HiiinniHiiiniiuHi- MOW TO WASH SLANKtTS. Ynil mut never rub snap upon Wool IllMllkolH. Ullil till' IllUnt ', nver lie ul lulu water of dlf- (rent tempera turee. ! Any f tint many white aimpa ; ttr good fur wiiNlilng wool blnnkola, Cut aip two ham of ini) Ktul boll tin-in In eight 'iiimru of water. When It In nil dissolved turn four quarts Into tub half full of tepid water, with I'" If cupful ammonia add xl. Put your blankets lu thin tid rlne Uii'in up mid duwn mil rub them urn! niia them llinniiili the Intuitu. I'uUwi there urn very Imil mhih do not rub I brut on the board. After they bur brm treated In ttiln wiijt until you are euro (hut they are fairly clean lut them In another tub nf water lh urn temperature la wlilrh yon have, added the three quart of soapy wntr nil go through th Mill treatment ee you did it flnit. Take thm out and put them Into "till another tub of water the same temperature ud idd to thla water the re maining quart of soap. Never rliiM Wanketa In clr water. I'ut tlicm tbrouiih tha wringer and banc them up to dry In a rattier warm plara In tha aun If potnllile. Pull and atralghten them into Imp If they are very fine blanket! qulta a good way to dry them la to put them on a curtain frama and atretch then down; otberwlaa you muat be Tory care ful to stretch tbem aud pull ihmti alralifht b hand. Never put anythln made of wool Into very hot water, aa It full and thlrkena It. If you hre cotton oullia "ilka mower nnd to make" tlte can be ' laundered very eaally If you ; hava a wahlug machine (ana , annate mtntt woman who baa I lane family should hava one). l ae tha same aoapy water mada ; a little stronger than waa given f,.r washing the blankets and I put them In the machine aud rlnee tbem In clear cold waier. 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I FOURTH OF JULY FUN. Hew te Arrange an Al Praace Repeat rap ln.deDenden.ee Day. Independence ly frollc ,or young and old. and even at home the n..i. ara usually served In picnic form. It adds mora to the nature of k i..,n,iiiv in have an Informal enter tainment, and It certainly la much wain- where there la a party or gueaia. One enjoyable picnic luncheon waa iii thn itliilua room of a country house Iwcaune the rain of the previous A.m mailn Ilia lawn Ullllt for USO. .- " - -- The fourteen gueata ant around the ii'..w hnaa. and tha bare table waa partially covered by a centerpiece and dollli of eyelet emnroiuery. iMaiinra nf cold sliced haiu.nnd tongue dressed with pnraley, a brick of potted chicken and several varieties oi pro ecrvee and n gcnoniua aupply of potato -l,lna riirmiilited the solid", with tiLiiiuiiimle lettuce sandwiches aud tiiimtv nf l-imxI bread and butter. Il.nl luill.ul oaa put Iii half, with i. .hlia nai'il aa ruin, cnntnllied the Kiwdrvd yolka, mlid with aalt, pa , prlka and a little muatard. Thae were Inld In a neat of lettuce loavea and were aerved with French dreading. ('aiilnlouiiea and homemade aiHinee ako and 'llcloua coffee, enltod nuta and mint. P'ito compluted a homely but enjoyable repnat. which waa aerv d up on wiMitlen picnic pliittora, with which, togetlmr with a paper napkin, itch gueat wna provided. A large liowl of wild flowora graced the center of tho table, and tho meal had the nd Tniitiwu of Iwlng free from the ma rauding anta and aplder which are prone to disturb an outdoor repast How te Rtfinlah Old Surface. The nrat thing to do lu rcflnlshlng old wood eurfiu-ea la to remove nil Tar nish aud paint. Tbla may be done enally by tho ubo of a good varnish re mover. Tho varnteh remover may be bought at any piilnt store, aaye the Woman' World. It la applied with a brimh and allowed to atnnd for a few mtnntea! then varulHli and paint are easily removed. If there aro any burnt or stnlned place It may bo necessary to acrape tbe surface with a piece of gins. Then the surfnee la thoroughly smoothed with anndpnpor and la ready for a now. pnlnt or varnish. If It 1 do elrnhlo to keep the color and grain of the wood aa they are a clear vnrnlsh may be used which contnlna tho desir ed color. How to Freshen Wirt Soretn. Select a day when there Is a good brisk wind blowing, nnd, If a north wind, clean your south screen, a west wind your onst screens. Got a good draft through your room nnd from the insltlo brush your screens briskly with any kind of a clean brush that will fit Into tho corners and you will be pleas ed to soo clouds of dust wnfted away mill, I ha stronor draft When well brushed take a clean cloth nnd wipe over tho frame and wlro ana your acreon will be ns clean and fresh aa when you Just put them In. Hnui to Kim Douahnuts Fresh. To keep doughnuts fresh and moist tear up pieces of paper (clean paper lmi will rtnl nnd acnttor them between the doughnut and on the bottom and top. Lenve thorn there while using tbe riiinirhmita. Thev absorb the grease and keen them fresh and vice. TJae M 4 1 1 t t t Mf HOW TO tOOK PRtTTY IVtN I THOUGH SEASICK. t Many women wear the amart , mourner rout hihi mil oiiiy ai me 1 hi'iilmiliig unit elm or a vovngo, ' liiitfluu about the ilt'k bi'lwevtt ' time In the comrortulila knitted 7 , awiMtirra iiu vw,a ' Just now the fad. " Tbee kulttwl enpa are Ideal for ocean wear, na thvv kef-ii I lie hair from blow- hie iinililllv alHiut and. unlike the cbllToii veil, do not them- f - ... . .t .. I .. 41, a X aoirea v nia auitifc iu n,w -r hrouKiM The nuiilnt bonnet can matchea the while aweatur with blue bor- Z nor iriuimiuga. me cup umug whlla worated with a border Of blue and blue ribbon roaettoa and tlea. There la a bnbylah aug mwttou alxiut auch a knlllwl bon net with Ita big ear roaettoa that 2 la manning ou juai me ngni tvna of face. and. of course, the girl wltb the big blue eyea la rnv lulling In blue rlbbonea baby can. rina aa IhiHia pane In lovelr toft ahadea of tan and brown. T niatchlna knitted aweatera In the Z urn colore, and one pretty, fair f liaireu aH itwiiii nn a wall nttlnc knlltoil coal nf aaaa arawn Worated With bonnet In the eatne abade, tied T wltb deMr green Hbbona. NOVEL JABOTS. Hew te Make Smart and teeming Neekwear. A nrettv embroidered tlnen Jabot can b made from handkerchief. You will have little dlftlculty making the Jabot If theae direction! are cloee- i followed: Place the nandkerctuei flat on the table and turn one point under to form a etralu.it top lor me Jabot. Now, ualng the point oppoatte aa a center, fold the aldea inu piaiia nntn the tatiot la the dealrod wuun. Bnate the plalta In place ana prene .iih hMtitfi min. wnen me onai- Inffa are removed von Will hare a Jatwt pretty enough to pleaaa any one. The embroidered hanflkercmera wnn eogea of hnndinado Ince are eapocuiiy wveiy .hn tiand r,ip tlimta. Pour handkerchief a can be Joinea to f,,f-ifi a rinlmv tea atron. When theae .u'i1 toirether bv hand tliey form a larco aquare. Arrange tin wnn one point forming a bib and run a gather ing atrtiio- acroaa the front, ao that tho apron fits properly al the waUt Una. 8litcb a band or lace niaenioo over till and run ribbon through to form the apron atrlnga. The apron la fluUhed by a narrow adirlns of valoncicnrnMi lace. Attractive bureau acarfa and a table cover for the bedroom can be made by uttlng the bandkorchlera aa meumiiona and nolntlua them together. Border theae with an edging or lace. HOW TO WHITEN THE THROAT Lsmon Julee or a Rip Tomate Will Ramava Any Discoloration. Shapeliness I not all that la necca aarv to tho milking of a throat beauti ful. The texture of the akin must be fine and aoft. white and unblemished, ri.uinllneaa hi the first essential. A good thorough scrubbing with a not too ,,ft tirnah. hot water and oap once a wiu-k Will do 110 lllirin, tllO w of tbe time using the ordinary cloth. Apply lemon Juice or a rle to mato to any discoloration that may ap pend and utiles tbe pores are eniargeu Mm, rni crtHiti froolv. Alcohol will harden the nesn. a wi the various blenches, there aro aomo that nre harmless, except In so far as they Invariably are drying, ,h'l ,n nmtely leave tho sklu horsh nnd brash. Hero I one that enn easily bo mndo at home; but like the others. It Is drying, so be sure to counteract this effect by applying cold cream after using It Mix half an ounce of peroxide of hy drogen, six ounces of witch bnael and half an ounce of lnctlc acid. Apply this with a eoft cloth. How to Eoonomlit on lee. A ten cout piece of lie every other day la a more eeonouilcnl purchase tbnn n Dve cent piece every dny. Be ing twice as large and solid. It will last not only twice aa long as a live ceut hut it will Elve double aa much chill to tho refrigerator, and tills chill will liiHt twice aa long, so tnnt wuen a iiw enko la nut In it will not melt na soon aa it would have doue other wise In fact, a tun cent piece of ice will often keep a refrigerator so cold that, escept lu very warm weather, one can get aloug very well If one only buys It every three days Instead of every two. It Is well to buy a now cane uewn the Inst one Is entirely gone and the chill of the Icebox gone with it How to Open Hoad of Lettuce. Tn ,min n'tlirht head of lettuce with out tonrlng the delicate leaves hold the top of the hend under the com water fiiucot, allowing the water to run nt moderate force. The closely wrapped loaves will unfold slowly uuaer me ncHnn of the water and there will be no Injured lenve. When thoroughly opened and while still wet phice In a soft cloth and keep In a cold place nntll needed. Haw to Kill Dandallons. A householder who does not like to have annoeiions sprniKiinB uio lawn applies a few drops of gnsollne to each plnnt with a medicine dropper, putting It directly Into the heart of the plant. One should bo careful to aee that a dropper once used for this pur pose la not used again ror moaicine. ill I I I I I I I H M I I I I I I I I M M HOW TO REPRODUCf OLD PLASTER CAST. Mnnr women may dealre to re produce an article In planter. Tbla la not a dllUcult tnntu-r ir IhiMe dlreitlima are followed: The material required are: flee ter of part, clay, water, a roll ing apoon aud a bread board two feef eiiiare. When yon Brat at tempt It try aometliliig tlniple half of an apple, for Inatanre. An extra precaution would be to mix a tittle bluing witu tne phiater. to dlatlngtilab It from the modiil, Moup the half apple well on the ouUlde. l'lm-e It flat idle down iiion the modeling iMiard and build a mound of aori ened clay around It When tbhi baa hardened mil the powdered plaater with water until It la tbe conalalimry of pan rake batter. Tour tlila Into the mold of clay. When It baa hard ened aoparate the mold from the caat. To eat the whole of an object wold one-half at time, and anap both ablet of tbe Inalde of the mold thoroughly. Mate hola In the ton of tbe mom. which la formed by the union of the two balvea. Through tbla onenlnc Dour tbe liquid plaater. When the caat baa baroenea ii may be ebellarked or Ivortied. Tbla la extremely Inte reeling. Try It tome time and aee. f n 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 n i in 'A TIMELY SUGGESTION. Hew te Make a Pool Per the Water Qsrdsn. Knwadava there are. many forma of mratantnir. but Derhnix few are more Interesting than the water garden. Un.i naranna have an lnea tnat a wi ld aaninn la nnlv DoMslbls where tli ere la large amount of room. Tbla la flulte wrong notion. There must tie vanlani lit which It Is not rtoestble to spare a piece of ground about nine feet square, and this la all tnat u nec essary. Tbe situation la a matter or some imnnrtmp In a eeneral way odd corner are to be avowea, ana me tmira mien the nosltlnn the better. A very good formation lor tne pooi a-miM lia ibnt of a rough circle. Fix .-,( ! a anltalila measurement for tbe diameter of the pond, which ahould be dug out In the form of a rougn oasin. Tha imntat denth must be In tbe cen ter of tlie pool. nd the alUt-a anouio sink fairly abruptly, in a pooi or mi alia it la dealrable to have aa much deep water aa possible, ao that there will be good accommoontion ror water Mil, Thn deetieat nart of tbe pool should not be less than two feet alx i,,ia and in I irh t be a little more. Afinr the dlustng out of the oaain one of the first steps Is to make aure that the soil I pressed down very flrinlv In the tiottom. Thn nnnatlon of lining the basin now arlsea. Of course there I no doubt that the Ideal way, I to spread over h. s.hnU nf thn flour a lsver of con crete. This sulistance 1 formed by mixing modornto sued stone witn co mmit, and the making of It 1 not be yond the average amateur. The con crete Is spread over the bottom or tne basin and should not lie less tnan tnree Incboa In thiuknesa. How te Arrange For Early Breakfast. Miniv u'imiim are cnllcd anon to have early breakfast, and aoine tlud It qujte a hardship. To relieve this hardship. Biild an accomplished housekeeper, I have adopted the following plan: ne- fora retiring at night 1 set my moie, prepare the fruit and place It in a cool place, roll my uutter halls and put on loe. If I am to have a cooked cereal I put It to soak In a double boiler, which needs only to be put over the Are first thing on coming Into the kitchen In the morning; If a cereal only to be crisped 1 measure It Into a pan ready to be run Into the oven. 1 measure my coffee aud put It In the pot ready for the water. If I am to have hot biscuits or wattles or buck wheat cakes I measure the flour and all lugredlenta and have it ready to mix with the milk, or If I am to have toast I slice the bread ready for the toaster. If I am to have breakfast ba con I have It sliced aud ready for the spider, or If there are to be croquettes I mold them nnd have them ready to be browned. Thus I have my break fast ready In twenty or twenty-nve minutes after entering the kitchen In the morning. , How to ProUot Parasols, Thn ilollontnlv colored silk and linen pnrnsols so popular this summer ought in linvn cases to keel) them dust and spot free when not In use. These cov ers aro very ensy to make. The para sol should be measured from the tip to the end of the ribs, and a bag, shap ed at the end, should be cut the proper length. The seam may be sewed plain ly or with some fancy stitch. Turn over the top nnd Insert a drawing string or sew bending at the top ana Insert ribbon. An embroidered Initial In the center of the bag makes It more attractive. How to Mend a Hot Water Bottle. If you find a tiny break in the hot wntor bag don't throw it away. Ap ply several conts of liquid court plaster nnd let each coat dry before applying the next. This will extend the useful ness of the bag, as the court plaster la waterproof and hot water will not melt it How to Make Meat Pie Crust. To prevent the gravy soaking through the bottom crust of meat pics brush over the crust with white of egg. Five Solid .af JTIVE solid reasons why each farm i rj needs a manure spreader are these, .WK. r in ths words of a farmer who has TR devoted much time to correct soil- JL .'Zm feeding. 1. It saves disagreeable and hard work. 2. It pulverizes and mixes the manure mass. 3. It distributes manure evenly over tho field, insuring a good, evert stand of grain. 4. It prevents loss of nitrogen through fermentation or leaching in the pile when manure is hauled directly from the stable. 6. Indirectly, the ease with which it can be handled encourages the owner to care for the manure and distribute it on the fields care fully instead of wasting it I H C Manure Spreaders will work uncomplainingly for vears making profits for the owners. You will find them all styles and sizes, high and low, endless apron or reverse. - - - - I HC manure spreaders are exceedingly durable, strong, correctly built to stand all con- f ditions and all strains they may meet Each feature has its purpose. Up hill or down or cutting corners, they spread all kinds of manure evenly, in a light or heavy coat at the will of the driver. The beater drive is strong and simple, beater teeth are square and chisel pointed to pulverize the manure, and the large diameter of the beater prevents wind ing. The rear axle, carrying a large percent age of the load, insures ample tractive power. But see all these things yourself at your local dealer's. Find your choice in the I H C line. The dealer has catalogues for you, or, write the Intenutional Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) Portland Ore. Cards. Interior Mercantile Agency COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY Expert Public Accountant Fee Nominal Xamatra Bulldlnc I'rlntvlUf, Oregon Hywnlc, dietetic nnd Natural Thrpea- M9 vuruua iiviTuui inviuDia a specialty. DR. R- D- KETCHUM Drugless Physician I Inn ra Q t & tr tlv snnointmnlit. 9 18 Kootna 10-11 Ckirnett Building. W. P. Mvkks N. G. Wallace MYERS & WALLACE Lawyers Kamatra Bld'g, Prineville, Ore J. U. Bell A. W. Kliua Crook County Abstract Co. (Ine) Succewors to The J. H. H aner Abstract Co. Prlnovllle, Oregon Abstracts Insurance Prof. A. W. Grater, Divine Healer Office in Morris Building three doors south ol journal omce. Prineville, Oregon Dr. Howard Gove Dentist Crook County Bank Building J.Tregelles box M. R. C. 8. Eng; and L. 8. A. London; Licence Oregon State Medical Board. mentary Canal; women and chiljjren's A i w-nuQua aM om and ivstdcniw TlUra itnwt near loun prompUy. nlalitorday, Cbara modorate lu..'.a mmm t$U mttO M Cmlh awaf prtm.tlj, dm? ,r mirl Urtfm rmm mmmrm m-rm w ml mm Wfmim . Primill. Or-fn, Ckam, S. dmmrl Jf. P. SB,.? OOCULISTS Belknap d Cdwards (County fhysician.) Print mi I It. Ormffm T.E.J. DUFFY Attorne-at-Law s (Suooesaor to W. A. Bell) Phinkvii,l Oregon Qf C. SSrix jtttmrmtf-mi-jCmm S?at Cstat- Cornett Building, Room 6 PrintmitU, - - Oryn Bargain Month for the Crook Co, Journal. Take advantage or it. Reasons D. H. PEOPLES Civil and Irrigation Engineer Room 11 Aiiameon Bld'i f nneville, Ure. 04 PkMj'miam mm J tSmrwmmm Calu timnra Pbomttlt Dat oa mean Dsue Btoks. Bota offire aa reaj- it.nM l4,ltnhaDaa- frtrntm; - . W. A. BELL Lawyer TheDallea . Oregon S?. Gllieti, tPrtt mHU, Ormgmm. . SSrink jCawyr Jl itrttt. " JPrimmmJIlt, Ortfm. Willard II. Wirtz 4 t,tnrnir-nt.T.aw. Office in M. It. Biggs' office. r KINEV1LI.E WKKGO.N 0 f TJ Lodge meets everyTues- Ta day night. Strangers welcome. UEO. AOBLK. N. U.: KKRT BARNES, V. G. : T. L. Coon, Sec. ; C. B. Dinwid- die, Treaa. Pay Up n, : - i 1 .1. ..... ...1 ....l. ;.l,.v.tn.l 1 aillCD KUVKIIIg . 1 1 1 111 r-. I . .. . ...... .1 ... M A U linnr...n - i 11 tmnm.. W A. Hi 11 .'1 1W 4.X. ij. f 1.1 U VA Co., bv note, account or contract, most come anu seiue. nvo aro iu urKvob neca 01 casu. i l-auci BEND Steam Laundry J. Edward Larson, Prop. First-Class Work at reasonable prices Twenty per cent discount on family washing Transportation charges paid the laundry Luckey Bonney PRINEVILLE AGENT Leave order at the Barber Shop 11-20 HAVE YOU FieA vour Deed? Of Course HAVE YOU An AKfrart CeyKlnly everyone ha ao abstract now. Do yon know where your corners are. U'AII v.. v I Brewiter Engineering Company, rnnevuie, Oregon, win mutie niui w, yoa end guarantee tbe work. Survey' log. Hutting, Irrigation Engineering. I'hone Pioneer 204. " RECEPTION 7 Champ Smith, Prop: Imported and Domestic Cigars Famous Whiskies Old Crow, Hermitage; Red -r n ,, r . lop Kye? ieiiow atone; Canadian Club; Cream Rye? James E. Pepper; Moore's Malt Porter, Ale and Ofympia Urait Beer on lap. t i i 4 Imported Wines and Liquors, Free Developing Just received a new stock of camarat, films, cards, devel opers and sundries. Give our goods a trial and have the first film developed free. Free instruction to those who use our supplies. Christmas is coming and now is the time to begin to get photos ready for Xraas presents. Don't wait until the last thing. We have also a new stock of mounts. See the latest and get prices. Amateur finishing done neat ly and quickly. LAFLER'S STUDIO We Strive to Please ( Fruit Trees! J Central Oregon Grown The only kind you can afford to plant. ILLUSTRATED . . .TALOGUE FREE. Write for one. Prices low enough to surprise you. Lafollette Nursery Co. Prineville, 6 6 - Oregon The Oregon Bar At the Old Stand G.W. Wiley & Co., Prps All kinds of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranier Beer in Bottles and on Draft by la J w I The Brosius Bar j Finest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. II LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT , j F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor I 1 new papers for each batch.