Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 27, 1913, Image 5

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    Fancy Crockery
We have a complete line of
We now have in stock the popu
lar White and Gold Semi-Porce-lcan
Ware in addition to our reg
ular stock of White Goods. They
are reasonably priced, too. Come
in and see them. We are sure
you will be pleased.
J. E.
Powell Butte
Floyd Hoover In bulldluu a bunga
low fr B. E. Rudder. Mr. Huddcr
cnlU lit pine "Fulrvli w" anil the
Mime U Well chosen since It l
located on top of the blithest butte
In till lornllly.
Henry Kdwnrd In busy rlenrlnjr
In no (r Mr. Htlll ol prineville. Mr.
Kilwnnln In under roiilriict to clear
10U nrrm which mcnua oina work.
Mr. Wiili'nll took a load tit iwu
to Trim-villa Tuesday,
C. II. Clmrltou returned to tli
ltul ( Monday (rum a lew lny"
T.alt with tli lolk In Prineville.
Koine ol our people contributed
their share of turkeys to thell'ort
Inml Tliiinkglvliiir trade.. Anionic
tlitMe shipping tin- hittiT nirt of the
week were K. N. IIhII, 20; X. P.
Alley. :kV J. H. Warner, 35. The
lilriln were dremied.
Uiitul Supervisor Wlleoxen ami
rww fliilnliril work on Hit WIUoii
road Wednesday. Thin In tin- mini
repairing nniiiinti'il lijf t lie club
ladle inn) allowed liy Judge
Springer. The road vim placed In
good I'on.lllloii nud wp herewith ex-pri-mi
our thnnk fur aninc.
Mr, mid Mr. Kd Mtttitrd who
vbtllcd the 1'iiMt two tnoiitliH with
the former's brothers, S. U, anil W.
0, Mtlxtnrd, find In in 1 1 ten, left lor
Spokane Wednesday.
A young tniih, (lit- pmperty l
lleeve Wlli-oven, I In grave danger
of Mux taken before a Federal
grand Jury tor rubbing t tit I". S.
mull. l.iiNt week the scamp watched
hlcliuiice and taking tin lli'ilmoiid
NpokcHiniiu's weekly budget from
tin' mull I hi if proceeded to masticate
same. Home of those Jawbreakers
used hy tlm correspondent, however,
proved too much, even for flu- tuiiU1,
but It I Biifu to iy tin Spokesman
contained no I'd well llntte Items I nut
week. '
Mr. M. M. Patton left Thursday
lor Opal City utter a pleiuuint visit
with her brother, N. P. Alley, and
family. Mm Pattoo's home .la In
Portland and she will return there
after overseeing some work on her
homestead near Opal City.
W. II. Fulkersou, father ol Mr.
Earl Snituders, lelt tor the Wllliim.
ette valley Thursday, where he will
visit mmieroiu reliitlvei. He will
speud some time with hi eon, Pearl
Fulkerson, and family, former plo
neen of thin section, but now located
at Seaside. .
Mr. Lludqulst U building a barn
for It. Mancrnn on the latter'i new
Powell Butte farm. - . ,
The new house on the J Dime Tuck
place U about completed and the
family luia taken possession. Mr.
Llndqulst'a folks have alio moved
Into their new home.
A lamlly by name ol Humphrey
hailing from Terrebonne, have taken
up their residence among us, having
rented the McCaffery-Wunweller
place lately vacated by McPharlane.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sear and fam
ily have moved to Redmond.
h L. (llbson was a visitor at the
county sent Saturday.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Warner, Nov. 2!, a (laughter. The
little lady tipped the scales at 8J
Rev. Kaftan of Redmond con
ducted services at the Shepard
schoolliouHe Sunday. A large
audience was In attendance.
Frank Klsslcr and family and Ib3v
Itagnn and small daughter, all of
Itedmond, were guests at the (3eo
KIsHler home Sunday.
MIhb Muble Smith suffered from
the effects of a sore throat last week
and a a consequence school In Wil
kin district, where that young lady
I teacher, was dlmltwd tor the
greater part ol the week.
Mr. A. W. Bayo visited her
daughter In Prineville (Saturday.
returning home Sunday. Mlm
Ulady accompanied her mother
home and went to Portland on the
Monday evening train for a week'
visit In the metropolis.
The latet road news from the
county sent la to the effect that the
llfo. L. Urate road etltliin ha
been turned down While the Geo.
Klsslcr petition Inuring will Im? con
tinued before the December session.
Mr. Van More returned to Prlne.
vllle Friday after a brM visit with
Mr. Ida Morse and daughter.
Mr. Allen Wlleonen entertained a
numlier of frlenil at her home Mon
day uftemoon nt a qulltlug Iwe. lie
freslimcntM were served.
All of our young ieople who are
Mtmlent at the V V. U.S. will be
home for Thntikglvlng. Mont of
them will come home Weducxdiiy
nnd remain over until Sunday.
J. A. Itlgg moved hi eUr from !
the WIImou place to III home place
Saturday. With uch fine omu
weather the entile nre doing well on
pant are. 1
A liBimuet served by the iiiciiiImt
ol the Powell Unite Soml to their
hiiHlimid and sweet hearts lit the
home of Mr. Ida "Morse Thumdny
evening wa a dirlded siiccem. Cou
veyanre iH'gnn to arrive at 7 mid
by 8 o'clock the entire company hud
gathered. By previous agreement no
lady was permitted to take her hus
band torn dinner partner nnd In
deed this exchange m-ernei! to be
inoMi ngreealile to the htixtmud.
Plates were laid for 31 In the well
appointed dining room whose
snowy, .table were ablaze with
numerous caudle. A delicious tliret-
conre dinner wa served, rotiHlHtlng
of oyster coi-k-tall, celery salad.
bnked chicken and drewMliig, escal-
loHd potatoes, baked U'anii, roast
pork, cranberries, pickles, pumpkin
pie, assorted cakes, plum pudding
aud coffee. A short literary pro
gram followed the least. Mrs. 0.
Truesdale, In the- capacity ol toast
master, requested a roll call to
which each lady respouded with a
toiwt to the guests. , Mrs, Van
Morse next favored the compauy
with an excellent reading. Miss
Mnble Allen also read a humorous
selection. Both these numbers were
much enjoyed. .The ladles gave a
toast In concert that was greatly
Sisters News
November 24, 1013.
Mrs. Pulllum, sou James and Mrs.
Bertha Ulbson were Sister visitors
Mr. Towne made a business trip
to Redmond Monday.
W. F. Edmunson made a business
trio to the lower desert Thursday.
Bob Glover was, up to Mr. Ed
munson's Saturday after a drove of
cattle which lie will wltiter for Mr.
Edmunson on shares.
The Su'uduy" School conference
which met at the old schoolhouse
last. Tuesday afternoon and evening
was a grand success. Several out
Blde parties came In to attend.
Frank Butterworth and Mrs. Steel
went to the Metollus river Sunday
H. E. Vincent Is building a small
house lor his lamlly.
Let Hammorsley, the government
trmmer. convince you that his Coy
ote and Cat bait Is the best' on the
market, $1 0') tor 3 ounce bottle.
Order today. " Ci'ktih , &,
agents, Lakevlew, Ore. ll-27-8tp
"Holeproof" Hose
A trial box will convince you. No other hose will do
after you have once tried "Holeproof.1 We have the
exclusive sale for Prineville.
Mrs. M. T. Cowan Is vUltlng In
Prineville with her daughter, Mrs.
Florence Mclihee.
The rabbit drives In this part ol
the county are reducing the r.uuitier
of Jack. It Is said 150 were killed1
In the drive north of Lamonta, ' and
a like number on Lone Pins flat and
on the drive west of Lamonta.
Tilers will be a drive December 7 In
Jap creek hollow.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox, Mr.
and Mr. James Thomas, Kthel Cox
and Merle Strife spent Sunday at
the home of L. M. Thomas Sunday.
Ada Mitchell spent Sunday with
Neva Welgand.
Don't forget about the football
game at Madras ThaiikHglvlug.
High School Notes
At last the Domestic Science
kitchen is in working order and
has it that already some
I itivnrv Hldtiaa Vibva tuuin nmtiArwl
by the girls of that department.
Fortunate, indeed, were the
students and faculty of the hih
school who went with Miss Herman
to Kumpe Wednesday morning dur
ing assembly. In her pleasing
manner Miss Herman personally
conducted us through many inter
esting places in Germany, enliven
ing the voyage with unique stories
and little personal touches which
delighted all who heard her. In
the quaint old city of Nuremburg
she left us, but has promised that
in the near future she will take us
to Rome, Paris and London.
. The class in stock judging, ac
companied by their instructor, H.
E. Pratt, visited the Oliver Powell
ranch Saturday morning.
Last Friday evening the. Alpha
tryout for the inter-society declama
tion contest was held In the as
sembly room of the high school
the following members were
chosen to represent the Alpha so
ciety in the final contest: Oratori
cal division Norris .Bixby and
Orville Yancey. Dramatic division
Maud Brennan and Mabel Grant.
Humorous division Florence Wal-
dron and Gladys Bayn. ,
The Ochoconian tryout was held
last Tuesday evening with the fol
lowinjr results: Oratorical division
Elmer Thomas and Harry Stearns
Dramatic division Beatrice John
son and Ruby Wood. . Humorous
division Sylvain Michel and Roscoe
Claypool. The final contest in
declamation will, take place Dec. 19.
The tryout for places on the
inter-scholastic debating teams will
be held in the high school assembly
hall Dec. 5. A negative and an
affirmative team will be - chosen.
The first debate will be with The
Dalles High School and will occur
about the middle of January.
House for Sale
Four-room furnished house, water,
lights; corner lot, good fence and good
barn, etc J" or particulars cnllon A. 11.
l.irPMAN. J n-20.(it
Timber Claim for Sale
My quarter eection of timber land in
UrooK countv, ureaon, very heavil
covered with the bent white pine. Ady
dress 16, obi Willard i lace, fcvanston
Illinois. U S) It
Most Eeconomical
Carl A. Fischer and MissWilda F.
Nye were married Wednesday
morning at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs M. D. Nye,
at Roberts, Ore, Only the im
mediate relatives of the couple
were present. Following the cere
mony a sumptuous repast was
served by the bride's mother. The
ceremony was performed by Rey.
Geo. H. Ramsey of the Christian
church of Prineville.
8nakt and Thlr Food.
No nerp-nt are vegetarian. The ma
jority hunt birds and mnmmals; a few
of the smiiller kinds are tnecrlvorou,
certnln little tropical btirrowera spend
ing their Uvea as ogres In ant hills,
feeding Un the lurvae: some eat
fnir. llwirtls, and other snakes. The
tropical murine serpents catch fish ex
clusively and rarely ccnie upon land
except to leave their epgs. Scarcely
one will devour dead food In nature,
yet tuny be tiiuitlit t take It In cap
nnfls were used by nearly all the
nations of mitlinilty. Herodotus, the
father of liNmry, tells as that they
were In use Id undent Cbaldea.
Portland Cattle Market;
A large proportion of the
week's cattle business has been
on a lower b tsis, d uo to the gen
eral inferiority of the stuff mark
eted. When au occasional prime
load of steers or cows appeared
n the yards, order buyers snap
ped them up quickly at top
prices. A steer sale Monday at
$7.75 and a load or two at $7.40.
and $7.50 is ad example, but the
bulk of sales were at $7.00 and
$7.25. The poorest lot of cows
and heifers seeh here for weeks
caused the session to drag. Kill
ers are simply oversupplied on
poor beef quality. Other butcher
Free Free
A $40.00
Libby Cut Glass Bowl
' Save your tickets of ev
ery 50c purchase. For
further particular see
The French Drug Co
The dispensers of Pure Drugs
The Home Restaurant
Home cooking. Everything neat
and clean. Itegulnr meals aud short
orders. Prices reasonable. H. W.
W. Llpplucott, Prop. 11 16
Call for Warrants
. Notice Is hereby given that all reg
istered County Warrants will be paid
on presentation to t!o county treasurer.
No interest paid alter this date Nov
ember 13, 11)13.
R. L. Jordan,
County Treasurer of Crook county.
'and 1
Call on us or write for prices
lines ere steady.
The bog market faltered on
Tuesday when the trade weaken
ed about ten cents, butdurinsr
the remainder of the period 18X0
provide be a substantial price
basis for choice lightweight
swine A big volume of busi
ness was transacted Monday and
Wedr.esday Monday had tbe
second largest single diy's run
of the year, but live pork out
let seems to be broad enough to
absorb liqudation to date.
.The sheep house furnished
some excitement Monday when
a few decks of fancy lambs sold
at $6.00, a new record for tbe sea
son. Other varieties
brought ;
I a.&0 and fa 7o. Psotbing sensa-i Do we favor good roads? Yes.
tional vuited tbe mutton divis-; gut we want some where we can
ion, as most of thd transactions I use them and do not want to pay
consisted of medium grade ewes j taxes to build roads for our .auto
selling around 3 05 and f 3 75. J mobile friends in Washington and
Prime ewes sold at $4 00. Dest i California.
yearlings are considered steady
a 175
U 50,
and $1.93; old shsep
Listen! You win
be thankful if
you buy your
Clothes from
lot only pure wool, but the finest grade
of It; goes Into the cloths from which our
y?LL-W00L garments are made.
This Is why ve can show unusual
shades and weaves In our ladles cloaks.
We also show distinctive styles. &ave
the worry of buying your materials and
the bother of dressmaking. You will If
you will come In and let us show you
artistically, and yet how economically we
can sell you your coat.
Ve only have a few left and In order to
close them out will reduce the price so that
you can get a coat at almost your own
Ralph L Jordan
Ashwood Wants Roads
Continued from first pane.
Ashwood, thence to Gateway. The
land and labor was nearly all sub
scribed and there it was dropped.
For the lack cf this one road two
postoffices and two rural free
delivery routes are being held up.
County Judge Springer, while oa
his pre-election tour of the county,
promised the people some good
roads, but still we pull laboriously
up hills and put on the brake going
down the other side. Horses rest
when their drivers are opening the
hundred and one gates and it takes
four horses to pull an empty wagon.
Milk for Sale
I Apply to Norris Morgan t the
jjeese Yancey place. II 13-lm
&fk t ii hi: