and ultimately to be killed by mortal bunds. Another tradi tion furnishes an excuse on the ground that It was a wren that wakened the guard of St. Stephen Just as the latter was about to escape from prison. A' Sure Sign. Dr. Probe I guess that Peterby doesn't Intend to pay his bill this year. Mrs. Probe What makes you think so? "I just got a Christmas present from him this morning." COLLINS W. ELKINS Nsw Versions. Give ms three grains of com,' fattier Only three little grains And 1 will si.ow yuu the way to fill The granaries and wains. I've been to college, father. And learned a thing or two. And I want to show you what th new Boil theory will do. Give me three grains of corn, father. And you can have the rest. X only want enough to glvs The theory a teat. If i don't make you whistle Before another snow I'll buy you a Utile Auegel horn To alt around and blow. Give me three grains of corn, father. And lust a bit of ground And I will show you -the newest thing In all the world around. The miracles of science Are rising In the west Give me three grains of corn, father. And 1 will do the rest -St Louis Poet-Dispatch. Took No Chances. A certain roan is no beauty. He Is not only long and angular, but has a face and complexion that neither pale blue, sky yellow nor any other color In dress effect will attune to. One day the aforesaid party called to see an acquaintance, and while waiting for him to appear In the parlor was en tertained by the little eight-year-old son. "Well, what do think of me?" asked the caller, after conversing several minutes. Instead of replying the boy turned aside and thoughtfully hung his bead. "You haven't answered me." smiling ly persisted the caller. "Aren't you go ing to tell me what you think of me?" "No. sir." returned the youngster. "Do you suppose that I want to get a licking ("-Philadelphia Telegraph. A Charmer. Of all attractive girls there's on I often see and many know. 8he lures In earnest mood or fun. In silk or lawn or calico. Her spell to some unique may seem. Of lovers she has had a score. And on each fond one she would beam As though but blm she could adore. Her life stern moralists might ban If Idle rumor bad Its way. But her admirers never can Quite free themselves from her odd sway. I've seen her with a sailor "spoon" And to a soldier's love respond. In daylight or beneath the moon Bhe's ever of some fellow fond. She has been married many times To king and peasant, prince and churl. And still may long for wedding chimes This charming motion picture gtrL J. A, Waldron In Judge. Stock for Sale Three brood sows with pigs, one male hog, two years old, five milch cows, neatly dry. Inquire at the old home place or write Mrs. E. F. McMeen, I,a monta, Ore., or Chas. McMeen. Me tolius, Ore. 12-11-6t Gifts for Ladies Neckwear House Caps Scarfs Veiling Cloves Rihbons ' Waists Dress Coods Silk Waist Patterns Coals Mackinaws Slippers Shoes Sdk and Cotton Hose Suit Cases and Trunks rhiMs.Urt0 "" ?T, . Unduly Ih- out of the circuit Children used to be reminded is aBC(lllrl ,the ,w(()l .,,,, fur uncomfortable manner that Dec. 38 Crook county, and bearing date the was Innocents" day. for It was con- 17th day of December, 101.1, upon sldered wholesome on that morning to ' Judgment and decree wherein the give them a good cuffing or other form Hlove named plaintiff recovered of punishment, presumably to remind iudwneot against the above mimed them of the sins wblcb were not com mitted by the Innocents whom Herod ordered slain on that da". Fortunately every vestige of this fashion is now blotted out Helping Things Along. Mrs. Crabshnw- What's that you're blowlna on your bugle, dear? Bobbie-The call to arms. ma. Sla ter's young man has her under the misilftie. Sedan Chairs. Sedan chairs were first used In Eng land by the Duke of Buckingham dur ing the reign of James L The Brst chair aroused much indignation among the people, who said that men were be ing forced to do the work of beasts, but later on they became very fab- Popular Mechanics Magazine "wnrmtN so you can understand it" A GREAT Continued Story of the World's Progress which you may begin reading at sny time, arid which will hold your interest forever. You are living in the best year, of the most wonderful age, of what is doubtless the world in the universe. A resident of Mars would gladly pay Si Oftrt FOR OVE YEAR'S pltUUU SUBSCRIPTION to this ma order to keep Informed of our progress in HnKineerins and Mechanics. Are you reading it? Two millions of your neighbors are, and it fa the f.ivorite m'-isa-llne in thousands of the beirt American homrs. It appeals to all classes old and young men and women. The "Shop Notes" Broartmmt (20 paeest gives easy ways to do tliwiCT-hnw toniake uiiotul articles lor home ond chop, repairs, eto. " Anwteur Mechanics "(10 pace ) tulla how to rc:'k Min"!on furniture, wlrelewi oiitnti, bouts enylutM, magic, and all the UUiikh a boy luvtm SI. SO FEI! YEAR. SIMCH.1 COPIES Isj CENTS A jk ymir NnwwJealer .how vim an. whits row rues smpls cosy today POPULAR MECHANICS CO. 318 W. WmbIiwioi, St, CHICAGO Notice of Sheriffs hale In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Crook county. T. M. Baldwin and M. R. Blirirn. Executors of the Estate of "An thony B. Webdell, deceased, plain tiffs, vs. Henry L. Parry, Llllie Parry and J. H. Gray, defendants. Notice Is hereby srlven that, under and by virtue of an execution and order of sale of mortgaged real es- s popular ! g MECHANICS rrrsr I 5geft URTICLES 1CTI0NS J For the Christmas Table Hood River Apples Cranberries Nuts Choice Canned Goods' SWEET POTATOES (ti f.-ii.liuits. Henry L. I'nrrv ami Llllie Parry, In salt! court and cause for the sum of .Seventeen Hundred ninety-one and 10 hundredths dol lars", with Inter-tut thereon at rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 2nd day of December, llll.'i, and for the further sum of One hundred fifty dol lars as attorney's fees, and for the further sum of Seventeen aud 75 hundredths dollars as costs, and wl.ereln the above named defendant J. H. Oray, recovered judgment against the ahove named defendants, Henry L. furry and Ullle Parry, In raid court and cause for the sum of One hundred seventy and 40 hun dredths dollars, with Interest there on at rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 2nd day of December, 1M3, and the further sum of twenty-five miliars as attorney's fees, and the further sum of Five dollars as costs. and which said Judgments and de cree were and was rendered In said court and ennse on the 2nd day of December, 11)13, and enrolled and docketed on the 6th day of Decem ber, 1913, and where It was further ordered, a"judi(ed and decreed by the court that the hereinafter de. scribed mortgaged real estate 1st sold In two parcels aud the proceeds oi sain saie oe applied to the pay ment, first, of the first above men tioned JudKinent, Interest, attorney's fees and costs, and second, to the payment of the second above men tioned judgments, Interest, attor ney's fees and costs, 1 have levied upon, and will, on Sstsrdsr, the 24th dsy of Jussry, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon of that day, In front of the front door of the courthouse In Prineville, Crook county, state of Oregon, sen at public auction to the highest bidder for cush, all the fol lowing described mortgaged prem ises belonging to said Henry L. Parry and Llllie I'arry, to-wlt: the east half of the northwest quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-six In township sixteen south, of range eighteen east, and the northwest quarter of section fourteen In town ship seventeen south of range elgh teen eiistof the Willamette Meridian In Crook county, Oregon, separately and In one parcel, and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section ten, and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the west half of the southwest quarter of section eleven, In town ship seventeen tnnth, of range elgh teen east of the Willamette Meridian in Crook county, Oregon, separately and In one parcel, and apply the proceeds of such sale to the payment of such judgments In accordance with the terms of paid decree and order of sale, together with Interest and accruing costs. , Dated and publisher! first time De cember'25th, 1913. Frank Klkinh, Sheriff of Crook comity, state of Oregon, Gifts for loys Teddy Bears Rocars Skates Footwear Suits and Overeoats Pocket Knives Carpenter's Tools A box of Wslker's Cigars for Christ mas would make any smoker happy. Free Free A $40.00 ' Libby Cut Glass Bowl Save your ticket of ev ery 50c purchase. For further particulars see The French Drug Co The dispensers of Pure Drugs PRICES RIGHT Notice or bhc-HiTe Sale Hv virtue of an MvumttUn i. i bv the c rk nf tl,o ........ ....... ---- ----- - - vu m 1 1, ui inn county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, Don't THE GR & ND BALL Xmas Night, Dec. 25th At Club Hall, Prineville Supper will be served in the hall. A special invitation to all country folks. Come in and have a good time. Tickets $ 1 . Supper 50c couple: Children Dolls Hats Books Caps dated the ldili dsy of October, 101.1, In s csruin sctlon In the cin ull court (or suid county ami ate. wherein tiibann J. Hums is p'sintifl recovered Judg ment sgsinst Odin falls Irrigation smt Power Company, a forporsi Ion, for the sum of One Thousand dollars, and costs and ilitiiruitnls taxed at Klghteen and 40 hundredths dollars, on the 8th day of October, 1013 Notice Is herehy given that I will on Ike lets ass si Jssssry, 1914, st the front dtsir nf the courthouse in ritieville in Crook county, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon t( esid day, sell at pnb lie auction to the highest bidder, fur rash, the following described properly, to-wit: KX sej section 22; , nwj, set ni, w i, section 2i n' sej, ni'JfJ,nJ section 2"j nej nei, eetion 33; n) n, set4' nJ, 34, all in township 14 south, rsnga 12 east of Willamette Mori. linn. Also all of those rights of way fur ditches, csnsls or flumes (or irrigation or recla mation purposes conveyed to the Odin Falls Irrigation and Power Compsny, a corporation anil now of record lo the Record ol Deeds of Crook county, Ore gon, In Hook 1H, page 370; Hook IS, -pitge 100 ; Hook 18. pageKMi. Taken and levied upon ss the proper ty of ssld Odin Falls Irrigation snd Power Compsny or as much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the ssid judgment in favor of Gibson J. Burns sgsinst ssid Odin Kails Irrigation and Power Company with Interest thereon, together with all costs and disburse ments that have or msy accrue. r'sANK Ki.kins, Sheriff. Dated at Prineville, Oregon, this Nth day of December, 1013. By D. H. Peoples, deputy. 12 11 Miss : J 1 ,' i jr's