HEALTH HINTJOR TODAY. Treatment of Burnt, The toxic factor is rvtnrnled by maur physicians as the most Important one to combat when dwllug with a case of sver burns. The routine practice i to ab the burnt surface gent ly with boucjue and tlicn to pow der It thickly with novoiodine powder and to cover It with gauze. No attempt to render the skin absolutely aseptic Is made. Morphia and anaesthetics are avoided as tending to promote or Iticrciise shock. When paiu is very sever anaesthesia iwier is also used. This is both autiseitic and aual jrestie. The oid dressing is re moved iu a bath when mvess.iry and the process repeated. Mis ters are uipied before the novo kxllue is appll(d. Canllac stim ulants are given freely, and a great point In the treatment to copious saline infusion, which ts stated to have given admirable results. All wet dressings, oint ments snd sedative drugs are avoided religiously. HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. Donta For Boys. Pon"t neglect to use your tooth brush, ,. particularly at bedtime. Good teeth help to keep you -fit" Don't leave fat on your plate when It Is served to you with your meat. Kat feeds the nerves. If you want to have well devel oped muscles you must have good nerves. Don't think It doesn't matter whether your boots are sound or not It matters a lot Your health will soon suffer If yon wear leaky boots. Don't think that It Is only a "fad" to be particular about washing your hands before meals. It Is anything but a fad. Toison may be conveyed Into the system on food that has been touched by unwashed hands. Talnter's colic is often brought on because painters neglect to wash their bands be fore meals. Don't put pencils belonging to other boys Into your mouth. Throat ailments that give a lot of trouble are often. set going because boys will do so. Don't forget that very unpleas ant skin ailments may be caused by the bab(t of flinging your caps about In the street and Into all sorts of dirty and dusty places and then directly after ward putting them on. Don't make a practice .of read ing by the light of a flickering Ere or yon may have to wear spectacles before your time. HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. Don't Stir Up Dust. It is safe to say that if a sam ple of dust be taken at random from any office, warehouse, shop or factory, and this sample be properly tested for germs, the tubercle bacillus or the germ oi consumption, will Invariably be found to be present in large numbers. Now, It Is the inhala tion of dry, germ laden dust that Is the commonest cause of con sumption, so that anything that tends to stir up this dust and convey it to the mouth Is literal ly "tempting Providence," espe cially in weakly and anaemic persons with consumptive tend encies. As far as possible re move all dust from your work and neighborhood by means of a damp duster. Never apply dusty fingers, stamps, envelopes or oth er objects capable of carrying disease germs to your tongue. Have a moist pad handy it is easily obtainable and use it HEALTH HINTJFOR TODAY. Hurried Eating and Constipation. Hurried eating is a common contributing cause of constipa tion as well as other Ills. When the food is not properly masti cated more energy is required In the upper part of the alimentary canal to reduce it to the con dition necessary for complete di gestion, and in cases in which the vitality is depleted this may so seriously cripple the activity of the lower part of the alimen tary canal as to contribute large ly to the atonic condition which Is a large factor in such cases. When the food is not fully mas ticated it is held back in the small intestine as well as In the stomach, and this also has a tendency to establish a sluggish action, which contributes to the condition favorable to constipa tion. While thorough mastica tion will not cure those cases which may be largely due to bad mental condition, excessive mix ing of food, lack of exercise, overwork, too concentrated food or some physical defect of the Intestine, it is an Important fac tor, and more careful mastica tion will contribute to Improve ment in all enses. HEALTH HINTFOR TODAY. Decayed Tooth. Decay ml teeth are one of the worst menaces to h and are the causes of many Ills, according to Dr. M. U Iiheln, in an address before the cou veutlou of the National Dental association, lu sessiou In Wash ington. "Many diseases are canswl by the septic polsotiltnt w 1th h lo gins In the mouth or at the roots of the tecthl" he declared. lu his discussion of "Mouth In fections" Dr. Iiheln de hired that the teeth wh. b were noKks ted or trctitctt tmroierly by un skilled or unscrupulous dental operator ottered a fertile tic hi not only for suffering through dental cavities or tooth decay, but that K)isons generated by de fective teeth pass Into the hu man system, and by the slow process of their continued absorp tion the channel Is opened for any and all diseases which are common to mankind. HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. Livtr Spots, The probable cause of "liver sts" Is chronic derangement or sluggishness of the liver. Their presence Indicates the necessity for improving the condition of the alimentary system In gen egil. and this can usually be done best by a diet of butter milk or apples or grapes for some weeks. Such a diet must be adopted gradually, never sud denly. One meal should be changed at a time, and In re turning to the normal diet the same precaution should he taken. It is impossible to give precise Instructions for any case with out having the necessary Infor mation about the patient, and it Is best to consult a physician. HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. Shallow Breathing. The trick of shallow breath ing is a habit, like others, and can bl Overcome by persistent effort. A good way to start the habit of proper breathing Is to take a few long, deep breaths several times daily. These should be taken preferably in the open air. but if tiiut is not urac ttcable take them any way In almost any other circumstance. The object of a deep breath Is to fill the lower lobes of the lungs and force all of the cells into ac tivity. The blacksmith's arm becomes strong by use, and the same Is true of the lungs. Disuse allows thousands of the minute air cells to become Inflamed and ulti mately to fall into decay. By the nonuse of these cells they are not alone Injured, but oth ers in order to do the work of the Inactive ones are overtaxed and in turn become diseased, and consumption or. other serious lung impairment results. To keep the nir cells healtlay they must be kept constantly In use, but not overburdened with work. ' HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. How to Keep Welt. Get enough sleep. . Sleep with windows open. Sit and stand erect Practice deep breathing. Breathe through your nose. Don't eat or drink when over heated by exercise. Avoid tobacco and liquors. They are especially Injurious tJ the young. Alcohol ts a preservative, but not of the health. Don't neglect coughs or colds. Never cough, sneeze or breathe Into another person's face. . Don't spit on floors, sidewalks or street cars. Admit plenty of sunshine Into your houses and Into your lives. HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. Sour Stomach. Sour stomach, a very common ailment, is a symptom rather than a disease. It Is due either to excessive secretion of acid or to deficient secretion. If the se cretion is excessive, starch and sugar fruits ferment readily, causing often serious irritation and derangement. If the secre tion Is deficient the food fer ments from lack of a proper sup ply of acid, which prevents the formation of lactic add from starch or sugar fruits. In such cases it Is important to use a diet that will avoid fermentation. Of ten meat exclusively or., with turnips, which contain no starch. Is the most appropriate. In many cases an exclusive buttermilk diet is best, and In some -cases fasting is beneficial. But It Is Impossible to lay down nn In variable rule for such cases. The nvcidance of fermentation Is, however, important lit nil. KVKKY WOMAN wonts and needs thee book. At Ha rx pen m of ninny tlumsnndu i.l dollar nmt nenrly two year' time we hv completed and rcmly for delivery, the Six Volume liitertmtloiml Ctmklnv Library by 47 ol the World's Kiimoim t hifs I'nlted Mateo, ChuhcIh hoiI Kuropo. Iterltwa new. Never tuttirv pnli llHhed. Very complete nud ensily understood. Knch bonk complete. I Luxe Ileclpe Book, Llhrnrv con- slut ol TIIK SM.n BOOK THK HAHNU UlsH !OOK I'll K ArTKK.NOON T Is A HOOK THK DAINTY sWI'KT Book THK BKKAH AM PAS THY BOOK 1HK lttq;iU' HOOK SO tVtiM eneh, t'rcpnld 2 50 Set, Six Hooka, I'repnld IVmitifnlly Ktnbinutdt'tverw, three! awl lour colors lu ntircctlve t'nrton Midlers. Money refunded if pot de lighted with these books. MOST i in: a i. cuius i mas piii-si'Ms INTr.'RXATIoXAL IV I I.l.sHIMl CO Security Hldg , Lm Angeles Cat. UtlSt Notice to Creditors j Notice lw hereby given by the un- i derttlgtietl. the HilinliiiHtrntor ol the estate ol Andrew J. Turner, lccen-il, i to ll lierxoiiK having claim aualiisl said dccenweit or Ills estate to present ; flie mime with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, nt the nlllee of M. It. Klllott, In Prlneville, Oregon. ! within six Month from the II rat publication of ibis notice. j Dated this Uth day of Nov., 191.1. i HK.NHV Tl'HNKM. ! AdnilulBtrntor ol the estnte of An drew J. Turner, decen wed. id LUMBER I I Shingle, Mouldingi, Wioilows, I i Door, GiHse, Kto. Etc., Etc. i SHI PP & PERRY ...... . ijl Jtrr2raST35r THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRLNEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reawmable rates. lUitieaiber un when in Prineville. Rates Hkasonablk. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent fir Hotel Oregon PRINEVILLE NEWLY FURNISHED Beds 50 and 75 Cents FREE BATHS Meals, 25 PETER ERICKSON, PropY AOniii The Owl for Busy People! Daily train each way between Central Oregon points and Port land. Tourbt sleeping , car. (Bertha $1.) First-class coacheg. SAVE A DAY EACH WAY From Central Oregon Points Leave Bend 8:30 p.m, 'J' Deschutes', . 8:48 p.m. " Redmond .. 9:1Q pan. . " Terrebonne. 9:2 p.m. " Culver .,..10:02 p.m. " Metolius ...10:20 p.m. " Madras ....10:30 p.m. Arrive Portland. . . 8:10 a.m. , Freight train leaving Metolius 6:30 a. m. Mondays, Wednesilrys and Fridays, aud Fall Bridge 7:00 a. m. 'Tuesday)), Thursdays anil Sat urdays will carry paHHengers between Metolius and Fallbrldge. Prompt Despatch of Freight Between Central Oregon and Portland and Eastern Cities Connections made in Portland to and from Willamette Valley, Astoria and Clatsop Beach points, Puget Sound, Spokane, Montana, Colorado, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago. Fares, time schedules and other Information by letter or upon ap plication to 10-16 B. H. CKOjIEU. A. G. P. A. W. C. W1LKER, A.G.F.& P.A. ; V II. I5AUKOI,, Agt Uedmond Notku lor I'll hi leu t loll IVpariinent ol the Inierlot V. 8. Uud QlHco at The Dalle. 0r. November l:tth, 1UUI. Notice) It bervbv given that Oliver U. Adsaie on ot the heirs ol Silas K. Adaum, of I'rineville, Oregon, who, on May lath, 1hN .....t- l,ni...l -it. v.. lilattt etml No, tmai, tor J nej, wt, and t ( sJ. mvtion 14, lowneliip 15 south, range l east, VtiHantouo Menu- i... I,.. III...I ki.oi.. .,1 i,.ti,t,.... ! make final tliiw-tear proof to estahliidi claim to the) land above iltwritwJ, lw lor Timothy K. J. Dully. V. X. Com. iiONftiiuior. at I'nhfvilln. t lrui 01 . mi ttttt '.lllh day ot IVeeniber, l!li:i. Claimant nanus. itiiee: Wtl liam Mark, llitijli Ore, James C I'll Christ. John U. Ibewe. all ol Piine vilif, Oregon. II. rKANK WootxtKK, II--HI Kigiiler, C- Wmwm H. Z. Gr.llilK Central Oregon Well Co. Contractor for Well Drilling and Prospect Hole. Depth Guar anteed Dealer in Ml lino ol wall eupuliea. Gasoline) Engines, Pumps, Etc Culver, Oregon , w minCY II.L.B., UKkUUa Cents and up CENTRAL OREGON LINE To Central Oregon Point Leave Portland ... . 7:00 p.m. Arrive Madras .... 6:00 a.m. ; " Metolius.,, 6:15a.m. " Culver .... 6:28 am, " Terrebonne . 7:08 a.m. " Redmond . , 7:23 a.m. " Deschutes , . 7:43 a.m. " Bend ; 8:00 a.m. "PRINORE" AND "STANDARD" ! II rineville Floor Sutement of Rwourcoa and Uobitilio of The First National Bank Of Prlneville, Oregon MKHOP'tl'K Im ! lnwounu . rJM.anua tinned Hlata. IVmJi Uu) on Hank treilaMite Haw H 1,H Ot t-'aah 41 hue (tow tainka B. P. AUea. PreeMeM WUI WenteeOee, Vlee PreeOeM When you tire of rough, proof whiskey try the new Cyrus Noble. pure, W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon Best and cheapest article in its line. For sale by A. H. L1PPMAN & COMPANY The house of twenty years successful business in Prineville l.lIIII.ITIKi mpinu HUtek. paid la ao,M n Harvlu land, earnol Aoovoa Hutiidpl prunm. earned m.TM M ttmilallun a.euo ou Itpoalte , Kvim u Mi.x T. M. aM.lo. CeaUw strong, high- mild and mature The WINTERLESS LAND of Flowers, Sunshine and Summer Sports Low Round Trip. Excursion Fares From All Station! on (bl O-W R.& N. To Sen Frondaco, Son Jose, Del Monte, Paso Rnhlcs, Santa Rarhara, Los Antilles, Fasadi-na Riverside and All Southern California Points CloSe Connections at Portland Afforded Passengers from Oregon Poinu Steel Coaches-Block System ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS Ak finy A irent of the O-W R. & N to help outline your Trip