Metolius-Prineville & Eastern People Here Messrs. Scheel and Engineer Von riant of the Metolius-Prineville & Eastern arrived in Frineville the last of the week to help the local committee finish up railroad mat ters. Mr. Scheel with the right-of-way and Mr. Von Flanta with the terminals. In conversation with Contractor Scheel yesterday morning he stated that work would begin just as soon as the right-of-way was settled. He said that there were many diffi culties arising to hamper the work of the local committee, but now everything looked good for a speedy settlement. Mr. Scheel stated that the condi tion of the bond market in no way affected the building of the Metolius-Prineville & Eastern. 'If we have to," said Mr. Scheel, "my self and associates can go down into our jeans and dig up enough to put the road through. However, if we can float some bonds to advantage we may do so, but that is a ques tion to be taken up later. At pres ent the main thing is to get to work and settle the right-of-way. When that is done you will see 'something that looks like a railroad within six months." The railroad committee is ex pected home tonight or tomorrow from Metolius with some definite information as to how soon dirt will fly. High School Notes The first six weeks' period closed Friday with work progressing well in every department. The girls of the Normal depart ment are developing the Sloan method and making Sloan seat work for the primary grades. The Domestic Science classes are studying food values and making recipe books, and next week they will begin work in the experiment kitchen. This is one of the most popular departments in the high school and the girls feel especially privileged in having as their in structor in this most important of arts a woman of Mrs. Walker's broad knowledge and experience, J The boys of the advanced Manual Training class have just completed study tables for the Normal depart ment. They are neatly and ac curately made and are a credit to the department and its instructor. ine Business department is crowded as usual and every student is doing excellent work. The German classes, under the able instruction of Miss Herman, are making great progress. A German club has been organized and will hold its first formal meet ing in the near future. In the Agricultural department things are moving along with the energy inspired by competent lead ership. Instructor H. E. Pratt un derstands his work thoroughly and the future farmers are being taught practical farm work and brain culture at the same time Crook county is fortunate in having secured the services of this efficient enthusiastic agriculturalist who be lieves that the plowman is the man of the past, present and future Next Wednesday afternoon the Alphas will entertain the Ochocon ians with a "Tennyson" program. The tryout debate will be held December 5. Fourteen students have already entered their names and are working hard to secure places on the inter-scholastic team which will debate with The Dalles the latter part of January. Both Ochoconians and Alphas Tailoring 1 f.jf bay TWt fd to4- They look sactl Tkc; it wU araad the aukl have a large number of contestants out for the inter-soeiety declama tion contest. Following the plan of last year, the contest will be di vided into three divisions oratori cal, dramatic and humorous. Each of these divisions is well represented and there promises to be a close contest for the blue and gold banner. The assembled students enjoved a rare treat last Wednesday after noon when Dr. Marvin of Toppen ish. Wash., spoke to them about "Kipling" and his work. The doctor was full of his subject and illustrated the work of the greatest modern English writer by reciting "If." Football practice has begun in earnest again and the boys are very anxious to add more laurels to their recent crowns of victory- They are trying to get a game with the Klamath Falls high school, but have not been successful as yet. The dormitory is slowly but surely becoming a successful insti tution. The girls enjoy all the comforts of home and are con tented and happy. The "Bachelor Girls" met at the dormitory Saturday evening ' for their usual hour of song and social conversation. They have enjoyed ! the informal gatherings so much J that they have decided to make them a regular occurrence, meeting alternate Fridays at 8 p. m. the following otneers were elected: President, Miss Waldron; vice-president, Miss wood: secre tary. Miss Cassidy; program com mittee, Misses Jeffries, Evans and Hubbard; pianist. Miss Edna Estes. Those present at the last meeting -ere Misses Pratt, Evans, Jeffries, Hubbard, Hewes, Hodges, McBain, Truesdale, Leola Estes, Conway, Estelle Conway, Cassidy, Herman, Engdahl, Waldron, Pauline Trues dale and Mesdames Truesdale and Walker. Mrs. Walker and Misses Cassidy and Engdahl entertained at dinner at the dormitory Sunday. The guests were Miss Conway, Estelle Conway and Messrs. Brown, Pratt and Remington. White Butte Didn't Get a Chance to Vote Paulina, Or., Nov. 9, 13. Crook County Journal: There were some thirty or more voters gathered at the White Butte voting precinct on November 4, and no ballot boxes so we could vote, and it was impossible to get them in the specified voting hours. This is not the first time we have had trouble getting the poll books At the primary election ol 1912 a messenger was sent to Paulina the evening before election and was just in time to get them. Also, on Nov. 4, 1912, Walt Dunkle had to go to Paulina in the night to get the bal lot boxes off the stage so we would have them the next morning. The people of 'White Butte pre cinct, and myself as one of the cierks of election, would like to know through the columns of your paper, if it is not the duty of the sheriff to see that the ballot boxes are delivered to one of the judges in time for election, and not sent by the stage and depend on every Tom, Dick and Harry to get them there. Hoping you will explain fully, Orrin C. Mills, Paulina, Ore. The sheriff is given ten days be fore an election in which to deliver the supplies to the different pre cincts. It frequently happens, how ever, that the state officials are late in notifying the county clerk of what goes on the state ticket and this in turn delays printing and delivery to the sheriff. At the elec- will fit you around the neck. Call and examine my $1 5.00 suits. GOMLEY,theTaiIor LOCAL MENTION I. M. Mills is down from Paulina. John t. Urown or tulver was a business visitor Monday. F. I Crain has bought the livery business of A. D. White. h. fc.. itiiienwater or l ost was a business visitor the first of the week. Albert Noble has returned from visit to relatives in the Paulina country. J. F. Houston of Held has been visiting his family in Prineville for the past week. 0. Wilson left Monday for the McCall ranch where he has the con tract to build a bungalow for the men, a large barn, a wagon shed and a hog house. Airs, u is. Liu ton and miss Beulah Crooks left Wednesday morning for Walla Walla, where they will spend several weeks visit' ing their sister, Mrs. R. E. Simpson, There will be a 500" party at the Ladies' Annex parlors next Vrl day evening, beginning at 7:30, the ladies having it in charge are making preparations for a general i good time and request all club members to attend- I All the regular Christian church ! services at the Union church next Sunday. The subject of the even ing sermon, "Stung." No collec tion will be taken at this service The public is invited to worship with us. Geo. H. Ramsey. Luna Lodge, No. 65, Knights of Pythias, will give a grand Thanks giving ball on Thursday evening, November 27. Special attention will be shown to out of town guests, The Knights intend to make this occasion eclipse anything they have heretofore attempted. The Music ' Lovers' Club held an interestihg meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. S. Edwards on Wednes day afternoon. Wagner was the composer studied during the after noon. 1 he following program was enjoyed by all present: Story of ' Lohengrin," Mrs Robert E. Gray "Bridal March," Mrs. Charles S. Edwards; story of "Tannhauser," Mrs. Charles M. Elkins; "Alda and Schumann-Heink," Mrs. Oscar Hyde. tion last week the stage driver for got to leave the supplies at Paulina and consequently carried them to Burns. Ed. Cut Out the Booze at Rabbit Drives A note of warning is sounded from Lamonta on account of the practice of a few individuals that bring liquor to the rabbit drives. This is something that the people will not tolerate. There is too much at stake. A man more or less under the influence of whiskey is liable to stumble and fall and if his gun is cocked some of the women or children may get hurt. There have been no accidents so far and to avoid every possibility of having one the man with the bottle must not go to these drives. Every body else will be made welcome and their presence will be ap preciated. The Home Restaurant Home cooking. Everything neat and clean. Regular meals and short orders. Price reasonable. O. W. W. Llpplncott, Prop. 1116 Four Mules for Sale Four work mules, ages 2 and 3 years old. Ci.akenck Cox Prine ville, Oregon. 10 16-lmp Veterinary Surgeon. Dr. B. E. Nevel, experienced veterin ary surgeon. Oflice at Wigle's livery; res. Third at., opp. high ictiool, Prine ville, Or. Pioneer 'pbone. lu-10-2mp It costs you nothing extra to have a suit made to your own measure that LOCAL MENTION Born Nov. 11, to the wife of R, D. Ketohum, a son. Regular services at the Presby terian church Sunday. There was a large attendance at the dance last evening at Club Hall. Everybody had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stinson leave the last of the week for Ontario, where they will make their home. The "5(H)" club met at the home of Mrs. J. B. Bell Tuesday after noon. Mrs. E. J. Wilson won the head prize. B. F. Johnson will take charge of the Oregon & Western Colonisation Co '8 business at this place the first of the week. The MerVy-Go-Round Club met with Miss Stella Hodges Tuesday evening. The occasion was a very pleasant one. Chas. K. Perrin and Miss Adeline Henderson were married Sunday evening at the homo of Joe Sniulzer. Rev. Prater oflieiated. M. J. Lemons of Fife writes the Journal that ho could not leave old Crook county for Arizona, as he wanted, but located at Laidlaw in stead. Wise change. Mrs. Estes will have her drawing this afternoon for the beautiful muff and neck piece which sho has had on display. The lucky winner will be announce.! next week. At the Baptist church next Sun day isiuie school, iu a. m. fer- mon at 11 a. m., "A Merely Nomi nal Church." J inior League, 3 p. m. B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m. A gospel sermon at 7:30 p. m Good music. John McAllister, pastor. A quiet home wedding took place at the home of M. D. Powell of this city last evening. The contracting parties were Bonx R. Weinburger and Alta Wright. Light refresh ments were served after the cere mony. Geo. H. Ramsey was the officiating minister. The Shumia Literary Club was entertained last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs- Charles S. Edwards- In the absence of Mrs. Collins W. Elkins, Mrs. Van M. Morse gave an interesting review of the last four books of Browning's ' Ring and the Book." An excel lent paper by Mrs. Walker on What Women's Clubs Are Doing" was read. Refreshments, consisting of sherbet and ice cream were served. Twenty Clerks Wanted Ten men anil ten women wanted at once. Apply to A. A. Ullleaplw at C W. Elklus' store. 11-13 It Milk for Sale Apply to Nnrrla Morgan at the Jesse Yancey place. 11-13-lm Room To Let Furnished single room, two block sooth ol courthouse; heat and bath; f 7 a mouth. Address Box 7. City. ll-02tp Notice to Creditors Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned, the aclmlnlHtrator ol the entate of Anilrew J. Turner, deceased, to all persons having claims against said deceased or bin entate to present the name with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, at the oflice ot M. K. Elliott, In Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the Hint publication ot this notice. Dated turn lu nay ol isov., rjl.i. Hknhy Tl'h.nkii, Administrator ol the estate ot An drew J. Turner, deceased. Millinery Always the Latest Styles at Mrs. Estes MILLINERY PARLORS Prineville, Ore. A a MONEY IS A?j BETTER FRIEND WHEN ALL ELSE YUUR "---S DESERT YOU IT IS THERE. HAVE IT 5AfElN THE BANK There are lots of friends who will assure you of their friend ship but who wiH have another engagement when you need them badly. YOUR MONEY if it is SAFE and CROWING in our bank will never forsake you. It is a comportable feel ing to know you have if there for any emergency or BUSI NESS OPPORTUNITY. If you make ONE DEPOSIT you have a start and you will soon have it looking big. M-iL-n nilP rv,ntr VD11P Km! We pay four per cent interest on Time Deposits. CROOK COUNTY BANK, Prineville Official Count for Crook County The ollieiul count of the voles cast NovemW 4th changes the estimated results given in last week's Crook County Journal a little. The county went 11 against the University of Oregon new build ing appropriation. In all other respects the results are the same. The oflicial returns are as follows: State University Building Repair Fund, yes, 8'.i); no, ?18... U. of O. New Building Approp riation, yes, 838; no, 8tt. Sterilization Act, yes, 61)6; no, 1002. County Attorney Act, yes, 1226; no, 487. Workmen's Compensation Act, yes. 1181; no, 526. Road Bonds, yes, 509; no. 1244. Total number of votes cast, 1807: number registered last year, 2U53. The returns for the state are as follows: University Repair Fund, yes, 54, 096; no, 37.078. University New Building Fund, yes, 50,791; no, 39,331. Sterilization Act, yes, 39,338; no, 50,325. County Attorney Act, yes.Jo 1,577; no, 35,645. Workmen's Compensation Act, yes, 63,629; no, 26,509. Prineville Laundry JOHN BECAAS, Prop. Dry Cleaning and Pressing First-Class Hand Work All Work Guaranteed Second Door North of the Ochoco Bridge Will be Ready for Work December 1st Notice for Publication Department of the Interior U. S. Laud Olllee at The Dalle, Ore. November 4, 1913. Notice Is hereby (jlven that John I. Hopper of Prineville, Oregon, who on Sep tember 22, 11110, miide homeHteiid en try No. 07444, for neetlon II, towiiHblp 16 south, rimtre 15 east, Willamette meridian, Iiiih filed notice of Intention to inn lie final three year proof to eMtalillnh claim to the liinil above described, before Warren Brown, County Clerk, at 1'rlnevllle, Oregon, on the ISth dny of Decem ber, 1913. Claimant names as witneHHen: Guy Lufollett. Thulium II. Lafolletrji. JiuncB A. Mollltt und Glon Hendrlek- Hon, all or 1'rlnevllle, Oregon. H. Fiiank Woodcock, H-13p Register, 'a 1,1 i II, I II'" i ' i III ill' 1 1 Mi "fcZT:,,ial Cards. ' llygonie, tililir and Naiil'al IK'. I httlliu Ai'tVoiH I'lVMlMtTti eMH't lIlV. DR R D KETCHUM Drugless Thysician ll'ium U to 5 nr liy aiiiitmnt. 1) IH .tnx M il Curiii-lt Pudding. W. 1'. Mykm N. U. Wai.laib MYERS & WALLACE Lawyers lUmilii Bld'f, Prineville, Or J- II. Hell A. W."hiiii Crook County Abstract Co. (ltt'J Hiu-ereaun to The J. It. Ilniier Abstract Co. I'rui.vllle, or.-t.u Abstracts Inaurnnce Prof. A. W. Grater, DWirn HaaUr Olllee In Morrb ItuililiiiK I lire door outh ot Journal utiles, Prinailla, Oregon Dr. Howard Gove Dentist Crook County Bank Building J. Trendies l ox M. It. C. H. Kn; and I,. 8. A. t.omlnn; LlrMicw Orrftnn flaw Medical Heard. Hrwlallut in Hurnry; Hyuli-n.; All-mi-ntary Canal j wuinvn and clitl.lrrn'a dlaara. eta, oitlrv and rmlilcnnt Third atrwl nenrCnurl II hum.. Trl.i I'I'imt. t'alla an'wtirwt prumpllr. nlnhtur Unr. Chargoa muilrraia t Jf. Stfntrf Cmttt Miavrri promptly mf n,rJ4 3-V -Tan JWi. mvmm frt- JVrvA OUCUMMTH Si el knap d wards fAj,,mm, aaV T rfrtm. (County l'hy.iiclan.) SlIllllllOllB In the county court of the state ot Oregon fur Crook eoiiuty, 8. J. Newaom, plaintiff, VM, Harry KIIIh, defendant. To Harry ICllla, the above named defendant: lu the name of the state of Oregon You arc hereby required to appear ami niiHWer the complaint of plain tiff tiled MiriihiHt. vmi In tlut uIihva entitled court iiml action within ten days from the date of the service of thl munition upon you If aerved In Crook county, unite of Oregon, or If aervell within hiiv ritlu.i n,tt,i0 In the state, then within twenty days from the date ot the service ot this mimmon upon you, or If nerved bv Dllbllrntloii iih rcriulniil liv Inur tliun ou or before the Third aay af Jaaaary, 1914, nml you are hereby notified that I you fall to ho appear or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment ngalimt you fur the sum of Eighty Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of slit per cent per annum from the 1st day ol August, 1!H2, mid for the costs uuil disbursements of this action, and for an order of si.ld court to sell the attached personal property belong ing to said defendant In Crook coun ty, Oregon, to satisfy Bald Judgment and costs. This HtinimniiH Is i,iil,lluil I., ii,,. Crook County Journal for six full wee kb in seven consecutive Issues of said paper, beginning with the Issue of November Will, 11113, and milling Willi the Issue of December 251 h, 1H13, by order of the Hon. G. Springer, Judge of the above en titled court, made and entered on the 13lh day of November, 11)13. Dated and published first time November 13th, 11)13. M. E. IllilNK, Attorney for plaintiff.