Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 20, 1913, Image 4

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    Sacred. Concert at
Presbyterian Church
On Monday, December 1st, the
thoir of the Presbyterian church
will render a sacred concert for the
purpose of raising a music fund for
the church. The choir will be as
sisted by the orchestra and several
soloists of the city. Numbers on
the program will also be filled by
our best elocutionists- The price
of admission is 23 cents. The con
cert will start at 8 o'clock sharp.
Lovers of wholesome entertainment
cannot afford to miss this treat.
Roads Open Across
the Cascades
The roads across the Cascade
mountains have remained open
unusually late this fall. There
has been very little snow on the
summit and the roads have re
mained in very good condition.
C. V. Holt of Eugene, crossed
from Sisters to his borne the first
of this week by auto with little
trouble. The roads on the west
side of the mountains are muddy
and sloppy, but not in bad con
dition for this time of the year.
Sisters Herald.
High School Notes
The girls of the Domestic Science
department met last week and or
ganized the "Home Economics
Club." The members of the club
will put into practice the principles
learned in the Domestic Science
class. The following are the offi
cers of the club: President, Edna
Estes; vice-president, Elma Noble;
secretary, Blanche Wilson; treasur
er, Violet Lister.
The students and faculty of the
high school are looking forward
with pleasure to the two assembly
periods when Miss Herman will tell
of her European trip and Mrs.
Walker will give her lecture on
The boys of the stock judging
class, accompanied by their in
structor, H. E. Pratt, went to the
Cox ranch down Crooked river last
Saturday morning.
During the regular assembly
period Wednesday morning. Rev.
Chas. McCaughey addressed the
student body, taking for his sub
ject, "Some Phases of Modern
Psychology." Mr. MacCaughey
handled his subject in a very inter
esting way and his talk will long be
remembered by all who heard it
The Alpha declamatory tryout
will be held in the assembly hall of
the high school next Friday evening.
The following Tuesday evening the
Ochoconians will hold their tryout
at the same hour. Both contests
will be public and all who are inter
ested may attend.
Thanksgiving Day
Sports at Fair Grounds
There will be races and a buck
ing contest at the fair grounds
Thanksgiving Day. Five events
are on the cards.
First race Quarter-mile,free-for-all.
Second Quarter mile, saddle
horses, to be ridden with cowboy
Third Three-eighths mile, free-for-all.
Fourth Three mile matched
race for f 200 a side.
Fifth event Bucking contest.
Admission 25c. Grandstand free.
Milk for Sale
Apply to Norrls Morgan at the
Jesse Yancey place. 1113-lrn
Hvr (et r4t They look mcl
'3ir fit will mm! Ac wtfcf
Poor Turnout to
School Meeting
There was a small attendnnce at
the school meeting Monday after
noon to vote the millajre tax for the
ensuing school year. After some
discussion it was decided to levy a
17 mill tax. This is three mills less
than last year. The 17 mills will
enable the school directors to meet
all expenses without resorting to
temporary loans, near the close of
' the year, to meet current expenses,
; thus saving interest money to the
j taxpayers.
J The directors held a session at
j the close of this meeting at which
j time the resignation of Dr. Belknap
was read and accepted.
Clerk Shipp has posted notices
tor a call meeting to be held Decem
ber 1st. at which time a director
will be elected to serve in Dr. Bel
knap's place. It is to be hoped
that enough interest will be taken
in this matter to bring out a good
vote. Be on hand at 2 o'clock on
Monday afternoon, December 1, at
the schoolhouse prepared to do
your full duty toward our public
Laidlaw Has the Oldest
Living Ex-Official
Crook county is not to be out
done in the matter of furnishing
the oldest living official in the state.
The claims of Mr. James FJkins was
disputed by L. L. Whiteomb of Sag
inaw, Oregon. Mr. FJkins held of
fice 51 years ago but Mr. Whiteomb
went him seven years better.
Now comes B. F. Nichols of Laid
law who can ge Mr. Whiteomb nine
years better. Mr. Nichols writes:
"I was elected sheriff (under the
provisional government of Oregon)
j of Polk county the first Monday in
June, 1846, sixty-seven years ago.
Again in 1852, under the territorial
organization, I was elected sheriff;
served two years and was re-elected,
serving two consecutive terms. B.
F. Nichols."
Club Hall
November 27th
Big Dance
Big Orchestra
Big Time
ummmammmmmmmmmmammam your own measure that
will fit you around the neck. Call and examine
my $1 5.00 suits.
Thanksgiving next Thursday.
John Morris is able to be up and
around again.
Archie Gibson of Post was down
for supplies yesterday.
Regular services at the Presby
terian church next Sunday.
C. A. Newbill of Grirzly was a
business visitor to Prineville Tues
day. A black jet necklace was picked
up on the street the other dav and
left at the Crook County Bank.
L. A. Booth, receiver of The
Dalles Land Ollice, came in the last
of the week on a visit to his old
home town. He left for The Dalles
Rev. W. E. Chambers of Fossil
arrived in Prineville Tuesday. He
will assist Rev. Williams with the
revival meeting new being held at
the Methodist church.
There will be a basket social at
the Johnson creek schoolhouse, No
vember 28, for the benefit of the
school. Everybody turn out and
help along a good cause.
Artisan Assembly No. 163 have
moved into the hall over 0. K.
meat market, where they are mak
ing great preparation to receive
Supreme Master Audsen of Port
land, on November 24th.
The cut-rate auto fa-e between
Prineville and Redmond was de
clared off Tuesday. It will now
Cost you f 3 to make the trip one
way, or $5.50 for a return ticket.
The boys lost money on the 1 1.50
T. J. Leach of Willamina, Ore.,
writes the Journal that weather
conditions in his section are fine.
Good grass, stock in fine condition
and two crops of strawberries are
among the things he boasts of for
his section.
At the Baptist church next Sun
day Bible school, 10 a. m. Ser
mon, "A Faithful Church," at 11
a. m. Junior League; 2:30 p. m.
B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m. Subject
for 7:30 p. m., "Unthankfulness
and Thankfulness." Come. John
McAllister, pastor.
The revival meeting at the Metho
dist church will continue over next
week. The pastor is being ably as
sisted by the Rev. W. E. Chambers
a warm hearted southern gentle
man, and an excellent preacher.
Mr. Chambers will preach each
evening, and over Sunday. Every
body come.
County School Superintendent
Myers is visiting the schools of the
county. He has covered the east
ern part of the county very
thoroughly and left the other day
to take up the work in the southern
and western sections. He says the
schools visited are in pretty good
Steam Laundry
J. Edward Larson, Prop. ,
First-Class Work
at reasonable prices
Twenty per cent discount on
family washing ,
Transportation charges paid by
ihe laundry
Luckey Bonney
Leave orders at the Barber Shop
It costs you nothing extra
to have a suit made to
S. R. Cooper ha returned from a
trip to Portland.
W. H. Post of Poet is down buy
ing. supplies today.
Bert Jourdan left this week for
Fresno, California.
Omer Clayxo left Sunday for a
visit to the metropolis.
A liKht snow storm visited this
section Thursday afternoon.
Born Nov. 8, at Grirzly, to the
wife of Walter Newbill, a boy,
W. N. Dunkle of Suplee was a
business visitor to Prineville
Don't fail to hear the concert at
the Presbyterian church Monday
evening, Dec. 1st., at 8 o'clock.
Football game next Saturday at
Davidson Park. The Madras town
team will play the Crook County
High School boys.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
Aid are asked to meet at the home
of Mrs. F. A. Rice Friday, Nov. 21,
at 3 p. m. Important.
If the set of furs is not claimed
before noon on Saturday, Nov. 20,
Mrs. Estes will have another draw
ing, at which time all wishing to
take part must be present
G. Springer left yesterday for
McMinnville. He will also visit
Seattle before returning, where he
shipped a carload of hogs. The
judge will be away about a week.
Football Thanksgiving at David
son Park. Crook County High
School vs. town team. This game
aill test the metal of the high
school boys. Old veterans will play
against them. Game called at 2
County Attorney Wirtj went to
The Dalles Monday where a bill of
exceptions was agreed upon before
Judge Bradshaw in the case of John
Mel'herson, convicted of horsesteal
ing; Dick Garrett, convicted of cat
tle stealing, and Gaylord McDaniul,
convicted of the murder of Herman
I och. A notice of appeal was
served in the case of Logan Me-
I Pherson, convicted of rape.
Bargain Day in Wet Goods
On Saturday, Nov. 22, between
the hours of 1 and 5 p. m-, we will
sell any bottle of our choice stock
in the show case for f 1. Now is
your time to stock up. Frank
The Home Restaurant
Home cooking- Everything neat
and clean. Regular men In and Hliorl
orders, Prices reasonable, u. W,
Vt . l,lpplucott, Crop. H-16
Household Goods
Bed Room Suite
Also Keystone Dehorner
Opposite High School Bldg
Mrs. Estes
Prineville, Ore.
Well, are we all thankful this Thanksgiving Day? Yes.
those of us who are enjoying health and prosperity. This
year your money in the bank has piled up until it looks very
comfortable. You can enjoy your turkey. If you just get a
bank account and keep feeding it all next year it will be a.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
We pay four per cent interest on Time Deposits.
Free Free
A $40.00
Libby Cut Glass Bowl
Save your ticVeU of ev
ery SOc purchase. For
further particulars see
The French Drug Co
The dispensers of Pure Drugs
Dry Cleaning and Pressing
First-Class Hand Work
All Work Guaranteed
Second Door North of the
Ochoco Bridge
Will be Ready for Work
December 1st
Notice tor Publication
Department ol the Interior
U. 8. Land Ollice at The Dalle, Ore.
November l.'lth, 1013.
Notice is hereby given that
Oliver G. Adams
one of the heira ol Hilaa E. Adama, ol
rnneville, Oregon, who, on May lftth,
l'JOtt, made homestead entry No. 1601(1,
aerial Zo. 044.'e, (or swi nei, wX 4
and ej aw, section 14, townahip 15
outh, range 17 east, Willamette Merid
ian, has filed notice of intention to
make final three-year proof to eatabliah
claim to the land above uiiacnhed. be
fore Timothy K. J. Duffy, U. 8. Com
minsioner, at Prineville, Oreiion. on the
zuin day oi uecemoer, iui3.
Claimant namH, aa witnesses: Wil
liam Mark. HiiKii (lee, James C. Gil
christ, John K, lireese, all of Prine
ville, Oregon. II. Khank Woodcock,
Ji-zu Kegister.
Notice to Creditors
Notice 1h hereby given by the un
dersigned, the administrator of the
estate of Andrew J. Turner, deceased,
t) till ptTHOHH llUVlllg cIllllllS llgllltlSt,
wild dcceitHcd or IiIh oHtato to present,
the same with the proper vouchers
to the undersigned, nt the ollice of
M. It. Klllott, In Prineville, Oregon,
within six months from the 11 ret
publication of thlH notice.
Dated thin l.'JUl dny of Nov., 1913.
Hkniiy Tijiinkk,
Administrator of the estate, of An
drew J. Turner, deceased.
Gas Engine For Sale
Slx-boree power Special Klectrlc.
Good an new. Inquire of the Pioneer
Cream Go., Prineville, Oregon. 11-0
Notice to Taxpayers
In aoeonlanea with Chapter 2M uf the
IHIil heuiou l.awa of Oreaon, tti county
court uf Crook county. auto of Urrgun,
auliudta the following eallioatea ol the
amomita of monay to bv raiaett hy taxation
on the taxable proiicriy of Crook couiilr.
Oregoh, for the mainp'tiam-f of county of
h, and other expeiieea that are rcnoired
to be paid by I ha county curl of (rook
county, alate of Uruti, for the year 1DI4.
Tli Ut eel by the couuly court fur hiw
Ina iliiH'tiMiiitia on Urn budget la n-i for
lire. 0. llll.l at o'clock a. 111., at lli coun
ty courtroom, Prineville, Oregon,
Koada, brldgea, weeds, special 175,000 0d
Crook County High School... 10.W40 00
Widow's (Hinalona ",. 6,000 00
Indigent peraons 4,(KK) 01)
Circuit ourt B.lloO Oil
Jtnllce court 600 00
County Judipja' aalaiy.itatlun-
ery and poataire 1.0.M) 00"
ConimUaloncra' aalary 1,200 OO
County clcrk'a office H.&SO 00
Sheriff 'a ollice 7,215 00
A"itor'a olflce 8,WW 00
Coroner ,. 500 00
County achool aupcrinteiidvnt 4.310 OO
County acaler, aalary, sxp 1,200 OO
Truant olllcer, aalary :)n0 no
Treaiurer a'fa (K
Janitor, rourthouae 3,738 .'
County fair l.r.00 00
Klectiona 4,000 00
Telephone and telegraph 1,000 00
Hcslp bounty 2,000 00
Lining Jail I,no0 qO
Watvrmaater 2,750 00
County general achool fund... 3."i,0o0 00
Koad view era itjoo 00
County surveyor's office 3.IM) 00
Stale tax 65,000 00
Traveling expenaca county
court, road inaiiectinii, In
cluding auto repairs, gaa, etc 000 00
Btenngraphnr for county court lat oO
County health department. , .. 1,000 00
County printing ,n 00
Katimated debt, Jan 1, 1014... 25,000 00
Library fuud fioO 00
n'o7,393 50
In the county court of the stnte ot
Oregon for Crook cmintv,
8. J. Newaom, plaintiff,"
Hurry Kills, defendant.
To Harry Kills, the utiove name
Iu the name of tho state of Oregon
You are hereby required to appear
and auawer the complaint of plain
tiff tiled HKaliiHt you In the above
entitled court nnd action within ten
days from the date of the service of
this Hiiiumoiia upon you If served In
Cronk emintv HllltU if nn,,.n ...If
served within any other county In
nie Butie, men witnin twenty days
from the dati of thA nri i,.u ,.f iiii
aummoiiH upon you, or If served bv
iooiicniiuu nil ruijiureu oy mw, tnen
on or la-fore the
Third Jay af Jaaaary, 1914,
and von are hereliv iwxIHuit t),f 11
you fall to so appear or answer, for
want thereof Hie iilnlfitirf will b
.... ...... .. ,,, l rvu
Judgment UKutnat you for the sum
..f t.'l..t... 11. .11..-.. I.U
1.1K10 I'uiutrn, wii.H incereMG
thereon at the rata of six per cent
tier milium fntoi tlm lui .1.... ..a
. ........... ..... v..j in, MlfcJT II,
AiiffiiHt, 1912, and for the costs and
dlHlmrHcmcntH of this action, anil
fur on urilor ,if ar lit mm,.- u,,tt i...
.... .... ....... ... -. v'r, v few rti-i, ,U
attached personal property lieloiiK-
uiK io aaiii ueieiiiianc in crooK coun
ty, Oregon, to satlafy said Judgment
anil coHts.
TIiIm mitotiimin In tiiilillul,,,,! I..
Crook County Journal for six full
wm'ka 111 Hevetl poriuixoitlvu luu,,..u ,.r
said paper, beiflmilnir with the Ihhiid
.. V... ,.),!. .,, .
in iiwveinin-r Mill, llll.l, 1111(1 eliding
with the Ihhiic of December 21th,
1013. bv order of tho 11 , r.
Springer, Judge of the above en
titled court, Hindu mid entered on
the lflth day of November, l!)l:.
Dated mid published flret tlmo
November l:ith, 1013.
M. 10. Buink.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Call for, Warrants
KfitiiiQ tu aI...L 1 1
.w.v- mjinuv K'vnu unit mi rt'JI"
iBtoroil County vVHrrnulH will be puid
on prt'aenmtion to tlia county trensuror.
" I ... teavus viiia tiv iiuy
ember 13, 1013.
H. L. Jordan,
County Treasurer of Crook ooiinty.