Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 20, 1913, Image 3

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Plan to Revise National Bank
ing Laws to Meet New
Currency System.
Washington. WHti the admliitaira
tlon curruncy kill lo be reported to the
senate Kill twk after long delay,
plan lo revise tha nutlnnul bunking
laws to meet llio new c urrenry system
baa made It appearance la legislative
circles. It Includs Important
questions originally contemplated
part of the currcucy bill, but set
aside until tit next m-milon of con
greas, when general rrvlnlon of
banking Is a hua been promised by
tb adiulnUlrsllon.
In connection with tlila proposed re
vision congress will take up the fur
reaching question of rurul credits. One
of the provlaloni which probably will
be Inserted In the now law will for
bid Interlocking directorates In nation
al bauka. An effort but been road
to put thli prohibition In the pending
currency bill, but the administration
baa maintained that It abould go Into
tbo now banking law.
The annate banking and currency
administration upportiri have de
clined to consider a scheme for guar
anteeing national bank dtpoalta, wltb
the understanding that that question
would be taken up ncit session.
Advocates of the bank law revision
plan are seeking to place their pro
jects ahead of the proposed anil-trust
legislation In the admlnlatratlon pro
gram. Commission Idta Rules Irrigation
The United States Reclamation 8er
vice now la operating under what Sec
retary Ijtne terms the "commission
form of government," and If this plan
prove. success, the new directorate
will continue Indefinitely. When sift
ing the complaints that have been
made for yeara against the reclama
tion service, Secretary Lane arrived
t the conclusion that there should be
a greater division of authority than
prevailed In the service aa first or
ganised and created what Is now
known as the Heclumatlon Commis
sion, constating of five men. This new
commission, whose organisation has
been perfected only recently, conslxts
of r II. Newell, director; A. P. Da
vis, chief engineer; W. It. King, chief
counsel; W, A. Ryan, controller, and
I t). O'Donncll, Irrigation manager.
The commission meets once a week
In conference with Secretary Lane
and at the weekly meetings all qtiea
lions of policy are settled, all pinna
for construction work aro approved
and ull contracts let,
Message Will Be Short
I'rcsldent Wilson has announced he
would rend In person his first annuul
message to congress.
The president thus far has read
three brief adresaee on the tariff, the
currency and the Mexican sffulrs
but It waa not definitely known
whether his first communication to
the regular session of congress would
be In accordance with the century-old
precedent which he revived lost
March. Mr. Wilson Indicated that no
such long and voluminous messages
as have heretofore been sent by presi
dents to congress will be prepared by
Sale of Cruiser Boston Fought
The department of Justice has tiled
In the supreme court Us brief In be-,
half of Secretary of the Navy Danlols
In tho case of A. Goldberg, of Vancou
ver, D. C who Is seeking to compel
the navy department to deliver to him
the United States cruiser Boston put
up for sale to the hlgest blddher In
1910. The lower courts here decided
against Goldberg, although he showed
he had deposited a certified check for
$20,000 with the department which the
secretary would not accept
The nary department declared the
secretary had discretion In such mat
ters and bad withdrawn the vessel
from sale to lend It to the Oregon
State naval militia. Goldberg con
tended the secretary had no authority
to take such action.
National Capital Brevities
Dudley Field Malone, third assistant
secretary of state, may be selected by
President Wilson as collector of the
Fort of New York to succeed John P.
Cold Btorage 1b responsible for high
prices of eggs, says the department
of agriculture. The supply of eggs Is
said to have Increased Bteadlly In the
past 14 years.
About 100 delegates, representing
every stnte In the Union and every
shade of opinion were present at the
fifth National Conservation Congress,
which opened here Tuesday morning
with an address by Secretary of Agrl
oulturo Houston.
Colonel Alexander O. Brodle, bosom
friend of Theodore Roosevelt, was
placed on the retired list of the army
on account of age. Colonel Brodle
helped Colonel Roosevelt as a Rough
Rider, and served as major and lieu
tenant colonel. On July, 1902, he was
made governor of Arlzori).
William B. Hsle, President Wilson's
envoy who eonferred with the Mexi
can rebel leader, Osnsral Carrama,
at Nogalss, Mssloo.
Brief News of the Week
A treaty of peace between Greece
and Turkey has been signed.
An oil war la on between the Stand
ard Oil company of Indiana, and the
l'Urce Oil corporation of Missouri.
A woman Jury at Santa Monica, Cal.
tried, convicted and recommended for
leniency Frank E. Beely, accused of
beating bis wife, and disturbing the
The Anti-Saloon league convention
at Columbus, Ohio, adopted resolu
tions making a veiled attack -en Sec
retary ltryan, declaring that federal
officers Interfering In state politics
schould consider themselves sponsors
for men elected lo office through their
Crush girdles, ribbon snshes, modi
fled kimono sleeves, hip plaits and
plenty of buttons, are among the new
fashion decrees, according to the an
nouncement of the National Suit and
Clouk manufacturers' sssoclatlon In
Sesalcn at Cleveland, Ohio.
The loss of life to sailors due to the
recent storm on the Great Lukes Is
approximately 256 and the property
loss Is figured at more than S.000,000.
The striking trulnmen on the South
em Pacific lines between Kl Paso and
New Orleans have agreed to return
to work Immediately, pending the
outcome of further negotiations. It
Is stated by members of the federal
board of mediation and conciliation.
Arbitration pinna. It was added, would
be announced at once.
People in the News
Arthur B. Carter, son-in-law of
Prank B, Nye, Is under arrest at Min
neapolis, chttrged with bigamy. He
confessed marrying Miss Si'lma Har
rison. Thomas E. Wilson, who began as a
clerk at $4 week In the employ of
Morris h Co., Chicago, waa elected
president of the company, succeeding
the late Edward Morris.
Frederick A. Hyde and Joost H.
Schneider, convicted of school land
frauds Involving government lands In
Oregon, California and other western
states, were taken In custody at Wash
ington, and will begin their terms.
After years of marital troubles and
separation from her husband, Mrs.
Katharine D. Osbourne filed suit for
divorce against Lloyd Osbourne, stop
son of Robert Louis Stevenson.
Two hundred and seventy dollars
for boxing lessona and a course In
physical training Is the largest Item
of expense contained In the election
account of Mayor-elect Mltchel, of
New York.
Suit for divorce has been filed by
Mrs. Dr. H. W. Coe, wife of the Port
land physician, on the grounds of
cruolty. The couple also have differ
ences over ownership of stock In a
sanitarium In Portlnnd,
Dr. Henry S. Tanner, of Los An
geles, who tasted for 44 days, says he
is willing to propose marriage to Mrs.
Emmallne Pankhurat, militant suffra
gist leader of England who Is now in
the United States. He admires her
hunger strike methods.
1500 Indiana Hold Marshal At Bay
Santa, Fe, N. M, Fifteen hundred
Navajo Indians rail tod In defense of
eight renegades and are reported In
armed encampment on Beautiful
Mountain, 35 milos southwest of the
Shtprock Agency, defying United
States Marshal Hudspeth to take pris
oner the renegades who are wanted
on federal warrants charging horse
stealing, nesmult and bigamy.
Teachers' Agency State Plan.
Olympla, Wash. Mrs. Josephine
Preston, superintendent of publlo In
struction, 1b considering the advisabil
ity of establishing, In connection with
her office, a department that would
serve as a free employment agency
for all teachers seeking positions In
the state.
President Will Listen Only to
Proposals Compatible With
His Own Dignity.
Mexico City. It was learned that
the American charge hud seen Presi
dent lluerta and hud been told tbut
he would not resign and would listen
only to such proposals ss were com
patible with hi own dlgulty and that
of his country.
What doub remained regarding
General llueriu's intentions with re
spect to compliance with the Ameri
can demands fur his own elimination
was ruinoved from tho minds of most
Mexicans and foreign residents by his
peremptory UlHmlssul of Manuel Cur
ia Alilupe. the mlulstur of the Inter
ior, who was looked upon as the bead
of the lluerta cabinet.
Aldupe led that group of the cabinet
which held the conviction that It
would be best to accede to that por
tion at least of Washington's demands
which meant tha total abandonment
of power by the provisional president,
and be is said to have been the only
one wltb sufficient courage to discuss
the International situation frankly
wltb hi chlof.
Senor Aldupe was the last remain
ing cabinet officer appointed by agree
ment between Huerta and General Fe
lix Diss at the close of the battle In
the capital In February. Tbe agree
ment was signed In the American em
bassy. The other ministers then
chosen have been eliminated one by
El Paso, Tex. For the sixth time
In the last three years Cludsd Juarei
changed governments when 2000 reb
els, led by General Pancho Villa, at
tacked and captured the town. Taken
completely by aurprise, the federal
garrison of approximately 400 men
put up a weak resistance.
So unprepared for battle were the
federal defenders that Villa's troops
actually reached the center of town
before a single shot was fired.
Several executions of federal pris
oners captured by General Pancbo
Villa's rebel troops st Juares have
taken pluce. The order for the execu
tion of many of the prisoners has
been Issued directly by General Villa,
and at different periods the firing
squads took out men and shot them.
Carrama Demands Husrta's Removal
NoRnles, Sonorn. General Venustl
ano Curranxa will not consider any
menus of accomplishing peace In Mex
ico not predicated on tho absolute
elimination of lluerta. The constitu
tionalists' political and military lender
issued the following announcement:
"We will recognise nobody who suc
ceeds lluerta by tbe power which he
boa usurped,"
Washington Attorney-General Says
Recreation Is Legal
Olympla, Wash. After nearly 12
years, during which dancing In public
school buildings has been forbidden
rigidly. Attorney-General Tanner, In
an official opinion, throws the bars
down to devotees of the tango, as well
as the more conservative forms of the
terpslchorean art.
Dancing Is a form of recreation, the
attorney general holds, and since the
"social center" law of 1913 throws the
schools open at night tor study, im
provement and recreation, It follows,
be says, that school dancing Is strictly
legal. No dancing has been allowed
since Attorney-General Stratton hand
ed down an adverse opinion on tha
subject In January, 1902.
Foot Ball 8cores.
Portland. Ollmour Doble's great
Washington football team Is six times
a champion because little Smith shot
the ball squarely between the goal
posts from a 20 yard placement and
big Fenton failed on a 40 yard effort,
a last desperate effort to tie up a 10
to 7 score.
Oregon Agricultural College defeat
ed the Washington State college elev
en by the score of 10 to 2 tn the hard
est fought game played on the cam
pus In a long time.
State Treasurer to Be Sued
Snlem, Or. Aa the result of a reso
lution adopted at a meeting of the
state land board, at a recent meeting,
District Attorney Rlngo will be In
structed by a majority of the mem
bers of the board to bring a manda
mus suit against State Treasurer Kay
to compel htm to turn over the state
educational fund, aggregating about
$6,500,000, to G. Q. Brown, clerk of the
boa I'd.
Congress Urged to Probe Strike
Seattle. A congressional Investiga
tion of the conditions at the copper
mines about Calumet, Mich., where
miners are out on strike, was demand
ed in a resolution adopted by the
American Federation of Labor, in con
vention hern.
I TREAT BEFORE H Poisons Boot tr Dup Stiodi
Is hi Until fundi
Vo X lUr
wind). Att latind
plant makaatha cur
AiiotuiE sumnu
Ativ TUMOR, tUS ot
fewjr un Mm Up, fees
or body Ions I'm
It Ntrtf ritnt until ltt
Ufa. t20-Sf SOM
9mi (nw; IWUnwoUkli of
VmrrW mrrd at n"m
waits to mimi
uan IM lata,
W ban una lu.uuu la u yz.
kiimt DR. & MRS. DR. CHAULEY & CO.
UNDLT MAIL iLU to tme Me wili CANCEJt
In the circuit court ot the s tats of
Oregun for the county of Crook.
Central Oregon Irrigation Company, a
corporation, plaintiff,
Mrs. K. J. Christiansen and Mrs. II. J.
Hchumsnn, only surviving heirs at
Isw snd next ol kin of Walter H.
Meviun, deceased, defendants.
To Mrs. K. J. Christiansen and Mrs.
II. J. Schumann, delendsnts:
In the name of the slate ot Oregon,
You sre hereby required to sppear and
anawr the complaint filed against you
in the shove entitled suit within six
weeks ol the dste of the first publica
tion ol this anmmons, vis, belore Jauu
sy lrt, 1111, and it you fail so to ap
pear and suswer, (or want thereof, the
piali.tiff will spply to the court for tbe
teliel prsyed lor in the complaint, to
ii, the cancellation of a certain con
tract msde by Walter 11. Mevius with
the Deschutes lrrigstion & Power
Company, dsted March 13tb, 11X111, snd
coatd and distiuisements of the suit.
This nmmons is published by order
of lion. W. L. lirsdshaw, judge ol the
above court, mule on the 13th day of
November, 1113.
I'ate of first publication, November
20ih, 1913.
date ol last publication, December
2tli, 1913. Jkkss Stkakns.
Attorney lor plaintiff.
In the ciicuit court of the state ot
(hi-jion for the county of Crook.
Central Oregon Irrigation Co , a cor
poration, plaintiff,
W. E. Myers snd 8. J. Myers, defend
ant". To W. E. Myers and S. J. Myera, de
femlai ts:
In tbe name of the rtnte of Oregon,
You sre lieieny inquired to appear and
answer the rnmp'aint filed against you
in the above entitled suit within six
weeks of the date of tbe first publica
tion of this soiuo.uiin, vis, before Jan
uary lat, l'.)14, und if you fail so to a
pear and answer, tor want thereof, tlie
plaintiff will spplv to the court for the
reluf rued lor in the complaint, to
wit, the cancellation of a certain con
tract made hv yon with the Deschutes
Irrtfcialiou & l'uer Compsny, dated
January 31st, 11)10, and costs and dis
bursements of the suit.
This summons is published by order
of lion, W. L. Bradt-haw, judge of the
above court, made on tbe 13tb day of
November, 1913.
Date of first publication, November
20ih, 1H13.
Dste of last publication, December
25th, 1U13. Jkssk Stsarss,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Ladies' Tailored Suits at Reduc
tion. Mrs. Wright, who represents the
Ameiican Ladies Tailoring Company,
has just received a fine line of samples
for fall and winter suits. All who order
before August 23d will Bet a ten per
cent discount.
Fresh fruits and berries, ice cream
snd sodas can always be found at Mrs.
Wright's Confectionery Store. 7-Sltf
For a short time we have sub
ject to our disposal
for loans on highly improved
irrigated ranches iu the vicin
ity of Prineville. Loans to
be for $5,000 or more and run
from 3 to 5 years, with inter
est at 8 per cent, payable an
nually. We (ihnrge a smal commission
to be paid by the borrower.
with Central Oregon Title &
Trust Co. 6 19
Prineville, Oregon
and answer for want thereof the
plaintiff will tnke a decree against
you lor the relief prayed for Id tbe
complaint, to-wit:
For a decree of said court to the
effect that tbe plaintiff In the owner
In Uf simple, free from all Incum
brance, of the following described
premises, towlt: The north bull ot
the northeast quarter, the south
west quarter of the nor meant
quarter, ami the north went quarter
ol the southeast quarter of section
thirteen. In township twenty-one
south, of range nine east of the Wil
lamette Meridian, In Crook county,
atnU; of Oregon. That the defend
ant andem-h nuil ull of them, and
nil iiereon claiming lij , through or
nnuer them or any ol the in he for
I ever hitrreil nrxl riopt-il from hav
jliiK or cliilniliiK any right, title or
Inlcreet In or to mild prvmles or
nny part thereof, and thnt the t-loiid
: exWtliiK upon plaintiff's title to xitl'l
lin-inlw-s hy reimon of the eetnt of ;
Ainin-w j. jeinerow never Iinvlnic j tf:e county court, their final accounting
lieeii administered upon, lie removed ' ol their al ministration of said eatate
mid that the plaintiff's title to said ' snd that the conntv ronrt has set Mon
prcmlsea l quieted, confirmed awl j day, the 1st day of Ix-cemner, ltfl.1, st
forever estulillHlied In Iteelf. tie sue-1 10 o'clock in the forenoon at tha
cin"ors and mmIii, and lor such i
other nnd further relief ae nmv seem !
This summons la published In the
Crook County Journal, a weekly
newpsier of (central circulation,
and published once a week at 1'rlne
vllle, ;rook county Oregon, tor six
lull weeks In seven coueecutlve Is
sues of said pnrier. commencing; with
the Issue of (x-tober 16th, 1913, nnd
ending- wltb the lesue of November
27th, 1913, by order of the Hon. O.
(Springer, county Judge of Crook
county, Oregon, and Judge ot the
county court of the state of Oregon
for Crook county, made and entered
on the 10th day of October. 113.
Dated and published first time
October 16th. 113. at. E. Bwnk,
Attorney for 1'lalntltf.
In tbe circuit court of tbe state of
Oregon for Crook county.
State ot Oregon, plaintiff,
F. A. Hyde, Flora M. Pherman, Jooot
H. Schneider, Henry 8. Morris, C. W.
Clarke, A. 8. Baldwin, snd C. W.
Clarke Co., a corporation, defendants
To F. A. Hyde, Flora M. Sherman,
Jood H. Hchneider, Henry 8. Morris,
C. W. Clsrke, A. 8. Baldwin and C.
W. Clarke Co., a corporation, above
named defendants.
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you and each of yon are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed ag in Hi yon in tbe sbove
entitled suit on or before the 22nd day
of November, A. D. 1913, and if you or
either of you fail to so aprear and
' answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
j will apply to the court for the relief
I prsyed for in the complaint, a sufficient
staument ot which Is as follows: a de
cree cancelling and annulling certain
deeds ol the state of Oregon to C. W.
Clarke of date May loth, 1X99, snd
Octolier 7th, 1898; certain deeds of the
State of Oregon to A. S. Baldwin of
dste Mav 1st, 1S99; certain deeds of tbe
' State of Oregon to F. A. Hyde of date
i July 10th, 1899; certain deeds of the
Mate of Oregon to 1- lora M. Sherman
i of date Msy 1st, 1S99; certain deeds of j
me atsie oi uregon to joosi n. ctciiuei-
derofdate October 4tb, ISM; certain
deeds of tbe State of Oregon to Henry
S. Morris of date May 1st, 1899; certain
deeds ol the State of Oregon to H. M.
Morris, (a fictitious person) of date Oc
tolier 4th, 1898; certain deeds of A. S
Baldwin snd Emms C, his wife to C
VY. Clarke of date May 4th, 1899; cer
tain deeds ol Flora M. Sherman to C.
W. Clarke of date Mav 4th, 199: cer
tain deeds of Joost II. Schneider and
Rosa M., his wife, to C.W. Clarke of date
October 11th, 1898; certain dteds ol
Henry S. Morris, and Mary P., his
wife, to C. W. Clarke of date May 4th,
1S99; certain deeds of H. M. Morris,
(a fictitious person,) to C. W. Clarke of
date October 11th, 189S; certain deeds
of F. A. Hyde and Filena T., his wife,
to United States of America of dste
July 24th, 1899; and certain deeds of
C. W. Clarke and Fhilomen, his wife,
to United States of America of date
May 5th. 1899, June 7th, 1899, and Oc
tober 13tb, 1898, each pretending to
convey certain lands situate in town
ships 10 south in ranges 5, 6 snd 7 east;
townships 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17
south, range 9 east; township 18 south,
ranges 7 and 9 east ; township 19 south,
hiibai 7 A arwt O Aaat- Inipnaliin 90
south, ranges 7, 8 and 9 east ; township
1 21 south, ranges 6, 7, 8 and 9 east; and
j townehip 22 south, ranges 6, 7 and 9
east, Willamette Meridian, all in Crook
I county, Oregon, and to cancel and
i annul all other contracts, certificates of
sale, applications, etc., mentioned in
tlie complaint relating to said lands
described therein or to any part thereof,
and for costs and disbursements, and
such other and further relief as may to
the court seem equitable in the
'This summons is published in cor.
! suance of an order of the Honorable W,
L. Bradshaw, fudge of the above en-
titled court, made and entered on the
4th day of October, 1913, directing this
summons to oe puDiisned tor six con
secutive weeks in the Crook County
Journal, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation printed and published in
Prineville, Crook county, Oregon.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 8th day
of October, 1913.
A. M. Crawford,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Pate of first publication, October 9,
Date of final publication, November
zu, tuts.
Notice tor Publication
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore.
October 27th, 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that
Clarence S. Fergueson
of Roberts, Oregon, who, on August
10th, 1908, made Homestead Entry
No. 05S0, for eW nwj aud wl nel sec
tion 13, township 18 south, range 17
earn, vtmnmctte aieruilun, hug riled
notice of lntfiitiou to make final
five-year proof, to establish claim to
the land above described before
Warren Brown, county clerk, at
Prineville, Oregon, on the 12th day
of December, 1913.
Claimant names ns witnesses:
Henry W. Carlln, Munford J). Nye,
Austin Klzer, JSranville H. Nye, all
ot Roberts, Oregon.
H. FttANK Woodcock,
H-6p Register.
Department of the Interior, Office ol
Indian Afltirs, Washington, D. C.
Sealed proposals for grating sheep on
districts numbered 1 to 4, inclusive, ot
tbe Warm Hprings Reservation, Oregon,
or the three yesr period, beginning
Febfusry 1, 1914. will be received at
the othre ol the Haprintnrient of
Wsroi Hprings Agency, Warm Springs,
Oregon, until 2:00 p. m. on Monday,
December I. 1U13, and will be immedi
ately thereafter opened in tbe present
of tuch bidders ss msy attend, and lor
warded to the Commissioner of Indian
Affulrs, WaahinKton, l. C, with sp
pioprixle recomuiendstion. All neces
sary information msy be olttsined on
application to the Hoperintrndent of
the above named sgency. t'sio Hells,
Oifiimisr-ioner. 10-.'!04t
Hat ice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given by the nnder
siirned, the executor ol the mate of
Kenlin Booton. deceased, that the
hsve msde end filed with tlie clrrk of
conrt room in Prineville. Oreiron, ss the
time and place for hearing and settling
said final accounting. At which ssiu
time and place any person inu rested in
said estate, may appear and object to
said final ateoonting.
Dated this 30ib ds of October, 1913.
Executors of the estate uf Reuben Boot
on, deceased.
Iu the Circuit court ol the state of
Oregon, for for the county of Crook.
Central Oregon Irrigation Company,
a Corporation, plaintiff.
Harry W. Wooley. defendant.
To Harry W. Wooley, defendant:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, Yon are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
agalimt you In tbe above entitled
suit within six week from the date
of the firwt publication of this sum
mons, vis, before November 20tb,
1913, and If you fall so to appear
and answer lor want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief demanded In tbe complaint
to-wit: the cancellation ot a certain
contract made by you with the Dee
chutes Irrigation Power Co.
dated February 15, 1909, and cost
and disbursements ot tbe eult.
This summons is puhllehed by
order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw,
judge of the above named court,
duly made on the 1st day of October,
Date of first i ubllcatlon October
9, 1913.
Date ot last publication November'
13, 1913.
JgiwE Stkarnr.
V. Ewinq Martix,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Railway Exchange Building, Port
land, Oregon.
Administratrix's Rstiee to Creditors
In the county court of the state of
Oregon, for county of Crook.
In the matter of the estate of E.
M. McCubbins, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that Maud
.Mdubmne, the
undersigned, haa
been duly appointed by the county
court ot tne state ol Oregon, tor
Crook county, administratrix of the
estate of E. M. McCubhine. deceased.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to
preeent their cluiius properly veri
fied to said administratrix at the
lawTttHce ol M. R. Elliott, In Prine
ville, Uregon, or C. A. Wintermeier,
In Eugene, Lane county, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice which Is
Dated this 6th day of November.
A. D., 1913. Maud McCt BBiNB,
Administratrix of Bald eetate.
C. A. Wintermeier and M. R.
Elliott, attorneys.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore.
November 3rd, 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that
John 6. Bulger
of Prineville, Oregon, who, on Aprl1
1st, 1910, made homestead entry No
06370, tor rw srj. section 10, and
w nej, nwl sej section 15, township
16 south, range 16 east, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make final three-year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described before Timothy E. J. Duffy
U. 8. Commissioner, at Prineville,
Oregon, on the 12th day ot Decem
ber, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John N. Burnett, William W. Davis,
Curt Mueller, t urt Wilson, all ot
Prluevllle, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
ll-6p Register.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior,
C S. Land Office at Lakevtew, Orev
October 29, 1913.
Not coal !ands.
Notice a hereby given that
Forrest W. Neeld
of Hampion, Oregon, who, on July"
5, 1910, made Homestead Entry (Act
Feb. 19, 1909.) No. 03772, for e
and w ei, section 20, township 21
south, range 20 eaBt, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make final three-year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before H. C. Ellis, United
States Commissioner, at Bend, Ore
gon, on the 19th day of December
Claimant names as witnesses:
Burr Black, Lee Rlggs, John Whlt
taker, Isaac Zerolf, all ot Hampton,
Oregon. JAS. f. Bchgess,
H-6p Register.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been, by the county court of
Crook county, state of Oregon, duly ap-
Sointed administrator of the estate of
eanie M. Smead, deceased, and all
persons having claims against said ee
tate are hereby required to present the
brum), duly verified, to said administra
tor at the law office of C. C. Brix, in
Prineville, Oregon, within six months
from the date of the first publication of
this notice.
Dated and published first time No
vember 20th, A. D. 1913.
William C. Smead,
Administrator ot the estate of Jeanie
M. Smead, deceased.