1 1 I i f At ElkW Sale, Saturday Morning at 10 a. m Monster Piles of Boxes Filled With Articles Worth up to $15.00 25c Hundreds and hundreds of 'em stacks and piles ol 'em. Enough of them in fact to supply balf the people ol the county. You don't think it's "old junk" either. You know Elkins handles only good goods, and in each and every hex is an article worth from 25c to f 15.00. You may get a 25c article, you may get a dollar or two dollar one, or you may get a bos worth from $5.00 to this suit, worth f 15, and there is going to be plenty of the better ones. Now suppose you open a box and find a fancy vest or a pair of trousers or suppoee you find a suit of clothes worth $15 00, wouldn't it make you smile at two bits per throw? Well, that's what you are sure to do if you get many of these boxes. We will have all prepared for you. The Big Surprise Box Sale Starts Saturday Morning Hundreds will be Iir ! a " l. x waning 10 vjiau Zt)C X The Boxes And will last until the Boxes are all gone. Come and see Surprise Sale The Fun o U3 3 VI in A TON of BOXES look: Almost a Thousand Dollars worth of good merchandise will r practically gien away Saturday. November 22d, al 10 a. m., when the doora open. A cash offer ot $900.00 would be accepted, but it is not in sight, so we propose to use this much stock as a drawing card to get the people to attend our big Cash-Raising Sale Now in lull blast. I5 on hand promptly It 10 a.m. for that e surprise boxM blon8 to whoever gets them af er the sale Harts at 10 o'clock. As fast as the clerks can hand them out Have your two bits ready. Wa won't have time to make change. O n 52- To be sold at 28c each A bargain surprise in each and every box. You can not get less than 25c. and there are many boxes containing values up to $15.00. at 25c Surprise Box Sale A BIG FEAST Of bargains at 25c a box. In each and every box are articles worth from 25c ud to $15. CO. Your pick of the lot- any box you want for Choi oice 25( Choice 25c EXTRA SPECIAL Now don't get it into your head that this Box Sale is going to .be any fizzle. Every article in the boxes will be worth 25 cents, and there will be shoes worth $5.00, also Hats and Shirts, The big prize is a ready made suit, worth $15.00, Now Get in Line Saturday, November 22, at 10 a. m. White Waists 59c Regular $1.50 Ladies' Vests 19c Regular 35c Youth's Suits $3.95 Regular $8.50 Ladies'Drawers 19c Regular 35c Suit Cases $3.95 Regular $5.00 HoArticl Worth Less Than 25c And Some Worth up to $15.00 e 25c Wo are expecting hundreds of people to at tend this sale Saturday, and if lolks hut knew the man; grand bargain surprint in store for them, the whole country would come crowding in Saturday. We hare made ample preparation to supply a vsxt ptron age and truxt wi will have lioxeit enough to go around. Of emirs, not knowing the ex act number of people who will attend, it is next to impocsiblo to predict the length of the sali. It may lst one hour, two hours, or it may lust all day. That i tip to you. I'lcR-ip hear in mind no article is worth lens than 2.r)fl, and from that up to 115.00. Now there will be a great many of the big prises, and we are going to put in orders (or one suit worth $15.00, fancy verts, 13.00 hats, shirts underwear, elo. In fact many boxes will contain valuable articles. Grocery PRICES K. C. BAKG POWDER 15c Regular 25c QUAKER OATS 10c Regular 15 PEERLESS SMOKING 3 for 10c Reg. 5c, SAUER KRAUT 2 for 25c Regular 25c PEACHES 24c Regular 35c STRAWBERRIES 24c Regular 35 $1.50 MEN'S SHIRTS 25c $ 1 .00 men's dress shirts, sizes 1 5 1-2 to 17, in neat stripes and plain QJ white; regular price 1.50, for Mtlv $5.00 LADIES' SHOES 95c Fifty pairs left of ladies's shoes, in all lasts,' sizes 2 1-2 to 5. These are Q t real bargains. Regular 5.00 for vtJv 15c GINGHAMS 11c Our complete stock of new ginghams, all new designs and the best in the county, regular 1 5c for l $3.00 GIRL'S SWEATERS 95c This lot consists of about twenty-five girl's sweaters, all wool and 4 good makes. Regular 3.00, for ZftJ Dry Goods PRICES Night Dresses 95c Regular $1.50 Men's Hose 19c Regular 35c Men's Shirts 95c Regular $1.50 Neckties 45c Regular 65c Ladies' Wool Combinations 95c Regular $1.50 Tailored Waists 95c Regular $1.75 Men's Sweaters $2.49 Regular $3.50 Boy's Suits $1.75 Regular $4.00 Ladies'- Hose 19c Regular 35c We have cut the PRICE but not the QUALITY COLLINS W. E HNS PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock in the hands of the A. A. Gillespie Adjusting Company Ladies' and Gents' Wear Going at Cut and Slash Prices mm