u msm For 15 Days ONLY FKlttS Commencing Dec. 1 1 and continuing to' December 25 if We are Overstocked in Gents' Furnishings, Clothing, Dry Goods and Christmas Goods I $18 Suits for $ 1 0 - - $12 Suits for $7.00 The Same Reductions in Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings and Christmas Goods We Must have Money and Take this Method of Gettng it. Our Need is your Opportunity Come in and be Shown ! BID) irla PAULINA ICE OREGON HOW TO USE A LIFE PRE- f SERVER PROPERLY. Tbe worst trouble about J life preserver," said un old sailor. "Is tbat few people know what jr to do witb one when it's thrown ... to them. Many a man would ? drown In trying to get a life preserver over bis bead. "Tbe average person strug- 4 gllng about in tbe water would try to lift np tbe big life ring and put It over bis bead. That only causes tbe man to sink deeiier and take more water iuto bis lungs. "The proper way to approach a life preserver In tbe water is to take hold of the side "nearest X yoo and press upou it witb all your weight That causes tbe other side to fly up in the air 4 and down over your bead, "ring- Ing' you as neatly as a man ringing a cane at a country fair. Z After that tbe drowning man can be rescued." roses is tne weekly working of tbe sur face of the soli about tbe rosebushes and monthly fertilization of the (oil. Work the surface of the soil at least once a week so as to leave It fine and soft to the depth of two or three inches. The drier the weather the oftener the soil should be worked, and if this Is done there will be very little need for artificial watering. About once a. month work into tbe soil all over the rose bed or border or where the busbes arc set as single spec imens In a circle about two and one half feet in diameter around the bush a layer of well decayed cow or sheep manure about one Im'h thick. This may be varied by a spread of bone meal In the place of the manure thick enough to make the surface quite white and worked in the same as ma nure. Both kinds of manure and bone meal can be obtained from the seeds GARDEN LORE. How to Make Roses Bloom All Through the Summer. Outdoor roses may be divided into four general classes namely, climbers and ramblers, monthlies, teas and hy brid teas and hardy perpetuals. , The climbers and ramblers bloom nly once each year, In late June or July, except a very few. aiming which are the new flower of Fairfield, also " nlled the ever blooming crimson ram bler; climbing American I'.eauty and Christine Wright, a bright wild rose pink in color. The dwarf er baby ram blers with proper treatment bloom throughout tbe summer ami nutiiinn. as do also the monthlies, teas and hy brid teas. The hardy perpetual give a heavy crop of blooms iu June and under skill ful handling will give several more small crops of blooms during the sea son. The name perpetual given to this lass of roses Is misleading and means not that this class of roses blooms all the season normally, but that they live year after year out of doors. Jn order to secure the greatest num ber of blooms from rosebushes of any elass the first step Is to cut the rose blooms and summer prune the bushes properly. The bloom always appear on the young growth and In picking either a single rose or a cluster of roses, as in the? case of the baby ramblers ond other cluster roses, cut witb a sharp knife, taking with the bloom or cluster of blooms a stem long enough so as to leave a stub having only one leaf be tween Its end and the old hardwood brunch or main stalk of the bush. The second plan In securing more or lesH continuous summer blooming in How to Save Ice. "I wish to tell you of a contrivance of mine." said a woman recently, "for saving Ice when the refrigerator has to stand in a heated kitchen or when hot weather comes around. Even though the refrigerator is In a cool place In summer, the Ice melts fast during the heated term. I learned the trick during a torrid summer and wish to pass It on for the benefit of others. "When the iceman came around with a hundred pound piece of ice I bad him put It inside a gunny sack, and after three days of Intense heat I had about fifteen" pounds left when tbe ice man came with another hundred pounds and put it Inside a dry sack. The butter, had kept bard and sweet, so I Infer that the refrigeration was sufficient even if the chill was less than when rapid melting was going on." How to Make Nut and Date Bread. A bread that will appeal to the vege tarian Is made by the following recipe: Measure one cupful of warm wheat ' nnish made from any kind of wheat , preparation, add one-quarter cupful of I sugar, one-half teaspoonful of fialt, two ' of sugar, two talilespoonfuls of melted butter and one-quarter yeast cake dis solved In four talilespoonfuls of luke warm water. Stir together, add one cupful of finely cut walnut meats and three-quarters cupful of dates cut In small pieces. Mix in flour enough to make a dough that can be kneaded, cover 11 nd set In a warm place to rise Overnight. Knead, shape Into a loaf and lei rise In the pan. Bake In a mod erate oven. RED TAPE AND A TUB. A Beth In 8enegal Wee Something Like a Surgical Operation, Some years ago, when the capital of the French colony of Senegal was a dull, unprogrosslve town where official ism and red tape prevailed, a French traveler, witb a friend, hud a most amusing exiierience when he wished to obtain a bath. There was no bath ing establishment In the capital of Senegal at the time, but rumor had It that it was possible to purchase baths at the hospital. Accordingly the travelers repaired to the hospital, where they stated the purpose of their visit "Certainly." said the official, "take scats. Your names, surnames and birthplace?" "But we merely want a bath." "Exactly. What Is your name, and where and when were you born, and are you government servants, soldiers or officers? No? Well, tbe rules do not provide for this. Just a moment. I will read them again. Yes. here Is your case Tou must first make out on stamped paper an application to the governor of the colony After favor able notice from the governor you send another application to the chief colonial doctor, who will send for you and examine you." "But we are not 111." "It Is the rule. Having examined you. the dm tor will give you two non commissioned officers1 bath tickets, to be delivered to the assistant doctor." "Why the noncommissioned officers' bath?" "For the reason that In our accounts we recognize only two categoric of persons officers and civil servants, the latter taking rank with officers or pet ty officers. You are not official at all If officers were to find you in their baths they would probably make a row." "What period of time will all these formalities consume?" "Two or three days, provided your application is approved at the gov ernment house." Chicago Record Herald. How to Make Glass Tough. Tumblers, wineglasses, lamp chim neys mid other glasses may' be ren 'dered so durable as to be almost un breakable by placing them In a aauce pan of cold water and gradually bring ing It to boiling heat Care should be taken that they do not touch each oilier during the bubbling up of the liquid. . Present TroJbles. "Ah. pretty lady." said the fortune teller, "you wish to be told about your future husband?" "Not much." replied Mrs. Galley. "I've come to learn where my present husband Is when he's absent" Phila delphia Press. Turning the Phrase. "They used to call him a bonehead." "That was before he succeeded." "Yes. Now they express It different ly. They call him a man of hard, solid sense." Washington Star.. Distantly Related, "Say. Isn't Swanfle. the banker, a relative of yours?" ' "Yes; he's a cousin about $4,000,000 removed."-hIcaeo Tribune. ureuaae him to give you COMMUNITY SILVER, Show him tlii advertisement to lie will Lnow the land. Tell him that thi famous ware hat a olid silver disc overlaid on the wearing points, and it is then plated with a triple-plue plate. . Community Silver is guaranteed for 50 yean in ordinary family use, J. E. Stewart & Co. Notice lor Publication laolated Tract Public Uml Bala !rartnitit ol the Interior, I'. 8. Land OthV at The Dalle. Oregon IK'co nbrr 9th, l!'13. Nolle la hereby given that, aa dl. reeled by the Commissioner ol tlm Gen eral l.aml Olhce, under provision! ol Act of C'inirre.i approved June 2", llKfti (34 Huts., M"), pursuant to the appli cation il William I. Piahmen, Herlnl No. (HUM, wo will odor at public lalt, to the highest bidder, but at not ten than 'J ncr acre, at It 30 o'clock a. m , on the i'Hlli iIiiy ol January, 11114, at this nlliew, the following: tract ol land: Lota :t and 4 and aej n J. J no) sec tion 2. tp. 15 MMitb, range l'esst, W. VI. "This tract ia o.ileic.l into market on a showing that I lie greater portion thereof ia uiouulaliioua or Uu rough lor cultivation." Any persona claiming adversely Ilia above-deecribed land aro advised to file thtiir claims or objcctlone, on or before the time designated (or pule. 11. Frank Wooncocg. 12 ISp Kegiatrr. Pi Notice ter 1'iihlicution I Apartment ol the Interior, V. 8. Land Olhre at The Dalles, Ore., December 17(h, 11113 Notice ia hereby given that Oliver li. AiUuia on of tlm liwira nt Milan 1,' Ai1mii rrinevillH. Oregon, whn rut Atmv Iftlli IIIOX, made llomeatiiad Kn'y No. U442U (or w) net, w, tr), ew), section n, township 10 until, range 17 cant, Willamette Meridian, baa filed notiia of intention to make final five-year oroof to eatahtiah claim in tlm uml above deaorloeil before Timothy K. j. I'uiiy, u. n. tjOnimixaionor, at Trine ville, Oregon, on the 2Kb day ol Feb- riiury, 11114. Claimant namia as w Unease! Wil. liuni Marks, Hugh lice, Janiea C (lil criat, John K. limine, all of Prineville, Oregon. II, Fiiank Wooixwk, 12 2.') Register. Notice te Creditors Notice is hereby given by tlm under signed, the executor of the cstHte of James Lawson, deceased, to all creditors ol said deceased and to all pernios bav ing claims anainst said estate to preterit the same, with. the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at. :be office of M. R. Klliott within six months Iiom tbe first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time Dec. 18, 101. W. ,1. Johnson. Executor of Last Will ol James Law non, deceased. Walker's Cigars are mado riirbt. Factory Prineville. 1:2-11 3t Crook County Journal, 11.50 per yr. Notice to Creditor! Notice is hereby given, by tho under signed, the administrator of tbe estate ol K. C. Perron, deceased, to all cred itors ol said deceased and to all persona having claims ngaiust liH estate to prestnt tbe same with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned nt. the of flee ol M. R. Klliott In Prineville, Ore gon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time Dec. 1H, 11113. . C. C. ISltCHNN. Administrator of the estate ol U, C. Person, deceased, '. School hoards desiring experienced teacher to fill winter vacancy, addresi Fbkd H. Wilcox, Redmond, Or. 12 1H 2p Notice of Dissolution of Partner ship Notice Ih hereby given flint tho piirt m-rHlilj) lately exist Ing bet ween UV t'1" nuilerslgjicd, 1,. S, I(cignn Mini O. 1. Un vl'soti, ciiriln on busi ness In Crook county, Oregon, under the tirm mime, mid Hl.vle of L, M. liojruri & Co., w is on tint first dny of Dec llilier, 1111:1, illsMolved by mutual consent. Tluit nil claims due the partnership will liu received uml receipied for by either partner mid till claims mrnliiHt tho partner ship will lie paltl by either partner on prem'titatloii. (Slmed) I.. S. Lotus, 12-25 (Kilned) O. I. Davihon. Dissolution of Partnership The co-partnership heretofore ex 11 Inu; between Win. Hall and Fred Stroud, under the name of Hall Ik Htrouil, Is hereby dissolved by mutual eminent. All bills owln to tlicO. K. Market up to uml Incliid Injr December 8, 1!)13, niiiHf, be paid by the flrat of the year at the Crook County Bank, where the hooka n ay be found, Khkd Stkoijii, Wm. Hai.i.. Dated this 22ud dny of December, 1913.