Only Ten Days Left of the Bargain Month. Pay up Back Dues and be Numbered Among the Lucky Onej Crook County ' Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER ; FOR CROOK COUNTY COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1,50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1913. "S3S SSSSSSf" VOL. XVIII-NO. 52 County Court Proceed ings, November Term A regular term ol the county court convened on November Slh, 1U13, at It o'clock a. m. thereof. Preseut (I. Hprlnger, Judge, presiding; R. II. liny Icy and Willi Brown, commis sioners; Krnnk Klklus, shcrlft War ren Urown, clerk. Whereupon tho following proceeding war bud, towlti In th matter ol the U. L. ltrniu t hI county rond. Viewer report presented, read and approved. Halt report Mil n uuUrornble the matter waa discontinued. In tha matter of tha Geo. Kealer road. Continued tor reconsideration. In tha matter of tha L. A. Hunt t al road. Viewers' report read twice via I On Nor, 51 h and 8th tower were requested to amend report eon forming to plat Bird by Attjf. Pngget the same belli desired by majority of original petitioners. Ordered to meet on Decemtier 10th, 1018. In tha matter of the I). Frank et il road. Viewers ordered out on December 4th, 1013. In the mutter of the l W. Lrftng rond. In consideration ol the fuel that the clllxcns have subscribed 1 1W, ordered t lift t warrant lor f 2M be drawn In favor ol Hoy Newell, to be lined In Improving anld rond. Itoiid Supervisor Monroc'a report accepted In the mutter ol the Gute wiiy grade, and K. I Jordan In structed to pay snlif suervlMor $LTiO. tinluuce ol rullroiid contribution. Clerk ordered to Issue warrant for 1116 26 to Kuiervlsor Monroe, the mi me being the amount expended more, tliiui the rnllrond contributed, vl:lotiil cost 1 17(11 82 less $175 worth iiiNterlul culverts aud powder left ver. . .. In the mutter of the report ol 1 T. Monroe, supervisor ol road dis trict No. 10, Cross Keys, report n proved and warrmit lor f 11 25 or dered drawn In Inor of siild super visor. In the matter ol HIIIiiiiiii rond dis trict No. 34, George Iluiullton, super visor. Clerk ordered to draw war rant for 1 250 lu favor of said llniiill ton In lieu ol warrants drawn lor John llelfrlch, which wurrnula are ordered withheld. In the matter ol the report ol Al len Wlleoxen, supervisor rond (Its trlct no. 25. Iteport approved mid warrant lor 1 152.65 ordered drawn. In the matter ol the Dan Callow rond. All proceedings appearing, to lie regular the viewers were ordered out on Dec. 8th, 1013. In the matter ol the J, A. Vosburg road. All proceedings appearing regular the viewer were ordered out on Dec. 6th, 1013. In the matter ol the 8. F. San tor -son road. All proceeding appear ing to be regular, viewer ordered out on Nov. 14th, 1013. lu the matter of the M. M. Daven port road. Viewer' report pre sented and read twice, vU; On Nov. Sth aud 6th, nnd same having been approved by Disc. Atty. Wlrti, or dered that M. M. Davenport be In structed to work out subscription. In the matter ol the H. K. West road. Aud It appearing that the petitioner are willing to build said road without cost to the county, and It also appearing that the Hoy Kidder road will cost 1000 to open, It I t herein re requested that the viewers reconalder their report on said H. E. West road and It I under stood that the county will endeavor to legalise tha same. In tha matter ol the H. 0. Thol atrup road. Supervisor I'etera auth orised to do m little work on the bridge, not exceeding f 10, and coun ty will furnish one box ol powder to be used by auhacrlhara under the di rection ol the supervisor. Viewers' report In the matter ol the II. C. Melthe, the E. W. Persnall and the W, A. Pellen roads. Pre sented and read twice, vis: On Nov. and 7, and approved. In the matter ol the D. II. Yeo man, (loo F Euston and A. H. Wll lard road. Viewer granted lurther time. In the matter ol the I'. D. Kcain mon road. Viewers' report presented aud read twice, vli, on Nov. 6 and 7, and approved. In the matter ol the claim ol F. Polish (or damages. Disallowed.. lu the matter ol thu erroneous as sessment ol Whurton llros. Ordered that the clerk credit the sheriff with f . 62, being the amount of the er roneous 1011 assessment, lu the matter of the valuable ol Eva A. Steel property. Ordered the valuation lie corrected to lie the same as 1U13 assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Matt" S. I,itK'k. It appnititig that said llattle S. Louck Is assessed with certain personu) property and that she had no personal property. It Is ordered that the same tie strick en from the roll. In the matter of the error In the assessment ol 1'. J. llrooks. Or dered that said llrook tie allowed a rebate ol t',.13. In the matter ol the claim ot C. II. Hendrlcksou tor $10 75 wrongful as sessment. Evidence not sulllcleut to prove that said assessment la Incor rect. lu the matter ol the W. F. Ed mundson change In the Jerry Young road. Iteport ol viewers read twice, vis, Nov. 8 and 7, aud aald matter having been reterred to the district attorney, ordered that old road be vacated as soon as the new road Is put In a good condition. John Hothman ordered a warrant for U for work done under Super visor Nace. Hupcrvleor Orlme ordered a war rant for 1500 for use on McKay creek road. In the matter ol the lebate on tqxes. It appearing that Interest wa erroneously charged on the second halt ol curtain taxes the fol lowing rebates were ordered : J D Atkinson, $1 34; W E Duchlen, 40c; U W Faulkner, 1.82; Ernest Garrett, 20c; Ernest flam-lt, 04c; Knorr, 80c; Joseph II Jackson, f.94; Levi Knorr, !!."-; It L, Hahln lor Lam, 7.08; Frank McCaffery, $2.47; K V.' III. hard, 3.1c; C J Shobert, 6"tc; Johanna Simpson, 77c; Angle M Smith, f2.49: V F Smith. 11.20; lM Smith, )2.N2; Italph Young, S2c; Mary Young, 80c; I. A Young. 00c; 4 A Wilcox, 13. Order that warrant be drns n In favor ol Frank Elkln, sheriff, lor the refund ol said penalty. In the matter ol the scalp bounty fund. It appearing that the scalp bounty fund I exhausted, It Is or dered that a warrant lor ItfOO be drawn on the general lund In tavor ol said scalp bounty luod to cover registered scalp bounty warrant to date. In the matter ot the culvert lor the Gateway road. It appearing that Commissioner Urown pur chased oo hi own account lor ald road culverts to the value of $168.76, It la ordered that warrant be drawn In tavor ol said Brown to cover said amount. In the matter ot the J. O. McKIn ney road. All proceeding being regular, viewer ordered to meet and view out aald road on December 10th, 1913. Jo the matter ot the Prtnevllle Sli ver Luke rood via Mlllican'a and Walker' cabin to south county line. Ordered that warrant lor $250 be is sued to W. F. King who la hereby appointed to superlutend the remov ing ot the surface rocks and placing guide boards along said road. Elcnor Burnett appropriation In creased to f 10 per month. The following roads were ordered rcsurveyed and recorded ; , Change In Don 1'. Hea road, W. C. Conglvton rond, C. J. SuiiouIhi road, extension and change lu Win, Brownhlll road Miss ('. I tea ley ordered $.100 lor rlght-ol-way for county road across her place, that amount being agreed upon iu oM-n court. Iu the matter ol the report ol W. E. Claypool, road supervisor ot dis tricts Nos. 35 and 2. lleport Ap proved and allowed $.124.90. v j iu the matter ol the completion ot the floor ot the basement ot the courthouse. Being 2700 square feet, complete same quality cement work a walk at toot ol trout approach, also otllce room lu northwest corner ol basement 15 feet square for $818, awarded to Shlpp & Perry. Contract tor painting courthouse as per specifications In sheriff's office, let to Shlpp Perry. lu the matter ol the petition lor nsststauce lor the Holt family. Mat ter reterred to the Judge. In the matter ot widow pensions and assistance for Indigent persons, ordered warrant be Issued monthly. In the matter ot the bill ol O. U. Adams tor $37.05. Same wa con tinued lor segregation. , Whereas, many bill are presented not endorsed. It I ordered that of ficials must oK bill tor goods, etc, ordered by them. The following supervisors' reports were approved and warrant ordered Issued: Paul P Werner, diet 19, $45; Hugh Gee, dlst 24, $39.50; John Piter diet 2, $225.40; R V Jenkins, dlst 6, $5.51; Dave Grimes, dlst 7, $191; Roy Newell, dlst 8, $."5.50; John Wilt, dlst 6, $247 62; John Elder, dlst 12, $488.23 An Old Pioneer Killed Himself Last Sunday John Casey of Powell Butte'com- mitted suicide at the Oregon Hotel Sunday morning. ' Casey hod been on a protracted spree for a week. He came to Prineville the Monday previous and began to "tank up." On Wednes day he bought tome strychnine for the avowed purpose of killing some rats that were destroying his pota toes. He told Mr. French, of the French Drug- Co., that he expected to leave for home that night. He did not do so, however. Early Sunday morning Casey went to the Oregon Hotel to set warm. He must have slept at the stable where he kepi his horse as he appeared to be numb with cold. After rubbing himself he went back to the lavatory room where he got a glass and took the fatal dose of poison. Coming back into the hotel lobby he told the clerk not to let anyone use the glass as he had put poison in it Casey then sat down by the stove and lighted his pipe. It was but a short time until he fell to the floor in convulsions. Meantime, Dr. Rosenberg had ar rived but too late to save the man. He died after the second convulsive attack. Casey was a Civil war veteran and a pioneer. He was somewhere between HO and It years of age. He was buried Monday from Lipp man's undertaking parlors. Casey, who was a bachelor, willed his ranch and personal effects to War i run. Brown, who upon many oc casions had befriended him. Shooting Scrape in the Hampton Butte Country Continued oo sixth page. First Link in the Inter national Road Finished The first link in the international highway from British Columbia to the Mexican border was completed last week by Prineville. The road from this plaoe to the Lake county line is now in good shape for travel, furnishing an all-the-year-around highway. Not a rock as large as a hen's egg was left in the road. The following men with their cars got back Saturday: Geo. Noble, D. F. Stewart, A. R. Bow man, W. F. King, Ed Hodson, furnished a car and man, Hugh Lis ter furnished a car and a man to drive it and went along himself to help with the road work; G. M Cornett furnished a car and a man. Jim McClun not only drove Cornett's car but painted the road signs as well. None of the above would ac cept compensation for use of car or There are no new developments in the Hall-Dickinson shooting scrape at Hampton Butte last Fri day night. Dickinson, who was shot, is expected to recover, and Hall, who did the shooting, has not been captured. The facta of the case are about as follows: Sheriff Elkins was summoned to Hampton Butte last Saturday morn ing to inquire into a shooting scrape that took place on a homestead be longing to James B. Dickinson. The sheriff went by way of Bead to the scene of the trouble and while on the way out met an auto mobile containing a homesteader named Dickinson, his wife and two children, who were on the way to the Bend Hospital. The sheriff transferred the Dickinson party to his car so that the injured man could be rushed to the hospital without delay. After getting all the information he could from both Dickinson and his wife, Elkins doubled back to where the shooting took place. Dickinson told the sheriff that he had been expecting his wife from his former home at Elma, Wash., and went to Bend to see if she had arrived. He found that his wife and two children and Hall, an old neighbor, had been stopping at the Shannon Hotel two days, waiting ! for the arrival of Dickinson to take them to the homestead. '.Oftthfc very day that Dickinson went to Bend, the wife, children and Hall i left for the homestead by the Bend- Burns road, while the husband traveled over the Millican road, thus missing them on the way. After his talk with the woman that runs the Shannon Hotel, Dick inson concluded that there must be something wrong so he hired an automobile and raced back home where he arrived at midnight. Dickinson left the auto at the gate leading to the cabin and started on the run for the house. He kicked the door in and had made two jumps inside when he was shot by Alee Hall. In the cabin Dickinson found Hall and his wife and two children. Hall was sitting on a box with hia overcoat on and Mrs. Dickinson and the two children were lying on a cot fully dressed. The bullet fired by Hall struck Dickinson just below the breast bone where it passed through the liver and right kidney and lodged in the back. The doctor at Bend extracted the bullet and at this writing it is thought that Dickinson will recover. After the shooting Hall notified the neighbors and did everything he could for the injured man. It was only after there were some threats of lynching that he struck out for parts unknown. . Then he did not go out of sight of the cabin until shot at Saturday evening. He hung around, evidently, trying to get some word about the condition of the man he shot. The sheriff and neighbors fol. lowed Hall's tracks until they were lost in the underbrush. After a long chase the sheriff and posse were thrown off the track by a re port that a man was seen at the head of Crooked river going north. The report was run to earth and Edgar Powell, the school teacher, wastfound to be the night prowler. He was taking a short cut' to'ViU homestead. So far nothing definite has been heard of Hall. It is thought he cannot get out of the country with out being discovered. Mr. and Mrs- John Strong of Elma, Wash., the parents of Mrs. Dickinson, are now with their daughter at Bend. Dickinson located his homestead last summer. Hall, who was a neighbor at Elma, came here for the purpose of taking up land in tho Hampton Butte country. , for personal services- When the cars were not in use the, owners would work 'on the road. Mr. Bundy drove Hodson's car, Keys Hyde drove Cornett's car and Mr. Maker, of the Huff-Maker Auto Co., drove Hugh Lister's car. 4 The following firms furnished the provisions for the party: Mrs. I. Michel, 0. G. Adams & Co., J. E. Stewart & Co., Winnek Co., Clifton & Cornett. Besides the above crew of sixteen men. there was a House for Sale Four-room furnished house, water, lights; corner lot, good fence and good barn, etc. For particulars call on A. H, Lipfman. ll-20-6t Pay Up Parties knowing themselves indebted to A. H. Lippman or A. H. Lippman & Co., bv note, sccount or contract, must corns and settle. We are in orient need ol cash. 11 20-8t Bargain Month for the Crook Co, Journal. Take advantage of it. CHRISTMAS S NE ARING! Avoid the Rush by Doing Your Shopping Early Our new Holiday Line is now beginning to arrive, which consists of all the new and up-to-date Staples carried in a complete Holiday Stock An elegant supply of Stationery, Books and Lowney's Candy on hand. New Christmas Presents for the Children arriving daily D. P. ADAMSON & COMPANY