VILSON-SAYRE WED DING SOCIAL EVENT Marriage Ceremony Performed In Historic East Room of White House. Washington. Occupying first place In tlia Important event of tlx week At the nations capital wa I ho whit tling Tuesday afternoon uf Mix Je Ilia WIIhuii, second daughter of Pre lili'tit u rid Mm, WIIhuii. The cere mony wa performed In tli historic East room uf the white houiii, on the very pol wlnro MIm Nellie Circuit married Alkrifun C. K. Hartorlo on Wny SI, 1H73, and whore later Mint Alice ftoospvnlt wna Joined In wd Km k to Nli-liolna Ixiugworth. An altar I) .id been erect id before the broad window nt the east side of the roum, wit done for the Itoose velt wedding, Before the altar was liroad dub, on which the bridal party tood, Mine Wilson, attended by her maids, en tired the Knst room throiiKh the main doorway, from the Inner apart ment, leaning on the arm of her father. Mr. Hayre, I)r, Wilfred T. Orenfell, ot the Labrador mission, the beat man, nd the Iter. Sylvester W. Beach, gwaltnd her at the altar. To one aide were the diplomatic corps. Oppoalte them were the gueata of the annate and the houae and In another group the personal friend of the Wilson family and the representative ot W.nahlngton residential aoclnty. OPPOSE INSURANCE CURB Fraternal Cengreat Disturbad by Pol icy of Wlaconaln. Chicago. rondemiittllon of actlvl tic of ulnie Insurance commissioner In the Interim! affair of fraternal In urtince order wa expressed In reso lutloti adopted here by the executive board of the Niilloiml Fraternal con-grv-s. The resolution reaulted from re port of offlclid of the Independent Order of Forester of Toronto that the Insurance commissioner of Wis cousin had demanded a change In plana for special assessment of 80, 000 member which the order' con atliiitlon doe not cnll for. The reso liltiun assert thut such a polli-y "find no warrant In the law of any state and If successfully pursued will l destructive to the fraternal Insurance J'stoui." Washington University Regent Named Olytnpta. Wash. Kldrldga Wheeler for many year heed of the achools of Mout,esano and now muyor of thut city, a prominent di'tnocntt, was ap 1 pointed a recent of the university ol Washington to succeed Howard 0 Oosgrove, on of the lute governor, who relgiied recently. MEXICAN REBELS ARE VICTORSJ BATTLE Kl rnso, Tex. General Jose Ynci SnlHinr'a command la completely stir rounded south of Bnrngosa. Genera) Vlllit ordered hi soldiers to lake Gen eral Salaiar alive so that he may be publicly executed a an example to federal officer and federal aymputhl era. ' Simultaneously repulsing a front and a right and left flank attack, turn ing the aeparate attack into general engagement along hi line of defense, 13 nil In long, General Francisco Villa, by executing a clever strategy after dark drove the attacking federal force out of their camp before Tlerra Blanca and hurled hi cavalry after thorn a they fled In a panlo to their train. The decisive movement cama about when General Villa apparently aban doned hi oentor position at Tlerra Blanca, leaving hi camp fire burn ing. Tha taAnvai tttrvna Kant mm hI.L. urprlse, advanced upon the position. Halfway to the apparently deserted ' Villa camp they were confronted with not only Villa' main column, but de tachment! from the right and left wings. ' : Race for Senate Intent of Allahle. Boise, Idaho. Chief Justice James F. Allahle Intend to become a can., dldate for United State senator, aub Ject to the will of the republican pri maries. Thi Ib settled with the friend of the chief Justice, who have been circulating the Information In the,tate. Grain to Bring Million. . Winnipeg, Manitoba. The govern ment of Saskatchewan announced that the grain harvest thi year would b valued at $110,000,000, of which 71, .000,000 -la represented In wheat and $25,000,000 In oats, , , Philippine Commission Adopt Law, Mnrrila. The antt-alavery law as passed by congress, except for several slight amendments, was adopted by the Philippine commission. WHITE HOUSE WEDDING MMgMMMggMMMMMgMgHggMBiMNMigBW S' V ! N Z-,' f . , - ' " - ' ' i i .'.'v i r i Cast room of whit house, seen of Wllton-Sayre wsddlng, and th bride and groom. Br'ef CWS f ttlB W!ek In an attempt to reduce the prlre of egg from 47 to 32 cent, tha member of the Chicago Clean Food Club began a two weeka' boycott of egg dealera. Bummer garb nd paruaot displac ed fur and flannel In Chicago fol lowing the Lllziaid that recently wept the entire country mat of the Rocky mountain. A mighty army of women recruited from all over the oountry will Invade the national capital at the end of the week for the forty-fifth annual con vention of the National American Wo man Suffrage Association. (kittled liquor were sold by th bushel at Youiigslown, Ohio, when 2(0 suloons and wholesale liquor house ended business because the proprie tor, had failed to obtain license. The Harvard football team of 191S, wlthCharle K. Ilrlckloy, fullback, playing In the stellar role, established a new epoch In Crimson gridiron his tory by defeating Yale IS to 6. Outc!aasing, outgiimlng and ontluck Ing their opponent, the university of Chlcngo football team defeuted the uulverelty of Wisconsin lit to 0 and won undisputed title to the "Big Nine" conference champlona. Fourteen player were killed and 175 were injured In foxitball games In the season which I about eloped. Thi record of casualties la ouly llghtly bi-low that of 1I2. when 15 player met deuth and 1S3 were Injured. People in the News Pr. David Starr Jordan, chancellor, of Iceland Stanford university, declar ed British unlveraftlea were behind those of America, In a speech at Lon don. Hetty Green, the richest woman In America, who was 78 year old recent ly, celebrated by feeding on the Job an hour earlier than usual, Just to make herself forget how old she was. Former acting chief of police E. A. Slover of Portland waa In the lime- 1 light In civil service Investigation of charge thut he slept on duty and committed other Irregularities in of fice. Mrs. Minnie Sherman Fitch, wife of Lieut. Thomas W. Filch, U. S. N re tired, daughter of Wm, .Tecumseh Sherman, died at Gulfport, Miss. The nomination of Alex Sweek, ot Portland, to be minister to Slam ha been held up by the foreign relations oommlttee ot the senate owing to oharges ot unfitness being filed. Gomper Re-elected Labor Chief. Seattle, Wash. The American Fed eration of Labor adjourned after elect ing officers and choosing Philadelphia as the place of Its next convention, which will assemble on the second Monday of November, 1914. Samuel Gomper was re-elected president The convention refused to adopt a resolution condemning armed inter vention In Mexico, on the ground that such Intervention might be justifiable and desirable. " Two Air 8oldlert Die. . San Diego, Cal. Two navigators of the air Lieutenants Hugh Kelly and K. L. Ellington, attached to the camp of the First aero corps were killed Instantly at North Island when they tell from an altitude of about 80 feet In a dual control biplane. 4 Cavalry Troops Go After TMavaJos. Albuquerque, N. M. In two special trains four troops of the Twelfth Unit ed State cavalry, passed through here on the way to Gallup, where they will detrain and march 100 miles overland to Shlprock agency, on the Navajo reservation to quell an incipient up rising among the Indians there. , Former Mayor of 8yracuse Indicted. New York. James K. McGulre, ex- mayor of Syracuse, N. Y and partner with his brother, George H. McGulre, In the business of bonding state high way contractors, was indicted on the chnrge of soliciting a campaign con tribution from a corporation. NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Senate Committee Presents Substitutes for Administra tion Currency Bill. Washington. The final legislative fight for Prei-leut Wilson's currency bill began In the senate with the pres entation of report from the divided bunking committee. The bill submit ted by Chairman Owen and five other democrat of the committee follows clunely the lines of the house measure and contains only such amendments as President Wilson was willing to accept. Senator Hitchcock, democrat, and the five republican submitted a draft materially changing the bill and pro posing four reserve bank owned by the public and controlled by the gov ernment Both sections of the committee sgreed on concentration of reserves, their volume and mobilization, the volume of the capital of th proposed bank, promotion of an open discount market, provision for elastic curren cy, the Issuance of federal reserve note, that th federal note should be obligations of the United States, that the syatom should be a regional federal reserve bank system, Instead of a central bank, and on the control of th system Itself by the govern ment Whit Houa to B Closed New Year , President Wilson has decided not to hold public reception in the white house on New Year's day. The offi cial announcement of his intention was couched In this language: "Tk ueual New Year's reception will not be held on January 1, 1914. The departure from custom on this occasion Is due to the fact that the president will not be in Washington at that time. Owing to the long ses sion of congress, the president has had no vacation since his Inaugura tion. As the approaching session of congress will be the long session, the only opportunity for the president to secure a rest will be during the usual holiday reces of congress." In this the president tins shattered a long established custom and his ac tion will be resented In Washington is certain. ' "Circular 8" Is Upheld. The legality of "Circular 8." putting Into effect the Hick Inw for the reor ganisation of the militia, was upheld in an opinion by Brigadier General Fnoch H. Crowder, judge-advocate-general of the army, made public by Secretary Garrison. The circular, the legality of which was challenged by the National Guard Association, holds that the federal government will recognize national guard officers and organizations only when requirements of the regular ar my are compiled with as to organiza tion, equipment and discipline. Election Chasm Bridged. Temporary laws for direct election of senators were indorsed by the sen ate elections committee. Senator Polndexter's bill providing that sena tors shall be elected under present laws governing the selection ot repre-sentatlves-at-large or governors until each stats has made provision for elections under the new constitutional amendment was recommended for passage, , National Capital Brevities. President Wilson has perhaps the most Important task he has confront ed since his Inauguration, In the se lection of three new members of the Interstate commerce commission. Abolition ot political bosses and the general condition of the democratic party were among the subjects dis cussed at a conference between Presi dent Wilson and William T. McCombs chairman of tha democratic national committee. John Bassett Moore will not resign as counsellor for the state department March 1. He denies friction between himself and Bryan. He waa advtBor on the Mexican situation under Taft, and acts In the name capacity under President Wltaon. , Democratic senators friendly to the appointment of H. M. Plndell, the Peoria publisher, as ambassador - to Russia, let It be known that they would make an extreme effort to se cure the confirmation of his nomina tion before the end of the week. The sudden death of Commissioner Marble, of the Interstate commerce commission, will make no change In the plans for the beginning of the in vestigation of the eastern railroads request for advances In rates. It was announced. J That railroad earnings are not com mensurate with the Increased coBt of operation', taxes and wages and addi tions to equipment necessary to meet oommerctal demands of the country, was the statement made to the inter state commerce commission by repre sentatives of the railroads arguing for a general increase of 5 per cent In freight rates. AMCER III WOMAN'S BREAST ALWAYS BUMS SMALL LUMP UKE THIS tad ALWAYS POISONS DOT CLAN0S m THE ARMPIT AN0 KILLS QUICKLY I WILL GIVE $1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE mj CANCER orTUMOB I TROT BEFORE H Poiwai Bom or Deep Glmdi BOlNlrtOr rAll, am. It Pit Uotii Cundfy-vJ1 vlnHW. All blind X 1 1 V tlnt makMth eur MMKUIt BUMMltt Any TUMOR, Ula bof on 1M Up, Um or body Ionia Cmmv M Novor Stint until Imi suo. 120-fAM MM nt ln; hoUuwauli uf tl-'uMrrll cumd Bt lxm KBITS TO HUHI ANY LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREAST Is CANCCSJ. W ntua tbounnaa Dying, Coat It lata. W han eurad lu.uuv In iu yra. Address OR. 1 MRS. OR. CHAULET&, CO. A43UAIHCI. ST, Jil FRMCISCO, ML KlnDLi MAIL tail to mm we wit CANCEK Summons In the circuit court of the state of Ore eon for the tonntv of Crook. Cential O'egou lriigKtiun Company, a corporation, piaiut.n, vs. Mrs. K. J. Christiansen and Mrs. H. J. rcliumann, only surviving heirs at law and next ot kin of Walter II. Mevin, deceased, defendsn's. To Mr. K.J. t'tirirtianeen and Mrs. II. J. S hillnsnn. defendants: In the name of the slate of Oregon, You sre hereby required to spnear and answer the complaint fi e1 against you in the above entiiled euit within six weeks of the date of. the tint publica tion of this luuiinone, via, Ix-foie Janu aiy 1st, 1U14, and if you fail so to ap pear and antwer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will puly to the court lor the lelief prsyrd lor in the complaint, to wi', tha caiii-elliitlon ol a certain con tract made by Walter H. Meviua with Hie l'enlnHts Irrigation & F'ower Company, dated -Mauli 13th. l'.Nm, and t-oetH and disliuiseuients of the euit. This mm mom is published by order of Hon. W. L. lirsdehsw, judve ol the shove court, made on the 13th day of November, IMS. Hate ot first publication, November 20ih, 11)13. Iate of last publication, December 23 h, 1913. J rssk Stkabns. Attoiney lor plaintiff. Summons In the, eticuit court of the stale ol ttieon lor the county of Crook. Central Oregon, Irrigation Co , a cor .oraiiop, plaintiff, . vs. - W. K. Myers and S. J. Myers, defend ants. To W. E. Myers and 8. J. Mvers, de feu-lui.ta: In the nnmf nf the state of Oregon, You ai-iieieoy ieiiiirel to appear and answer Ihn comprint Bled against you in the above entitled euit within six weeks of the dnto of the first publica tion of iln. !-...ii.."iu, viz, before Jan nare 1st. 1; 1 1, uuil if yon fail so to 11 ami answer, ior want thereof, the plaintiff n ;ll api lv to the court for the irl( prated lor in the complaint, to wit, liie cancellation of a certain con irae made M- yon n 11)1 the Deschutes li'iiuutiou ,Nt cower Comuanv. dated January 31st, 11110, and coals and dis bursements of the suit. This summon is published by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, judge ot the above court, made on the 13:h day of oveniuer, isi;j. Date of first publication. November 20i h, 1W3. Date of last publication, December 25th, 11)13. Jkshk Stkabns, Attorney for plaintiff. Ladies' Tailored Suits at Reduc tion. Mrs. Wright, who represents the Ameiican Ladies Tailoring Company. has just received a fine line of samples for fall and winter suits. All who order before August 23d will net a ten ner cent discount. Freeh fruits snd berries, ice cream and sodas can always be found at Mrs. ngtic confectionery Store. 7-31tf Farm Loans For a short time we have sub ject to our disposal . $25,000 for loans on highly improved irrigated ranches iu the vicin ity ol Prineville. Loans to be for $5,000 or more and run from 8 to 5 years, with inter est at 8 per cent, payable an nually. We charge a small sommission to be paid Ify the borrower. See A. R. BOWMAN with Central Oregon Title & 1 Trust Co. . 6 19 Prineville, Oregon If? 0 Notice to Taxpayers In accordance with Chapter 231 of the li; I aw cjf Orrt"'l, tie county otirt of I'rouk wnety. stte of Oregon, iilmiil tl.r following ouiniatM ol the mnuinta of money to be rniiu-,1 l,T Uiatlon nn Hi uisliir property of Crook countv Or, iron, th niatnu-nanr of county of hcr, and other enpeium that sre required to lie paid hy the cunt J e-iilrt of Troos cdlllily. nlBteof Dreicon, for the year 1M14. I he date net by the coiintr court f.r lienr-illS- iilM I.l.,li, on the fiiulvet i set UiT liec. e). iw.i aiHo'riork m.'. at the coun ty tvitiriruoiua, I'rlnemiie. Oregon. Koxls, bridges, weed", special 175,111)0 00 Crook County f 1 ifi School... l!l,40 (10 Widow's peneions R.OOO 00 Iuiiitferit perwins 4,000 00 Circuit court V 000 00 Justice court County,' judge' sals y.station ery and postage Coiiiniiesiuner' salary , C-juuty clerk's oflice Mieriff's office t A'eneor' office 8,000 00 t-oroner 500 00 County school superintendent 4.JI0 00' county sealer, salary, exp Truant ofiicei, salary Treasurer '. Janitor, courthouse 1.200 Oiij 300 00 3 250 00 1 -t mi I'lTT - County fair 1,500 00 Elections 4,000 00 Telephone sod telegraph 1,000 00 Scslp bounty 2,000 00 Lining jsil 1,000 00 Wstertnaster .... 2,750 00 County gen-wal school fnnd... 85,000 00 Road viewer 1500 00 3.40 00 55,000 00 County surveyor's office Stte tsx Traveling expenses county court; road inspection, in cluding auio repairs, aas. etc 600 00 120 00 Stenographer lor county court County health department.. .. l.noo 00 ; . County printing Kstimated debt, Jan 1, 1914... Library fund 1 5ISI 00 Total... 28r,393 50 Summons In the county court of the state of Oregon for Crook county. B. J. .-Neweoiu, plaintiff, vs. Harry Ellis, defendant. To Harry Ellis, the above named dpfendatit: , lu the name of the state of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and aiiawer the complaint of jilaln tiff riled against you In the above entitled court and uction within ten days from the dute of the service of this summons upon you If served In Crook county, state of Oregon, or If served within any other county In the state, then within twenty days from the date ol the service of ttiis summons upon you, or If served bv publication as required by law, then on or before the TlurJiaraf Jasaary, 1914. nud you are hereby notified that If you full to so appear or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will tuke judgment against you for the sum of Eighty Dollars, with Interest thereou at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 1st dny of Auguet, 1912, and for the costs' and iltehurHemeuts of this action, and for an order of srid court to sell the attached personal property belong. ing to said defendnnt Iu Crook cotin - ty, Oregon, to satisfy said judgment anil costs. This summons Is published In the Crook County Journal for six full weeks In seven consecutive Imiies of said paper, beginning with the issue of November 13th, 1SU3, and ending with the Issue of December 25th, 1913, by order of the Hon. G. Springer, judge of the atuive en titled court, made and entered on the 13th day of Novemlier, Vn3. Dated and published first time November 13th, 1913. M. E. Brink, Attorney for plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, the executor of the estate of Reuben Boo ton, deceased, that they have made and filed with the clerk of the county court, their final accounting of their administration of said estate and that the county court ha set Mon day, the 1st day of December, 1913, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the county court room in Prineville. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing and settling said final accounting. At which said time and place any person interested in said estate, may appear and object to said final accounting. Dated this SOth day of October, 1913. MARIA BOOTOS, REUBEN H. BOOTON. Executors of the estate of Reuben Boot on, deceased. ' Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been, by the county court of Crook county, state of Oregon, duly ap pointed administrator of the estate of Jeanie M. Smead, deceased, and all persons having claims against said es tate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to eaid administra tor at the law office of C. C. Brix, in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and nnhliahnd first Hm v veinber 20th, A. D. 1913. William O. Smkad, Administrator of the estate of Jeanie M. Smead, deceased. Notice tor Publication Department of the Interior, u. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore. uctotier Kith, 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Clarence S. Fergueson of Roberts, Oregon, who, on August 10th, 1908, made Homestead Entry No. 0&S0, for eK nwj and wj nej sec tion 13, township 18 south, range 17 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of lutention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described- before Warren Brown, county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, ou the 12th day of December, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Henry W. Carlln, Mnnfosd D. Nye, Austin Klzer, Granville H. Nve, all of Roberts, Oregon . . H. Fhank WooncocK, ' U-6P Register. Summons. In the circuit court of the state of Oregnu for ('rook county. lM-M-tiiite Lu m tier Company, a cor poration, plaintiff. . Kllxa A. Joliimon, James Tethernr, and John Tetherowr, anil all un known heirs of Andrew J. Teth erow, dn-eHwil, a nil alt other lute-rented, lli-l.-llllliUIH. To Kllxa A. JolniHiin. James Teth erow, John Tethrrow, and all un known heirs of Andrew J. Teth rrow, i.i-,-hib-iI, niu! to ail others Intcretiteil, the above nanieil le . feiKiiinta: In the name of the sta'e ot Oregon Too ami each of ju ore ht-reliy re qriired to niiiiir and Hlmwer the 500 Ot) toiiiilitliit of the plaintiff riled HnuiiiHt you in the above entitled n-j, no "lt nn,i c""rt. within u-n dove from l.ii.iii uo, the date of the wrvlce of tlil-niru-1.200 00 : mime upon yon, II M-rved within 6..V1O 00 Crook county, state of Orejcon. or If 7 01 e no 1 "'rve' within anv other county In i.cia uu thi. ,t ti, -.1,1,1.. .,..., .,.. , from the date of the ervL- ,.f thi. 1 summons upon you. or If served hr publication according to law, then on or iH-fore the 29th say f NevaBker, 1913, ! -v"n 8I"' Plu'n .voa are hereby notlflel tDt you full to so appear "id answer for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt: Kor a decree of said court to the effect that the plaintiff Is the owner In fee simple, free from all incum brances, of the following described premier, towlt: The north half of the northeast quarter, the south west quarter of the northeast (quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southeast qnarter of section thirteen. In township twenty-one south, of range nine east of the Wil lamette Meridian, In Crook county, state of Oregon. That the defend- : "ou cnA.11 aiiu ail Ol mem, aUtl .1 ........ .1 ..II . , . 1 1 1 (ion no I t"uue ciaiuiniK uy, iDrougo or w i 1 un,ler them or ay them be tor ow w 1 ever barred and estootwd from hav- ' Cl""?'Dft, , J1"'' T - - - - - - ... --' ' '.- 1CII110TB ur any part thereof, and that the cloud existing upon plaintiff's title to said premises hy reason of the estate of Andrew J. Tetherow never having been administered upon, be removed, and that the plaintiff's title to said premises be quieted, confirmed and forever established la Itself, Its suc cessors and assigns, and for such other and further relief as may seem meet to the court and just In the premises. This summons Is published In the Crook, County Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, and published once a week at I'rine ville, Crook eounty Oregon, for six full weeks In seven consecutive is sues of said paper, commeneinu with the issue of October 16th, 1913, and ending with the Issue of Novemfrvr i 27tb, 1313, by order of the Hon. tT-t Springer, county judge of Crook county, Oregon, aud judge of the county court of the state of Oregon for Crook county, made and entered on the Kith day of Octolier, 1913. Dated and published first time October 16th, 1913. M. E. Bkink, Attorney for Plaintiff. Administratrix's Notice to Creditors In the county court of the state of ! Oregon, for county of Crook, ! I the matter of the estate of E. j M- McCubblns, deceased, 1 Notice Is hereby given that Maud ! McCubblns, the undersigned, has , beeu duly appointed by the county court of the state of" Oregon, lor Crook county, administratrix of the estate of fc. M. McCubbins. deeeneed. All perilous having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present their claims properly veri fied to said administratrix at the law office of M. R. Elliott, In Prine ville, Oregon, or C. A. Wiutermeier, In Eugeue, Lane county, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice which Is Dated this 6th day of November, A. D., 1913. Mai'd McCcbbins, Administratrix of said estate. - C. A. Wlntermeler and M. R. Elliott, attorneys. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Oflice at The Dalles, Ore. November 3rd. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that John G. Bulger of Prineville, Oregon, who, on Aprt1 1st, 1910, made homestead entry No 06370, for ewjf si. section 10, and wi nej, nwl sel section 15. township 16 south, range 16 east, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of Inten tion to make final tlfree-vear nroof' to establish claim to the land above described before Timothy E. J. Duffy i U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 12th day of Decern- ber, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: J John N. Burnett, William W. Davis. Curt Mueller, urt Wilson, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, H-6p Register. Hotice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Oflice at Lakevlew, Ore. October 29, 1913. Not coal lands. Notice Is hereby given that Forrest W. Neeld of Hampton, Oregon, who, on July 5, 1910, made Homestead Entry (Act Feb. 19, 1909.) No. 03772, for ej w and el, section 20, township 21 south, range 20 east, Willamette Meridian, has riled notice of inten tlou to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. O. Ellis, United States Commissioner, at Bend, Ore gon, ou the 19th day of December Claimant names as witnesses: Burr Black, Lee Klggs, John Whlt taker, Isaac Zerolf, all of Hampton, Oregon. , Jas. F. Buhgeks, neP Register. What About that Holiday Suit? Before buying that Suit for the hoi- ida.vs, call and look over mv liue. T have suits from ?15 up. A fit guar- ?noeed,,rA' .Reynolds, merchant tailor, McCallister bldg. 10.2