Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 06, 1913, Image 7

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A penny savta I
ny rnd-
mln Franklin,
hert CuU U Thrift
On of til thing (lint can be atlllaed
lT Hi thrifty housekeeper U (lit vei
prrsent, diDitMHl string which fume
miind buiidles ami package. Tie tlio
trtngs together, making fnlrlj large
knots mul being careful nut to trim ulT
th ud th mora Irregular tha better.
Tlu-o with a pair of cr needle knit
lulo batb 011. If you are fiirtunat
In having a variety of colon, by Judl
rlnua blending they ran h mad to
look atrlkltigly Ilka aom of th Turkish
ruga, itMM'lnlljr If you um tha gilt cord
which come around boiea of confec
tionery. They an not only serviceable,
but bar I lie added merit of washing
forever. All of (he colon are fnat
opt pluk. Aa moat of tha strings Dow
In una In lb shops are white the enda
of tb ruin rau b niado any, desired
Color, ellh.T by dyeing or by making
f balla of anild color, fouling about 8
cents apiece.
Another -ouomy constats In aavlng
II tb odd and nd of soap
lug the coanmit kitchen kluda. When
TU liar about quart put on the
tor to melt, adding pint of warm
water. Aa anon aa tbea beroma (bur
ougbly miud allr In scant pint 01
oatmeal or on (meal flakes tb kjnd
iMd for porrldg. Kep ttrrlug uTlt!l
cIluolTed-only few minute If bot
Uien add a tablrapoonful of extract of
almond. Turn Into a pan to harden.
When cool cut Into cake. Thla aoap I
dot attractive in appearanc, aa It b
couio nlber dark, but it baa a cure
tlv property and npldly benla chapped
band, rendering them amootb and
Ulov flugera make splendid protec
tion for the etema of flower, especially
If tb flownre are fresh and worn pin
ned to a white draw. Bar tb finger,
Insert tb flower atom In them and
iln to dreea and no dainpneu or ataln
will Injure tb moat delicate dreea.
Aa erery woman knows, Ui leg of
locking are being torn out contin
ually to tb detriment of ber patienc
and pocket book. Hut do not dlacard
tb Blocking, no matter bow badly
torn. Lay two together, fold over and
over, putting layer of nwpir In
on fold, sew tti dge together and
jrou hr mighty good Iron bolder.
An excellent floor mop may b mad
from old atockluga In tbla manner:
Slash them In atrip an Inch wide,
forming a frlng. Btltrh several thick
neeae of till to atrip of cloth thro
lnchn wide and ten tnche long. Ma
chine alKrblng la beat. Baturnt tbla
with a good furniture pollab and fasten
In a mop atlck. By using thla dally
tipon hardwood (loon they are kept
free from duet and given beautiful
I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I
T Whoever mny le blessed with
an airy purvn will Im glad to
I know that ahe may keep the la-'
bin coven In plac by welKhtlng
" ! them.
Sew In each corner a piece of
1 miiHlIn alKiut an Inch aiiunrc, '. ',
T making It Ilk little pocket, "
I open at one end. Slip Into each 1 !
J pocket metal weight about the ; ;
1 alio of a quarter, auch aa tiillor '. ',
uo for weighting cont. When
.. the cover ueeda washing It will ..
lx easy to remove the weight. ;
'. '. The comfort of finding (lie coy- '. '.
" ere on (he tables and not on the ' '
-E porch floor will be tho reward
T yon will reap for tha little trou- J
Jble you hare taken.
.M...,,,,.H--H I I'l l il l l-l H
How to Clean White Faathar.
White fviithcra of any kind, eapeclnl
ly white willow plumes, can bo dinned
at homo to look like now at a very
nmll cont
Take one quart of gnaollno and fi
cents' worth of planter of purls nnd
mix together to the consistency of
whipped cream. Dip the feathers In
thla mixture several times and Bqueeze
and pat them for a few minutes. Then
bung up In the open air to dry thor
oughly and until nil the gnaollno baa
evaporated, ltomember never to uho
gimollno lu a room with a light or Are.
It Is very explosive.
How to Rest th Eyaa.
To relievo tho fntlgue of the eyes
after a long day spent out of doors
bathe them with a warm solution of
bornclc acid, aonklng puds of absorbent
wool In the lotion nnd laying them
over the eyes for a few minutes,
changing thcra two or three times.
Thla rests and soothes them and re
stores their brightness.
I How to Mend Lao Curtain,
Tako strips of net the right size or
(rood parts of old curtnlns nnd dip them
Into hot Hi arch. Apply these pieces to
tho worn places while the starch Is
hot nnd they will adhere nnd will not
show as much as dams would. '
How to Boil a Craokad Egg.
To prevent the contents of a cracked
from boiling out gontly rub the
-crack with damp salt before Immers
ing the egg In wnter, and allow time
for the salt to penetrate.
Curatlv Vegetable,
I'tMida Hint contribute to our
grunt national dlaenae, ludlgos
lluii, are but bread, tueala, c
ronla, cbevss, blackberries and
Food that hnv tb oppoalte
ffiN-ta are generally accepted,
though aome phyuli leti dlaeeut
from tbla conclusion, to be raw
cereal, polatooa, peaa, beans,
aplnnch. turnlia, cabbage, on
ion, prune, fig, apple, prarbu
and olive.
Fowl which are of avernge
value lu thl renpect are uuta,
cru(a of cold bread, toaat or
twlc baked bread, egg, cold
milk, orange and lottuc.
Oulon are of apodal value to
thoa person of beavy move
ment, lethargic temiwrementa
aud muddy complexion, for they '
are. Ilk lemon, a liver tonic.
The and apple clear the com
pletion becaua they lint clear
the blood, driving out the exceea
of uric acid. .Celery la a tonic"
food, upbuilding lb nervous and
sufTurer from rheuinntlam.
To muk frmh, fiure blood
aliould be the aim of every one,
and thla much anting of beets
and rarrota doe. Both are rich
In Iron, which they transfer to
the blood.
Tha kidney bar no better
friend than dandelion, aplnacb
and ssparngua. -
Fruit Die.
Fruit should not b cooked,
but eaten raw and upon an emp
ty stouiacb or combined with
nut. Cooking ruin many of
their moat valuabl proiiertlea.
It will lie found that the tex
ture sud (he general coloring of
tho akin will Improve upon this
diet. Th complexion will be
come clear and tb eye will be
come bright
Km It exert a very cleanalng
and purifying effect upon th
system. Their medicinal valu
ahould not be omitted from con
elderatlon. Were fruitarian
diet followed humanity would
cap nine-tenth of tb III
from -which It now Buffers.
Rest Before Eating,
Th importune of resting after
eating aa a neceanary condition
for perfect dlgeatlon baa been
smphaalsed, but It Is equally tin
IKirtnnt to rent, physically and
mentally, before en ting. Dogs
that had ruu an hour before eat
ing and othere that bad been
resting were fed the sum re
turns, and It was found that those
dogs that hnd been routed be
fore eating digested the meal
'much belter thnu those fed whllo
tired. I'sunlly a dog will refuse
to ent If very tired, and a man
who ha a nnturnl appetite will
feel little Inclination to eat until
after be hna rested, following
physical exercise. The praclice
of hurrying from the office or
hop to the dining room and eat
ing without renting and then hur
rying back to work Is one of th
menus by which the digestive
nnd nervous system are gradu
ally though imperceptibly bro
ken down.
A good shiimiwo for oily hair Is
made of green sonp, oue-quurter
ounce; cologne, two drams; yolk
of one well beaten nnd
stirred into one-half pint of wa
ter. Apply (o the sculp with a
tonic brush, then rub It well over
all the hulr ami rinse in warm
wnter. Dry with warm towels
or In the sun.
Flat Foot.
Declaring that proper foot
wear will cure most cases of flat
foot, a well known New York
physician snys: "Boots or shoes
must be the shnie of the foot,
but It Is not necessary to wear
boots of an ugly shape to secure
this primary essential. To in
sure that the big toe Is not push
ed out agnlnst the other toes
the tuner side of the boot where
It lies Is kept straight. The soles
should be a sixth to a fourth of
nn Inch thick and the heel broad,
nn Inch or less In height. If the
degree of tint foot be anything
more than the merest trace me
chautcal means are utilized to
throw the weight of the body,
distributed down the leg. slightly
outside the center of the ankle
Joint. To effect this the sole
nnd heel of each boot must be
thickened along Its Inner side by '
a quarter, one-third or half an
Inch, the amount depending
upon the severity of the case; the
worse the ense the grenter the
Filed your Deed? Of Course.
An Abstract?
Certiilnly everyone baa an abalrect now.
Do you know where your corners are.
Well, No, Not exactly,
Brewster Engineering Company,
l'rineville, Oregoa, will locate them tor
yon and guanine tb work. Survey
ing, I'Uttlng, Irrigation Engineering,
l'lion finnmr 'AH.
Champ Smith, Propr
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskies
Old Crow, Hermitage; Red
Top Rye; Yellow Stone;
Canadian Club; Cream
Rye; James E. Pepper,
Moore's Malt
Porter, Ale and Olympia
Draft Beer on Tap.
J Imported Wines
and I
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigar.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
Free Developing
Just received s new stock ol
camarat, films, cards, devel
opers and sundries. Give our
goods a trial and have the
first film developed free. Free
instruction to those who use
our supplies. Christmas is
coming and now is the time
to begin to get photos ready
for Xraas presents. Don't wait
until the last thing. We have
also a new stock of mounts.
See the latest and get prices.
Amateur finishing done neat
ly and quickly.
We Strive to Please
Fruit Trees!
Central Oregon Grown
The only kind you can afford
for one. Prices low enough
to surprise you.
e Nursery Co. II
. 6 6 - Oregon 1
The Oregon Bar
At th Old Stand
G.W. Wiley & Co., Prps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft
250 Thousand Copies Sold in
Five Weeks
' a true blue story
by- :
Autlir of "Freckles," "The Harvester," "A Olrl of the
Llinberlost," Etc
A tale of Indiana a picture straight from life,
showing the home circle of the Stantons and tell
ing the love story of Laddie, the big brother of the
Stanton family, and Pamela Pryor, an English girL
The people in it are real and genuine, differing
but little in caracter and surroundings from the
healthy, decent Americans the whole country has
bred from the beginning. It is a song of thanks
giving for home which everyone will appreciate.
Beautifully illustrated and decorated by Herman
Cloth. Net $1.35. Leather, Net $1.75
Garden City 11 6-3 New York
In the circuit court of the state of
Oregon for (.'rook county.
Decbut Lumber Company, a cor
poration, plaintiff.
Eltia A. Johnaon, James Tetherow,
and John Tetherow, and all un
known heir of Andrew J. Teth
erow, deceased, and all others In
termted, defendants. 1
To KlUa A. Johnson, James Teth
erow, John Tetherow, and all un
known belrs of Andrew J. Teth
erow, deceased, and to all other
Interested, the above named de
fendants :
In the name of the state ol Oregon
Ton and each ot you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint of the plaintiff filed
against you In the above entitled
suit and court, within ten days from
the date of the service of this sum
mons upon you, II served within
Crottk county, state of Oregon, or if
served within any other county In
this state, then within twenty days
from the date ot the service of this
summons upon you, or If served by
publication according to law, then
on or before-tbe
2$ta St tl NartasW, 1913,
and you and each of you are hereby
notified that If you fall to so appear
and answer for want thereof the
plaintiff will tnke a decree against
you for the relief prayed for In the
complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree of said court to the
effect that the plaintiff Is the owner
In tee simple, free from all Incum
brances, of the following deeciilied
premises, towlt: The north half of
the northenst quarter, the south
west quarter of the northeast
quarter, and the northwest quarter
of the southeast quarter of section
thirteen. In towusblp twenty-one
south, ot range nine east ot the Wil
lamette Meridian, In Crook county,
state of 'Oregon. That the defend
ants and each and all of them, and
all persons claiming by, through or
under them or any of them be for
ever barred and estopped from hav
ing or claiming any right, title or
Interest In or to said premises or
any part thereof, and that the cloud
existing upon plaintiff's title to said
premises by reason of the estate of
Andrew J. Tetherow never having
been administered upon, be removed,
and that the plaintiff's title to said
premises be quieted, confirmed and
forever established lu Itself, Its suc
cessors and assigns, aud for such
other and further relief as may seem
meet to the court and just in the
This summons Ib published In the
Crook County Journal, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation,
and published onee a week at 1'rlue
vlfle, Crook comity Oregou, for six
full weeks In seven cousecutlve is
sues ot said paper, commencing with
the Issue ot October 16th, 1913, and
ending with the issue of November
27th, 1913, by order of the Hon. .
Springer, county Judge ot Crook
county, Oregon, and Judge of the
county court of the state ut Oregon
for Crook couuty, made and entered
on the ltith day of October, 1913.
Dated and published first time
October 16th. 1913. M. E. Bhink,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Call for Warrants
Notice is hereby given that all Gen
eral Fund County Warrants up to and
Including registered No. 1545, will be
paid on presentation to the county
treasurer. No interest paid after this
date. October 30, 1913.
K. L. Jordan,
County Treasurer of Crook county.
E. W.joner ' H. Z. Griffith
Central Oregon
Well Co.
Contractors for Well
Drilling and Prospect .
Holes. Depth Guar
anteed - -
Dealer! jn full Iin of well upuliei
Carolina Engines, Pumps, Etc.
Culver, Oregon
Notice of the Proposed Exten
sion and Improvement of
Third Street from M. Hedges'
Plat of Gty of Prineville West
to Noble's Addition to the
Gty of Prineville-
In compliance with an order made
the 2nd day of April, 1912. by the
City Council of the City of Prineville,
Crook county, Oregon In pursuance
to Section 32 and Section 33 of Chap
ter 7 ot the City Charter of the City
of Prineville, Crook county, Oregon,
the City Engineer of said city did on
the 9th day ot Hay, 1912, file In the
office of the City Recorder a survey
and plat of the proposed extension
and Improvement of Third street
from the west end of Third street as
dedicated by M. Hodges, west to the
east end of Third street as dedicated
In Noble' Addition to the City ot
Prineville, In said city, which said
survey aud plat more particularly
described said proposed extension
and Improvement as follow, to-wlt:
Beginning at the southwest corner
of block fourteen (14), original town
(now city) of Prineville, sometimes
designated as M. Hodges' Plat and
Survey of the Town ol Prineville,
Crook county, Oregon, and running
thence west One hundred sixteen
feet (llfi) more or less to the east
bank of the old channel of Crooked
river, thence In a southeasterly di
rection along said east bank of said
old channel of Crooked river to a
point due west of the northwest
corner ot block seven (7), of said M.
Hodges' Plat and Survey of the
Town of Prineville, Oregon, thence
east to the northwest corner ot said
block seven (7), thence north eighty
(80) feet along the west end of Third
street as dedicated by M. Hodges, to
the point of beginning, embracing a
tract of land containing .198 acres,
said tract embracing the street pro
posed to be opened, extended and
Improved, and that thereafter on
the 7th day of October, 1913, the
said City Council In accordance with
snld sections of said Chapter of
said Charter of Bald City, di
rected the City Recorder of
said city, to cause to be published
and posted pioper notices of said
proposed extension and Improve
ment of said street as described in
said plat and survey above de
scribed, wherefore, you and each of
you, and all persons and parties
concerned, are herewith aud hereby
notified of the proposed extension
and Improvement of said street in
accordance with the survey aud
plat thereof, and as above described
and you are hereby further notified,
that the said City Council of the
City of Prluevllle, Oregon, will hear
objections, complaints for dnmages,
aud remonstrances, if any there be,
to said proposed extension and im
provement of said street, said com
plaints, objections or remonstrances
to be tiled In writing, at Its special
meeting, at the Ity Hall In the City
of Prineville, Oregon, on Tuesday.
the 11th day ot Novemlier, 1913, at
f :au o'ciock p. m. ot said day.
Published by order of the Council
made the 7th day ot October. 1913,
and the date of the first publication
Is the 9th day of October, 1913, and
the date of the last publication Is
the bth day ot iNovember, 1913.
A. It. How MAN,
City Recorder,
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Ore.
September 20, 1913.
Notice Is hereby given thut
Adam Palmer
of Held, Oregon, who, on March 18,
1912, made homestead No. 010081, for
nwj, nwX nei. nj swj, se gwj sec
tion 8, township 20 south, range 19
east, Willamette Meridian, tas tiled
notice of Intention to make final
three-year proof to establish claim
to the land above described before
H. C. Kills, U. S. Commissioner, at
his office at Bend, Oregon, on the
17th day of November. 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Martin Halltueyer. Cornelius
O'Keefe Albert W. Palmer, Elmer
W. Palmer, all of Held, Oregon.
H. Fkank-Woodcock,
10 2p Register.
In th cirrnit court of th (tat of
Oregon lor Crook county.
Hut of Oregon, plaintiff,
F. A. Hd, Flora M. 8hrmn, Joot
H. Schneider, Henry 8. Morrn, C. W.
Clarke, A. B. Baldwin, and C. W.
Clarke Co., corporation, defendants.
To F. A. Hyde, Flors M. Kherman,
Jooit H. Hcbneider, Henry 8. Morris,
C. W. Clarke, A. 8. Baldwin and C.
W. Clarke Co., a corporation, abov
named drfendants.
U the name of th state of Oregon,
you and each of yon srs hereby re
quired to appear and answer th com
plaint filed ag,iot yon in th abov
entitled suit on or belor tha 22nd day
of November, A. D, 1913. and if you or
either of you fail to so appear and
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to tti court for the relief
prayed lor in th complaint, a (ufilcient
statement of which I a follow: a de
cree cancelling and annulling certain
deeds of th state of Oregon to C YV.
Clark of date May 15th, InV.i, and
October 7th, 198; certain deeria of the
State of Oregon to A. S. Baldwin of
data May 1st, 1n ; certain deed of tha
Stat of Oregon to F. A. Hyde of data
July 10th, 199; certain deeds of th
btata of Oregon to Flora M. Sherman
of date May 1st, 199; certain deeds of
tb State of Oregon to Jooat H. Schnei
der of data October 4th, lift; certain
deed of th State ol Oregon to Henry
8. Morris of date Mar 1st, 1899; certain
deed of the State of Oregon to H. M.
Morris, (a fictitious person) of date Oc
tober 4tb, 1898; certain deed of A. S.
Baldwin and Emma C, hi wife to C.
W .-Clarke of date May 4th, 1899; cer
tain deed ot Flora M. Sherman to C.
W. Clarke of data May 4th, 199; cer
tain deed of Joost H. Schneider and
Ron M.,his wife, to C.W. Clark of data
October 11th, 1898; certain dteds of
Heary S. Morris, snd Mary P., bis
wife, to C. W. Clark of date May 4th,
1899; certain ded of H. M. Morris,
(a fictitious person.) to C. W. Clarke of
date October 11th, 1898; certain deeds
of F. A. Hyde and Filena T.. bis wife,
to United States of America of data
July 24th, 1899; and certain deeds of
C. W. Clark and Philomen, his wife,
to United Bute of America of data
May 6th. 1899, June 7th, 1899, and Oc
tober 13th, 1898, each pretending to
convey certain land situate in town
ships 10 south in ranges 6, 6 and 7 east;
townships 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 snd 17
onth, rsnge 9 east; township 18 sooth,
range 7 snd 9 east; township 19 south,
ranges 7,8 and 9 east; township 20
onth, ranges 7, 8 and 9 east ; township
21 south, ranges 6, 7, 8 and 9 east; and
township 22 south, range 0, 7 and 9
sat, Willamette Meridian, ail in Crook
county, Oregon, and to cancel and
annul all other contracts, certificates of
sale, applications, etc., mentioned in .
tb complaint relating to said lands
described therein or to any part thereof,
sod for cost and disbursements, and
each other and further relief as may to
th court seem equitable in tha.
Tbis summons is published in pur
suance of an order of th Honorable W.
L. Bradabaw, judge of th above en
titled court, made and entered on tba
4th day of October, 1913, directing this
summon to be published for six con
secutive weeks in the Crook County
Journal, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation printed and published in
rnneville. Crook county, Uregon.
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 8th day
of October, 1913.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Date of first publication, October 9,
Date of final publication. November
Notice ot Administrator's Sale o
Real Property
Notice ia hereby given that in Dor-
susnc of an order of the county court
of tha state of Oregon for Crook county.
mado snd entered on tbe oth day of
October, 1913, in the matter of tbe es
tate ot John H Jarrett, deceased, the
undersigned, administrator of said es
tate, will sell at pnblic tale to the lush
est bidder, lor cash at 10 o'clock in the
morning of Saturday, the 8th day of
November. 1913. at tbe front door of the
county courthouse in Prineville, Crook
county, Oregon, subject to confirmation
by said county court, all tbe right, title
and interest tb said John H. Jarrett
had at the time of his death in the fol
lowing described real property, to-wit:
Lots three (3) and four (4) and the
south half (Si) of the north west quarter
(J) of section five (5), township four
teen (14) south, range nineteen (19)
east of the Willamette Meridian, lying
and situate in Crook county, state of
Oregon, and containing 153.84 acres,
more or less, according to the official
plat and United States survey thereof.
Given under my band this 9th day of
October, 1913. L. M. Becbtkll,
Administrator of the estate of John
H. Jarrott, deceased.
Date of first publication, October 9,
Dn'e of final publication, November
6, 1913.
W Hard II. Wirtx, attorney for estate.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore,
September 20, 1913,
Notice Is hereby given that
George W. Hoech
of Bend, Oregon, who, on April 23,
1910, made homestead No. 06567, for
ej sej, section 22, swj, w) sej. sec
tion 23, township 20 south, range 18
east. Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make final
three-year proof to establish claim
to the land above described, before
H. C. Ellis. U. S. Commissioner at
his office In Bend, Oregon, on the
17th day of November, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses t
Robert List, Martin Johnson, Otis
C. Henkle, Elvert T. Hoech, Richard
G. Hunsiey, all of Bend. Oregon.
H. Frank Woohcock,
10-2p Register.
Magazine Bargains
Up to November 10 the American
Magazine, The Woman's Home Com
panion, Delineator and Everybody's
Magazine are offering rates with
other magazines. Tills is an oppor
tunity that you cannot well afford
to miss. Renewals count as well as
new subscriptions. I also take or
ders for The Ladies' Home Journal,
Saturday Evening Post, Country
Gentleman, The Criterion of Fashion.
10 23-2t Makion Rice, Prineville.
Subscribe for the Journal, 11.50 yr