Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 27, 1913, Image 1

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    Two Days left of Bargain Month. This will be your last chance at the 75c rate. EveryEofys Doing It
Crook County. Journal
InlM t lh pofltAfTtm t FrlnrlUs
OrtfOO, M MSOUDd-CUM Dtttr
December Term District
Court Next Week
Circuit court convene next week.
County Attorney Wirti report the
criminal docket m a short one. The
civil calendar la aa lonir aa UHual.
The following cases will be pre
sented to the grand jury:
W. D. Kersey of Rend, bad chock
artist, who waa caught in Missoula,
Montana, will head the lint of those
who are to be tried at this term
Kersey will alao be tried on a
charge giving a chattle mortgage
to property he did not own.
Silva Parrlith and Chas. Maaon
o( Ilend will have a hearing before
the grand jury on a gambling
charge. They could not resist the
fascinations of a game of draw
Hiker ao muat take the conse
quences. Myera & Wllkie, aaloonmen of
Dend, will be tried on a charge of
permitting gambling In their place
of business,
John Moore, an auto driver, and
Florence Moyer, a married woman,
both of Ilend, will have to face the
grand jury on a charge of lewd co
habitation. They are out on L'OO
bonda each.
II. Btrouble and Mra. W. R. Gay
of Hend were bound over to the
grand jury on a charge of adultry.
Their case will be Investigated at
thia term.
E. R. Huntington and Wm.
Ilooth of Madraa will be triod for
stealing aheep, or rather a sheep,
from the railroad company at Mad
raa. The boya both are under 20
thought it would be fun to anipe
a fat ewe and have some fresh mut
ton. The railroad company thought
otherwise and had them arrested .
The young men work on the section
out of Madras.
John Sweeten of Madras, the
(section boss under whom Hunting
ton and Booth worked, was arrested
charged with receiving stolen prop
rty. He helped the boys hide the
stolen an'unnl. Mutton comes high
if you get it from a railroad com
pany. Hurt Welch, another rash ,indi
vidual from Madras, is in jnil
charged with breaking into the Ore
gon Trunk depot at Madras. He
broke through' a window but had no
sooner got his feet good and firm
on the floor when the baggageman,
who was sleeping right there, had
him covered with a good sized can
non, or something that looked as
big. Welch was marched down
town and locked up In the city jail.
The following comprise the civil
Naomi Kftlomon va Chris Colira.
Deschutes Irrigation t I'ower Co
va W Wilson et al.
0 M Eaton va 8 I Frawr et at.
It L Biibln, assignee, va Saro'l
Cray et al.
J L Coiuba ra E A Urllfln et al.
Breymaa Leather Co va Madraa
Harness Shop.
Huuaw Creek Irrigation Co v A
Marie L Brook vs L K Brook.
A A Burrla va U II aad Lola Crick
on. K II Hopklua v I r Hewitt.
K W Hopklna viEB William.
P M ItuthnVId fi LU Kerwood.
Krank (illliind vs Frauk Bole.
Henry Llnstur va Central Oregon
Irrigation Co.
W F King va J E Adamion et ux.
Crook County v Alma I) Kats.
0 0 I Co vs 11 W Woolley.
J A Vtlllcox, trustee, va Inland
Empire Co.
I) R Amadou nFC I'ark.
Pacific N W Adjustment Co v Jaa
r O 1 Co v Kirk Waited.
Glean I.and Co v David Burton
et al.
W K King Co v I 1) Biisey.
W U Phoenix et ul vi ItL Jordan
et al. ,
Hint National Hank ol Benil v J
11 ItiNin et al. t
It E McC'ouaghy v F C Park.
Waller O'Neill va F P lllpe.
K lift I. Co v Vanora Townslte
O'Neli Bro Co v II K Nlmtenet al,
Elmer Mswonger v W P Vamle
W (1 Forllmm v B T P as I Co.
U C Coe v C T 4 K K Plnklmm.
Averlll Machinery Co v E R Ware.
Ktiite til Oregon vs F A Hyde et al.
J M Crenshaw vs H 11 & C L Pal
mer. 3 M Crenshaw v J W Brewer et nl
(.'hrlstlua Newman v Christ New
man. M It Elliott v C M Stroud et al.
M Kennedy va H 11 Shrlver.
J N qulherg v Crook county.
A Kix'a M Sontag vs J F Bean.
Averlll Mmhlnery Co vs W W Oil
let te nml E It Ware.
J H.VHii vs Mary E Ryan.
Alex lliiiiillton vs J E Ni'lHon.
J L M Shetterley Jr v A Bskewea.
Mertrude Monlcal vs Clarence Mon
lcal. V O I Co v C E Smith.
1 I, Mllltiiips AGS Brooks vs Geo
I nn Boyle vs C H Boylcs.
I'rlseo Prince vs Coloiiilio Prlseo.
liia McPherson vs Logan Mc
Pherson. scientific American Comp I)ept va
J W Ramsey M I).
Margaret Kltchlng vs Cordelia
HoIuimoii et al.
W Jones va Bettle Erlckson.
J us A VYamii vs Geo Dickson and
C E McDowell.
Cora E Buyer vs I'lue Forest Lum
ber Co.
Jury List for the
December Term
Hear N. Waite, Lamonta
Arthur Templeton, Sistera
P. T. Monroe, Gateway
P. Chitwood, Grizzly
Allen M. Logan. Paulina
George Noble, Prlnevllle
John Demarla, McKay
Oscar Morria, Culver
Manford Nye, Roberta
M. A. Lebman, Terrebonne
M. G. Pillette. Madraa
Walter Utbgow, Lamonta
George II. Wblte, Madraa
S. K. King, Metoliua .
Henry Tweet, Powell Butte
J. W. Stanton, Mill Creek
Lee Peck, Culver i . '
0. P Wallenberg. Culver
W. G, Mustard, Powell Butte
Chas. EC Parrltb, Barnea
I F.Sbutt, Madraa
A. U. Parkey, Madraa
Jsmea Ryan, Bend
1. V. Llmbaugh. Culver
C. J. Mock, Laidlaw
A. C. Thompson, Culver
8.7. Luelling. Madras
William Boegli, Culver
J. M. Montgomery, Prir.eville
Laurence Mautz. Prinevilie
T. A. Taylor. Madras
Mattle Elliott va F A and Leoua
Thos Maupln va Mary Manpln.
L C Davenport v M A Gullck et al.
J II II iiner v Wm Prlne et al.
Ktate v Win A Clark.
D L Co vs E A Johnson et al.
Frank Pratt va Iva Pratt.
Estate ol A D Wehdell v H I.
Parry et al.
Redmond Bank Commerce vs 8 J
t E Dobson v Freda Barkley et ul.
C H Fry vs Ivy M Fry.
J N Muster v J F Adams & City
oi ncnu.
Ellen Harmon v Wm Ferry.
Merchants Collection Agency v E
t rook Co Bank vs J A S E West.
W T Davenport vs T E and F
Alice McKay va Donald McKay,
(I A McFarlane va J W Snxton.
C O I Co vs Mr K J Cbrlstlanson
et nl.
C O I Co vs Jno Freesell.
KoHcoe Howard v C E and M 8
C() Co vs W E and 8 J Myers.
C H t rain ys It P Long A D Van
ltetiillers Factory Catalogue Co vs
U r Londart.
P J Wiilnli vs Iyone Pine Trading
Co et al.
Wilbur A Toner vs John and Mary
M it Elliott v Duncad Macleod et
I, M Miller et al vs 8 Price.
Crook Co Bank vs C W aud Mattle
M Waugh. '
W R (jay and Grace I Gay and B
Struhleaml Flamlnle Serravalle vs
Fred H anil R E Sherwood.
Mary L Hunsuker vs J H and O C
(ilen Hamilton vs Wade Huston.
The Bend Co vs W E Uuerln Jr.
1 W Ward vs Fred Stroud et al.
W A Booth vs City Prlnevllle.
Katharine Huntsman vs F M
B 8 & L Co va C E Shelton.
The Last of Dickinson-
Hall Shooting Scrape
James B. Dickinson, the Hampton
Butte homesteader who was shot by
Alec Hall on the night of the 14th
of November, is now thought to be
out of all danger. Nothing further
has been heard of Hall.
While Sheriff ETkins was at Bend
the other day Dickinson requested
him to drop all proceedings against
Hall, When be get well Dickinson
informed the eheriff that he in
tended to leave the country. He
will return to his old home at Elma,
Wash. -
Good Road to Old
r River Bed-Keep On
Road Supervisor Glenn Hend rick
son was ordered by the county
court to pick the rocks out of the
road from the foot of the west aide
grade to the old river grade. Heavy
traffic made this work im
perative. Ed Hodaon, In order to
help the work along, placed an
automobile at the disposal of the
road supervisor. !
The good work shouid not stop at
the river bed. The road should be
cleaned right into Redmond. With
the rocks removed and the surface
leveled the heavy traffic would be
greatly benefitted and its cost very
much reduced. Freighters and
automobile owners are willing to do
the hauling free of charge which is
no small item vhere a crew of men
are moved from place to place-
Road Supervisor Hendrickson claim
ed that the Hndson car saved about
half time in moving his crew to and
from work and from place to place.
Redmond will no doubt take up
the work at that end of the road
and see that it is made passable for
the winter.
City Election Dec. 15
Lively Time Anticipated
The city election Is right on our
heels again. A mayor, three coun
cilmen, a recorder, treasurer and
marshal are to be chosen December
The retiring councllmen are
Messrs. Gray, Shipp and Cooper, all
good men and true that have labor
ed faithfully In the interest of
Prinevilie. The holdovers are
Councllmen Ward, Lafollette and
Mayor Clifton seems to have no
opposition for a second term.
From the way things look be will
simply have to serve again.
Quite a number are mentioned
for the alder manic job. The friends
of the retiring counciimen want
them to stand for re-election. W.
F. King is prominently mentioned,
so is W. A. Booth. G. W. Noble,
Dale Jones and Wm. Pancake. The
only man who has registered for
the job is A. W. White.
Recorder Bowman seems to have
no opposition.
Not so for the office of city
treasurer. At this writing .there is
good prospect of a hot three-corner
fight for the job of handling the
city cash. Joe Gerardo is the pres
ent incumbent and his friends think
he is entitled to at least a full term.
Mrs. Prince Glaze has shied her
bonnet into the ring and will make
things lively until after the ballots
are counted. Attorney Bechtel tias
many young friends that are going
to work for bim so the race for the
money bags is full of uncertainty.
Tom Coon and ex-Sheriff Balfour
are the only ones mentioned so far
for city marshal. Of course its a
little early and there may be some
surprises in the course of a week or
Another matter that voters will
have to decide December 15 is
whether or not it will be possible
for the city to issue bonds op to
within 10 per cent of the assessed
valuation of property. At present
the city can issue only to 6 per cent.
If we ever have a sewer system it
will be necessary to raise the
amount from 6 to 10 per cent
Ashwood Wants to Know a
Few Things About County Roads
Additional Members
of Honorary List
Last week we omitted the names
of Horigan & Reinke, C. W. Elkins,
Mrs. McDowell and A. H. Lippman
from the list of those that either
furnished cars or made contribu
tions to the work of fixing the
grade on the Prineville-Lakeview
inter-state highway. This was a
public spirited act on the part of
all 'concerned and deserves the
gratitude of the entire community.
Sunday School Convention
The County Sunday School Con
vention will be held at Madras, De
cember 13 and 14. A good attend
ance Is requested. ll-27-2t
Ashwood's vote on the bond issue
was almost unanimous against it
In fact, the vote stood 40 to 1.
Are the people of the Trout creek
hills non-believers in the much-talked-of
good roads movement?
No, most assuredly hot, but they
would like to see some of the good
roads come their way. Most resi
dents of Crook county hardly know
where Ashwood is and in fact the
dwellers in that fertile and hilly
little district are nearly as isolated
from the rest of the county as was
poor old Robinson Crusoe from his
fellow men.
hy looking at a county map you
will see lines .drawn to represent
two county roads into Ashwood.
They look good on the map, nice
level, straight roads. One running
almost due north from Prinevilie
crosses over a spur of the Blue
mountains, but has lost all appear
ance of being a road before it
reaches these mountains. If one is
handy in the woods and can follow
a blazed trail, he can possibly find
his way across the mountains but
even at that he must cut and lift a
few logs from across the road and
drive around many others on the
McKay side,' as whoever is road
supervisor on that side believes only
in building road as far as his own
I spoke of two roads the other
is from Haycreek and is just about
as bad, except that it has no tree
blazes to follow and has a dozen or
more barbed gates to be opened
and closed.
These are county roads, or at
least are called such. These are the
only roads some two hundred
families have to travel over. Be- -cause
of this, much settlement is
being held back, development by
present settlers retarded, and many
of the necessities of civilization are
wanting. With good roads we
would soon have rural free-delivery
and more postoffices, more tele
phones, more merchants to sell and
more people to buy. -
A county road has been surveyed
from the Axe Handle country to
Continued on sixth page.
Avoid the Rush by Doing Your Shopping Early
Our new Holiday Line is now beginning to arrive, which consists of all the new and
up-to-date Staples carried in a complete Holiday Stock
An elegant supply of Stationery, Books and Lowney's Candy on hand. ;
New Christmas Presents for the Children arriving daily
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