1 WlTRYi NOTES BY C.M.MRMTZ UVCKSIDK I',V. o . ICORRISPOKDrVCT SOLICITED J tThcwa article and Illustration mint not bs reprinted without spsclal permission.) AT REST. They srers passing through a graveyard, aJld ths monuments so white. And were readmit the Inscriptions As they (lanced from left to right And they stopped beside a irreen vrava Where were flowers of the best And read beneath a woman's nam Ths simpls words MAt Rest." Twaa time that Mary had a rest," 8ald one who stopped to weep. "Sh never had a chance to rest Nor got a good night's sleep. With her husband and her babies And the house to keep aright, Why, ths poor soul had no moment For her comfort day or night "Must feel good to her to rest one After ail those weary years With their burdens and their labors And their troubles and their tears. "Lovely flowers they have placed there. At her foot and at her head. What a pity that they waited Until Mary dear was dead!" c. m. barxitz. SKIMMILK NUTRITIVE. Those who think sktminilk has little nutritive value have another guess coming. Of course It's not so yellow and frothy because the cream, or fat, has been removed. But that's Just like trimming the fat off a bam steak the lean, or valuable food constituents, remain. Sklmmilk still contains the nitro genous substance, or building mate rial, the protein that makes for mus cle, blood, frame, life. Skimmilk, however blue looking and distasteful to epicures, is healthful, strengthening food for man and is ex- fc a Photo by C. M. Barnits. DRINKING SKIMinLK. cellent for fattening fowls and grow ing stock, being so easily digested and quickly turned to growth. The Indiana experiment station re cently proved its worth as a grower for young chickens. Two lots of young Rocks and Hou dans a month old were given the same grains, greens and meat foods, and In addition half of them received all the skimmilk they could drink. It was soon discovered that the lot fed skimmilk had a better digestion, ate more of the mixed food and made a more- satisfactory growth, their weekly gains being 4.40 ounces, the others gaining but 2.G2 ounces per week. The most rapid growth occurred when most skimmilk was consumed. Skimmilk is especially good for chick ens in hot weather, but chicks must be kept out of it as it is a detriment when daubed on their plumage, and the vessels must be scalded often to keep them sweet The vessel shown Is excellent Chicks and dirt cannot get Into it Only a small quantity is exposed at a time, and the milk is kept shaded and cool. DONTS. Don't kick the bucket over one fail ure. People are making mistakes every day, but it's only fools that make the same mistake twice. Don't go into the poultry business without practical experience unless you have plenty of money to spend for your mistakes. Don't forget to clean up that poultry yard, and this doesn't mean Just rak ing. Filthy ground should be removed and replaced with fresh, or it should be plowed under and planted to quick growing greens. Don't let a wounded fowl remain with the flock. Hens will sometimes eat the whole comb off a rooster that has been Injured by fighting. Don't let the turkeys take care of their lice. You'll be taking care of their remains If you do. Don't let squabs sit In filth. It's a sin, a shame, an inane and insane method. Don't try too many side Issues along with your poultry. Too many Irons in the fire prevent nany from doing one thing well. " A MODEL FOR YOU. t a btc fluffy hen that i a dandy. 8hs always does her best She doesn't sport any fancy frills Nor wear a rounded crest But whea she scratches she crooks hsff toes. And the dickens Is t i pay. Tou'd think she d scratch the barnyard And the garden all away. And when she lays vh. my, what ! And she lays when eK are high. Her esirs are firsts you bet they're, best And make swell pumpkin pie. And when she hatches oh. iroodness me! She sits till the cows come home But, oh, the chicks that she brlnira out! They'r dandy and then some! And when she's In love she's In lore, oft, my! She has roosters by ths score. And. like the seaside summer girl, She's always hunting for mors. Oh. no. Sir Sluggard, don't go to the aat For leesons In Industry! Ths ant's not In It with ths hen, Just take that tip from me. Ths hen brings In a billion a year. You bet she Is a prise! So go to Kiddy and learn ths trick. And then do thou likewise. C. M. BARXITZ. THE POULTRY DOCTOR SAYS Doping all the hens In a flock be cause one dies or Is sick is a peculiar and foolish method of some fanciers. This generally puts the whole bunch off their feed and sto laying, and these conditions confirm the dor fiend's funny opinion that they'Tw all got It, and so he dopes them again. It's far better to remove the sick fowL clean np and disinfect study the flock and especially to scrutinlxe oue's meth ods closely, for it's often what is fed and how it's fed that brings sickness among the flock. "Cholera" is a term often applied to poultry disease in summer, but there Is mighty little cholera among the fowls of this country. These Intestinal troubles, this indigestion, that some what resembles cholera, have their cause mostly in rank, rotten yards, lack of shade and greens, dirty drink ing water, hot sleeping quarters, multi plying lice and mites and feeding too much heat fat producing corn in warm weather. The plaster droppings of ducks that soon cover the whole surface of a yard should be systematically removed dur ing the development of the duckling or serious results, such as intestinal or rheumatic troubles, develop or the stamina of the stock Is lowered. We have seen 100 ducks die in two days, and an Investigation showed it was not the feed, as supposed, but the microbial mess through which the quacks waddled every day and which fertilized the desert air with its awful stench. Tnless very hungry, hens will not of ten Oil up on mash that Is too wet, be cause they Beora to knetw it Is not wholesome. Same with a mash where moldy ingredients are nsed. Both mean Intestinal irritation and scours. Feeding small chicks and turkey poults sloppy feeds is a cause of much mortality on farms. The majority of poultrymen feed nothing wet to chicks. To be right a mash must not only be composed of good grain products, bnt should be crumbly and of such consist ency as not to stick to the hands. FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. The Iowa State college at Ames now holds free poultry clinics, where pool try diseases are diagnosed and in vestigated. Solomon didn't live In the age of progressive poultry culture or he wouldn't have said, "There's noth ing new under the sun." Lice and cholera germs flourish most in hot weather, and both by a little work may be prevented. Running for remedies and cleaning up when a flock is down with contagious disease is certainly a ridiculous and fruitless pro ceeding and exhibition of bow not to do It. The country boys and girls of Minne sota are taking a poultry census of the state for the state agricultural college. These young people will make a thor ough Job of it. It will be the first complete poultry census taken, and we advise other states to follow Min nesota's lead. In every neighborhood there are al ways some who point the long finger when any one tries to farm or dairy or raise poultry or fruit by advanced methods. These weeping Jeremiahs who are always prophesying failure for progressive people generally arrive at their conclusions from facts In their own unsuccessful personal experience. One hundred and twenty-four stu dents made a specialty of poultry cul ture at the University of Missouri the past term. Fifty-eight Missouri conn ties and six outside states were rep resented. A feast today anal a famine tomor row will upset the digestion and egg production of any hen. This method neither works with hen nor men. A male bird Is often rendered sterile by the strain attending too much ex hibiting. Eggs from your pens, wheth er set In Incubators or under hens, should be tested for fertility. This will often save time that would be wasted in setting worthless eggs and also selling eggs that can't hatch. The beginner Is often disappointed when he discovers every egg doesn't hatch a winner. He may buy a setting of eggs for $20 and not get a perfecto from the lot He learns later that phe nomenal birds are not the rule, that his best breeders do not always breed true and that ancestry will show. Just the same with humans, where a red beaded baby may be traced back to a great-great-great-grandmother without an other bricktop between. 11 n . ,i ffl sslssssJ -J VXsaDssCJssISi 1 J ShinglM, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Gin, Etc. Ktc., Kto, SHIPP& PERRY riUNKVILLE, OREGON i'j THE HAMILTON STABLES H. WIOLE, PKINEVILLE, Proprietor OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. KerueniW us whoa in Priuevilla. Ratks Kkadonablb. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Livery Feed and Sale Stable In Cornett Stage Bam Prineville, Oregon Special attention given to the traveling Public Hay 25c a day per head. Give ua a call. AARON W. WHITE Prop. D. P. Adamson & Co., Druggists For Drugs, Patent Me Jxines, Chemical Lowney's Candies, Ice Cream Soda, Sta tionery and Prescription tee D. P. Adamson & Co. DeLAVAL Cream Separators Sold on Easy Terms Pioneer Cream Co. Prineville, Oregon ' 1 mi mm M r n mimn CENTRAL OREGON LINE The Owl for Busy People! Daily train each way between Central Oregon points and Port land. Touribt sleeping car. (Berths $1 ) First-class coaches. SAVE A DAY EACH WAY From Central Oregon Points 8:30 p.m, 8:48 p.m. 9:10 p.m. 9:24 p.m. 10:02 p.m. Leave Bend 'J Deschutes . " Redmond . " Terrebonne " Culver ... " Metolius . ..10:20 p.m " Madras ....10:30 p.m Arrive Portland . . . 8:10 a.m To Central Oregon Points Leave Portland.... 7:00 p.m. Arrive Madras ... . 6:00 a.m, " Metolius . . , 6:15 .m. " Culver 6:28 a.m. " Terrebonne. 7:08 a.m. " Redmond , . 7:23 a.m. " Deschutes . . 7:43 a.m, " Band 8:00 a.m. Freight train leaving Metolius 6:30 fl. m. Mondays, Wednesdrys and FrldujH, and Full Urldge 7:00 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays will carry passengers between Metolius and Fallljrldxc, Prompt Despatch of Freight Between Central Oregon and Portland and Eastern Cities Connections made in Portland to and from Willamette Valley, Astoria and Clatsop Bench points, Puifet Sound, Spokane, Montana, Colorado, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago. Fares, time schedules and other Information by letter or upon ap plication to 10-16 It. H. CKOZIEK, A. O. P. A. W. C. WILKEIl, A.G.F.& P.A. II. BATJKOL, Agt Redmond "PRINORE" AND "STANDARD" Prineville Flour Slatsmsnt of Rssourcss nd Liabilities of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon HKBlllllOtS I.UIIII.ITIKi touts and IHsmunu... t."H.KA at capital Hlock, palt la I so.(M) M I'nlleU mule Huuris rs.00 Huritlus IusmI, ssrnxl U,ifV 00 Hsiik nmlsM,sie lt.M0 I'J ttu.1lvl.led pearl l. earned n,MH laeh lu from banks ilu.wl IM (Iraulatluu I.suo W lsKlStl. s,ut i V1I. I MI.M I . P. Alko. PrssssVwt T. M. UUmUk. Cssklsr I WM Wsrssslt. Vtos frssMim H. BsUwIs, Asit CsAiM I f SI H S i i m irou strong wliislcev bums your month, gags yon when yon swallow it what will it do to Hie delicate lining of your stomach 1 1 .a m yru noble mild and pure JJ V. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon P P3 IlilL Best and cheapest article in its line. For sale by A. H. L1PPMAN & COMPANY The house of twenty years successful business in Prineville BOTH SIDES OF THE TRAVEL SUBJECT THE ROAD and WHAT IT GIVES STEEL COCHES BLOCK SIGNALS .,sw Courteous Employes GOOD MEALS W"''Jy 4 Trains to the EAST 4 Trains Daily Between Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Every Essential to Travel Comfort Any agent will be pleased to help you plan your trip. 11-6-2