Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 27, 1913, Image 4

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    County Expenses
The following is the itemized
statement of the various county
officers whose totals go to make up
the county budget for 1914. There
is one exception, however, that of
Janitor Clow at the courthouse.
His statement covers everything so
minutely that we have not room
for it. Every penny is accounted
Estimated budget of F- A. Rice,
county surveyor.
Surveyor's fc. animated per month . I dm oo
Surveyor's a.tant, pr montii
Surveyor's supplies..
Total per moDth
1SU 00
Total per year
. MO 00
Estimated budget of Geo. Brews
ter, watermaster:
Salary iraiermasier , , , , it 300 00
Salary lor I deputies
Stationery, sump. ltflepfaon
Incidental expense
. raw oo
100 oo
aso oo
. tTi) 00
Estimated budget of J. E. Myers,
county superintendent:
Superintendent'! Hilary 1M0 00
Traveling aipenaea ano 00
Offlea help 135 00
rwuc J50 00
Printing and stationery 330 00
J. B. Shipp is taking the school
census this week.
Born November 21, to the wife
of J. E. Warner, a girl.
Rev. M. A. Prater will preach
next Sabbath at the Lower Rye
'Grass schoolhouse at 3 o'clock a. m.
!a number of the Presbyterian
choir will accompany him.
J At the morning service Sunday
at the Presbyterian church will be
1 communion and the reception of
: new members. Evening subject.
j 'An Organized Church for Service,
! M. A. Prater, minister.
! Baptist church services for Sun
day as follows: Sunday school, 10
a. m. Sermon at 11, "A Half
Hearted Church." Junior League,
2:30 p. m. B. Y. P. ,U.. 6:30. A
layman's service at 7:30 p. m. An
address, "Why I Became a Chris
tian," by Jack Daniel, and ad
dresses by several others. Music
by the male quartette. Come and
hear a stirring message. John Mc
Allister, pastor.
Improvement for 1013...
Contemplated lor ll
. M0 00
. two 00
. tow 00
Institute, county and local.
School falr
Supervisor and truant officer..
175 Ou !
iX 00
7(6 00
Light and water and power..
Supplies and equipment.
Estimated indebtedness to Jan, 1st.
. aw 00
. 1000 00
. u 00
.tlt.OM 00
..HJ 00
Estimated budget of Warren
Brown, county clerk:
Clerk's salarr lm 00
Deputy " IJoO 00
Extra clerk hire
Record books for recording, etc.
Registration of electors for 1914.
Stamps, envelopes, express, etc.
. WOO 00
. &U0O
. las) 00
. 39000
65a0 00
Estimated amount of fees to be
collected at the county clerk's of
fice for 1914 will not be less than
Estimated budget of Frank El
kins, sheriff, 1914:
Sheriff's salary . JJ500 00
Chief deputy laou 00
Stationery and office supplies us 00
Board prisoners and insane 775 00
Court expenses, 3 terms circuit court..., too 00
.Expense, transporting convicts to pen
one-third paid by county 140 00
Expense collecting delinquent tax list. 14-.25 00
Expense delivering election supplies 150 00
..tTllS 00
Estimated budget R. L. Jordan,
county treasurer:
Treasurer's salary J 16m 00
One deputy, 8 months , 6uo 00
" " J ' 300 00
Envelopes and postals , 3uo 00
K-gisters and printing lax receipts, etc 4iM 00
- Office supplies go 00
Great Show at the
Lyric Friday Eve
A remarkably interesting educa
tional film is a series of moving
pictures which follow the life his
tory of a great newspaper from
the "automatic" typesetting ma
chines to the hustling pushing
"newsies," and from it we gain
some idea of the clock-work pre
cision which is necessary that we
may enjoy our daily paper. These
pictures were taken through cour
tesy of the New York Herald and
will be shown "School Night"
(Friday) this week at the Lyric
Theatre with the two-reel animal
picture, "Alone in the Jungle," an
intensely interesting romance of the
dangerous animal infested jungle
land of Africa, absolutely without
parallel as to some of its dangerous
features. Miss Bessie Eyton, of the
Selig Co., performes in this play,
the most daring and gripping role
ever enacted by a motion picture
George Rodman of Culver was
over on business yesterday.
Born Nov. 21, to the wife of L.
Orton, near Roberta, Ore., a son.
J. G. Bolter of Gateway waa a
business visitor to Frineville Mon
The Interior Mercantile Agency
has opened an olVice in the Kamstra
Attorney Rurdick of Redmond
was over on legal business the first
of the week.
L. M. Simpson, general manager
of the Deschutes Power Co., came
in from Spokane Monday.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies' Annex will be held Tues
day afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Do not forget the school election
next Monday. A successor to Dr.
Belknap is to be chosen and will
complete his unexpired term.
The suit of the Rye Grass Tele
phone Co vs. the Deschutes Power
Co. for foOOO damages has been
amicably settled oat of court.
Harold Baldwin and Mrs. Elsie
Stevens were married at Vancouver.
B. C, the last of the week. They
are spending their honeymoon in
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church are preparing to give a
chicken dinner , at the church some
evening during the second week in
The Music Lovers Club will meet
at the home of Mrs. Oscar Hyde on
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
"Verdi" is the subject for study
with Mrs. Hyde as leader.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson
of Madras were over Tuesday on a
visit to Mr. Robinson'a mother.
J. C. and family leave this week for
Medford, where they will make
their home.
The Shumia Literary Club met
with Mrs. J. H. Rosenberg last Sat
urday. Miss Conway read a well
prepared paper on "Modern
Pageants." Mrs. Brink gave an
excellent talk on Michael Angelo
and his works. The club decided
to sell Red Cross stamps and they
hope friends will assist them in
their good work. Refreshments
were served by the hostess.
District court next week.
Dick Vandevert it over from
Mrs. Prince Glaze left Tuesday
for Portland.
Alliert Moore of Ijmtonta was
doing business in Prineville Friday.
The Crook County High School
bovs defeated the Mnilraa town
football team 38 to 0 last Saturday.
There will tie preaching services
at the Lower McKay schoolhouse
next Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock.
The Christian minister from Prine
ville will speak.
Mrs. Jack Long is here on a visit
to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm
Milliorn. She will be here a month
before returning to the Okanogan
country, Wash.
J. T. Hardy, of the Oregon
Trunk, was in town Tuesday. He
says his road ia hauling into this
country at least a third more ton
nage than last year.
We notice the names of two Red
mond couples among those who got
licenses to wed at Vancouver,
Wash., last Saturday. They are
Edward B. Williams and Miss
Adeline Olsen and Raymond L.
James and Agnes D- Vaughn.
J. H. Quinn was in from '.anion ta
Tuesday. He says that three rabbit
drives were held in that section
last Sunday. One toward Haystack,
one north of Lamonta and one
south of Lamonta on Lone Pine
flat Drives will be held next Sun
day in that part of the county.
E. G. Hodson, proprietor of the
Prineville Machine Shop, and his
sister. Mrs. Edgar J. Fundy, left
for Portland yesterday morning and
will return in a few days with J. H.
Templeton's new Velie six-cylinder
two-passenger roadster. While in
the valley they will visit their sister,
Mrs. N. D. Elliott, at Salem.
Kt. ,vA.YV
What would Your WIFE
Can YOU answer this question?
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
We pay four per cent interest on Time Deposits.
Mrs. Winnek has returned from
her visit to Walla Walla and other
P. Chitwood, A. Fogel and Hery
Montgomery were over from
Grizzly yesterday.
Mrs. Smith of Prineville, mother
of Mrs. J. M. Sweek, Is visiting here
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Sweek. Blue Mountain Eagle.
A three-mile irrigation ditch has
just been completed on the Bonny
view Stock Farm. The water is
taken from Horseheaven creek and
will cover 300 acres. This makes
700 acres that J. H. Gray & Son
have under water. The new acre
age will be sown to alfalfa.
Thirty-five hundred pounds of
rabbit at one drive should have
some effect on the number of jack
in the Culver neighborhood. Thia
amount was hipd to market
Nov. 17, according to the Culver
Tribune. .
Mrs. Clara G. Kaaon, the State
Superintendent of Bible Schools,
will sieuk both morning and even
ing at the Union church next Sun
day at the usual time. Special
music is being arranged for these
services. Do not miss them. Mr.
Ksson Is a Hienker of national repu
tation ami is an extert in her line
of work. The other services for
the day will Iw held a usual. Geo.
II. Humscy.
.!2M 00
Estimated budget H. A. Foster,
Field work
luu oo
Abstracts Irona land offices
Information lor compiling new owner
ship records 200 00
Blank books, blank forms. etc
Postage, stationery, etc
Assessors salary
5U) 00
101) 00
loUO 00
. 1200 00
Deputy assessor's salary
-JCxtra clerk hire, compiling and extend
ing tax rolls 1000 00
The New Registration
Law Declared Invalid
18600 Oo
Crook County High School:
Principal's salary
Domestic Science.,.
Manual Trainings
.11700 00
1200 00
1000 00
1X) 00
1000 00
1200 00
1W 00
1200 00
Prepare to
enjoy its exhila
rating frosts by
making your blood rich,
pure and active to pre
vent colds, grippe
and rheumatism.
Good blood prevents sickness
and Scott's Emulsion-will energize
your blood and create reserve
strength to endure changing
Scott's Emulsion is not an
experiment but has served humanity
faithfully for forty years; it contains
the purest cod liver oil free from
alcohol or stupefying drugs.
Scott's Emulsion is nature's
greatest blood-maker and furnishes
the elements necessary for body
warmth, rich blood and healthy
Shan alcoholic eubttitutet and demand
the genuine Scott e Emulnon
The supreme court on Tuesday of
this week declared the new perma
nent registration law passed by the
1913 legislature invalid and rein
stated the old registration law.
That feature of the new law re
quiring compulsory registration,
providing the supreme court held
the compulsory feature constitu
tional, was declared by the court to
be delegating to the supreme court
legislative powera, which is ex
pressly prohibited by the constitu
tion. The whole act was thereby
declared invalid, including the re
pealing clauses, so that the old
registration law is reinstated and
voters will register as usual for the
1914 elections, the books being
opened for the primaries about the
middle of March. The election
will be held May 15, 1914.
For municipal elections to be held
next month a new registration will
not now be required.
The Missouri Way
of Doing Things
Stewart & Carlson took a most
effective way to demonstrate the
superiority of Prineville flour last
Saturday by distributing handbills
that were worth a sample loaf at
the new Prineville Bakery. The
bread could not be beaten any
where. It was excellent. With
good flour and a good baker you
are bound to get something good
to eat. The "show me" plan made
many friends for both baker and
Subscribe for the Journal, $1.50 yr
Mrs. Estes
Prineville, Ore.
Dry Cleaning and Pressing
First-Class Hand Work
AH Work Guaranteed
Second Door North of the
Ochoco, Bridge
Will be Ready for Work
December 1st
Bargain Month for the Crook Co.
Journal. Take advantage of it.
You Don't Have to Wait !
Until the Holidays. Come in and select your presents
now while you have time and our stock is complete. Just
pay a small deposit and we will lay it aside for you.
About prices, well, all we will say is that quality consid
ered, they are lower than any retail store regardless where,
and every article guaranteed to' give absolute satisfaction.
4 - :r---
m 'Ik Jsw"1
Just received a new
Come In and See Them
Without doubt we now have the largest
and finett assortment of wnlrhes we ever
had and can show you anything in South
Hend Watches from the thin, stylish
Chesterfield to the sturdy Studebaker
railroad grades.
You would enjoy owning one of thete
fine South Bend Watches, for they are
such splendid timekeciiers.
One of our customers who bought a South
Bend Watch of us has numed It "Mr.
Ya never ue.
And you will feel the same towards yours
after you have carried it awhile.
'Eveni South Bfnd WarVi
bij both -the Factorn and us .
We also stock the Elgin, Hamden, Hamilton, Howard,
Waltham and all Reliable watches.
Yours for a visit,
Crook County Jewelry & Sporting
Kamstra, Prop. Goods Store Prineville, Oregon