Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 25, 1913, Image 6

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    Origin f tK Hal.
la tb public place In Atbi od or
two thousand ytn ro tb Qnttattt
up tb statue of their audi and fod
dmse. To guard against tb pom!
bllltr of tb rain (tattling tb marble
fact of their niasterplrros tbej used
to protect each with a uirs metal
plate at tbe top of the bead. Thee
were mistaken by the preRihaellte
painters for emblems of divinity. Ac
cordingly to this day we see around
the pictured heads of Christiau saints
tbe curious little ling which Is kuown
as the halo. Exchange.
A Royal Slip.
Considerable amusement was once
caused by a slip of Kmperor Nh hulas
pen In accepting the offers of several
conipanlc of Siberian militia n ho tol
uutoered for aervlce at the front. The
petition read. "We humbly lay at your
majesty's feet our desire to be per
mitted to tight and die tor the father
laud." The emperor In accepting wrote
on the margin of tbe petition In his
own hand. "I thank you sincerely and
hope your wishes may be fully real
Fd Thm on Stal Ntws.
In the British arctic expedition of
1875 one of tbe chaplains had a file of
the London Times twenty years old.
containing tbe Crimean war reports.
One copy was given out to each ship
daily. The officers bad It first, then It
weut to the forecastle, and soon every
one was as keen about tbe news as If
the war had been proceeding. The
clergyman in control of the press was
besought to Issue an evening edition,
and when Sebastopol was about to be
taken excitement ran so high that the
newspaper office locker was almost
stormed. The editor, however, was
firm and continued with his dally is
sue, the interest being kept np to the
end of the expedition.
Th Thrm Hsavimt Man.
The three heaviest men of whom any
mention la made In history were Miles
Danlen of Tennessee. Lewis Cornelius
of Pennsylvania and Daniel Lambert
of England. Darden died in 1S5T.
When In health be was seven feet six
inches In height and weighed over
1,000 pounds. There is no record of
the date of the death of Cornelius,
which occurred in Pike county. Pa.,
but the account says that be was born
in 1794. When in his prime he meas
ured eight feet two Inches around the
waist, was six feet tall and weighed
C15V, pounds. Daniel Lambert was an
English freak who died in Jane. 1809.
He was of average height, but weighed
739 pounds.
- - -r -
"Nobody is worried nowadays by the
fact that the twelfth month of the
year is called the tenth, December."
says a writer, "and no doubt even tbe
ancient Romans soon got used to tbe
anomaly when tbe new year was shift
ed back from March to January, though
the old names of the months were re
tained. But there was one of them
who made Ingenious use of It Llclnius,
a rascally procurator at Lyons under
Augustus. He Insisted on having cer
tain monthly payments made fourteen
times a year, arguing, when December
came round, that as It was the teuth
month of the year and there ought to
lie twelve there must be two more to
be accounted for."
Something NEW!
Never seen before in the United States. Instruction. Reck
oning and Mechanical Building Box
m . i X-Vi. f rf-t '"
matador &'irv'
Mr. Beetle Beware of these terrible
motor buses, my boy! Comic Cuts.
His Turn.
The Black Bean Club.
One of the fantastic clubs of London
Is the Black Bean club, limited to forty
members, each of whom pays an en
trance fee of 10 and a similar amount
as annual subscription. They meet only
once a year, and then a bag Is passed
round, containing thirty-nine white
beans and one black bean. The mem
ber who picks the black bean la com
pelled to get married within the ensu
ing twelve months, and the remalndet
solemnly vow to remain single nutll
tbe next meeting. A bouse Is furnished
for the prospective bridegroom out of
the funds of the club, which also bears
the cost of tbe wedding festivities and
of a three weeks' honeymoon.
A Movable Town.
There is a town, Gartok, In Tibet
which moves twice every .year. Foi
three months of the year it Is situated
at the place where it is designated on
the map. During the other nine months
It Is not there at all. but Is about forty
miles farther south, at a much lowei
altitude. Climatic conditions are the
cause of this migratory habit When
the heat grows too intense for comfort
the whole town packs up and, driving
the herds of yaks, sheep and goats,
moves np to tbe higher altitude, and
tbe traders from India at once begin
to drift in. Trade continues for three
months; then, before the severe Tibetaa
winter begins the town moves back.
Let me but live my life from year
to year.
With forward face and unre
lenting soul,
Not hurrying to nor turning from
the goal.
Not mourning for the things that
In the dim past nor holding back
in fear
From what the future veils, but
with a whole
And happy heart that pays the toll
To you and age and travels on with
cheer. Henry van Dyke.
' t'fft I.' y V7;
r -r ""'noon -m a
Patented in all civilised countries.
Everything turns. Everything Moves.
Call before sold out.
See Our "Made in Prineville" Furniture
Vtt, I heard ma tell her friend that
her silk gown came from a worm. Now
she wants another one.'
So I was ins worn, eh? Well, Just
tell her the worm haa turned.'
Getting Areund Difficulty.
Cream Separators
Sold on Easy Terms
Pioneer Cream Co.
Prineville, Oregon
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glntwee, Kto. Etc., Etc
J. H. WIOLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by tbe day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Ratkb Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Prineville Flour
"Why do you lace so tight when
Clinton comes around?" "Oh, tbe poor
fellow s arm la so short.
Excd.d Expectations.
"You tried hard to work that swell
guy for a tip. Did he give you one?"
"Yes. He gave me two. He banded
me a dime and told me never to judge
a man's wealth by his clothes."
Sort of Board Pis.
Hotel Oregon
Beds 50 and 75 Cents
Meals, 25 Cents and up
PETER ERICKSON, Prop'r of Rnourc.. and LUbilitU of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
Umna and IHmminU., tJWjrM os timl HUwk. fM In I kMJtio tw
I'nlttHl malm Hondi I2..VW u) Hurplua fuml. nrad Wtm m
Buna IS.M0 u UurtiviiVrf pnidu, (.runt ?,tj4 M
t'b a I'm from luk. 04 tlnml.liun (tun ou
Dixiii..... ai,,iw u
MI.4.S If
B. W. AlWa,
WiU WvrnlW. VlnfmUNl
aMl.ttl IS
T. M. BMwta. CmIIm
H. RtUwi. Au'l CuMm
You Would Enjoy the Journal
"Should you eat pie with a knife?"
"No; you'd want to use an ax If yoo
lived at my boarding bouse."
Not Kicking.
The Monologists I've Just been asked
to present my monologue before the
InniatiH of the state reformatory.
The Ilend Balnncer-Go to It. old top.
There's un audience that can't get
away from you.-Cbicago News.
Holiday Home-Going Rates
Christmas and New Years
From Oregon Trunk Points to Points in Washington,
British Columbia, Idaho and Oregon
Reduced Tickets Sold
December 18 to 24. Final Limit January 5, 1914
From Redmond To
Portland $ 9-20
Vancouver, WaBb .. . 9.20
Vancouver, B. C . . . . 22.20
Seattle . . . 16.35
North Yakima 13.70
Ppokane $16.00
Tacoma. 14.55
Courd' Alene, Ida.. 17.10
Salem .. 11,00
P2ugene 14.00
Further Details on Request
The "Owl" Daily between Central Oregon and Portland,
saves a day each way. Leaves Ilend at 8:30 p. m. arrives
Portland at 8:10 a. m. H. BAUKOL,
R. II. CROZIEIt, Agent, Redmond, Gre.
A. G. P. A., Portland, Ore. 1211-41
The drunkard will have none of me.
The heavy drinker says "no" when my
name is mentioned.
The man who craves rough strong
whiskey passes me by.
All this is as it should be as I myself
would wish it. I am not for them.
Cyrus Noble
W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents
Portland, Oregon
Holiday Fares!
From all Stations on the
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co.
Sales Dates
Dec. 18 to 24
Return Limit
January 5th
All Points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho
and return
The First Time in the History of the Northwest
That Holiday Rates have been in effect. Take advantage of
the low fares and spend Christmas and New Year with
friends. Ask particulars of any agent of the O-W. R. Sc N.
12 4-2t