Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 11, 1913, Image 1

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    Vol o
Euene Or
Crook County Jourekfi
Kntr4 at lb poatofflna pr1nTlll
Omsoo, Maoot-laM matter
December Term of
the County Court
A regular term ol the county court
coDveiitHl do Wednesday, December
3rd, 1013, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the
courtboiiM - In I'rlnevllle, Crook
county, Oregon. I'resent-tl. Spring
er, Judge presiding; It H. Hay ley,
WIMla W. Brown, commissioners;
Frank Klktna, sheriff, autl Warren
iirown, clerk.
Whereupon the following proceed
ings were bad, to-wlt:
In the matter ol the app Icatlon of
Supt Mjrere for 100 additional for
traveling expenses. Application
In tbe matter of the application
of Marlon tlahn for assistance. As
sistance granted and matter referred
' to the Judge.
China pheasants. Whereas, state
game warden baa several coope of
China pheasant to be Ilia-rated In
various pnrta of the county at next
lireedlug season, and, whereas, sev
eral petitions have been presented
Asking tbnt special protection be
given to the blrde. Therefore, It U
ordered that euld protection nuked
for lit the petitions presented by
Cliaa. O. Pollard, ami It la ordered
that 11 per month be paid Warden
3kKny for feed for birds.
In the matter of the Improvement
of county rond at Bend. It la or
dered thill W. W. ItU'linrilHiin be mid
he l hereby authorlntd to Improve
In the matter of erroneoui
nmnta. Charles Ilendrtckaon allow
ed rebate of 11617. Hherlff author
lied to collect assessment on lota
21, 32, 88, 14, block 46, Redmond, Or.
Central Oregon Irrigation Company
remitted a penalty ol f 28.83.
In the matter of a fruit Inspector.
Guy Lafollette appointed fruit In
spector at a salary of 1 80 per mouth
and 10 cent mileage. '
In the matter of the appropriation
of county road near Bend by Central
Oregon Irrigation Company. Super
visor It. M. l'.lder Instructed to re
pair road and build bridge, consider
log tbe welfare of tbe county and of
the dltcb company. Matter referred
to Commlaaloner Bayley,
In the matter of the Geo. Klalnr
road. Proceeding to date appear
ing to be regular aud the court be
ing of the opinion that aald road la
a public necessity and having
knowledge of the situation, It la or
dered therefore that Supervisor Wll
coxen proceed at once to open anld
In the matter of tbePrlucvllle-Ked-moiid
road. 8uervlsor llendrlck
son authorised to proceed with the
work on said road to tbe city limits
of Hedmond. Ordered that warrant
for 1200 lie Issued In favor uf said
Heiidrli ksun for use on said rond.
In the matter of old bridge lumlier.
County Judge preseutcd receipt from
one-half mile of road, spreading Treasurer Jordan for $1 DO for old
cinders on same nud he Is hereby ap- bridge lumber.
pointed to act for the county to lu the mutter of the owning ol the
Mitr upon any private lands and county rond nt rrliievllle Crooked
appropriate materials as Is the cue- river bridge. It appearing that the
toiu of rond supervisors lu general road Is still fenced, It Is ordered
and It Is ordered that the clerk Issue j that Cross act for the county and
a warrant for 1200 In favor of said proceed to open said road, but opeu
K. W. Klchardson to be used on said
In the matter of the bill of the
Wenandy Livery Co. The bill of the
Wenandy Livery Co. presented for
ervlec In searching for the bodies
of drowned and the same was con
sidered and It Is ordered that a war
rant for fM.25 be Issued lu fuvor of
said company.
December 4th
lis the matter of the widows' pen
alum. The following i'IihIoiih were
allowed) Viola Jones, continued.
Vlleiia 1). Messluger, f 10 er month.
In the matter of Justlrc of the
peace for rrliievllle precinct. It n
ouly on the enst side of stream
above 'lie bridge,
lu the matter of Crook county vs,
Alma I. Kati. Matter referred to
Commissioner Barley.
Central road district. It appear
ing that Supervisor llchreiis has
used the 1100 ndvanced to him very
advantageously aud that there Is
urgent need of further road Improve
ments lu the district, it Is ordered
that a warrant lor f 150 be Issued lu
favor of said Itehrens.
lu the matter of the settlement
with Miss C. Beesley. Surveyor or
dered to view roud ncross her home
stead and mark same plainly that
.earing that the duly elected Jimtlce ,t,"'rH to "
Id the peace for Mm-vlUe priH-lnct t", ll" location to the end hat n
i .. ii.... . .1.... a dellnlte agreement may lie iniide and
has decenseil, It Is ordered that A.
K. How man be and he Is hereby ap
pointed Justice of the pence for
l'rlnevllle precinct to serve until the
next general election.
In the matter of the John Moore
the matter finally settled on pay
ment of Indemnity agreed upon.
Iu the matter of n Justice of the
!caee for Madras precinct. It ap
pearing to the court that a vacancy
exists In the matter of a Justice of
estate. It appearing to the court the peace for Madras precinct. It is
.... i .. .i . .J! i.. ... ordered that Howard W. Turner be
limb one auiiu, , iftuwu-i, i v
cently died at Madras mid the only
property he had woe a time check.
It Is ordered that Howard W.
Turner be and he Is appointed ad
mlnlstrator, authorized to collect
the said check and pay funeral ex
penses wlt)vUiu same.
and he Is hereby appointed Justice of
the pence for Madras product to
serve until the next election.
In the matter of the scaip bounty
fund. Request of Treasurer .Ionian
for $t5() to carry said fund to the be
ginning of year, granted.
Continued on Page Two
Circuit Court Ad
journed Saturday
The following cases were disposed
J. M. Crenshaw vs. J. W. Brewer
et al. Verdict for plaintiff for 14 13
J. M. Crenshaw vi. H. H. and C.
L. Palmer. Defendant to have 30
days to answer.
Christina Newman vs. Christ
Newman. Edith Phoenix appointed
Glen Hamilton vs. Wade Huston.
Plaintiff to have 80 days to reply.
State of Oregon vs. W. D. Cur
acy. Dismissed on motion ol coun
ty attorney.
State of Oregon vs. B. Strouble
and Grace I. Gay. Continued for
State of Oregon vs. Bert Welsh.
Sentenced from 2 to 5 years in the
State of Oregon vs. E. C. Myers
and F. R. Wilkie. Jury disagreed.
State of Oregon vs. Geo. Kent-
ner and Al Robertson. Motion to
dismiss as to Geo. Kentner. Motion
State of Oregon vs. E. T. Butler.
Sentenced to pay a fine of 1 150.
D. I. & P. Co. vs. W. B. "Wilson
ct al. Decree.
State of Oregon vs. E. A. Bus-
sett, administrator of the estate of
Richard Meyer. Continued.
Breyman Leather Co. vs. Madras
Harness Shop. Continued.
Squaw Creek Irrigation Co. vs.
A. Hornbeck. Continued.
Marie L Brooks vs. L. R. Brooks,
A. A. Burris vs. 0- H. and Lola
Erickson. Continued.
Frank Gilland vs. Frank Boles.
1'iaintifT to have 80 days to reply.
Henry Linstor vs. Central Oregon
Irrigation Co. Settled and dis
missed. W. F. King vs. J- E. Adamson.
Confirmation granted.
Crook County vs. Alma D. Katz.
C. O. I. Co. vs. H. W. Wooley.
J. A. Willeox, trustee, vs. Inland
Empire Co. Continued.
Olean Land Co. vs. David Burton
et al. Testimony to be taken with
in 30 days.
W. F. King Co. vs. I. D. Basey.
Confirmation granted.
First National Bank of Bend vs.
J. H. Bean et al. Continued.
Walter O'Neil vs. Frank P. Hipe.
Confirmation granted.
Eastern Railway & Lumber Co.
vs. Vanora Townsite Co. Confirma
tion granted.
O'Neil Bros. Co. vs. H. K. Nissen
et al. Default and decree.
Taxpayers Discuss
the County Budget
There was a good representation
of taxpayers of the county at the
meeting held Saturday. December
6, for the purpose of discussing the
county budget. Representatives
from all parts of the county were
there with the exception of the
northern end. The main bone of
contention seemed to be in the dis
tribution of the county money
Some thought the money should be-
spent, or the greater part of it,
where it was raised. The judge
took issue with such policy and
claimed that it should be spent
where it was most needed. The
roads and bridges levy was reduced
from 175,000 to 168,000.
The Election Monday
Creating Great Interest
Elmer Niswonger vs. W. P. Van-
devert. Continued.
Bute of Oregon vs F. A. Hyde
etal. Continued to be heard at
The Dalles.
M. R. Elliott vs. C. M. Stroud et
al. Default and judgment and or
der to sell attached property.
Jacob N. Ouiberg vs. Crook coun
ty. Demurrer to complaint sus
tained. '
J. L. M. Shetterley Jr., vs. A. R
Skewes. Referred to Wm. J.
Gertrude Monica! vs. Clarence
Monical. Dismissed without preju
Una Bayles vs. C. H. Bayles.
Decree granted.
Lena McPherson vs. Logan C.
McPherson. Demurrer to com
plaint sustained.
Scientific American Compiling
Dept. vs. J. W. Ramsey, M. D;:
Default and judgment. .
Margaret Kitching vs. Cordelia
Hohnson et al. Default and decree.
G. W. Jones vs. Bettie Erickson.
Motion for continuance. Motion al
lowed on condition that defendant
pay costs of plaintifTs witnesses.
Mattie Elliott vs- F. A. and Leona
McDowell. Default and decree.
Thos. Maupin vs. Mary Maupin.
Referred to W. H. Turner at Madras.
J. H. Haner vs. Wm. Prine et al.
Default and decree.
State of Oregon vs. Wm. A.
Clark. Verdict for defendant in
the sum of 11650.
Deschutes Lumber Co. vs. Eliza
A. Johnson et al. Default and de
Frank Pratt vs. Iva Pratt. Re
ferred to H. W Turner.
Estate of A. B- Webdell vs. H
L. Parry et al. Default and decree.
G. E. Dobson vs. Freda Barkley
et al. Default and decree.
Ellen Harmon vs. Wm. Ferry.
Default and judgment.
The city election December 15 is
stirring up matters political at a
lively pace. There are. no end of
candidates. So far seven men have
registered for councilmen. Last
week A. W. White was the only one
but this week six more have been
added Floyd Rowell, John B.
Shipp, Carey W. Foster, C M. Qk-
ins, Dale Jones and S. L. Cooper-
Chas. L. Roberts is going to make
it a three-cornered fight for the
office of city marshal. Hia oppon
ents are T. L. Coon and T. N. Bal
No new names have been added
to the list of candidates for city
treasurer. Ethel Glaze," L. M.
Bechtell and Joe Girardo will make
the race.'
Mayor Clifton has everything his
own way so far. No other candi
date has registered.
A. R, Bowman is op against Dr.
Hyde in the race for city recorder.
Both have had the needful experi
ence in this line of work. The doc
tor got hia at Scio for a number of
Another matter of first im
portance to Prineviile is the con-'
struction of a sewerage system!
We have been postponing the evil
day from year to year but it is
bound to overtake us. The town
is too large to be without the
proper means of disposing of its
filth. The matter cannot be post
poned much longer. An epidemic
will sweep the community that if
measured in cost of life would be
worth infinitely more than a dozen
sewerage systems. Make it possi
ble for the city to protect itself by
voting to raise the bonded indebted
ness from 6 to 10 per cent. Vote
yes as often as you can.
Will Come Back to
God's Country Again
A letter received this week from
Claude Smith from Ida Grove, Iowa,
shows that the Smiths will not be
satisfied anywhere but in Crook
county, Oregon. They read the
Journal, of course, but failed to re
ceive a few back numbers. Mr.
Smith writes: "If possible, I wish
you would send me the back num-
l-bers fjeVi about August 1st, as we
want to keep track of what is going
on in God's country.' . We expect to
remain in this section until early
spring when we will return to the
West. With kind regards to all
our Crook county friends, I am,
Yours very truly, C.E.Smith."
What Red Cross Seals
Do for the Afflicted
Every Red Cross Christmas Seal that
is sold is a real bullet in the fight
against tuberculosis. These seala last
year helped to tupport thousands of
needy tuberculosis patients and to give
them a chance for life. They provided
for many visiting nurses, whoee hun
dreds of thousands visits brought in-
W. T. Davenport vs. T. E. and
Fred Stroud. Default and judg
ment and order to sell attached
W. R. Gay vs. Grace I. Gay and
B. Struble. Verdict for defendants:
Judgment on verdict.
Mary L. Hunsaker vs. J. H. and
Otto Gray. Defendants to have 30
days to answer.
Redmond Bank of Commerce vs.
E. A. Cleland et al. Confirmation
Let Haniniensley, the government
trapper, convince you that his Coy
ote and Cat bait Is the best on the
market. $1.09 for 3 ounce bottle.
Order today. Ci'RTis & Ctley,
agents, Lakeview, Ore. ll-zi-Stp
struction and cheer to numerous
patients. They helped maintain dis
pensaries in scores of citits from the)
Atlantic to tbe Pacific, where thousands
of consumptive patients received free
treatment, aid and advici. They .pro
vided the means to purchase millions of
copies of circulars, pamphlets and other
literature with which the public has
beed educated about tuberculosis. They
have established and helped to main
tain more than 150 open-air schools for
childien who needed open-air treat
ment. These are just a few of the ways
in which the $400,000 received last year
was expended. This year f 1,000,000 is
needed. Surely every one can help by
buying at least ten seals.
Pay Up
Parties knowing themselves indebted
to A. H. Lippman or A. H. Lippman St
Co., bvnote, account or contract, must
come and settle. We are in urgent
need of cash. 11-20-tit
Avoid the . Rush by Doing Your Shopping Early
Our new Holiday Line is now beginning to arrive, which consists of all the new and
up-to-date Staples carried in a complete Holiday Stock
An elegant supply of Stationery, Books and Lowney's Candy on hand.
New Christmas Presents for -the Children arriving daily